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Propranolol for Severe Infantile Hemangiomas:

Follow-Up Report
CONTRIBUTORS: Véronique Sans, MD,a Eric Dumas de la WHAT’S KNOWN ON THIS SUBJECT: Corticosteroids are currently
Roque, MD,b Jérôme Berge, MD,c Nicolas Grenier, MD,d the mainstay treatment for complicated IHs, with interferon or
Franck Boralevi, MD,a Juliette Mazereeuw-Hautier, MD,e vincristine as second- or third-line treatment. Because of the
Dan Lipsker, MD,f Elisabeth Dupuis, MD,g Khaled Ezzedine, partial efficacy and side effects of these drugs, new treatments are
MD,h Pierre Vergnes, MD,i Alain Taïeb, MD,a and Christine
Léauté-Labrèze, MDa
aNational Reference Center for Rare Skin Diseases and
WHAT THIS STUDY ADDS: In this case series, propranolol had
Departments of bNeonatology and iSurgery, Children’s Hospital,
consistent, rapid, therapeutic effects. If these findings are
Bordeaux, France; Departments of cNeuroradiology and
dRadiology, Pellegrin Hospital, Bordeaux, France; eDepartment of confirmed in larger comparative studies, then propranolol could
Dermatology, Purpan Hospital, Toulouse, France; fDepartment of become the first-line treatment for IHs.
Dermatology, Strasbourg Hospital, Strasbourg, France;
gDepartment of Dermatology, Fort de France Hospital, Fort de

France, France; hNational Reference Center for Rare Skin

Diseases, Saint-André Hospital, Bordeaux, France
angiogenesis, ␤2-adrenergic receptors, vincristine,
corticosteroids, interferon OBJECTIVE: Infantile hemangiomas (IHs) are the most-common soft-
ABBREVIATIONS tissue tumors of infancy. We report the use of propranolol to control
IH—infantile hemangioma
VEGF—vascular endothelial growth factor
the growth phase of IHs.
bFGF— basic fibroblast growth factor METHODS: Propranolol was given to 32 children (21 girls; mean age at onset of treatment: 4.2 months) after clinical and ultrasound evalua-
doi:10.1542/peds.2008-3458 tions. After electrocardiographic and echocardiographic evaluations,
Accepted for publication Apr 10, 2009 propranolol was administered with a starting dose of 2 to 3 mg/kg per
Address correspondence to Alain Taïeb, MD, National Reference day, given in 2 or 3 divided doses. Blood pressure and heart rate were
Center for Rare Skin Diseases, Children’s Hospital, Place Amélie monitored during the first 6 hours of treatment. In the absence of side
Raba-Léon, F-33076 Bordeaux, France. E-mail: alain.taieb@chu- effects, treatment was continued at home and the child was reevalu-
ated after 10 days of treatment and then every month. Ultrasound
PEDIATRICS (ISSN Numbers: Print, 0031-4005; Online, 1098-4275).
measurements were performed after 60 days of treatment.
Copyright © 2009 by the American Academy of Pediatrics
RESULTS: Immediate effects on color and growth were noted in all
FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE: The authors have indicated they have
no financial relationships relevant to this article to disclose. cases and were especially dramatic in cases of dyspnea, hemodynamic
compromise, or palpebral occlusion. In ulcerated IHs, complete heal-
ing occurred in ⬍2 months. Objective clinical and ultrasound evidence
of longer-term regression was seen in 2 months. Systemic corticoste-
roid treatment could be stopped within a few weeks. Treatment was
administered for a mean total duration of 6.1 months. Relapses were
mild and responded to retreatment. Side effects were limited and mild.
One patient discontinued treatment because of wheezing.
CONCLUSION: Propranolol administered orally at 2 to 3 mg/kg per day
has a consistent, rapid, therapeutic effect, leading to considerable
shortening of the natural course of IHs, with good clinical tolerance.
Pediatrics 2009;124:e423–e431

