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Journal of Intellectual Disability Research doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2788.2012.01648.x

volume 57 part 9 pp 874–886 september 2013

Neuropsychological profile in adults with

neurofibromatosis type 1 compared to a control group
M.-J. Descheemaeker,1* E. Plasschaert,2* J.-P. Frijns1,2 & E. Legius1,2
1 Center of Human Genetics, University Hospitals of Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
2 Department of Human Genetics, Catholic University of Leuven, Leuven, Belgium

Abstract functions, except for sustained attention. However,

comparison with the IQ-matched control group
Background Neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) is a
showed significantly lower scores on visual-spatial
common inherited autosomal dominant condition,
abilities and memory, on auditory working memory
characterised by multiple café-au-lait macules, axil-
and on tests for cognitive flexibility in NF1 adults.
lary and/or inguinal freckling, iris Lisch nodules and
Nevertheless, as the significant difference in average
tumours of the nervous system such as neurofibro-
estimated IQ score between the NF1 group and the
mas and optic pathway gliomas. At the same time,
selected control group almost reaches the 5% sig-
NF1 is frequently associated with intellectual dis-
nificance level, further analysis is needed to include
abilities across several neuropsychological domains.
IQ as a covariate. Eventually, problems in visual-
Existing neuropsychological data in NF1 adults are
spatial skills and auditory long-term memory
limited and sometimes contradictory. Moreover,
seem to be specific NF1-related deficits, while prob-
most studies use a non-IQ-controlled norm group
lems in attention and executive functioning are par-
for comparison. This study sought to investigate
ticularly related to their general lowered intellectual
specific neuropsychological characteristics in intel-
lectual abilities unrelated to the global intellectual
Conclusion Taking into account that primary visual
perception problems could be part of a more
Method Twenty NF1 adults and an IQ-, age- and
general central coherence deficit while interpreting
gender-matched control group completed a compre-
auditory memory problems as possibly related
hensive neuropsychological test battery composed of
to deficits in language use and comprehension,
specific cognitive tests investigating visual-spatial
this idea also fits with the observation of several
abilities and memory, auditory memory, selective
problems in social information processing and
and sustained attention and executive functioning.
functioning of NF1 persons.
A short version of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence
Scale – III was also administered to both groups. Keywords adulthood, attention, executive function-
Results Norm comparison showed that both ing, memory, neurofibromatosis type 1, NF1
groups perform poorly on most neuropsychological

Correspondence: Dr Eric Legius, Center of Human Genetics, Introduction

University Hospital of Leuven, Herestraat 49, 3000 Leuven,
Belgium (e-mail: Neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) is a common inher-
*These authors contributed equally to the work. ited autosomal dominant condition, affecting

© 2012 The Authors. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, MENCAP & IASSID
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research volume 57 part 9 september 2013
M.-J. Descheemaeker et al. • Neuropsychological profile in NF1 adults

approximately one in 3000 newborns (Friedman 1997), learning disabilities occur with a prevalence
1999). NF1 is characterised by multiple café-au-lait estimated between 50% and 75% (Brewer et al.
macules (CALM), axillary and/or inguinal freckling, 1997; North et al. 1997; Krab et al. 2008). NF1 is
iris Lisch nodules and tumours of the nervous associated with disabilities across different neu-
system such as neurofibromas and optic pathway ropsychological domains. Several studies investi-
gliomas. The clinical diagnosis can be made based gated specific neuropsychological functions in NF1
on the diagnostic criteria, formulated by The children. Particularly, deficits in visual-spatial abili-
National Institutes of Health (NIH) in 1987 ties have been reported as being significantly dis-
(Gutmann et al. 1997). The responsible gene, NF1, turbed (Dilts et al. 1996; Hyman et al. 2005;
is located on chromosome 17q and encodes the Clements-Stephens et al. 2008). Some studies found
protein neurofibromin (Cawthon et al. 1990; Visko- deficits in attention (Ferner et al. 1996;
chil et al. 1990; Wallace et al. 1990). Mutations in Descheemaeker et al. 2005; Hyman et al. 2005),
this gene result in hyperactivation of the evolution- memory (Ferner et al. 1996; Descheemaeker et al.
ary conserved RAS-mitogen-activated protein kinase 2005), language (Hofman et al. 1994; Billingsley
(MAPK) signalling transduction cascade. A spo- et al. 2003; Hyman et al. 2005) and executive func-
radic mutation is found in approximately half of the tions, such as planning and organisation and
affected persons. abstract concept formation (Descheemaeker et al.
The clinical manifestations of NF1 adulthood are 2005; Hyman et al. 2005) in comparison with sib-
extremely variable, involving many of the body lings or with a norm population. However, these
systems and are unpredictable within families. A deficits were not apparent in all studies (Hofman
decrease in CALM with age is reported, while et al. 1994; Dilts et al. 1996; Brewer et al. 1997;
numerous benign cutaneous and subcutaneous neu- Hyman et al. 2005). In addition, some psychiatric
rofibromas begin to develop around the time of disorders have been observed in NF1 children. Par-
puberty and continue to develop throughout life, ticularly, an increased rate of at least 30% of atten-
particularly during pregnancy in women (Duong tion deficit hyperactivity disorder is reported
et al. 2011). Approximately one half of NF1 patients (Mautner et al. 2002; Barton & North 2004;
have plexiform neurofibromas, but most are internal Descheemaeker et al. 2005; Hyman et al. 2005,
and not suspected clinically. In 10% of the patients 2006). Children with NF1 were diagnosed as
with NF1, malignant peripheral nerve sheath DAMP children, based on their Deficiency in Atten-
tumours develop, usually in their twenties or thir- tion, Motor and Perception and the repercussions
ties. Approximately 15% of patients with NF1 on behavioural and academic performances
develop optic pathway gliomas and these tumours (Descheemaeker et al. 2005). High scores on ques-
may not become symptomatic until later in child- tionnaires exploring depressive symptomatology
hood or even in adulthood. Brain tumours, which were also observed in NF1 children (North et al.
are usually gliomas of the brain stem or cerebellum, 1995; Johnson et al. 1999).
occur much more frequently than expected, espe- Neuropsychological and behavioural data in NF1
cially in young adults. In some adults, glomus adults are less frequently reported and more contro-
tumours have also been described (Ferner 2010; Jett versial. Riccardi & Eichner (1986) reported that IQ
& Friedman 2010). scores improve with age. However, Ferner et al.
Neurocognitive studies in NF1 individuals have (1996) found no IQ difference between children and
focused mainly on children. In NF1 children, the adults with NF1, while others found a negative cor-
mean IQ is shifted to the left compared to the relation between age and IQ (Legius et al. 1994;
general population and sibling controls and ranges Moore et al. 1996). Zöller et al. (1997) compared the
from the high 80’s to the low 90’s (Eldridge et al. neuropsychological profile of 30 NF1 adults to 30
1989; Hofman et al. 1994; Legius et al. 1994; Dilts controls. They found NF1-related deficits in induc-
et al. 1996; Ferner et al. 1996; North 2000; Hyman tive reasoning, visual-constructive skills, visual and
et al. 2005). Although the frequency of mental dis- tactual short-term memory, attention, logical
abilities (mean IQ <70) in NF1 is only slightly abstraction, coordination and mental flexibility
higher than in the general population (North et al. while, unlike children with NF1, basic motor speed

