English (Compulsory) (Code No: 003)

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English (Compulsory)

(Code No : 003)
Standard : H.S.C. Total Marks : 200
Nature of Paper : Conventional Type Duration : 3 Hours

1) Essay : The candidates are expected to write a narrative or a descriptive (Marks : 30)
essay on one of the given topics in about 300 words. It is intended to judge
the candidate's knowledge of the topic, manner of presentation and also
competence in using correct English.

2) Letter writing : The candidates will be asked to write two types of letters,(Marks : 20)
i.e. an informal letter to parents/ to a friend and a formal letter � an official/
business letter or a letter to the editor of a newspaper on a given topic in
about 100 words. The candidate will be judged for content, manner of
presentation and observance of the formal requirements of letter writing.

3) Communication Skills : The candidates are expected to write on each of(Marks : 50)
the following communicative activities (in about 100-150 words). The
purpose is to judge the candidate's ability to communicate effectively in
different cont1exts:

a) A report of an event or a function or official work done.

b) A notice or an appeal or a warning or a Press Release for
the Media (Radio, T.V., Press).
c) (i) Dialogue writing : A dialogue between two persons or an
appeal or a discussion on a topical issue.
(ii) Speeches : formal speeches � welcome / send-
off/inaugural speech etc.
(d) An individual conversation with a group of people --
(1) at a Job Interview.
(2) at a Press Conference.
(3) with a delegation
(4) at a project site -- e.g.: (i) camps being constructed for cattle
in a drought-affected area, (ii) temporary shelters being
constructed for earthquake-affected people.
(5) at a place where some problematic situation has occurred --
e.g.: natural calamities like floods, earthquakes etc.

(e) A Group Discussion, a Meeting, a Teleconference on a topical


4) Precis-writing : A passage of about 300 words will be given for precis-(Marks : 20)
writing. The candidates are expected to reduce the passage to one-third of
its original length in their own words. The purpose of precis-writing is to
judge the candidate�s ability to comprehend, analyse and summarise the
main ideas in the passage in their own words to one-third of the given
number of words therein.

5) Comprehension : A passage of about 300 words will be given with a set of (Marks : 20)
questions based thereon. The purpose of the activity is to assess the
candidate's competence in understanding and answering questions based
on the passage.

6) Paraphrase of a Prose Passage : A prose passage of about 300 words(Marks : 20)

will be given to be paraphrased in order to judge the candidate�s ability to
understand, analyse and express clearly and in simple language the ideas
in the passage in his/her own words.

7) Grammar : (Marks : 40)

i) Transformation of Sentences, ii) Correction of Sentences,
iii) Use of Tenses, iv) Punctuation, v) Word-formation,
vi) Use of Phrases.
General Studies � I (Compulsory)
(Code No : 008)
Standard : Degree Total Marks : 200
Nature of Paper : Conventional Type Duration : 3 Hours
Note: 1) Answers to this paper must be written either in English or in Marathi.
2) The Nature and standard of questions in the paper will be such that a well
educated person will be able to answer without any specialised study and its
intention is to test candidate�s general awareness of a variety of subjects.
3) This paper will test the candidate�s ability to comprehend, to analyse, to
criticise subject matter related to the topics/sub topics mentioned below.
4) It is expected from candidates to study the latest and recent developments
and happenings pertaining to the topics/sub topics mentioned below.

Section - A (Marks : 40 )
1) History:
.01) Brief history of Maharashtra: Socio-cultural development during the following regimes -
Satvahanas - Vakatakas - Chalukyas - Rashtrakutas - Shilahars - Yadavas � Muslim regimes and
.02) History of Modern India (1818-1857) particularly Maharashtra: Introduction of modern
education - Press, Railway, Post and Telegraph, Industries, Land reforms and Socio-religious
reforms � Its impact on society.
.03) Social and economic awakening: Indian Nationalism - 1857 revolt and after, Indian National
Congress (1885 - 1947), Role of important personalities, Role of Press and Education in social
awakening in pre- independent India.
.04) The other contemporary movements during pre-independence: Satyashodhak Samaj - Dr.
B.R.Ambedkar's Movement - Hindu Mahasabha- Muslim League - National Revolutionary
Movement - Leftist Movement � Peseant Movement - Tribal uprising.
.05) Post Independence development: Integration of princely states, formation of Linguistic states,
Samyukta Maharashtra movement major political parties and personalities involved therein, Major
developments and personalities during 1960-1990.
.06) Cultural Heritage of Maharashtra (Ancient to Modern) : Performing Arts (Dance, Drama, Films,
Music and Folk Arts), Visual Arts (Architecture, Painting and Sculpture) and Festivals.
.07) Impact of Literature on socio - psychological development of Maharashtra: Bhakti, Dalit,
Urban and Rural Literature.

