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Definition of Heat:
Heat is a form of energy which is transferred between a system and its surrounding as a result of
temperature difference only.

Thermal Expansion : Expansion due to increase in temperature.

1. Type of thermal expansion

Coefficient of expansion For temperature change
At change in
T. 1 A/
(i) Linear a = Lim
At—>0 /0 At length A/ = / 0 a At

1 AA
(ii) Superficial P = Lim
At-»o A0 At Area A A ^ A ^ A t

1 AV
(iii) Volume y = Lim
At-»0 V0 At volume AV = V0yAt

(a) For isotropic solids otj = oc2 = a 3 = a (let)

so p =2a and y = 3a
(b) For anisotropic solids p = otj + a 2 and y = ocj + a 2 + a 3
Here a L , a 2 and a 3 are coefficient of linear expansion in X , Y and Z directions.
2. Variation in density : With increase of temperature volume increases so density decreases and
(1 + yAt)

For solids values of y are generally small so we can write d = d0 (1-yAt) (using bimomial expansion)
Y for liquids are in order of 10~3
For water density increases from 0 to 4°C so y is -ve (0 to 4° C) and for 4° C to higher temperature y
is +ve. At 4° C density is maximum.
3. Thermal Stress: Arod of length 10 is clamped between twofixedwalls with distance 10. If temperature
is changed by amount At then
stress: F (area assumed to be constant)
strain =
F/A F/0 F
so, Y = A/// AAl AaAt

or F = YAa At

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4. If a is not constant
(i) (a varies with distance) Let a = ax+b
Total expansion = J expansion of length dx = J(ax + b)dx At
(ii) ( a varies with tempearture)
Let a = f (T) 1
* X dx

AI j"a/0 dT
Caution: If a is in °C then put Tj and T2 in °C.

similarly if a is in K then put Tj and T2 in K.


Quantity of heat transfered and specific heat

The amount ofheat needed to incerase the temperature of 1 gmofwaterfrom 14.5°Cto 15.5°CatSTP
is 1 calorie
dQ = mcdT
Q = m J C dT (be careful about unit of temperature, use units according to the given units of C)
Heat transfer in phase change
Q = mL L = latent heat of substance in cal/gm/°C or in Kcal/ kg/ °C
Lice = 80 cal/ gm for ice
steam= 5 4 0 Cal/gm
(A) Conduction : Due to vibration and collision of medium particles.
(i) Steady State : In this state heat absorption stops and temperature gradient throughout the rod
becomes constant i.e. — = constant.
(ii) Before steady state: Temp of rod at any point changes
Note: If specific heat of any substance is zero, it can be considered always in steady state.
1. Ohm's law for Thermal Conduction in Steady State:
Let the two ends of rod of length 1 is maintained at temp T} and T2( Tj > T2)
dQ T I~ T 2 I—
Thermal current • - T>
dT % h
Where thermal resistance R ^ KA
2. Differentialform of Ohm's Law
dQ dT dT
= KA-- - —~ = temperature gradient
dT dx dx

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(B) Convection: Heat transfer due to movement ofmedium particles.
(C) Radiation: Every body radiates electromagnetic radiation of all possible wavelength at all temp>0 K.
1. Stefan's Law: Rate of heat emitted by a body at temp T K from per unit area E = oT4 J/sec/m2
Radiation power dQ = P = oAT4 watt

If a body is placed in a surrounding of temperature T s
=aA(T 4 -T s 4 )
valid only for black body
heat from general body
Emissivity or emmisive power e = black

If temp of body falls by dT in time dt

^ =^ (T4 - Ts4) (dT/dt = rate of cooling)
dt mS

2. Newton's law of cooling

If temp difference of body with surrounding is small i.e. T = Ts

so — a(T-T)

3. Average form of Newtons law of cooling

If a body coolsfromT, to T2 in time s t
l -T,
i 12 K f% +T, „T
(used generally in objective questions)
5t mS v z2 s
dT K
— = —— (T - T ) (for better results use this generally in subjective)
dt mS

4. Wein's black body radiation

At even/ temperature (>0K) a body radiates energy radiations of all wavelengths.
According to Wein's displacement law if the wavelength corresponding to
maximum energy is
then Xm7 = b where b = is a constant (Wein's constant)
T=temperature of body

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Q. 1 An aluminium container of mass 100 gm contains 200 gm of ice at - 20°C. Heat is added to the
system at the rate of 100 cal/s. Find the temperature of the system after 4 minutes (specific heat of
ice = 0.5 and L = 80 cal/gm, specific heat of AI = 0.2 cal/gm/°C)
Q.2 A U-tubefilledwith a liquid of volumetric coefficient of 10"5/°C lies in a vertical plane. The height of
liquid column in the left vertical limb is 100 cm. The liquid in the left vertical limb is maintained at a
temperature = 0°C while the liquid in the right limb is maintained at a temperature = 100°C. Find the
difference in levels in the two limbs.

Q.3 A thin walled metal tank of surface area 5m2 isfilledwith water tank and contains an immersion
heater dissipating 1 kW. The tank is covered with 4 cm thick layer of insulation whose thermal
conductivity is 0.2 W/m/K. The outer face of the insulation is 25°C. Find the temperature of the
tank in the steady state

Q.4 A glass flask contains some mercury at room temperature. It is found that at different temperatures
the volume of air inside the flask remains the same. If the volume of mercury in the flask is
300 cm3, thenfindvolume of the flask (given that coefficient of volume expansion of mercury and
coefficient oflinear expansion of glass are 1.8 * 10"1 (°C)_1 and 9 x 10 6 (°C)_1 respectively)

Q.5 A clock pendulum made of invar has a period of 0.5 sec at 20°C. If the clock is used in a climate
where average temperature is 30°C, aporoximately. How much fast or slow will the clock run in
iO6 sec.(a invar =lxl0^/°C)

Q.6 A pan filled with hot food cools from 50.1 °C to 49.9 °C in 5 sec. How long will it take to cool
from 40.1 °C to 39.9°C if room temperature is 30°C?

Q.7 A composite rod made of three rods of equal length and cross-section as shown in the fig. The
thermal conductivities of the materials of the rods are K/2, 5K and K respectively. The end A and
end B are at constant temperatures. All heat entering the face A goes out of the end B there being
no loss of heat from the sides of the bar. Find the effective thermal conductivity of the bar

K/2 5 K K

Q.8 An iron bar (Young's modulus = 1011 N/m 2 , a = 10~6 /°C) 1 m long and 10~3 m2 in area is heated
from 0°C to 100°C without being allowed to bend or expand. Find the compressive force developed
inside the bar.

Q.9 A solid copper cube and sphere, both of same mass & emissivity are heated to same initial
temperature and kept under identical conditions. What is the ratio of their initial rate of fall of

Q.10 A cylindrical rod with one end in a stream chamber and other end in ice cause melting of 0.1 gm of
ice/sec. If the rod is replaced with another rod of half the length and double the radius of first and
thermal conductivity of second rod is 1/4 that of first, find the rate of ice melting in gm/sec

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Q.ll Three aluminium rods of equal length form an equilateral triangle ABC. Taking 0 (mid
point of rod BC) as the origin. Find the increase in Y-coordinate per unit change in
temperature of the centre of mass of the system. Assume the length of
the each rod is 2m, and ot^ = 4 V3 x 10~6 / °C

Q.12 Three conducting rods of same material and cross-section are shown in figure.
Temperature of A D and C are maintained at 20°C, 90°C and 0°C. Find the 20°C 0°C

ratio of length BD and BC if there is no heat flow in AB

Q.13 If two rods of layer L and 2 L having coefficients of linear expansion a and 2a respectively are
connected so that total length becomes 3 L, determine the average coefficient of linear expansion
ofthe composite rod.