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Infantile hemangiomas (IHs) are the corticosteroid therapy as first-line case and the following 10 cases were
most-common soft-tissue tumors of in- treatment and then interferon or vin- described briefly in a letter.14 We now
fancy, occurring in 4% to 10% of chil- cristine as second- or third-line thera- report in detail the observations for
dren ⬍1 year of age, with a clear fe- peutic agents. Even with high dosages those patients and another 21 patients
male predominance (female/male (2–5 mg/kg per day), rates of re- (total N ⫽ 32) who were treated with
ratio: 2.5– 4:1).1 At birth, IHs may not be sponses to systemic corticosteroid propranolol.
apparent or may appear as flat cir- therapy (stabilization or incomplete
cumscribed lesions with telangiectatic regression, in most cases) range from METHODS
vessels on the surface. Within the first 30% to 60%,1,6,7 with the effects appear- After dramatic effects were noted in
weeks of life, IHs enter a phase of rapid ing within the first 2 or 3 weeks of the index case,14 we obtained the en-
growth with superficial and/or deep treatment. Moreover, side effects are dorsement of the regional ethics com-
components, which lasts usually 3 to 6 multiple; most are transient and lim- mittee for a pilot trial in severe cases
months and sometimes up to 24 ited, such as cushingoid facies, insom- of IH. In all cases, informed consent
months.2 A period of stabilization for a nia, irritability, stunted growth, and was obtained from both parents. This
few months follows, and spontaneous gastrointestinal symptoms, but some was an observational study. We in-
involution usually occurs in several may become much more serious, such cluded all patients with complicated
years. Regression is complete for 60% as hypertension and hypertrophic ob- IHs in need of treatment, according to
of 4-year-old patients and 76% of structive cardiomyopathy. Intralesional the ad hoc American Academy of Der-
7-year-old patients.3 Most of the time, corticosteroids used for treating pal- matology Guidelines/Outcomes Com-
sequelae are minimal, with residual pebral hemangioma can lead to cen- mittee.15 We excluded infants with
cutaneous redundancy, fibrous and tral artery occlusion.8 Forty percent to cardiovascular disorders contraindi-
fatty residues, and telangiectases, 50% of complicated cases demon- cating propranolol use, after a pediat-
which can be treated with late surgery strated complete responses to 1 ⫻ 106 ric cardiologist evaluation (see below)
or pulsed-dye laser therapy. Because to 3 ⫻ 106 U/m2 per day interferon ␣ or a recent outbreak of wheezing.
of this benign, self-limited course, (either 2a or 2b), with the first signs Propranolol was given to a total of 32
therapeutic abstention is the rule. of regression appearing after 2 to 12 patients according to the following
However, 10% of IHs require treatment weeks of treatment.1,8,9 Frequent side protocol. At inclusion, a clinical evalu-
during the proliferative phase,4 be- effects include fever and muscular ation with photographs and, when
cause of life-threatening locations, local pains at the beginning of treatment. possible, an ultrasound examination
complications, or cosmetic/functional Hematologic and hepatic toxicity, hypo- (measuring the maximal thickness of
risks.1 IHs can be life-threatening when thyroidism, and depression also may the lesion and the resistivity index)
present in upper airways and liver, in- occur. Neurotoxicity with spastic diple- were performed, together with elec-
ducing acute respiratory failure and gia and development delay may occur trocardiographic and echocardio-
congestive heart failure, respectively. in up to 10% to 30% of cases. Another graphic evaluations to rule out treat-
Local complications such as hemor- treatment option developed more re- ment contraindications. Treatment
rhage, ulceration, and necrosis can be cently is vincristine.1,10 Efficacy is close was initiated during a short hospital-
very painful and may lead to scars that to 100% with 0.05 mg/kg or 1 mg/m2 ization of 24 hours or during a day hos-
are difficult to repair. IHs in some loca- infusions once per week, with IH invo- pital session. Propranolol was pre-
tions can impair sensory functions; for lution beginning after 3 weeks of treat- pared by the hospital pharmacy as
example, IHs of the upper eyelid can ment. Significant side effects include capsules containing a homogeneous
induce anisometropia, astigmatism, constipation, transient jaw pains, pe- mixture of propranolol and mannitol.
and amblyopia. IHs in other locations, ripheral neuropathy, hematologic tox- The drug was then given at a starting
such as the lip, nasal tip, or ear, may icity, and inappropriate secretion of dose of 2 mg/kg per day, in 2 or 3 di-
lead to permanent deformities. In ad- antidiuretic hormone. vided doses. For our first patients, pro-
dition, IHs cause at least transient cos- We observed serendipitously that pro- pranolol was administered in 3 divided
metic disfigurement, which may trig- pranolol, a well-tolerated, nonselec- doses when the IH was particularly
ger psychological morbidity first in tive, ␤-adrenergic receptor blocker alarming, because of the concern
parents and later in affected chil- commonly used for cardiologic indica- about the short half-life of the drug (3
dren.1,5 The conventional approach in tions in young children,11–13 can control hours). In 4 cases, the initial dosage
complicated cases is to use systemic the growth of IHs efficiently. The index was 3 mg/kg per day to maximize effi-

