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Every Christmas, we celebrate Jesus’s birth.

Mary and Joseph were married, and an angel came to

Mary and told her that she was going to have a baby and to name her child Jesus. Another angel came to
Joseph and said his wife was having a baby. Mary and Joseph had to go to Bethlehem, where their families
were from, to pay taxes to the Romans. Joseph wanted to go by himself so his wife wouldn’t get tired on the
long journey there, but she had to come, so she rode on a donkey on the long journey there. Once they got
there, it was so crowded that all of the inns were full. One inn owner said that he had his barn empty, so
Mary and Joseph stayed in the barn. Mary ended up having her child, Jesus, in the barn. She wrapped him in
some cloth and laid him in a manger filled with hay. Angels visited some nearby shepherds and told them
to follow a star shining brightly above the barn to see baby Jesus. The wise men were also told to follow the
star, but they came a few years later because they were from the East. The wise men brought gold,
frankincense, and myrrh as gifts for Jesus.
Jesus was born to teach us about the gospel. Jesus’s birth was testified for many years earlier, by
many people. The primary song, “Samuel tells of Baby Jesus” talks about Samuel testifying of Christ’s birth.
When he was twelve, his parents had lost him and they found him in a church, teaching the priests there
about the gospel. They were astonished to hear him talking about it all at such a young age. At the Sermon
on the Mount, he taught people about the gospel. His whole life, from birth to crucifixion, he was dedicated
to it. When he comes again in the second coming, he will teach even more people about the gospel and do
even more good things.

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