Section � B ( Marks : 40 )
2) Geography of India � with special reference to Maharashtra :
.01) Location and extent - India's strategic location with reference to her neighbours, Indian Ocean
Rim, Asia and the World.
.02) Physical Geography:
Evolution of the Subcontinent - Major physiographic regions - Problems of floods and river
pollution - Physiographic details of Maharashtra.
a) Climate: Distribution of Rainfall. Rainfall in Maharashtra - spatial and temporal
variability - Agroclimatic zones of Maharashtra - Problem of Drought and scarcity, DPAP
(Draught Prone Area Programme) �Water requirement in Agricultural, Industrial and
Domestic Sectors. Problem of Drinking Water.
b) Soils - problems of soil erosion and degradation in Maharashtra.
c) Natural Vegetation and wild life - Forest types in India and Indian wild life - National
Parks � Sanctuaries in Maharashtra - Tiger Project.
.03) Economic Geography:
Minerals and Energy Resources : There distribution, importance and development in
Maharashtra. Tourism in Maharashtra - Religious, Medicinal, Eco-Tourism and Cultural Heritage.
.04) Human and Social Geography:
Distribution of population. Migration of population - effects of migration on source and destination
areas. Rural settlements in Maharashtra. Problems of Urban and Rural Settlements �
Environmental, Housing, Slum, Water Supply and Sanitation, Urban Traffic and Pollution.
Section � C ( Marks : 40)
3) Indian Polity (With special Reference to Maharashtra) :
.01) The Constitution of India: Making of the Constitution - Philosophy of the Preamble - Salient
Features of the Constitution (Secular democratic and socialist) - Fundamental Rights and Duties -
Directive Principles of State Policy such as Free and Compulsory primary education, Uniform Civil
Code - Centre - State relations and Formation of New States - Independent Judiciary -
Amendment Procedure : Major Amendments to the Constitution : Landmark Judgments used for
interpreting the Constitution.
Structure and Functions of major Commissions and Boards: Election Commission, Union and
State Public Service Commissions, National Women's Commission, Human Rights Commission,
National Minorities S.C./S.T. Commission - River Water Dispute Settlements Board etc.
.02) The Political System (Structure, Powers and Functions of Governments) :
a) The Central Government - The Union Executive: President- Vice-President - Prime
Minister and Council of Ministers - Attorney General of India - Comptroller and Auditor
General of India
b) The Union Legislature - Parliament, Speaker and Dy. Speaker - Parliamentary
Committees - Parliament's Control over Executive.
c) Judiciary: Organisation of Judiciary - Integrated Judiciary - Functions - Role and Power
of the Supreme Court and High Court - Subordinate Courts � Lok Pal, Lok Aayukt and
Lok Nyayalaya - Judiciary as a watch-dog protecting the Constitutional Order- Judicial
d) The State Government: The State Executive - Governor - Chief Minister and the
Council of Minister - Role, Functions and Powers - The State Legislature - Legislative
Assembly - Legislative Council - Compositions - Powers, Functions and Role - Legislative
e) The Local Governments :
(1) Urban - Municipal Corporations, Municipal councils, Municipalities, Nagarpanchayat
and Cantonment Boards. Structure, Officials, Resources, Powers- Functions and
(2) Rural - Panchayat Raj System - Zilla Parishad, Taluka Panchayat and Village
Panchayat - Structure - Officials - Resources - Powers- Functions and Controls
(3) Significance of 73rd and 74th Amendment to the Constitution.
(4) Empowerment of local government and their role in development.
.03) Parties and Pressure Groups: Nature of Party system - Role of National Parties - Ideology,
organisation and electoral performance - Regional Parties - Ideology, Organisation and electoral
performance - Major Pressure Groups and Interest Groups in Maharashtra - their Role and impact
on Policy making.
.04) The Media: Print and Electronic Media - its impact on policy making, shaping of the public opinion
and educating the people.
.05) The Electoral Process: Main features of Electoral process - single member territorial
Constituencies. Reserved constituencies for weaker sections - Adult Franchise - Role of Election
Commission - General Elections - Major trends � Patterns of Voting behaviour - and Factors
influencing the voting behaviour - Problems and difficulties in conducting Free and Fair Elections -
Electoral Reforms.
.06) Challenges and Responses to Indian Democracy: Social and Economic inequalities �
Regional imbalances - illiteracy and unemployment.
Section - D ( Marks : 40 )
4) Human Resource Development (HRD) :
.01) Human Resource Development in India - Present status of population in India - quantitative
aspect (size and growth - Sex, Age, Urban and Rural) and qualitative aspects (Education and
Healthcare). Population policy and projection upto 2050. Importance and need of Human
Resource planning in modern society. Components and factors involved in planning of Human
Resources. Nature, types and problems of unemployment in India, Trends of Employment in
India, Demand estimate of skilled manpower in different Sectors and Areas. Governmental and
Voluntary Institution engaged in development of manpower e.g. NCERT, NIEPA, UGC, Open
Universities, AICTE, ITIs, NCVT, IMC etc. Problems and issues related to HRD. Govt. employment
policy, various schemes to reduce unemployment and underemployment.
.02) Education: Education as a tool of HR development and social change. Education (Pre-primary to
Higher Education) system in India. Problems and issues (Universalisation of education,
vocationalisation of education. Quality improvement, Dropout etc.) Education for - Girls, Socially
and Economically underprivileged classes, Handicapped, Minorities, Talent Search etc. Govt.
policies, Schemes and programms for Education, Govt. and Voluntary Agencies involved in
promoting, regulating and monitoring Formal, Non- formal and Adult education. e-Learning.
Impact of globalisation and privatisation on Indian education.
.03) Vocational Education: As a tool of HR development. Vocational/Technical Education- Present
status, systems and training in India particularly in Maharashtra. Govt. policies, schemes and
programs � Problems, issues and efforts to overcome them. Institutes involved in promoting,
regulating, accrediting vocational and Technical Education.
.04) Health: As an essential and major component of HRD, Vital Statistics, World Health Organisation
(WHO) - objectives, structure, functions and its programmes. Govt. Health policies, schemes and
programmes, Healthcare system in India. Problems and issues related to Healthcare and efforts
to overcome them.
.05) Rural Development: Empowerment of panchayat Raj system. Village Panchayat and its role in
Rural development, Land reforms and development, Role of cooperative institutes in Rural
Development, Financial Institutes involved in Rural Development, Rural Employment Schemes,
Rural Water Supply and Sanitation programs. Infrastructure development e.g. Energy,
Transportation, Housing and communication in rural area.