© 2012 The Authors. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, MENCAP & IASSID
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research volume 57 part 9 september 2013
M.-J. Descheemaeker et al. • Neuropsychological profile in NF1 adults

and vocabulary were not affected. No IQ data were Materials and methods
available in this study. Ferner et al. (1996) studied
103 persons with NF1 and 105 controls, aged
between 6 and 75 years old, matched for age, sex Participants were recruited from the multidiscipli-
and socio-economic status. In this study, the degree nary paediatric NF1 outpatient clinic of the Univer-
of intellectual impairment was mild and NF1 sity Hospital of Leuven. During a period of 6
patients had significantly poorer reading skills, months, parents of 26 children (<18 years) with
impaired short-term memory, impaired attention familial NF1 were invited to participate in the
and were slow to develop and adapt strategies for study. The diagnosis in these families was based on
complex and unfamiliar tasks. However, in the NIH criteria. All children visiting the NF1 outpa-
results a clear distinction between the performances tient clinic were referred by their primary care phy-
in children and adults was not always made. Pavol sician or paediatrician with a suspicion of NF1
et al. (2006) administered a battery of neuropsycho- based on the presence of multiple café-au-lait spots.
logical tests to 20 adult NF1 patients and 25 con- Further complications are not necessarily present at
trols. They found that two tests for visual-spatial the time of referral. Twenty couples (NF1 group:
skills (developmental test of visual motor integra- n = 20; spouses control group: n = 20) consented to
tion and judgement of line orientation) and one participate (acceptance rate = 78%). Approval by
language test (Peabody picture vocabulary the Hospital Ethical Committee was obtained.
test – revised) were the best predictors for group All adult participants are Dutch-speaking and
membership. They suggested that patients with NF1 living in the region of Flanders, Belgium (number
tend to have sparing of basic cognitive functions, of inhabitants: 5 000 000). The Leuven NF1 outpa-
but have greater impairment in tests that use tient clinic is one of four such outpatient clinics in
multiple cognitive skills. Using a comprehensive the region of Flanders. The mean age of the NF1
psychometric test battery, Uttner et al. (2003) com- probands (n = 20) was 41.4 years compared to 41.8
pared 20 NF1 adults to 20 age- and gender- years in the control group of spouses (n = 20;
matched control subjects and the NF1 group P = 0.889). There was an equal gender distribution
showed slightly lowered test scores but no specific (10 male and 10 female) and an equal educational
intellectual impairment. On a computerised test of level in the control group compared to the NF1
selective attention, the NF1 group had significantly group (P = 0.397). No significant differences
slower reaction times. Also, three out of four between sexes were found. One female out of these
memory tests and a test of visual-constructive 20 NF1 patients (5%) suffered from epilepsy and in
abilities showed poorer test results in the NF1 another male NF1 patient (5%) a prerolandic brain
patients. Executive functions were not affected. The tumour in the right hemisphere was observed. No
findings supported the idea of a continuum between consequences of these symptoms on neuropsycho-
childhood and adulthood in NF1 (Uttner et al. logical results were noted. Furthermore, NF1
2003). patients were taking no stimulating medication
As neuropsychological data in NF1 adults are during the period of testing.
rather limited, sometimes contradictory and fre-
quently based on a non-IQ-controlled norm group
comparison, this study sought to screen for possible
neuropsychological deficits in NF1 adults correcting All persons completed a comprehensive neuropsy-
for their intellectual capacity (IQ). Based on previ- chological test battery composed of specific cogni-
ous literature, we expected to observe a specific tive tests investigating visual-spatial abilities,
neuropsychological profile in NF1 adults with spe- memory, attention and executive functioning
cific disabilities in visual-spatial skills, memory, (Table 1). For some neuropsychological tests, trans-
attention and executive functioning. In the present lated versions in Dutch and Flemish normative data
study 20 NF1 adults (10 female and 10 male) and were used (see Table 1; Miatton et al. 2004). A short
the control group of 20 spouses were examined by version of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale –
using an extensive neuropsychological test battery. III Nederlandstalige Bewerking (WAIS-III NL),

