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Raman spectroscopy as a new tool for early detection of bacteria in patients

with cystic fibrosis

Article  in  Laser Physics Letters · May 2013

DOI: 10.1088/1612-2011/10/7/075603


12 204

6 authors, including:

Giulia Rusciano Giuseppe Pesce

University of Naples Federico II University of Naples Federico II


Pasquale Abete Vincenzo Carnovale

University of Naples Federico II University of Naples Federico II


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Raman spectroscopy as a new tool for early detection of bacteria in patients with cystic


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Laser Phys. Lett. 10 (2013) 075603 (7pp) doi:10.1088/1612-2011/10/7/075603


Raman spectroscopy as a new tool for

early detection of bacteria in patients with
cystic fibrosis
Giulia Rusciano1 , Paola Capriglione1 , Giuseppe Pesce1 , Pasquale Abete2 ,
Vincenzo Carnovale3 and Antonio Sasso1
Department of Physics, University of Naples ‘Federico II’, Complesso Universitario Monte S Angelo,
Via Cinthia, I-80126 Napoli, Italy
Department of Clinical Medicine, Cardiovascular and Immunological Sciences, University of Naples
‘Federico II’, I-80131 Naples, Italy
Cystic Fibrosis Center, University of Naples ‘Federico II’, Italy

Received 3 October 2012, in final form 8 March 2013

Accepted for publication 9 March 2013
Published 14 May 2013
Online at
Respiratory infections represent a major threat for people affected by cystic fibrosis, leading to
pulmonary deterioration and lung transplantation as a therapeutic option for end-stage
patients. A fast and correct identification of pathogens in airway fluid of these patients is
crucial to establish appropriate therapies, to prevent cross-infections and, ultimately, to
preserve lung function. In this study, we used Raman spectroscopy to reveal bacteria in the
sputa of patients such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus, which are
among the earliest and the most frequent bacteria affecting cystic fibrosis patients. We found
that Raman analysis, combined with principal component analysis, is able to provide a correct
identification of these bacteria, with a global accuracy higher than 95%. Interestingly, bacterial
identification is performed by analysing patients’ sputa as a whole, avoiding, therefore,
time-consuming procedures involving bacterial isolation or even bacterial cultures. This study
suggests that Raman spectroscopy could be a suitable candidate for the development of
innovative and non-invasive procedures for a fast and reliable identification of respiratory
infections in cystic fibrosis patients.
(Some figures may appear in colour only in the online journal)

1. Introduction impaired mucociliary clearance of inhaled microbes [4]. As

a result, from early childhood, CF patients are affected
Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a multiorgan, worldwide diffuse by respiratory infections and airway inflammations, which
disease, whose incidence reaches one in 2500 newborns in represent the most serious threat during the disease, leading
Caucasian populations [1]. In the world, it is possible to often to respiratory failure and even to the option of lung
estimate that around 70 000 people are affected by CF [2]. transplantation [1, 5]. Hence, it is clear that a fast and correct
Most of the clinical manifestations of CF are related identification of bacteria involved in these infections is critical
to the mutations of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane for the therapeutic management of patients.
regulator gene (CFTR) on chromosome 7, responsible for Different approaches are actually used to identify bacteria
the normal function of the chloride channel [3]. This leads from cystic fibrosis sputum samples, including morphological
to the production of abnormally viscous mucus and to and biochemical tests such as Gram staining, enzyme activity

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Laser Phys. Lett. 10 (2013) 075603 G Rusciano et al

