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Breaking Dawn - Edward’s P.O.

Chapter 1 – ENGAGED

“Just another two hours Edward then you will see her! Can you just relax! Please?” Alice
shrieked, she was getting annoyed with me and my drifting thoughts which were
somewhere completely different then where she wanted them to be. It was my final fitting
for my tux, and as she worked her quick little fingers pulling and tugging at the material I
couldn’t help but think of the perfect girl I was going to secure forever in just a few more
days. It was like waiting for heaven. Bella was my idea of heaven. Just Bella and I no other
interruptions from anybody.

“ Oh my! You look wonderful! My little guy! All grown up and marrying a lovely girl! Oh lord,
Im getting emotional! ” Esme chimed as she came to investigate what Alice’s sudden
outburst was about. I couldn’t help but pull my thoughts back from Bella I looked at my
mother for all purposes sake and the smile on her face was absolutely full of joy and pride. I
hoped then that when Bella saw me she would have the same look on her face. But I was
often wrong about what Bella though as she was immune to my special gift, though it used
to irritate me in the beginning since I found out that Bella liked it I couldn’t read her
thoughts I vowed to myself that anything that made her happy no matter how small I would
do for her.

After Alice had finished pulling and pushing me around I got dressed in clean clothes went in
the living room and settled in front of the TV until the time that Bella would be back. She
went to spend time with Charlie and get some gas for her “new “ car. Remembering our
compromises when she agreed to marry me she said I was allowed to replace her truck
when it gave up the ghost. This “conveniently” happened a few weeks after our agreement.
With a little help from me of course but Bella didn’t know that bit of information.

My mind drifted back to the day we told Charlie that we were engaged to be married. Then
then I realized I was smiling to myself. Bella was absolutely terrified but I convinced her he
would be fine with it. As we pulled up to her house her heart started beating double its
normal pace and it was thumping unevenly. It was making me feel uncomfortable listening
to it. “Bella please breathe and calm down!” she looked at me and concentrated on her
breathing and getting it back into a normal rhythm. I was pleased just after a few seconds it
was the rhythm that I cherished most in the world. I had grown so attuned to her heartbeat
that I swear I could hear it from hundreds of miles away. It was the one sound in the world
which settled me and told me everything was alright as long as that beating continued. I was
impressed on how fast she controlled herself that I couldn’t help but stroke my finger across
her cheek and it was the feeling of warmth that spread up my hand and arm. She shivered
under my touch and smiled at me with the beautiful chocolate brown eyes that melted my
heart when she looked at me. If I had a heart it would be just as fast as hers was a minute
ago. Just then I heard Charlie’s car about two miles down the road and suggested to Bella
we wait inside for him. Bella swallowed and answered in a husky voice “ yeah”, she
swallowed again and adjusted her voice “Good idea”. We walked into the house and went
into the living room I smiled at her and she smiled back as we sat next to each other on the
sofa. Feeling the heat off her body gave my left side of my body a tingling sensation which
made me happy every time she touched me or was close to me.

The car pulled up on the driveway and Bella took a deep breath to steady her heart speed
again. But I knew it was for courage more than anything. I looked at Bella she was playing
with her hands and I swear I saw her move her hand towards her pocket. I took hold of
them both “ Stop fidgeting, Bella. Please try to remember you’re not confessing to a murder
here.” She looked at me and half smiled but her faced has a trace of fear in it. “ Easy for you
to say. ” I then heard Charlie turn his keys in the door and the door open. His boots echoed
as he walked into the hallway. “Hey Charlie” I called completely relaxed. “ no! Wait till he
hangs up his gun!” she whispered absolutely frantic. I laughed at her reactions they were so
human and so adorable I swept my fingers through my hair and gave her a comforting smile.

Charlie came into the living room and looked at us both on the sofa together I couldn’t make
out the sentences in his head because he and Bella both were private headed but Charlie
wasn’t all private I caught glimpses and heard things every now and then. Like now I caught
‘ not surprised ’ and ‘she looks guilty’. He has been putting in more effort to talk to me
recently and I appreciated it a lot. He walked to his chair in front of the TV “ Hey kids,
what’s up?” I looked at Bella and smiled at Charlie, “ we would like to talk to you, we have
some good news.” He changed his expression from friendly to suspicious in a split second.
“good news?” he growled looking straight at me not once at Bella. “have a seat dad” Bella
added trying to find the right words to say. Charlie settled on the edge of his chair and did
not relax. “don’t get worked up dad everything’s ok” Charlie snorted and said “sure it is if
everything’s ok then why are you sweating bullets?” I looked towards Bella she blushed a
light red and replied straight away “ Im not sweating.”

