TE (Civil) Environmental Engg-II Question Bank

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TE (Civil) Environmental Engg-II Question bank

Collection and conveyance of Sewage
THEORY Questions Page | 1

1. What is dry weather flow? Explain any four factors affecting dry weather flow.
(Nov 2010,8 marks)
2. Compare conservancy system with water carriage system.
(Nov 2013, 7 marks,May 2010,Nov 2010,8 marks)
3. Explain various elements of sewage pumping station. Draw a neat sketch.
(Nov 2009,Nov 2010,8 marks)
4. Explain factors affecting dry weather flow. (Nov 2010,5 marks)
5. Draw typical flow diagram of sewage treatment plant and explain the function of each
unit. (Nov 2011, 6 marks, May 2008, 9 marks Nov 2010,8 marks)
6. Write short notes on
1. Sewage pumping
(May 2006,May 2009,6 marks, May 2010, 4 marks, Nov 2010,6 marks)
2. Quantity calculation of storm water (Nov 2009,6 marks)
3. Layout of sewerage system (various patterns) (May 2009,6 marks)
4. Sewer appurentences (May 2008,6 marks)
5. Pumping station (Nov 2013, 4 marks)
7. Describe any two methods of collection of various types of wastes in the conservancy
system. (May 2010, 5 marks)
8. What do you understand by the terms ‘self cleansing velocity’ and ‘limiting velocity’ in
sewers? (May 2008, May 2010, 5 marks)
9. Explain various types of sewerage system with their merits and demerits.
(Nov 2009,8 marks)
10. Explain importance of wastewater analysis. (May 2008, 7 marks, Nov 2009,6 marks)
11. Explain steps involved in design of sewerage system of a city or town.
(May 2008,May 2009,8 marks)
12. Explain the following terms with respect to wastewater.
1. BOD
3. F/M ratio
4. pH (May 2009,8 marks)
13. Explain with sketches
1. Drop manhole
2. Inverted siphon
3. Automatic flushing tank. (May 2009,8 marks)
14. Enumerate tests carried out to characterize domestic wastewater. Explain significance of
any one. (May 2008,5 marks)
15. Explain reasons for the following

NKOCET, Solapur Prof S S Jahagirdar

TE (Civil) Environmental Engg-II Question bank

1. Why should slope of sewer follow the slope of ground?

2. Why should sewer run partially full instead of running full?
3. Why crown of the pipes should be at different levels when connecting inlet and
outlet pipes of different diameters in the manholes? (May 2008,6 marks)
16. What is difference between inflow and infiltration? (May 2007, 2 marks )
Page | 2
17. Name two most important parameters used to characterize the sewage and discuss their
significance. (May 2007,5 marks )
18. Discuss steps involved in the design of separate sewage system for sanitary sewage.
(May 2007, 6 marks )
19. Mention any five advantages of a water carriage system. (May 2011, 5 marks)
20. Explain combined system of sewerage. Also mention the factors affecting the choice of
combined system. (May 2012,8 marks)
21. Write shorts notes on (Nov 2012, 4 marks each)
i. Inverted siphon
ii. Grit chamber
22. Define BOD. Differentiate between BOD and COD. (May 2013,4 marks)
23. Draw a flow chart for treatment of domestic wastewater consisting of trickling filter as
secondary biological unit. Also state function of each unit in tabular format.
(May 2013,7 marks)

Unit Operations
THEORY Questions
1. Differentiate between ASP and Trickling filter. (Nov 2010,5 marks)
2. Explain grit chamber with neat sketch. (May 2010,5 marks)
3. Write short notes on
1. Oil and grease trap (Nov 2009,6 marks)
2. Types of trickling filters (Nov 2009,6 marks)
3. Removal of oil and grease (May 2009,6 marks)
4. Comparison of high rate and low rate trickling filter. (May 2009,6 marks)
5. Modifications of ASP (May 2008,6 marks)
6. Skimming tank (May 2013,5 marks)
7. Operational problems in trickling filter (May 2013,4marks)
8. Classification of screen chamber (May 2013,5 marks)
9. Design of septic tank (May 2013,5 marks)
10. NRC equation (Nov 2013, 4 marks)
4. Explain working of trickling filter with neat sketch.
(Nov 2009,8 marks , Nov 2012,6 marks)