© 2012 The Authors. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, MENCAP & IASSID
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research volume 57 part 9 september 2013
M.-J. Descheemaeker et al. • Neuropsychological profile in NF1 adults

Table 1 Overview of intelligence and neuropsychological tests

Intelligence Short form of the WAIS-III NL (Wechsler 2000)

Block Design
Digit Symbol-Coding


Visual-spatial abilities
Block Design (BD from WAIS-III NL,Wechsler 2000)
Complex Figure of Rey: copy (CF, Miatton et al. 2004)
Digit Symbol-Coding (Co from WAIS-III NL,Wechsler 2000)
Visual-spatial memory Complex Figure of Rey: recall (CF, Miatton et al. 2004)
Auditory memory Auditory Verbal Learning Test (Dutch version) (AVLT, Miatton et al. 2004)
Digit Span (DS from WAIS-III NL,Wechsler 2000)
Selective attention Bourdon-Wiersma: average time and omissions (BW, Miatton et al. 2004)
Digit Symbol-Coding (Co from WAIS-III NL,Wechsler 2000)
Stroop Coloured-Word Test: colour factor (Dutch version) (SCWT, Hammes 1978; Miatton et al. 2004)
Trail Making Test – part A (TMT – A, Miatton et al. 2004)
Sustained attention Bourdon-Wiersma: average time variability (BW, Miatton et al. 2004)
Executive functions
Auditory Verbal Learning Test: proactive and retroactive interference (Dutch version)
(AVLT, Miatton et al. 2004)
Controlled Oral Word Association Test (Dutch version) (COWAT, Miatton et al. 2004)
Mazes (from WISC-III NL,Wechsler 2002)
Stroop Coloured-Word Test: interference factor (Dutch version) (SCWT, Hammes 1978;
Miatton et al. 2004)
Tower of London (TOL, Krikorian et al. 1994; Miatton et al. 2004)
Trail Making Test – part B (TMT – B, Miatton et al. 2004)
Wisconsin Card Sorting Test completed categories, non-perseverative and perseverative errors
(WCST, Heaton et al. 1993; Miatton et al. 2004)

WAIS-III NL, Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale – III NL Nederlandstalige Bewerking; WISC-III NL, Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Chil-
dren – III NL.

containing Block Design, Information, Digit ficient to show a difference of one standard devia-
Symbol-Coding and Vocabulary, was administered tion with a minimum chance of 80% and on a 5%
to both groups. This short version consists of the significance level, as shown by power analysis.
four WAIS subtests with the highest correlation with Statistical analysis was executed using the one-
total IQ in the general population (Kaufman et al. sample z-test, by comparing z-scores of the NF1
1991; Crawford et al. 1992; Silverstein 1992; group and the control group with data from norm
Table 1), resulting in an estimated IQ score. This groups. Secondly, means of raw scores on all tests
score represents the mean of the four selected of the NF1 group and the control group were com-
subtests. pared using t-test comparison and a univariate
analysis of variance (F-test), the latter with IQ as a
covariate. For all statistical tests a significance level
Statistics of P = 0.05 was used. Additionally, false discovery
Neurofibromatosis type 1 group and control group rate (FDR) correction for multiple testing
are normally distributed. A sample size of 20 is suf- (Benjamini–Hochberg) was used for 31 independent

© 2012 The Authors. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, MENCAP & IASSID
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research volume 57 part 9 september 2013
M.-J. Descheemaeker et al. • Neuropsychological profile in NF1 adults