Q.14 A volume of 120 ml of drink (half alcohol + half water by mass) originally at a temperature of 25°C
is cooled by adding 20 gm ice at 0°C. If all the ice melts, find the final temper ature of the drink,
(density of drink = 0.833 gm/cc, specific heat of alcohol = 0.6 ca!/gm/°C)

Q.15 A solid receives heat by radiation over its surface at the rate of 4 kW. The heat convectiou rate
from the surface of solid to the surrounding is 5.2 kW, and heat is generated at a rate of 1.7 kW
over the volume of the solid. The rate of change of the average temperature of the solid is
0.5°Cs"1. Find the heat capacity of the solid.
20°C LQ'C E -5°C ~10°C
Q.16 The figure shows the face and interface temperature of a composite
slab containing of four layers of two materials having identical thickness. 2k 2k
Under steady state condition, find the value of temperature 0.
k = thermal conductivity

Q.17 Two identical calorimeter A and B contain equal quantity of water at 20°C. A 5 gm piece of metal
X of specific heat 0.2 cal g"1 (C°)_1 is dropped into A and a 5 gm piece of metal Y into B. The
equilibrium temperature in A is 22°C and in B 23°C. The initial temperature of both the metals is
40°C. Find the specific heat of metal Y in cal g"1 (C0)-1.

Q.18 Two spheres of same radius R have their densities in the ration 8 : 1 and the ratio of their specifr
heats are 1 : 4. If by radiation their rates of fall of temperature are same, thenfindthe ratio of their
rates of losing heat.

Q.19 In the square frame of side I of metallic rods, the corners A and C are
maintained at Tj and T2 respectively. The rate of heat flow from A to
C is co. IfA and D are instead maintained T, & T2 respectivleyfind,findtiie
total rate of heat flow.

Q.20 A hot liquid contained in a container of negligible heat capacity loses temperature at rate 3 K/min,
just before it begins to solidify. The temperature remains constant for 30 min. Find the ratio of
specific heat capacity of liquid to specific latent heat of fusion is in K_1 (given that rate of losing heat
is constant).

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Q. 21 A thermostatted chamber at small height h above earth's surface maintained at 30°C has a clockfittedin it
with anuncompensated pendulum. The clock designer correctly designs it for height h, but for temperature of
20°C. If this chamber is taken to earth's surface, the clock init would click correct time. Find the coefficient
oflinear expansion ofmaterial of pendulum, (earth's radius is R)

Q.22 The coefficient of volume expansion of mercury is 20 times the coefficient of linear expansion of
glass. Find the volume of mercury that must be poured into a glass vessel ofvolume V so that the volume
above mercury may remain constant at all temperature.

Q.23 Two 50 gm ice cubes are dropped into 250 gm ofwater ion a glass. Ifthe water was initially at a temperature
of 25°C and the temperature of ice -15°C. Find the final temperature of water,
(specific heat of ice = 0.5 cal/gm/°C and L = 80 cal/gm)

Q. 24 Water is heated from 10°C to 90°C in a residential hot water heater at a rate of 70 litre per minute.
Natural gas with a density of 1.2 kg/m3 is used in the heater, which has a transfer efficiency of
32%. Find the gas consumption rate in cubic meters per hour, (heat combustion for natural gas is
8400 kcal/kg)

Q.25 A metal rod A of 25cm lengths expands by 0.050cm. When its temperature is raised from 0°C to
100°C, Another rod B of a different metal of length 40cm expands by 0.040 cm for the same rise in
temperature. A third rod C of 50cm length is made up of pieces of rods A and B placed end to end
expands by 0.03 cm on heating from 0°C to 50°C. Find the lengths of each portion of the composite

Q.26 A substance is in the solid form at 0°C. The amount

of heat added to this substance and its temperature
are plotted in the following graph. If the relative
specific heat capacity of the solid substance is 0.5,
find from the graph
the mass of the substance ;
the specific latent heat of the melting process, and
the specific heat of the substance in the liquid state.

Q.27 One end of copper rod of uniform cross-section and of length 1.5 meters is in contact with melting ice
and the other end with boiling water. At what point along its length should a temperature of200°C be
maintained, so that in steady state, the mass of ice melting is equal to that of steam produced in the same
interval oftime? Assume that the whole system is insulatedfromthe surroundings.

Q.28 Two solids spheres are heated to the same temperature and allowed to cool under identical
conditions. Compare: (i) initial rates of fall of temperature, and (ii) initial rates of loss of heat.
Assume that all the surfaces have the same emissivity and ratios of their radii of, specific heats and
densities are respectively 1 : a, 1 : p, 1 : y.

Q.29 A vessel containing 100 gm water at 0°C is suspended in the middle of a room. In 15 minutes the
temperature of the water rises by 2°C. When an equal amount of ice is placed in the vessel, it melts in
10 hours. Calculate the specific heat of fusion of ice.
Q.30 The maximum in the energy distribution spectrum of the sun is at 4753 A and its temperature is 6050K.
What will be the temperature of the star whose energy distribution shows a maximum at 9506 A.

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Q. 1 A copper calorimeter of mass 100 gm contains 200 gm of a mixture of ice and water. Steam at
100°C under normal pressure is passed into the calorimeter and the temperature of the mixture is
allowed to rise to 50°C. If the mass of the calorimeter and its contents is now 330 gm, what was
the ratio of ice and water in the beginning? Neglect heat losses.
Given: Specific heat capacity of copper = 0.42 x 103 J kg-'K 1 ,
Specific heat capacity of water = 4 ,2 x 103 J kg_1K_1,
Specific heat of fusion of ice = 3.36 x 105 J kg-1
Latent heat of condensation of steam = 22.5 x 105 Jkg-1

Q.2 A n isosceles triangte is form edw ith a rod o f length /, and coefficient of linear expansion a, for the
base and two thin rods each of length l2 and coefficient of linear expansion a 2 for the two pieces,
if the distance between the apex and the midpoint ofthe base remain unchanged as the temperatures
lx ja^
varied show that T ~ 2 J a
h V i

Q.3 A solid substance of mass 10 gm at - 10°C was heated to - 2°C (still in the solid state). The heat
required was 64 calories. Another 880 calories was required to raise the temperature ofthe substance
(now in the liquid state) to 1°C, while 900 calories was required to raise the temperature from
-2°C to 3°C. Calculate the specific heat capacities of the substances in the solid and liquid state in
calories per kilogram per kelvin. Show that the latent heat of fusion L is related to the melting
point temperature tm by L = 85400 + 200 tm.