NKOCET, Solapur Prof S S Jahagirdar

TE (Civil) Environmental Engg-II Question bank

5. Explain the following

1. Design parameters of screen chamber
2. Velocity control devices in grit chamber. (Nov 2009,8 marks)
6. Explain with neat sketches giving design parameters
1. Grit chamber
2. Primary settling tank. (May 2009,6 marks) Page | 3
7. Explain various modifications of activated sludge process. (May 2009,8 marks)
8. Explain NRC formula used in design of two stage high rate trickling filter.
(May 2008, 5 marks)
9. Enumerate primary treatment units and state their objectives. (May 2008, 5 marks)
10. Explain the following terms w r t ASP and give design values
2. F/M ratio
3. HRT
4. Recirculation ratio (Nov 2013, 8 marks, May 2008,8 marks)
11. Differentiate between
1. Aerobic and anaerobic treatment
2. ASP and trickling filter (May 2008,8 marks)
12. Write a note on recycling of sewage (May 2007,5 marks )
13. Explain activated sludge process w r t
1. Process flow diagram
2. Biological process that occur within the system. (May 2007,7 marks )
14. Sketch, lebel and explain the components of horizontal flow grit chamber. Also
discuss design aspects of it. (May 2007,9 marks )
15. Explain the activated sludge process of waste water treatment. (May 2011, 5 marks)
16. Explain working of trickling filter with neat sketch. (May 2011, 8 marks)
17. Explain modification in ASP. (Nov 2011, 7 marks)
18. Define SVI. Derive relation between SVI and recirculation ratio (Qr)
(May 2013,6 marks)
19. Explain with neat sketch biological process in trickling filter, (Nov 2013, 7 marks)

Anaerobic treatment and Low cost treatment
THEORY Questions
1. Explain design of septic tank. Draw a neat sketch of it. (Nov 2010,6 marks)
2. Classify stabilization ponds according to the nature of biological activity. Explain any
one in detail. (Nov 2010, 8 marks)
3. What is sludge digestion? Explain anaerobic digestion. (Nov 2010, 8 marks)
4. Write short note on
1. Aerated lagoon (May 2008, 6 marks, May, Nov 2010, 4 marks)
2. Waste stabilization ponds (Nov 2009, 4 marks)
NKOCET, Solapur Prof S S Jahagirdar
TE (Civil) Environmental Engg-II Question bank

3. Oxidation ditch (May 2009, 6 marks)

4. Septic tank (Nov 2010, 4 marks)
5. Anaerobic digestion process. (Nov 2009, 6 marks)
6. Sludge drying beds (May 2008, 6 marks)
7. Facultative pond (Nov 2013, 5 marks)
8. Factors affecting sludge digestion process. (Nov 2013, 5 marks) Page | 4
5. Explain oxidation pond in detail. (May 2010, 5 marks)
6. Draw complete process flow sheet for wastewater treatment with 1) oxidation ditch and
2) trickling filter as secondary treatment. (May 2008, 4 marks)
7. Explain different methods of sludge disposal. (May 2009, 8 marks)
8. What are effects of pH, temperature and organic loading on anaerobic digestion of
sludge? (May 2008, 5 marks)
9. Explain low rate anaerobic digester with a neat sketch. (May 2008, 6 marks)
10. Enumerate the methods of sludge dewatering. Explain any one in detail.
(May 2008, 6 marks)
11. Describe anaerobic sludge digester with neat sketch. Also explain various stages of
anaerobic digestion of sludge. (May 2008, 8 marks)
12. State objectives of sludge treatment. Enumerate the methods of sludge disposal.
(May 2007,5 marks )
13. Why septic tank is considered to be rather inefficient method of sewage disposal and in
spite of its inefficiency why and under what circumstances is it used?
(May 2007,5 marks )
14. State advantages and disadvantages of oxidation ponds. (May 2007,5 marks )
15. How do you estimate organic loading for oxidation ponds based on solar isolation
criteria? (May 2007,3 marks )
16. What is sludge digestion? Explain its stages (May 2011, 6 marks)
17. Write short notes on
i. Oxidation pond
ii. Septic tank (May 2011, 8 marks)
iii. Sludge digestion ( Nov 2011, 5 marks)
iv. Recycling of sewage (Nov 2011, 5 marks)
18. Explain main features of aerobic ponds. Also discuss bacteria – algal symbiosis.
(May 2013,7 marks)

Self Purification of Streams
THEORY Questions
1. Describe various factors affecting the self purification of streams.
(May 2010, Nov 2011, 6 marks)
2. Draw a neat sketch showing deoxygenation curve, reoxygenation curve and DO sag
curve. Write equation to find DO deficit. (Nov 2010,8 marks)