tests except for Auditory Verbal Learning Test Norm group comparison: NF1 adults show
(AVLT) Sum, with a level of significance of P = 0.05 deficits in all neuropsychological domains except
(Thissen et al. 2002). for sustained attention
Table 3 shows the average z-scores of the NF1
group and the control group on several neuropsy-
Results chological tests next to the one-sample z-test and
P-value for comparison with norm data in both
NF1 group versus control group:
a comparable IQ?
In general, NF1 adults perform lower than con-
Table 2 shows the estimated intelligence score on trols, except for the test parameter measuring selec-
the short version for the WAIS-III of the NF1 group tive attention (Bourdon-Wiersma average time),
(89.96, SD 9.23) and of the spouses (95.22, SD where they work faster than the control group. Both
8.60). Both groups perform significantly below groups perform significantly lower than the norm
population average (NF1 group: P < 0.001; spouses group on all tests for visual-spatial abilities (except
group: P < 0.05). Although the difference between for Block Design) and for visual short- and long-term
NF1 adults and the control group is not significant, memory. On tests for auditory short- and long-term
a marginal significant difference can be observed memory, NF1 adults score significantly below
(t-test: P = 0.07). average on all tests, while the control group only
Analysis of one-sample z-tests on subtest scores performs weaker on some parameters of the test
shows that NF1 adults as well as the controls (AVLT A1, AVLT Sum). In both groups, no signifi-
score significantly below population average on all cant differences with normative scores are found on
subtests (Table 2). Significant differences after a test for sustained attention. For selective attention,
FDR correction for multiple testing were observed however, both groups score significantly lower than
for all subtests for both groups in comparison norm results on several subtests. They demonstrate
to the norm. No significant differences were significantly lower scores on Digit Symbol-Coding,
observed on subtest level between NF1 adults and while the NF1 group performs lower on Bourdon-
the controls, after including IQ as a covariate Wiersma omissions and the control group on
(F-test). Bourdon-Wiersma average time.

Table 2 One-sample z-test and t-test comparison of NF1 adults and the control group for their mean estimated IQ score (estIQ) and mean
subtest scaled scores on the short form of the WAIS-III

NF1 group U P Control group U P t P

estIQ 89.96 (74–111) -4.862 <0.001* 95.22 (79–110) -2.487 0.02* -1.86 0.07

Subtests NF1 group U P Control group U P F P

Block design 6.5 -8.097 <0.001* 8.3 -2.308 0.03* 1.20 0.28
Digit symbol-coding 6.25 -6.418 <0.001* 7.05 -4.844 <0.001* 0.03 0.87
Information 7.7 -3.322 <0.01* 9.15 -2.129 0.04* 0.23 0.64
Vocabulary 7.6 -3.335 <0.01* 8.8 -2.349 0.03* 0.13 0.72

* Significant results after false discovery rate correction (P = 0.05).

Significant results are shown in bold.
NF1, neurofibromatosis type 1; WAIS-III, Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale – III.

© 2012 The Authors. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, MENCAP & IASSID
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research volume 57 part 9 september 2013
M.-J. Descheemaeker et al. • Neuropsychological profile in NF1 adults

Table 3 Average z-scores of the NF1 group and control group on several neuropsychological tests next to the one-sample z-test

NF1 group One-sample Control group One-sample

Mean z (SD) z-test P Mean z (SD) z-test P

Visual-spatial abilities
Block Design -1.17 (0.64) -8.10 <0.001* -0.57 (1.10) -2.31 0.03
Complex Figure – copy -4.35 (3.37) -5.78 <0.001* -2.25 (2.77) -3.63 <0.001*
Digit Symbol-Coding -1.25 (0.87) -6.42 <0.001* -0.98 (0.91) -4.84 <0.001*
Complex Figure
Short recall (short-term) -1.78 (0.79) -10.14 <0.001* -1.41 (1.40) -4.49 <0.001*
Delayed recall (long-term) -1.59 (0.76) -9.44 <0.001* -1.25 (1.28) -4.38 <0.001*
A1 (immediate recall) -1.28 (0.99) -5.66 <0.001* -1.00 (0.77) -5.70 <0.001*
A2 (learning curve) -0.96 (0.96) -4.35 <0.001* -0.36 (0.78) -2.00 0.06
A3 (learning curve) -0.72(1.12) -2.81 0.01* -0.47 (1.24) -1.66 0.10
A4 (learning curve) -1.03 (1.47) -3.04 <0.01* -0.19 (1.00) -0.83 0.28
A5 (learning curve) -0.97 (1.62) -2.60 0.01* -0.38 (1.18) -1.41 0.15
Sum (short-term memory) -1.184 (1.256) -4.11 <0.001* -0.58 (0.95) -2.66 0.01*
A7 (long-term memory) -0.829 (1.021) -3.54 <0.01* -0.25 (1.18) -0.93 0.26
A8+ (hit rate) -0.793 (1.585) -2.18 0.04* -0.02 (1.24) -0.07 0.40
A8- (false positive) -0.116 (1.214) -0.42 0.37 0.13 (1.20) 0.48 0.36
Digit Span -0.72 (1.05) -3.05 <0.01* -0.27(0.81) -1.47 0.14
Omissions -1.38 (2.26) -2.74 0.01* -0.80 (2.36) -1.54 0.13
Average time -0.58 (1.39) -1.88 0.07 -0.79 (1.06) -3.33 <0.01*
Digit Symbol-Coding -1.25 (0.87) -6.42 <0.001* -0.98 (0.91) -4.84 <0.001*
Stroop CF 0.37 (1.04) 1.58 0.11 0.44 (0.79) 2.50 0.01*
TMT – A -0.38 (1.33) -1.29 0.17 0.12 (0.99) 0.68 0.34
Average time variability -0.19 (1.20) -0.69 0.32 -0.04 (1.03) -0.16 0.39
Executive functioning
B1 (proactive interference) -1.21 (0.76) -6.90 <0.001* -0.70 (0.80) -3.81 <0.001*
A6 (retroactive interference) -0.83 (0.94) -3.86 <0.001* -0.19 (1.13) -0.73 0.31
Semantic -0.42 (1.06) -1.78 0.08 -0.36 (0.60) -2.69 0.01*
Phonetic -0.79 (1.26) -2.80 0.01* -0.16 (0.77) -0.90 0.27
Mazes -1.03 (1.26) -3.68 <0.001* -0.67 (0.89) -3.34 <0.01*
Stroop IF 0.17 (0.76) 1.02 0.24 -0.12 (0.73) -0.74 0.30
TMT – B -1.01 (2.23) -2.02 0.05 0.002 (0.95) 0.01 0.40
Tower of London -1.21 (1.30) -4.16 <0.001* -0.91(1.31) -3.08 <0.01*
Perseverative errors -0.96 (1.30) -3.29 <0.01* -0.56 (1.08) -2.31 0.03
Non-perseverative faults -1.77 (2.35) -3.36 <0.01* -0.83(1.02) -3.51 <0.001*
Categories completed -0.97 (1.48) -2.93 <0.01* -0.18 (1.40) -0.61 0.33

