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I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.

1. A. attitude B. casual C. financial D. change

2. A. objection B. obey C. impose D. forbid

3. A. privacy B. pierce C. advice D. activity

IT. Choose the word which has a different stress partern from the other.

4. A. elegant B. argument C. compassion D. comfortable

5. A. benefical B. conservative C. experienced D. responsible

ITI. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.

6. A. Different people may have different __________ towards clothing because there are
no global standards.

A. ways B. attitudes C. thinking D. behaviors

7. A. Teenages is the period which is full of excitement, experiments and __________.

A. conflicts B. violence C. enjoyment D. opposing

8. she considers people to be the products of the values and __________ of the society they
live in.

A. norms B. requirements C. situations D. behaviours

9. Conflict or fighting between parents also has a negative ________ on children’s sense of
safety and security.

A. act B. power C. impact D. force

10. ___________ is the state of being the father.

A. Father B. Father-in-law C. Fatherhood D. Fatherland

11. According to the school regulations, you _________ go to the school on time on the

A. should B. must C. have to D. can

12. Children break the rules __________, or quarrel with the parents.

A. must B. musn’t C. have to D. don’t have to

13. “ You _________ come back here before curfew, or you’ll get punishment, son.”

A. should B. shouldn’t C. must D. don’t have to

14. We ___________ do fun things trogether as a family on a regular basis.

A. should B. musn’t C. shouln’t D. have to

15. You _________ spit in any situation, or anywhere.

A. have to B. don’t have to C. must D. mustn’t

V. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D the best fits the blank space in
the following passage.


Generation gap is a popular (21) __________ used to describe the wide differences between
members of younger generation and their older. A generation gap exists when older and
younger people don't understand each other (22) ________ their experiences, their opinions,
habits, behaviour and life conditions. Generation gap can exist between two, or even three
generations in a family, between mature and immature generations.

Firstly, there are some different opinions between parents and children of their career,
education and love. People live in the old society always think they should (23) ________
everything for their children from selections of primary school to job, and then finding a wife
or a husband for their children. There are many things children want but their parents think
(24) ______ are unnecessary. That causes misunderstanding and (25) ______ gaps.

Secondly, the young generation thinks differently from the old generation does. They can be
affected by many new fashion (26) ________. Life is more modern now, so fashion like
recreation, entertainment, clothes, and hairstyle has to be changed to become more (27)
_______ for busy life. The young generation likes listening to pop, rock, hip hop music, but
the older generation likes listening to classical music, folk songs. There are always gaps
between generations.

Next, the older generation has more experiences than the younger: they know what is right,
what is wrong but the younger will comment, deny everything without any experiences. (28)
_______, in some cases, the young generation makes foolish mistakes because of having no

In short, parents seldom listen to their children and children always think parents are so strict
and conservative. To shorten these distances or to (29) ________ this big barrier, parents
and children should sit together and talk or discuss like friends. The young generation can
learn experiences from the old one, and the old generation need to refresh their (30)
_________ to receive the new lifestyle. If everyone can do that, the gaps will be filled.

21. A. name B. term C. description D. way

22. A. owing B. in spite of C. because of D. with

23. A. make B. put C. change D. arrange

24. A. which B. what C. those D. that

25. A. makes B. crosses C. does D. leaves

26. A. situations B. occasions C. modes D. trends

27. A. available B. suitable C. corresponding D. accustomed

28. A. So B. However C. With the result D. As a result

29. A. clear away B. clear off C. clear up D. clear out

30. A. brains B. minds C. heads D. bodies

VI. Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question.
It is generally accepted that teenage is a difficult period of life for the teenager and
even for the parents. Frequent fighting over the most trivial thingsis one main characteristic
of every household with a teenager.

Parents expect children to come back home earlier. What parents consider the
reasonable time limit is not acepted by their teens. Curfew and time restriction become one
of the main reason for fights.

Teenage is the time when a lot of kids want to show their independence. The problem
arises when parents, fearing the safety of their teens, often refuse to give them their own
bikes or motorbikes. This, of course, leads to more fights.

A decrease in grades due to increasing difficulty level of school work, newer subjects,
more socializing is very common among teens but parents are not sympathetic. Parents try to
impose studying rules and insit that their teens finish their homeworks before going out. This
makes situation worse.

That children spend too much time on the phone is one complaint that most parents
have. The age of smartphone has ensured that kids put their smartphones above almost
everything else. Parents, however, worry that teens spending too much time on their phones
lose out on family time and real human interaction, besides harming their eyes.

Teenagers develop a taste for unhealthy and delicious fast foods, while parents believe
that a growing body needs protein nutrition. As cold drinks, burgers, pizzas replaces
wholesome, home cooked meals, parents worry. Moreover, teenage is a time when
kidsbecome more and more consicious of their weight and body image. To achieve the ‘idea’
thin body type, girls often starve themselves and skip meals. Of course, this also leads to a
lot of arguments between parents who try to convince their daughters that proper meals are
more important than being thin .

31. Teenage is a difficult period of life for both teenagers and parents because _________.

A. children always do the most trivial things in every household.

B. parents expect their children to come back home as them would like to.

C. children spend too much time on their phones, talking to their friends.

D. parents don’t understand what their children think and believe.

32. Children would like to have their own bikes or motorbikes _______________.

A. to satisfy their parents

B. to show their independence

C. lose out on family time and real human interaction

D. to advoid curfew and time restriction

33. All of the following are the results why there is a decrease in grades EXCEPT ________.

A. sympathy from parents

B. newer subjects

C. higher level of school work

D. social life
34. Parents belive that _______________.

A. teenagers love unhealthy but delicious fast foods

B. children should have a good shape than proper nutition

C. a growing body requires proper diets and nutrients

D. cold drinks, burgers, pizzas become more popular

35. The main idea of the passage is ______________.

A. different tastes between parens and childrens is food

B. common reasons why teenagers fight with parents

C. curfew and time restriction on children

D. development of physical and mental aspects during teenage


I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.

1. A. childcare B. privacy C. mature D. elegant

2. A. afford B. force C. top D. norm

3. A. compassion B. progress C. discussion D. pressure

IT. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.

4. A. studious B. respectful C. financial D. extended

5. A. curfew B. confitct C. control D. homestay

ITI. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.

6. A child comes to his parents to see that they ______ his needs, desires, and ambition.

A. agree B. respect C. admire D. worry

7. Children learn from how they see their parents ________ : when parents are getting
along well, their relationship supports their child’s development.

A. involve B. influence C. affect D. interact

8. Knocking on closed doors before entering can be a great way for children to practice
_______ behaviors.

A. respecting B. respectful C. respective D. respected

9. Parents should teach children about _______ by establishing a rule about knocking on
closed doors before entering.

A. loneliness B. care C. privacy D. peace

10. Going into any argurment, both sides know that either one is going to change the other’s
_________ .

A. head B. mind C. brain D. feeling

11. During the examination, students _________ keep silent and focus on their own papers.

A. need B. can C. might D. have to

12. We ________ make decisions together about what to do for special events such as

A. should B. shouldn't C. have to D. don't have to

13. Parents ask too many questlons about where children go and what they đo.

A. should B. shouldnˆt C. must D. mustn”t

14. You _______ discuss family issues with all family members, including children.

A. must B. mustn't C. have to D. don't have to

15. You ______ put the kmife in your mouth — is very dangerous.

A. have to B. don’t have to C. must D. mustn’t

V. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in
the following passage.

Generation gap refers to the đifference im the ways of thinking and perception in the

people of two different generations which results in behavioral differences, and sometimes,

(21) _______ between them. In other words, it is the difference in the thinking of the people

of the older and younger generatlons that creates the (22) _______ of understanding between
them. The most common example of generation gap is seen in the family between parents
and their chidren. It is not only because of the gap in age but also because of the way parents
(23) _______ to a particular situation.

Advancement technology has led to the generation gap in this modern world. Children
tend to spend most of ther time with their digital devices and busy with social media that they
do not discuss ther problems with their parents. The Internet (24) ________ solutions to most
of the problems that children needn't ask ther own parents for help, (25) _____ the
communication and leading to a generation gap.

Generation gap occurs not only between parents and children but also between teachers
and students. Students are likely to enjoy the classes of an open-minded teacher, who shows
mutual (26) _______ to the students. The teachers, who tend to keep their students under
unnecessary strict disciplines and practise hard ways fo make them obey the orders, are
usually disliked by the students. This narrows minded thinking, especially (27) _______ in the
teachers of the older generation, eventually creates a gap between the students and teachers.
Another difference is the use of technology. Young teachers tend to use more digital
devices in class for their lessons that has a good (28) _______ on the students. Students take
more interest and participate actively in the class discussion. An old teacher has (29) ________
frequent use of electronic devices that makes lessons boring, which is not enjoyed by the
students and it creates a gap between them.

To (30) _______ the generation gap, parents or teachers must be close to their children.
They should show interest and give time to the children, have open communication, and allow
the chitd to feel free m all the situatlons.

21. A. opposiltion B. wars C. conflicts D. sympathy

22. A. lack B. shortage C. failure D. miss

23. A. behave B. react C. change D. experience

24. A. sets B. allows C. shows D. provides

25. A. reduce B. to reduce C. reducing D. being reduced

26. A. respect B. politeness C. benefit D. friend

27. A. watched B. met C. seen D. considered

28. A. impact B. force C. power D. act

29. A. fewer B. more C. less D. much

30. A. give up B. reduce C. make D. leave

VI. Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question.

Generation Gap: Causes and Solutions

Parents have a common complaint that their children after a certain age tend to
disrespect them. They look for more freedom and enjoy the company of their friends rather
than staying at home. These all are the changes when the kids grow from teenagers to
adulthood. This is the time when they want to be treated as big but the parents still consider
them small. They want to take their own decisions but they can’t because parents are there
to take any important decisions about their children. So these issues sometimes create a
problem and this is when the generation gap comes in.

There are lots of activities which interest the kids more but parents are not willing with
it. Instead of arguing with children and avoiding the discussion, it will be good that parents
take a step forward and talk to their children.

Parents are the best friend of their children as they act as both good parents and
friends. As parents have spent a large amount of their time with their kids, so it is necessary
that parents understand what their children are saying and how it can affect their life. Any
suggestions coming from parents can never be wrong, so teenagers should trust in them as
they always want their children to progress in life.

Commmunication is the best way to bridge the gap and find a perfect solution. Parents
should sit with their childrven and talk about their needs so that parents know their children’s
expectations. Parents can also listen to their problems and look for a solution which ¡s best
for them. Parents mustn’t force them to do anything without interest but make them aware
of their duties so that they do it willingly. As you are dealing with teenagers, you need to keep
yourself in their situation and then think about it.

If parents feel that their children are disrespecting, they then tell that ¡f their children
want respect, they need to give it to other people too. This is a lifetime lesson which they
need to learn as if is not limited to their home but also when they go out and work in any

Children must understand their limitations. lf they go beyond that, it will be difficult for
them. It is the duty of the parents that they make their kids understand their limitation and
define a boundary for them. This is done for the benefit of the children so that they know
what is right and what is wrong for them.

31. One of the main reasons of the generation gap ¡s that ________ .

A. children can make their own decisions

B. children were not able to make their own decisions

C. the problems of the generation gap to be small

D. children are being treated as a chid

32. Teenagers should trust their parents because _________ .

A. parents are their best friends and they always want their children to make progress

B. chidren understand what they are saying and what can affect their life

C. parents always treat their children as they are still young, and listen to them

D. parents have spent a large amount of their time at work and at home with their kids

33. In order to bridge the generation gap, one can do all of the followineg EXCEPT ________

A. parents should have chats with their children to know their children’s expectations

B. parents should listen to their chỉldren’s problems and look for a solution

C. parents don’t have to force their children to do anything without interest

D. parent’s should make their children aware of their duties so that they do it willingly

34. In order to solve the problem of disrespect from children, parents should show that

A. chidren should go out more offen and work in any organization

B. chidren want respect, they need to show it to their parenfs foo

C. parents are not willing with their children’s inappropriate activities

D. parents are there to take any important decisions about their children

35. One of the solutions to the problem of the generation gap is that __________ .

A. parents make their children know their limitations and their own boundary

B. parents must understand their limitations and define a boundary for them

C. children should know what is right and what is wrong for both parents and children
D. children realized that if parents go beyond their limitations they'll have problems


I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.

1. A. date B. romantic C. teenager D. relationship

2. A. reconciled B. sympathetic C. benefit D. talented

3. A. sympathetic B. smoothly C. without D. together

IT. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the ofhers.

4. A. profile B. promote C. prefer D. regret

5. A. matchmaking B. teenager C. romantic D. reconciled

ITI. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.

6. Online ________ services have helped lots of single people to find future husbands or

A. date B. dating C. dated D. dates

7. She felt very upset after she broke ______ with her boyfriend.

A. in B. down C. up D. out

8. Teens all over the world notice passionate feelings of _______ in romantic relationships.

A. feature B. quality C. worthiness D. attraction

9. Parents often feel they have lost any sort of _______ or influence over their child.

A. control B. ability C. opportunity D. impression

10. Teenagers hate any restrictions on ther growing and abilify to decide for thernselves.

A. condition B. state C. freedom D. permission

11. She just needed someone who would lend a(n) _______ ear to her once in a while.

A. kind B. understanding C. supporting D. sympathetic

12. It is my closest friend ________ can help me get over difficulties.

A. whom B. which C. that D. he

13. To be _______ good terms with someone is to have a good relationship with someone.

A. on B. in C. with D. about
14. ________ friendship that you should try to build up ín order to have true values.

A. This is B. There is C. lt was D. Lt is

15. It ______ like you are going through a hard time in your life.

A. hears B. listens C. sees D. sounds

VI. Choose the word among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the
following passage.

Online Dating

Dating people online has become an extremely popular custom that has developed as
more and more people have figured out the (26) ________ of using the Internet as a way of
finding love. People of all ages submit to dating online, teens and adults (27) _______
searching for that special person by setting up (28) _______ on online dating sites and
browsing through other peoples profiles. On dating websites, singles are provided the (29)
_______ of learning a few things about various potential partners, making their decision of
contacting them based (30) _________ dating profile descriptions and photos.

Out of the many countries where people practise online dating, the United Kingdom ¡s
perhaps the keenest on online dating (31) ________ most English people prefer to browse on
the Internet in order to find (32) ________ instead of trying to meet other persons in bars,
clubs, parks or at parties.

Dating may vary across the globe, yet as time passes, people develop (33) _______
dating customs, such as dating with the help of the Internet. Although this (34) _________
of dating is mostly practised in the Western civilization, no one can tell for sure what other
customs will emerge as the world changes, and whether strict dating will come against sore
people's right of choosing whatever partner they see (35) _______ for themselves.

26. A. success B. qualities C. advantages D. drawbacks

27. A. able B. like C. unlike D. likely

28. A. arrangemernts B. accounts C. records D. details

29. A. situaton B. time C. development D. opportunity

30. A. in B. on C. at D. from

31. A. although B. so C. since D. but

32. A. girlfriends B. days C. marriage D. dates

33. A. new B. interested C. shocking D. available

34. A. document B. chance C. form D. arrangement

35. A. fit B. ready C. excited D. interesting

VIT. Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each

Mr. and Mrs. Nelson have two children, Lara 10 and Peter is 16. Mrs. Nelson first
discovered that Peter was getting into trouble when school rang her to say that he hadn’t
turned up that day, or the day before. She realized right away that he had been truanting.
Peter’s behaviour was causing conflict in the house and Mr. and Mrs. Nelson were both
concerned. They had different views of how they should deal with Peter’s behaviour and this
led to rows that upset the whole family. They decided to prevent Peter from going out with
his friends, but this just made him more stubborn and he would continue to miss school and
stay outside his curfew.

Over the coming weeks, family life became more and more difficult. Mr. and Ms. Nelson
felt that they could no longer do this on their own and asked the school to help. The school
arranged for Peter to talk to someone he trusted, and they made an agreernent for him to
start gradually attending school again. He was also given some time to catch up with the work
he had missed.

As he started to talk it through, Peter realized that he had been unhappy at school for
a while. He admitted that he had felt lonely since his best friend moved away and another
group of friends had persuaded him to skip school. As he missed more and more school, it
became harder to go back.

Peter was encouraged to tell his parents how much he missed h¡s friend and that he
wanted to spend time with his dad playing football or fishing. Mr. Nelson thought he had
grown out of that a long time ago but was pleased to spend time with Peter again.

Mr. and Mrs. Nelson tried to notice every day when Peter achieved his goal of attending
school, being on time and remembering to do his homework. it took a litfle longer for Peter’s
friendships to return to normal and Peter has had to learn to prove himself trustworthy to his
parents, but gradually Mr. and Mrs. Nelson are learning to trust Peter again.