tests and antibiotic susceptibility profiles [6]. The gold all the samples collected, according to an ethical protocol
standard for bacterial identification remains 16S ribosomal approved by the University of Naples Federico II, Italy.
deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) or 16S ribosomal ribonucleic Samples were collected by direct expectoration into a sterile
acid (RNA) analysis. cup. Pulmonary function was evaluated for all the patients by
All these tests can be applied only on pure, isolated spirometry assays.
bacteria, deriving from culture plates [7]. However, culturing Sample processing was initiated approximately 1 h after
bacteria is a time-consuming procedure that can hamper the donation. The samples were divided in two aliquots. One
proper management of patients. Complete identification is aliquot was seeded into or smeared onto bacterial culture
routinely achieved within two days, but may be longer for media in accordance with the techniques routinely employed
atypical bacteria. For this reason, it is highly desirable to at Microbiology Laboratory of Azienda Ospedaliera Univer-
explore the potentiality of alternative techniques for bacterial sitaria of the University of Naples Federico II, as follows: by
detection and identification. With this purpose, during the means of a 1:100 calibrated loop and the streaking technique,
last few years, several innovative biophysical techniques the material was seeded onto MacConkey agar (10:4 and
for characterizing and typing microorganisms have been 10:6 dilutions), mannitol salt agar (MSA) (10:6 dilution),
introduced; the most prominent ones are those based on and B. cepacia selective agar (BCSA) (10:6 dilution) plates.
mass spectrometry [8] and Raman spectroscopy (RS) [9]. In The plates were incubated at 35–37 ◦ C for up to 48 h (on
particular, RS is becoming more and more a well consolidated MacConkey agar and MSA) or for up to 72 h (on BCSA) in
tool for characterizing bio-materials, from tissues to single room air. All of the colonies obtained were identified [18]. The
cells, since Raman spectra constitute a sort of chemical second aliquot from samples was moved to the Department of
fingerprint, which enables their identification. Very recent Physics for Raman analysis, making care to keep the samples
works by several groups have demonstrated that the Raman at controlled temperature (∼0 ◦ C).
spectrum of a bacterium allows bacterial classification at a The donors analysed in this study belong to three different
species level or even at strain level [10–14]. In addition, the classes. The first two classes class include CF patients affected
information carried by a Raman spectrum can be obtained by P. aeruginosa (class 1, 26 donors) or S. aureus (class 2,
even from a single bacterium, avoiding therefore the need for 9 donors) chronic infection. The third class includes three
a culture step. negative control donors (NC), i.e. people for which the search
Unfortunately, there are some important cases in which for both P. aeruginosa and S. aureus in microbial assays
this analysis cannot be ordinarily applied. As a matter of was negative. In particular, these donors were selected among
fact, the localization of microorganisms in very complex chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients.
and optically thick samples introduces another level of From a clinical point of view, COPD patients are quite similar
difficulty [15]. This is the case of airway fluid in CF patients, to CF patients: in both cases, patients suffer from an excess
where bacterial identification is also hindered by the presence of mucus stasis, associated with increased mortality and a
in the sample of many particles with sizes and shapes often more rapid decline in pulmonary function [19]. However,
similar to bacteria. More importantly, the CF sputum is rich in while microbial infections are usually fully eradicated from
the residue of lysed bacteria while the concentration of intact respiratory tree of COPD patients under proper antibiotic
cells is relatively low [16]. Getting rid of this step would be an therapies, they tend to chronicize in CF patients.
undoubted breakthrough for a prompt clinical management of
bacterial infections. With this in mind, we decided to test what 2.2. Spectroscopic measurements
kind of information on the bacterial content can be provided
by Raman analysis when the CF sputum is analysed. Notably, The spectroscopic analysis was performed by using a
we found that even this bulk phase carries information on micro-Raman system described previously [20, 21]. Briefly, it
the content of bacteria. In particular, we show that Raman is based on an inverted microscope equipped with a Raman
analysis, combined with principal component analysis, reveals probe at 532 nm (Laser Quantum, Opus 532). This laser
infection from Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus was focused into the sample by an Olympus oil-immersion
aureus, which are among the earliest and the most frequent infinity corrected objective lens (100×, 1.4 NA). Raman
bacteria detected in CF patients. Furthermore, we aimed to scattering generated at the focus was collected by the same
find any correlations of our experimental data with clinical objective, passed through a notch filter, and then focused
parameters such as the forced expiratory volume in 1 s, which through a 50 µm pinhole for background signal rejection.
represents a key outcome of lung measure in CF [17]. The Raman photons were then dispersed by a spectrometer
(Jobin Yvon, Triax 180) equipped with a 1800 grooves mm−1
2. Material and methods grating and, finally, projected on a thermo-electrically cooled
CCD (PIXIS 100, Princeton Instruments). The final spectral
2.1. Samples resolution was 2 cm−1 . The sample under investigation was
sealed between two 150 µm microscope cover slips to avoid
Sputum was expectorated spontaneously, and in some cases drying. Measurements were made at room temperature. The
with the help of a physiotherapist, from 38 adults attending acquisition time was 20 s while the power impinging on the
the University clinics (21 males and 17 females; mean age sample was 300 µW. For each sample, 30 Raman spectra were
29 years; range 18–56 years). Anonymity was maintained for acquired.

