Indus Valley Civilization: Copper. Harappa

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Indus Valley Civilization

 The First metal known to man was  began a tendency to settle for longer
Copper. periods in an area.
 British laid railway lines on the banks of Neolithic Age:
river Ravi In 1856.  It is approximately dated from 6000 B.C to
 Harappa in Sindhi means ‘Buried City’. 4000 B.C.
 The Great Bath was built of Kiln-fired  Domestication of sheep, goats and cattle
bricks and sealed with a lining of bitumen. was widely prevalent.
 The northern part of the town was narrow  The people of Neolithic Age used clothes
and elevated made of cotton and wool.
 The eastern side was broad and lowered.
 Mohenjo – daro in Sindhi means ‘Mound Metal Age:
of death’.  The Neolithic period is followed by
 They worshipped Lord Shiva represented Chalcolithic (copper-stone) period when
as Pasupathi, Mother Goddess, Lingam copper and bronze came to be used.
and trees.  The Chalcolithic age is followed by Iron
 They buried dead in Urns. Age.
 No written records are available for the  Megalith means Large Stone.
prehistoric period.
 In India, the prehistoric period is divided The Harappan Civilization
into the
 Mohenjo-Daro is the largest of all the
 Palaeolithic (Old Stone Age)
Indus cities.
 Mesolithic (Middle Stone Age)
 There are four important stages or phases
 Neolithic (New Stone Age)
of evolution and they are named as
 Metal Age
 pre-Harappan,
 The technique of Radio carbon dating is
 early-Harappan,
commonly used for finding the age.
 mature-Harappan and
 Another dating method is known as  late Harappan.
dendro-chronology. It refers to the
 The pre-Harappan stage is located in
number of tree rings in wood.
eastern Baluchistan. In this stage, the
Palaeolithic or Old Stone Age: nomadic people began to lead a settled
agricultural life.
 The period before 10000 B.C.
 In the early-Harappan stage, the people
 These sites are generally located near lived in large villages in the plains. the
water sources. In the Old Stone Age, food transition from rural to urban life took
was obtained by hunting animals and place during this period.
gathering edible plants and tubers.
 In the mature-Harappan stage, great cities
Therefore, these people are called as
 In the late-Harappan stage, the decline of
Mesolithic or Middle Stone Age: the Indus culture started.
 Great Bath measuring 39 feet length, 23
 10000 B.C. to 6000 B.C.
feet breadth and 8 feet depth.
 tiny stone artefacts, often not more than
 The largest building in Mohenjo-Daro is a
five cm in size, and therefore called
granary measuring 150 feet length and 50
feet breadth

 Citadel of Harappa we find as many as six Harsha Dynasty
 Harshavardhana, the king of
 Wheat and Barley where the maincrops
grown besides sesame, mustard and
 He fought with sasanka the one who
killed his brother.
 Animals like sheep, goats and buffalo
 With the help of king of Kamarubha he
were domesticated.
killed sasanka and became the king of
 Trade was of the barter type.
Kanauj, which became his capital.
 Fishing was a regular occupation while
 His minister Bana was a Sanskrit
hunting and bull fighting were other pass
scholar. He wrote a book called
 The chief male deity was Pasupathi.
 The chief female deity was the Mother GUPTA EMPIRE
 The Chinese traveler Fahien, who visited
India after Maurya’s: India during the reign of Chandragupta II

Kushana Empire Chandragupta I (AD 320-330)