36. The conflict in the Nelsons was due to the fact that __________ .

A. Peter had been truanting at school

B. Peter was getting into trouble at school

C. they paid too much attention to Lara

D. they didn’t agree on the solution to Peter’s problem

37. When Mr. and Mrs. Nelson applied severe punishment to Peter, _______

A. Peter stopped going out with his friends

B. it had no effect and made the situation worse

C. he missed his friends and stayed outside his curfew

D. the family didn’t know how to deal with his behaviour

38. The school applied all the following things to help Peter EXCEPT that _________ .

A. they helped the Nelsons solve the problem on their own

B. they agreed to allow him to come back to school

C. they helped him to catch up with his study

D. they tried to make his communication with his friends befter

39. The reason why Peter got into trouble was that _________ .

A. it became harder for him to miss school

B. he couldn't talk about his problem at home and at school

C. some of his friends had negative impact on him

D. he wanted to move away with his best friend

40. The best solution to Peter°s problem was that ________ .

A. he went fishing with his dad again

B. the school and family have helped and trusted him

C. he could do his homework and go to school on time

D. it took him a long time to have normal friendship again


I. Find the word which has a different sound in the par underlined.

1. A. matchmaking B. face C. dating D. teenager

2. A. advice B. reconciled C. incident D. decisive

3. A. contact B. initiative C. interact D. lifetime

IT. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.

4. A. attitude B. argument C. relevant D. assistant

5. A. interact B. concentrate C. counsellor D. influence

ITI. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.

6. If you have any problems, go to Amn. Shell always _________ a sympathetic ear.

A. give B. bring C. lend D. borrow

7. Teenage depression is a ________ problem that impacts every aspect of a teen’s life.

A. dangerous B. serious C. bad D. harmful

8. They were finally _______ with each other, after not speaking for nearly five years.

A. reconciled B. persuaded C. interested D. fond

9. Rapid changes in personality, falling grades, constant sadness, anxiety, or sleep problems
could indicate depression, bullying, or another _______ health issue.
A. emotion B. emotional C. feeling D. nervous

10. Teenagers do not have to work and _______ on their favorite study, club activities and
going out.

A. gather B. bring C. concentrate D. depend

11. With their many similar tastes, he found her a most _______ companion.

A. sympathetic B. kind C. approved D. interested

12. To people who don't know him he probably _______ rather unfriendly.

A. sees B. sounds C. appears D. performs

13. The fact that teens focus more on their friends may leave their parents _______ hurt.

A. believing B. thinking C. giving D. feeling

14. He is 16, but he often _______ younger.

A. seems B. remains C. makes D. suggests

15. Understanding the impacts of dating on teen years can help parents in their _______
with teens.

A. access B. expression C. communication D. behaviour

VI. Choose the word among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the
following passage.

Romantic Feelings of Teens: A Natural Process

Teens face strong pressures to date, as well as get involved in a romantic relationship.
A romantic relationship is one that involves feelings of (26) ________ . In fact, over half of
teens in the United States report dating regularly (casual dates with one or more partners at
different times) whereas a third claim to have a steady dating partner. Young teens usually
hang out with friends who are the same (27) _______ as they are. As they reach the mid-
teen years (age 14 - 15 years), they start having relationships with friends of the opposite
sex. Such relationships are likely to be friendships or physical attractions. Although most
romantic relationships among 12 to 14-year-olds (28) ______ less than 5 months, by age 16
relationships last an average of 2 years. In the early teen years, dating is more superficial —
for fun and (29) _______ . In the older teen years, youth are looking for immtimacy,
companionship, affection, and (30) ______ support.

Destring a romantic partner is a natural, expected part of (31) ________ . However,

involvement in a serious or exclusive romantic relatonship in the early teen years can (32)
_______ problems. True romantic relationships are about intimacy, or communicating detaled,
personal informatton verbally, and physical contact and closeness. Some believe a teen first
needs to form an idenfity and know who she or he is (33) _________ developing a healthy
inimate relationship. Other experts feel that romantic relationships are a way for teens to learn
more about (34) ______ . Many young teens are still defining themselves and romantic
relationships may be based on a (35) ______ sense of intimacy — in other words, teens don't
know themselves well enough to share who they are with someone else.

26. A. emotion B. feature C. attraction D. quality

27. A. gender B. class C. race D. culture

28. A. continue B. exist C. survive D. last

29. A. hobby B. recreation C. pastime D. amusement

30. A. sociable B. social C. society D. emotion

31. A. teenagers B. teens C. adolescent D. adult

32. A. create B. impress C. get D. succeed

33. A. at B. during C. after D. before

34. A. them B. themselves C. us D. ourselves

35. A. unnatural B. true C. false D. right

VIT. Read the passage about the effects of teenage relationships, and then answer
the questions.

Different relationships affect teenagers in various ways. Friends impact teenagers

almost the same amount as their parents. Teenagers go to their friends for help or to ask
questions that they could not ask their parents about. Most of the time their friends give them
good advice. In most cases they tell their friends how to dress and act when being around
certain people.

Love relationships just make it even harder for a teenager to get a good education.
Some start to fail in school because they are hanging out with their boyfriend or grilfriend
instead of doing their work.

Parents have a big influence on teenagers because their children look up to them and
the majority of them grow up to act and do things just like their parents did with them.
Children who have experienced a family break-up may have lower achievements than children
brought up in an intact family.

As previously stated, teenagers are affected by many relationships which involve their
friends, family, and their love relationships. The relationships affect them so much that most
teenagers change their ideas about how they should live their lives in a different way and to
change their future goals. They should be influenced to help themselves or to help others.

36. Teenapers go to their friends in order to ________ .

A. impact them in various ways and the same amount

B. ask for help or advice that their parents can’t give them

C. have different relationships that their parents can’t offer

D. ask how to dress when being around certain people

37. Love relationships may make a teenager harder to get a good education because

A. their boyfriend or girlfriend may make them fail in school

B. they tell ther boyfriend or girlfriend how to dress or how to act

C. they try to do their work instead of hanging out with their boyfriend or girlfriend

D. they hang out with their boyfriend or girlfriend instead of studying

38. All of the following statements about parents’ influence on teenagers are true EXCEPT
that _________ .

A. achievements of teenagers from a family break-up are always low

B. parents have a greaf impact on teenagers

C. most teenagers grow up fo act and do things just like their parents

D. a family break-up may have a negative effect on teenagers

39. Relationships can _________

A. help others to form relationships

B. help teenagers to decide the future goals in love relationships

C. influence teenagers in many aspects of their lives

D. help teenagers to follow their future goals with their friends and family

40. The main idea of the passage is ________

A. the effects of love relationships on teenagers’ study

B. the impact of relationships on teenagers’ lives

C. the role of parents in their children’s lives

D. the impact of relationships on adults and teenagers


1. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.

1. A. decide B. decisive C. decision D. reliable

2. A. pyramid B. hygiene C. nylon D. lifestyle

3. A. enquire B. quay C. quality D. quarter

IT. Choose the word wbhich has a different stress pattern from the others.
4. A. international B. interpersonal C. intelligently D. intellectually

5. A. determined B. examine C. reliant D. medicine

ITI. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.

6. The courses try to get young people to feel _______ in applying new skills in order to
live independently.

A. sure B. confident C. excited D. interesting

7. Teens should have the abliyto _______ loneliness.

A. deal B. cope with C. set up D. look after

8. General ________ skills are part of being independent and responsible.

A. house B. housekeeper C. housekeeping D. house-making

9. During our courses, you write an independent living plan to meet individual needs, such as
_______, meal planning, and financial manapement.

A. self-esteem B. self-examination C. self-fulfilment D. self-expression

10. Parents can teach their teen to ______ to achieve positive outcomes.

A. affect B. succeed C. encourage D. strive

11. Effective ________ skills help you break each project down into the achievable tasks.

A. time-keeping B. time-consuming C. time-management D. time-line

12. When teens learn how to use ther time _______, they not only get more tasks
accomplished, but they also feel good about themselves and their abilties.

A. wise B. wisely C. in wisdom D. of wisdom

13. Setting money aside for emergencies helps you be sure ________ your rent and bills on

A. to pay B. about paying C. that to pay D. to be paid

14. With a “To Do” list, you are less _______ to orget to do tasks.

A. like B. alike C. hkely D. likely than

15. Messy desks and drawers take you much time ________ through piles of documents.

A. search B. on searching C. searching D. to search

VI. Choose the word among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the
following passage.

Coping with loneliness is a very important skill of needed independent living skills for
teens (26) _______ every teen has needed it. lt doesn’t matter (27) _______ college, starting
a new (28) ______ and moving into an apartment or getting married. Leaving they are going
to your chilđhood home and being on your own for the first time will cause some (29)
_________ of loneliness. Teens who know how to recognize loneliness as the termporary
feeling if is, use their support system and work through their loneliness have learned a
valuable life skill and they do just fine. Those who cannot get over their loneliness may make
wrong (30) ______ about where and how to live or (31) _______ to live with. We should
recognize that being alone does not mean being lonely. Being (32) _______ with ourselves is
part of having a healthy (33) _________ . Reading, drawing, crafting and listening to music
are activities that we can enjoy by ourselves without feeling lonely.

We should get involved in activities with our friends and activities we can help others.

There are so many (34) ______ for us to connect with our family and friends, such as email,
letter writing, online social networking, texting and (35) ______ phone calls.

26. A. because B. so C. although D. but

27. A. how B. what C. if D. unless

28. A. work B. job C. employment D. problem

29. A. position B. situation C. amount D. level

30. A. decisions B. efforts C. differences D. fun

31. A. when B. what C. who D. that

32. A. comfort B. comfortable C. comfortably D. uncomfortable

33. A. opinion B. positon C. way D. attitude

34. A. ways B. designs C. streets D. things

35. A. doing B. bringing C. making D. taking

VIT. Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each

Learning The Basics of Essential Life Skills

Living on your own might be something that you dream of achieving some day, but at
the same time, the thought can be scary. You need an income, and then after that you need
the survival skills to take care of yourself without anyone there to support you.

This guide will help prepare you for that transtion so that some day you can live

Frisf, create a support network. We need people to be there for us and to also be
honest with us and tell us how we can improve ourselves. Preferably, this network will extend
beyond family members and ¡nclude at least one close friend that you trust. Ultimately, when
you are living on your own, you might encounter many obstacles you have never thought of
and you will want someone there to be supportive of you and to help you as you navigate a
life of independence.

Second, master your weaknesses. It is a good idea to try and be aware of your
weaknesses. lf possible, have your close friend tell you what they feel are your biggest
weaknesses. It is also good to know your strengths, but ¡f is your weaknesses that you need
to work on. For instance, you might get very focused on playing video games for hours, maybe
days at a time. While it is okay to play video games, playing them for days at a time when
trying to live on your own can lead to you losing your job and also your house. So, if is
important that you recognize your weaknesses and do your best to work with them.
Next, learn to balance your schedule. It is important to learn how to do multiple things
in a day. You need to be flexible and wiling to schedule time for activities, work, and social

Then, live a healthy lifestyle. You should exercise and try to cat healthy. You also have
to maintain your hygiene or you might find yourself out of a job.

Last but not least, follow your dreams and make them come true. Look through the
newspapers and online and find that apartment or house that you desire to live in. Decide
that you are going to move out and make it happen. Ultimately, living on your own is
something that you have to make happen for yourself. So, decide that is what you want and
don't allow anything to deter you from your goal.

36. In order to live independently, you should _________ .

A. dream of achieving some day

B. need someone to support you in case of emergency

C. not have the scary thought without anyone there to support you

D. have a job and the necessary life skills

37. The support network is very important because __________

A. we don't have any family member to trust or rely on

B. it helps us to improve ourselves and get over obstacles

C. we may think of obstacles and we want someone to be supportive of us

D. it can help us navigate a life of independence

38. All of the folowing are correct about mastering your weaknesses EXCEPT that _______

A. you should know both your strengths and weaknesses

B. being aware of your weaknesses helps you avoid big mistakes

C. your friends can’t recognize your weaknesses for you

D. you should recognize your weaknesses and get rid of them

39. Learning to balance your schedule helps you ________

A. complete your tasks at work, home and in society

B. play video games for hours without worrying losing your job

C. be flexible and willing to recognize your weaknesses

D. learn how to do multiple things at work

40. In order to make your dream of living independently corne true, you have to _________

A. find an apartment online for your parents to move out

B. live by yourself instead of living with your parents

C. find yourself out of a job because of maintaining your hygiene

D. never allow anything to deter you from your healthy lifestyle


I. Find the word whitch has a different sound in the part underlined.

1. A. prioritise B. privacy C. determined D. strive

2. A. wisely B. width C. wisdom D. confident

3. A. possession B. discussion C. profession D. decision

IT. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.

4. A. loneliness C. confident D. protective

5. A. difitculty B. community C. ability D. effectively

ITI. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.

6. Parents should learn how to teach their children personal __________

A. time-management B. time management C. timeline D. timekeeping

7. _________ independence thinking skills at an early age will help your children buid
confidence and self-esteem.

A. Enquring B. Inquiring C. Acquiring D. Requiring

8. It is important for children to learn self-sufficiency, develop high self-esteem and be

_______ from early on ¡n life.

A. motivated B. motivational C. motive D. motivating

9. Independent learners become ______ adults who have faith in their abilities to succeed,
achieve and overcome challenges.

A. confident B. over-confident C. confñidential D. reluctant

10. Parents and teachers play a ______ role in helping children become independernt.

A. final B. quick C. deciding D. decisive

11. When independence becomes your _________, it leads to the 4C’s: confidence,
compefence, creativity, and character.

A. priority B. variety C. importance D. action

12. The natural desire to protect children can make parents _________

A. over-protecting B. over-protective

C. protectively D. protectiveness

13. A _______ skilled person can work, learn and recreate collaboratively with others.

A. sociable B. social C. socially D. society

14. I was _______ to recognize that I could work more effectively with my time log.

A. willng B. fond C. determined D. amazed

15. Breaks provide valuable rest ________ you to think creatively and work effectively.

A. able B. enable C. enabling D. to enable

VI. Choose the word among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the
following passage.

Building Confidence in Teens

Confidence is one's belief in their own ability. Confident people rationally believe they
are (26) ________ of do¡ng things well and therefore arent afraid to do those things or even
(27) ________ new things. Teens who are confident to grow up have a good (28) _______
of self and become happy adults. Parents can help teens (29) _________ their confidence
throughout their adolescence by following these tips: Be trustworthy. Be there when your teen
needs you. Provide a safe home environment and firm but fair discipline. This ¡s a (30) ______
that your teen's confidence can stand on.

Give your teen choices. One of the things that confidence helps teens do is making a
decision. You can help teens make đecision by (31) ________ them choices as often as

(32) _________ your teen to try new things. Be available to take them where they need
to go and do so without complaining.

Become your teen’s biggest fan, (33) _______ if is in sports, or in school. Allow your
teen to fail, do not fix their problems for them. If they need you to help talk the problem
through, ask open ended questions so that they (34) _______ to ther own conclusions.

Praise your teen when praise is suitable. We know that too much praise is not good (35)
________ but suitable praise is necessary for your teen's self-confidence.

26. A. able B. capable C. suitable D. aware

27. A. try B. examine C. decide D. use

28. A. feeling B. state C. sense D. abilty

29. A. create B. make C. lose D. build

30. A. foundation B. establishment C. layer D. basic

31. A. saying B. offering C. explaining D. making

32. A. Believe B. Prefer C. Like D. Encourage

33. A. either B. or C. whether D. but

34. A. come B. reach C. draw D. bring

35. A. neither B. together C. either D. whether

VIT. Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for cach

Improve Your Time-Managing Skills

It is common for all of us to take more tasks than our desired potential. This can often
result in stress and tiredness. Learn the art of sharing work with your partners based on their
skills and abilities.

Before the start of the day, make a list of tasks that need your immediate attention as
unimportant tasks can consume much of your precious time. Some tasks need to be completed
on that day only while other unimportant tasks could be carried forward to next day. In short,
prioritize your tasks to focus on those that are more important.

Carry a planner or notebook with you and list all the tasks that come to your mind.
Make a sinple “To Do” list before the start of the day, prioritize the tasks, and make sure that
they are attainable. To better manage your time-management skills, you may think of making
3 lists: work, home, and personal.

Stress often occurs when we accept more work than our ability. The result is that our
body starts feeling tired which can affect our productivity. Instead, share tasks with your
partners and make sure to leave some time for relaxation.

Most of the successful men and women have one thing in common. They start their
day early as it gives them time to sit, think, and plan their day. When you get up early, you
are more calm, creative, and clear-headed. As the day progesses, your energy levels start
going down, which affects your productivity and your performance as well.