NKOCET, Solapur Prof S S Jahagirdar

TE (Civil) Environmental Engg-II Question bank

3. Explain with neat sketch the principle processes of land treatment method of disposal.
(Nov 2010, 8marks)
4. Write short note on:
1. Actions involved in self purification of streams (Nov 2010, 6 marks)
2. DO sag curve (May 2013,5 marks, Nov 2012, 5 marks May 2009, 6 marks)
3. Water pollution control act (Nov 2009 May 2007, 6 marks) Page | 5
4. EIA (Nov 2009 May 2009 May 2007, 6 marks)
5. Effluent standards (May 2008, 6 marks)
6. Environmental legislation. (May 2008, 6 marks)
7. Stream standards and effluent standards (May 2008, 6 marks)
8. Zones of pollution in self purification of stream process. (May 2013,4 marks)
5. Draw a neat sketch of DO sag curve (May 2010, 6 marks)
6. Describe various factors affecting reaeration and deoxygenation process.
(May 2007, 8 marks Nov 2009, 6 marks)
7. What is DO sag curve? Explain its importance in study of stream pollution.
(Nov 2009, 6 marks)
8. Give different classification of stream on the basis of K1 and K2 values, which are
stream purification constant. (May 2009, 6 marks)
9. Sketch typical profile of DO sag curve. Explain the process of self purification of stream.
(May 2008, 8 marks)
10. Enumerate factors affecting de-oxygenation rate. (May 2008, 4 marks)
11. Explain different factors affecting reaeration process of stream. (May 2008, 4 marks)
12. Give Streeter Phelps equation and explain each and every term in it.
13. Explain classification of streams based on reaeration deoxygenation constants.
14. Draw a neat sketch showing the zones of pollution in the stream. Give all labels to
sketch. (May 2011, 4 marks)

15. What do you understand by oxygen sag curve? Derive streeter phelphs equation.
(May 2011, 8 marks)
16. Explain various stages involved in ‘self purification of stream’ process.
(Nov 2012, 6 marks)
17. Write Streeter Phelps equation and explain meaning of each and every term in it.
(Nov 2013,6 marks)

Solid Waste Management
THEORY Questions
1 Write short notes on
1. Processing of solid waste (Nov 2009, May 2007, 6 marks)
2. Sanitary land fill/ Landfills (May 2011, 5 marks May 2008,6 marks)
3. Hazardous waste management. (May 2008, 6 marks)
NKOCET, Solapur Prof S S Jahagirdar
TE (Civil) Environmental Engg-II Question bank

4. Recycling of solid waste (May 2008, 6 marks)

5. Generation rate and factors affecting it. (May 2009, 6 marks)
6. Characteristics of hazardous wastes (May 2013,7 marks)
7. Solid waste disposal options (May 2011, 5 marks)
8. Procedure for finding density of solid waste . (May 2013,5 marks)
9. Elements of solid waste management system. (Nov 2013, 5 marks) Page | 6
2 Discuss various composting methods with advantages and disadvantages.
(May 2007, 8marks)
3 Explain the term refuse. Give the physical and chemical composition of typical Indian
solid waste. (Nov 2010, May 2007, 8 marks)
4 Give the physical and chemical composition of typical Indian refuse.
(Nov 2009, May 2008, 8 marks)
5 What is generation rate? Explain the factors affecting generation rate of municipal solid
waste. (May 2008, May 2008, 8 marks)
6 Discuss the process of incineration of solid waste with sketch; discuss its advantages and
disadvantages over composting. (May 2008, 8 marks)
7 Factors affecting composting processes used in solid waste treatment with merits and
demerits. (May 2009, 8 marks)
8 Discuss various factors to be considered for selecting site for sanitary landfill.
(May 2009, 8 marks)
9 Explain the suitability of different treatment of solid waste in contest with Indian
conditions. (Nov 2009, 8 marks)
10 What is composting? Explain any one method of composting. (May 2010, 6 marks)
11 Explain incineration treatment. Mention its advantages. (May 2010, 6 marks)
12 Enlist the physical characteristics of solid wastes. Explain the procedure for finding out
density of solid waste. (Nov 2010, May 2010, 7 marks)
13 Explain trenching method of composting. (Nov 2010, 6 marks)
14 Explain with neat sketches the principal processes of land treatment method of disposal
of waste water. (Nov 2010, 6 marks)
15 Mention any 5 methods of disposal of solid waste. Explain any one in detail.
(Nov 2010, 6 marks)
16 Explain mechanical composting in detail. (Nov 2010, 6 marks)
17 Explain trenching method of solid waste disposal. (May 2011, 5 marks)
18 Explain landfilling method of waste disposal. Give its advantages and disadvantages.
(May 2011, 8 marks)
19 Explain any three methods of composting in detail. (May 2011, 9 marks)
20 Give characteristics of hazardous waste. (Nov 2011, 6 marks)
21 Explain factors affecting solid waste generation. (Nov 2012, 7 marks)
22. Explain principles of composting process. Also discuss factors affecting composting
process. (Nov 2012, 6 marks)
23 What is composting? Enlist different methods of composting and discuss any one method
in detail. (May 2013,7 marks)
24 Explain physical properties of solid waste in detail. (Nov 2013,7 marks)
25 Write source based classification of solid waste. (Nov 2013, 7 marks)