Laser Phys. Lett. 10 (2013) 075603 G Rusciano et al

Figure 2. Comparison between the mean Raman spectra relative to

Figure 1. (a) Raman spectra showing the effect of photo-induced two CF patients. Spectra (a) and (b) come from donors infected by
bleaching of a sputum sample from a CF patient affected by P. aeruginosa and S. aureus, respectively.
P. aeruginosa. (b) Fluorescence background level (estimated at
1800 cm−1 ) versus bleaching time for the same sample. The
continuous line is a fit of data with an exponential curve. to its variance (principal components). In our analysis, PCA
was performed by using MATLAB software subroutines. The
Raman raw data were pretreated by using a custom-made
2.3. Sample photo-bleaching
routine, developed in order to eliminate spurious cosmic
ray contributions and to automatically subtract the residual
For nearly all samples analysed in this work, the characteristic background with a fourth order polynomial curve. Therefore,
Raman peaks were initially almost completely embedded the data were normalized, mean centred and, finally, analysed
in a large fluorescent background. The origin of this by PCA. The results of PCA were given in terms of
background can be mostly ascribed to bacterial pigmentations, component scores and loadings. The scores for the first three
which are also responsible for sputum colour [22]. For components were used to create a three-dimensional plot
instance, P. aeruginosa secretes a variety of pigments, (score plot) in order to verify clustering and/or separation
including pyocyanin (blue–green), pyorubin (red–brown) of data. To test the reliability of our results, we used
and pyoverdine (yellow–green). To avoid this problem, the leave-one-out cross-validation procedure (LOOCV) [24].
we performed an extended sample photo-bleaching. This With this purpose, we verified that the first five PCs had a
technique has been previously suggested to reduce fluorescent relevance of at least 95% for all the subgroups considered in
background in the analysis of bacterial strains [23]. A the leave-one-out procedure. The results of this analysis were
typical situation is reported in figure 1. In particular, part used to calculate the confusion matrix [25], in which all the
(a) shows three Raman spectra acquired after different times correct guesses are located on the diagonal of the matrix (true
of continuous sample irradiation. At t = 0 min, the Raman positive, TP and true negative, TN), while misclassified data
features are almost completely masked by a large fluorescence (false positive, FP and false negative, FN) are represented by
background. As laser exposure time passes, Raman peaks the off-diagonal elements. From this matrix, the sensitivity
begin to emerge (see spectra at t = 15 and 30 min). TP/(TP+FN), the specificity TN/(TN+FP) and the accuracy
In part (b) of figure 1 we also report the signal (TP + TN)/(TP + TN + FP + FN) in the leave-one-out
background level, estimated at 1800 cm−1 , as a function of procedure were estimated.
the exposure time. Data were normalized to the highest value
observed at t = 0 and fitted by an exponential decay. A decay
3. Results and discussion
time τ equal to 86 s was found, which is quite close to the
value τ ∼ 100 s found by Scholtes-Timmerman et al [23]
3.1. Raman analysis on CF patients’ sputum
to extinguish most pigment fluorescence in the spectra of P.
aeruginosa. Sputum is the (spontaneous or induced) expectorated fluid
from the airway. In healthy people, it mainly contains mucins,
2.4. Data analysis the normal secretion from mucous cells and submucosal
glands. However, in CF patients sputum contains very little
To highlight differences in the Raman spectra from different mucin, while there is a large amount of cellular debris,
donors, we applied principal component analysis (PCA) including actin, DNA, bacteria and bacterial breakdown
to the recorded spectra. This allowed us to reduce the products [16]. This complex composition is translated into
dimensionality of spectral variables, retaining, at the same complex Raman spectra, with relatively broad features
time, the variables of the original data set that contribute most (see figure 2). They contain major peaks at 1005 cm−1

