IRP San Gregorio

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Republic of the Philippines

Province of La Union
Municipality of Caba
Barangay San Gregorio



Resolution No. 008

Series of 2019



WHEREAS, the Sangguniang Kabataan of Barangay San Gregorio is a legislative body duly organize
to law for the youth to participate in local governance of the barangay.

WHEREAS, pursuant to the Implementing Rules and Regulation (IRR) of RA 10742, otherwise
known as the Sangguniang Kabataan Reform Act of 2015, letter K, Section 8, Rule II provides that
the SK shall adopt its own rules and procedures to be followed in the implementation of the policy on
the public disclosure.

WHEREAS, to maintain good order in the Sangguniang Kabataan Officials deliberations, it is necessary
that specific rules be adopted and enforced in the interest of effective Youth Governance.

BE IT RESOLVED by the Sangguniang Kabataan Officials of Barangay San Gregorio, Caba, La Union
, adopt the following Rules and Regulations to govern its deliberation.

Section 1. Composition – The Sangguniang Kabataan shall be composed of the Chairperson as
Presiding officer, and the seven (7) Sangguniang Kabataan Members.


Section 2. OFFICERS – The following shall be the officers of the Sangguniang Kabataan.


- Serves as an ex-officio member of the Sangguniang Baranagay.

- Acts as Chairperson of the Committee on Youth and Sport Development of the concerned
Sangguniang Kabataan.
- Calls and presides over all meetings of the SK and assemblies of the KK, and votes in case of
a tie, except when one (1) of the agenda to be discussed involves disciplinary action against her/him,
in which case the highest-ranking SK member shall preside.

- Takes the lead in the formulation of the CBYDP and in the preparation and implementation of
the ABYIP.

- Ensures the proper implementation of policies, programs, and projects, in coordination with
the Sangguniang Barangay and the C/MYDC.

- Signs all required documents such as financial reports and related documents and
warrants/checks drawn against SK funds for all expenditures.

- Exercises general supervision over the affairs and activities of the SK and KK as well as over
the official conduct of its member.

- Appoints from among the members of the KK a secretary and a Treasurer, with the
concurrence of the majority of all the SK members.

- Coordinates with Sangguniang Barangay and other Youth Organizations regarding youth-
related programs and projects that they wish to initiate and implement.

- Exercises other powers and performs other duties and functions as may be prescribed by law
or ordinance.


- Formulates and enacts youth policies in the form of resolution;

- Assists the SK Chairperson in the exercise of the powers, functions, and duties of SK;

- The SK Chairperson and SK Kagawad are referred to as the SK Officials;

- Serves as head of different SK committees;

- Presides over committee meetings and SK and KK meetings, in the absence of the
Chairperson; and

- Performs other duties and function in exercise of her/his role SK official and as prescribed by
the SK Chairperson.


- Keeps and in coordination with other SK members, prepares and updates all the records of the
KK, and ensures the submission of these records to NYC and the proper turn-over of the data
to the next set of SK Officials.
- Posts a copy of the following official documents and papers on the barangay bulletin board
and in at least three (3) conspicuous places within the jurisdiction of the Barangay, as well as
makes available to any person for his/her legal use;

 All resolutions approved by the Sangguniang Kabataan;

 Annual and end- of term reports of the programs and projects implemented by the
Sangguniang Kabataan; and

- Furnish concerned offices, institution, and individuals with the said documents and papers.

- Prepare and keep the minutes of all SK meetings and all KK assemblies.


- Takes custody of all SK properties and funds and ensures proper turnover to the next SK

- Collects and receives contributions, monies, materials, and all other resources intended for SK
and KK, and issues the corresponding official receipts;

- Serves as cosignatory in all withdrawals from the SK funds;

- Disburses funds in accordance with the approved annual budget and supplemental budget.

- Certifies the availability of SK funds;

- At the end of every fiscal quarter, submits certified and detailed Statements Of Actual Income
and Expenditures ( SOAIE) to SK and Sangguniang Barangay.

- Posts a copy of the SOAIE on the barangay bulletin board and in at least three (3) conspicuous
places within the jurisdiction of the barangay; and

- Prepares a written financial report of all SK funds and property under her/his custody, renders
and makes printed copies of this financial report available to KK members during the regular
KK assembly.