e424 SANS et al
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TABLE 1 Clinical Characteristics of the 32 Patients
Patient Gender Location of IH Indication for Treatment Previous Treatment With Age at Initiation Propranolol Age at End of Rebound After Age at End of Relapse After Duration of
No. Corticosteroids of Propranolol Dosage, Corticosteroid Corticosteroid Propranolol Propranolol Propranolol
Treatment, mo mg/kg per Treatment, mo Treatment Treatment, Treatment Treatment,
d mo mo
1 Male Nose Life-threatening (dyspnea) and local Prednisone, 3 mg/kg per d; 4 3 5.5 No 14 No 10
complication (columella stabilization of IH but
necrosis) hypertrophic myocardiopathy
2 Male Face (periorbital and parotidal Life-threatening (increased cardiac Prednisone, 3 mg/kg per d then 5 2 2 4 No 9 Mild recoloration 7
areas), axillary fold, and output) and functional risk mg/kg per d; inefficient for IH
arm (palpebral occlusion) growth and increased cardiac
3 Female Face (periorbital and parotidal Functional risk (palpebral Prednisone, 2 mg/kg per d; 2 2 4 No 12 Mild recoloration and 10
areas and lip) occlusion) moderately efficient regrowth when
stopped at 9 mo
4 Female Face (periorbital and parotidal Life-threatening (dyspnea) Prednisone, 2–3 mg/kg per d; 6 2 7 No 14 No 8
areas and subglottic efficient but relapse of
location) dyspnea at each trial to stop

PEDIATRICS Volume 124, Number 3, September 2009

5 Female Periorbital area (interior Functional risk (lacrymal duct No 2 2 9 Mild recoloration 7
canthus) closing)
6 Female Periorbital area (upper eyelid) Functional risk (pressure on No 6 2 11 No 5
7 Male Face (inferior eyelid, cheek, Functional risk (sucking problems) No 2 2 6 No 4
and lips)
8 Male Upper eyelid and forehead (2 Functional risk (pressure on No 4 2 8 No 4
distinct locations) eyeball)
9 Male Upper eyelid and forehead Functional risk (palpebral Prednisolone, 3 mg/kg per d; 2 2 4 No 9 Mild recoloration 7
occlusion) moderately efficient
10 Female Forehead Cosmetic risk No 4 2 6 Mild regrowth 2
11 Female Forearm Local complication (high risk of No 2 2 8 No 6
12 Female Face (upper eyelid) Functional risk (astigmatism and Prednisone, 2 mg/kg per d; 18 2 25 No 7
amblyopia) stabilization of IH; stopped at 8
13 Female Face (glabella) Cosmetic risk No 3 2 7 No 4
14 Female Superior lip Cosmetic risk Prednisolone, 2 mg/kg per d; 25 2 Ongoing Ongoing
stabilization of IH, esophagitis,
and weight stagnation;
stopped at 8 mo
15 Female Shoulder blade Local complication (painful Prednisone, 2 mg/kg per d; 5 2 6 No 9 No 4
ulceration) inefficient
16 Female Upper eyelid Functional risk (amblyopia) 2 intralesional corticosteroid 41 2 Ongoing Ongoing
treatments; stabilization of IH
17 Male Hemiface, neck, and upper Life-threatening (laryngeal dyspnea) Prednisone, 3 mg/kg per d, and 2 3 3 No 10 No 8

