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Today my family and I decided to go for a walk as we usually do every

afternoon, but something terrible has arisen.
We have lost a member of the family and it is costing us to find it since
it is getting dark, my parents have stayed in the house in case it arrives
We are very worried about my younger brother and I feel that it was my
responsibility that it was lost, that it was a great betrayal towards my
parents that he was lost, he was going with me, we were running so fast
that we left my parents behind, when I told him that prara was not iso
and I did, I must have followed him.
Now I am with my friends in the middle of the forest trying to find him, I
hope and be soon.
Younger brother:
You know what it feels like to be lost in the same place where you were
born, right? Well, I'm feeling it right now in this cold forest.
I and my brother began to play races to see who ran harder, the fact is
that it was in the middle of dusk and I have already spent the night
spinning around, the worst thing is that I do not see the mountains that
commonly guide me, I look at him at night.
But the worst thing about being a bear is that communication is scarce,
I do not know how to communicate with them and I really do not know
how to return.
Although it feels a tremendous freedom to walk alone in this part of the
forest I want to return with my family.
When I took a few more steps I found roses, roses? mom! Mom should
be very worried and I do not want her to get upset like she usually does,
I also miss my father and my brother, I feel a great unconditional love
towards them along with a tremendous joy.
That's noises, nor crazy I refuse to give a view there.
They are coming.
Eldest brother.
After being walking for a while and noticed that in the distance there
roses! It is very rare to see them in a forest, so much that it caught my
attention and I went towards them leaving me from my friends.
The weird thing is that you see a very strange shadow. I called my
friends and with their union and bravery they helped me to get closer.
When I notice that it is my younger brother I cry in joy when I find him, I
feel a great peace knowing that it is okay.
I thank my friends so much for their solidarity with me, the great support
and their gratitude for not leaving me alone in this
When you get home my mother has become so happy to see my brother
who solto in tears, I take him to the bathroom to see if I had no scratch
or wound record, accompany and when you get to the bathroom and see
in the mirror my face I knew I was so concerned about the That he had
his face crying.
It is where I realize that tolerance, overcoming and humility are lived in
family and with real friends, you do not need to go looking for them
because you have

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