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1. Background
This is the report for slope stability for Land Development of Bukit Indah,
Cikampek, Wesrt Java. The report contains the analysis for grading process for
overpass. Currently, for development of Phase-3 at Kota Bukit Indah, PT Indotaisei
Indah Development (IID) with PT Besland Pertiwi as the owner of Kota Bukit Indah
is planning to build Overpass Bridge Crossing Cipularang Toll Road. The exact
location of this Overpass Bridge Crossing is at KM. 70+800 Cipularang Toll Road.

Figure 1 Crossing of Over pass bridge

Figure 2 Crossing of road (embankment and excavation)

2. Causes of landslide and soil Movement

The causes of ground movements and landslide consist of a series of events that can
come from nature or by humans. In many cases, these causes are often unavoidable.
The most common causes are elements of geology, topography, and climate. Rarely is
the cause of this movement singular, but generally a combination of several factors.
The causes of land movement and landslide must be understood before a preventive
action or remedial action is taken. All landslides occur by shear stress, therefore a
review that can be done is a factor that causes an increase in shear stress and a factor
that causes a decrease in shear / shear strength.

A. Factors that cause an increase in shear stress

1) Loss of carrying capacity (lateral and vertical)
 Erosion by rivers
 Weathering process
 Surface excavation by humans
 Mining

2) Surface Loads and Other Expenses
 Implementation of stockpiling
 Loads of buildings and other civil constructions
 Vegetation
 Accumulation of talus
 Rainwater seeps into the ground or cracks
 Seepage pressure

B. Factors that cause a decrease in shear strength

 Increased water content
 Softening of clay fissured
 Physical disintegration of rocks (for example in clayshale)

3. Type of Mass movement and Landslide

Understanding landslide with mass movement has similarities. To provide a definition
of landslide need an explanation of both. Soil soil is the transfer of mass of soil / rock
in the upright, horizontal or tilted direction from its original position. Soil movements
include creep and flow and landslide. According to this definition landslides are part
of the land movement (Purbohadiwidjojo, in Pangular, 1985). If according to this
definition the displacement of soil / rock mass in the upright direction includes ground
motion, then vertical movements resulting in bulking due to the collapse of the
foundation can also be included in the type of soil movement. Movement of land and
landslide can be classified according to the mechanism and speed of movement.
Based on the type of movement, the slope can be divided as follows:

Movement of rock / soil mass that falls through the air. Generally this falling mass is
released from a steep slope and is not held by a shift with the adjacent material. In this
type of rock collapse generally occurs quickly and there is a possibility that it is not
preceded by initial movements. Collapse can occur instantly during an earthquake.

B. Topples
This movement is in the form of rotation out of a unit of mass that rotates against a
point due to gravitational forces or other forces such as the presence of water in
fractures. A detailed explanation is given by De Freitas and Watters (1973).

C. Earth Flow / Debris Flow

This type of land movement cannot be included in the above category because it is a
different phenomenon. In general, this type of movement occurs in very sensitive soil
conditions or as a result of earthquake forces. Slip fields occur because of sudden
disturbances and ground movements that occur generally are fast but can also be slow
for example creeping / creeps.

D. Slides
In actual landslide, this movement consists of sliding stretches and transitions along a
plane or several slip fields that can be visually visible. This movement can be
progressive, which means that shear failure does not occur immediately in all the skid
fields but propagates from a point. The mass movement slips over the original rock /

soil layer and separates from its original position. The nature of the movement is
usually slow to very slow. Landslide can be in the form of rotation or in the form of

Figure 3 Type of Landslide

4. Factor of Safety
Considering the slopes are formed by very diverse materials and there are many
uncertainty factors, then simplification is done by designing various countermeasures.
Theoretically the mass movement can be stopped by increasing its safety factor.
Things to consider in determining the criteria for safety factors are the risks faced,
load conditions and pa

rameters used in conducting slope stability analysis. The risks faced are divided into
three, namely: high, medium and low. In the analysis must be considered the
condition of the load concerning the test results taking into account its accuracy.

Table 1 Minimum Safety Factors for Slope Stability (source: SKBI -

5. Design Criteria
Slope stability analysis can be reviewed into 3 conditions, namely
A. Short-term Conditions (short term)
In the short term conditions the soil parameters used are in the condition of total stress
analysis. This parameter is obtained from the correlation of soil data from field and
laboratory tests.

B. Long-term conditions (long term)

In long conditions the soil parameters used are effective stress analysis conditions.
This parameter is obtained from the correlation of soil data from field and laboratory

C. Earthquake Conditions
In earthquake conditions the soil parameters used are in short-term conditions coupled
with the PGA earthquake coefficient (Peak Ground Acceleration) based on the
earthquake zoning map in 2011.
( with city input or
location coordinates in Indonesia's spectra design application. For the Cikampek area
of West Java, the PGA obtained is 0.349 g. For these earthquake conditions the
minimum safety factor is 1.1.

Figure 4 Earthquake zonation Map

6. Soil Investigation and Slope Stability Analysis

This report The soil profile for analysis of those areas are based on interpreted NSPT
(Borehole E-6) data that can be seen in Figure 1.

Figure 5 Bore log Location

NSPT vs Depth
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

Design E-6

Figure 6 Soil Profile for Analysis fill and cut

The interpretation of E-6 is done to obtain a comprehensive and moderately

conservative soil profile and undrained shear strength of determined zones. The used
design parameters of the analysis can be seen in Table 1.

Table 1 Design Parameters

6.1 Geometry of The Model
The details of the geometry of the embankment and excavation can seen figure
below. For embankment slope that used is 1V:3H with height of embankment per
slope is 3m and using 3 meter width of bench. For excavation, slope that used is
1V:2H with height of excavation 3 meter using 3 meter bench.
1. Model for embankment analysis using sample on STA 0+925 that has 12
meter height.

10 kPa

1V vs 3H

Figure 7 Embankment model

2. Model for excavation analysis using sample on STA 0+200 that has 12
meter height.

1V vs 2H
10 kPa

Figure 8 Excavation Model

6.2 Embankment Analysis
a. Short term condition

Figure 9 Safety Factor short term analysis is 2.915

b. Long term condition

Figure 10 Safety Factor long term analysis is 1.960

c. Earthquake condition

Figure 11 Safety Factor earhquake analysis is 1.535

6.3 Excavation analysis
a. Short term condition

Figure 12 Safety Factor short term analysis is 3.249

b. Long term condition

Figure 13 Safety Factor long term analysis is 1.801

c. Earthquake condition

Figure 14 Safety Factor earthquake analysis is 2.108

7. Conclusion
From analysis, conclusion for slope stability analysis can seen table below

Factor of
Analysis of slope Factor of safety
Condition Safety Notes
stability Analysis
Short term 1.5 2.915 Adequate
Embankment Long term 1.5 1.96 Adequate
Earthquake 1.1 1.535 Adequate
Short term 1.5 3.249 Adequate
Excavation Long term 1.5 1.801 Adequate
Earthquake 1.1 2.108 Adequate


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