Laser Phys. Lett. 10 (2013) 075603 G Rusciano et al

Table 1. Tentative assignments for the main Raman bands observed in the spectra of sputa, according to the references indicated in the
fourth column. Abbreviations: G, guanine; A, adenine; P, Phe, phenylalanine; Tyr, tyrosine.
Wavenumber (cm−1 ) Component Assignment References
668 DNA Ring breathing (G) [27, 28]
725 DNA Ring breathing (A) [27, 28]
1004 Protein Ring breathing (Phe) [28, 29]
1032 Protein Phe [28]
1157 Carotenoids Carotene –C–H– stretch [23, 30]
1245 Protein Amide III (β strand) [28, 29, 31]
1319 Protein Amide III [28, 29]
1447 Protein/lipids CH2 –CH3 bend [28, 31]
1480 DNA Ring mode (G, A) [27, 28]
1525 Carotenoids Carotene –C=H– stretch [23, 30]
1584 Protein Phe [28]
1617 Protein Tyr [28, 31]
1667 Protein Amide I [28]

(phenylalanine ring vibration), 1445 (CH2 and CH3 lipid and

protein) and 1650 cm−1 (amide I protein band). Moreover,
many peaks due to carotenoids, at 1157 and 1525 cm−1 can
be identified in the spectra. A tentative assignment of the
observed Raman features is reported in table 1.
For this study, we performed an experiment on 38
patients, selected by the medical staff of the Cystic Fibrosis
Center at the University of Naples Federico II as described
before. Researchers involved in Raman measurements were
prevented from knowing donors’ clinical conditions. Samples
were collected in seven different sessions. Surprisingly, very
similar spectra were obtained for all the samples analysed. A
typical example is shown figure 2, where we report the spectra
of two CF patients, affected by different bacterial infections.
Minimal differences can only be seen in the intensity of
bands due to amide bands and carotenoids around 1650
and 1150 cm−1 , respectively. However, a reliable evaluation
of these differences is an hard task, due to the presence
of a residual background signal. Taken from the viewpoint
of clinicians and medical analysts, this completely impairs
their effective utility for diagnostic purposes. Therefore,
as it was impossible to distinguish samples in a direct
way, we implemented a classification model based on PCA. Figure 3. Scatter plots relative to PCA analysis of samples
As a matter of fact, in all the measurement sessions, obtained in two different experimental sessions. Points of the same
we found that PCA allowed separation of samples into colour represent spectra from the same patient. Dots correspond to
two or three subgroups (see figure 3, part (a) and (b) patients affected by P. aeruginosa, triangles correspond to patients
affected by S. aureus while squares correspond to NCs. In both
respectively). The significance of this separation (obtained cases, the first three PCA components contribute over 98% of the
under blind conditions) became clear when clinicians revealed total relevant information on the system. As it is possible to see,
the patients’ clinical data to the researchers involved in data reported in (a) collapse in two different subgroups,
Raman analysis. This a posteriori knowledge allowed us to corresponding to CF patients affected by different infections, while
identify the subgroups as corresponding to patients belonging in (b) a third subgroup appears, corresponding to NC donors.
to different classes (P. aeruginosa-infected, S. aureus-infected
or negative control donors). For instance, in figure 3(a),
dots correspond to patients affected by P. aeruginosa, while patients’ sputum? The answer to this question can be found
triangles correspond to patients affected by S. aureus. Similar by analysing the PCA loadings. These last indicate the specific
results were obtained for all the patients analysed in the contribution of each wavenumber in the calculation of the total
present study. In all examined cases, our analysis showed variance of the spectral data. The interpretation of the loading
significant clustering of data deriving from homogeneous plots is often difficult since they did not directly represent
donors and, at the same time, separation between the three a real Raman spectrum, presenting, in general, both positive
previously mentioned subgroups of patients. and negative features. However, sometimes it is possible to
What makes the sputum samples different? Or, in other give a reasonable interpretation of loadings [26], as in our
words, what kind of signature do bacteria leave in CF case. Figure 4 shows the loading relative to the first principal

Laser Phys. Lett. 10 (2013) 075603 G Rusciano et al

Figure 5. PCA score plot relative to eight donors with different

FEV1 values. All the donors were affected by the same bacterial
Figure 4. PC1 loading plot relative to the analysis of sputum infection (P. aeruginosa). For each data set (represented by dots of
samples from six CF patients. The corresponding scatter plot is the same colour), the 95% confidence level ellipsoid is also shown.
shown in figure 3, part (b).