36. Making a list of important tasks can belp us _________

A. take more tasks than our potential

B. share work with our partners

C. prioritize important tasks

D. complete all the tasks on that day

37. In order to improve your time-management skills, you should ________

A. carry a planer with you all the time

B. have separate lists for different categories

C. make the “To Do” list simple to do

D. prioritize the tasks of time management

38. All of the following are true about the effects of stress EXCEPT that ________

A. our body starts feeling tired

B. it can affect our productivity

C. we dont have enough time for relaxation

D. we accept more work than our ability

39. Starting the day early can help you ________

A. complete the tasks much better

B. slow down your energy levels

C. perform as well as before

D. make the day progress

40. The word “attainable” in paragraph 3 is closest In meaning to “ ______“

A. being able to attend B. possible to achieve

C. impossible to achieve D. succeeding in managing something


I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.

1. A. charity B. campaign C. donate D. attitude

2. A. integrate B. independent C. determined D. access

3. A. discuss B. mission C. message D. successful

IT. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.

4. A. access B. control C. donate D. support

5. A. wheelchair B. visual C. treatment D. impared

ITI. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.

6. Students decided to get involved in a _______ event to provide practical help for those in

A. help B. charity C. need D. kindness

7. Presence of international volunteers in the project also helps attract attention of the local
__________ for the cause of mentally impaired children.

A. society B. population C. community D. neighbours

8. Children with disabilities in Viet Nam should have _______ to inclusive and qualifty
primary and secondary education on an equal bass.

A. method B. reach C. access D. use

9. A good attitude won’t solve the problems associated with a learning _______ but it can
give your child hope and confidence.

A. environment B. injury C. illness D. disability

10. The principal of a special school for the disabled said that the school has no _______ to
replace broken hearing aids.

A. sum B. fund C. collection D. availability

11. Students with a hearing loss may need to use ________ technology to participate in class.

A. assistant B. assistance C. assisted D. assistive

12. There ¡s hope the disabled boy will soon be able to into an inelusive school and attend
regular education classes with a mixed group of children.

A. combine B. include C. integrate D. accept

13. Self-awareness which is knowledge about strengths, weaknesses, and special __________
is very important to disabled children.

A. talents B. efficiency C. attractive D. events

14. The accident and hospitalization __________ disruption on his education.

A. causes B. caused C. was causing D. have been caused

15. That boy ______ Braille at Nguyen Dinh Chieu School for the first time and so far Braille

has become the light for his education.

A. learns B. learned C. is learning D. was learning

VI. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in
the following passage.

Visiting Special Schools In Ho Chỉ Minh City

For disabled children, special education and care is an essential need. A special school
may not be spacious, but it will become their second homes and families, helping unfortunafe
chidren to (26) ________ knowledge and skills as well as self-confidence in order to (27)
_______ better into the communnity.

The Future School, a semi-boarding school, now has 40 handicapped children, from
ages 6 to 16. The principal of Future School said, “ Most of the students here have difficulties
with language and life skilis. So I (28) _______ great importance to improving their life skills
and developing their language skills as much as possible”.

Ms. Thu Huong, who bas worked in the school for a many years, ¡s also interested in
teaching life skills to students. “I (29) _______ them with my heart and try to develop suitable
learning programmmes for them. Teaching them is very difficult because of the (30) _______
between school and family. So, I always recommend families help students review what I
taught during the day, so that the day atfer we can receive the students' (31) ______ from
home about the lessons”, said she. The Glow Blind Center has been (32) ________ for 29
years to teach and care (33) ________ the blind. About 30 blind students have been
sponsored by the cenfer, most of them from difficult backpgrounds. Every morning, the
centers Sisters (34) _________ children to Nguyen Dinh Chieu School, a special school for the
handicapped, and pick them up in the afternoon for after-school help and to feed them. (35)
________ they are not blind themselves, the sisters all want to learn Braille to be closer to
their children.

26. A. wim B. gain C. benefit D. increase with

27. A. integrate B. combine C. mix D. suit

28. A. attack B. attach C. put D. offer

29. A. get B. come C. approach D. reach to

30. A. holes B. space C. misses D. gaps

31. A. advice B. criticism C. feedback D. imformation

32. A. set B. established C. installed D. worked

33. A. for B. about C. to D. with

34. A. show B. go C. move D. lead

35. A. Because B. Although C. If D. But

VIT. Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each

Approximately one in fwo thousand people in Viet Nam has a significant hearing loss.
Students who have been deafened in early childhood can be very different to students who
have lost hearing later in life in terms of educational disadvanfage. For example, their range
of vocabulary may be limited, which in turn may affect their level of English literacy.

Deaf and hard of hearing students can sometimes prefer visual learning strategles.
This can be a challenge in an environment where much essental information is delivered
exclusively by word of mouth.

Students with a hearing loss may need to use assistive technology to participate in
class. This assistive technology can be the laptop where software such as Skype can be used
to deliver interpreters or captioning. For some, it will be in the form of listening devices. For
others, it will be a combination of technology that includes both listening devices and computer
based software.

The impact of hearing loss can cause delays in receiving learning material. Students
who need information transcribed from tape must sometimes walt for a significant period of
time for this to happen. This needs to be considered in terms of developing suitable timelines
for the completion of work for each student.

Students with hearing loss may appear isolated in the learning environment. The
possibility for social contact and interaction with other students is offen limited, and this
isolation or separateness may have an impact on learning. Participation and interaction in
tutorials may be limited. Students who cannot hear the flow and nuances of rapid verbal
exchange will be at a disadvantage.

36. Students who have been deafened in early childhood can be very different to students
who have lost hearing later in life because ________ .

A. they have less disadvantage in English literacy

B. they have a more significant hearing loss

C. ther vocabulary is good enough to affect their level of English hiteracy

D. they suffer from more difficulfy in expressing their ideas

37. Assisfive technology can help students with a hearing loss _______

A. use software such as Skype to talk to interprefers

B. better integrate into the study environment

C. use listening devices and gain their hearing ability

D. deliver the captioning in order for them to understand

38. All of the following are true according fo the text EXCEPT that ______ .

A. students with hearing impairments prefer visual learning

B. assistive technology is useful to disabled students to follow education

C. deaf students can’t complete their tasks in class

D. hearing ability may affect the level of language skills

39. Learning environrnent can have negative impact on deaf students when ______

A. they get no help from their friends or lifle communication

B. they develop suitable timelines for the completion of work

C. they cannot hear the nuisance of rapid verbal exchange

D. interactions in tutorials may be limited in social contact

40. The word “timeline” in parapraph 4 is closest in meaning to __________

A. a line that shows the time in a day

B. a plan which how long things will take

C. a point of time when thing completed

D. a device which records the time


I. Find the word which has a đifferenf sound in the part underlined.

1. A. campaign B. impairment C. repair D. aware

2. A. bl¡nd B. prioritize C. financial D. mobility

3. A. accessible B. experience C. special D. force

IT. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.

4. A. disabled B. poverty C. barrier D. celebrate

5. A. communmity B. individual C. accessible D. forgettable

ITI. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.

6. A study conducted by the government and UNICEF a few years ago found that more than

half of chidren with disabilities dịd not have _________ to education.

A. access B. way C. road D. path

7. Volunteers can organize ________ campaigns to collect items such as books, clothing
and shoes.

A. donation B. charity C. helping D. supporting

8. Students with ________ disabilities may suffer from difficulties with memory, self-
expression, information processing, and other learning disabilities.

A. memory B. studying C. learning D. cognitive

9. Volunteers lend a hand to the ________ by helping those who have been affecfed by Agent

A. community B. commune C. surroundings D. habitat

10. You can help a child with a learning _______ by identifying his or her primary learning

A. obstacle B. condition C. disadvantage D. disability

11. Teachers and councilors work with _________ students fo find out specific need.

A. disable B. disabled C. disability D. disabilities

12. Students who run into financial trouble can get access to the _______ .

A. amount B. spending C. fund D. savings

13. Campus services are dedicated to finding the best ________ for each disabled student.

A. solutions B. results C. puzzles D. processes

14. The boy ______ his sight due to the accident at the age of nine.

A. loses B. lost C. has lost D. was losing

15. He _______ at the National Institute of Ophthalmology for nearly four years.

A. treats B. have been treated C. was treated D. has been treated

VI. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in
the following passage.

When Tho was born 10 years ago in Da Nang, Viet Nam, he was diagnosed with
cerebral palsy — a medical condition (26) _________ from abnormal brain developmernt that
affects muscle coordination and movement. Since Tho was born, his father has worked as a
bricklayer and his mother stays at home to care for Tho and his three (27) ________ .
Although Tho’s physical development had progressed through physical therapy, his parents
did not think he could (28) _________ from schooling.

In June 2014, the “Persons with Disabilities Support Programme” worked with
commune leadership to persuade Tho’s parents to try (29) __________ him in nearby Pham
Hong Thai Primary School. As part of its broader efort to expand (30) __________ to
education for school - age children with disabilities not enrolled in schools, the project covered
Tho’s school fees, meal allowance, uniforms, school bag and other school supplies.

After a semester at Pham Hong Thai Primary School, Tho has (31) ________ significant
progress, (32 ________ his first semester tests as well as his classmates. The project has
worked with the school to create an individual education plan for Tho and train teachers so
they can support his special needs while helping foster an encouraging learning (33) ________
for him at the school.

For more than two years, the project (34) _______ with local government social
welfare agencies and NGOs to offer education opportunities to chidren with disabilities, (35)
________ by helping enroll children in special schools or providing alternative education for
students unable to attend school.

26. A. happening B. achieving C. resulting D. causing

27. A. children B. offspring C. persons D. siblings

28. A. accept B. benefit C. get D. help

29. A. enrolling B. admitting C. joining in D. taking

30. A. road B. movement C. step D. access

31. A. done B. taken C. made D. been brought

32. A. pass B. passing C. to pass D. to have passed

33. A. environment B. habitat C. structure D. curriculum

34. A. works B. worked C. has worked D. would work

35. A. either B. neither C. both D. not only

VIT. Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each

One of the most amazing developments I’ve seen in education over the past ten years
is the way that technology has created a revolution in possibilities for disabled learners.

Text-to-Speech software helps students with visual impairments by allowing them to

listen to the text that appears on a computer screen. This is a huge improvernent over Braille
because once the programme is installed on the computer, it can read anything on the screen,
no matter what format it is in — pdf or website — with no waiting for a Braille translation.
This enables students to participate in online activitles, use email and text, and have
immediate access to course materials.

Visual aids include screen magnification software that enlarges portions of the screen
where the reader directs the mouse, screen reader software that translates screen text fo
Braille, text-to-speech programmes, or audio texts. All of these can be used by students of
many different kinds of visual disabilities.

Audio aids include alerting devices that use flashing lights or icons on the computer
screen rather than sounds to signal users, close-captioning for videos, TDD also known as
Telecommunication for the Deaf, and phones with Voice-Carry-Over technologies that allow
students with hearing difficulties to communicate over the phone with their own voice.
For students with physical disabilities, several technologtes are available to assist them
in completing their schoolwork, including audio books for students who cannot physically
handle books, keyboard adapters such as keyguards to prevent mistyping from tremors or
loss of control, or voice recognition software for students who cannot type.

Online education also helps disabled students because some of them study better in
an environment with limited distractions and more accessibility than might be available in
many classrooms or on very large campuses.

36. With Text-to-Speech software, students with visual impairments can _________

A. read the texts that appear on the computer screen im any format — pdf or website

B. participate in online activities with the help of a Braille expert or teacher

C. create a revolution in possibilities for disabled learners in their study and daily life

D. recognize anything inserted in the computer and have better telecommunication

37. Visual aids can offer all of the following services EXCEPT that _________ .

A. it can enlarge portions of the screen where the reader directs the mouse

B. it can magnify the Braille text so that the student can read it more easily

C. it can translate screen text to Braille so that the student can read it

D. ¡t can transform normal texts into audio texts so that the student can hear them

38. With audio aids, students with hearing impairments can _________

A. have very little telecommunication

B. give sounds to signal other users

C. have more chances to read texts

D. hear conversations on the phone

39. Modern technologies can help _________ .

A. disabled students get over their drawbacks and improve their study

B. students with physical disabilities use the keyboard easily

C. students with hearing impairments complete their schoolwork with their own voice

D. students study better despite distractions in many classrooms

40. The word “tremor” in paragraph 5 is closest in meaning to _________

A. an act of typing B. a movement

C. a slight shaking D. using the keyboard


I. Find the word which bas a different sound in the part underlined.

1. A. blọc B. govern C. scholarship D. motto

2. A. stability B. stable C. association D. state

3. A. charter B. chance C. charity D. brochure

IT. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.

4. A. solidarity B. cooperation . C. opportunity D. popularity

5. A, herttape B. integrate C. intervene D. principle

ITI. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.

6. The ASEAN Leaders on the 30 Anniversary of ASEAN agreed on a shared of ASEAN, living
In peace, stability and prosperity.

A. dream B. vision C. Imagination D. image

7. One of the ASEAN fundamental principles is mutual respect for the independence,
sovereipnty, equality, and nattonal of all nations.

A. similarity B. belief C. identity D. cquality

8. The ASEAN Vision 2020 agrees on a shared vision of ASEAN, living im peace, and

A. stability B. regulartty C. firmness D. strength

9. The right of every nation ¡s to lead its national existence free from external

A. imvolvemenf B. prevention C. interference D. interruption

10. Viet Nam and other ASEAN members always desire that other countries, particularly the
inajor powers, support the ASEAN Community”s _„ 1†s princIple of consensus and unity.
(Former Prưme Mimister Nguyen Tan Dung)

A. role model B. central function C. central role D. middle role

11.A deeply connected will surely bring member countries and the region more practical

A. bloc B. bloek C. group D. team

12. The ASEAN Schools Games focus on promoting ASEBAN in the youth through school

A. solidity B. support C. solidarity D. apreement

13. The collective will of the nations of Southeast Asia will bịnd themselves together in
friendship and _

A. willingness B.fiendlness . C, relationship D. cooperation

14. Three traditional colours — indigo, brown, _— white — the three major Hindu Gods:
Brahma, Vishnu and S1va.
A. represents B. represenf C. 1s representing D.are represenfting

15. My brother taking a course on the Malay language in order to work in Malaysia in

the near fufure.

A.considered . B. be considering C. was considered D. is considering

VI. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fifs the blank space in
the following passage.

Musical Festivals of Borneo and Tndonesia

The lakarta International lava Jazz Festival 1s one of the largest Jazz festivals m the
world and brings fogether the Incredible musical (26) _ Of Indonesia as well as International
artists who have made ther (27) in the world of Jazz. Held annually for 3 days mm carly March
since 2005, the fesHval has been packing in the crowds from Australia, New Zealand, Europe
and other Southeast ASlan countries.

The Sabah International Folklore Festival was created in 2001 to coineide with the
state”s biggest cultural event, the Harvest Festival, (28) muslc and dance 1s an (29) part of
the celebration. Folk dancers from l1 countriles as diverse as Poland, Taiwan and Argentina
come together to Join with their musical (30) in Malaysia.

Sarawak has two annual music festivals covering two very different music (31) _ The
Miri International Jazz Festival will be held in Mữri In May. (32) by the Sarawak Tourism Board,
the festival enters its 5° year highlighting performances from jazz bands from Various
counfries and therr (33) form ofJazz which includes blues, fusion, smooth and Latino beats.
Event organizers are trying to (34) over 8,000 Jazz lovers to the festival this year. Another
music festival is the Rainforest World Music Festival to be staged at picturesque Sarawak
Cultural Village next to the mystical mountain Santubong. Bands from USA, Portugal,
Tanzania, New Zealand, Poland, France and Korea are lined up to perform as well as local
Malaysian bands. World music (35) _together with the locals, and a ørowing number oŸtourists
are expected to turn up.

26. A. attractions B. enfertainment C. talents D. instrumenfs

27. A. displays B. quality C. features D. level

28. A. where B. which C. that D. what

29. A.including B. integral C. casy D. available

30. A. volces B. relatives C. counterparts D. folklore

31. A. stages B. bands C. characters D. types

32. A. Orgamize B. Organ1zing C. Organized D. Berng organized

33. A.unique B.uniform C. equal D. strange

34. A.invitc B. ask C. take D. attract

35. A. people B. listeners C. enthuslasts D. teams

VIT. Read the passaøe, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each

Silk Weaving in the ASEAN Region

For the sửk textile lover, the ASEAN region contains a | treasure frove of the most
beautifUl hand-woven fabrics found ¡anywhere in the world. These textiles are surprising im
ther Iversity: from the j*a/s of Cambodia and Thailand, to the olden sozgkefof_- lIndonesa
and Malaysia, to the | Philippine øiza silk and the Vietnamese silk sửazung— cach counfry
offers its own cenfury-old weaving traditions †O VISItOTS.