Section - E ( Marks : 40 )
5) Human Rights :
Concept �Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR 1948)- International human rights standards,
Its reflections in Indian constitution, mechanism to enforce and protect Human Rights in India, Human
Rights Movement in India, Problems related to human rights deprivations such as poverty, illiteracy,
unemployment, social-cultural-religious practices, violence, corruption, terrorism, exploitation of labour,
custodial crimes etc.). Need, for training and practising of human rights and human dignity in a
democratic set up.
6) Socio-Economic development of following segments of the society :
.01) Child Development: problems and issues (Infant mortality, Malnutrition, Child labour, Children
education etc.) - Government Policies, welfare schemes and programs - Role of international
agencies, Voluntary Organisations Community resources. People participation in their Welfare.
.02) Women Development - problems and issues (Gender inequality, Violence against women, Girl
child Infanticide/Foeticide, Empowerment of Women etc.)- Government Policy, schemes and
programs for development / welfare and empowerment - Role of international agencies, Voluntary
Organisations and Community resources. People�s participation in their development.
.03) Youth Development: problems and issues (Unemployment, unrest, drug addiction etc.) -
Government Policy - development schemes and programs - Role of international agencies,
Voluntary Organisations and Community resources. People�s participation in their development.
.04) Tribal Development: problems and issues (Malnutrition, isolation, integration and development
etc.) - Tribal movement - Government Policy, welfare schemes and programs- Role of international
agencies, Voluntary Organisations and Community resources. People�s participation in their
.05) Development for Socially deprived classes ( SC, OBC etc. ) - problems and issues (inequality
in opportunity etc.) - Government Policy, welfare schemes and development programs - Role of
international agencies, Voluntary Organisations and Resource mobilsation and Community
.06) Welfare for aged People- problems and issues - Government Policy - welfare schemes and
programs - Role of international agencies, Voluntary Organisations and Community participation
for their development. Utilisation of their services in developmental activities.
.07) Labour Welfare - problems and issues (working conditions, wages, health and problems related
to organised and unorganised sectors) - Government Policy, welfare schemes and programs -
Role of international agencies, community and Voluntary Organisations.
.08) Welfare of disabled persons - problems and issues (inequality in educational and employment
opportunity etc.) - Government Policy, welfare schemes and programs - Role of international
agencies, Voluntary Organisations in employment and rehabilitation.
.09) People�s Rehabilitations - (People affected by Development projects and Natural Calamities.)
� Strategy and programs � Legal Provisions � Consideration of different aspects like economic,
cultural, social, psychological etc.
7) Globalisation and its impact on different sections of Indian Society.
8) Consumer Protection: Salient features of the existing act- Rights of consumers- Consumer disputes
and redressal machinery, Different kinds of Forums- Objectives, Powers, functions, procedures,
Consumer Welfare Fund.
9) Values and Ethics : Fostering of social norms, values, ethics through formal and informal agencies such
as family, religion, education, media etc.
General Studies � II
(Code No : 009)
Standard : Degree Total Marks : 200
Nature of Paper : Conventional Type Duration : 3 Hours

Note : 1) Answers to this paper must be written either in English or in Marathi.

2) The Nature and standard of questions in the paper will be such that a well
educated person will be able to answer without any specialised study and its
intention is to test candidate�s general awareness of a variety of subjects.
3) This paper will test the candidate�s ability to comprehend, to analyse, to
criticise subject matter related to the topics/sub topics mentioned below.
4) It is expected from candidates to study the latest and recent developments
and happenings pertaining to the topics/sub topics mentioned below.

Section - A ( Marks : 40 )
India in World Affairs
1) Foreign Policy of India :
.01) Basic Principles, Objectives, and Determinants of foreign policy.
.02) India and Neighbours: Conflict and Co-operation.
.03) India and Indian Ocean.
.04) Foreign Economic Policy of India: Aid, Trade and economic cooperation.
2) Nuclear Policy of India :
.01) Salient features.
.02) Determinants of Nuclear Tests:
Pokhran I (1974) and Pokhran II (1998)
.03) Recent Trends in Nuclear Policy such as NPT (Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty) and CTBT
(Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty.)
3) India's External and Internal Security Concerns :
.01) Terrorism, Insurgency, Regional and Sub-regional conflicts; Socio-economic imbalances;
Naxalite Movements, Separatist Movements, Communal Violences and Caste Conflicts.
.02) Law Enforcement Mechanism and Judiciary.
a) Existing Laws and Regulations with reference to Maharashtra.
b) Intelligence and Security Agencies.
c) Treaties of Extradition and Interpol.
4) International Affairs and Institutions :
.01) Emerging important Political, issues and events in international relations (1990 onwards) :
Strategic and Economic considerations.
.02) Regional and International Institutions:
a) SAARC, ASEAN, NAM, Commonwealth of Nations and European Union.
b) United Nations System: Its Charter and Organs, (General Assembly, Security
Council, Economic and Social Council and International Court of Justice)
c) UN Agencies: UNCTAD, UNESCO, UNDP, UNICEF, UNHCR, UN Peace Keeping
Forces, UNCHR, ILO and WHO.
Section � B ( Marks : 40 )
Indian Economy, Planning, Trade, Rural Development
5) Planning : Process - Types - Review of India's First to Tenth Five year Plans. Evaluation. Social
and Economic Indicators of Development. State and Local Level Planning. Decentralisation - 73rd
and 74th Constitutional Amendments.
Indian Economy - trends in Sectoral Development and profile of service Sector. Challenges in Indian
Economy - Poverty, Unemployment and Regional Imbalances.

6) Urban and Rural Infrastructure Development: Need and Significance. Growth and Development
of Social and economic infrastructure such as Energy, Water supply and sanitation, Housing,
Transport (Road, Ports etc.) Communications (Post and Telegraphs, Telecommunication), Network
of Radio, TV, Internet. Crises, problems related to Infrastructure in India. Policy alternatives -
Public-Private Sector Partnership. FDI and Infrastructure Development - Privatisation of
infrastructure development. Centre and State Government Policies for Infrastructure Development.
Transport and Housing (Urban and Rural). Problems - Centre and State Government initiatives and
7) Industry : Need - importance and role of industries in economic and social development, Growth
Pattern, Structure of Large-scale Industries in India with special reference to Maharashtra. Small-
scale, Cottage and Village industries Problems Prospects of Small scale, cotage and village industry.
Impact of liberalisation, privatisation and globalisation on SSIs. State Government Policy, measures
and programmes for development, promotion and monitoring of SSIs (with special reference to
Maharashtra) Export Potential of Small scale and cottage industries.

8) Co-operation: Concept, Meaning, Objectives, Old and new principles of co-operation. Growth and
diversification of co-operative movement in India. Co-operative institution in Maharashtra � types,
role, importance and diversification. State policy and Co-operative sector - Legislation, Supervision,
Audit and Aid. Problems of Co-operatives in Maharashtra. Prospects of Cooperatives in the era of
global competition.

9) Economic reforms: Background, Liberalisation, Privatisation and Globalisation � (concept,

meaning, scope and limitations). Economic Reforms at Centre and State Level. WTO Regime -
Provisions and its implications and impact on Indian Economy, issues and problems.

10) International Trade and International Captial Movements: Emerging Trends in era of
globalisation. Growth, Composition and Direction of India's Foreign Trade. Foreign trade policy of
India - Export Promotion. WTO and International Trade. Foreign Capital Inflows - Composition and
Growth - FDI. e-Commerce. Role of Multinationals - International Financing Agencies � (IMF, World
Bank and IDA). International Credit Ratings.