Q.4 A steel drill making 180 rpm is used to drill a hole in a block of steel. The mass of the steel block
and the drill is 180 gm. If the entire mechanical work is used up in producing heat and the rate of
raise in temperature of the block and the drill is 0.5 °C/s. Find
(a) the rate of working of the drill in watts, and
(b) the torque required to drive the drill.
Specific heat of steel = 0.1 and J = 4.2 J/cal. Use: P = x co

Q.5 A brass rod of mass m = 4.25 kg and a cross sectional area 5 cm2 increases its length by 0.3 mm upon
heatingfrom0°C. What amount of heat is spent for heating the rod? The coefficient of linear expansic l
for brass is 2xl0~5/K, its specific heat is 0.39 kJ/kg.K and the density of brass is 8.5 x 103 kg/m3.
Q.6 A submarine made of steel weighing 109 g has to take 108 g of water in order to submerge when
the temperature of the sea is 10°C. How much less water it will have to take in when the sea is at
15°C? (Coefficient of cubic expansion of sea water = 2 x lO^/X, coefficient of linear expansion
of steel = 1.2 x 10~5/°C)
Q.7 A flow calorimeter is used to measure the specific heat of a liquid. Heat is added at a known rate
to a stream of the liquid as it passes through the calorimeter at a known rate. Then a measurement
of the resulting temperature difference between the inflow and the outflow points of the liquid
stream enables us to compute the specific heat of the liquid. A liquid of density 0.2 g/cm3 flows
through a calorimeter at the rate of 10 cm3/s. Heat is added by means of a 250-W electric heating
coil, and a temperature difference of 25°C is established in steady-state conditions between the
inflow and the outflow points. Find the specific heat of the liquid.

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Q.8 Toluene liquid of volume 300 cm3 at 0°C is contained in a beaker an another quantity of toluene of
volume 110 cm3 at 100°C is in another beaker. (The combined volume is 410 cm3). Determine the
total volume of the mixture of the toluene liquids when they are mixed together. Given the coefficient
of volume expansion y = 0.001/C and all forms of heat losses can be ignored. Also find the final
temperature of the mixture.
Q.9 Ice at -20°C isfilledupto height h = 10 cm in a uniform cylindrical vessel. Water at temperature 9°C is
filled in another identical vessel upto the same height h= 10 cm. Now, water from second vessel is
poured into first vessel and it is found that level of upper surface falls through
Ah = 0. 5 cm when thermal equilibrium is reached. Neglecting thermal capacity of vessels, change
in density of water due to change in temperature and loss of heat due to radiation, calculate initial
temperature 0 of water.
Gi ven, Density of water, pw = 1 gm cm-3
Density of ice, p. =0.9gm/cm3
Specific heat of water, sw = 1 cal/gm °C
Specific heat of ice, s; = 0.5 cal/gm°C
Specific latent heat of ice, L = 80 cal/gm
Q.10 A composite body consists of two rectangular plates of the same dimensions but different thermal
conductivities KA and Kg. This body is used to transfer heat between two objects maintained at
different temperatures. The composite body can be placed such that flow of heat takes place either
parallel to the interface or perpendicular to it. Calculate the effective thermal conductivities Kn and
K^of the composite body for the parallel and perpendicular orientations. Which orientation will
have more thermal conductivity?

Q.ll Two identical thermally insulated vessels, each containing n mole of an ideal monatomic gas, are
interconnected by a rod of length I and cross-sectional area A. Material of the rod has thermal
conductivity K and its lateral surface is thermally insulated. If, at initial moment (t = 0), temperature
of gas in two vessels is T, and T2 (< T,), neglecting thermal capacity of the rod, calculate difference
between temperature of gas in two vessels as a function of time.

Q. 12 A highly conducting solid cylinder of radius a and length I is surrounded by a co-axial layer of a
material having thermal conductivity K and negligible heat capacity. Temperature of surrounding
space (out side the layer) is T0, which is higher than temperature of the cylinder. If heat capacity
per unit volume of cylinder material is s and outer radius of the layer is b, calculate time required
to increase temperature of the cylinder from T, to T,. Assume end faces to be thermally insulated.

Q.13 A vertical brick duct(tube) is filled with cast iron. The lower end of the duct is maintained at a
temperature Tj which is greater than the melting point Tm of cast iron and the upper end at a temperature
T2 which is less than the temperature of the melting point of cast iron. It is given that the conductivity of
liquid cast iron is equal to k times the conductivity of solid cast iron. Determine the fraction ofthe duct
filled with molten metal.
Q.14 Water is filled in a non-conducting cylindrical vessel of uniform cross-sectional area. Height of
water column is hQ and temperature is 0°C. Ifthe vessel is exposed to an atmosphere having constant
temperature of-0°C (< 0°C) at t = 0, calculate total height h of the column at time t. Assume thermal
conductivity ofice to be equal to K.Density ofwater is pai and that of ice is p.. Latent heat of fusion of ice

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Q.15 A lagged stick of cross section area 1 cm2 and length 1 m is initially at a temperature of 0°C. It is then
kept between 2 reservoirs of tempeature 100°C and 0°C. Specific heat capacity is 10 J/kg°C and linear
mass density is 2 kg/m. Find

100°C - — — — — o°C

(a) temperature gradient along the rod in steady state.

(b) total heat absorbed by the rod to reach steady state.
Q. 16 A cylindrical block of length 0.4 m an area of cross-section 0.04m2 is placed coaxially on a thin
metal disc of mass 0.4 kg and of the same cross-section. The upper face of the cylinder is maintained
at a constant temperature of 400K and the initial temperature of the disc is 300K. If the thermal
conductivity of the material of the cylinder is 10 watt/m-K and the specific heat of the material of
the disc in 600 J/kg-K, how long will it take for the temperature of the disc to increase to 350K?
Assume, for purposes of calculation, the thermal conductivity of the disc to be very high and the
system to be thermally insulated except for the upper face of the cylinder.

Q.17 A copper calorimeter of negligible thermal capacity isfilledwith a liquid. The mass of the liquid equals
250 gm. A heating element of negligible thermal capacity is immersed in the liquid. It is found that the
temperature of the calorimeter and its contents risesfrom25 °C to 30°C in 5 minutes when a o r rent of
20.5 ampere is passed through it at potential difference of 5 volts. The liquid is thrown off and the heater is
again switched on. It is now found that the temperature ofthe calorimeter alone is constantly maintained at
32°C when the current through the heater is 7A at the potential difference 6 volts. Calculate the specific heat
capacity ofthe liquid. The temperature ofthe surroundings is 25°C.

Q.18 A solid copper sphere cools at the rate of 2.8 °C per minute, when its temperature is 127°C. Find the
rate at which another solid copper sphere oftwice the radius lose its temperature at 327°C, ifin both the
cases, the room temperature is maintained at 27°C.

Q.19 A calorimeter contains 100 cm3 of a liquid of density 0.88 g/'cm3 in which are immersed a
thermometer and a small heating coil. The effective water equivalent of calorimeter, thermometer
and heater may be taken to be 13 gm. Current of 2 A is passed through the coil. The potential
difference across the coil is 6.3 V and the ultimate steady state temperature is 55°C. The current is
increased so that the temperature rises slightly above 55°C, and then it is switched off. Thr
calorimeter and the content are found to cool at the rate of 3.6°C/min.
(a) Find the specific heat of the liquid.
(b) The room temperature during the experiment was 10°C. If the room temperature rises to 26°C,
find the current required to keep the liquid at 55°C. You may assume that Newton's law is obeyed
and the resistance of the heater remains constant.