Weaving at the household and village level 1s done on large wooden frame looms,
often under sfilt houses. Intricate Cambodian 7&as are world-renowned. l† can take up to
several days or more †o produce one meter of an Intricate /kaf/ pattern. jkaf patterns were
traditionally passed from generation fo generation by memory; prior to the war, more than
200 different patterns were known tfo be in existence, but 1f 1s unclear how many have

Artisans Angkor, located in both Siem Reap and Phnom Penh, tratns young
Cambodians ftom rural areas in the art of weaving and other Cambodian crafts.

In Thailand, the cultivation of silkworms and weaving can be traced back thousands
of vears. Weaving patterns of Thailand”s finest weaving, including zznee, or ikaf, are tịch and
diverse thanks to the infiuence of the different ethnic groups, Including Khmer and Lao
peoples. Ä#zđmee 1s woven throughout the northeast, with each local comưnunity having 1s
own distinc( síyles and designs, incorporating everything from nagas to elephants and
peacocks. While chemical dyes are widely available, some weavers continue fo practice
traditional dyeing methods passed down through the generatlons.

Viet Nam has become a center for large-scale silk worm and thread production in
Southeast Asia, including handloomed silk shanung and Jacquards, supplying 1fs nelghbors
where sericulture 1s lHmited or disappeared entirely during the war years. Vietnam has 54
different ethnic groups, each with therr own distinct weaving traditions. Among the Black Thai
in northwest Vietnamˆ”s Son La province, for example, young g1rÌs are expected to learn how
to raise silk worms and make natural dyes using Indigo.

36. What is the most đistinguished feature of the silk textile in ASEAN?

A. It helps foreign visitors look for treasures of valuable things.

B. You can ữnd different types of silk from anywhere in the world.

C. Each ASEAN country has Its own type of silk which 1s đifferent from any other.

D. It ¡is the diversify of beautiful, traditional hand-woven mater1als.

37. Which of the following 1s true about sIlk weaving in Carmbodia?

A. The well-known #4 patterns have been passed down for a couple of years.

B. It is done on large wooden frame looms in families or in communHf1es.

C. The arts of /⁄a/s were faught in schools in the past.

D. More than 200 different patterns of /ka/s are known to be In exIstence.

38. All of the following are truc about silk weaving in Thailand EXCEPT that ,

A. mumee 1s woven throughout the northeast by Khmer and Lao peoples

B. the trade of silkworms and weaving has lasted thousands of years

C. the different ethnic groups have contributed to the richness and diversity of weaving

D. some local commumitles have ther own distincf styles and designs, Incorporating Images
from nature or legends

39. What is the common feature of Vietnamese and Thailand silk weaving?

A. They have the same fype of sIlk with diverse síyles and designs.

B. Viet Nam and Thailand were the cenfres of silk worm production during the war.

C. The ethnic groups pÏay an mportant role and they use nafural dyes.

D. Young girls are expected to learn how to raise silk worms and make natural dyes usig

40. The word “sericulture” in paragraph 4 ¡s closest in meaning to

A. the wide cultural collection of ethnic s1lk costumes

B. a series of cultural events of ethntc proups and silk weaving

C. a center of handloomed silk shanfung and Jacquards

D. the rearing o£ slkworms for the producttion ofraw sIlk


I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.

1. A. internal B. international C. Internet D. interrupt

2. À. partnership B. charfter C. hard D. scholarship

3. A.bloc B. confñdent C. policy D. cooperation

IT. Choose the word which has a different stress patfern from the others.
4. A. republic B. develop C. currency D. populous

5. A.Mamila B. Singapore C. Malaysia D. Cambodia

ITI. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.

6. The capral sHll considerable charm with plenty to see.

A. inSISfS B. expresses C. continues D. maintains

7. They try to promote acfive collaboratlon and mufual on matters oŸ comrmnon Interest.

A. easiness B. assoclation C,. assistant D. assistance

8. The two decades of Vietnam's participation in the bloc have seen the country”s mafurIty in

A. mixture B. combination C. integration D. separation

9. The countries of Southeast Asia should prevent external Intervention and

A. assIsfance B. interruption C. Interference D.aid

10. ASEAN 1s a dynamic and harmonious communrty that 1s aware and proud of is culture,
and heritage.

A. characteristic B. identity C. state D. variety

11.The ASEAN Communtty demonstrates the awareness, shared as well as the political will of
the member states to strengthen integration.

A. vision B. view C. sight D. visibility

12. Thetr aims and purposes were about in the economic, social, cultural, technical,
educational and other fields.

A. coordination B. cooperation

C. promotion D. determination

13. One ofthe purposes of ASEAN 1s to promote regional peace and

A. confitct B. stability C. stabilization D. disturbance

14. 1 wifh you that people shouldn”t drink and drive.

A. certainÏy agree B. am certainÌy agreeing

C. am certainly agreed D. agree certainÌy 1

15. Now ÏI how difficult dancing 1s, so [”ÏÍ never critic1ze your performance any more.

A. 1s knowing B. knows C. know D. am known

VI. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in
the following passage.


The S.E.A. Wrie Award, or Southeast Asian Writers Award, 1s an award that has been
(26) — annually since 1979 to poets and writers in Southeast Asia with the(27) ío encourage
wrifers in ASEAN countries through (28) Of the region”s creafive liferary talents and to bring
together the many talen(s of ASEAN wrIters.
The award is given fo a wrifer from each of the (29) countries of the ASEAN. An author
may receive the award for aí(n) (30) work of lierature or their lifetime achievement. The types
of works that are honoured are (31) poetry, short sforIes, ¡ novels, plays, folklore, and (32)
OF religIous works.

The award ceremony ¡s held in Bangkok every year, in the presence of the Thai Royal
family and distinguished guest speakers who are leading figures in the literary (33) . Nguyen
Nhat Anh was honoured in 2010 for his most well-known novel “Kinh van hoa” (Kaleidoscope),
which contained 54 volumes and has recently been (34) 1Iato three drama series of the same
name. He !s regarded as one of the mmost successful wrifers for feens. Viet Nam has
participated im the awards since 1996 and 18 Vietnarnese wrifers and poefs (35) laureates so

26. A. selected B. established C. examined D. presented

27. A. aim B. achievement C. intention D. plan

28. A. realization B.recommendation C. recogmtion D. consideration

29. A. naftive B. foreign C. dependent D. member

30. A. ordinary B. specIfic C. hard D. active

31. A. hardly B. seriousÌy C. mostly D. really

32. A. academic B. Industrial C. sclentific D. technological

33. A. existence B. history C. group D. world

34. A. conducted B. made C. composed D. done

35. A. have been B. are C. were D. had been

VIT. Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for cach


It is clear that the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, or ASEAN, established In

1967, has achieved remarkable progress in strengthening the ties and promoting cooperation
among countries ¡in Southeast Asia, especially in terms of cultural, economuc, and social
collaborations. However, it was not until the Fourth ASEAN Summit mm 1992 that cooperafion
in the fields of higher education and human resource development became the poInt of
attention ofthe ASEAN leaders.

The idea was later developed into the ASEAN Universtty Network (AUN). The network
was founded in November 1995 with the original number of 13 universitles in ASEAN member
countries. After the enlargement of ASEAN by the ASEAN Charter in 1997 and 1999, the AUN
membership increased to 20 member universities, with the addition of two universitles from
Myanmar, three from Laos, Malaysia, and Cambodia, and two om Indonesia.

The main objective of the AUN 1s to strengthen the existing nefwork of cooperation
among universities in ASEAN by promoting collaborative studies and research programines.
Furthermore, the AUN attempts to promote cooperation and solidarity among scienfists and
scholars in the region and to develop academic and professional human resources as welÏ as
to spread scientifitc knowiedge and information among the universif1es in the region.
36. Not until the Fourth ASEBAN Summit in 1992 dịd the ASEAN leaders pay atfention to

A. cultural, economic, and social collaborations

B. the fñields of higher education and human resources

C. the establishment ofthe ASEAN Charter

D. the university network in each member nation

37. The ASEAN University Network l

A. took 2 years to establish from the original idea

B. has increased the number ofuniversities in ASEAN

C. has developed its mermbership since 1s establishment

D. led to the enlargemenf of ASEAN by the ASEAN Charter

38. The statement to which the author would most probably disagree 1s that

A. ASEAN's growth 1s significanft and pretty fast

B. there are notIceable improvements in several fields in ASEAN

C. cooperation and collaborations are the key to success

D. giving hipher education a low priorify 1s reasonable

39. All of the following could be strategies ofthe AUN to achieve its goals EXCEPT

A. natlonal training programmes for developing human resources

Đ. conferences on educafion and science

C. the transfer of scientific knowledge and information among its members

D. exchange programmnes for students and professors

40. The word “exIsting” in paragraph 3 could best be replaced by .

A. officially reeognized B. currently In operation

C. strupgling for survival D. facing extinction


I. Find the word which has a diferent sound in the part underlined.

1. À. ieenape B. heritaøe C. advaniage D. encourage

2. À. Donate B. ccrtificate C. Inteprate D. grade

3. A. enthusiast B. together C. thousand D. youth

ITI. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.

4. A. diversity B. economy : C. actIvity D. independence

5. A.official B. Itmpairment C. community D. delicate

ITI. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.

6. Removing the barrlers can create a(n) society to all disabled children.

A. accessible B. visible C. responsible D. possible

7. The Itmpact of hearing can cause delays in receiving learning material.

A. missing B. removal C. loss D. theft

8. There are some specific strategies that are useful in teaching a group which ¡ncludes
students with physIcal

A. lack B. shortage C. impairment D. death

9, If you are aware of a person”s mnenfal illness, it should not affect the way you with them.

A, intervene B. interfere C. affect Ö. interact

10. In the Philippines, there are many local and regional basketball , COITIDPFISINE Various
teams competing for a fitle.

A. bands B. proJecfs C,. connections D. associaftions

11. For students with a hearing loss, new technology and the Internet can be used fo Inany

A. buld B. connect C. link D. bridge

12. Although the countries of Southeast Asia have developed their own spor(s, football and
basketball popular culture.

A. dominate B. play C. notice D. succeed

13. The Lao governrnent is trying to appeal various international investment and aid

A. aims B. proJects C,. businesses D. improvements

14. The Bruneian government 1s a sultanate: the chief of state and head of governmenf is
the sultan and prừưme min1sfer.

A. constitution B. constitutional C. charter D. committee

15. Viet Nam 1s a member of the Asia-Pacrfic Economte (APEC), the Association of Southeast
Asian Nations (ASEAN), and the Trans-PacIfic (TPP).

A. Committee — Partnership B. Cooperation — Parfners

C. Cooperation — Partnership D. Coexistence — Programmes

VI. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in
the following passage.

In rural areas in Viet Nam, there ¡is no public school dedicated to educating autistic
children and a lack of qualified facilities (26) a long-term concern for many parents. Many
families with autistic children have to move to big cities like Ha Noi and Ho Chi Minh City Just
for the (27) Of sending them to speclalized schools.

Ho Chi Minh City has 16 public schools that accept autistic students. However, these
schools add autistic and disabled students into (28) education classes, because there 1s no
public school that provides specialized education for autistic children.

Meanwhile, there 1s also concern (29) the tendency of private speclal education
centers to employ (30) staff. Some have opened schools for autistic children after traming
their staff for a few days, (31) they lack a clear understanding of the1r students' condition.

Another problem ¡is that many public schools lack teachers (32) in providing special

Nowadays, an increasing (33) Of autistic children have received treatment at local

hospitals, (34) several years ago city hospitals treated them just (35) patients with the

26. A. have been B. has been C. was D. were

27. A. awareness B. hope C,. Purpose D. potential

28. A. special B. specialized C. academic D. general

29. A. about D. with

30. A. unlimited B. unguestioned C. unqualified D. unsuitable

31. A. but B. so C. because D. therefore

32. A. traimng B. who train C. who trained D. who are trained

33. A. lois B. amount C. number D. fipure

34. A. although B. but C. so D. or

35. A. ke C. with D. of

VIT. Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each

Angkor was an early civilization that flourished in north-western Cambodia fom the
carly 800”s to the 1400”s. The most famous capital of this civilization was also called Angkor.
Cambodian kings bullt several cities between 820 and the ¡100”s. The city of Angkor was the
most magnificent. lt may have had a million people, more than any European city at that time.
The city included Angkor Thom, which was actually a city within the city of Angkor. The city
of Angkor also contained many temples and palaces. The city and its temples rank as one of
the artistic and architectural wonders of the world. Carved scenes of Cambodian life and
Buddhist or Hindu mythology decorafte the walls of the temples.

One of the temples, Angkor Wat, is probably the finest architectural monument in
Carnbodia. It has a pyramidal form which imitates the mythological home of the Hindu gods.
Angkor Wat was constructed ¡n the 1100”s to honour the Hindu god Vishnu. It was also used
as an astronomical observatory. Angkor Wat later became the tomb of the Cambodian king
who had ordered Its construction. Another temple, the Bayon, stands at the centre of Angkor
Thom. lt was dedicated to Buddha and the reigning king.
The civilization of Angkor reached ¡(s peak during the 1100”s and then began to
decline. Invasions from neighbouring Thailand, epidemics of malaria and disputes within the
Royal Cambodian family may have caused this decline. Thai Íorces captured the ciíy of Angkor
In 1431 but soon abandoned it and forest growth gradualiy covered most of the ciy. From the
1860°s to the mid-1900°s, French and Cambodian archaeologists restored many of i†s

36. Angkor was

A. another name of Angkor Thom

B. built by artists and architects from Hindu world

C. the name of both an early civ1lization and its capital

D. decorated with pictures of Cambodian kings

37. Angkor Thom

A. was built before the city of Angkor

B. was a cIty inside the capifal of Angkor

C. was included in Angkor Wat

D. may have been larger than any European at that time

38. Angkor Wat

A. was a temple which served many purposes

B. ¡s the mythological home of the Hindu gods

C. became the tornb oŸ many Cambodian kings

D. ¡s stll used as an astronomical observafory

39. The Bayon

A. was a city In the Angkor

B. was the place where the reigning kings lived

C. was construc(ed to honour the Hindu god Vishnu

D. is a temple standing in Angkor Thom

40. According to the passage, the statement which 1s true 1s that

A. the civilizatton of Angkor began to decline ¡in the late 1100”s

B. most of Angkor was covered by the forest during the Thai invasion

C. invasions from Thailand was one of the causes of the Angkor decline

D. many femples in Angkor were rebullt by French and Cambodian archeologists


I. Find the word which has a differenf sound in the part underlined.

1. A. change B. preparation C. climate D. related

2. A. infectious B. chemical C. electronic D. species

3. A. capture B. catastrophic C. atmosphere D. shortage

IT. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.

4. A. catastrophic B. fertilizer C. preservation D. electronic

5. A. diversify B. ecosystem C. ecology D. industrial

ITI. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.

6. A layer of greenhouse gases — primarily water vapor, and carbon dioxide — acts as a
__________ blanket for the Earth, absorbing heat and warming the surface.

A. thermal B. hot C. heat D. heating

7. Most climate sclentists agree the main cause of the current global warming trend is
human expansion of the greenhouse __________ .

A. causes B. effect C. gas D. damage

8. Certain __________ in the atmosphere, such as carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide,
block heat from escaping.

A. effects B. emissions C. gases D. layers

9. Carbon dioxide is released through ________ processes such as respiration and volcano
eruptions and through activities such as deforestation, land use changes, and burning fossil

A. human — natural B. natural — human

C. man-made — ordinary D. ordinary — man-made

10. A strong greenhouse effect will warm the oceans and partially melt glaciers, increasing
_________ .

A. temperafure B. sea water C. sea level D. polluton

11. Ocean water also will expand if it warms, __________ further to sea level rise.

A. getting B. making C. leading D. contributing

12. The clearing of land for agriculture, industry, and other human activities have increased
__________ of greenhouse gases.

A. concentrations B. attention C. lots D. collections

13. Humans __________ atmmospheric carbon dioxide concentration by a third since the
Industrial Revolution began.

A. increase B. have increased C. had imncreased D. were

increasing 14. ____________ the desalination plant, the company could offer an effective
solution to the

problem of wafter scarcity.

A. To bund B. Having bullt C. Being bullt D. Having been


15. The public praised the local farmers for___________ millions of trees on the surrounding

A. plant B. being planted C. being planting D. having


VI. Choose the word among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the
following passage.


Few people now realize the reality of global warming and its effecfs on the world”s
climate. Many scientists (26)_________ the blame for recent natural disasters on the increase
(27)_________ the world’s temperatures and are convinced that, more than ever before, the
Earth is at (28) _________ from the forces of the wind, rain and sun. According to them,
global warming is making extreme weather events, (29)_________ as hurricanes and
droughts, even more (30)________ and causing sea levels all around the world to
(31)_________ .