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airways (nose, pharynx, adrenaline aerosol treatment;
and glottis) transient efficacy
18 Male Face (nasal tip) and Life-threatening (dyspnea) Betamethasone, 0.1 mg/kg per d; 9 2 12 No Ongoing Snoring after 3 d Ongoing
mediastinal area (airway worsening dyspnea when stopped at
compression) 10 mo
19 Female Face (periorbital area) Functional risk (palpebral Prednisone, 3 mg/kg per d; 3 2 12 No Ongoing Ongoing
occlusion) inefficient for IH growth
20 Female Thorax (5% of body area) Life-threatening (hemodynamic Prednisone, 3 mg/kg per d; 6 2 6 No Ongoing Ongoing
repercussion) stabilization of IH
21 Male Scalp Cosmetic risk No 8 2 Ongoing Ongoing
22 Female Inferior lip Cosmetic risk No 48 2 51 (asthma 3
23 Female Forearm Local complication (painful No 3 3 Ongoing Ongoing
24 Female Face (nasal tip) Cosmetic risk No 3 2 Ongoing Ongoing
25 Male Upper eyelid Functional risk (amblyopia) No 12 2 Ongoing Ongoing

Duration of





Relapse After
Age at Initiation Propranolol Age at End of Rebound After Age at End of
Corticosteroid Corticosteroid Propranolol




Treatment, mo mg/kg per Treatment, mo Treatment




of Propranolol



Previous Treatment With





Patient 3, with palpebral occlusion. A, Palpebral occlusion at 2 months of age, after 1 week of systemic
steroid treatment (2 mg/kg per day) and 1 day before treatment with propranolol. B, Spontaneous eye
Functional risk (astigmatism) and
Cosmetic risk (face deformation)
ulceration) and cosmetic risk

reopening after 7 days of propranolol treatment at 2 mg/kg per day. C, Further improvement after 2
occlusion) and cosmetic risk
Indication for Treatment

months of propranolol treatment while prednisone treatment was tapered progressively. D, Residual
Local complication (painful

Local complication (painful

cosmetic risk (alopecia)

Functional risk (palpebral

telangiectases at 12 months of age, after cessation of propranolol treatment.

(mammary areola)

Cosmetic risk

Cosmetic risk

cacy, because of cardiac indications in sure). Body weight was measured for
1 case, severe laryngeal dyspnea in 1 adjustment of dosages. When possible,
case, and painful ulcerations in 2 ultrasound measurements were re-
cases. We monitored blood pressure peated at day 60 of treatment. For
Face (lower eyelid and upper

and heart rate every hour during the assessment of patients with eyelid in-
Periorbital area and scalp
Forehead and shoulder
Location of IH

first 6 hours of treatment. In the ab- volvement, ophthalmologic examina-

sence of side effects, treatment was tions were repeated as needed.
Parotidal area

continued at home and the child was

Inferior lip

reevaluated after 10 days of treatment RESULTS


TABLE 1 Continued


and then every month. Monthly evalua- Data for the 32 children who received
tions consisted of clinical and photo- propranolol treatment are summa-
Patient Gender






graphic evaluations of the IH and mon- rized in Table 1. Twenty-one children

itoring of treatment compliance and were girls; 27 children were 1 to 12





tolerance (heart rate and blood pres- months of age (mean: 4.2 months) for

e426 SANS et al
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Patient 15, with a painful ulcerated IH. Standard treatment with wound care dressings and analgesics was also used. A, At 5 months of age, 1 day before
treatment with propranolol. B, Beginning of healing after 2 weeks of propranolol treatment at 2 mg/kg per day. C, Limited ulceration relapse at 8 months
of age, after 3 months of propranolol treatment. Complete healing was achieved after the propranolol dosage was increased to 3 mg/kg per day.