Q.20 End A of a rod AB of length L = 0.5 m and of uniform cross-sectional area is maintained at some
constant temperature. The heat conductivity of the rod is k = 17 J/s-m°K. The other end B of this
rod is radiating energy into vacuum and the wavelength with maximum energy density emitted
from this end is X0 = 75000 A. If the emissivity of the end B is e = 1, determine the temperature of
the end A. Assuming that except the ends, the rod is thermally insulated.

Q.21 A wire of length 1.0 m and radius 10"3 m is carrying a heavy current and is assumed to radiate as
a blackbody. At equilibrium temperature of wire is 900 K while that of the surroundings is 300 K.
The resistivity of the material of the wire at 300 K is %2 x 10"8 Q-m and its temperature coefficient
of resistance is 7.8 x 10"3/°C, Find the current in the wire, [a = 5.68 x 10'8w/m2K4].

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Q.22 The temperature distribution of solar radiation is more or less same as that of a black body whose
maximum emission corresponds to the wavelength 0.483 pm. Find the rate of change of mass due
to radiation. [Radius of Sun = 7.0 x 108 m]

Q.23 A black plane surface at a constant high temperature Th, is parallel to another black plane surface
at constant lower temperature T,. Between the plates is vacuum. In order to reduce the heat flow due to
radiation, a heat shield consisting of two thin black plates, thermally isolated from each other, it placed
between the warm and the cold surfaces and parallel to these. After some time stationary conditions are
obtained. By what factor r\ is the stationary heat flow reduced due to the presence of the heat shield?
Neglect end effects due to the finite size of the surfaces.

Q.24 The shell of a space station is a blackened sphere in which a temperature T = 500K is maintained
due to operation of appliances of the station. Find the temperature of the shell if the station is
enveloped by a thin spherical black screen of nearly the same radius as the radius of the shell.

Q.25 A liquid takes 5 minutes to coolfrom80°C to 50°C, How much time will it take to coolfrom60°C to
30°C ? The temperature of surrounding is 20°C. Use exact method.

Q.26 Find the temperature of equilibrium of a perfectly black disc exposed normally to the Sun's ray on
the surface of Earth. Imagine that it has a nonconducting backing so that it can radiate only to
hemisphere of space. Assume temperature of surface of Sun = 6200 K, radius of sun = 6.9 x 108 m,
distance between the Sun and the Earth = 1.5 x lo11 m. Stefan's constant = 5.7 x io~8 W/m2.K4.
What will be the temperature if both sides of the disc are radiate?

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Q.l The temperature of 100 gm of water is to be raised from 24° C to 90° C by adding steam to it.
Calculate the mass of the steam required for this purpose. [JEE '96]

Q.2 Two metal cubes A & B of same size are arranged as shown in figure.
The extreme ends of the combination are maintained at the indicated
temperatures. The arrangement is thermally insulated. The coefficients oo U
of thermal conductivity of A & B are 300 W/m°C and 200 W/m°C o o
respectively. After steady state is reached the temperature T of the T

interface will be . [JEE 96]

Q.3 A double pane window used for insulating a room thermally from outside consists of two glass
sheets each of area 1 m2 and thickness 0.01m separated by a 0.05m thick stagnant air space. In the
steady state, the room glass interface and the glass outdoor interface are at constant temperatures
of 27°C and 0°C respectively. Calculate the rate of heat flow through the window pane. Also find
the temperatures of other interfaces. Given thermal conductivities of glass and air as 0.8 and
0.08 W m'K- 1 respectively. [JEE' 97]

Q.4 The apparatus shown in the figure consists of four glass columns
connected by horizontal sections. The height of two central
columns B & C are 49 cm each. The two outer columns A & D
are open to the atmosphere. A & C are maintained at a
temperature of 95° C while the columns B & D are maintained at
5°C. The height of the liquid in A & D measured from the base
line are 52.8 cm & 51 cm respectively. Determine the coefficient A C
95< 95°
of thermal expansion of the liquid. [JEE '97]

Q.5 A spherical black body with a radius of 12 cm radiates 450 W power at 500 K. If the radius were
halved and the temperature doubled, the power radiated in watt would be :
(A) 225 (B) 450 (C) 900 (D) 1800

Q.6 Earth receives 1400 W/m2 of solar power. If all the solar energy falling on a lens of area 0.2 m2 is
focussed on to a block of ice of mass 280 grams, the time taken to melt the ice will be
minutes. (Latent heat of fusion of ice = 3.3 x 105 J/kg) [JEE '97]

Q-7 A solid body X of heat capacity C is kept in an atmosphere whose temperature is TA = 300K. At
time t = 0, the temperature of X is T0 = 400K. It cools according to Newton's law of cooling. At
time tj its temperature is found to be 350K. At this time t p the body X is connected to a larger body
Y at atmospheric temperature TA, through a conducting rod of length L, cross-sectional area A
and thermal conductivity K. The heat capacity of Y is so large that any variation in its temperature
may be neglected. The cross-sectional area A of the connecting rod is small compared to the
surface area of X. Find the temperature of X at time t = 3t r [JEE' 98]

Q.8 A black body is at a temperature of2880 K. The energy of radiation emitted by this object with wavelength
between 499 nm and 500 nm is U p between 999 nm and 1000 nm is U2 and between 1499 nm and
1500 nm is U3. The Wien constant b = 2.88 x lO6 nm K. Then [JEE' 98]
(A)Uj = 0 (B)U3 = 0 (C)U, >U 2 (D)U 2 >U 1

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Q.15 A bimetallic strip is formed out of two identical strips one of copper and the other of brass. The coefficient
of linear expansion of the two metals are a c and aB. On heating, the temperature ofthe strip goes up by
AT and the strip bends to form an arc of radius of curvature R. Then R is:
(A) proportional at AT (B) inversely proportional to AT [JEE' 99]
(C) proportional to jotg - a c (D) inversely proportional to |aB - a c

Q.10 A block of ice at - 10°C is slowly heated and converted to steam at 100°C. Which of the following
curves represents the phenomenon qualitatively? [JEE (Scr) 2000]

(A) (B)| (Q| (D)

Heat supplied Heat supplied Heat supplied Heat supplied

Q. 11 The plots of intensity versus wavelength for three black bodies at

temperature Tj , T, and T3 respectively are as shown. Their
temperatures are such that [JEE (Scr) 2000]
(A)Tj>T 2 >T 3 (B)T 1 >T 3 >T,
(C) T2 > T3 > Tx (C) T3 > T2 > Tj

Q. 12 Three rods made of the same material and having the same cross-section
have bnen joined as shown in the figure. Each rod is of the same length. The
left and right ends are kept at 0°C and 90°C respectively. The temperature /90°C
of the junction of the three rods will be [JEE(Scr)2001 ] o°c-
(A) 45°C (B) 60°C (C) 30°C (D) 20°C -90CC

Q.13 An ideal black body at room temperature is thrown into a furnace. It is observed that
(A) initially it is the darkest body and at later times the brightest.
(B) it the darkest body at all times
(C) it cannot be distinguished at all times.
(D) initially it is the darkest body and at later times it cannot be distinguished. [JEE(Scr)2002]