Envionmental groups are putting (32)_________ on governmenfs to take action to reduce the
amount of carbon dioxide which is given (33)__________ by factories and power plants, thus
attacking the problem at its source. They are in (34)___________ of more money being spent
on research into solar, wind, and wave energy devices, which could then replace existing
power (35)_________. lt looks like global warming is here to stay.

26. A. give B. put C. takes D. has

27. A. in B. at C. by D. to

28. A. danger B. harm C. risk D. threat

29. A. just B. well C. such D. cven

30. A. strong B. strict C. heavy D. severe

31. A. raise B. lift C. rise D. arise

32. A. pressure B. force C. persuasion D.


33. A. off B. up C. over D. away

34. A. request B. suggestion C. belief D. favour

35. A. houses B. factories C. stations D. generations

VIT. Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each

Viet Nam Likely to Face Extreme Weather Conditions by 2050

Viet Nam is likely to continue facing extreme weather conditions such as higher
temperatures, lower summer rainfalls, stronger storms, and rising sea levels from now to
2050. Temperatures in northern Viet Nam will rise by between 0.83 degrees Celsius by 2050
and continue its uptrend during the late 21st cenfury. Summer rainfall will decline in most
areas. Meanwhile, storms may become rarer but flercer, causing possible flash floods and
landslides in food-prone areas of northern mountainous, central and central highland
provinces. The forecasts suggest sea level rises of 100mm-400mm along the entire
Vietnamese coast by the end of the 21st century, affecting marine biodiversity and coastal
communities. The experts emphasize the unpredictability of climate change and its potential
impacts to create a variety of dangerous extreme weather events in the fture.

To raise the public awareness of climate change impacts, the Vietnamese government
urges concerned agencies to work fogether on devising worst-case scenario models and
responses by 2020 and calls on international experts to further support Viet Nam in climate
change adaptation. Climate change is a real threat to Viet Nam’s socio-economic development.
If sea levels rose one meter, five percent of the country’s land, eleven percent of its population
and seven percent of its farmland would be affected.

36. By 2050, Viet Nam continues facing all of these extreme weather conditons EXCEPT
__________ .

A. higher temperatures B. storms reaching record levels

C. lower summer rainfalls D. rising sea levels

37. Sea level rises along the entire Vietnamese coast by the end of the 21st century will
__________ .

A. cause certain flash floods and landslides in flood-prone areas

B. make temperatures in northern Vietnam rise until 2050

C. make storms become rarer but fiercer in the near future

D. have impacts on marine biodiversity and coastal communities

38. To experts, they________ to predict exactly the model of the climate change and its
potential impacts.

A. are unable B. are likely C. are certain D. are surprised

39. Viet Nam neceds ____________ .

A. to recognize Viet Nam’s socio-economic developmernt in the future

B. to calculate sea level rise, loss of farmland, and rise in population by 2020

C. to raise people’s awareness of climate change and to ask for foreign help

D. to recognize the percentage of farmland which would be affected by its population

40. The word “worst-case scenario models” in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to
__________ .
A. the worst scenes that could occur

B. the worst climate change impacts that will happen

C. the worst possible things that could happen

D. the worst unpredictability of climate change


I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.

1. A. drought B. brought C. doubt D. boundary

2. A. impact B. balance C. global D. man-made

3. A. extinct B. ecosystem C. electricity D. recycle

IT. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.

4. A. consequence B. atmosphere C. chemical D. infectious

5. A. greenhouse B. climate C. upset D. footprint

ITI. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.

6. Sea level rise is usually regarded as Viet Nam's main ________: a one-meter rise would
submerge 40 percent of the country and make millions homeless.

A. disaster B. hope C. destruction D. concern

7. All of the disasters resulted from _________ will continue to have a devastating effect
on Socio-economic developmernt.

A. floods B. climate change C. ecological balance D. carbon


8. The low__________ in the Mekong Delta leads to acute saline intrusion much deeper
than the traditional 30 to 40km of mainland that is contaminated with saltwater .

A. water currents B. sea level C. water level D. salt water

9. Methane is a far more active than carbon dioxide, but also one which is much less
abundant in the atmosphere.

A. greenhouse gas B. greenhouse efect C. climate change D. emission

10. The next dry season will be exiremely severe _________ further saltwater intrusion,
water and rain shortages, and heat waves.

A. because B. although C. due to D. thanks to

11. Viet Nam has been named among the 12 countries most _________ for climate change
by the World Bank.

A. at risk B. at danger C. in risk D. ready

12. Having developed green technologies with low-carbon emissions, __________ intends to
get rid of coal,

A. the efort B. the possibility C. that country D. the


13. __________ trees around the house on the south and west sides, they can save up to
about $250 a year on cooling and heating.

A. To plant B. To have planed C. Having planted D. Being planted

14. We admired the Japanese_________ the city of Fukushima affter the disaster.

A. to rebuild B. of having rebuilt C. to being rebuilt D. for having


15. They don't forget _______ a short vacation in Cuc Phuong National Park last year.

A. to spend B. having spent C. being spent D. having been


VI. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in
the following passage.

Viet Nam is listed by the World Bank among the countries most (26) _________ by
rising waters brought about by higher global temperatures. Such a rise of one meter
(27)________ a third of the Mekong Delta underwater and lead to mass internal migration
and devastation in a region (28)________ produces nearly half of Viet Nam’s rice.

The vast, humid expanse of the delta is home to more than 17 million people, who

(29)_________ for ogenerations on its thousands of river arteries. But rising sea water caused
by global warming is now increasing the salt content of the river water and (30) __________
the Itvelihoods of millions of poor farmers and fishermen. Climate change is (31) ________
the rivers of the Mekong Delta salty.

In Ben Tre, salt water reached as far as 35 miles inland, causing significant (32)
________ to crops and livestock, with rice production particularly affected. It is said that there
are three grams of salt per litre of fresh water in the rivers now. Gradually, more and more
people are affected: (33) _________ nearest the sea are the most affected now, but soon the
whole province will be (34)_________.

The salinity of the water has (35)__________ a point where many locals have been
forced to abandon their traditional rice cultivation.

26. A. hurt B. destroyed C. threatened D. changed

27. A. can leave B. could leave C. can result D. could result

28. A. that B. what C. it D. there

29. A. rely B. relies C. has relied D. have relied

30. A. threatens B. threaten C. threatening D. threatened

31. A. turning B. making C. causing D. damaging

32. A. damage B. decstruction C. disaster D. loss

33. B. that C those D. who

34. A. attacked B. hit C. touched D. swept

35. A. reached B. come C. gone D. become

VIT. Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each

Global warming and cooling have occurred naturally throughout history. But in the last
200 years, humans’ uses of fossil fuels and clear cutting of forests have increased the amount
of carbon dioxide and other gases in the atmosphere. These gases trap some of the radiation
from the sun which then increases the Earth's temperafure. Given the current state of
environmental pollution caused by human activilies, scientists believe the averape temperature
of the earth may increase 1-2 degrees Celsius which put simply, means some places will get
much hotter and some much colder. At the same time, this overall warming effect means
more frequent and more intense weather systems, especially in terms of flooding and droupht.

Viet Nam is one of the most vulnerable environments due to its location on the planet.
It is already subject to some of the earth’s most powerful weather systems and the increased
fequency and intensity of storms will affect it ofen and directly, especially in coastal areas
where most people live.

Various estimates have been made as to the possible impacts. The most đirectly affected
sector will be agriculture, which is very sensifive to flooding and the effects of extreme

Viet Nam has the advantage of coming relatively late into the industrialization,
urbanization, and modernization process. This means it can avoid many of the mistakes made
by wealthier industrial countries. For example, wireless communication networks can be built
from the start rather than installing lines that can easily be destroyed in exfreme weather.
Cities can be designed and located in less vuinerable locations. Climate-friendly building codes
and síandards can be crea(ed that are both more efficient and less prone to heat síress, wind
damage, and flooding. Climate friendly transport systems, especially public transport, can be

36. The causes of global warming come from ________ .

A. the rise in the radiation om the sun

B. human activities that result in polution

C. the difference in temperafures among regions

D. the increase in the average temperature of the earth

37. All of the following may result in global warming EXCEPT_________ .

A. more intense weather systems

B. humans’ uses of fossil fuels

C. clear cutting of forests

D. the increasing greenhouse gas emissions

38. Coastal areas in Viet Nam are often and directly affected by _________ .

A. its vulnerable location on the planet

B. subject to the earth’s most powerful weather systems

C. storms with increased frequency and power

D. the overpopulation in coasfal areas

39. In preparing for climate change, Viet Nam should take all of the following measures
EXCEPT ____________.

A. developing wireless communicafion networks

B. setting climate-friendly building codes and standards

C. adopting public transport systems

D. coming late into the modernization process

40. The word “vulnerable” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ________ .

A. too weak to attack B. safe from danger

C. able to be easily hurt D. easy to take away


I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.

1. A. entrance B. diploma C. exchange D. apply

2. A. pursue B. curftain C. furniture D. further

3. A. admission B. profession C. passion D. passive

IT. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.
4. A. diploma B. doctorate C. internship D. scholarship

5. A. undergraduate B. university C. baccalaureate D.


ITI. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.

6. Further education courses are usually described as either _________ or vocational.

A. academic B. practical C. learning D. technical

7. The International Baccalaureate is also now offered by more schools in the UK as a(n)
________ to A-levels.

A. choice B. substitution C. alternative D. option

8. In some instituions, A-levels can also be awarded in combination with other _________
such as International Baccalaureate certificates.

A. examinations B. qualifications C. course D. levels

9. IB students can select subjects so that they specialise in a particular academic field, but
mathematics, native language and theory of knowledge are ___________ subjectfs.

A. optional B. elective C. compulsory D. certain

10. As well as studying on __________ in the UK, you can also choose to study outside the
UK- for example by distance learning.

A. campus B. accommodation C. building D. dormitory

11. The teachers at Edinburgh College encourage students to ________ with others,
experiment with arts and find their own ideas.

A. help B. improve C. involve D. collaborate

12. University in Viet Nam can decide their own criteria for enrolling mnternatlonal studenfs.

A. principals B. rectors C. headmasters D. managers

13. Depending on your nationality, you may be _________ for a loan or financial support from
the UK government.

A. legal B. capable C. able D. eligible

14. That university _________ the Advanced Programme with the aim to enrol around 500
international students for a decade.

A. implemented B. will immplement

C. has been implementing D. will be implementing

15. A Bachelor’s depree is a three-year or four-year course you take in undergraduate higher
cducation after you ________ further education.

A. have finished B. have been finishing

C. had finished D. had been finishing

VI. Choose the word among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the

Further education in Britain means education after GCSE exams (26) _________ around
the age of 16. lt includes courses of study (27) _________ to A-levels which students do at
their school or college. Some students go (28) _________ to a collepe of further education
which (29) _________ a wide range of full or part-time courses. Further education also
includes training for professional (30) _________ in nursing, accountaney, and management
and in (31) __________ such as arts and music. The term (32) _________ education is used
to refer to degree courses at university.

The British government is keen to (33) _________ more young people to remain in
education as (34) _________ as possible in order to build up a more highly (35) __________
, better educated workforce.

26. A. taken B. made C. performed D. parficipated

27. A. led B. linked C. leading D. linking

28. A. ahead B. ripht C. straipht D. forward

29. A. gives B. offers C. supports D. presents

30. A. depree B. diploma C. certificate D. qualifications

31. A. skills B. fields C. topics D. respects

32. A. high B. tertiary C. secondary D. main

33. A. ask B. make C. remind D. inqurre

34. A. soon B. long C. well D. much

35. A. skilled B. valued C. devoted D. talented

VIT. Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each

If you want to go to a universify, you usually apply during your last year at school, when
you are 17-18. You can apply to study at any university in Britain and most people choose a
university that is not in their own town. So, university students usually live away from home.
Students get a grant from the government to study. At the beginning of your last year at
school, you receive an application form. On this form you choose up to live universities that
you would like to go to. The form is sent to those universifiles with information from your
school about you and your academic record. If the universities are interested in your
application, they will ask you to attend an interview. If they are still interested after the
interview, they will offer you a place.

Any offer, however, is only conditional at this stage. Applications and interviews take
place several months before students do their A-level examinations. These are the exams that
you do at the end of your time at school. So, when a university makes an offer, it will tell you
the minimum grades that you will have to get when you do your A-level exams. lf you don't
obfain those grades, then, you will not be able to get the place. lt will be offered to someone
else and you must apply again to another university. You don't have to accept your place
inmmediately. Some students don’t want to go straight from school to university. So, after
they have taken their A-level, they take a year out to work or travel.

36. The main idea of the passage is ________ .

A. how to be accepted to a university B. how to take an A-level examination

C. studying at a university D. what to do after leaving school

37. The maximum number of universities that a student can apply for is ________ .

A. two B. three C. four D. five

38. If the university is interested in the application, _________ .

A. the student will be offered a place

B. the student will have to attend an onterview

C. the student will go straight to the university

D. the student will take an A-level examination

39. Students do their A-level examination __________ .

A. at the beginning of therr last year at school

B. before they send the application forms to the universities

C. at the end of their time at school

D. right after they receive an application form

40. If the student’s score is below the mininum grades announced by the university,
_________ .

A. the place will be offered to someone else B. he must take a year out

C. he mustn’t apply to any otheruniversty D. he will be able to get the place


I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.

1. A. certificate B. decorate C. undergraduate D. doctorate

2. A. consult B. campus C. discussion D. subject

3. A. tutor B. master C. tuition D. transcript

IT. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.

4. A. eligible B. kindergarten C. magnificent D. secondary

5. A. coordinator B. opportumty C. international D. similarity

ITI. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.

6. At most Institutions in the UK, the __________ starts in September or October and runs
until June or July,

A. calendar year B. academic year C. leap year D. gap year

7. Further and higher education collepes offer courses and qualifications in a wide range of
vocational and academic subjects at many _________ .

A. standards B. qualities C. levels D. positions

8. The UK offers a wide range of work-based ________ for students seeking to build careers
in specific industries.

A. learning B. training C. cxercising D.competition

9. A Bachelor’s degree is also known as a(n)___________ university degree or an

undergraduate depree.

A. first B. major C. main D. ordinary

10. With thousands of UK further education courses on offer, you can choose a course that
__________ your goals and interests,

A. goes B. mixes C. fixes D. matches

11. You can choose fo study online or on _________ in the UK or even at an overseas site.

A. the ground B. board C. the move D. campus

12. In England, most students in furrther education are adults __________ on part-time

A. enrolled B. enrolling C. joined D. joining

13. Vietnam Nattonal Universfty — Ho Chi Minh City __________ around 30 undergraduate
courses in English since 2000.

A. has sef up B. has been sefting up

C. had been setting up D. had set up

14. Vietnam National University — Ha Noi, the country's largest _________, has been carrying
out a similar project since 2008, setting up six undergraduate, three masters and a PhD
programme taught in English.

A. institute B. institutlon C. department D. faculty

15. Academic ___________ are official copies of your academic work.

A. accounts B. statements C. transcripts D. records

VI. Choose the word among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the
following passage.

In the USA, further education generally refers to education undertaken by adults of all
ages after leaving full- time study. It doesn't include degree courses (26) __________ at
college or universty directly after leaving hiph school, which come under (27) _____________

Further education includes everything from basic reading and writting skills for the
illiterate to full-time professional and doctorate degrees at university. On many university (28)
___________, more sfudents are enrolled in further education courses than in (29)
___________ degree programmes.

Often adult education students don’t need to be high school or college graduates or take
any tests or interviews, and they’re generally (30) __________ on a first-come, first-served
basis. A high school diploma is (31) __________ for some courses, although General
Educational Development (GED) tests allow students to (32) _________ a high school
equivalency diploma.

A dult education courses may be full-tine or part-time and are provided by two and four-
year colleges, universities, commmumity colleges, (33) _________ schools, and elementary
and high schools. Courses are also provided by private communify organizations, government
(34) ____________, and job training centres. More and more adult educatlon programmes
are becoming (35) ___________ on the Internet, including courses which offer university or
continuing education credits for completion.

26. A. gone B. brought C. taken D. set

27. A. higher B. further C. hiph D. secondary

28. A. areas B. grounds C. yards D. campuses

29. A. frequent B. regular C. usual D. permanent

30. A. accepted B. agreed C. admitted D. received

31. A. permitted B. brought C. requested D. required

32. A. earn B. show C. manage D. make

33. A. technique B. technology C. technician D. technmical

34. A. businesses B. organizations C. agencies D. companies

35. A. capable B. available C. visible D. possible

VIT. Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each

Distant education is a rapidly developing approach to instructions throughout the

business. The approach has been widely used by business, industrial, and medical
organizations. For many years, doctors, veterinarians, pharmacists, engineers, and lawyers
have used it to continue their professional education. Recently, academic instructions have
been using distant education to reach a more diverse and geographically disperse audience
not accessible through traditional classroom insfructions.

