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Learning Goals

Astrid Guerra Azócar

English Teaching Experince IV

María Belén Quezada C.

Concepción, 2019

1. Thematic Unit: “Feeling and opinions”

2. Unit Aim:
 By the end of the unit, students will be able to acquire new vocabulary and
functions that allow them to make references to their feelings and opinions.
3. Attitudinal Aim(s):

 Manifestar una actitud positive frente a sí mismo y sus capacidades para

aprender y usar el idioma, valorando a la vez los logros de los demás.
(OA A)
 Demostrar interés por el aprendizaje continuo e independiente como
parte de un proyecto personal y para contribuir a la sociedad. (OA C)

Learning Goals Contents Session

(Transverse grammar content:
Present simple)

Ss will be able to give examples using Happy, sad, angry, sick, scared, 1
vocabulary related to feelings and tired, confused, bored, hungry.
emotions, written.

Ss will be able to classify expression In my opinion…. 2

from a video text, orally.
I believe that…
I think that…

Ss will be able to identify vocabulary Movie genres. 3

related to movies, orally.
Professions related to movies.
Actions related to movies.

Ss will be able to create a Prezi or Final evaluation of the unit. 4

Power Point presentation describing
their favorite movie in writing.
Both the general objective and attitudinal objectives were extracted from the
annual planning of the unit provided by the educational establishment. In order to
align the contents that were covered in the course with those seen by the other
teacher with the other parallel course of the same level.
Regarding the learning goals of each class, these were selected based on the
specific learning objectives selected by the educational establishment of the seventh
grade plans and programs. These objectives are selected according to the four main
language skills.
Concerning the activities, most of the contents were extracted from the
students' English book, some activities being directly selected from it and developed
in the book. However, taking into account the interests of the students some of the
classes contain activities, not only related to the book, but also created for make the
class more enjoyable. In addition, based on was observed in classes and in order to
make a class related to the reality and interests of the students, it was decided to
use content related to films.
As mentioned above, some of the activities were carried out directly from the
book, since they directly respond to the objectives of the projects and programs.
However, in some instances adaptations of the activities were made, such as the
use of a PPT or a guide with clues for the activity, in order to speed up the work of
the students and facilitate the understanding of the activity. On the other hand, the
activities that were carried out in parallel with those of the book, were thought with
the objective that the students work in pairs or groups and using material elements.
For example, cut out images and join them to concepts in a guide. In addition,
multimedia elements were used, which could be more striking for the colors, images
or the participating characters.
Finally, a class (90 min) was assigned to each planned content, in order to introduce
the topics of each class in the first 45 minutes, and then to deepen the content and
complexity of the activities in the next 45 min of the class. Consequently, each time
the topic of the content is changed, activities that require less complex skills are
carried out, so that the students have a base knowledge for the activities that require
more comprehension and written or oral development. Regarding the level of
complexity of the goals, according to what was discussed with the teacher and what
was observed in classes, it was decided to carry out activities in which both students
who are a little more advanced can put their skills into practice, as those who need
a little more help can work step by step to advance by stage.

During the planning process, one of the parts that presented the greatest
difficulty was selecting the contents to be covered throughout the book and designing
the activities that would be carried out. I think this stage was more difficult for me
since it involved selecting the contents that could be more relevant for the students.
In addition, this process involved knowing the students, their cognitive abilities and
their personal interests. Although there was a process of observation before taking
the course, I think it is necessary to know a course better in order to define more
clearly what are their weaknesses and strengths in the academic and behavioral
area. Also, the same teaching process that I have been in for the last few weeks has
helped me discover through the failures and successes of the activities, which work
with certain courses and which do not. In this way, we have been able to make
adaptations and modifications to the planning together with the teacher when it has
been relevant.

On the other hand, once I selected the contents to cover, I think it was easy
for me to define the goals and learning objectives for each class. Once I had the
contents, I made a list of possible activities that I could develop, which allowed me
to establish the objectives and create a sequence with the topics that I would see
with the students. In addition, at the time of presenting the planning of the unit to the
teacher, he was satisfied and in agreement with the contents that would be seen.

It should be noted that extending the class on films was a decision made at
the last minute due to the interest shown by the students. A positive consequence
of this was that the students were motivated to investigate about their favorite movie.
In summary, the decision-making that I had to do during the planning process
involved taking into account, not only the objectives established by the institution,
but also the personal interests of the students and the different abilities that each
one has. Because in this school the students who present special educational needs
are successfully included in the classroom, it is important to implement the Universal
Design for Learning within the planning and provide multiple forms of representation,
expression and involvement for the students’ learning process.

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