Q. 14 An ice cube of mass 0.1 kg at 0°C is placed in an isolated container which is at 227°C. The specific
heat S of the container varies with temperature T according the empirical relations = A + BT,
where A= 100 cai/kg-K and B = 2 x 10'2 cal/kg-K2. If the final temperature ofthe container is 27°C,
determine the mass of the container. (Latent heat of fusion for water = 8 x 104 cal/kg. Specific heat of
water = 103 cal/kg-K) [JEE' 2001]

Q.15 Two rods one of aluminium of length /, having coefficient of linear expansion a a , and other steel of
length l2 having coefficient of linear expansion a s are joined end to end. The expansion in both the
rods is same on variation of temperature. Then the value of ^ + ^ is [JEE1 (Scr) 2003]

a. a
a + a
(A) a + a (B) a a - a s (C) a. (D) None of these
a s

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Q.15 2 kg ice at - 20°C is mixed with 5 kg water at 20°C. Thenfinalamount ofwater in the mixture would be;
Given specific heat of ice = 0.5cal/g°C, specific heat of water = 1 cal/g°C,
Latent heat of fusion of ice = 80 cal/g. [JEE (Scr) 2003]
(A) 6 kg (B) 5 kg (C) 4 kg CD) 2 kg
Q.17 If emissivity of bodies X and Y are ex and ey and absorptive power

are Ax and Ay then [JEE* (Scr) 2003]
(A)e y >e x ;A y >A x (B) e y < e x ; A y < A x
(C)ey>ex;Ay<Ax (D) ey = e x ; Ay = A,^
Q.18 Hot oil is circulated through an insulated container with a wooden lid at
the top whose conductivity K = 0.149 J/(m-°C-sec), thickness t = 5 mm,
emissivity = 0.6. Temperature of the top of the lid in steady state is at T6=27°C
T, = 127°. If the ambient temperature Ta = 27°C. Calculate L—Hot oil
(a) rate of heat loss per unit area due to radiationfromthe lid.
17 _8
(b) temperature ofthe oil. (Given a = — x 10 ) [JEE 2003]

Q.19 Three discs A, B, and C having radii 2 m, 4 m and 6 m respectively are coated with carbon black
on their outer surfaces. The wavelengths corresponding to maximum intensity are 300 nm, 400 nm
and 500 nm respectively. The power radiated by them are QA, QB and QC respectively.
(a) QA is maximum (B) QB IS maximum [JEE' 2004 (Scr.)]
(C) QC is maximum (D) QA = QB = QC
Q.20 Two identical conducting rods are first connected independently to two vessels, one containing
water at 100°C and the other containing ice at 0° C. In the second case, the rods are joined end to
end and connected to the same vessels. Let q} and q2 g/s be the rate of melting of ice in the two
cases respectively. The ratio q2/qj is
(A) 1/2 (B) 2/1 (C) 4/1 (D) 1/4 [JEE 2004 (Scr.)]
Q.21 Liquid oxygen at 50 K is heated to 300 K at constant pressure of 1 atm. The rate of heating is
constant. Which of the following graphs represents the variation of temperature with time?
Temp.f x Temp.f , Temp.f Temp.1

(A) (B) (C) (D)

Time Time Time Time
[JEE 2004 (Scr.)]
Q.22 A cube of coefficient of linear expansion a s is floating in a bath containing a liquid of coefficient of
volume expansion yr When the temperature is raised by AT, the depth upto which the cube is
submerged in the liquid remains the same. Find the relation between a s and y/; showing all the
steps. [JEE 2004]
Q.23 One end of a rod of length L and cross-sectional area A is kept in a
furnace of temperature T r The other end of the rod is kept at a
temperature T2 The thermal conductivity ofthe material of the rod is K
and emissivity ofthe rod is e. It is given that T2 = T s + AT where AT Insulated
« Ts, T s being the temperature of the surroundings. If AT oc (Tj - Ts), Furance r, Rod
find the proportionality constant. Consider that heat is lost only by radiation * L •
at the end where the temperature of the rod is T2. [JEE 2004] Insulated

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Q. 24 Three graphs marked as 1,2,3 representing the variation of maximum emi ssive Ek
power and wavelength of radiation of the sun, a welding arc and a tungsten
filament. Which of the following combination is correct
(A) 1-bulb, 2 —> welding arc, 3 -» sun
(B) 2-bulb, 3 -» welding arc, 1 -> sun
(C) 3-bulb, 1 —» welding arc, 2 sun
(D) 2-bulb, 1 welding arc, 3 sun [JEE' 2005 (Scr)]

Q.25 In which of the following phenomenon heat convection does not take place
(A) land and sea breeze
(B) boiling ofwater
(C) heating of glass surface due tofilamentof the bulb
(D) air around the furance [JEE 2005 (Scr)]

Q.26 2 litre water at 27°C is heated by a 1 kW heater in an open container. On an average heat is lost to
surroundings at the rate 160 J/s. The time required for the temperature to reach 77°C is
(A) 8 min 20 sec (B)10min (C)7min (D)14min
[JEE 2005 (Scr)]

Q. 27 A spherical body of area A and emissivity e = 0.6 is kept inside a black body. What is the rate at which
energy is radiated per second at temperature T
(A) 0.6 a AT4 (B)0.4aAT 4 (C)0.8oAT 4 (D)l.OaAT 4
[JEE 2005 (Scr)]
Q.28 1 calorie is the heat required to increased the temperature of 1 gm of water by 1 °C from
(A) 13.5°C to 14.5°C at 76 mm ofHg (B) 14.5°Cto 15.5°Cat760mmofHg
(C) 0°C to 1°C at 760 mm of Hg (D) 3°C to 4°C to 760 mm of Hg
[JEE 2005 (Scr)]

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Q.2 0.1 cm Q.3 65°C Q.4 2000 cm3
Q.l 25.5°C
Q.6 10 sec Q.7 15K/16 Q.8 10, 000 N
Q.5 5 sec slow
U Q.ll 4xl0^m/°C
Q.9 Q.10
Q.12 7/2 Q.13 Q.14 4°C Q.15 1000 J (C0)-1
Q.17 Q.18 2 : 1 Q.19 (4/3) q
Q.16 5°C
Q.21 Q.22 3V/20 Q.23 0 °C
Q.20 1/90
Q.24 104.2 Q.25 0.26 (i)0.02kg,(ii) 40,000calkg-1,(iii)750calk£
Q.28 Q.29 80 k cal/kg Q.30 3025 K
Q.27 10.34 cm

Q.l 1 : 1.26 Q.3 800 cal kg-1 K"1, 1000 cal kg"1 Kr1
Q.4 (a) 37.8 J/s (Watts), (b) 2.005 N-m Q.5 25 kJ Q.6 9.02 x 105 gm
3 Q.9 45°C
Q.7 5000 J/°C kg Q.8 decrease by 0.75 cm , 25°C
( 4KAts|
T-r Ka +Kr v 2KaKb Q11 3nRi J
a b
Q.10 K n > K ± , K , = 2 ,K 1 =
a+kB (T,-T 2 )e

I1 _ k^-TJ
Q.12 —-log e - loge t Q-13 I ^ - T m ) + ( T ^ )
2K Uy v o~t2;
C \
N_PL] Q.15
Q.14 h0 +
21000 Jkg-'K-1 Q.18 Q.19 (a)0.42 cal/gm°C, (b) 1.6A
Q.21 Q.22 — =5.06 x 109kg/s
Q.20 TA- 423 K

Q.23 n=3 Q.24

Q.25 10 minutes Q.26
Q.l 12 gm Q.2 60°C Q.3 41.53 Watt; 26.48 °C;0.55°C

Q.4 2xlO^C Q.5 D Q.6 5.5 min

l0ge 2 KA + log e 2
Q.7 k= — ; T = 300 + 50 exp. LC tj
Q.14 0.5 kg
Q.8 D Q.9 B, D Q.10 A Q.ll B Q.12 B Q.13 D
Q.19 B
Q.15 A Q.16 A Q.17 A Q.18 (a) 595 watt/m2, ( b ) T 0 « 4 2 0 K
Q.24 A
Q.20 D Q.21 C Q.22 y,= 2as Q.23 4 e a L Ts3 + K

Q.25 C Q.26 A Q.27 A Q.28 B

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Time Limit: 2 Sitting Each of 90 minutes, duration approx.

