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Coping up with STRESS

Have you ever felt something strange about your emotions these past few days? Did you
suddenly feel mood swings? Well, this is ain’t your normal thing anymore. It’s called STRESS.

Stress is your body's response to uncomfortable situations. A healthy amount of stress is

common in the workplace and actually makes you more productive. However, stress can
skyrocket if not managed early and effectively, causing the following by-products.

a) Anxiety: ​Physical discomfort and apprehension for vague 'imagined' danger

b) Fear:​ Emotional 'flight' response to your brain's definition of 'real' danger

c) Worry: Repetitive, exhausting thoughts about worst-case scenarios of past consequences

and future implications

What does the brain do when we are stress? Now let’s break it down.

When the brain perceives a danger or a stressful situation,it activates fight or flight response
system by releasing some specific hormones. Which prepares the body to release excessive
energy to either fight or flight from the situation.

The fight or flight system was designed by the nature to protect us from actual dangerous or
life-threatening situations. However, some people have very sensitive warning systems which
triggers fight and flight activation in the very small stressful and non-life threatening events
such as having an argument with a boss or spouse, missing the deadline of an office report,
arriving late to the office, or other small household financial emergencies. This hypersensitivity
increases the frequency of the activation of fight or flight mode by implementing the rapid
discharge of stress hormones in the body which results in many negative impacts on both the
body and mind. It could be benign or as fatal as having manic disorders as what professionals
would tell about the matter.

If something like this happened to you, your family, relatives, friends or even someone you
don’t know, take some precautions.

To help you with yourself, here are some tips on how to manage stress well:

1. Understand: Understand the current situation, don't fight it. Know that not everything can
be under your control at all times. Assess (not worry about) the actual situation, your beliefs
surrounding it and the consequences.

2. Plan: ​Use your stress situation as a challenging way to step out of your comfort zone instead.
Now is a good time to reassess your time and priorities and organize your day accordingly. Then
follow a plan or a schedule to be on top of your to-do, rather than chasing last-minute deadline

3. Take care: Be mindful of what you eat when stressed and get at least 7 hours of sleep.
Exercise regularly to reduce the stress hormone, cortisol, in your body. Practice relaxation
techniques like deep breathing & meditation. Create thoughts that reinforce the good parts of
your work and life.

Stress and pressure will always be a part of modern life. Everyone has his or her own coping
mechanisms. Whenever you have A Day From Hell, stay at home, switch your phone off, and
order something from UberEats.

However, ultimately, giving yourself a quiet time to relax is somewhat a basic key to fight

Lastly, seek professional help when you experience prolonged anxiety or fear that hinders your
everyday activities.


1.L​ awrence Robinson, Melinda Smith, and Robert Segal​, Stress Management

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