 They belonged to the Yueh-Chi tribe.  The founder of the Gupta dynasty was Sri
 They came after the decline of Mauryans. Gupta.
 During 1st Century AD Kadphises I  The next ruler was Chandragupta I and he
established the kingdom of Kushana in the was the first to be called Maharajadhiraja
North west part of India. (the great king of kings).
 Kadphises II succeeded Kadphises I.  The Meherauli Iron Pillar inscription
 Kanishka succeeded Kadphises II mentions his extensive conquests.
 He created a new capital called Chandragupta I is considered to be the
purushapuram (Peshawar). founder of the Gupta era which starts
 He organized the Fourth Buddhist Council with his accession in A.D. 320.
at Kashmir. Samudragupta (AD 330-380)
 The new division of Buddhism Mahayana
Originated in this Council  The Allahabad Pillar inscription provides a
 Ashvaghosha wrote Buddha Charita. detailed account of his reign.
 Kanishka was called Asoka II.  Because of his military achievements
Samudragupta was hailed as ‘Indian
Gupta Empire Napoleon’
 The Capital of Gupta empire is  He was also called as kaviraja.
Pataliputra. Chandragupta II (AD 380-415)
 Chandragupta I (AD 319-335) was the first
important king of gupta dynasty.  Samudragupta was succeeded by his son
Chandragupta II Vikram Aditya.
 Samudragupta (AD 335-375) succeeded
 He married Kuberanaga, a Naga princess of
Chandragupta I.
central India.
 The Allahabad pillar inscription was  last ruler of the Saka satrap was defeated,
inscribed by his minister harisena. dethroned and killed. After this victory he
 After Samudragupta Chandragupta II (AD performed the horse sacrifice and assumed
380-414) was considered as a famous the tittle Sakari, meaning, ‘destroyer of
King. Sakas’. He also called himself Vikram Aditya.
 Nalanda University was founded by
Kumara Gupta.
 Ujjain became an important commercial city  Mahmud's important expedition in Hindustan
and soon became the alternative capital of was against the Somnath temple in 1025A.D.
the Guptas. which was situated on the coast of Kathiawar.
 Kumaragupta was the son and successor of  Sir Henry Elliot in his book "The History of
Chandragupta II. India" refers to the seventeen expeditions of
 The great Jain Council was held at Valabhi Muhammad of Ghazni.
during this period and the Jain Canon of the
Muhammad of Ghori
Swetambras was written.
 Nagari script had evolved from the Brahmi  Muhammad was the third important Muslim
script. invader of Hindustan.
 The court of Chandragupta II was adorned by
First Battle of Tarain 1191 A.D.
the celebrated Navratnas. Kalidasa remain the
foremost among them. His master-piece was Muhammad of Ghori Vs Prithviraj Chauhan, the
the Sanskrit drama Shakuntala. Rajput ruler.
 The Panchatantra stories were composed by
 Prithviraj also recovered Bhatinda, which was
Vishnusarma during the Gupta period.
earlier occupied by Mahmud of Ghazni.
 The Buddhist author Amarasimha compiled a
lexicon called Amarakosa. Second Battle of Tarain (1192A.D.)
 Aryabhatta was a great mathematician and
Muhammad of Ghori Vs Prithviraj Chauhan, the
astronomer. He wrote the book Aryabhatiya
Rajput ruler.
in 499 A.D.
 Vagbhata was the author Ashtangasamgraha.  Prithviraj was imprisoned and later put to
 Muhammad of Ghori appointed Qutb-ud-din
ARAB AND TURKISH INVASIONS Aibak as his commander.
 Delhi was made the capital of Muhammad of
 Prophet mohammed (570-632 A.D) is the
Ghori's territory in India.
founder of islam.
 The Arabs made Islam a powerful force in the Battle of Chandwar 1194A.D.
politics of Asia.
Muhammad of Ghori Vs Jaichandra Rajput ruler of
Arab conquest of Sind and Multan 712A.D. Kanauj

Muhammad-bin-Qasim:  Muhammad-bin-Baktiyar Khilji, One of the

commanders of Muhammad of Ghori.
 Muhammad-bin-Qasim was sent by AI-Hajjaj
 Muhammad of Ghori was assassinated on
the Governor of Iraq with the permission of
25th March 1206 A.D., by some Shia rebels
Caliph Walid to conquer Sind.
and Khokhars.
 He got so much of wealth from Multan that
 Muhammad of Ghori was considered to be
he called Multan 'The City of Gold.'.
the real founder of the Turkish Empire in India
 Muhammad-bin-Qasim divided Sind and
Multan into a number of lqtas or districts.
 The period from 1206 A. D. to 1526 A. D.
 The Arabs imposed Jizya on non- muslims.
came to be known as the Sultanate period.
 Caliph Sulaiman, succeeded Caliph Walid after
his death. He was an arch enemy of AI-Hajjaj,
 Mamaluk
the Governor of Iraq. He dismissed
 Khilji
Muhammad-bin Qasim as he was the son-in-
 Tughluq
law of AI-Hajjaj. He sent him as a prisoner to
 Sayyid
Mesopotamia and tortured him to death.
 Lodi
 Rani Bai, the wife of Dahir.

Mahmud of Ghazni

 Mahmud of Ghazni invaded India in 1000 A.D.

