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General Recruitment to the posts of Degree College Lecturers (Telugu),

(Business Administration), (Electronics) and (Statistics) Subjects in
TTWREI and TSWRE! Societies, Notification No.0 4 12018, Dated:02. 08. 20 1 8

Provisiona I Selection Notification

It is hereby notified that on the basis of the Written Examinations hetd on 14.02.2018,
15.02.2018 and 17.02.2018 and subsequent Phase-l Certificate Verification process hetd on
07.05.2019 to 17.05.7019, Phase-ll Certificate Verification process hetd on 18.06.2019 and
19.05.2019 at Tetangana Study Circte for STs (PETC), Budhabhavd,5th Floor, Rani Gunj,
Hyderabad, and demonstration hetd on 08.07.2019 & 12.07.2019 at 1't and 4th Ftoors of
D.S.S.Bhavan, Masab Tank, Hyderabad for Direct Recruitment (Generat) to the post of Degree
Cottege Lecturers (Tetugu) (22) candidates in TTWREI Society & Degree Cottege Lecturers
(Business Administration) (02) candidates, Degree Cottege Lecturers (Etectronics) (02)
candidates and Degree Coltege Lecturers (Statistics) (02) candidates in TSWREI Society with the
fotlowing Hat[ Ticket Numbers have been provisionalty selected for appointment to the post of
Degree Cottege Lecturers (Tetugu, Business Administration, Electronics & Statistics) subjects
notified vide Notification No.4/2018, Dated:02.08.2018. The setections are pubtished subject
to the foltowing conditions.

1. That success in the Examination confers no right to appointment untess the

appointing authority is satisfied after such enquiry as the case may be considered
necessary that the candidate having regard to his/her character and antecedents is
suitabte in atl respects for appointment to the service.
2. That the candidates are found physicatty fit for the post.
3. That the candidates shoutd produce such originaI certificates as required in
accordance with the Rules/Notification.

lf it comes to the notice of the Board later that any candidate furnished fatse information
or the setection is not in order due to any act of omission or commission of any candidate, then
his/her provisiona[ setection is liabte to be cancetted at any stage and they witl forfeit atl
consequentiat benefits inctuding that of setection. Besides that, the Board reserves the right to
take any action as it deems fit in the circumstances of the case duty fottowing the relevant
laws, rutes, regutations and executive instructions and atl enabting [ega[ provisions of Govt. of

ln respect of the General Recruitment process of other posts of Degree Cottege Lecturers
(other subjects), in various Tetangana Residentia[ Educational lnstitutions Societies notified in
the Notification No.4 /2018, selection notifications wit[ be issued separately.

Hatl Ticket Numbers

DL - Telueu

Sl. No. Society zone Hall Ticket No

I 2 3 4
1 TTWREISG 6 3031 021 1 6

2 TTWREISG 5 3031 02231

3 TTWREISG 6 304102024

4 TTWREISG 5 31 83021 69

5 TTWREISW 6 317302240

6 TTWREISW 5 3 1 8302055

7 TTWREISW 5 302102121

8 TTWREISW 6 31 8302085

9 TTWREISW 6 304102040

sl. h ). Society zone Hall Ticket No

I 2 3 4

1C TTWREISW 5 31 8302032

11 TTWREISG 5 307102072

12 TTWREISG 6 318302047
1: TTWREISW 5 318302145

1t TTWREISW 5 31 8302020

1: TTWREISW 5 31 9302020

1( TTWREISG 5 31 83021 20

11 TTWREISG 6 318302276
1t TTWREISW 5 318302222

19 TTWREISW 6 3031 021 55

7( TTWREISW 5 317307219

21 TTWREISW 6 3031 0221 8

22 TTWREISW 5 31 83021 70

DL Business Administration

Society zone HallTicket No

1 2 3 4

1 TSWREISW 6 1 303031 02

2 TSWREISW 6 110303212

DL Electronics

Society zone HallTicket No

I 2 3 4
1 TSWREISW 6 1 32303084

2 TSWREISW 6 107303037

DL Statistics

Society zone HaltTicket No

1 2 3 4

1 TSWREISW 6 1 3330301 8

2 TSWREISW 5 1 35303020

Executive Office)

Dated: 17 .07 .7019. Ar Qrot

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