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SO GIAO DYC VADAOTAO —_— KY THI CHON DOI TUYEN HQC SINH GIOI TINH DONG THAP DU THI CAP Quoc. GIA NAM 2018 : THI CHINH THU Mon thi: Tiéng Anh DB THI CHiNH THUC 5 zy i: 017 (Bé thi c6 12 trang) Ngay thi: 14/7/21 Thoi gian lam bai: 180 phuit, khong ké thoi gian phat dé I, LISTENING. 5,0 points (0,2 for each) Part 1: You will hear a radio interview with a research scientist. For each question 1-7, decide which of the statements are True and which are False. Write T for True or F for False in the boxes provided on the answer sheet. You will listen twice. ‘The “smart pill” is a new drug. It's easy for some people to take the wrong medicine. People don’t mind about making mistakes, Most people are impressed with the new system for reading labels. People can hear personal information with the new system. The labels are designed to speak aloud. Most people are afraid of the new technology. Soe ee Part 2: You will hear four different women talking on the subject of happiness. For questions 8-11, choose from the list A-F what each speaker says. Use the letters only once. There are two extra letters which you do not need to use. Write your answer in the boxes provided on the answer sheet. ‘You will listen twice. ‘A. She talks about her good news. ] Speaker 1 8. B. She starts each day with a decision. | Speaker2| | 9. C. She laughs at every opportunity. Speaker 3 | | 10. D. She praises the people she likes. Speaker 4| [11. E. She finds time for extra leisure activities. F. She concentrates on a few activities. Part 3. You will hear a talk between two conservationists, Bob and Carrie, about plans for the future of ancient monuments. Listen carefully and answer questions 12 to 17. Write your answer in the boxes provided on the answer sheet. You wil listen twice. 12, What does Bob say about building visitor centres near ancient monuments like Stonehenge? A. Facilities like these are essential for encouraging tourism. B. It’s difficult to find architects willing to take on projects like these. C. Finding the right design for centres like these is problematic. D. The cost of building projects like these is incredibly high. 13. What suggestion does Carrie make regarding Stonehenge? A. Existing visitor facilities should be updated. B. The standing stones should be removed from the site. C. There should be a maximum number of visitors allowed. D. The site should go back to how it looked in the past. 14. Bob feels that Carrie’s plan for Stonehenge i . A. would not be environmentally friendly B. would result in a huge loss of income C. might be popular with the authorities D. might lead to an increase in tourism Trang 1/12 15. What comment does Carrie make about the visitor centre at Petra? A. It has been designed to blend in with the landscape. B. The building destroys the atmosphere of the place. C. It has been welcomed by many local people. D. It restricts the entrance of large groups of tourists. 16. In Bob’s opinion, the Petra building project A. proved to be too ambitious B. went over budget C. is educational D. makes Petra even more beautiful 17. According to Carrie, many people believe that places like Stonehenge and Petra should 5 A. be visited by as many people as possible B. provide a relaxing experience for tourists C. receive more publicity in the future D. be allowed to keep their air of mystery Part 4. You will hear part of a talk about motivation. Listen carefully to the talk and answer questions 18 to 25. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer. Write your answer in the boxes provided on the answer sheet. You will listen twice. Motivation Pyramid — Hierarchy of Needs Tier 5 encouragement to work on individual (5) (24), ‘development of skills and talents receipt of reward such as free mobile phones and (23.) 2) recognition of hard work Tier 3 Social needs involvement in decision making and discussion of QL) ‘opportunities for social interaction and (20.) Tier 2 ‘200d job terms such as employment contract and a(19.) in old age security needs Tier 1 Basic physical needs ‘g00d working conditions such as access to staff canteen and lockers ‘money for food and (18.) Trang 2/12 Il, LEXICO-GRAMMAR. 2,0 points (0,1 for each) Part 1. For questions 26-35, choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) to each of the following questions. Write your answer in the corresponding numbered boxes on the answer sheet, 26. The thick fog out any possibility of our plane taking off before moming. Avnuled B. struck C. stamped D. crossed 27. Ellen decided that election to the local council would provide a to a career in national polities. A. springboard B. turing point C. milestone D. highway 28. I don't know what our guests will be wanting to do this weekend. We'll have to A. play it by ear B. bend our ears about it C. be our on our ear D. tum a deaf ear to it 29. Although she had been told quite to pull herself together, she simply couldn’t stop crying. A. rigidly B. unsympathetically _C. unrelentingly D. stemly 30. when they learned that the chairman would not be able to join the meeting. A. When they realized why they were all there in that early time of the day B. Hardly had the committee learned the reason of the meeting C. However professional they tried to be seen D, It wasn’t until they got a phone call about an urgent meeting the next day 31. Filing may be a procedure, but it is essential for the smooth running of the office. A. strenuous B. tedious C. weary D. stufty 32, The board proposes that the majority of this year’s profits in new product development. Ais invested B. to be invested C. will be invested D. be invested 33. Mary: Did you enjoy the movie? Tom: No. I would rather. home. A. stayed B. to stay C. to have stayed D. have stayed 34, Now I associate public transport with one of the worst experiences of my life and the of itis that I will never catch a bus again. AA. thick and thin B. hard and fast . long and short D. ups and downs 35. As they travelled across the landscape, each one of them wondered how it was possible to grow anything there, A. barren B. bustling C. grimy D. mundane Part 2: For questions 36-45, write the correct form of each bracketed word. Write your answer in the corresponding numbered boxes on the answer sheet. ‘The advances made by humans have made us the (36. DOMINANCE) species on our planet. However, several eminent scientists are concemed that we have become too successful, that our way of life is putting an (37. PRECEDE) strain on the Earth's ecosystems and threatening our future as a species. We are confronting environmental problems that are more taxing than ever before, some of them seemingly insoluble, Many of the Earth's crises are persistent and (38. INEXORABLE) linked. Pollution is an obvious example of this affecting our air, water and soil The air is polluted by (39. EMIT) produced by cars and industry. Through acid rain and greenhouse gases these same exhaust fumes can have a devastating impact on our climate. Climate change is arguably the greatest (40. ENVIRONMENT) challenge facing our planet with increased storms, floods, droughts and species losses predicted. This will inevitably have a * negative impact on (41. DIVERSIFY) and thus our ecosystem. Trang 3/12

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