The distinguishing characteristics of distant education is the separation of the instructor

and students during the learning process. The communication of the subject matter is
primarily to individuals rather than groups. As a consequence, the course content must be
đelivered by instructional media.

The media may be primarily printed, as in the case of traditional correspondence course.
Audiocassettes, videotapes, videodiscs, computer-based instructions, and interactive video
courses can be sent to individual students. In addition, radio, broadcast television,
telelectures, and teleconferences are utilized for “live” distant education. The latter two
delivery systems allow for interactive instructions between the instructor and students.

36. “Distant education is a rapidly developing approach to insructions throughout the

business” means _________ .

A. distant education is a form of the on-the-job business training

B. distant education develops rapidly into an approach to give instructions throughout business

C. on-the-job training is rapidly developed for business students

D. distant education is another form of traditional classroom instructions throughout business

37. The individuals who take part in distant educafion are ofien ______________ .

A. too busy to participafe in the evening classes

B. unable to access classroom-based education

C. able to participate in classroom-based in their free time

D. too busy to parficipate compufer-based education

38. The striking characteristic of distant education is that ___________ .

A. the instructors and their students are separated during the training

B. the instructors shouldn’t meet their students during the training

C. the cooperation between the instructor and the students during the learning process is
face-to-face communication

D. the instructor has no contact with the students during the learning process

39. The course content must be delivered ___________ .

A. by express mail

B. by traveling a long distance of the instructor

C. by using instructional media

D. by any means of communication

40. Telelectures and teleconferences allow for _________ .

A. no interactive instruction between the instructor and students

B. one-way instruction between the instructor and students

C. traditional correspondence course delivered by instructional media

D. interactive instructions between the instructor and students


I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.

1. A. imtact B. dynasty C. citadel D. royal

2. A. heritage B. passage C. teenage D. package

3. A. distinctive B. diversify C. irresponsible D. islet

IT. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.

4. A. abundant B. masterpiece C. demolish D. mosaic

5. A. mandatory B. magnificent C. harmonious D. imperial

ITI. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.

6. The vegetation layers in Cat Ba Archipelago form spectacular and scenic landscapes and

make the site become _________ of all Vietnam's typical ecosystems.

A. home B. house C. scenery D. basis

7. Hoi An Ancient Town is preserved in a remarkably ____________ State.

A. damaged B. unspoiled C. intact D.unharmed

8. The ________ items in Con Moong Cave are now kept in Thanh Hoa Museum for
preservation and displaving work.

A. excavating B. excavated C. excavation D. excavator

9. No fluorescent lights, no motorcycles, no television, on the 15th day of each lunar month,
the riverside town of Hoi An _________ modern life the night off.

A. gives B. lets C. brings D. turns

10. Located in Hoang Dieu Street, Hau Lau has __________ architecture of the Eastern and
Western styles.

A. abundant B. authentic C. mixed D. complex

11. The nearly 4-hour ___________ from Ha Long Bay to Cat Ba lsland afforded us visits to
well-known caves and beaches.

A. travel B. vacation C. boating D. cruise

12. My Son Sanctuary is an area ___________ with Hindu-like architecture and art.

A. covering B. covered C. which covered D. to cover

13. Son Doong Cave is the largest cave in the world ___________ in Phong Nha - Ke Bang
Nathonal Park.

A. which discovered B. discovering

C. to discover D. to be discovered

14. The distinction of the Khai Dinh Tomb is the unique architecture ____________ the art of

Rococo and the Vietnamese style.

A. combined B. combining C. to be combined D. which


15. The Temple of Preah Vihear in Cambodia is composed of a series of sanctuaries

_________ by a system of pavements and staircases over an 800 metre long axis.

A. linked B. linking C. to link D. being linked

VI. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in
the following passage.
Hoan Kiem Lake is an attractive body of wafter right in the (26) _________ of Ha Noi.
Legend has it that in the mid-15th (27) __________ , Heaven gave Emperor Le Thai To (Le
Loi) a magical sword which he used to fight (28) _________ the Chinese, the Ming aggressors,
out of Viet Nam. After that one day when he was out (29) __________ in the lake, a giant
(30) _________ tortoise suddenly grabbed the sword and (31) _________ into the depths of
the lake. Since then, the lake has been known as Hoan Kiem Lake (Lake ofthe Restored Sword)
(32) __________ it is believed the sword was taken to its original divine owners.

The tiny Tortoise Pagoda, topped with a red star, is (33) ________ a smaill island in the
middle of the lake; it is often used (34) _________ an emblem of Ha Noi. Every morning
around 6 a.m., local residents can be seen around Hoan Kiem Lake (35) ________ their
morning exercise, jogging or playing badminton.

26. A. middle B. main C. heart D. point

27. A. festval B. century C. time D. occasion

28. A. above B. down C. for D. against

29. A. diving B. playing C. sailing D. walking

30. A. gold B. golden C. huge D. salty

31. A. disappeared B. endangered C. lost D. escaped

32. A. although B. however C. so D. because

33. A. at B.on D. above

34. A. as B. like C. for D. to

35. A. to do B. doing C. to make D. making

VIT. Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each

Ha Long Bay

Ha Long Bay is a group of offshore islands that is the best example of marine invaded
limestone region in the world. The Bay bolds over 1,600 islands and islets. There are caves
and grottoes, with stalactites and stalagmites. Its limestone pillars are a unique natural feature
of great scenic beauty and biological interest. The great exient and the richness of its forms
sets if apart from many other sites.

Ha Long Bay is an extremely popular destination both for foreigners and Vietnamese:
already in the early 1990s it saw over l million visitors a year. lt is unlikely that the number
has decreased over the years — so there will always be about 3,000 other people in the Bay
at the same time as you!

The natural beauty of the Bay lay hidden today under a very common fog. As I had
already seen the similar karst landscape in China a couple of years before, I certainly said that
I was blown away by the beauty of Ha Long Bay. We went onto one of the Islands to visit the
Surprising Cave — an indeed surprisingly big and beautiful cave with three hollow chambers.
We saw some monkeys here too, just oufside the cave exit.

Part of the tour was half an hour of kayaking — enouph to paddle a full circle around
the main area. The views from the kayak I found much more impressive than from the larger
boat: you’re so tiny then and the peaks rise sharply in front of you. I had a better look at the
water too, and cannot say that I saw pollution by plastic or other junk floating around. There
is a thin layer of oil on the water in some parts though.

And then it’s time to get back in the bus to Ha Noi, another 3.5 hours. The tour was
carried out well with good seafood for lunch and I had a satisfying day.

36. The attraction that Ha Long Bay offer to touristsis ___________ .

A. a large number of islands and islets

B. the largest limestone region in the world

C. its caves and grottoes, with stalactites and stalagmites

D. its unique value of landscape and biology

37. The writer was _________ .

A. able to escape from an explosion in Ha Long Bay

B. very impressed by the beauty of Ha Long Bay

C. unable to see Ha Long Bay due to the fog

D. really frightened of visiting the Surprising Cave

38. AlI of the following statements are true about Ha Long Bay EXCEPT that _________ .

A. the writter thought its beauty surpassed many other sites

B. the writer didn’t think the number of tourists had decreased over the years

C. the writter saw some monkeys in the chambers of the Surprisineg Cave

D. it iook three and a half hours to travel from Ha Noi to Ha Long by bus

39. During half an hour of kayaking, the writer found that _________ .

A. he was more impressed by the view from the kayak than by that from the boat

B. the problem of polution there was serious with plastic or other junk floating around

C. he could see the peaks rise sharply in front of him

D. he could see a thin layer of oil on the water in a full circle around the main area

40. The word “karst” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaningto __________ .

A. the common landscape found in China suitable for kayaking and boating

B. an irregular limestone region with underground streams, and caves

C. a large number of islands and islets in Viet Nam and China

D. the explosive that can blow tourists away if they are not careful

I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.

1. A. relic B. limestone C. ruin D. scenic

2. A. grotto B. poetic C. worship D. dome

3. A. cruise B. mosaic C. cuisine D. craftsman

IT. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.

4. A. picturesque B. heritage C. emperor D. dynasty

5. A. geological B. archaeologist C. irresponsible D. itinerary

ITI. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.

6. Cat Ba is also rich of cultural festivals and traditions that are highly potential for ________
and development.

A. research B. growth C. conservation D. promotion

7. Althouph some of the structures are now __________, most of the significant existing
monuments have been partially restored.

A. in danger B. at risk C. in ruins D. at war

8. The Thang Long imperial Citadel was built in the 1ith century by the Ly Dynasty,
________ the independence of the Dai Viet.

A. marking B. offering C.commemoratng D. bringing

9. Most houses in Hoi An are of _________ architecture dating from the 17th to the 19th

A. tradition B. traditional C. ancient D. customary

10. Another thing that I was really impressed with Hoi An is the preservation of the whole
town which is very amazing and very _________ .

A. correct B. exact C. authentic D. original

11. The limestone in Phong Nha is not continuous, which has led to a particularly _________

A. distinctive B. similar C. genuine D. diverse

12. We came to the temple dedicated to King Dinh Tien Hoang, _________ Hoa Lu to build
the citadel.

A. to choose B. choosing C. chosen D. which chose

13. The Citadel of the Ho Dynasty is the only stone citadel in Southeast Asia of large limestone

A. constructing B. which construcfed

C. to construct D. to be constructed

14. Son Doong Cave, _________ in 2009, is believed to contain the world’s largest cave

A. first explored B. to explore first C. was firsí explored D. exploring first

15. The monuments of My Son are the most important constructions of the Champa Kingdom,
_______ on the coast of Central Viet Nam from the 4th to the 13th centuries.

A. to flourish B. flourished C. flourishing D. to be


VI. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in
the following passage.

The citadel of the Ho Dynasty was built according to the Feng Shui principles, (26)
__________ the flowering of neo-Confucianism in the late 14th century in Viet Nam and its
spread to other (27) ___________ of East Asia. According to these principles, it was located
in a landscape of great (28) _________ beauty on an axis (29) __________ the Tuong Son
and Don Son Mountains in a plain between the Ma and Buoi Rivers. In terms of architectural
history, the citadel of the Ho Dynasty (30) _________ an important role in the planning and
builđing of urban areas in Viet Nam. lt shows the uniqueness (31) __________ the
construction of a citadel in general and a stone citadel in particular, and a breakthrough in
Viet Nam’s tradidon of citadel building.

Thanks to the unique construction techniques, all the (32) ________ stone sections are
intact and have not been (33) _________ by time and weather or by recent urban
encroachment. The ciatdel of the Ho Dynasty is an architectural (34) ___________ of the 14th
century with impressive architecture of the walls and other parts. The citadel buildings
represent an outstanding example of a new (35) __________ of Southeast Asian imperial city
with a combination between the Vietnamese architecture and the unique building techniques
of Southeast Asia and Eastern Asia.

26. A. considering B. reflecting C. throwing back D. affecting

27. A. areas B. sections C. sessIons D. regions

28. A. scenic B. nature C. visual D. significant

29. A. fastening B. meeting C. joining D. matching

30. A. deals with B. plays C. makes D. performs

31. A. in B. on C. with D. for

32. A. serious B. rocky C. special D. major

33. A. changed B. influenced C. affected D. attacked

34. A. building B. art C. skil D. masterpiece

35. A. set B. style C. quality D. use

VIT. Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each

Hoi An Ancient Town

Arriving in Hoi An around 9 p.m, I was really relieved when I discovered that the whole
town was peacefully quiet, something I am really concerned that Hoi An at night may become
crazy club scenes. In the next morning, I woke up very early, and walked around the town
admiring waterfront areas where local fishermen were ready to go out for day fishing, the
very lively market and exiremely charming and empfy streets. Since there was no tourist, only
locals then and the souvenir shops were still close, I felt that Hoi An at that moment was an
extremely gorgeous place to visit.

The yelowish Chinese sfyled houses along the sfreet together with decorative bushes of
bougainvilea flower are lovely sights and very photogenic. The layout of houses was claimed
to be unique for not strictly complied with Feng Shui but for benefit of better ventilation in
tropical region. Another thing that I am really immpressed is the preservation of the whole
town which is very amazing and very authentic, which is a thing

that cannot be found in Melaka, Singapore or Macao. The Japanese Bridge is maybe the only
sight that I found very interesting for its stories that the Japanese built this bridge in order to
calm evil serpent spirit “Namazu” that caused earthquake in very faraway Japan since they
believe Hoi An is located on the back of the serpent. I strangely found that there are still many
nice temples, especially the one dedicate to Confucius which has more unique and interesting
Vietnamese elements more than the preserved ones in the core zone.

I also noted that Hoi An is not only popular with European tourists but also Korean,
Japanese, Australian and New Zealander. After sunset, the whole town waterffont becomes a
night market with many local foods. And at that time Hoi An is very charming with hundreds
of paper and silk lanterns. Hoi An at might seems to be a very popular place for pre-wedding
photo shooting, as I saw many Vietnamese couples in their traditional dresses with their
photographer teams everywhere especially around the Japanese Bridge, so a great place to
see - local contemporary wedding cultures.

All in all, I really enjoyed my time in Hoi An for its lovely atmosphere and nice townscape.

Nofe: — bougainvillea flower = hoa Giấy

— fownscape = cảnh quan thành phố

36. The first impression that the writer had on the first evening and the next morning was
that ____________ .

A. the town may become crazy club scenes like many other ancient towns in the world

B. the town was a wonderful place to visit especially early in the morning and at night

C. local fishermen were ready to go out for day fishing, paying no attention to tourists

D. there was no tourist and the souvenir shops were still close and he felt bored

37. All of the following statements are true about the architecture of Hoi An EXCEPT that
__________ .

A. the houses along the street are decorated with bushes of bougainvillea flower

B. the houses along with the street are lovely sights and very photogenic
C. the layout of houses are for benefit of better ventilation in tropical region

D. the layout of houses are unique and strictly complied with Feng Shui

38. The important thing that the writer is really impressed is that __________ .

A. the preservation of the whole town is very amazing and authentic

B. the yellowish Chinese styled houses can be found in other countries

C. the preservation of the whole town is similar to that in other cities

D. there are no nice, unique and interesting temples outside the preserved core zone

39. The beauty of Hoi An at night was thanks to ____________ .

A. European and Asian tourists B. its popular destination to visit

C. the local cuisine and lanterns D. the whole town waterfront

40. Hoi An is also a good place ____________ .

A. to see local cultures, especially modern wedding ones

B. to have albums of artistic photographs of daily life

C. to see many Vietnamese couples in their traditional dresses

D. to see photograph teams around the Japanese Bridge


I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.

1. A. diploma B. grotto C. doctorate D. dome

2. A. citadel B. climate C. bachelor D. diploma

3. A. disease B. cause C. university D. preserved

IT. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.

4. A. doctorate B. dynasty C. breathtaking D. acknowledge

5. A. ecological B. environmertal C. archaeological D. analytical

ITI. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.

6. lf you’re ________ for further education funding from the government, find out what
funding is available to you.

A. legal B. capable C. eligible D. affordable

7. UK further education _________ are recognized and respected by employers and

academics worldwide.

A. qualification B. experiences C. limits D. abilitles

8. A wide range of _________ , and living costs make study in the Unted States financially
possible for many international students.

A. debt B. money C. pay D. tuition

9. The style of UK further education is ___________, involving high levels of personal

contact and support from tutors.

A. unique B. only C. single D. shocking

10. Warmer conditions will probably lead to more evaporation and rain overall, but individual
tegions wil ___________, some becoming wetter and others dryer.

A. limit B. change C. vary D. move

11. Besides Con Moong Cave, other significant ___________ sites have been investigated
and excavated.

A. important B. archaeological C. technological D. environmental

12. Ha Long Bay is easily one of the most ____________ UNESCO World Heritage Sites in
Viet Nam.
A. surprised B. shocking C. breathless D. breathtaking

13. So far, global warming and its effects _________ the health of older people and children.

A. threaten B. had been threatening

C. are threatening D. have been threatening

14. The reduction of the protective ozone layer _________ many more cases of skin cancer.

A. have caused B. is causing C. has caused D. is caused

15. Hue Imperial Citadel is the home of Viet Nam's last royal dynasty ___________ our
country from 1802 to 1945.

A. ruled B. being ruled C. to rule D. which had


VI. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in
the following passage.

