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Lesson Plan Day 2

Partitioning Shapes Lesson Plan

Topic: Partition shapes into equal shares Grade Level: 2nd grade Name: Anna Head

Lesson Type: New Material Performance Level: On Group Size: Whole group



Partition a rectangle into rows and columns of same-size squares and count to find the total number
of them.


Students will be able to cut a rectangle, circle and square into two, three or four equal pieces, 4 out of
5 times.

Assessment plan:

Students will circle smiley faces to show their understanding of the lesson material at the end of the
lesson as an exit ticket to go home. During the lesson, students will be asked to show a thumb up,
middle, or down to show understanding of the lesson material.

Key vocabulary terms and definitions:



Materials: poster paper, colored construction paper, pencils, markers, crayons, scissors, rulers,
newspapers, magazines, glue, tape.

Extend: Have them fold a square piece of paper and then cut out pieces and glue or on their poster

Support: Move the disruptive students to another table with one teacher so they will not be
distracting to the other students who are working.

Management Decisions

Behavioral Expectations: Transitions from place to Fast Finishers: Have them fold a
place or between activities: square piece of paper and then cut
Students will raise their hand
out pieces and glue or on their
when they want to ask or Break every 20 minutes for
poster paper.
answer a question or talk. 10-15 seconds or as needed.

Attention Signal (Regain Material Management: Grouping: Whole group.

Student Focus): “1, 2, 3, eyes Teachers will pass out all
on me…1, 2, eyes on you” needed materials.

Lesson Sequence

Time What the teacher is doing What the students are doing

5 Gain Attention/Activate prior knowledge: Responding to the

min attention getter.
*Samantha will be taking pictures and will a support teacher.

*Stephanie will be observing the students and taking notes.

Raising their hand to
answer or ask questions.
Ask “what did we learn about last time”?

Review shape names and characteristics from the previous

Sitting at the table.

Say “today we are going to find out how many small squares or
rectangles fit inside of a bigger square and rectangle by counting
the smaller squares or rectangles”.
15 Input & Modeling: Raising their hand to ask
min clarifying questions.
Show a model of a folded piece of colored construction paper
and tell students that they will be folding a piece of colored
construction paper in the same way. Then cut out the folded
Sitting at the table.
pieces and glue or tape

Listening to the

15 Guided practice: Raising their hand to ask

min any clarifying questions.
The teachers will pass out all needed materials.

Step 1-”fold the piece of paper in half. Now we have 2 pieces”.

Following the instructions
Step 2-”fold the piece of paper in half again. Now we have 4
given on how to fold their
piece of paper.
Step 3-”fold the piece of paper in half again. Now we have 8

Contine folding the piece of paper as many times as the students


Then students will count the number of smaller squares or

rectangles on their piece of paper.

While the students are working, walk around the tables to keep
students on task or to answer questions.

20 Independent practice: Working on cutting the

min colored construction paper
Have students fold their pieces of paper and then cut those
and gluing or taping.
pieces out to put on their poster paper.

Sitting at the table.

Students will put the pieces that they cut out on their poster
paper near the shapes that they drew during the previous lesson.

Raising their hand to ask

Teacher will be collecting data on if students can correctly count
the number of smaller squares/rectangles in their piece of
5 Closure/Summary: Sitting at the table.
Pair and Share then ask 3 or 4 students show the rest of the class
how they cut their shapes. Explain how many times they folded
Talking with a partner
their piece of paper.
about how they cut their
piece of paper.

Listening to their
classmates as they share
how they cut their shapes.

Items to be collected as a result of this lesson: Students individual poster paper to keep until the next

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