11) Public Finance: Sources of revenue - tax, non-tax and public debt of Centre and States in India.
Public Expenditure (Centre and States) - Growth and causes. Public Expenditure Reform -
Performance Based Budgeting and Zero - Based Budgeting. review of Tax Reforms at national and
State level. VAT.
Public debt - Growth, Composition and Burden. Problem of States' Indebtedness to Centre.
Fiscal Deficits - Concepts, Control of Deficits - Centre, State and RBI Initiatives.
Fiscal Reforms in India - Review at Centre and State Level.

Section - C ( Marks : 40 )
Natural Resource Development
12) Agriculture: Importance of Agriculture in National Economy - Causes of low productivity -
Government policies, schemes and programmes for agriculture production and developments such
as land reforms and land utilisation, soil and water conservation, rainfed farming, Irrigation and its
methods, Agriculture inputs (improved seeds, Fertilizers and Manures, Pest Management,
Mechanization of Agriculture). Problem of rural indebtedness, Agriculture credit- need, importance
and Financial Institutions involved therein. Agriculture pricing- components, factors affecting prices of
various Agriculture produces - Govt. support prices of various agriculture produces, Subsidies.
Agriculture Marketing - present status, Value added products. Role of Govt and its institutes in
agriculture marketing.

13) Animal Husbandry and Dairy Development: Its role, importance and significance in National
Economy, Livestock in India particularly in Maharashtra, Govt policies, schemes and programmes for
livestock development including livestock breeds, feeds and fodder, Healthcare - Role of milk, meat
and poultry products in human nutrition, White Revolution, Co-operative dairy enterprises in

14) Development of fisheries: Its role and significance in national economy, scope and development of
fisheries in India and particularly in Maharashtra, Causes of low productivity and Govt efforts to
overcome it, export of marine products.

15) Horticulture: Importance and scope of fruit and plantation crops with reference to Maharashtra, Role
of fruits and vegetables in human nutrition, Major fruit Plants, vegetable crops and flower plants of
Maharashtra, Horticultural crops suitable for dryland and rainfed condition. Problems and its
solutions of low productivity. Processing, packaging, transportation, marketing of Horticultural
Products. Government schemes and programs for Horticulture development and marketing,
Government Agencies and Institutes engaged in Horticulture development.

16) Forestry: Its role in enhancing the quality of environment, Causes and effects of deforestation,
Problems and issues related to forestry - Government policies and afforestration programmes (Social
forestry, Agroforestry), Utilisation of forest products, Role of Government, Voluntary Organisation
and local community in forest development.

17) Food and Nutrition: Food - trends in Food production and consumption in India, First and ensuing
second Green Revolutions, Self-sufficiency in food, Problem of food security, Problems and issues of
storage, procurement, distribution, import and export of food. Calorific value of foods and its
measurement, Energy and nutrient needs of human body for better health and balanced diet -
common nutritional problems in India and its causes and effects, Govt. Policies, schemes, programs
such as PDS, Food for work, Mid-day Meal Scheme and other nutritional programs.

Section - D ( Marks : 40 )
Scientific and Technological Developments
18) Energy: Conventional and non-conventional energy sources - Potential of Solar, Wind, Biogas,
Biomass, Geothermal and other renewable energy sources. Introduction to solar gadgets viz solar
cooker, water heater etc. Biogas- principle, and process.
Problems of Energy Crises, Govt. Policies and programs for power generation. Nuclear Power
Program, Thermal Power Program, Hydroelectric Power program, Power distribution and National
Grid. Agencies and Institutions engaged in Energy security, Research and development.

19) Computer: Role of computer in modern society, its applications in various spheres of life such as
data communication, networking and web technologies, Cyber crime and its prevention.
20) Information Technology: as a new industry - use of I.T. in various services and faculties of
knowledge. Growth and present status of I.T. industry in India, Govt. programs such as Media Lab
Asia, Vidya Vahini, Gyan Vahini, Community Information Centre etc. Major issues in IT industry - its

21) Space Technology: Indian space programmes, Artificial satellites - types and applications, Indian
Artificial satellites for telecommunication, television, education, broadcasting, weather forecasting,
GPS, disaster warning. Indian missile program etc.
Remote sensing, GIS and its application in weather forecasting, Disaster warning, water, soil,
mineral resources development, agriculture and fisheries development, urban planning, ecological
studies, GS and GIS.

22) Water Resources: Significance of water in human & national development, National and State
Water Policy, Water Resources - potential, planning and development in India particularly in
Maharashtra, Intrastate and Interstate River water disputes, Various irrigation projects, National
programme of flood management, Groundwater development in India particularly in Maharashtra.
National and State Agencies engaged in water resource development and research.

23) Ocean Development: Role of the seas in climatic changes and monsoon in India, Marine living and
non-living resources development, causes and effect of sea pollution and coastal degradation,
Coastal and Marine Area Management, CRZ Regulation, Coastal Community Development. Govt.
programs and activities for ocean resources development, Ocean observing and research.

24) Meteorology: Earth atmosphere - its composition, extent and structure. Atmospheric weather
variables (Parameters), Weather forecasting system, cloud formation and movement - Monsoon
model - crop yield model.

25) Environment: Ecosystems - Biodiversity and balance ecosystem - Biosphere Reserve (wetlands,
mangroves coral reefs). Pollution: Types and sources, its impact on environment and related
problems, Govt. efforts to prevent and control of pollution, Govt. legislation and programs.
Sustainable development in field of agriculture, industry, urban habitant, etc. Govt. and Voluntary
agencies engaged in Environmental protection activities at national and international level.

26) Biotechnology: Its potential to improve human life and national economy through agricultural,
industrial development and employment generation. Biotechnology as an essential and important
tool of natural resource development. Areas of application - Agriculture, Animal breeding and
Veterinary health-care, Pharmaceutics, Human healthcare, Food technology, energy generation,
environment protection etc. Role and efforts of government in promoting, regulating and developing
biotechnology in country. Ethical, Social, Legal issues related to biotechnological development,
possible adverse effects of biotechnological development.
Section � E ( Marks : 40 )
Statistical Analysis, Graphs and Diagrams
27) Classification and Tablulation of Data given in descriptive form.

28) Computation and interpretation of Mean, Median, Mode of Data given.

29) Conversion of Tabular data / information in a) Diagram - Venn, bar, Pie diagram. b) Graph - Line
graph, Histogram, Polygon.

30) Interpretation of Data / Information given in Tabular and Diagramatic / Graphical Form.