early interventions, and 5 were 18 to 48 tiation of propranolol treatment, a agitation). At 60 days, ultrasound ex-
months of age (mean: 31 months) for change in color from intense red to aminations showed regression in max-
late interventions. Early treatment was purple, associated with softening of imal thickness (mean regression:
indicated for severe IHs with life- the lesion on palpation, was notice- 40%) associated with increased mean
threatening potential, functional risk, able. Symptoms such as dyspnea and resistivity index (from 0.495 before
local complications, or cosmetic in- hemodynamic compromise regressed treatment to 0.63 at day 60; ⫹27%;
volvement. Late treatments were indi- within 48 hours, and spontaneous ocu- paired Student’s t test, P ⬍ .0002 for
cated to accelerate the natural course lar opening was possible within 7 days thickness and P ⬍ .0003 for resistivity
of IHs before surgery. No patient with (Fig 1B). Painful ulcerations healed index) (Fig 5). The resistivity index in-
posterior fossa/hemangioma/arterial completely within 2 months (Fig 2). Af- crease is a good indicator of lower vas-
defect/cardiac problems/eye prob- ter the dramatic initial response, IHs cular activity within the IH.
lems syndrome was included. continued to improve progressively Corticosteroid treatment administered
With respect to previous treatments, with respect to both color and thick- previously in 13 cases could be discon-
13 infants had received corticoste- ness, as shown in serial photographs tinued within a few weeks, without re-
roids, with no efficacy or at best stabi- (Figs 1 to 4). Ultrasound measure- bound, in all cases. Propranolol treat-
lization of the lesions. No patient had ments could be performed for 11 of 32 ment could be discontinued in 15
received interferon or vincristine. patients (in the other cases, evalua- cases, at ages ranging from 6 to 14
We noted rapid therapeutic effects in tions were impossible because of loca- months for early interventions (mean:
all cases. Within 24 hours after the ini- tion, extension, painful ulceration, or 9.4 months), after 2 to 10 months of

PEDIATRICS Volume 124, Number 3, September 2009 e427

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ment as changes in color and soften-
ing of the lesions. This rapidity of ac-
tion was especially dramatic in cases
involving dyspnea, hemodynamic com-
promise, or palpebral occlusion. An-
other remarkable aspect of the results
of propranolol treatment is that, not
only was IH growth stabilized (which
often is achieved with corticoste-
roids), but the improvement contin-
ued until complete involution was
achieved, which led to considerable
shortening of the natural course of IHs.
In line with clinical data, the resistivity
index measured after 2 months of
treatment was increased significantly
and values similar to those found in
the late involutive phase of IHs were
recorded.16 Although this effect needs
to be confirmed with a larger number
of cases, another striking difference
from systemic corticosteroid therapy
is that we found the same efficacy with
FIGURE 3 respect to color and thickness in IHs
Patient 31, at risk of cosmetic disfigurement and ulceration because of a large IH of the inferior lip. A, that were considered fully developed
At 4 months of age, 1 day before treatment with propranolol. B, After 2 months of propranolol (late interventions). This rapid involu-
treatment at 2 mg/kg per day. C, After 3 months of propranolol treatment at 2 mg/kg per day. D, After
5 months of propranolol treatment at 2 mg/kg per day. tion profile was noted in 5 cases with
late introduction of the drug, at vari-
ance with the natural course of such
treatment (mean: 6.2 months). At the while the child was sleeping (62/25 IHs. In cases of early intervention, all
time of cessation of treatment, the IHs mm Hg). This episode resolved sponta- relapses after treatment cessation oc-
had become nearly flat, with persis- neously when the child awoke (91/60 curred before the age of 11 months.
tence of residual skin telangiectases mm Hg), without any therapeutic inter- This suggests that optimal propranolol
(Figs 1D and 4D). No relapse was ob- vention. One child with wheezing treatment must at least cover the pro-
served in 10 cases (mean age at cessa- needed to stop treatment. This episode liferative phase of IHs, which usually
tion of treatment: 11.2 months); mild developed 3 months after treatment peaks at 4 months and may last until
recoloration was noted in 4 cases was initiated and was considered to be the age of 8 to 12 months, especially
(mean age: 9 months) and mild re- related to unrecognized, underlying, for IHs with subcutaneous compo-
growth in 3 cases (at 6, 9, and 10 allergic asthma, because of the ab- nents.17 For late treatments (intro-
months of age), but these recurrences sence of concomitant infection and a duced after the end of the proliferative
were mild. Propranolol needed to be personal history of atopic dermatitis. phase), we think that treatment should
administered again because of re- Wheezing stopped within a few days be continued empirically until maximal
growth in 2 cases, at 9 and 10 months. after discontinuation of propranolol improvement has been achieved.
For the 12 patients with eyelid involve- treatment.
ment, good correction of astigmatism Possible Mechanism of Action
or amblyopia was observed at the end DISCUSSION IHs are composed of a complex mix-
of treatment. ture of cell types, including a majority
A few expected adverse effects were Efficacy of endothelial cells associated with
noted during propranolol treatment In our study, the efficacy of proprano- pericytes, dendritic cells, and mast
(Table 2). For 1 patient, blood pressure lol reached 100%, with the first effects cells. Endothelial cells derived from
decreased 3 hours after the first dose, appearing in the first hours of treat- proliferative IHs are clonal in ori-