The Huong Son Complex of Natural Beauty and Histortical Monuments is situated (26)
__________ a limestone mountan range, some 60 kilometres southwest of Ha Noi. This
mountain range was (27) __________ more than 200 million years ago. The Huong Son
Complex area is a natural habitat of many rare and valuable species of tropical fauna and flora
(28) __________ of primitive men in North Viet Nam. (29) ____________ of caves are
archaeological (30) ___________, belonging to the Hoa Binh Culture and dating back to over
10,000 years.

In the far past, taking (31) ___________ of the local natural beauty, ancient Viet people
built a system of hundreds of Buddhist pagodas and temples in caves on mountain sides and
streams. The most (32) __________ of those is the Huong Tich Cave, which is also the most
beautiful natural cave in the country. In this area, the Huong Pagoda Festival, which is held
annually, lasts for one month in spring with the (33) ___________ of hundreds of thousands
of people, both the Vietnamese and foreigners. The Huong Son Complex (34) _________
three groups of pagodas, temples and caves linked with (35) __________ by waterways.

26. A. on C. in D. above

27. A. started B. existed C. formed D. produced

28. A. but also B. as well as C. due to D. except

29. A. amounts B. A number C. The number D. a great deal

30. A. parts B. regions C. sections D. sites

3i. A. advantage B. benefit C. care D. notice

32. A. shocking B. spectacular C. surprised D. available

33. A. presence B. gathering C. contribution D. participation

34. A. composes of B. consists C. comprises D. makes up

35. A. one another B. together C. each together D. themselves

VI. Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for cach question.

Hue Temple of Letters

Hue Temple of Letters, popularly known as Van Thanh, was dedicated to Confucius and
most celebrated Confucian scholars of China and Viet Nam. lt was also here that stone steles
bearing names of successful candidates in the national examinations in the Nguyen Dynasty
were erected.

After Hue had been made capital of the country, the construction of a new Temple of
Letters was started in 1808. lt was located on the north bank of the Huong River, 500 metters
west of the Thien Mu Pagoda. It was once an ensemble of seven buildings and many minor
constructions including 32 steles which bore names of doctors and some others. The doctor
steles here are not as big as those in Ha Noi. They are all put on tortoise made from stone or
marble with various poems and decorations.

Hue Temple of Letters is valuable historic remains. Visiting this ternple, tourists can
understand more about the tradition of knowledge appreciation and study encouragerment of
our ancestors from the old time.

36. Hue Temple of Letters was built to honour _________ .

A. the kings of the Nguyen Dynasty

B. Confucius, and most celebrated Confucian scholars of China and Viet Nam

C. the doctors in the national examinations during the Nguyen Dynasty

D. only the most celebrated scholars of Viet Nam throughout the history

37. Hue Temple of Letters was buItlt because ___________ .

A. Hue would have it s own Temple of Letters

B. there had not been any before

C. the old one had collapse

D. the Nguyen kings loved literature very much

38. All of the following statements are true about Hue Temple of Letters EXCEPT that
_________ .

A. stone steles bearing names of successful candidates in the national examinations in the
Nguyen dynasty were erected there

B. it was located on the north bank of the Huong River

C. is stone steles are as big as those in Ha Noi

D. it once had seven buildings and some minor constructions around

39. Many tourists want to come fo this place because ___________ .

A. they love its beautiful architecture and the beautiful landscape

B. they want to encourage literature and knowledge appreciation as the ancestors did during
the Nguyen Dynasty

C. they want to understand more about the Vietnamese culture and architecture

D. they want to learn more about the traditon of knowledge appreciation and study
encouragement in the past
40. The word “ensemble” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to __________ .

A. a part of things B. an assembly C. a group of things D. a gathering


I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.

1. A. current B. sustainable C. infrastrucfure D. rubbish

2. A. climate B. liveable C. city D. discussion

3. A. solar B. infrastructure C. designer D. focus

IT. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.

4. A. pessimistic B. optimistic C. overcrowded D. innovative

5. A. residential B. environment C. insoluble D. enjoyable

ITI. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.

6. By 2050, seven out of every 10 people on Earth will be a(n) _____________ .

A. shelter B. urban residence C. city developer D. city dweller

7. Since 2007, Boston police have been using Shotspotter, a system that allows them to
_________ the location of shots fired immmediately.

A. detect B. select C. collect D. realize

8. __________ structure in Ha Noi will be change with the development of satellite areas.

A. City B. Downtown C. Urban D. Town

9. The Saudi government is investing billions in _________ to support the enormous influx of
people in Mecca.

A. streets B. roads C. bridges D.


10. Many scientists are cauiously _____________ that the earth can feed more than nine
billion people.

A. interested B. pessimistic C. optimistic D. negative

11. China has already been experimenting with ways to make its cities more ________ for the
last two decades.

A. sustainable B. harmless C. continued D. natural

12. Studies reveal that food production will need to increase by 70 percent to __________
the over 9 billion people on Earth.

A. give B. supply C. provide D. feed

13. This is your essay on smart cities by 2050, ____________ ?

A. is this B. isn’t this C. is it D. isn't it

14. Across the globe, nations are preparing for water scarcity, ____________ ?

A. are they B. aren’t they C. will they D. won't they

15. I think the cities of tomorrow also need to consider the availability of open space,
_________ ?

A. do I B. don't l C. do they D. don’t they

VI. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in
the following passage.

Helsinki already ranks as one of the world’s most (26) _____________ cities, but by
2050, it may top the list. Over the next few decades, Helsinki expects to add around 250,000
new residents. But the more the population grows, the fewer cars will be on city streets as
Helsinki (27) __________ itself into a network of (28) ___________ that are virtually car-free.

Ripht now, like many cities, Helsinki has a compact (29) ___________ linked to far-
flung suburbs by expressways. (30) ___________ the city grows, each suburb will change
into a mini-urban center surrounding tram or rail stations.

Helsinki expects is busy expressways to become boulevards lined with new (31)
_________ sidewalk cafes, bike lanes, and trams and buses. Residents will run everyday
errands on foot or by bike; the city hopes that homes, businesses, schools, and stores will all
be (32) ___________ together that many people might not even have to (33) ___________

Helsinki is described as a green network city which has five 'green fingers' (34)
___________ through the city from sea to surrounding forest network. Most of the new
development will be located on brownfield areas, residential areas, and on transforming
motorway corridors. The city also plans to add parks along the shoreline and add new (35)
__________ to nearby islands.

26. A. worth B. deserving C. capable D. Itveable

27. A. transforms B. converts C. causes D. varles

28. A. villages B. regions C. neighbourhoods D. communes

29. A. urban core B. hard core C. urban space D. centre city

30. A. Although B. Because C. As for D. As

31. A. homing B. house C. housing D. home

32. A. enough near B. enough distance C. far enough D. close enough

33. A. travel B. commute C. communicate D. go

34. B. running C. to run D. being run

35. A. connections B. relattons C. relationshIps D. paths

VIT. Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each

Predictions about the Cities of the Future

Cities are built to survive and prosper. Over the years, we have learned to transform
our surroundings according to our needs. We have cut through mountains to make more land
and created artificial islands to make skyscrapers. City planning, as an organized profession,
has existed for less than a century. However, a considerable amount of evidence (both
archaeological and historical) proves the existencce of fully planned cities in ancient times.
Over the years, humans have made some mistakes in terms of using an excessive amount of
resources for cities. This gives rise to the question of how sustainable the cities of the future
would be.

We might be looking at smart cities in which street lights would only switch on when
you are close by and traffic light would be eliminated by smart driving. The cities of the future
would try to save our resources rather than deplete them.

An example of an advanced city is Kansas. Plans are in place to make Kansas a smart
futuristic city in the future. Planners are considering introducing sensors to monitor the water
mains. Warning would be issued to city officials when the infrastrucfure requires repair or
replacement. In this way, the city would never be at risk of having broken pipes.

While the idea sounds fanfastic, a large amount of rational critique has called this plan
an oversold dream. Amy Glasmier is an urban planning professor at MIT. She is a smart city
skeptic who believes that all the research and talk is great but gravely oversold.

36. City planning is thought _____________ .

A. to have become a profession for about a hundred years

B. to have existed professionally since ancient times

C. to have come into existence to transform nature

D. to make more land and created artificial islands to make skyscrapers

37. The most important task in building is ___________ .

A. to use an excessive amount of resources for cities

B. to raise the question about the future

C. to make cities in the future sustainable

D. to make future cities more organized

38. All of the following statements may be true about smart cities EXCEPT that __________

A, street liphts automatically switch on when necessary

B. trafitc light would be controlled by smart driving

C. smart driving wouldn’t need traffic light

D. cities in the future would conserve energy

39. The residents in Kansas would not be worried about water in the future because
__________ .

A. the infrastructure requires no repair or replacement

B. the city will never have broken water pipes

C. city officials often repair or replace the water mains

D. there may be no disruption to water suppÌy

40. The attitude of Amy Glasmier towards smart citis is ___________ .

A. supportive B. doubtful C. indiferent D. disgusting


I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.

1. A. upgraded B. consumption C. urban D. unbelievable

2. A. dweller B. detect C. technology D. eco-friendly

3. A. presentation B. sensor C. infrastructure D. insoluble

IT. Choose the word which has a differenf stress pattern from the others.

4. A. infrastructure B. sustainable C. inhabitant D. renewable

5. A. generate B. understand C. innovate D. maximize

ITI. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.

6. We will need new technologies to generate energy and use it in clean and safe ways, only
from fully __________ sources.

A. replaced B. controlled C. renewable D. endurable

7. Copenhagen has been voted the most ___________ city in the world several times.

A. ecological friendly B. ecologically soundly

C. eco-friendly D. friendly ecologically

8. As we move toward 2050, we are facing the consequences of ___________ urbanization

and population growth.

A. promoting B. improving C. moving D. accelerating

9. New York has invested substantially in improving the __________ of its waterways in recent

A. quality B. quantity C. level D. feature

10. China has already been experimenting with ways to make is cIles more ___________ for
the last two decades.

A. sustain B. sustainable C. survival D. available

11. Vancouver is often considered to be one of the most ___________ cities in the world.

A. fit B. liveable C. endurable D. suitable

12. Telecommunications and cloud computing wIll ____________ transportation for moving
ideas and intellectual property.

A. change B. replace C. remove D. eliminate

13. Nothing serlous will be expected in the process of building our smart city, _________ ?

A. will B. won't it C. will they D. won't they

14. I’m not old enough to understand the master plan of our city by 2050, _________ ?

A. am I B. am not I C. aren't I D. are you

15. Study after study has shown that nature improves human health and well-being,
_________ ?

A. has it B. hasn’t it C. doesn't it D. does it

VI. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in
the following passage.

Silcon Valley is (26) ___________ to hundreds of technology companies, so it comes as

no surprise that San Jose has partnered with technological giant Intel to transform itself (27)
_________ a smart city. San Jose and Intel will work (28) ___________ to further the city's
Green Vision initlative — a 15-year plan for economic growth, and improve (29) __________
— which it launched in 2007.

Intel expects to help San Jose create 25,000 clean-tech jobs, drive economic growth,
and improve the city's environmental (30) ___________ . To achieve this (31)___________,
Intel will work with the city to track real-time data on air quality, noise pollution, trafic flow,
and other environmental and (32) __________ concerns which it will then use to encourage
(33) __________ to reduce emissions by using public transportation or bicycles to get to work
or school.

Smart cities may sound like something of the distant future (34) __________ many
people thought the same thing about smartphones and smart homes. Up to now, over 70
percent of American adults have owned a smartphone and 1.9 billion smart home devices
have been installed. If smart cities are (35) ____________ like these other smart innovations,
we will see them appear in our comrmmunities sooner rather than later.

26. A. home B. house C. shelter D. housing

27. A. from B. to C. into D. towards

28. A. each other B. together C. one another D. themselves

29. A. love life B. a good life C. the life ofquality D. quality of life

30. A. sustain B. sustainable C. sustainably D. sustainability

31. A. score B. goal C. point D. target

32. A. town B. rural C. urban D. countryside

33. A. inhabitants B. residence C. cavemen D. officials

34. A. because B. when C. so

35. A. anything B. nothing C. one D. most

VI. Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question.

Today’s urban cities are practically bursting at the seams. According to research from
the United Nations, 54 percent of the world’s population lives in urban areas, a percentage
that is expected to increase to over 66 percent by 2050. In fact, India alone is projected to
add 404 million urban dwellers to is population by 2050.

This rapid growth of the urban population has caused daunting problems for city
planners, such as overcrowded roads, excessive energy consumption and unemployment.
Therefore, to buld more sustanable cities and accommodafe the growing number of residents,
many city leaders are turning to the Internet of Things (IoT).

The IoT has forever changed the way urban cities operate. Cities that were once
detached and inaccessible are now intelligent and highly connected. From Amsterdam to
Seoul, cities are launching smart city projects to help improve quality of life for residents and
better support the environment. According to research from IHS Techonology, there will be
at least 88 smart cities globally by 2025, up from 21 in 2013.

San Francisco, for example, provides more than 100 charging stations in various
locations to promote the use of hybrid and electric cars to reduce harmful greenhouse gas
emissions. Copenhagen is also taking advantage of the IoT to improve environmental
protection and reduce road traffic by developing smart bikes equipped with sensors that
generate data on air contamination and traffic congestion.

The possibilities afforded by the loT are endless; however, designing smart cities
requires comprehensive technology infrastructure that is capable of capturing and processing
large amounts of data quickly and securely — which is where 4G LTE comes into play.

The future looks bright for urban cities. Soon they will be able to do things that only sci-
fi enthusiasts could dream of before, like monitoring bridge conditions using intelligent sensors
and conserving energy by automatically dimaming street lights when no one is around.

36. Today’s urban cities _____________ .

A. account for 66 percent of the world’s populatlon

B. have more 404 million dwellers by 2050

C. are in fact extremely crowded

D. are bursting around the world

37. The Internet of Things allows the city planners and leaders _____________ .

A. to stop the rapid growth of the urban population in most cities

B. to make cities more sustainable and provide enough accommmodation

C. to develop the broadband Internet connectivity in urban cities

D. to forget daunting problems, such as overcrowded roads, and unemployment

38. All of the following are the advantages of the loT EXCEPT that _______________ .

A. cities around the world become more intelligent and connected

B. we may improve quality of life and better support the environment

C. the Internet of Things will be applied in several cities around the world

D. the number of smart cities decreases but the quality is much better

39. Some citles which follow this trend of the new technology _____________ .

A. make transportation more eco-friendly and more convenient

B. only allow the use of hybrid and electric cars to reduce pollution

C. introduce smart bikes to escape air contamination and traffic congestion

D. provide charging stations in various locations for cars and bikes

40. The potential of the IoT includes all of the following EXCEPT that _____________ .

A. things that only sci-fi enthusiasts could dream of before come true

B. comprehensive technology infrastructure to support the IoT is endless

C. intelligent sensors can help watch and check bridge conditions carefully

D. cnergy conservation can be done by automatically controlling street lights

TEST 1 (UNIT 10)

I. Find the word whitch has a different sound in the part underlined.

1. A. obesity B. overweight C. consume D. focus

2. A. yoga B. expectancy C. dramatic D. massage

3. A. vision B. boost C. cholesterol D. support

IT. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.

4. A. meditation B. longevity C. expectancy D. cholesterol

5. A. essential B. survival C. nutrition D. vegetable

ITI. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.

6. A ___________ makes the body more efficient and enhances the body's ability to respond
to stress.

A. finess B. morning exercise C. training D. workout

7. Many doctors recommend ____________ as a way to reduce stress.

A. medication B. thinking C. silence D. calmness

8. The acid in nonstick pans is associated with birth and developrnental defects, _________
system problems, and cancer.

A. immune B. immunity C. immunization D. immunized

9. By paying attention to your hunger signals and switching to healthy snacks, you can
_________ nutrition, confrol cravings, and lose weight.

A. succeed B. boost C. stimulate D. request

10. Baking soda is considered the best home ___________ for acne as it sooths itching and
inflammation around spots.

A. dealing B. medicine C. remedy D. substance

11. My own _________ for health is less paperwork and more running barefoot through the

A. routine B. treatment C. medicine D. prescription

12. Whole grains are high in fiber and contain a varlety of ____________ that support healthy
blood sugar levels.

A. nutrition B. nutritents C. nutritionists D. nutritious

13. Living to an average of 83 years old, Japan is the nation with the highest ________ in the

A. lifetime B. lifework C. life force D. life


14. ___________ cholesterol is a byproduct of the fats that are found in animal-based foods
like eggs, dairy products and meat.

A. Diet B. Dietary C. Meal D. Food

15. In order to avoid bad eating habits, you'll have to replace unhealthy fat with more
_________ food.

A. nutriton B. nutritional C. nutritious D. nutritive

VI. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in
the following passase.

