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Lovely Honours School of Business Department of Management
Name of the faculty member: Ashima Kalia
Course No: MGT 158 Course Title: Business Laws
Class: BBS Semester: 5 Batch: Q1811 (2008)
Max. Marks: 10 Date of Allotment: 26-10-10 Date of Submission: 07-11-10
S.N Roll Objectives of Topic Organization Model*
o No Academic Activity

1 To gain a practical Sales of goods Facts of 15 cases will

2 act & be given to
insight into the
Partnership students.They are
applicability of Act supposed to identify
4 • the issues involved in
various laws in real
5 each case –
6 life situations, arguments against
7 thereby enhancing and in favour to
plead their case
8 their analytical • give the decision of
9 each case;
10 • the reasons on the
11 basis of which the
12 decision is taken and
13 The assumptions on the
14 basis of which the
15 decision is taken.

*No assignment will be accepted after the last date of submission

Date: Name and Sign of Faculty member:

Remarks by COD-S (Mandatory)

Sig. of COD-S with date
Remarks by COD-F (Mandatory)

Sig. of COD-F with date

1. X agreed to sell to Y a parcel of 500 bags of groundnuts lying in his godown.
Unknown to X, 100 bags had been stolen at the time of the contract. X
tendered delivery of 400 bags. Y declined to accept. What will be the legal
2. B agrees to buy a horse from A upon a condition that the horse would be taken
away by B and tried by him for 8 days and returned at the end of 8 days if B did
not think it is suitable for his purpose. The horse died on 3rd day after it was
placed in B’s stable without fault of either party. Decide who bear the loss and
3. A contract with B to buy 100 tons of sugar cane. B delivers 75 tons of cane
sugar and 25 tons of beet sugar. Discuss the A’s remedy.

4. C delivered goods on sale or return basis to B upon the condition that they
were to remain the property of A until paid for. B sold them to C without paying
A for them. Decide the case.

5. P bought buns from D’s bakery. The bun contained a stone which broke one of
P’s teeth. Decide

6. G sold a car to S. When S was driving the car, he was arrested by the police
on the charge of keeping stolen property as the car belongs to D. Can S sue
G? Give reasons and what will be the compensation?

7. A purchase a television from B and B’s plea that though it is old, it is in an

excellent condition. A finds later on that the television does not work at all. Can
A reject the set and recover his money.

8. A sold a refrigerator to B. It performed all the other acts which a refrigerator

usually does but failed to make ice. Is it a breach of condition or warranty and

Part –II
9. A partnership named ‘Modern Garments’ has been constituted with following
person as partners:
(a). Harsh aged 55 years
(b). Anju aged 51 years
(c). Paresh aged 15 years
(d). Narayan aged 17 years
(e). Hanuman aged 21 years
Can this firm be regarded as a legal firm.? Give reasons for your answer.
10. Ram & Shyam CA ,have entered into an agreement of Partnership on 18
sept,2009 jointly conduct & complete the annual audit of a company.The audit
was complete by them & final report has been submitted to the company on 29-
Nov,2009.What shall be the legal standing thereafter . Give reasons.
11. Solomon had joined a partnership firm where no specific provisions had been
made in partnership deed to the effect as to when & how will the firm come to
an end .After a couple of years, Solomon had given a notice, expressing his
willingness to wind up the firm. But other partners of firm were not willing to do
so. Can this firm be dissolved under these circumstances. Give reasons.
12. Ashok had retired from the firm named ‘Prakash Traders ’. But he had not so
far given the choice of his retirement from the firm. Do you think that ashok will
still be deemed to be a partner in the firm. Give reasons
13. Ram, Onkar & Kabir are the partners in the firm named ‘ROK & Sons’. While
Onkar & Kabir take active part in the management & control of the firm’s
business, Ram had preferred not to actively participate in the management &
control of the firm’s business. Accordingly, he was under the impression that by
virtue of his not taking any active part in the business of the firm,he will not be
held liable for the actions taken by Onkar & Kabir in the management & control
of the firm’s business.Do you think that the contention of Ram is legally tenable.
Give reasons.
14. Ashraf, Ahmed & Abdul are the partners of a “partnership-at-will”. Abdul had
given a notice in writing, dated 9- Dec,2008 & on the same day, he had
delivered it personally to Ashraf & Ahmed of his intention to dissolve the firm.
But in his notice, he had forgotten to mention any specific date for the
dissolution of the firm. Ashraf & ahmed had not dissolved the firm till 21 Dec,
2008 , on the ground that abdul had not mentioned any specific date from
which the dissolution of the firm will be effective. Do you think that the stand
taken by ashraf & ahmed are legally justified. Give reasons.
15. Mr. A, B, C & D are the partners of a partnership firm. But as only Mr.A still
continues to be solvent, he wants to continue the business of the firm . Can Mr.
A be legally permitted to continue the business of the firm. Give reasons.

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