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Objective Question Bank On Heat
There are 58 questions in this question bank.
Q. 1 The ends of a long bar are maintained at different temperatures and
there is no loss of heatfromthe sides of the bar due to conduction or Ig
radiation. The graph of temperature against distance of the bar when it |
has attained steady state is shown here. The graph shows £
(A) the temperature gradient is not constant Distrance from hot end
(B) the bar has uniform cross-sectional area
(C) the cross-sectional area of the bar increases as the distancefromthe hot end increases
(D) the cross-sectional area ofthe bar decreases as the distance from the hot end increases.
Q.2 One end of a 2.35m long and 2.0cmradius aluminium rod (K-235 W.m'Kf1) is held at 20°C. The other
end of the rod is in contact with a block of ice at its melting point. The rate in kg. s_1 at which ice melts is
(A) 48ti x 10"6 (B) 24TI x lCT6 (C) 2.471 x 10"6 (D) 4.87c x 10"6
[Take latent heat of fusion for ice as — ']

Q.3 The power radiated by a black body is P and it radiates maximum energy around the wavelength X0. If
the temperature ofthe black body is now changed so that it radiates maximum energy around wavelength
3/4X0> the power radiated by it will increase by a factor of
(A) 4/3 (B) 16/9 (C) 64/27 (D) 256/81
Q.4 A rod of length L with sidesfrillyinsulated is of a material whose thermal conductivity varies with
temperature as K= ^ , where a is a constant. The ends of the rod are kept at temperature T1 and T r
The temperature T at x, where x is the distancefromthe end whose temperature is T ; is

12 V _. x;„T2 ^ _ ^ . T> -T.
(A)T, (B) (C) Tl e TlL CD) T,
Q. 5 Equal masses of three liquids A B and C have temperatures 10°C, 25°C and 40°C respectively. IfA
and B are mixed, the mixture has a temperature of 15°C. If B and C are mixed, the mixture has a
temperature of 30°C,. If A and C are mixed the mixture will have a temperature of
(A) 16°C- (B) 20°C (C) 25°C (D)29°C
Q.6 A volume of 120 ml of drink (half alcohol + half water by mass) originally at a temperature of 25 °C is
cooled by adding 20 gm ice at 0°C. If all the ice melts, the final temperature of the drink is: (density of
drink = 0.83 3 gm/cc, specific heat of alcohol = 0.6 cal/gm/0C)
(A) 4°C (B) 5°C (C)0°C (D) 6°C
Q.7 Aclockpendulummadeofinvarhasaperiodof0.5 secat20°C. Iftheclockisusedinaclimatewhereaverage
temperature is 30°C, approximately how much fast or slow will the clock run in 106 sec. [ainvar=lxlO^/°C]
(A) 5 sec fast (B) 10 sec fast (C) 10 sec slow (D) 5 sec slow
Q.8 An aluminium container of mass 100 gm contains 200 gm of ice at - 20°C. Heat is added to the system
at the rate of 100 cal/s. The temperature of the system after 4 minutes will be (specific heat ofice = 0.5
and L= 80 cal/gm, specific heat ofA/=0.2 cal/gm/°C)
(A)40.5°C (B) 25.5°C (C)30.3°C (D)35.0°C
Q.9 A black metal foil is warmed by radiationfroma small sphere at temperature' T1 and at a distance' d'.
It is found that the power received by the foil is P. Ifboth the temperature and distance are doubled, the
power received by the foil will be:
(A) 16 P (B) 4 P (C) 2 P (D) P
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Q. 10 Asteel tape gives correct measurement at 20°C. Apiece ofwood is being measured with the steel tape
at 0°C. The reading is 25 cm on the tape, the real length of the given piece ofwood must be:
(A) 25 cm (B) <25 cm (C)>25cm (D) cannot say
Q.ll A rod of length 20 cm is made of metal. It expands by 0.075 cm when its temperature is raised from
0°C to 100°C. Another rod of a different metal B having the same length expands by 0.045 cm for
the same change in temperature, a third rod of the same length is composed of two parts one of
metal A and the other of metal B. Thus rod expand by 0.06 cm.for the same change in temperature.
The portion made of metal A has the length:
(A) 20 cm (B) 10 cm (C)15cm (D)18cm
Q.12 A crystal has a coefficient of expansion 13 x 10~9 in one direction and 231 x i0~9in every direction at
right angles to it. Then the cubical coefficient of expansion is:
(A) 4.62 x 10"7 (B) 2.44 x 10~7 (C) 4.75 x 10"7 (D) 2.57 x l0"7s
Q.13 Star S j emits maximum radiation of wavelength 420 nm and the star S2 emits maximum radiation of
wavelength 560 nm, what is the ratio of the temperature of S, and S 2 :
(A) 4/3 (B) (4/3 )1/4 (C) 3/4 (D)(3/4)1/2
Q.14 If 1 gm water requires x heat to boil to steam at 100°C, and 1 gm water requires>> heat to evaporate
completely at 0°C, then
(A) x>y (B) x =y (C) x<y (D) y = 0
Q.15 A container isfilledwith water at 4°C. At one time the temperature is increased by few degrees above
4°C and at another time it is decreased by few degrees below 4°C. One shall observe that:
(A) the level remains constant in each case
(B) water overflows in both the cases
(C) water overflows in the latter case, while come down in the previous case
(D) in previous case water overflows while in later case its levels comes down
Q.16 Spheres P and Q are uniformly constructed from the same material which is a good conductor of heat
and the radius of Q is thrice the radius of P. The rate of fall of temperature of P is x times that of Q when
both are at the same surface temperature. The value ofx is:
(A) 1/4 (B) 1/3 (C) 3 (D) 4
Q.17 A sphere of diameter 7 cm and mass 266.5 gmfloatsin a bath of a liquid. As the temperature is raised,
the sphere just begins to sink at a temperature 3 5°C. Ifthe density of a liquid at 0°C is 1.527 gm/cc, then
neglecting the expansion of the sphere, the coefficient of cubical expansion ofthe liquid is f:
(A) 8.486 x 10-4 per °C (B) 8.486 x 10~5 per °C
(C) 8.486 x 10"6 per °C (D) 8.486 x 10"3 per °C
Q.18 The volume ofthe bulb of a mercury thermometer at 0°C is V0 and cro ss section of the capillary is A0,
The coefficient of linear expansion ofglass is as per °C and the cubical expansion of mercury ym per °C.
If the mercury justfillsthe bulb at 0°C, what is the length ofmercury column in capillary at T°C.
V0T(ym+3ag) V0T(ym-3a ) V 0 T( Ym+ 2a g ) V 0 T(y m -2a )
"AjJ+2ajj ( B ) A 0 (l+2a g Tj (C
) A0(l+3agT) (D) A0(l+3agT)
Q.19 A thermally insulated vessel contains some water at 0°C. Thevesselis connectedto a vacuum pump to
pump out water vapour. This results in some water gettingfrozen.It is given Latent heat ofvaporization
ofwater at 0°C =21 x l O5 J/kg and latent heat of freezing of water = 3.3 6 x \ O5 J/kg. The maximum
percentage amount ofwater that will be solidified in this manner will be
(A) 86.2% (B)33.6% (C)21% (D) 24.36%

