Mysterium Fidei: A Reaction Paper: Kate Teofanny M. Rivera Grade 12-STEM - St. Jude

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Kate Teofanny M.


Grade 12- STEM- St. Jude

Mysterium Fidei: A Reaction Paper

After reading the Encyclical of Pope VI on the Holy Eucharist, it made me realize and it
wokes me up in reality, because as of now this world are full of chaos, people just need God when
they need something and not realizing how important God in our Life. Today’s world everything
change, changing fast because of the technology we got today. This topic will make us realize and
we will know something knew about the Church and how it affect us as a Christian people.

These topic provide clear understanding about the “Mystery of the Faith” on how it follows
every liturgical celebration, and considering the fact that nothing to be more important that urging
the faithful to participate actively and with sound faith with all the celebration of the Catholic
Church. It says that the Mysterium Fidei provides clarification and direction concerning the
doctrine and worship of the Eucharist.

Moreover, one of the things that I understand to the teaching of Pope VI is that, the mystery
of the Eucharist is at the heart and center of the liturgical itself. When all this combined it just have
a one meaning, they just want to deliver to us that there could be no action greater than the liturgy
because it is an action of both Christ and the Church, and because it both signifies and produces
our sanctification. It is all about the conquest of the faith in our Church, how it covered it all when
sums up. I think all of this is all about the care of the believers and how they “preserve this faith
in its purity and integrity” and to “promote the cult of the Eucharist”

It highlights all the celebration of the Church, and its liturgy and all we need to do is read
it wisely and patiently because it is a long article. This deeper realization of the mystery of the
faith is to help the mystical body of Christ grow and be healthy. Our Lord Jesus Christ expects
each of us to labor for the salvation of the world. The Church allowed people to unite on common
grounds and follow the words of God. The place of worship made people feel accountable because
they were in it together. The Church raised the importance of prayer and spiritually because that
is how one communicates to God.

For me, this must be our goal. Man needs faith to understand the nature of the Church. It
needs faith for us to be more close to our God because the Church is a mystery of God’s love. My
realization to this is that, the Church is the sacrament of Jesus Christ, we must seek to understand
all Jesus speaks and believe it wholeheartedly. In fact, once we do begin to believe we will live
what we come to believe, we will begin a wonderful journey of faith and understanding that we
never knew existed before. I hope that all people will understand the “Mystery of Faith"

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