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One of the major reasons why people have misconceptions about Islam is the fact that people don’t

know about it. This lack of knowledge is

partly because of the shallow propaganda against Islam that keeps the people from seeking knowledge about Islam and partly because of
Muslims working very little in this era of technology pertaining to spread of information about Islam. The lines below try to fill this void by
giving some basic concepts and beliefs of the religion Islam.

The Meaning Of Islam:

The word ‘Islam’ literally means ‘peace’. Those who follow Islam are actually the representatives of peace and safeness. It is the religion that
Allah Almighty bestowed upon Muhammad (PBUH) about fourteen hundred years ago and as per Islamic belief system, there will be no other
religion send for the guidance of mankind. Therefore, according to Muslims, Islam is the final religion of Allah and if anyone in this world and
the times to come is to receive guidance, he or she will be in the circle of Islam.

Key Figures:
There are some key figures in Islam that are pivotal to its existence without the knowledge or recognition of which one cannot understand
Islam let alone joining it. The key figures which represent Islam are as follows:

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