Then without warning his face exploded and his voice shouted staring straight at me
“ YOU’RE PREGNANT! YOU’RE PREGNANT ARN’T YOU? ” It took me by surprise and I looked
at Bella she was horrified “no dad! No dad of course I’m not!”

No sooner had Bella said this Charlie’s face calmed down and then said apologetically “ oh,
sorry “ Bella took a deep breath and replied “ apology accepted.”
Bella glanced up at me and she looked like she had forgotten anything she was going to say
so I smiled at her quickly and squared my shoulders and looked at Charlie. Here it goes it
thought to myself. “ Charlie, I realize I’ve gone about this out of order. Traditionally I should
have asked you first. I mean you no disrespect, but since Bella has already said yes I don’t
want to diminish her choice in the matter, instead of asking for her hand, I’m asking for your
blessing. We’re getting married Charlie. I love her more than anything in the world, more
than my own life, and – by some miracle – she loves me that way too. Will you give us your

I gave Charlie a few moments to collect his thoughts which were now on the ring. His eyes
were staring at the ring on my beautiful Bella’s finger. His face changed colours from red to
blue then changed back to his original pink, I squeezed Bella’s hand she looked like she
needed to slap him on the back like he was choking “ give him a minuet” I whispered so she
heard me then I felt her relax beside me. “guess I’m not surprised” he suddenly grumbled, “
and you’re sure about this?” he added looking at Bella’s face for the first time since hearing
the news. Bella took a deep breath “I’m one hundred percent sure about Edward” her heart
didn’t even miss a beat as she said it which made me smile with exhilaration thinking this
girl is actually going to be mine. That made my insides dance with joy.

His face then suddenly went blank and calm Bella looked scared like he was having a heart
attack then he roared “ Ha!! Hahaha!” Bella’s heart nearly stopped altogether it frightened
her that much it spluttered about for a minute. “ ok fine get married but.. you have to tell
your mother! That’s your job!” he laughed as he relaxed into the chair.

Chapter 2 – LONG NIGHT

As I laid next to the one reason for my existence I let my mind wonder about the day ahead
of us and our future that begins officially tomorrow, as man and wife I grinned into the
darkness absolutely overjoyed that the object of my affections was finally going to be
officially Mrs Edward Cullen. That made my life even more wonderful. Knowing in just 14
hours she would be mine forever and I hers. As I hummed her lullaby to her she turned to
kiss me and I couldn’t resist the feeling of her lips on mine felt like velvet and silk and her
tongue was so soft. I couldn’t get enough of her but I had to cut short our kissing which if it
was up to me I would spend all my time kissing Bella, I had to cut our kissing short because
something inside of me forgot my surroundings and if I held her too tightly or hurt her I
would never forgive myself. Just as she calmed down from our frantic kiss she melted back
into my chest I buried my face in her hair and took a deep breath and let her scent assault
me and I longed for the burn in the back of my throat it told me she was real and not my
imagination. Just then I heard I noise outside. “ if you don’t send him out and we’re coming
in after him!” it was Emmett and Jasper apparently not going to let me bail out of the
evenings ‘activities’. Bella giggled and pushed me out of bed “go! Before they break my
house!” I put my shirt on and lent down to kiss her head “get some sleep you have a big day
tomorrow” she looked at me and said “yeah thanks that’s definitely going to help me wind
down” I laughed at the look on her face “ I’ll meet you at the altar ”I said with a smile, “ I’ll
be the one in white” she laughed at how completely calm she was talking about our day
tomorrow. “ very convincing” I said with a laugh. I dived out of the window straight into
Emmett who cursed very loudly Jasper and I chuckled. Jasper then jumped up to her window
and I got a little worried what he was doing then he turned to me ‘trust me Edward Im fine
but Bella might need a little persuasion do you agree?’ I chuckled to myself, yes Bella would
need persuasion to calm down. I nodded my head to Jasper. I heard her then ask Jasper “
err Jasper, what do vampires do for bachelor parties? You’re not taking him to a strip club
are you?” I laughed quietly to myself my Bella who was worried I was going to a strip club. I
sighed was she ever going to see herself as I saw her? If she did she would know no-one
held so much as an inch to her beauty and the hold she has on me. Emmett growled to
Jasper “ don’t tell her anything!” I punched him on arm pretty hard he cussed again a bit
more of an impolite word this time I couldn’t help but let a giggle out of my mouth. Jasper
then jumped down and we were away, with one more look at the love of my life’s window
and smiled to myself this is the last night we are going to be separated tomorrow is the start
of our life together and I never have to pretend to leave her again. She will be mine. My
wife. My everything.

