BUSINESS Economics Reviewers - Demand

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KEYWORD Definition

is the desire to possess a commodity or make use of a service, combined with the
ability to purchase it and its negative relationship to its price.
is the number of commodities a person is willing and is able to purchase given a
Quantity demanded (Qd)
certain price level at a given point in time.
states that as prices go up, the quantity demanded goes down and vice-
versa. (resulting in a downward sloping curve)
Qd quantity demanded
a maximum demand (at zero prices or no influence of price)
b (demand elasticity) slope; sometimes referred to as the elasticity of demand
demand price; a price level desired by the consumers at which they are willing
and be able to buy their desired commodity.
(-) the mathematical manifestation of the law of demand
price and quantity combination (for interpreted as: at the price of Px, the consumer is willing and able to buy Qd units
demand) of the said good.
a formula a = Qd + bP (my conversion - johans)
b formula b = (a - Qd) / P (my conversion - johans)
P formula P = (a - Qd) / b (my conversion - johans)
Direction of the demand curve downward sloping curve
Change in quantity demanded is a condition brought about by the changes in
Movement along the curve (demand) prices which are reflected graphically by the movements of reference points along
one demand curve.
Change in demand is a condition brought about by changes in the non-price
Shifting of the curve (demand) determinants (NPD) of demand which in effect will shift the demand curve either
to the left (decrease in demand) or to the right (increase in demand).
DETERMINANTS OF DEMAND Enumeration: 1. Price 2. NPDs
ENUMERATION: 1. Income 2. No. of buyers 3. Complementary goods 4.
Expectations 5. Substitute goods 6. Tastes and Preferences 7. Seasonality
[acronym: INCESTS]
goods whose demand varies directly to income (direct = income increase,
normal goods
demands for this good increases as well)
Conversely, a good that exhibits inverse variability with demand as money income
rises is called inferior goods. Examples are demand for used clothing, third hand
inferior goods
cars and re-assembled goods. (inverse = income increase, demands for this
good decrease)
An increase in the money income increases the purchasing capability of the
consumer, hence affects the demand for goods. For normal goods: (direct
DEMAND NPD: INCOME relationship = income increase, demands for this good increases as well). For
inferior goods: (inverse relationship = income increase, demands for this good
an increase in the number of buyers of a certain commodity will likewise increase
DEMAND NPD: No. OF BUYERS the demand for such (direct relationship = No. of buyers increase, demand
Prices of related goods. If the price of this good rises, the demand for the first
DEMAND NPD: COMPLEMENTARY good declines. Both of the goods (first good and related good) are used together
GOODS to render the satisfaction as expected of them. (inverse relationship = price of
complimentary good increase, demand for first good decrease)
An anticipated event that would lead to higher consumption of the now than in the
DEMAND NPD: EXPECTATIONS future increases the demand today.(example: an expected price increase in the
future would increase the demand today.
If the price of this good rises, the demand for the original good rises as it becomes
DEMAND NPD: SUBSTITUTE GOODS cheaper compared to the price of the substitute good. (direct relationship = price
this good increase, demand for first good decrease)
favorable change in consumer tastes and preference over a certain product
DEMAND NPD: TASTES AND increases the demand for that product. (e.g. more good is consumed) (direct
PREFERENCES relationship = favor/preference for the good increase, demand for the good
DEMAND NPD: SEASONALITY Dates and time frame, may increase or decrease the demand for a good.

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