Database Systems ITC556: Assessment 4

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Database Systems ITC556

Assessment 4


Student name: Tarun Kumar Gandam

Student ID: 11672088

Cloud computing is a paradigm shift that provides computing over the internet. A cloud
computing service consists of highly optimized virtual data centers that provides various
software, hardware and information resources for use when needed. Organizations can simply
connect to the cloud and use the available resources on a paper use bases. This helps company
avoid capital expenditure on additional on-premises infrastructural resources and instantly scale
up or scale down according to the business requirements. There are three types of cloud
computing, they are, private cloud, public cloud and hybrid cloud. We can deploy cloud
computing service with these models. A private cloud functions only for one organization on a
private network and it is highly secured. Only independent organizations will have access and
dedicated storage. A public cloud is owned by cloud service provider and offers the highest level
of Efficiency in shared resources. General public will have access to this. Google rive is the
best example for the public cloud. A Hybrid cloud is the combination of private and public
deployment models. In a hybrid cloud specific resources are run or used in public cloud and
others are run or used on premises in a private cloud, This provides increased efficiency.

AWS cloud we have Amazon relational database service (RDS) which supports the relation
database. It is easy to set up, operate, and scale a relational database in the cloud. The main
features are:

we can scale the figure and memory assets powering our deployement up or down and it tends to
be done inside couple of minutes. If our storage requirement grow, you can also provision
additional storage.

Availbilty and Durability:

This cloud benefit gives programmed reinforcement empowers point-in-time recuperation for our
database occurrence. This cloud will reinforcement your database and store for client indicated
retention period. This likewise furnishes with programmed supplant the process case fueling
your arrangement in case of Hardware (equipment) failure. AWS Multi- AZ deployments
provide enhanced availability and durability for database instances, making them a natural fit for
production database workloads. Database snapshots are client started reinforcements of your
occurrence put away in Amzon s3 that are kept until the point that we expressly erase them. We
can make another occurrence from a database depiction at whatever point we wantIn spite of the
fact that database snapshots serve operationally as full reinforcements, we are charged just for
incremental capacity utilize.

This will enable us to scramble your database utilizing keys we oversee through AWS Key
administration service (KMS). AWS suggests that we can run our database occurrences in
Amazon VPC, which enables us to segregate our database in our own virtual system and
interface with your on-premises IT infrastructure utilizing industry-standard scrambled IPsecs
VPNs. We can design firewall settings and control arrange access to our database instances.

Basically securing an Information System (IS), includes recognizing one of a kind dangers and
difficulties which should be tended to by executing the fitting countermeasures. Distributed
computing because of its compositional plan and qualities forces various security benefits, which
incorporate centralization of security, information and process division, repetition furthermore,
high accessibility. While numerous customary dangers are countered viably, because of the
frameworks solitary qualities, various particular security challenges are presented. Distributed
computing has ''one of a kind characteristics that require chance appraisal in territories, for
example, accessibility and unwavering quality issues, information trustworthiness, recuperation,
and protection and examining''. Security in general, is related to the main aspects of integrity,
confidentiality, and availability; they along these lines move toward becoming building squares
to be utilized in outlining secure frameworks. These critical parts of security, apply to the three
general classifications of advantages which are important to be anchored, information,
programming and equipment assets. The important aspect of information security is integrity.
This means it can only be modified by authorized parties or ways and refers to software, data an
hardware. Data Integrity refers to protecting data from unauthorized modification deletion, or
fabrication. A cloud computing supplier is trusted to keep up information respectability
furthermore, precision. The cloud show introduces various dangers counting refined insider
assaults on these information characteristics.


1. Amazon Web Services (AWS) - Cloud Computing Services. (2018). Retrieved from
2. Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) – AWS. (2018). Retrieved from
3. (2018). [Ebook]. Retrieved from
4. What is cloud computing? A beginner’s guide | Microsoft Azure. (2018). Retrieved from
5. (2018). [Image]. Retrieved from

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