e428 SANS et al
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an alternative possibility may be the

loss of stimulatory factors such as
Propranolol is a nonselective ␤-
adrenergic receptor blocker, and the
adrenergic system is the major regu-
lator of cardiac and vascular function.
Capillary endothelial cells express ␤2-
adrenergic receptors,23,24 which modu-
late the release of nitric oxide, caus-
ing endothelium-dependent vasodila-
tation. We have been able to confirm
the presence of ␤2-adrenergic recep-
tors on endothelial cells of IHs and to
study their expression at different
stages of IH development, as well as
in control lesions (M. Cario-André,
PhD, C.L-L., L.J. Nissen, PhD, A.T., F. Ma-
jurier, PhD, unpublished data). In
addition, ␤-adrenergic receptors be-
long to the family of G protein-coupled
receptors and, when they are acti-
vated by adrenergic catecholamines,
they can promote a series of intracel-
lular signal transduction pathways.23,24
FIGURE 4 ␤-Adrenergic receptor stimulation can
Patient 17, with a life-threatening laryngeal IH. The improvement of the cutaneous component should induce modifications of signal trans-
be noted. A, At 2 months of age, 1 day before treatment with propranolol. B, Seven days after initiation duction pathways of angiogenic fac-
of propranolol treatment at 2 mg/kg per day, with a change in color from intense red to purple and
palpable softening. C, Further improvement after 2 months of propranolol treatment at 2 mg/kg per tors such as VEGF or bFGF.23–25 It has
day. D, Residual telangiectases at 11 months of age, 1 month after cessation of propranolol treatment. been demonstrated that increased cy-
clic adenosine monophosphate levels
gin,1,18,19 which suggests that IHs arise dothelial growth factor (VEGF), which inhibit VEGF- and bFGF-induced endo-
from the clonal expansion of an endo- are present in situ but also in blood thelial cell proliferation. Pharmacologic
thelial precursor cell, which might be and urine.1,20 In addition, in situ hybrid- or ␤-adrenergic receptor-mediated
derived from a hematopoietic stem ization for the VEGF receptor in prolif- elevations in cyclic adenosine mono-
cell.1 IH endothelial cells are charac- erative IHs showed that VEGF recep- phosphate levels block mitogen-
terized by immunohistochemical posi- tors are spread evenly throughout induced activation of the mitogen-
tivity for indoleamine-2,3-dioxygenase the tumor and are not yet assembled activated protein kinase signaling
and LYVE-1 (both of which yield positive into blood vessels.1 Histologic studies pathway, by blocking Raf-1 activity
results in early-phase IHs and are lost showed that, during the growth phase through increased protein kinase A
during maturation to a blood vascular of IHs, both endothelial and interstitial activity. In addition, it has been shown
phenotype), glucose transporter 1, cells are in the proliferative stage, as that hypoxia-inducible factor 1␣ is
Lewis Y antigen, FcRII, merosin, chemo- shown by strongly positive MIB-1 stain- expressed on endothelial cells of
kine receptor 6, and CD15.1 Regulators ing21; during the involution phase, cells IHs26 and that, with hypoxia, there is
of IH growth and involution are still exhibit markers of apoptosis in termi- activation of the hypoxia-inducible
poorly understood, but it has been nal dUTP nick-end labeling assays.22 factor 2␣ pathway and subsequent
demonstrated that, during the growth One hypothesis to explain endothelial overexpression of VEGF by endothelial
phase, 2 major proangiogenic factors cell apoptosis in capillary IHs involves cells of IHs.27 Interestingly, a study of
are involved, that is, basic fibroblast the expression of intercellular adhe- the use of ␤-adrenergic receptor
growth factor (bFGF) and vascular en- sion molecule 1 on the cell surface, but blockers for the treatment of cardiac