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Q.20 Ametallic rod 1 cm long with a square cross-section is heated through 1 °C. If Young's modulus of
elasticity of the metal is E and the mean coefficient of linear expansion is a per degree Celsius, then the
compressional force required to prevent the rodfromexpanding along its length is:
(A)EAat (B) EAat/(l + at) (C)EAat/(l-at) (D)E/at
Q.21 Four rods of same material with different radii r and length 1 are used to connect two reservoirs of heat
at different temperatures. Which one will conduct most heat ?
(A) r =2cm, 1 =0.5m (B) r = 2cm, 1 = 2m (C) r =0.5cm, 1 =0.5m (D) r = 1 cm, 1 = 1 m
Q. 22 A cylinder of radius R made of a material of thermal conductivity k. is surrounded by a cylindrical shell
of inner radius R and outer radius 2R made of a material of thermal conductivity k2. The two ends of
the combined system are maintained at different temperatures. There is no loss ofheatfromthe cylindrical
surface and the system is in steady state. The effective thermal conductivity of the system is
(A) k, + k2 (B) k j + k 2 ( C ) ^ ( k ! + 3k2) (D)-^(3k + k2)

Q.23 The loss in weight of a solid when immersed in a liquid at 0°C is W0 and at t°C is W. If cubical coefficient
of expansion ofthe solid and the liquid by ys and y j respectively, then Wis equal to:
(A) W0 [1 + (r. -- y ) t] (B)W 0 [1- (v - Yl)t]
(C)W 0 [(y s - Y l )t] (D)W 0 t/(y s - Yl )
Q.24 Heat is conducted across a composite block of two slabs of thickness d
and 2d. Their thermal conductivities are 2k and k respectively. All the heat
entering the face AB leavesfromthe face CD. The temperature in °C of 2K
the junction EF of the two slabs is:
(A) 20 (B) 50 (C) 60 (D)80 D
Q.25 A thin walled cylindrical metal vessel of linear coefficient of expansion 10~3 °C_I contains benzenr of
volume expansion coefficient 10_3oC_1. If the vessel and its contents are now heated by 10°C, the
pressure due to the liquid at the bottom.
(A) increases by 2% (B) decreases by 1 % (C) decreases by 2% (D) remains unchanged
Q.26 A rod of length 2m at 0°C and having expansion coefficient a = (3x + 2) x iO 6 °C~1 where x is the
distance (in cm)fromone end of rod. The length of rod at 20°C is:
(A) 2.124 m (B) 3.24 m (C) 2.0124 m (D) 3.124 m
Q.27 A copper ring has a diameter of exactly 25 mm at its temperature of 0°C. An aluminium sphere has"
diameter of exactly 25.05 mm at its temperature of 100°C. The sphere is placed on top ofthe ring at i
two are allowed to come to thermal equilibrium, no heat being lost to the surrounding. The sphere just
passes through the ring at the equilibrium temperature. The ratio of the mass of the sphere &ringis:
(given: aCu = 17 x 10^ /°C, a y = 2.3 x 10"5 /°C, specific heat of Cu = 0.0923 Cal/g°C and specific
heat of A1=0.215 cal/g°C)
(A) 1/5 (B) 23/108 (C) 23/54 (D) 216/23
Q, 28 Ablack body radiates radiation at temperature 727°C the maximum density ofenergy radiation Em. Another
identical body radiates at temperature 1727°C & the maximum density of rod is E^then Em/E2m is
(A) 1/8 (B) 1/16 (C) 1/32 (D) 1/64
Q. 29 An ice cube at temperature - 20°C is kept in a room at temperature 20°C. The variation oftemperature
of the body with time is given by

(A) (B) (Q (D)

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Q.30 A sphere ofice at 0°C having initial radius R is placed in an environment having ambient temperature > 0°C.
The ice melts uniformly, such that shape remains spherical. After a time't' the radius ofthe sphere has
reduced to r. Assuming the rate of energy of outside heat is proportional to the surface area ofthe sphere
at any moment, which graph best depicts r (t).

(A) (B) (C) (D)

Q.31 A rod of length L and uniform cross-sectional area has varying thermal conductivity which changes
linearly from 2K at end A to K at the other end B. The ends A and B of the rod are maintained at
constant temperature 100°C and 0°C, respectively. At steady state, the graph oftemperature: T=T(x)
where x = distancefromend A will be
T» T< Ti T'
100°C 100°C 100°C 100°C
(A) (B) (C) (D)
Q.32 A cuboid ABCDEFGH is anisotropic with a x = 1 x 10"5 /°C,
/ 'h
a y = 2 x 10~5 /°C, a z = 3 x 10-5 /°C, Coefficient of superficial c /
expansion of faces can be
F G,
(A) Pabcd, = 5 x 10-5 /°C
(B) PBCGH = 4 x 10~ /°C /
(C)Pcdeh 33Xx1 10- 5
0 - 5 / /°C
°C (D)PEFGH = 2x 10~5/°C
Q.33 An open vessel isfilledcompletely with oil which has same coefficient ofvolume expansion as that of the
vessel. On heating both oil and vessel,
(A) the vessel can contain more volume and more mass of oil
(B) the vessel can contain same volume and same mass of oil
(C) the vessel can contain same volume but more mass of oil
(D) the vessel can contain more volume but same mass of oil
Q.34 A vessel containing a liquid is heated with its contents. The pressure at the bottom of vessel due to the
liquid should, (no evaporation take place)
(A) increase (B) decrease
(C) increases if yliq > 3 a vessel (D) decreases if yiiq > 3 a vessel
Q.35 A block of mass 2.5 kg is heated to temperature of5 00°C and placed on a large ice block. What is the
maximum amount of ice that can melt (approx.). Specific heat for the body = 0.1 Cal/gm°C.
(A) 1kg (B) 1.5 kg (C) 2 kg (D) 2.5 kg
Q.36 The spectral emissive power E- for a body at temperature T} is plotted against
the wavelength and area under the curve is found to be A. At a different dX
temperature T2 the area is found to be 9A. Then XJk2 =
(A) 3 (B) 1/3 (C) (D) S
Q.37 Two sheets ofthickness d and 2 d and same area are touching each other on their face. TATB TC
Temperature TA, TB, T c shown are in geometric progression with common ratio r=2.
Then ratio ofthermal conductivity of thinner and thicker sheet are
(A) 1 (B)2 (C)3 (D)4 d 2d