MAMALUK DYNASTY  Balban curtailed and destroyed the 'Corps of
Qutb-ud-din Aibak (1206-1210A.D.)
 A separate military department called Diwan-
 He assumed sovereign powers on 24th June i-arz was established.
1206 A.D.  Divine right Theory - The ruler was
 He was the founder of the Turkish dominion considered as a representative of God on
in India. earth.
 The term Mamaluk was the Quranic term for  He patronized Amir Khusrau who is called as
a slave. the 'Parrot of India' and Amir Hasan.
 He shifted his capital to Lahore.  Balban was shocked when his son Mahmud
 He was called as Lakh Baksh or Giver of Lakhs was killed during an encounter with the
for his generosity. Mongols. He never recovered from the sorrow
 He died in November 1210 A.D. after he fell and died in 1287 A.D.
from his horse while playing polo.  Balban was succeeded by Kaiqubad his
llltutmish (1211-1236A.D.)
 The nobles made Kayumar, the infant son of
 lltutmish was born in the llbari tribe of Central Kaiqubad as ruler.
Asia.  Jalal-ud-din Khilji, the commander of Balban
 Aibak made him as his son-in-law. He killed killed Kaiqubad and Kayumar and became the
Aram Shah, the son of Aibak and became king ruler of Delhi.
 Iltutmish refused to give shelter to Jalal-ud-
din Mangabarni, the Shah of Khwarizm who Jalal-ud-din Firoz Khilji (1290-1296A.D.)
was attacked by Mongols.
 He wanted to rule without bloodshed. Hence,
 Qutb Minar was built in honour of Sufi Saint
he was called as Clemency Jalal-ud-din.
Khwaja Qutb-ud-din Baktiyar kaki who died in
 He appointed his nephew and son-in-law Ala-
Delhi. The construction started by Aibak was
ud-din Khilji as the Governor of Kara.
completed by lltutmish.
 He arrested and killed Sidi Maula, a religious
 He nominated his daughter Raziah as his
leader who tried to seize the throne.
successor before his death.
 Jalal-ud-din's policy of peace was not liked by
 He fell ill and died in 1236AD.
the young Khiljis. Ala-ud-din Khilji the son-in-
 lltutmish set up lqtas under lqtadars.
law of Jalal-u d-d in treacherously murdered
 He was the first Turkish ruler to introduce him and came to power after his return from
Arabic coinage. Devagiri.
 The silver tanka of Iltutmish weighed 175 mgs
and had an Arabic inscription on it. Iltutmish Ala-ud-din Khiliji (1296-1316 A.D).
also introduced copperJital.
 Ala-ud-din Khilji was the first Sultan who
Sultana Raziah (1236-1240A.D.) invaded South India.
 He introduced four ordinances to prevent
 Raziah was the first woman ruler of Sultanate frequent rebellions.
 A permanent standing army was organized by
 The successors of Raziah were weak and Ala-ud-din. He introduced the system of
hence Balban rose to power in 1265 A.D. branding of horses.
Balban (1285-1287 A.D).  He followed a harsh policy towards the
Hindus. Jizya, grazing tax and house tax were
 Balban an llbari Turk became the ruler in imposed on them.
1265A.D. after the death of Nasir-ud-din  Officers like Diwan-i-riyasat and Shahana-i-
Mahmud. mandi were appointed to regularize the
 He believed in the Divine Right Theory of market.
Kingship. He introduced Poibos- a form of  Ghazi Malik, the Governor of Punjab, invaded
salutation to the king by kissing his feet in the Delhi and captured the throne. Ghazi Malik
assumed the title of Ghiyas-ud-din Tughluq  The Lodi Dynasty was founded by Bahlol Lodi.
and founded a new line of rulers at Delhi  Bahlol's son Sikandar Shahi (1489-1517 A.D.)
known as the Tughluq Dynasty. ascended the throne under the title of
Sikandar Shah.
 He built the city of Agra which became an
Ghiyas-ud-din Tughluq (1320-1325 A.D.) important administrative and cultural center
of the Lodi's.
 Ghiyas-ud-din Tughluq or Ghazi Malik was the
 He enjoyed" Shehnai "music. A reputed work
founder of the Tughluq dynasty.