PEDIATRICS Volume 124, Number 3, September 2009 e429

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30 TABLE 2 Side Effects of Propranolol
At day 0 Treatment (N ⫽ 32)
25 At day 60
Thickness, mm

Blood pressure decrease 3 h 1

after first dose
Asthma onset 1
Insomnia 2
Agitation 2
Nightmares 1
Profuse sweats 1
Cold hands 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
0.8 tinue ␤-adrenergic receptor blocker
At day 0
treatment temporarily in cases of de-
At day 60
creased energy intake. The risk of
␤-adrenergic receptor blocker-induced
hypoglycemia is considered an issue

for low birth weight newborns; how-
0.3 ever, treatment for IHs is rarely indi-
0.2 cated in the newborn period. Accord-
0.1 ing to our experience, normally fed
0.0 infants are not at risk.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Thickness and resistivity index measurements at initiation of treatment (D0) and 2 months later (D60).
In our study, propranolol administered
hypertrophy revealed that carvedilol sure.30 However, several well-known orally at 2 to 3 mg/kg per day had a
reversed levels of both protein and side effects, such as bradycardia and rapid therapeutic effect in all cases,
mRNA for hypoxia-inducible factor 1␣ hypotension, justify close monitoring with color changes and softening ap-
and VEGF to baseline values.28 It was at the onset of treatment. Broncho- pearing within the first hours of treat-
demonstrated that ␤-adrenergic re- spasm is usually seen as a mild ex- ment. This effect was sustained over
ceptor blockade could induce apopto- acerbation in patients with underlying the next several weeks, leading to
sis of cultured capillary endothelial reactive airway diseases; before pre- considerable shortening of the natu-
cells.29 scription of propranolol, parents should ral course of IHs. Moreover, this treat-
be questioned about previous atopic ment was well tolerated, with few
Toxicity disease or episodes of wheezing. ␤- expected adverse effects being ob-
With ⬎40 years of extensive clinical Adrenergic receptor blockers decrease served, including 1 cessation of treat-
experience with infants and young chil- lipolysis, glycogenolysis, and gluco- ment because of wheezing. More com-
dren, there is no documented case neogenesis, which predisposes pa- parative, randomized studies with a
of death or serious cardiovascular tients to hypoglycemia. In addition, they greater number of patients are needed
morbidity resulting directly from ␤- mask some sympathetic hypoglycemic to confirm the safety and efficacy of
adrenergic receptor blocker expo- symptoms; it is thus advised to discon- the drug.

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PEDIATRICS Volume 124, Number 3, September 2009 e431

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Propranolol for Severe Infantile Hemangiomas: Follow-Up Report
Véronique Sans, Eric Dumas de la Roque, Jérôme Berge, Nicolas Grenier, Franck
Boralevi, Juliette Mazereeuw-Hautier, Dan Lipsker, Elisabeth Dupuis, Khaled
Ezzedine, Pierre Vergnes, Alain Taïeb and Christine Léauté-Labrèze
Pediatrics 2009;124;e423
DOI: 10.1542/peds.2008-3458 originally published online August 10, 2009;

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Propranolol for Severe Infantile Hemangiomas: Follow-Up Report
Véronique Sans, Eric Dumas de la Roque, Jérôme Berge, Nicolas Grenier, Franck
Boralevi, Juliette Mazereeuw-Hautier, Dan Lipsker, Elisabeth Dupuis, Khaled
Ezzedine, Pierre Vergnes, Alain Taïeb and Christine Léauté-Labrèze
Pediatrics 2009;124;e423
DOI: 10.1542/peds.2008-3458 originally published online August 10, 2009;

The online version of this article, along with updated information and services, is
located on the World Wide Web at:

Pediatrics is the official journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics. A monthly publication, it
has been published continuously since 1948. Pediatrics is owned, published, and trademarked by
the American Academy of Pediatrics, 141 Northwest Point Boulevard, Elk Grove Village, Illinois,
60007. Copyright © 2009 by the American Academy of Pediatrics. All rights reserved. Print ISSN:

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