Foot massage has been (26) ___________ well-being. Also, it has been a valuable part
of complementary and aliernative (27) ____________ .
Reflexology is an ancient healing practice based on the principle that there are reflex
points on the feet that correspond to the body’s different (28) ___________ and glands. These
points are located on the soles, ankles, toes and upper part of the foot. In reflexology,
pressure is applied (29) __________ special areas on the feet with specific thumb, finger or
hand in different cultures for years to promote health and techniques.

Stimulating and applying pressure to these reflexes on the feet is definitely pleasurable,
but at the same time it helps (30) ___________ good health.

Due to urban (31) ____________ most of us do not use the muscles of our feet properly.
Also, improper footwear like tight shoes hamper normal circulation in the feet. You can
improve your blood circulaion with 10 minutes of daily foot massage. This in turn will help
(32) __________ oxygen to the body’s cells, which is (33) __________ for overall health.

Certain points on the feet are helpful in alleviating symptoms of depression. For instance,
the spot in the center of the big toe, the spot at the center of the ball of your foot are
associated with emottonal (34) _____________ and mental health.

One easy way to keep your feet healthy and free from all kinds of foot problems is a
regular foot massage. It helps stimulate the muscles around your feet, lessens stiffness and
even (35) __________ pain in the ankles or the heels.

26. A. worked B. made C. practised D. trained

27. A. medicine B. medicines C. pills D. substance

28. A. bodies B. organizations C. organs D. regions

29. A. for B. to C. through D. with

30. A. raised B. upgrade C. stimulate D. promote

31. A. lifetime B. lifestyles C. life expeclancy D. life story

32. A. transform B. transfer C. transport D. transmit

33. A. essential B. avatlable C, care D. suitable

34. A. qualiy B. stabilty C. need D. change

35. A. kills B. cures C. rejects D. reduces

VIT. Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for cach

Health Benefits of Yoga

Yoga is a healthy lifestyle. One of the benefits of yoga is that you can choose a yoga
style that is suitable for your lifestyle, such as hot yoga, power yoga, relaxation yoga, efc. If
you are a yoga beginner, Hatha Yoga, which focuses on basic postures at a comfortable pace,
would be great for you. l you want to increase strength through using more of your own
body’s resistance, Power Yoga may be right for you. Whether you prefer yo’re at home, in a
private session, watching a DVD or at a studio or gym, there are a huge variety of options
available to suit vour goals and needs.

Emproved flexibility is one of the first and most obvious benefits of yoga. During your
first class, you probably won't be able to touch your toes. But if you stick with it, you’ll notice
a gradual loosening, and eventually, seemingly impossible poses will become possible. Each
of the yoga poses is built to reinforce the muscles around the spine, the very center of your
body, which is the core from which everything else operates. When the core is working
properly, posture is improved, thus alleviaing back, shoulder, and neck pain.

Strong muscles do more than look good. They also protect us from conditions like
arthritis and back pain, and help prevent falls in elderly people. And when you build strength
through yoga, you balance it with fexibihty. If you just went to the gym and lifted weights,
you might build strength at the expense of flexibtlity.

Yoga gets your blood flowing. More spectfically, the relaxahon exercises you learn in
yoga can help your circulation, especially in your hands and feet. Yoga also gets more oxygen
to your cells, which function better as a result. Twisting poses are thought to wring out venous
blood from internal organs and allow oxygenated blood to flow in once the twist is released.

Many studies found that a coasistent yoga practice improved depression and led to
greater levels of happiness and better immmune function.

36. Yoga is a very convenient type of exercise because _________ .

A. we can watch a DVD at a studio or gym and follow it

B. we can choose a yoga style that is suitable for our lifestyle

C. we can choose Hatha Yoga to focus on basic postures or to increase strength

D. there are a huge variety of options available for our private session

37. According to yoga’s principles, the spine is of great importance because ____________

A. when the spine is working properly, postures will become possible

B. seemingly impossible poses will become possible

C. it is the center of your body, from which other muscles operate

D. we can avoid back, shoulder, and neck pain

38. In order to build strong muscles, ______________ .

A. we build strength with high expenses at the gym

B. we don't pay any attention to our appearance

C. we should reinforce the muscles around the spine

D. we can have strength with flexibility through yoga

39. Yoga can improve our circulation because ____________ .

A. it helps to provide more oxygen to cells or internal organs

B. it helps us to perform twisting poses more easily

C. we can have more relaxation exercises

D. it helps to provide more blood to internal organs than others

40. The word “alleviating” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ___________ .

A. keeping B. relieving C. worsening D. boosting

TEST 2 (UNIT 10)

I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.

1. A. acne B. happy C. natural D. dictary

2. A. longevity B. immmune C. nutrition D. prescription

3. A. disease B. leisure C. physical D. preserve

IT. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.

4. A. acupuncture B. supermarket C. necessary D. simultaneous

5. A. dietary B. variety C. obesity D. bacteria

ITI. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentenees.

6. If you’re tired, even if you feel that you need to get more done, give yourself ________
to sleep.

A. request B. requiremenft C. permission D. permit

7. After __________, people feel more refreshed and alert.

A. meditation B. attention C. determination D. prescription

8. Make sure the for your glasses or contact lens is up-to-date and adequate for computer

A. medicine B. prescription C. size D. introduction

9. Good ___________, controling calorie intake and physical activity are the only way to
maintain a healthy weight.

A. nutrient B. nutrtion C. malnutrition D. nutritionists

10. The university graduates one of the highest percentages of registered dieticians and
___________ in the world.

A. nutriton B. nutritious C. nutrients D. nutritionists

11. Most ___________ is caused by wishing things that you are unable to achieve them right

A. disease B. injury C. stress D. wound

12. Reducing saturated fat is the single most important __________ change you can make to
cut blood cholesterol.

A. life B. food C. menu D. dietary

13. Whey protein may account for many of the health benefits ___________ to dairy products.

A. believed B. attributed C. resulted D. responsible

14. Chocolate and cakes cause our blood sugar to rise and give us a quick ___________ .

A. boost B. power C. action D. success

15. Tobacco not only affects you and the people around you, but can to serious health

conditions including lung and heart disease.

A. go B. influence C. lead D. point

VI. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in
the following passage.

Highest Life Expectancy In The World

Longevity hot spots are located in regions of different countries where people commonly
lead (26) __________ lives past the age of 100. A blue zone is considered to be a "longevity
oasis” and the people who live there are believed to have the longest life expectancy on Earth.

The longest living women were found in Okinawa, Japan. Another blue zone was
discovered in the mountains of Sardima, Italy where even men (27) __________ the age of
100 at an amazing rate, another was discovered on the Nicoya Peninsula of Costa Rica in
2007. Only one of the blue zones is located in the United States. It was found when
researchers who were staying in Loma Linda, California discovered they suffered from (28)
__________ of the diseases that commonly kill people in other parts of the United States and
throughout the developed world. The final blue zone was found on an expedition to the island
of Ikaria, Greece where they have 50% lower rates of heart disease, 20% less cancer, and
(29) __________ zero dementia — loss of memory.

What's their secret formula for (30) __________ another 10 healthy years? Scientists
focuse on these longevity hot spots to answer that question and found that while it helps to
have good genes, that's less than 30% of the equation. If you adopt the right (31)
__________, they concluded the other 70% can be up to us. Other (32) __________ the
people living in the blue zones have in common include less stress and more (33) __________,
strong (34) __________ on family, a fresh natural plant based diet, very little red meat and
daily exercise. Leading their lives with a sense of (35) _________ was a big factor. lt insures
they look forward to getting up in the morning.

26. A. act B. acting C. active D. actively

27. A. get B. reach C. corne D. become

28. A. bits B. pieces C. a piece D. a fraction

29. A. almost B. quite C. hardly D. about

30. A. making B. adding C. bringing D. supplying

31. A. remedy B. behaviour C. lifestyle D. medicine

32. A. traits B. types C. tracks D. problems

33. A. sociable B. social C. society D. socializing

34. A. pressure B. efect C. emphasis D. influence

35. A. value B. meaning C. determination D. purpose

VIT. Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for cach
question. Acupuncture

Acupuncture involves the inserdion of very thin needles through the patients skin at
specific points on the body, and the needles are inserted to various depths. The medical
community is not in conclusive apreement about how acupuncture works scientifitcally.
However, we know that it does have some therapeutic benefits, including pain relief.

According to WHO, acupuncture is efective for treating 28 conditons, while evidence

indicates it may have an efective therapcutic value for many more. People with tension,
headaches or migraines may find acupuncture to be very effective in alleviating their
symptoms. Another study found that twice weekly acupuncture treatments relieve debilitating
symptorms of zerostormia — severe dry mouth — among patients treated with head and neck

Traditional Chinese medicine explains that health is the result of a harmonious balance
of the complementary extremes of yin and yang of the life force known as chi or qi. Qi is said
to flow through pathways in the human body. Through 350 acupuncture points in the body,
these pathways and energy flows may be accessed. lllness is said to be the consequence of
an imbalance of the forces. lf needles are inserted into these points with appropriate
combinations, it is said that the energy flow can be brought back into proper balance.

In Western societies and several other parts of the world, acupuncture is explained,
including concepts of neurosclence. Acupuncture points are seen by Western practitioners as
places where nerves, muscles and connective tissue can be stimulafed. Acupuncture
practitioners say that the stimulation increases blood flow while at the same time triggering
the activity of our own body's natural painkillers.

36. In acupuncture, the insertion of the very thin needles involve with _________ .

A. the thinness of needles and skin .

B. therapeutic benefits of pain relief

C. agreement from scientists

D. the locations, and the depths

37. It is thought that acupuncture is efective in treating all of the following symptoms EXCEPT
___________ .

A. headaches B. cancer C. migraines D. nervousness

37. With the practice of acupuncture, it is believed that

A. the energy flow can be brought back to patients

B. energy can go through acupuncture points in the body

C. patients can get proper balance between yin and yang

D. illness causes the imbalance of qi throughout the body

39. According to Western medicine, the insertion of needles through acupuncture points in
the body may ______________ .

A. increase blood flow and stimulate our instinct of pain relief

B. stimulate the effect of painkillers in our bodies for treatment

C. be useđ only in China and the Far East not the Western countries

D. help to explain where nerves and muscles can be sttimulated

40. The word “trigpering” in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to ___________ .

A. causing a device to start operating

B. causing something to explode

C. making something happen suddenly

D. making something develop very quickly


I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.

1. A. remedy B. expectancy C. sensor D. renewable

2. A. massage B. smart C. appetite D. park

3. A. process B. discussion C. stress D. assistance

IT. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.

4. A. remedy B. dramatic C. quality D. paradise

5. A. longevIty B. expectancy C. sustainable D. individual

ITI. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.

6. A cable car system gives poor slum __________ better access to jobs.

A. citizens B. dwellers C. cavemen D. residences

7. Helsinki is a model for the future of __________ smart growth.

A. city B. rural C. urban D. town

8. A nation with a strong ___________ would be successful in creating numerous smart cities.

A. transport B. transportation C. service D. infrastructure

9. They must figure out how a city can develop to meet the demands of future residenfs in a
____________ and cost-effective way.

A. continual B. available C. sustainable D. natural

10. Reykjavik of Iceland is one of the greenest capital cities in Europe, and one of the most
____________ cities in the worid,

A. liveable B. endurable C. believable D. capable

11. Stress ___________ is key to achieving a healthier lifestyle.

A. removal B. relaxation C. relief D. reduction

12. Many of the ____________ in China have failed to meet their promised potential. `

A. eco cities B. cco-city C. ecological cities D. smartish cities

13. Most of us probably ___________ too many carbohydrates.

A. use B. destroy C. consume D. take in

14. A quick five or ten-minute ____________ each morning will help balance your mind for
the busy day ahead.

A. thought B. reason C. medicine D. meditation

15. Eating well means ___________ your body what it needs, in the most natural way you
can manage and afford.

A. growing B. feeding C. taking D. introducing

VI. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in
the following passage.

How to take care of your body skin

To keep your skin healthy, do not go out in the sun without protection. It is also highly
(26) __________ to stay out of the sun during the hottest hours of the day. It is important to
use gentle, soap-free skincare products for your cleansing (27) ___________ . If you use
products that are too harsh, your skin can become extrermely dry and feel very (28)
_____________ .

A shower is better for your skin than a bath, which tends to dehydrate the skin. Make
sure that the water is lukewarm, (29) __________ hot. Before you get out of the shower,
rinse your entire body off really well to (30) ____________ all traces of your cleansing product.
Then, rapidly dry your skin by gently patting your legs, chest, arms, etc. with your towel.

Have you noticed that your skin becomes particularly (31) ___________ during the
winter months? In fact, the cold weather, as well as the wind and sun, tend to dry out the
skin. As soon as the temaperature begins to drop, make sure that you dress warmly, and do
not forget to protect your hands.

For beautiful skin, your body requires (32) __________ amounts of liquid. Make sure
that you drink enough water, approximaftely 8 glasses per day. A healthy, well-balanced diet
is not only good for your body, but for your skin (33) __________ . Each day, you should eat
fruits and vegetables, which are (34) ___________ in antioxidants. This will help you (35)
__________ beautiful, healthy skin. If you get enough sleep, your skin will look healthy.
26. A. showed B. expressed C. recommended D. stated

27. A. set B. routine C. order D. task

28. A. comfortable B. uncomfortable C. comfortably D. uncomfortably

29. A. rather than B. in spite of C. more than D. instead

30. A. take away B. reject C. kill D. eliminate

31. A. sensible B. sensitive C. sensational D. sensual

32. A. sufficient B. efficient C. effective D. available

33. A. also B. too C. instead D. as well

34. A. rich B. wealthy C. full D. large

35. A. continue B. survive C. maintain D. exist

VIT. Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each

Vovinam is Viet Nam’s most popular traditional form of Martial Arts. The Martial Art of
Vovinam was founded by Master Nguyen Loc in 1938. He researched other Martial Arts with
the intention to combine specific aspects from each into one style that would be suitable to
the physique of the Vietnamese people: thin, but fast, fiexible and enduring.

Since 1964, the tile “Viet Vo Dao” has been added, to become “Vovinam — Viet Vo Dao”.
Vovinam stands for the philosophy on which Vietnamese Martal Arts depend, including the
principle of Yin and Yang, or soft and hard techniques.

Along with martial arts philosophies and health maintenance techniques, Vovinam
provides a system of martial arts techniques that encompasses various forms of self-defence
that are very effective in real life combat.

Students are trained on sirength, techniques, and philosophy to develop a solid body,
strong endurance. Students will be living in a self-diseiplined and forgiving way and become
model citizens, serving oneselves, one’s family, one’s state, and mankind.

Nowadays, Vovinam is very popular in Viet Nam, from big cities to small villages. It is
cheap to register for a class anywhere. Students can practise with and without weapons while
in combat or in dally life. It includes training of the body as well as the mind - the fighting
spirit, courage, fairness, modesty, and tolerance. Above all, the morality involved in Vovinam
training and the way it teaches how to apply techniques to shape the students’ character.
Nowadays, Vovinam is getting popular in Europe, especially in France, since the founder
developed this martial arts as a means to train Vietnamese youth against French colonialism.
However, the sport is also put into effect in the U.S, Canada, Australia, Belgtum, Switzerland
and other countries.

36. Vovinam has been considered the Vietnamese Martial Art because ____________ .

A. it has had the Vietnamese name “Viet Vo Dao” since 1964

B. it stands for the Vietnamese philosophy: flexible and enduring

C. it has the history of several centuries and was founded by Master Nguyen Loc

D. it was founded based on the Vietnamese physique by a Vietnamese Master

37. All of the following are true about Vovinam EXCEPT that _______________ .

A. it provides martial arts philosophies and health treatment techniques

B. it promotes various forms of effective self-defence in real life combat

C. it contains the principle of Yin and Yang, or soft and hard techniques

D. it is Viet Nam’s most popular traditional form of Martial Arts

38. Vovinam is good for students to become a model citizen because ____________ .

A. students are trained to have good health, self-defence, and philosophy

B. it includes training of the body as well as the characters

C. philosophy in Vovinam enables students to develop a solid body, strong endurance

D. its morality helps students practise with and without weapons

39. Nowadays Vovinam ______________ .

A. is cheap to register for a class anywhere in the countryside

B. is used as a means to train Vietnamese youth against French colonialism

C. is very popular in Viet Nam and it is getting more popular in sorme countries

D. helps the youth train the mind with and without weapons while in daily life

40. The main idea of the passage is that ______________ .

A. Viet Nam has a long history of development of Martal Arts

B. Vovinam encompasses various forms of self-defence that are very effective in real lifee

C. the popularity of Vovinam has increased in Europe, and in other countries

D. “Vovinam — Viet Vo Dao” is not only a sport but also part of the nation’s culture

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