component for data of figure 3. Interestingly, this loading

presents some sharp features, easily assigned to known Raman
peaks, which are completely hidden in the original Raman
spectra (see figure 2). More importantly, there is an interesting
similarity between the PC1 loading and typical bacteria
spectra (see, for instance [23], for a comparison with the P.
aeruginosa Raman spectrum). This outcome confirms that
what makes the sample distinguishable in our analysis is their
bacterial content, rather than any other biochemical feature.
This can be ascribed to the use of a Raman probe at 532 nm,
a wavelength at which the contribution from bacteria (and
bacterial lysis products) is resonantly enhanced [15].

3.2. Correlation of data with the FEV1 values

Figure 6. Volume of the 95% confidence level ellipsoid in the
PC-score space for CF patients presenting different FEV1 values
As shown in section 3.1, our analysis enables us to distinguish before sputum expectoration.
groups of CF patients infected by different bacterial strains.
However, some more information can be gained by analysing
CF patients presenting the same bacterial infection but for each of the data sets of figure 5. In a sense, we can say
exhibiting different clinical conditions. In fact, we noticed that that the lower the FEV1, the clearer is the bacterial fingerprint
there is a correlation between the spread of data in the PCA in the Raman spectrum, so that the data tend to cluster in the
scatter plot and the patient respiratory function, quantified PCA plot.
by the FEV1 values obtained in spirometry assays. FEV1
corresponds to the forced expiratory volume at 1 s. It is the 3.3. Application of the LOOCV procedure
clinical parameter most commonly used to evaluate the upper
airway obstructions and in assessing patient conditions in To test the global reliability of our approach in discriminating
lung related disease such as cystic fibrosis [17]. In figure 5, patients affected by a different bacterial infections, we used
we show the PCA score plot relative to eight CF patients the LOOCV procedure. According to this, denoting by N the
infected by P. aeruginosa but presenting different FEV1 total number of data sets relating to the N different donors,
values measured just before sputum expectoration. The data PCA was calculated using N − 1 data sets (used as the training
corresponding to CF patients presenting a moderate (FEV1 set), and the scores of the left-out data set (relating to the Nth
between 40% and 70%) or severe (FEV1 lower than 40%) donor) were calculated by projecting it on the PC vectors of
respiratory manifestation tend to occupy a smaller region of the training data. The attribution of each of the 30 spectra
the PCA scatter plot, while data from patients with only belonging to the left-out set into the proper class was done by
a slight lung manifestation of the disease (FEV1 higher evaluating its Mahalanobis distance [25] from the training set
than 70%) are scattered in a much wider region. This is (whose classification was considered as known) in the space
quantitatively illustrated in figure 6, where we report the of the first five scores. Finally, donor assignment to a given
volume corresponding to the 95% confidence level ellipsoid patient class was performed on the basis of the majority of

Laser Phys. Lett. 10 (2013) 075603 G Rusciano et al

Table 2. Confusion matrix giving the classification for ultimate limit of Raman spectroscopy in bacterial detection
P. aeruginosa- and S. aureus-infected CF patients, as well as for NC and identification in a highly heterogeneous environment
such as CF patient sputum. Notably, our analysis can be
Predicted carried out directly on CF patient sputum, avoiding the
P. aeruginosa S. aureus NC necessity of time-consuming procedures involving bacteria
True P. aeruginosa 25 1 0 isolation or even bacteria cultures. Interestingly, we also found
S. aureus 1 8 0 a correlation between an important clinical parameter, the
NC 0 0 3 FEV1 value, and spectroscopy-derived parameters, such as
the spread of points in the score plot representation. Although
the study presented herein has still a preliminary character,
Table 3. Sensitivity, specificity and accuracy estimated by LOOCV
procedure for the three donor classes. it holds promise for the use of Raman analysis for the
development of new clinical protocols for bacteria in the
P. aeruginosa S. aureus NC airway fluid of CF patients.
Sensitivity 96 89 100
Specificity 92 97 100
Accuracy 95 95 100 Acknowledgments

The authors thank Professors G Miele and V Raia for their

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