on music titled "LahjatÂ-i-Sikandar Shahi was
 The crown prince Junakhan succeeded him.
prepared during his reign.
Muhammad-bln-Tughlaq (1325-1361 A.D).  Ibrahim Lodi (1517-1526 A.D.) succeeded
Sikandhar Lodi.
 Prince Junakhan took up the title Muhammad-  Dilwar khan Lodi the son of Dau lat khan Lodi
bin-Tughluq in 1325 A.D. was treated cruely by Ibrahim Lodi. In order to
 lnorder to protect his capital from Mongols, take revenge on him, Daulat khan Lodi invited
he transferred his capital from Delhi to Babur the ruler of Kabul to invade India.
Devagiri.  Ministers to Sultan
FirozTu tiluq (351-1388A.D).  Wazir - Prime Minister and Finance
 Firoz Tughluq, the son of the younger brother  Diwani-I-Risalt - Foreign Affairs
of Ghiyas-ud-din Tughluq Minister.
 He collected four important taxes such as  Sadr-us-Suddar - Minister of Islamic
Kharaj-1/10 of the produce of the land, Law.
Khams-1/5 of the war booty, Jizya-Poll Tax  Diwan-I-lnsha - Correspondence
and Zakat-Tax on Muslims for specific Minister.
religious purposes.  Diwan-I-Ariz - Defence or War
 An Employment Bureau, Marriage Bureau, Minister.
(Diwani-i-kherat) and hospitals (Dar-ul-shafa)  Qazi-ul-quzar - Minister of Justice.
were established.  The defeat of Ibrahim Lodi in the first Battle of
 Diwan-i-lstibqaq was established to give Panipat in 1526 A.D. by Babur ended the Lodi
financial help to the poor. dynasty
 The Sultan himself wrote his autobiography
called Futuhat-i-Firoz Shahi. THE KINGDOMS OF THE DECCAN.
 . Kutab- Feroz Shahi was a book which dealt The Chalukyas (6th – 12th century A.D.)
with Physics.
Early Western Chalukyas (6th -8th Century A.D.)
THE SAYYID DYNASTY (1414-1451 A.D.).
 Their capital was Vatapi, (modern Badami) in
 Khizr Khan (1414- 1421 A.D.) the Governor of the Bijapur district.
Multan founded Sayyid Dynasty.  Pulakesin-I (543-566.A.D) was the real
 Mubarak Shah (1421-1434A.D.) is notable for founder of the Early Western Chalukyas.
the fact that for the first time Hindu nobles  Dantidurga, founder of the Rashtrakuta
were appointed in the court of Delhi. He built Empire overthrew Kirtivarman-II, the last of
a city called "Mubarakbad" on the banks of the Chalukya Kings of Badami.
the river Jamuna.
 Mubarak's nephew, Muhammad Shah (1434- Later Western Chalukyas of Kalyani (10th -12th
1445 A.D.) succeeded him. century A.D)
 Bahlol Lodi the Governor of Lahore was  Tailapa II (973- 997 A.D) the founder of this
conferred with the title Khan-i-Khanan. dynasty
LODI DYNASTY  Someswara IV was the last ruler of this
Bahlol Lodi (1451-1489A.D.)
Eastern Chalukyas of Vengi (7th – 12th Century A.D)
 Vishnu Vardhana, a brother of Pulakesin-11, shifted the capital to Warangal. The next
was the founder of the Eastern Chalukya remarkable ruler was Ganapathi (1199-
Empire of Vengi. 1261.A.D.).
 Ravikirti, the court poet of Pulakesin-II who  Ganapati was succeeded by his daughter
composed the Aihole Inscription was a Jain. Rudrambha (1261- 1291.A.D.).
 Aihole has been called the ''Cradle of Indian  Vinayakadeva the last nominal ruler of this
Temple architecture”. dynasty was put to death by Muhammad Shah
 The Virupaksha temple: This temple was built I
by Lokamahadevi,the queen of Vikramaditya  The famous Kohinoor Diamond which was
II. unearthed in Kollur on the banks of the
Krishna river belonged to the Kakatiyas.
The Rashtrakutas (8th -10th century A.D.).
THEYADAVAS OF DEVAGIRI (12th -14th Century A.D.).
 Kannada was the mother tongue of the
Rashtrakutas.  Bhillama V was succeeded by his son
 The term "Rashtrakutas· means designated Jaitrapala (1191-1210 A.D.)
officers-in-charge of territorial divisions called
 The greatness of the Rashtrakutas started  The Marathas were people who lived in the
with Dantidurga. hilly region of D&ccan in and around
 Dantidurga died in 756 A.O. and was Maharashtra.