Section 3 Session - The Sangguniang Kabataan shall hold regular session at least once
in every month and also number of special meetings as may be called by the SK Chairperson
or by any other five members of the Sangguniang Kabataan officials;

A. Regular sessions of the Sangguniang Kabataan shall be public and the person presiding has the
authority to exact all present and proper deportment;
B. As often as necessary when public interest so demand; special sessions may be called by the SK
Chairperson or majority of the members of the Sangguniang Kabataan.
C. In case of special session, a written notice to the Sangguniang Kabataan Officials, stating the day,
time and purpose of the meeting shall be served personally or left with a member of the
D. Unless otherwise agreed upon by two- thirds vote of the members present there being a quorum,
no other matter may be considered a special meeting except those stated in the notice.
E. The presiding officer shall open the sessions by calling the Sangguniang Kabataang to order;
F. All cellphones must be set in silent mode while the session is in order;
G. The Chairperson shall convene and preside the first KK general assembly not than three (3)
months after the proclamation of the results of the SK elections;

1) Hold regular assemblies at least once every sex (6) months.

2) Hold special assemblies as called by the SK Chairperson or upon the written petition
by at least one twentieth (1/20) of its members.
3) Notify all KK members through traditional and non- traditional media stating the
purpose, time, date, and venue of the meeting.
4) In additional, post a written notice in at least three (3) conspicuous places within the
barangay at least three (3) day prior the conduct of the assembly, except in the case of
special assemblies where the notice shall be posted at least one (1) day before the
5) Hold assemblies preferably in a venue within the barangay, or within the
municipality/city where the barangay is located

Section 4 QUORUM - the majority of the Sangguniang Kabataan Officials which shall be 50% of
the quorum and its absence, no business transaction of the Sangguniang Kabataan shall be Official.

A. The SK Chairperson shall be counted in making a quorum,

B. In the event of the inability of the Sangguniang Kabataan to preside at a regular or special
session where the is a quorum, a temporary presiding official shall be elected from among the
members present who shall not vote even in case of tie but shall certify within ten days from their
adoption all ordinances, resolutions, and motions enacted or adopted by the Sangguniang
C. When a quorum is lacking a majority of those in actual attendance of any member absent.
D. If there is still a quorum in spite of the above, no other business shall be transacted and the
presiding officer upon proper motion or a majority of the members present shall declare the
meeting adjourned for lack of quorum.
E. Should a question of lack of quorum be raised, the presiding officer shall immediately proceed to
call roll of the members the result.
F. Schedule of Regular Sessions shall be on last Sunday of the Month at 3:00P.M. and Special
Meeting shall also be conducted any Sunday of the Month at 3:00P.M.
Any elected official who fails to attend without justifiable reason on the designated date of
meeting shall be fined for FIFTHY PESOS (₱50.00). Additional fine is all about the
wearing of semi-formal attire, the Sangguniang Kabataan shall wear T-shirt with collar and
shall wear pants and shoes except when rainy season. Any SK Council who fails to follow
the said matter will be fine for TWENTY PESOS (₱20.00).
G. Every Sangguniang Kabataan Officials will be given a 10 minutes grace period every start
of the session. Fines for being late or tardiness, First Offense will be fined for TEN PESOS
(₱10.00); Second Offense, FIFTEEN PESOS (₱15.00) and for Third Offense, TWENTY
PESOS (₱20.00).

H. Justifiable reasons for absence in sessions are as follows:

1) School related
2) Schedule of check- up or a direct family member ( spouse, parents)
3) Unexpected family occasion
4) When a family member arrives from abroad to be picked up that needs your presence,
5) Occasions such as nuptials, baptismal, funeral services, birthdays provided he/she will
make prior notice to the SK Chairperson, but as Sangguniang Kabataan Officials, make
every effort to attend the regular sessions, and special and meetings


Section 5 - ORDER OF BUSINESS - The order of business of the Sangguniang

Kabataan shall be as follows:

A. Call to Order;
B. Prayer;
C. Roll Call;
D. Approval of the minutes of the preceding session;
E. Reading of the Communication received;
F. Committee for the day;
G. Business for the day;
H. Other business;
I. Adjournment;
J. Prayer:

Section 6 AGENDA - Matters may be taken up in the session shall be limited only to those items
listed in the agenda.