Q.38 The ratio of densities of 2 bodies is 3 :4 and ratio of their specific heats is 4:3. Then ratio of their heat
capacity per unit volume is
(A) 1 :1 (B) 3 : 4 (C)9:16 (D)16:9

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Q.39 10 gm of ice at 0°C is kept in a calorimeter of water equivalent 10 gm. How much heat should be
supplied to the apparatus to evaporate the water thus formed? (Neglect loss of heat)
(A) 6200 cal (B) 7200 cal (C) 13600 cal (D) 8200 cal
Q.40 Heat is being supplied at a constant rate to a sphere of ice which is melting at the rate of 0.1 gm/sec. It
melts completely in 100 sec. The rate of rise oftemperature thereafter will be
(Assume no loss of heat.)
(A) 0.8 °C/sec (B) 5.4°C/sec (C)3.6°C/sec (D) will change with time
Q.41 The wall with a cavity consists of two layers of brick separated by a layer of air. All three layers have the
same thickness and the thermal conductivity of the brick is much greater than that of air. The left layer is
at a higher temperature than the right layer and steady state condition exists. Which of the following
graphs predicts correctly the variation of temperature T with distance d inside the cavity?

(A) (C) !Ssi (D)

w 0 w
d d d d
Q.42 The intensity of radiation emitted by the Sun has its maximum value at a wavelength of 510 nm and that
emitted by the North Star has the maximum value at 3 50 nm. If these stars behave like black bod; es then
the ratio of the surface temperature of the Sun and the North Star is
(A) 1.46 (B) 0.69 (C) 1.21 (D)0.83
Q.43 Ametal ball immersed in Alcohol weights Wt at 0°C and W2 at 50°C. The coefficient of cubical expansion
of the metal (y)m is less than that of alcohol (y)^. Assuming that density of metal is large compared to
that of alcohol, it can be shown that
(A)WJ>W2 (B)WJ=W2 (C) W, < W 2 (D) any of ( A ) , (B) or (C)

Q.44 Two bodies P and Q have thermal emissivities of £p and s Q respectively. Surface areas of these bodies
are same and the total radiant power is also emitted at the same rate. If temperature of P is
9 P kelvin then temperature of Q i.e. 9Q is
/ \l/4 r \ 1 / 4
/ \l/4 \4
J _
(A) IQ Sp )
9T (B) s 9i (C) 8 9P (D) IQs
v Qy V PJ P

Q.45 1 kg of ice at -10°C is mixed with 4.4 kg of water at 3 0°C. Thefinaltemperature of mixture is:
(specific heat of ice is 2100 J/kg/k)
(A) 2.3°C (B) 4.4°C (C)5.3°C (D)8.7°C
Q, 46 A black body calorimeterfilledwith hot water coolsfrom60°C to 80°C in 4 min and 40°C to 3 0°C in
8 min. The approximate temperature of surrounding is:
(A) 10°C (B) 15°C (C) 20°C (D)25°C
Q.47 Steam at 100°C is added slowly to 1400 gm ofwater at 16°C until the temperature of water is raised to
80°C. The mass of steam required to do this is (L v = 540 cal/gm) :
(A) 160 gm (B) 125 mg (C)250gm (D)320gm
Q.48 A solid ball is completely immersed in a liquid. The coefficients ofvolume expansion ofthe ball and liquid
are 3 x 10-6 and 8 x 10^ per °C respectively. The percentage change in upthrust when the temperature
is increased by 100 °C is
(A) 0.5% (B) 0.11% (C) 1.1 % (D) 0.05 %
Q.49 Awall has two layer Aand B each made of different material, both the layers have the same thickness.
The thermal conductivity ofthe material A is twice that of B. Under thermal equilibrium the temperature
difference across the wall B is 36°C. The temperature difference across the wall Ais
(A) 6°C (B) 12°C (C) 18°C (D)72°C
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Q. 5 0 The rate of emission of radiation of a black body at 273°C is E, then the rate of emission of radiation of
this body at 0°C will be
(A) (C) (D)0
16 8

Q.51 A thin copper wire of length L increase in length by 1% when heatedfromtemperature Tj to T r Whatisthe
percentage change in area when a thin copper plate having dimensions 2L x L is heatedfromT, to T2?
(A) 1% (B)2% (C) 3% (D)4%
Q.52 Aring consisting of two parts ADB and ACB of same conductivity k carries an
amount of heat H. The ADB part is now replaced with another metal keeping
the temperatures Tj and T2 constant. The heat carried increases to 2H. What
should be the conductivity of the new ADB part? Given = 3:

(A) r k (B)2k (C)"k (D) 3 k

Q.53 Three conducting rods of same material and cross-section are shown in figure. -
Temperatures of A D and C are maintained at 20°C, 90°C and 0°C. The
ratio oflengths of BD and BC if there is no heat flow in AB is:
(A) 2 / 7 (B)7/2 (C) 9 / 2 (D)2/9
Q. 54 Three rods made of the same material and having same cross-sectional area but
different lengths 10cm, 20 cm and 30 cm are joined as shown. The temperature 20cm

ofthejointis: 30cm 10cm

(A) 20°C (B) 23.7°C (C) 16.4°C (D) 18.2°C
30°C 10°C
Q. 5 5 Iftwo rods oflength L and 2L having coefficients of linear expansion a and 2a respectively are connected
so that total length becomes 3L, the average coefficient of linear expansion of the composition rod

(A) f a (B)fa <C)fa (D) none of these

Q. 56 One end of a conducting rod is maintained at temperature 50°C and at the other end, ice is melting at
0°C. The rate of melting of ice is doubled if:
(A) the temperature is made 200°C and the area of cross-section of the rod is doubled
(B) the temperature is made 100°C and length of rod is made four times
(C) area of cross-section of rod is halved and length is doubled
(D) the temperature is made 100°C and the area of cross-section of rod and length both are doubled.
Q.57 Twelve conducting rods form theridersof a uniform cube of side?. Ifin F
steady state, B and H ends ofthe rod are at 100°C and 0°C. Find the H
temperature of the junction A'. 100oC
(A) 80°C (B) 60°C (C) 40°C (D) 70°C

Q.58 Six identical conducting rods are joined as shown infigure.PointsAand

D are maintained at temperature of200°C and 20°C respectively. The
temperature of junction B will be: A B
(A) 120°C (B) 100°C (C) 140°C (D) 80°C

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Q.l A, D Q2 C Q3 D Q4 A Q5 A (i

Q.6 A Q7 D Q.8 B Q.9 B Q.10 B

Q.ll D Q.12 C Q.13 A Q.14 B Q.15 B
Q.16 C Q.17 A Q.18 B Q.19 A Q.20 B
Q.21 A Q.22 C Q.23 A Q.24 D Q.25 C \' j|
Q.26 C Q.27 C Q.28 C !
Q.29 B Q.30 B ~i 1
Q.31 B Q.32 C Q.33 D Q.34 B Q.35 B
Q.36 D Q.37 A Q.38 A Q.39 D Q.40 A ' j;
Q.41 D Q.42 B Q.43 C Q.44 B Q.45 D 11
Q.46 B Q.47 A Q.48 D Q.49 C Q.50 A

Q.51 B Q.52 A Q.53 B Q.54 C Q.55 C

Q.56 D Q.57 B Q.58 C


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