succeeded by his uncle Krishna-I (756-775  They worked under the Shla kings of the
A.O.). Deccan.
 Govinda-11 (775- 780 A.O.), the son of Krishna  They developed a peculiar type of Warfare
I Succeeded him. called “Guerlll8 Warfare”.
 Dhurva (780-792 A.D.) who succeeded
SHIVAJI (A.D.1627 - A.D.1680).
Govinda-11, was an able ruler.
 Govinda-II1 (792 -814 A. D.) was succeeded by  Shlvaji was bom In A.D.1627 at Shivner hill
his fourteen year old son Amoghavarsha-1 fort near Poona. His father was Shahji Bhonsle
(814- 880 A.D). who under the Sultan of Bijapur. His
 Krishna-Ill (936-968 A.D.) was the next famous mother was Jija Bal.
ruler.  he was brought up by his tutor and Guru
 Karka-II (972- 973.A.D.), the last ruler of the DadaJI Khonda Dev.
Rashtrakutas.  The Sultan of Bljapur deputed Afzal Khan to
 Karka-II (972- 973.A.D.), the last ruler of the bring Shivaji,But he was killed by Shivaji with
Rashtrakutas Kailasanatha temple at Ellora. Tiger claw.
The Elephanta caves near Mumbai were  In A.D.1660 Aurangazeb sent Saylstakhan, the
completed by the Rashtrakutas. Governor of Deccan to check the activities of
 Amoghavarsha - wrote Kaviraja Marga in the Shlvaji. but last his thumb.
Kannada language.  Aurangazeb again sent Raja Jai Singh to deal
with Shlvajl. Shivajl was surrounded on all
The Hoysalas of Dwarasamudra (11th -14th Century
 In A.D.1665, Treaty or Purandhar was signed
 Vishnuvardhana was the first distinguished between them.
ruler of Vinayaditya's family.  Aurangazeb called Shivaji a "Mountain-Rat·.
 He shifted his capital to Dwarasamudra.  In A.D.1674, Shivaji got himself coronated at
Raigam and assumed the title of "Chatrapati"
The Kakatiyas of Warangal (12th -14th Century A.D.).
 He had a council of eight ministers
 Proia-II (1110 -1158 A.D.) the Kakatiya ruler called"Ashtapradhan'toassist him in
captured the territory between the Krishna administration.
and the Godavari from the Chalukyas and  Shivaji abolished the Zamindari system.
ruled over it with Hanumakonda as his capital.
His son Prataparudra-I (1158- 1196.A.D.)
 After the death of Shlvajl, his eldest son BABUR (A.D 1526. A. D 1530).
Sambhajl ascended the throne. He was not as
 Zahir-ud-Din Muhammad, Babur was born in
efficient as his father.
 Rajaram, another son of Shivaji became the
 He was the eldest son of Umar Shaikh Mirza.
Chatrapathi. When he died in A.O.1700, his
Babur was a descendant from his father’s side
wife Tara Bai began to rule the empire on
of Timur, the Turk, and mother's side of
behalf of her minor son Shivaji-II
Chenglzkhan, the Mongol.
Peshwas.  Babur became the king of Farghana al the
early age of 11.
 The Prime Minister of the Maratha Empire
was called the "Peshwa". Their rule started FIRST BATTLE OF PANIPAT (A.D.1526)
from A.D.1713.
 Ibrahim Lodi Vs Babur.
Peshwa Balaji Viswanath (1713A.D-1720A.D.)  Ibrahim Lodi was defeated and killed In the
battlefield. It brought the rule of Delhi
 He became the first Peshwa under the
Sultanate to an end.
Maratha emperor Sahu. He was called as the
 Rana Sanga was defeated in the battle of
founder of the Peshwa rule.
Kanwah in A.D 1527.
Peshwa Baji Rao (1720A.D-1740A.D).  Medini Rai of Malwa was defeated in the
battle of Chanderi In A.D 1528.
 he was generally regarded as the ·greatest of
 Muhammed Lodi was also defeated In the
lhe Peshwas·.
battle of Gaghra in A.D 1529.
Peshwa BalaJI Baji Rao (1740A.D-1761 A.D.).  In A.D 1530 at the age of 47, Babur died of ill-
health, after nominating Humayun as the
 He was the 3" Peshwa. He had the able successor.
guidance of his cousin Sadasiva Rao and the
 He wrote his Autobiography, "Tuzuk-I-Babri",
Maratha power attained its zenith in 1758 A.D
populary known as "Memoirs of Babur" in
The Third Battle of Panlpat (A.D.1761). Turkish language.