31) Pointing out deficiencies, limitations, in consistencies in the given Data.

32) To prepare Algorithm and Flow chart for solving simple problems in organisation.

(Code No : 203)
Paper � I
Principles of Geography
Standard : Degree Total Marks : 200
Nature of Paper : Conventional Type Duration : 3 Hours

Note : 1) Answers to this paper must be written either in English or in Marathi.

2) This paper will test the candidate�s ability to comprehend, to analyse, to
interpret, to criticise and to appraise subject matter related to the topics/sub
topics mentioned below.
3) To test spatial analysis and synthesis abilities, appropriate number of
questions will be asked providing necessary outline maps.
4) It is expected from candidates to study the latest and recent developments
and happenings pertaining to the topics/sub topics mentioned below.

Section - A (Marks : 50)

1) Geomorphology :
.01) Interior of the earth- composition and physical conditions.
.02) Rocks and minerals- formations, types.
.03) Factors controlling landform development.
.04) Endogenetic and exogenetic forces.
.05) Origin and evolution of the earth�s crust- geosynclines, continental drift, isostasy, sea-floor
.06) Vulcanicity, earthquake and plate tectonics.
.07) Drainage network pattern and types.
.08) Concept of geomorphic cycles- landforms associated with fluvial, arid, glacial, coastal and
Karst cycle.
.09) Applied geomorphology and recent trends in geomorphology.
2) Climatology :
.01) Atmosphere- composition and structure.
.02) Solar radiation- insolation and heat balance.
.03) Weather elements- temperature, pressure, planetary and local winds, monsoon, Jet stream, air
masses and fronts and cyclones.
.04) Classification of climate- Koppen and Thornthwaite.
.05) Climatic changes.
.06) Weather forecasting- modern techniques.

Section - B ( Marks : 50 )
3) Oceanography :
.01) Bottom topography- Pacific, Indian and Atlantic oceans.
.02) Ocean deposits and coral reefs.
.03) Temperature and salinity.
.04) Ocean currents and tides.
.05) Marine resources.
.06) Sea level changes.

4) Biogeography :
.01) Soils- genesis, classification, distribution, erosion and conservation.
.02) Factors influencing world distribution of plants and animals.
.03) Problems of deforestation and forest conservation measures.

5) Environmental Geography :
.01) Ecology and Ecosystem- energy flow, material cycle, food chain, webs, and biotic and abiotic
.02) Biosphere- different biomes- Tundra, Taiga, Grassland, Tropical rainforest, Marine
.03) Environmental degradation and conservation, global ecological imbalances- pollution and
green house effect, global warming, reduction in bio-diversity and depletion of forests.
.04) Environmental laws and environmental impact assessment.

Section - C ( Marks : 50 )
6) Geographical Thought :
.01) A brief study of geography in ancient and medical period.
.02) Development in 20th century.
.03) Man and environment, determinism and possibilism, areal differentiation, spatial organisation.
quantative revolution. positivism, humanism, radicalism and behaviouralism in Geography.

7) Population Geography :
.01) Patterns of world distribution, growth and density of population and population policies.
.02) Causes and consequences of migration.
.03) Demographic transition.

8) Settlement Geography :
.01) Rural and Urban settlements- site, situation, types, size, spacing and morphology.
.02) Classification of towns.
.03) Urbanisation- process and problems.
.04) Rural � Urban Fringe, and sphere of urban influence.
.05) Central place theory and rank size rule.

9) Social and cultural Geography :

.01) Social structure and social process.
.02) Ethnicity, tribe, caste and religion, dialect and language.
.03) Social well being.
.04) Environment- culture interaction.
.05) Cultural regions.

10) Political Geography:

.01) Concept of state, nation and nation state.
.02) Frontiers and boundaries.
.03) Global strategic views- Heartland and Rimland theories.

Section - D (Marks: 50)

11) Economic Geography:
.01) Evolution of world economy and measures of economic development.
.02) Economic activities- production, consumption and exchange.
.03) World distribution of resources.
.04) Agriculture- Typology and distribution.
.05) Industries- Locational pattern and problems, types- textile, iron and steel, sugar and
.06) Transport- Modes and cost.
.07) World Trade- Factors influencing trade, problems and prospects, globalisation, GATT and
12) Regional Planning :
.01) Concept of region- types of region and methods of regionalisation.
.02) Growth centres and growth poles.
.03) Regional imbalances.
.04) Environmental issues in regional planning and planning for sustainable development

13) Techniques of spatial analysis :

.01) Cartographic techniques.
.02) Statistical methods.
.03) Computer application.
.04) Remote sensing.
.05) GIS and GPS

Paper - II
Geography of India With Special Reference to Maharashtra
Standard: Degree Total Marks : 200
Nature of Paper : Conventional Type Duration : 3 Hours

Note : 1) Answers to this paper must be written either in English or in Marathi.

2) This paper will test the candidate�s ability to comprehend, to analyse, to
interpret, to criticise and to appraise subject matter related to the topics/sub
topics mentioned below.
3) To test spatial analysis and synthesis abilities, appropriate number of
questions will be asked providing necessary outline maps.
4) It is expected from candidates to study the latest and recent developments
and happenings pertaining to the topics/sub topics mentioned below.

Section - A (Marks : 50)

1) Location : Space relationship of India with neighbouring countries.

2) Geology : History, major rock types and structure, earthquakes, and landslides.

3) Physiography : physiographic regions and drainage.

4) Climate : Mechanism of Indian monsoon, monsoon forecast, distribution of rainfall, cyclones,

droughts and floods, and climatic regions.

Section � B (Marks : 50)

5) Soil : Classification, distribution, problems and conservation.

6) Natural vegetation : classification, distribution, forest produce, utilisation and conservation,

national forest policy and Agro and social forestry.

7) Surface and ground water : distribution, utilization and conservation, national water grid.

8) Energy and mineral resources : distribution, utilization, conservation energy crises and

Section - C (Marks : 50)

9) Agriculture : Infrastructure�seeds, fertilizers, power, irrigation, institutional factors, land
holdings, land tenure and land reforms, land capability agricultural productivity, land capability,
green revolution and, socio-economic and ecological implications, significance of dry land
farming, livestock resources and white revolution, blue revolution, agricultural regionalisation,
agro-climatic zones.