* Significant after false discovery rate correction for multiple testing (P = 0.05).
A negative z-score refers to a weak result; a positive z-score refers to a good result. Significant results are shown in bold.
NF1, neurofibromatosis type 1; AVLT, Auditory Verbal Learning Test; CF, colour factor; TMT – A, Trail Making Test – part A; COWAT, Controlled
Oral Word Association Test; IF, interference factor; TMT – B, Trail Making Test – part B; WCST, Wisconsin Card Sorting Test.

© 2012 The Authors. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, MENCAP & IASSID
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research volume 57 part 9 september 2013
M.-J. Descheemaeker et al. • Neuropsychological profile in NF1 adults

Analysis of different executive functions displays in differ between the NF1 adults and controls. Con-
both groups several deficits. On the AVLT, proactive cerning executive functioning, no significant differ-
interference (= the interference of list A while asked ences were found between the NF1 and control
for list B) seems to be a problem in both groups, groups, except on a test for shifting between two cat-
while retroactive interference (= the interference of egories of stimuli (Trail Making Test – part B),
list B while asked for list A) seems to be only a where NF1 adults are performing significantly
problem in NF1 adults. Moreover, mental shifting weaker than the controls (P = 0.04). Performance
seems to be an overall problem in NF1 adults, as on two AVLT trials, where shifting between two lists
they make non-perseverative as well as perseverative of words is needed, is also impaired in the NF1
errors (Wisconsin Card Sorting Test). As a conse- group compared to the control group (P = 0.02,
quence, the control group is able to complete more P = 0.03).
sequences than the NF1 group, who is performing
below average (Wisconsin Card Sorting Test: cat- IQ-controlled between-group comparison shows
egories completed). On test for planning and organi- NF1-related neuropsychological deficits in visual-spatial
sation (Mazes, Tower of London), both groups abilities and auditory memory
perform significantly below average. On a test for
Significant mean differences between the NF1
phonetic word flexibility (Controlled Oral Word Asso-
group and the control group are found on tests for
ciation Test), NF1 adults perform significantly
visual-spatial abilities (Complex Figure copy
below average, while on a test for semantic word
P = 0.05) and on some tests for auditory short- and
flexibility (Controlled Oral Word Association Test),
long-term memory (AVLT A2 P < 0.05, A7 P = 0.05).
the NF1 group has a lower average score but norm
Furthermore, performance where shifting between a
group comparison is not significant. After FDR cor-
new list of words and a previously learned list of
rection, NF1 adults perform significantly worse on
words is needed is impaired in the NF1 group com-
23/31 (P = 0.05) test variables in comparison to the
pared to the control group (P < 0.05). No signifi-
norm group, while the controls perform significantly
cant differences were found on test for selective and
worse on only 12/31 (P = 0.05) of the tests (chi
sustained attention and on test for visual-spatial
square; P = 0.005).
memory. Nevertheless, no significant differences in
average raw score between the NF1 group and the
Comparison between groups controls remain after FDR correction for multiple
testing. However, it is quite unlikely that multiple
Table 4 shows the average raw scores of the NF1
test effects are responsible for all 12 significant dif-
group and control group on several neuropsycho-
ferences before correction of multiple testing.
logical tests next to t-values (non-IQ-controlled)
and F-values (IQ-controlled), with their
corresponding P-value.
In the present study we investigated performance on
Between-group comparison shows NF1-related
specific neuropsychological tests in 20 NF1 adults
neuropsychological deficits in visual-spatial abilities and
and their spouses as a control group. Results reveal
memory, auditory memory and shifting abilities
a mean estimated IQ score of 89.96 in the selected
Significant mean differences between the NF1 group of NF1 adults and this is comparable with
group and controls are found on tests for visual- the IQ scores reported in children with NF1
spatial abilities (Complex Figure P = 0.01, Block (Eldridge et al. 1989; Hofman et al. 1994; Legius
Design P = 0.04), on tests for visual-spatial short- et al. 1994; Dilts et al. 1996; Ferner et al. 1996;
and long-term memory (Complex Figure P = 0.04, North 2000; Hyman et al. 2005). As intelligence is
P = 0.03) and on some tests of auditory short- and one of the factors on which the spouses’ choice is
long-term memory (AVLT P = 0.03, P = 0.02, based (Mascie-Taylor & Vandenberg 1988; Mascie-
P = 0.02, P = 0.03 and P = 0.04). Test results of sus- Taylor 1989; Thienpont & Verleye 2004), it is not
tained and selective attention did not significantly surprising that the estimated IQ score of the control

