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Bray Wyatt promos:

There are several different kinds of

men in this world; there are men
who dream and never make it off
the couch. There are men who
dream and fail. And then there are
men who dream and change the
landscape of this world. People like
me. But what about you man?
Thatʼs what I wanna know. Arenʼt
you tired of feeling unwanted?
Arenʼt you tired of feeling like a
napsack being stepped upon? Well
today is your lucky day. Because
today is the day that ___ decides to
change everything. Today is the
day that heʼll froze. Today is the
day that pigs fly. Today me and my
people, we looked fear in the eye
and we said “mr fear, sir, you do not
frighten us”. Today I want you to tell
all these so called world leaders,
that they better head my warning,
take notice to ____. Because today
is the day that _____ decided to
bring down the machine. Today we
say goodbye to the past age.
Tomorrow, we make our own

This world has an infection. And the

virus, is the human race. Through
all these troubling times, it makes
all the sense in the world that you
would paint yourself right in the
middle. I mean afterall, what would
the world be without its heroes.
What would the world be without its
knight in shining armour who is
here to save the day? But people
like you? Youʼre hollow, youʼre full
of empty promises. You promised
to save these people. You promised
to keep them safe. You tell them
that everything will be alright just
as long as youʼre around. Youʼre a
liar. This is a terrible world, a cold,
cold dark and lonely place. You
stand for these illusions. But I stand
for everything that is real. Perhaps I
should introduce myself. I am ___,
and we are the reapers that being
ruin to this age of lies

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