Section 7 APPERANCE - Before the Sangguniang Kabataan. Only persons with prior permission
from the Barangay Secretary shall be allowed to appear and speak before the Sangguniang Kabataan.

Section 8 MATTERS REFERRED TO COMMITTEE - Any measure appearing in the agenda

for reference to the corresponding committee shall not be subject to debate or discussion, prior to final

Section 9 URGENT MATTERS - Urgent matters which may be brought to the attention of the
Sangguniang Kabataan the delay in the consideration of which shall prejudice activities of the
government may be discussed in the session without being listed in the agenda.

Section 10 . STANDING COMMITTEES – The SK Chairperson shall appoint the Chairman, Vice
– Chairman, Members of the following standing committees, the general jurisdiction of which shall be as
herein provided:

A. Committee on Education and Culture – Responsible for overseeing all SK and KK matters,
that is, policy and programs or projects related to education and culture. Mainly, the committee is
tasked to ensure that education is a matter of priority and culture is kept alive among the youth
and community, e.g., Folk dances.

B. Committee on Environmental Protection, Climate Change adaptation (CCA), And

Disaster Risk Reduction and Resiliency (DRRR) – Responsible for all SK and KK matters
related to environment and disaster preparedness. The committee is tasked to ensure that the
youth are made aware of and capacitated regarding protection of the environment and
preparedness in times of calamities

C. Committee on Youth Employment and Livelihood – Responsible for all SK and KK

affairs related to promoting employment and livelihood opportunities for the youth.

D. Committee on Health, Health Services, and Reproductive Health - Responsible for all
SK and KK matters related to the health of youth.

E. Committee on Anti- Drug Abuse and Social Protection - To safeguard the welfare of the
youth, anti-drug and social protection committee should be created.

F. Committee on Gender and Development - This committee manages all SK and KK matters
concerned with gender and development. (GAD).

G. Committee on Sport Development – This committee is in- charge of managing all SK and
KK matters related to sports development among the youth and among community members as a

Section 11. Special Committees – the Sangguniang Kabataan may organize special committees as
it may deem necessary to resolved matters that is exceptional, unique, and extraordinary in nature. The
Sangguniang Kabataan Chairperson may appoint the chairman and members of the special committees
depending on their technical qualifications.

Section 12. Limitation – No members of a committee shall act upon or participate in any matter in
which he has special, direct and substantial interest.

Section 13. Vacancy – Whenever a vacancy occurs or is declared to exist in any committee, the same
shall be filled by election of the SK members.
Section 14. Committee Meeting or Hearings – The committees shall determine the frequency of
their meetings. Committee meetings or hearings shall be held only at public buildings.

Section 15. Committee Reports and Orders – Committee reports and/or orders on any resolution
shell be considered in formal meetings and shall not be submitted to the SK unless accompanied by the
minutes of the meeting or hearing of the committee, which adopted them.


A. All Sangguniang Kabataan Officials without accomplishment report shall not be allowed to get
his/her honorarium.
B. Payment of honorarium of Sangguniang Kabataan Official shall be in the 3 rd week of the month
after rendering YCAP
C. In rending community service, the Sangguniang Kabataan officials concerned shall perform a
minimum three (3) hours/week during Saturday
D. Any undertime (3X= 1 absent) shall be carried/forward to the succeeding month until the
requirements have satisfied.


Section 16. – COPIES OF ORDINANCE AND RESOLUTION, Proposed ordinance and

resolution shall be in writing and shall be submitted by its author to Sangguniang Kabataan Secretary who
shall include the same in the agenda of the next session for reference to the proper committee.


contain an assigned number, a title or caption, an enacting or ordaining clause and the date of its proposed
effectivity. Proposed ordinances and resolutions shall be accompanied by explanatory notes containing of
their passage and shall be signed by the author or authors.

Section 18. – COMMITTEE REPORT, after consideration of the proposed ordinance the
committee concerned shall submit its report to the ordinance committee. In case the report is favourable,
the proposed ordinance as recommended by the committee shall be calendared for discussion. If the report
is unfavourable, the matter shall be laid on the table for further study and revision by its sponsor.

Section 19. – PASSAGE OF ORDINANCE AND RESOLUTION, The affirmative vote of the
majority of the Sangguniang Kabataan Members shall be necessary for the passage of an ordinance or any
proposition creating indebtedness.