© 2012 The Authors. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, MENCAP & IASSID
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research volume 57 part 9 september 2013
M.-J. Descheemaeker et al. • Neuropsychological profile in NF1 adults

Table 4 Average raw scores of the NF1 group and control group on several neuropsychological tests next to t-test values and F-test values

NF1 group Control group

Mean (SD) Mean (SD) t P F P

Visual-spatial abilities
Block Design 6.50 (1.93) 8.30 (3.29) -2.11 0.04 1.20 0.28
Complex Figure – copy 28.35 (3.70) 31.33 (3.07) -2.77 0.01 4.04 0.05
Digit Symbol-Coding 6.25 (2.61) 7.05 (2.72) -0.95 0.35 0.03 0.87
Complex Figure
Short recall (short-term) 12.53 (4.98) 16.40 (6.25) -2.17 0.04 2.35 0.13
Delayed recall (long-term) 12.58 (3.92) 16.13 (5.93) -2.23 0.03 2.23 0.14
A1 (immediate recall) 5.05 (1.67) 5.70 (1.63) -1.25 0.22 1.25 0.27
A2 (learning curve) 7.30 (2.13) 8.95 (2.16) -2.43 0.02 5.42 0.03
A3 (learning curve) 8.95 (2.44) 10.30 (2.43) -1.75 0.09 2.27 0.14
A4 (learning curve) 9.70 (3.03) 11.75 (2.38) -2.38 0.02 3.39 0.07
A5 (learning curve) 10.35 (3.44) 11.95 (2.48) -1.69 0.10 1.74 0.20
Sum (short-term memory) 41.35 (10.53) 48.50 (9.43) -2.26 0.03 3.62 0.07
A7 (long-term memory) 7.90 (2.97) 10.15 (3.30) -2.26 0.03 4.17 0.05
A8+ (hit rate) 12.45 (2.27) 13.70 (1.35) -2.12 0.04 3.63 0.07
A8- (false positive) 2.15 (2.85) 1.40 (2.94) -0.82 0.42 0.66 0.42
Digit Span 7.85 (3.15) 9.20 (2.44) -1.52 0.14 0.61 0.44
Omissions 20.75 (11.67) 14.15 (11.03) -1.84 0.07 1.59 0.22
Average time 14.57 (3.40) 15.04 (2.60) 0.49 0.63 1.24 0.27
Digit Symbol-Coding 6.25 (2.61) 7.05 (2.72) -0.95 0.35 0.03 0.87
Stroop CF -3.06 (10.30) -3.82 (7.87) 0.26 0.80 0.02 0.88
TMT – A 39.90 (14.58) 33.10 (6.98) -1.88 0.07 2.44 0.13
Average time variability 1.44 (0.72) 1.32 (0.50) -0.64 0.53 0.30 0.59
Executive functioning
A6 (retroactive interference) 8.05 (3.02) 10.40 (2.87) -2.52 0.02 4.71 0.04
B1 (proactive interference) 4.10 (1.25) 5.15 (1.66) -2.26 0.03 3.56 0.07
Semantic 18.63 (5.27) 19.43 (2.86) -0.60 0.55 0.000 0.99
Phonetic 9.60 (4.77) 12.05 (3.34) 1.07 0.31
Mazes 6.90 (3.77) 8.00 (2.68) -1.88 0.07 0.37 0.55
Stroop IF -3.53 (15.98) 2.67(15.39) 1.25 0.22 0.90 0.35
TMT – B 123.65 (88.40) 80.55 (24.72) -2.10 0.04 2.58 0.12
Tower of London 30.65 (2.74) 31.30 (2.75) -0.75 0.46 0.00 0.99
Perseverative errors 18.25 (11.80) 14.7 (10.21) -1.02 0.32 0.50 0.49
Non-perseverative errors 23.95 (18.61) 15.95 (10.01) -1.69 0.10 1.31 0.26
Categories completed 4.35 (1.81) 5.30 (1.63) -1.74 0.09 2.25 0.14

Significant results are shown in bold.

NF1, neurofibromatosis type 1; AVLT, Auditory Verbal Learning Test; CF, colour factor; TMT – A, Trail Making Test – part A; COWAT, Controlled
Oral Word Association Test; IF, interference factor; TMT – B, Trail Making Test – part B; WCST, Wisconsin Card Sorting Test.

© 2012 The Authors. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, MENCAP & IASSID
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research volume 57 part 9 september 2013
M.-J. Descheemaeker et al. • Neuropsychological profile in NF1 adults