10) Industry :
.01) Industries in pre-independence and post-independence period; locational factors of cotton,
jute, iron and steel, fertiliser, paper, drugs and pharmaceutical, automobile and cottage
.02) Industrial complexes and industrial regionalisaiton, new industrial policy, liberalisation,
globlisation, privatisation and industrial unrest.
11) Transport, Communication, Trade and Tourism : Road, railway, waterway, airway and pipeline
networks, national and foreign trade, export promotion zones, developments in communication
technology and its impact on economy and society, types of tourism, development of tourism.

Section - D (Marks: 50)

12) Cultural Setting : Racial and ethnic diversities, major tribes, tribal areas and their problems,
cultural regions, growth, distribution and density of population, demographic attributes, migration
and associated problems, population problems and policies.

13) Settlements : Types, patterns and morphology of rural settlements, census definition of urban
areas, morphology and classification of Indian cities, problems of urbanisaiton.

14) Regional Development and Planning : Regional development policies in different five year
plans, river basin development, command area development, drought prone area development,
hill and tribal area development, metropolitan region and national capital region, planning regions
and regional disparities in economic development.

15) Political Aspects : Geographical basis of Indian federalism, state recoganisation, regional and
linguistic consciousness and national integration, international boundary of India and related
issues, India and geo-politics of the Indian Ocean.

16) Contemporary Issues : Environmental hazards� epidemics, issues related to environmental

pollution, environmental impact assessment, environmental degradation and management,
population explosion and food security, problems of agrarian unrest, issues related to poverty;
concept of sustainable growth and development and disaster management.

Political Science and International Relations

(Code No : 210)
Paper - I
Political Theory and Indian Politics

Standard : Degree Total Marks : 200

Nature of Paper : Conventional Type Duration : 3 Hours

Note: 1) Answers to this paper must be written either in English or in Marathi.

2) This paper will test the candidate�s ability to comprehend, to analyse, to
interpret, to criticise and to appraise the subject matter related to the
topics/sub topics mentioned below.
3) It is expected from candidates to study the latest and recent developments
and happenings pertaining to the topics/sub topics mentioned below.

Section � A (Marks : 50)

1) Political Science - A Discipline :
.01) Political Science as a discipline: Nature and Scope and its relations
with other Social Sciences.
.02) Approaches to the study of Political Science : Historical, Normative, Empirical and
2) State :
.01) Theories of Origin of State : Divine, Social Contract, Evolutionary.
.02) Theories of State : Liberal, Neo-liberal, Welfare state, Marxist.
3) Political Concepts :
.01) Law, Sovereignty : Monistic and Pluralistic.
.02) Liberty, Equality, Justice.
.03) Authority, Legitimacy and Political Obligation.
Section - B (Marks : 50)
4) Political Ideologies :
.01) Liberalism and Democracy.
.02) Marxism and Neo-Marxism.
.03) Fascism.
.04) Environmentalism.
.05) Feminism.
5) Western Political Thought :
.01) Plato, Aristotle, Machiavelli.
.02) Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau.
.03) Hegel, Marx, Lenin, Mao.
.04) J.S.Mill, I.Berlin, John Rawls.
6) Indian Political Thought with special reference to Maharashtra :
.01) Kautilya.
.02) Ranade, Agarkar, Tilak, Aurobindo.
.03) Jyotiba Phule, Shahu Maharaj, Ambedkar.
.04) Gandhi, Vinoba Bhave, Nehru and A.K.Azad.
.05) Sawarkar, M.A.Jinnah.
Section - C (Marks : 50)
7) Background and Structure of Indian Constitution :
.01) Impact of British Rule on Constitutional development in India; Constituent Assembly.
.02) Preamble, Fundamental Rights, Fundamental Duties, Directive Principles of State Policy,
.03) Constitutional Provisions for the upliftment of the weaker sections of society.
.04) Federalism; Center - State Relations.
8) Union Government :
.01) Legislature : Parliament, Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha, Parliamentary Committees.
.02) Executive : President, Prime Minister, Council of Ministers.
.03) Judiciary : Supreme Court and Judicial Review and Activism.
.04) Election Commission, Comptroller and Auditor General, Planning Commission and National
Human Rights Commission.
9) State Government :
.01) Legislature : Vidhan Sabha and Vidhan Parishad; Legislative Committees.
.02) Executive : Governor, Chief Minister, Council of Ministers.
.03) Judiciary : High Court and Subordinate courts.
10) Political Parties and Pressure Groups in India :
.01) Political Parties : Ideologies and Programmes.
.02) Political Parties : National and Regional; Politics of Coalition.
.03) Pressure Groups and Interest Groups.
Section -D (Marks : 50)
11) Democratic Decentralisation : (With reference to Maharashtra)
.01) Balwant Rai Mehta Committee and constitutional provisions.
.02) Local Self-Government (Rural) : Gram Panchayat, Panchayat Samiti and Zilla Parishad.
.03) Local Self-Government (Urban) : Nagar Palikas, Municipalities and Municipal Corporations,
Cantonment Boards.
.04) Importance of 73rd and 74th Amendments in Indian Constitution; Empowerment of Women
and Backward Classes.
12) Issues in Indian Politics :
.01) Caste, Class, Religion, Language.
.02) Peasant and Dalit Movements with reference to Maharashtra.
.03) Regionalism, Sub-regionalism, Demand for State Autonomy; Border and river disputes with
special reference to Maharashtra.
.04) Terrorism, Insurgency and Naxalite Movement.
13) Politics in Maharashtra :
.01) Formation of Maharashtra; Politics of Development.
.02) Regional Imbalances and Role of Statutory Development Boards.
.03) Co-operative Movement : Problems and Prospects.
.04) Political Parties and Leadership.
Paper - II
Comparative Politics and International Relations.

Standard : Degree Total Marks : 200

Nature of Paper : Conventional Type Duration : 3 Hours

Note: 1) Answers to this paper must be written either in English or in Marathi.

2) This paper will test the candidate�s ability to comprehend, to analyse, to interpret,
to criticise and to appraise the subject matter related to the topics/sub topics
mentioned below.
3) It is expected from candidates to study the latest and recent developments and
happenings pertaining to the topics/sub topics mentioned below.