“speed it up slowcoaches!” I called to Emmett and Jasper I was much faster than the other
two so it seemed normal pace was too slow for me. ‘just because we aren’t as fast as bullets
like some people! Doesn’t mean we’re slow!’ Emmett grumbled in his head. Jasper just
laughed. I had to admit it even though I was missing Bella like I hadn’t seen her for weeks I
was really enjoying our lad’s night out. Carlisle was still at work until 12 but he promised he
would join in the fun as soon as he was finished. We were all looking forward to a good
nights hunting. We didn’t want to hunt until Carlisle turned up so we had an hour to kill it
was stupid so we playing hide-and-seek which was very childish but Emmett got a little
carried away and nearly ran to Canada only when Alice called me to say she saw Emmett
covered in snow that she thought to let us know I informed Jasper and we left Emmett to
figure out himself we weren’t hunting him.

He came back just as Carlisle turned up grumbling to himself ‘what’s the point in playing if
no-one plays as well? Trust his little girlfriend to spoil our fun bet he asked her to cheat
sneaky son of a-‘ “Emmett behave!” I interrupted his train of thoughts, Carlisle and Jasper
looked at me with confusion on their faces I just laughed and shook my head. We hunted all
night for big game we watched Emmett take on two very irritable grizzlies which we just
laughed at because one swiped a few times at his trousers and they fell down to his ankles
in pieces he cussed very loud and rudely pleased my Bella didn’t hear that sentence. The sun
was starting to make an appearance so we headed back and all Emmett could do was run
back home half naked. That gave us all a very good laugh even Emmett stopped being angry
and said it was actually pretty funny. The sun was up and we were nearly home then
Carlisle suggested we stay away for a few more hours maybe hunt in the woods just outside
Seattle because as he said and Jasper backed him up on this Alice would be running around
like a typhoon getting things ready and they didn’t want to be involved or help out until the
very last minute and obviously all the humans that were going to be around today we might
as well be as comfortable as we could. We hunted until 10 o’clock that morning and I
couldn’t stay away any longer knowing my Bella was in my house. Yes, granted I wouldn’t be
able to see her I had to be in the house closing any distance I could being close to her was
going to have to be enough.

Chapter 3 – BIG DAY

As I walked into the forest surrounding the house I looked towards my old bedroom which
Alice claimed from me when she moved in I looked towards the bathroom window not
wanting to see anyone or impose on their privacy but just to know behind that lump of brick
and malter my one true love was getting ready and preparing herself to become my wife. I
smiled and couldn’t contain my joy and I almost broke the door off it’s hinges when I went
through the backdoor.

Esme and Rosalie where hanging flowers and placing arrangements around the chairs in the
great hallway. ‘what on earth did you do to Emmett! You are such idiots what were you
playing at? I can’t believe you let him walk home naked! Pathetic losers’ I just smiled at her
and commented “good morning Rosalie in a great mood I see?” she gave me a look that
could kill that is of course if I could have been killed. I then turned to Esme “good morning
mom look lovely as ever!” nothing was going to bring me down today not even a silly blonde
self-centred vampire. ‘well, well! someone is in a fantastic mood today aren’t we? I can’t
believe it! Today you’re going to have a wife! Become someone’s husband! Oohh I’m so
excited, so proud!’ “ thanks mom” I said with gratitude and gave her a kiss on the cheek “ for
everything you and dad have done for me for never giving up hope I love you both very
much.” Emses face beamed “anytime my darling you truly deserve happiness and everything
will turn out perfect I have no doubt.”