group is situated in the same range with a score of 2005; Hyman et al. 2005, 2006; Noll et al. 2007).
95.22. Both groups score significantly lower than Nonetheless, further research, preferably prospective
population norms and comparison between groups longitudinal studies, has to exclude a maturation
displays no significant difference. As a consequence, process in attention functions.
spouses could be considered as an IQ-matched Although visual-spatial abilities and visual
control group. However, as this difference nearly short- and long-term memory are impaired in
reaches the 5% significance level, further analysis is both groups, the NF1 group performs significantly
needed to include IQ as a covariate. lower on a robust test for measuring visual-
In general, specific neuropsychological testing constructive skills in comparison with the control
shows that (1) NF1 adults perform weaker than group, even after including IQ as a covariate. This
controls on most tests and (2) both groups score deficit has been considered as a hallmark for chil-
significantly weaker than population norms, except dren and adults with NF1 (Dilts et al. 1996;
for the average time variability of the Bourdon- Zöller et al. 1997; Schrimsher et al. 2003; Uttner
Wiersma. A possible explanation for these low per- et al. 2003; Descheemaeker et al. 2005; Hyman et al.
formances in both groups could be that most of the 2005; Pavol et al. 2006; Clements-Stephens et al.
neuropsychological tests are normed using individu- 2008). A possible hypothesis could be that visual
als with an average IQ of 100 (SD = 15). Although perception problems are part of a more general
current research suggests that specific cognitive central coherence deficit, with a heightened focus
functions are related to overall intelligence, certainly on details rather than the whole picture and difficul-
for people with an average or lower IQ, separate ties in the integration of separate features (Plaisted
norms in relation to IQ are unfortunately not avail- et al. 2003; Pellicano et al. 2005). As several research
able (Diaz-Asper et al. 2004; Sternberg & Pretz groups have confirmed motor difficulties in NF1
2005). children, it should be noted that these Complex
Several research groups showed significantly Figure of Rey results may comprise a motor
impaired performances on tests for attention in response deficit (Zöller et al. 1997; Feldmann et al.
adults with NF1 (Ferner et al. 1996; Zöller et al. 2003). However, qualitative analysis of drawn
1997; Uttner et al. 2003; Pavol et al. 2006). Atten- complex figures shows an average motor response
tion, as a precursor for all higher cognitive func- with most of the time a detail-focused strategy. As
tions, is a complex function. Two different kinds of these deficits are a hallmark deficit in NF1 children
attention are studied in this survey: selective and and adults, it needs to be emphasised that particu-
sustained attention. Norm group comparison reveals larly the nature, the severity as well as the strategy
a problem on selective attention tests in the NF1 in visual perceptual and visual-constructive skills
group as well as in the control group. Although they have to be taken into account in further cognitive
have a lower average IQ, their performances on NF1 research.
sustained attention (Bourdon-Wiersma) are still Concerning long-term auditory memory, a sig-
within normal population range. When evaluating nificant difference is observed in NF1 adults com-
their working method (Bourdon-Wiersma), a dis- pared to the control group, even after controlling for
tinction between the two groups can be made based IQ. With regard to short-term auditory memory,
on their tactical approach; NF1 adults work faster, tested by the AVLT, an immediate memory compo-
but less accurate. Additionally, no statistically sig- nent and a learning component can be distin-
nificant difference in selective attention is noticed guished. This last component is processed by
when NF1 individuals are compared to the control working memory (the evolution in memorising
group, with and without IQ as a covariate. Never- consecutive trials A1–A5). There is no significant
theless, attention deficits are observed in NF1 difference between the performances of the NF1
children (Ferner et al. 1996; North et al. 2002; group and the control group concerning immediate
Descheemaeker et al. 2005) and moreover an over- memory of meaningful (A1) and non-meaningful
representation of attention deficit hyperactivity dis- information (digit span). However, in contrast to
order is observed in this population (Mautner et al. the control group, NF1 persons are presumably less
2002; Barton & North 2004; Descheemaeker et al. able to develop a learning curve (A2). As a conse-

© 2012 The Authors. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, MENCAP & IASSID
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research volume 57 part 9 september 2013
M.-J. Descheemaeker et al. • Neuropsychological profile in NF1 adults

quence, this deficit does not favour the long-term observed. These deficits include problems in visual-
memory storage of meaningful information. In spatial abilities and memory, auditory memory,
summary, auditory working memory impairment selective attention and several components of execu-
seems to be an important characteristic of the cog- tive functioning. Remarkably, no deficits in sus-
nitive problems in NF1 adults. Immediate auditory tained attention were observed.
memory recall is not impaired in NF1 adults com- However, as IQ scores are generally lowered in
pared to the control group, but the control group NF1 patients, we sought to compare NF1 adults
benefits more from repetition of information and with an IQ-, age- and gender-matched control
from the possibility to make sense of given informa- group. The resulting deficits deal with severe prob-
tion. As neuropsychological tests including auditory lems in visual-spatial abilities and memory, auditory
information as a specific sensory test modality are working memory and as a consequence problems in
absent in NF1 research, future research needs to auditory long-term memory function. Also, difficul-
consider this. ties in executive functioning are observed, while
Deficits in executive functioning have been unexpectedly no immediate recall and attention
reported in NF1 individuals (Zöller et al. 1997; deficits were observed anymore.
Uttner et al. 2003; Descheemaeker et al. 2005; Nevertheless, as the difference in average esti-
Hyman et al. 2005; Pavol et al. 2006; Krab et al. mated IQ score between the NF1 group and the
2008; Rowbotham et al. 2009; Huijbregts et al. selected control group almost reaches the 5% sig-
2010b). Executive functioning is a collective term nificance level, further analysis is needed to include
for several higher-order cognitive functions targeting IQ as a covariate. Eventually, problems in visual-
goal- and future-oriented planning and regulation spatial skills and auditory long-term memory
of thoughts and actions. According to norm group seem to be specific NF1-related deficits. Problems
comparison, NF1 adults and controls encounter in visual-spatial skills are a hallmark deficit in NF1
severe impairments on several components of neuropsychological research, while very little is
executive functioning. However, after including IQ known about auditory memory functions.
as a covariate, NF1 adults score significantly lower Taking into account that primary visual percep-
on only one test for shifting (interference testing tion problems could be part of a more general
AVLT). We define shifting as the ability to switch a central coherence deficit (Plaisted et al. 2003; Pelli-
behavioural response according to the context of cano et al. 2005) while interpreting auditory
the situation. This finding is possibly a consequence memory problems as possibly related to deficits in
of the earlier mentioned impairment in imprinting language use and comprehension, this idea also fits
of auditory information. A more general remark is with the observation of several problems in social
the broader and highly important link between information processing and functioning of NF1
executive functioning and intelligence; as there is a persons (Dilts et al. 1996; Johnson et al. 1999;
left shift in the IQ of NF1 patients, obviously execu- Barton & North 2004; Huijbregts & De Sonneville
tive functioning will be impaired (Arffa 2007). Addi- 2010; Huijbregts et al. 2010a; Descheemaeker &
tionally, in future research it will be highly Plasschaert, unpublished data).
important to understand and explain the difference
between neuropsychological deficits in executive
Limitations of this study
function and the everyday executive behavioural
difficulties that may originate from them. As all of the studied NF1 persons are married and
have children, this could have caused a selection
bias towards better adaptive functioning NF1
adults. At the same time, these NF1 adults are
the parents of NF1 children visiting the NF1 outpa-
In summary, even in a selected group of adaptive tient clinic. Also, this latter group is not a repre-
functioning NF1 adults and based on norm group sentative patient group, as children that have no
comparison, a continuum of several neuropsycho- problems or children that were never referred are
logical deficits from childhood to adulthood was not included.