Section - A (Marks : 50)

1) Comparative Politics and Government :
.01 Definition, Nature and Scope of Comparative Politics.
.02 Approaches to the Study of Comparative Politics : Traditional, Systems, Structural-
functional and World System theory approach.
2) Political Development, Modernisation and Culture :
.01) Political Development and Modernisation.
.02) Political Socialisation.
.03) Political Culture and Communication.
3) Constitutionalism and Federalism :
.01) Constitutionalism in USA, UK, France and Switzerland.
.02) Federalism in USA, UK, France and Switzerland.
.03) Challenges before Federalism in modern times.
4) Comparative Government With reference to USA, UK, France and Switzerland :
.01) Executive � Composition, Powers and Functions.
.02) Legislature - Composition, Powers and Functions.
.03) Judiciary - Composition, Powers and Functions; Judicial Review.
Section - B (Marks : 50)
5) International Politics :
.01) Meaning, Nature and Scope.
.02) Theories and Approaches : Idealist, Realist, Systems, Game Theory, Decision-Making
6) Key Concepts of International Politics :
.01) National Interest, National Security, Collective Security .
.02) Balance of Power, Cold War, Post-Cold war and Unipolar World.
.03) Crisis Management and Conflict Resolution.
.04) Foreign Policy and Diplomacy, International Law.
7) Contemporary Issues in World Politics :
.01) Arab-Israel dispute, Oil Crisis and Gulf War.
.02) Disintegration of Soviet Union, Civil War in Afghanistan, Nuclear Proliferation in Asia.
.03) Terrorism : State Sponsored, Cross Border and International Terrorism.
.04) Humanitarian Interventions, Environment, Human Rights, Gender Justice, Globalisation.
8) International and Regional Organisations :
.01) United Nations and its specialised agencies - ICJ, ILO, UNICEF, UNESCO, UNCHR.
.02) Regional Organisations : EU, APEC, ASEAN, OPEC, OAU, SAARC.
Section - C (Marks : 50)
9) Foreign Policy of India :
Evolution, Philosophy and Determinants of India�s Foreign Policy.
Foreign Policy making Institutions : Legislature, Executive and Bureaucracy
Foreign Policy making Process : Political Parties, Pressure Groups, Media and Public
10) India and South Asia :
Bilateral relations with Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan and Maldives.
India and SAARC (South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation).
11) India and South East Asia :
Bilateral Relations with Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Myanmar, Phillipines and Indonesia.
India and ASEAN ( Association of South East Asian Nations).

Section - D (Marks : 50)

12) India in World Affairs :
India�s Relations with USA and Russia.
India�s Relations with China and Japan.
India and Indian Ocean.
13) India�s Nuclear Policy :
Determinants of Nuclear Policy.
Importance of Pokharan I and II.
India�s stand on NPT and CTBT.
14) India and International Organisations :
India�s participation in the UN Activities.
India and EU (European Union).
India and WTO (World Trade Orgnisation).

(Code No : 213)
Paper - I
Foundations of Sociology
Standard : Degree Total Marks : 200
Nature of Paper : Conventional Type Duration : 3 Hours

Note: 1) Answers to this paper must be written either in English or in Marathi.

2) This paper will test the candidate�s ability to comprehend, to analyse, to interpret, to
criticise and to appraise the subject matter related to the topics/sub topics mentioned
3) It is expected from candidates to study the latest and recent developments and
happenings pertaining to the topics/sub topics mentioned below.

Section � A (Marks : 50)

1) Sociology as a Discipline :
.01)Nature of Sociology as a Social Science :
a) Sociology as a Social Science : its nature, subject matter and scope.
b) Sociological Perspective.
.02)Emergence and Early Development of Sociology :
a) Early Intellectual Origins : �The Enlightenment� ideas
b) Social Forces in the Development of Sociology : French Revolution, Industrial
Revolution and the Rise of Capitalism, Urbanization and Religious change.
2) Basic Concepts in Sociology :
.01)Social System : Parsons�s concept of society as a social system.
.02)Social Structure : Elements�groups & sub-groups, roles, norms and values.
.03)Social Institution : Meaning and Characteristics.
.04)Social Groups : Meaning, Characteristics and Classification of Social Groups.
.05)Associations : Meaning and Characteristics.
.06)Organization : Meaning and Types.
.07)Community : Meaning and Characteristics.
.08)Society : Meaning and Characteristics.

Section � B (Marks : 50)

3) Culture, Socialization and Personality :
.01)Culture : Meaning and Characteristics of Culture, Components of Culture, Cultural
Relativism, and Ethnocentrism.
.02)Socialization : Nature of Socialization, Stages in Socialization, Agencies of
Socialization, Anticipatory Socialization and Re-socialization, Significance of
Socialization in Social Life.
.03)Culture, Socialization and Personality Development : Culture and Personality
Development, Socialization and the Development of �Self� : Theories of C.H.Cooley,
G.H. Mead and Sigmund Freud.
4) Social Stratification and Social Mobility :
.01)Concepts : Inequality, Hierarchy and Social Stratification.
.02)Forms of Social Stratification : Caste and Class as forms of �Closed� and
�Open� Stratification.
.03)Theoretical Perspectives on Social Stratification : Functionalist and Conflict.
.04)Social Mobility : Meaning, Types of Mobility : Vertical and Horizontal, Intra-and Inter-
generational Mobility, Consequences of Social Mobility.

Section � C (Marks : 50)

5) Economy, Polity, Education, Religion and Society :
.01)Economy and Society : Characteristics of Feudalistic, Capitalistic and Socialistic
Economy, Social Determinants of Economic Development.
.02)Polity and Society : Types of Political System : Theocratic, Authoritarian, Democratic
and Socialistic.
.03)Education and Society : Meaning of Education and Role of Education in Society.
.04)Religion and Society : Functions and Dysfunctions of religion in society.
6) Social Change :
.01)Social Change : Meaning; Meaning of related concepts such as Progress, Evolution,
Revolution, Development and Transformation.
.02)Endogenous and exogenous sources of social change.
.03)Development of Science and Technology and their impact on society.
7) Social Movement :
.01)Social Movement : Meaning and Characteristics.
.02)Structural Determinants of Social Movement.
.03)Types of Social Movement.
Section � D (Marks : 50)
8) Contributions of Classical Thinkers :
.01)Karl Marx : Marxian Dialectics, Theory of Historical Materialism, Theory of Class
Struggle and Theory of Alienation.
.02)Emile Durkheim : Concept of Social Fact, Theory of Division of Labour, Sociological
Explanation of Suicide, Theory of Religion.
.03)Max Weber : Social Action, Verstehen, Ideal Types, Authority, Bureaucracy, Protestant
Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism.
.04)Vilfredo Pareto : Logical and Non-Logical Action, Circulation of elites.
9) Scientific Study of Social Phenomena :
.01)Key Terms : Concepts, Variables, Theory and Fact.
.02)Hypothesis : Sources, Types and Characteristics of usable hypothesis and its role in
.03)Research Process : Major steps in Social Research.
.04)Research Design : Descriptive, Exploratory and Experimental.
.05)Issues in Social Science Research : Objectivity and Value Neutrality, Issue of
measurement in social science.
10) Aspects of Social Research:
.01)Sampling : Meaning, Probability and Non-Probability types of sampling.
.02)Sources of Data : Primary and Secondary.
.03)Techniques of Data Collection : Observation, Interview, Questionnaire, and Interview
.04)Methods of Research : Social Survey, Case Study and Content Analysis.
.05)Classification, Interpretation and Presentation of Data : Coding, Tables, Graphs,
Statistical analysis, Interpretation, and Report Writing.
Paper - II
Indian Society : Structure & Dynamics
Standard : Degree Total Marks : 200
Nature of Paper : Conventional Type Duration : 3 Hours

