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Republic of the Philippines Department of the Interior and Local Government NATIONAL POLICE COMMISSION NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE OFFICE OF THE CHIEF, PNP Camp Crame, Quezon City SUBJECT : Loi 03/14 (MANHUNT CHARLIE) To zi See Distribution DATE: NOV 22 200 4. REFERENCES: a. PNP Anti-Criminality/Action Plan; b. PNP LOI MANHUNT BRAVO dated February 24,1995; ¢. 10-Point Action Plan (Nr. 6) Accounting of Wanted Persons and Service of Warrants; d. Memo directive dated September 20, 2011 with subject: Sustained and Intensified Campaign Against Wanted Persons; and e. Memo from DOJ with subject’ Most Wanted Persons List dated September 5, 2011 2. PURPOSE This Letter of instructions (LO!) sets forth the mission, objectives, concept of operations and tasks of all concerned units in the campaign against wanted persons. 3. SITUATION: ‘The best deterrent against crime is the certainty of arrest and conviction of criminals”. Thus, it is not enough that cases are filed against criminal suspects. Accounting of wanted persons plays a very vital role in the performance of our core functions. {f wanted persons are duly accounted, the number of criminals who roam the streets ready to pounce on unwitting and defenseless members of the community is reasonably reduced, thus contributing greatly in the development of peaceful communities. On the other hand, once wanted persons are arrested, the courts eventually acquire jurisdiction over them paving the way for the trial to proceed, thus fast-tracking the processes in the Criminal Justice System While the PNP has provided operational focus on this matter in the past, it appears that the campaign suffers from sustainability on account of various factors which impact on its implementation. For one, no reliable system has been developed or maintained that would aid operating units in determining the actual number of wanted persons in their AOR based on warrants of arrest not served. Secondly, the system of accountability and monitoring of performance of tasked units were not stated in clear and understandable terms in previous campaigns. As such, the emphasis given by unit police chiefs on the matter tends to wane over time and the campaign suffers from the business as usual” syndrome where little difference is ascribed whether wanted persons are arrested or not. LOI Manhunt Charlie Page 1 of 14 Additionally, the old campaign plan contained terms with operational definition which are not consistent with how they are legally defined. As a matter of fact, records from the PROs show that for the period of January 1, 2001 to August 31, 2011, a total of 416,948 were served out of a total of 506,860 warrants of arrest received. It did not, however, state with certainty the number of respondents arrested for the crime committed considering the haphazard use of the word “served”. Likewise, the report also states that there are 33,340 “partially served’, 54,313 “unserved’ and 26,805 recalled warrants of arrest, which when analyzed do not convey clarity and understanding. It is in this context that this renewed campaign in the accounting of wanted person is grounded 4, DEFINITION OF TERMS For the purpose of this LOI, the following words are operationally defined: a. Accounting of wanted persons — an organized activity involving the acquisition of the list of wanted persons based on the warrants of arrest received from the issuing courts, neutralization of respondents who are either restrained or arrested and made to face the law, killed in action or had posted bail, and warrant of arrest returned to the issuing court b. Lead Unit — a police unit that has the primary responsibility of accounting a targeted wanted person according to crimes by category c. Most Wanted Persons (MWP) — are the most notorious among the wanted persons, whose arrest is prioritized and most sought as this will provide relief and comfort to the community. d. Served Warrant of Arrest — a warrant of arrest that is presented personally to the respondent who is subsequently arrested and/or restrained and the warrant order returned to the issuing court. A warrant containing more than one (1) respondent is considered served if at least one (1) of them is arrested e. Tracker Team (TT) — a police team tasked to account all wanted persons in their area of jurisdiction {, Wanted Persons (WP)- are persons against whom warrant of arrest has been issued by competent authority g. Warrant of Arrest (WA)- a written document issued by a court ordering any law enforcer to bring the person before the court that he may be bound to answer for the commission of the offense. h. Warrant of Arrest Not Served (unserved) — a warrant of arrest which could not be served personally to the respondents by reason of their absence and/or intentional evasion of the law although the warrant of arrest order is returned to the issuing court i. Wanted Persons Information System (WPIS) — an electronic database containing a comprehensive list of wanted persons to be updated and evaluated periodically by members of the National Committee on Task Force Manhunt Charlie, easily accessed by all police units nationwide and shall serve as the basis of all task force manhunt tracker teams j. Committee on Wanted Persons — a body that shall monitor and supervise the strict implementation of this LO! and periodically evaluate the performance of its tasked units. LOI Manhunt Charlie Page 2 of 14 5. MISSION: ‘The PNP, concurrent with the performance of its statutory functions, conducts a re-intensified campaign to consolidate a comprehensive list of warrants of arrest and arrestineutralize/account wanted persons accused in various crimes. 6. OBJECTIVES: a. To maintain and update the list of Wanted Persons from the Regional, District or Provincial, City and Municipal Office levels; b. To come up with a list of the TEN MOST WANTED PERSONS in the National, Regional, District or Provincial, City and Municipal Police Office levels To account wanted persons in the city and district or provincial levels; To measure the performance of all police units; e. To establish an e-database on wanted persons that could be easily accessed by all police units nationwide; {. To fast track the processes in the Criminal Justice System to serve the ends of justice: g. To determine areas with high fugitive activity, h. To unite and support the efforts of all law enforcement units, agencies and the community in the relentless drive against wanted persons; and i. To enhance coordination with local and foreign counterparts. ae 7. EXECUTION: a. Concept of Operations: ‘The procedures to be followed by all tasked units in the implementation of this LOI shall revolve around three (3) operational concepts, as follows: Development and Maintenance of Data Base of Wanted Persons, Organization of appropriate units which will manage and implement the tasks mandated under this LOI; and the Monitoring and Evaluation of the performance of all tasked units. 1) Development and Maintenance of Data Base of Wanted Person. At Municipal and City Police levels, there shall be developed and maintained a list of Wanted Persons. On the other hand, the City and Provincial or District Police Office shall be responsible for the maintenance of a database of all wanted persons based on the warrants of arrest issued by all courts in their respective jurisdiction following the format prescribed in this LOI. List of Most Wanted Persons (MWP) in the National, Regional, Provincial/District, City and Municipal levels shall be generated from this listidatabase of wanted persons based on the gravity of the offense committed and the level of notoriety of the perpetrators. Names of Most Wanted Persons in the region, distric/province and city shall appear in only one MWP list and must not be arbitrarily changed even if the wanted person cannot be arrested. Inclusion of a suspect's name in the MWP list should only be done if the suspect is evaluated based on the parameters for MWP. Additionally, HPG shall maintain MWP list of carnappers and hijackers while PACER shall do the same for KFR personalities. On the other hand, the CIDG shall generate and maintain MWP list on bank robbery, transnational crimes, trafficking in persons and large scale illegal recruitment. Further, AIDSOTF shall maintain MVP list on the illegal drug trade and IG to generate MWP list involved in Terrorism and ISO ~ related crimes. Likewise, the HPG, PACER, CIDG, AIDSOTF and IG shall maintain a LO! Manhunt Charlie Page 3 of 14

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