 It was getting close to time and if my heart could beat it would be jumping out of my chest.
I was so nervous in case Bella thought she was doing something stupid or maybe she was
too young to do this. The thoughts were making me think everything was going to fall apart,
but then Jasper came round the corner and complimented the way I looked in my tux he
also said I seemed very uptight and even a little sad for someone who was getting
everything they wanted and dreamed all in one day. I couldn’t help but let out the voices
going round in my head “ what if she’s changed her mind jasp? Decided she’s too young?
Making a mistake? Or doesn’t want to be married and decides immortality is not so
important.” “whoa calm down! Edward, Bella is 100% set on marrying you today and she is
not changing her mind or even has an ounce of doubt! I should know I’ve just been outside
the door checking the atmosphere she’s so happy its making me a big pile of love today!”
with that he gave me a big hug and spun me around in a circle. “well thanks jasp you made
me feel 100% better thank you.” Jasper grinned at me and said “time to get that ball and
chain put on!” I growled at him very low. He just laughed at me and put his arm on my

Carlisle and Esme were showing the guests to their seats and meeting and greeting
everyone. Rosalie came down the stairs and I had to admit she looked pretty but that was it.
Pretty, nothing more. She settled herself down at the piano and played gently to everyone
in the background. Just then Renee came trotting down the stairs I was getting ready when
they arrived she bounded towards me with Phil in tow beaming at me, “oh don’t you look
dashing! I’m so happy this day has come! Yes agreed I thought it was to young but I don’t
think that now you are perfect for each other and I’m proud to have such a handsome son in
law!” “Congratulations Edward, I’m please you will be joining our little family” Phil had said
after Renee’s little speech. “thank you to you both I’m so happy you both are here and I’m
pleased your both part of my family now” Renee looked like she had been crying all
morning. She sniffed into a hanky and they both took their seats. Carlisle smiled at me and
asked if I was ready. I replied “I’m more than ready I’ve been waiting 100 years for miss
swan question is, is she ready?” Carlisle just smiled and said “oh I know she is” and smirked.
We both laughed together.

Rosalie cleared her throat and started to play pachabel’s canon everyone turned their head
to look at the stairs. I watched Alice descend down the stairs she look beautiful in a long
silver dress which went all the way down to the floor she had a bunch of flowers in both her
hands. She moved like water no stopping just graceful. She had her hair down and curled at
the ends. She looked so happy as well, the smile on her face made me feel giddy just
thinking about the next person down the stairs. But before that person came down I heard
what Jasper thought of Alice he was stunned. It made me laugh and he caught my eye. I
winked and he smiled at me.

I caught her scent the second the bottom of her dress came into view. She was holding onto
her father’s arm and to me it looked like support, of course Bella would be terrified of falling
in front of everyone. Then I saw her face for the first time today. Words could not describe
her she was absolutely stunning. That all I could think of was, wow. She looked like a
princess a beautiful dress and her hair was braided with a tiara and veil on top but it was her
actual face, it was flawless ivory with beautiful big black lashes framing those deep stunning
chocolate brown eyes and her lips were red like roses. But the cheeks caught my attention
most of all. She flushed bright pink when she was me and that made her perfect. I could not
believe it a few more steps and she would be mine. I broke out into a smile of pure ecstasy.
She smiled right back at me blushing further and it made my head go all giddy.

Just then a little voice was in my head I turned to look at the person who’s voice it was
‘stunning isn’t she?’ Alice was grinning to me. I couldn’t answer her just nodded. ‘Glad I
talked her into it now? You would have missed this and wouldn’t have seen this image and
now you get to keep it forever. Just like her...soon anyway’ I mouthed to her ‘thank you’ that
kept her sweet and she thought ‘you’re welcome.’

Bella was nearly to me and Carlisle now Charlie turned to her and took her hand and placed
it into mine and it truly felt like Bella was home. The minister said his piece and then it was
time to said our vows as Bella got to ‘ I do’ she was crying I looked concerned for a moment
until a tear rolled down her cheek and she just looked at me and the sight of her smile
knocked me for six. She truly dazzled me. The thought she was unhappy disappeared within
a split second. I smiled back at her with every ounce of joy in my body. Then it was my turn I
said clearly and loudly ‘I do’ promising to everyone here that she was my love for eternity.
Nothing would stop us now we were together. Then it was declared that we were husband
and wife and I could now kiss the bride. I lifted Bella up in my arms and kissed her with
every fibre of my being. She truly was mine. Forever. Mrs Bella Cullen. Even thinking those
words made me want to shout with joy.