Note: 1)Answers to this paper must be written either in English or in Marathi.

2)This paper will test the candidate�s ability to comprehend, to analyse, to interpret,
to criticise and to appraise the subject matter related to the topics/sub topics
mentioned below.
3)It is expected from candidates to study the latest and recent developments and
happenings pertaining to the topics/sub topics mentioned below.

Section � A (Marks : 50)

1) Historical Moorings :
.01)Traditional Hindu Social Organization.
.02)Impact of Buddhism, Islam and Christianity on Indian Society.
.03)Impact of Colonial Rule on Indian Society.
.04)Diversity and Unity in Indian Society.
2) Basic Institutions :
.01)Marriage : Marriage among different religious groups - changing trends; The problem of
.02)Family : Structural and Functional aspects - its changing forms; Domestic violence, and
the problems of aged and singles.
.03)Kinship : Features of Kinship system in India; Regional variations in kinship system.
.04)Caste : Origin of the caste system; Cultural and structural views about caste; Views of
Mahatma Gandhi and Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar on caste system; Caste among Muslims
and Christians, Rise of Caste Consciousness; Issues of equality and social justice;
Mandal Commission Report - the issue of defining social backwardness, Creamy Layer.
.05)Religion : Religions in India - Statistical Profile; conversions; secularism; Problems of
religious minorities; Religious Fundamentalism; Communal violence.

Section � B (Marks : 50)

3) Agrarian Structure and Change :
.01) Concept of Peasant Society ; Characteristics of Rural Society.
.02) Land tenure Systems; Land Reforms; Green Revolution; Social Consequence of Land
Reforms and Green Revolution; Emerging Agrarian Classes in India; and Caste, Class &
Power- their interrelationship & changing power dynamics in Maharashtra.
.03) Cooperative Movement and its Role in Rural Development with special reference to
.04) Globalisation and Indian Agriculture.
4) Urbanisation and Industrialisation :
.01) Urbanisation : Growth and Trends.
.02) Industrialisation : Growth, Diversification and Decentralisation, Khadi and Village
.03) Urbanization, Industrialization and their Social Consequences.
.04) Issues of Underdevelopment and Growth of Slums
.05) Urbanisation and Industrialisation - their Environmental Consequences.
5) Tribal (Adivasi) Society :
.01) Terms and their meaning : Tribe, Adivasi, Girijan and Vanavasi.
.02) Distinctive Features of Tribal Communities in India and their geographical spread.
.03) Problems of Tribal Communities : Land Alienation, Displacement of Adivasis due to
Development Projects, Education, and Adivasi Identity.
.04) Tribal Policy - isolation, assimilation and integration.
.05) Tribal Development Programmes with special reference to Maharashtra
Section � C (Marks : 50)
6) Polity, Education and Population Dynamics :
.01) Political System : Political Parties and their Social Bases; Regionalism, Rise of Regional
Parties; Decentralization of Power-Panchayati raj and Nagarpalikas; 73rd & 74th
Constitutional Amendments-Empowerment.
.02) Educational System : Directive Principles of State Policy and Education; Educational
Problems of Disadvantaged Sections-Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Muslims and
Women; Privatization of education - issues of access to education, merit, quality, and
social justice; General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) and emerging issues,
Challenges in Higher Education today.
.03) Population Dynamics : Population Size, Growth, Composition and Distribution; Birth
Rate, Death Rate and Migration; Determinants and Consequences of Population Growth;
Issues of age at marriage, sex-ratio, infant mortality rate; Population Policy and Family
Welfare Programme.
7) Social Development :
.01) Changing Conception of Development : Economic Growth; Social Development;
Human Development; Sustainable Development.
.02) Perspectives on Development : Liberal; Marxian; Ecological.
.03) Theories of Development and Underdevelopment : Modernisation; Centre-Periphery;
World-systems theory; Regional Imbalance - with special focus on Maharashtra.
8) Gender and Society :
.01) Social Construction of Gender : Biology vs. Gender; Patriarchy as an Ideology and
Practice; Religion, Caste, Class and Gender Relations.
.02) Feminist Thought : Liberal, Marxian, Socialist and Radical, Non-Brahmanic Perspective.
.03) Personal Laws and Gender Justice : Hindu Code Bill, Christian Law, Muslim Personal
Law, Customary Law and Tribal Women.
Section � D (Marks : 50)
9) Social Movements :
.01) Selected Social Reformers- their ideology and work: Raja Rammohan Roy,
Ishwarchandra Vidyasagar, Swami Dayanand Saraswati, Gopal Ganesh Agarkar,
Mahatma Phule, M.G. Ranade, Prabodhankar Thakare, Maharshi Karve, Rajarshi Shahu
Maharaj, Maharshi Shinde and Babasaheb Ambedkar.
.02) Social Movements : Peasant Movement, Trade Union Movement and Adivasi
.03) New Social Movements : Environmental Movement, Women�s Movement and Ethnic
10) Social Welfare and Social Legislation :
.01) Social Legislation as an instrument of Social Change; Human Rights.
.02) Programmes of Social Welfare in Maharashtra : Women and Children; Labour; and
.03) Non-Government Organizations and their Role in Social Welfare.

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