Section 20. – RECORDING OF ORDINANCE AND RESOLUTION, upon the passage of

all ordinances, resolutions or motions directing the payment of money or creating, liability, and
at the request of any member, the Sangguniang Kabataan Members shall take and record “ayes”
and “nays”. Each approved ordinance, resolution of motion shall be stamped with seal of the
Sangguniang Kabataan Officials and recorded I a book kept for purpose.

Section 21. – A TIE ON AN APPEAL, A ties on an appeal from the ruling of the chair
sustains the decision for the chairs.

Section 22. - WHO MAY MOVE, When a report or proposed measure is adopted or lost; it shall
be in order for a member who votes with the majority to move for the reconsideration thereof on the same
or succeeding session a day. Such motion shall take precedence over all questions, except a motion to
adjourn to raise a question of privilege and call to order.

Section 23. – RECORDING OF MOTION, Every motion shall be entered in the minutes with the
name of the member making it its withdrawn on the same day.

Section 24. – READING AND WITHDRAWAL OF MOTION, when a motion is made, the
presiding officer shall state it before being debated. Except as herein otherwise provided, a motion be
withdrawn any before its approval or amendments.


CONSIDERATION – Motion to amend, and motion to amend that amendment shall be in order. It shall
also be to offer amendment by substitution, but it shall not be voted upon until the original motion or
proposition is perfected. Any of said the amendments may be withdrawn before a decision is laid thereon.

Section 26. – MOTION TO COVER ONE SUBJECT MATTER, No Motion shall cover
more than one subject matter.

Section 27. - CALL TO ORDER, A motion to read any part of the rules is equivalent to call to
order and takes precedence over any motion other than to adjourn.


Section 28. – Whenever a member wishes to speak, he/she shall rise and request the presiding officer
to allow him/her to have the floor which consent shall be necessary before he/she may proceed.

Section 29. – When several members wish to have the floor, the Presiding Officer shall recognize the
one who first made the request.

Section 30. – No member shall interrupt another without the latter’s consent which may not be
obtained except through the chair.

Section 31. – if any time the presiding officer states a point of order, or give information, or otherwise
speak within his/her privilege, the member speaking must take his/her seat till the presiding officer has
been first heard.

Section 32. – No member shall walk out or across the session hall while the presiding officer is
addressing the Sangguniang Kabataan, while Sangguniang is engaged in voting. Walking out shall be
reprimanded/ warned for the 1st offence, 2nd offence will be fined FITHY pesos (P50).

Section 33. – A member shall claim the floor the second time if there at-re others who wish to get the
Section 34. - Sangguniang Kabataan Member shall not allow entering the session hall under the
influence of alcoholic drinks before or during the session. (Penalty- P500).

Section 35. – Only a member who has the right to vote on the question has the right to participate in
the debate.

Section 36. – When a general debate has been ordered, only two speeches shall be allowed in each
member. The member sponsoring the measure may open and close the debate.

Section 37. – The Sangguniang Kabataan Member shall observe proper attire in attending regular and
special session such as wearing a prescribe uniforms or wear T-shirt with collar, long pants and shoes.
For the duty proper attire t-shirt, long pants, and shoes.

Section 38. – Any Sangguniang Kabataan Member who attend the regular session and during duty
hours, not wearing the prescribed uniform shall provide the snacks of all Sangguniang Kabataan Officials,
Barangay Officials and barangay employee on the day.

Section 39. – Any Sangguniang Kabataan Member who attend the regular or special session must
strictly turn his/her cellphone to silent mode. (Penalty- 50.00)

Section 40. – EFFECTIVE, The rules shall take effect on the date of their adoption.

Adopted this 17th day of March at Barangay San Gregorio, Caba, La Union on motion of
Sangguniang Kabataan Member Kejein C. Quiñones and duly seconded by Sangguniang
Kabataan Member Almera Krem T. Picardal.


Sangguniang Kabataan Member Sangguniang Kabataan Member


Sangguniang Kabataan Member Sangguniang Kabataan Member


Sangguniang Kabataan Member Sangguniang Kabataan Member


Sangguniang Kabataan Member Sangguniang Kabataan Secretary

Sangguniang Kabataan Treasurer


SK CHAIRMAN & Presiding Officer

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