© 2012 The Authors. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, MENCAP & IASSID
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research volume 57 part 9 september 2013
M.-J. Descheemaeker et al. • Neuropsychological profile in NF1 adults

Regarding intelligence testing, a short form of the for providing helpful insights and advice on this
WAIS was administered, while recently more rel- study. Financial support was provided by a grant of
evant and representative short forms are used the Marguerite-Marie Delacroix Foundation.
(Crawford et al. 2008; Schrimsher et al. 2008).
Although these four subtests have the highest corre-
lation with total IQ in the general population, this References
correlation may not be as high and consistent as in
Arffa S. (2007) The relationship of intelligence to execu-
a NF1 population. Furthermore, IQ is generally an tive function and non-executive function measures in a
important factor in influencing scores and interpre- sample of average, above average, and gifted youth.
tations of neuropsychological strengths and weak- Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology 22, 969–78.
nesses, suggesting that in future NF1 Barton B. & North K. (2004) Social skills of children with
neuropsychological studies, it would be relevant to neurofibromatosis type 1. Developmental Medicine and
compare with IQ-controlled groups, next to norm- Child Neurology 46, 553–63.
based comparison. Besides, the control group in this Barton B. & North K. (2007) The self-concept of children
and adolescents with neurofibromatosis type 1. Child:
study is not representative for the normal popula-
Care, Health and Development 33, 401–8.
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question produce an underestimation of the actual netic resonance imaging of phonologic processing in
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these neurocognitive measurements should be com- with neurofibromatosis type 1. Neuropsychologia 46,
pleted with additional behavioural measurements,
Crawford J. R., Allan K. M. & Jack A. M. (1992) Short-
including self-report and significant other informant
forms of the UK WAIS-R: regression equations and
report, as self-insight is rather low in NF1 patients their predictive validity in a general population sample.
(Zöller & Rembeck 1999; Barton & North 2007). British Journal of Clinical Psychology 31, 191–202.
Thirdly, in our sample of tests, some conclusions on Crawford J. R., Allum S. & Kinion J. E. (2008) An index-
neuropsychological components are based on the based short form of the WAIS-III with accompanying
results of only one test (e.g. sustained attention). analysis of reliability and abnormality of differences.
Upcoming research should include several tests to British Journal of Clinical Psychology 72, 215–37.
draw clear conclusions on broader neuropsychologi- Descheemaeker M. J., Ghesquiere P., Symons H., Fryns
J. P. & Legius E. (2005) Behavioural, academic and neu-
cal concepts. Finally, it would be interesting to use a
ropsychological profile of normally gifted Neurofibroma-
longitudinal approach in further research to evalu- tosis type 1 children. Journal of Intellectual Disability
ate a neuropsychological continuum from childhood Research 49, 33–46.
to adulthood, and to have a closer look on how Diaz-Asper C. M., Schretlen D. J. & Pearlson G. D.
maturation processes in NF1. (2004) How well does IQ predict neuropsychological
test performance in normal adults? Journal of the Inter-
national Neuropsychological Society 10, 82–90.
Dilts C. V., Carey J. C., Kircher J. C., Hoffman R. O.,
Acknowledgements Creel D., Ward K. et al. (1996) Children and adoles-
cents with neurofibromatosis 1: a behavioral phenotype.
We thank Liesje Mertens for her participation in the Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics 17,
neuropsychological assessment and Thomy de Ravel 229–39.

© 2012 The Authors. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research © 2012 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, MENCAP & IASSID
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research volume 57 part 9 september 2013
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