 Ahmad Shah Abdali, the king of Afghanistan. HUMAYUN (A.D.1530-A.D.1540 and A.D 1555-A.D
with the help of Nazlb-ud-daulah of 1556)
Rohilkhand and Shuja-ud-daulah of Oudh. He
 Humayun, the eldest son of Babur, ascended
met the Maratha forces led by Sadasiva Rao
to the throne in A.D 1530 after the death of
at the historic plains of Panipat in 1761 A.D
his father.
Invasion of Nadir Shah (A.D.1739).  Sherkhan defeated Humayun in the battle of
Chausa in A.D 1539 and again in the battle of
 Nadir Shah was one of the greatest warriors Kanauj In A.D.1540.
of Persia.  He married Hamida Banu Begum and Akbar
 He did not spare the Mughal emperor and was born at Amarkot in A.D 1542.
deprived him of the famous Kohi-noor  "Humayun" means "fortunate",
Diamond and the Peacock Throne.
 he was killed by his own soldiers in A.D.1747. SHER SHAH SUR (A.D.1540-1545)

Invasion of Ahmad Shah Abdali (A.D.1761).  The original name of Shershah Sur was Farid.
 "Sherkhan" the "Lion King” for killing a tiger in
 Ahmad Shah Abdali was the head of the a single hand (Sher) on a hunting expedition.
Abdali tribe of the Afghans.  The dynasty founded by him was known as
 Diwan-i-Wizarat - incharge of income and
 Ibrahim Lodi, the last Sultan of Deihi. expenditure,
 Diwa-i-Ariz - incharge of recruitments,
organization of army,
 Diwan-i-Rasalat - incharge of ambassadors  He wrote his autobiography. “Tuzuk-I-
and envoys, Jahanglri".
 Diwan-i-Insha - incharge of royal  Jahangir was famous in the field of justice. He
proclamations and despatches. ordered for the setting up of a 'Chain of
 He issued “Patta" to the cultivators. He Justice"
introduced the "Ryotwari System".  "Nur Mahal' or 'Light of the Palace”. Later on
 Shershah has been called as the Fore-runner she was called as Nur Jahan or "Light of the
of Akbar. World".The period between 1611-1626 may
 He introduced the "Dagh" system (or) easily be called as "the Age of Nur Jahan'.
"branding the horses" to avoid false musters.
SHAH JAHAN (A.D.1628-A.D 1658)
 Shershah has been called as "the father of
modem currency".  Shah Jahan was the son of Jahangir. His
original name was Khurram.
AKBAR THE GREAT (A.D.1556-A.D.1605)
 Shah Jahan "King of the World”.
 Jalaluddin Muhammad Akbar was born at  The reign of ShahJahan has been considered
Amarkot on 23rd November 1542. Humayun as the "Golden Age of the Mughals".
made Bairam Khan Akbar's guardian as he was  Shah Jahan has been called as the “Prince of
only 13 years old when he was crowned Builders", and "Engineer King".
Emperor  He built a new capital “shahjahanabad".
 He had a grand collection of precious stones.
It included the 'Peacock Throne' and the
 The armies of Akbar and Hemu met at the valuable Kohinoor Diamond.
historic plains of Panipat inA.D.1556.  The Persian invader, Nadir Shah took it away
Hemu was defeated and killed. in A.D.1739.
 Akbar abolished 'Jizya' and 'Pilgrimage taxes'
AURANGAZEB (A.D.1658-A.D.1707)
which were collected from non-Muslims.
 Abul Fazl wrote Ain-I-Akbari and Akbar Nama.  He assumed the title of "Alamgir".
Abul Faizl translated Ramayana and  Guru Tegh Bahadur, the ninth Sikh Guru
Mahabharata into Persian from Sanskrit. Tan protested against the anti-Hindu policy of
sen was a great musician who adorned Aurangazeb.Aurangazeb was annoyed and the
Akbar’s Court. Guru was summoned to Delhi and compelled
to embrace Islam. As the Guru refused to do
so, he was tortured and beheaded.
 he constructed a building known as lbadat
 1582, Akbar promulgated a new religion
called "Din-i-llahi" (Divine Faith). Its object
was to establish a National Religion based on
universal toleration.

JAHANGIR (A.D.1605-A.D.1627)

 After the death of Akbar, his eldest son ·Salim·

assumed the title, Nuruddln Muhammad
Jahangir (or) “conqueror of the World" and
became the emperor of India
 Guru Arjun Dev the 5th Sikh Guru
 During Jahangir's reign, captain William
Hawkins and Sir Thomas Roe from England
visited his court. Sir Thomas Roe obtained
permission from Jahangir in A.D.1615 to trade
at Surat.

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