I didn’t even realise how long we had been kissing tangled up in each other’s arms until
some of the guests laughed and cleared their throats. That was enough for me to remember
all the people around us. I pulled back from Bella and put her on her feet. She blushed when
she realised everyone was looking at us. I just kissed her head as the guests hugged and
shook hands with us giving us their congratulations. Alice then spoke to me “It’s time to get
this party started!” and Bella blushed again I whispered in her ear “Ready Mrs Cullen?” she
looked at me with her face full of joy and giggled as I lead her to the garden for the

Chapter 4 - GESTURE

I had to give it to Alice she throws a very good party. In fact that doesn’t do it justice it was
an excellent party. She timed everything perfectly it was just settling as twilight over the
forest and river the ceremony had run just the right time so it was safe for us to be out in
public. As I led Bella towards the crowds of guests waiting to congratulate us Bella was still
stunned by the decorations of hanging garlands of flowers and little sparkling lights with
white satin bows.
One of the first set of people to find us was Seth Clearwater with his mother Sue and Billy
Black who’s son happens to be in love with my wife. But I let that one go for now. “congrats
guys” as he leaned in towards Bella and gave her a hug, then he turned to me and gave me a
acceptable one-armed-man-hug. ‘how can he do that! Unacceptable behaviour Seth!’ Sue
didn’t think too kindly to Seth’s body language. But Sue just shook off the thoughts and
shuddered delicately. I replied to Seth” thank you Seth, that means a lot to me.” I then
turned to Billy and Sue and said full of gratitude “ thank you as well for letting Seth come.
For supporting Bella today.” Billy answered in his deep gravelly voice “you’re welcome.”

A line was forming behind Seth, Sue and Billy so they said congratulations once again and
Seth winked at me and said in his head ‘catch ya in a bit dude I’m starving!’ I smiled at Seth
we truly had become friends after uniting against a murderous vampire a few months ago.
They headed towards the food which didn’t surprise me after Seth’s thoughts were all about
food. Bella’s friends Angela and Ben found us next and said their congratulations and
commented on how smart I looked and how gorgeous Bella looked and I had to agree she
was stunning. They left after a few minutes to mingle with other guests next I saw four
familiar faces, my adopted family from Denali. They stopped as they reached us, Tanya
reached out and hugged me ‘clean up good boy don’t you? But then I always have liked...’ I
stepped out of her hug holding her shoulders pretending to look at her full length. “it’s been
too long Tanya. You look well.” She smiled at my compliment “so do you Edward” I was then
aware of Bella beside me, was she holding her breath? Oh of course did she think they
would be thirsty? Her mind works over time all the time my observant over-reacting wife.
“let me introduce you to my wife” I said the words loud and clear nearly bursting with

I turned to Bella and smiled as I said “Tanya this is my Bella.” Tanya smiled at Bella and
then I heard her thoughts that she was trying to hide from me ‘pretty girl but I don’t think
she’s any match for me.’ “ welcome to the family Bella, we consider ourselves Carlisle’s
extended family and I am sorry about the err, incident when we did not behave as we were
family. We should have met you sooner. Can you forgive us?” she really did seem authentic
at saying sorry. I turned to Bella to see how she would take the apology she smiled
breathlessly and just replied “of course. It’s so nice to finally meet you.”

Tanya then spoke to another member of the Denali clan “The Cullen’s are all evened up in
numbers now. Perhaps it will be our turn next, eh, Kate?” The member of her clan rolled her
eyes and I heard her think ‘here she goes again! Can’t she just accept we’re fine on our
own!’ then she took a deep breath and replied “keep the dream alive.” She then stepped
forward and took my Bella’s hand from Tanya’s and gave it a gentle squeeze and smiled
“welcome, Bella.”

Carmen who usually was quite an outspoken person had been very quiet until she moved
towards Bella and Kate she put her hand on top of Kate's “I’m Carmen, this is Eleazar. We’re
all so very pleased to finally meet you.”
Bella took a deep breath I assumed it was for courage it must be over-whelming to meet all
these new faces let alone the fact they were vampires! “m-me too” Bella spluttered, her
heart was going twice its normal speed. Tanya looked at the queue then thought to herself
‘oh looks like we’re not the only ones who want to stand and have a chat’ “we’ll get to know
each other later. We’ll have eons of time for that!” she laughed as the rest of the clan smiled
and said their goodbyes. Her family moved onto the dance floor and gracefully danced to
the music.

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