NKOCET, Solapur Prof S S Jahagirdar

TE (Civil) Environmental Engg-II Question bank

Air Pollution
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1 Write short note on manmade sources of air pollution. (Nov 2010, 5 marks)
2 Explain working principle of ESP with neat sketch.
(May 2007,May 2008, 8 marks, Nov 2010, 9 marks)
3 Explain effects of air pollution on materials w r t air pollutant and its effects.
(Nov 2010, 8 marks)
4 Explain working of spray tower with neat sketch.
(May 2010, 7 marks Nov 2010, 8 marks)
5 Write short notes on
1. Gravity settling chamber (Nov 2010, 6 marks)
2. Effects of air pollution on human health. (May 2007 Nov 2009, 6 marks)
3. Sources of air pollution (May 2009, 6 marks)
4. Vehicular air pollution (May 2008, May 2009, 6 marks)
5. Cyclone separator (May 2008, 6 marks)
6. Global warming (May 2008, 6 marks)
7. Ozone layer depletion (Nov 2013, 4 marks, May 2008, 6 marks)
8. NAAQS (May 2007, 6 marks)
9. Stability conditions (Nov 2013, 5 marks, May 2011,5 marks)
10. ESP (Nov 2013, 4 marks)
6 Write short note on natural sources of air pollution. (May 2010, 6 marks)
7 Explain source of air pollution and classify them,
(May 2008, 8 marks Nov 2009, 6 marks)
8 Describe ambient air quality standards with figures. (Nov 2009, 7 marks)
9 Explain principle and working of settling chamber with neat sketch.
(May 2009, 8 marks)
10 Enumerate different types of wet scrubbers. Explain the working of any one type with
neat sketch. (May 2009, 8 marks)
11 Give account of various meteorological parameters to be considered in air pollution
studies (May 2008, May 2009, 8 marks)
12 What is lapse rate? Discuss the various types of atmospheric stability conditions with
neat sketch. (May 2008, 8 marks)
13 Discuss various types of air pollution sources in detail. (May 2008, 8 marks)
14 Explain various meteorological aspects of air pollution study. (May 2007, 8 marks)
15 Define inversion and explain its types. (May 2013,7 marks)
16 Give Gaussian plume equation and explain each and every term in it.
17 Write a note on ‘Plume behaviour’.

18 Explain primary and secondary air pollutants (May 2011, 5 marks)

19 Explain effects of sulphur dioxide on human health, plants and animals.
(May 2011, 9marks)

NKOCET, Solapur Prof S S Jahagirdar

TE (Civil) Environmental Engg-II Question bank

20 Explain working of gravity settling chamber with neat sketch. (May 2011, 5 marks)
21 Explain ESP wrt following points
i. Sketch
ii. Working principle
iii. Advantages
iv. Disadvantages. (Nov 2012, 8 marks) Page | 8
22 Enlist various particulate control equipment and explain any one in detail. (May 2013,7
23 Explain ‘Acid rain’ wrt definition, causes, chemical reactions, effects and remedies. (May
2013,7 marks)
24 Give detailed classification of air pollutants. (May 2013,6 marks)
25 Explain with neat sketch structure of atmosphere. (Nov 2013, 6 marks)
26 Explain working of cyclone with neat sketch. Also write its advantages and
disadvantages. (Nov 2013,7 marks)

NKOCET, Solapur Prof S S Jahagirdar

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