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What is electric motors

An electric motor uses electrical energy to produce mechanical energy, very typically with
the coaction of magnetic fields and current carrying conductors. The reverse process, producing
electrical energy from mechanical energy, is successful by a dynamo or generator.

Types of electric motors

1-) Alternating Currents (AC) Motors

➔ Synchronous
➔ Induction
➢ Single Phase
➢ Three Phase
2-) Direct Currents (DC) Motors
➔ Separately Excited
➔ Self Excited
➢ Series
➢ Compound
➢ Shunt

DC motors are use in special applications where high torque starting or smooth acceleration
over a broad speed range is required.
The advantages of DC motors :
➢ Speed control for accelaration and deceleration with effective.
➢ Simple torque control.
➢ Does not affect the quality of power supply.
it can be controller by adjusting :
• The armature voltage increasing the armature voltage will increase the speed
• The field current reducing the field current will increase the speed.
The relationship between speed, field flux and armature voltage is shown in the following
Electromagnetic force: E = KΦN
Torque: T = KΦIa
E = electromagnetic force developed at armature terminal (volt)
Φ = field flux which is directly proportional to field current
N = speed in RPM (revolutions per minute)
T = electromagnetic torque
Ia = armature current
K = cosntant equation

Separately excited DC motor

If the field current is supplied from a separate source it is a separately excited DC motor.

Self excited DC motor: Shunt Motor

In a shunt motor, the field winding is connected in parallel with the armature winding. The
total line current is therefore the sum of field current and armature current.

AC Motors
An AC Motors is an electric motor that is driven by an alternating current , which reverses
its direction at regular intervals. An AC motor has two electrical parts a stator and a rotor . The
stator is in stationary electrical component. The rotor is the rotating electrical component, which in
turn rotates the motor shaft.
The main advantages of AC motors

➢ Simple design
➢ Low cost
➢ Reliable Operation
➢ Easily Found Replacements of AC motors
➢ Variety of Mounting Styles
➢ Many Different Environmental Enclosures

Synchronous motor
A synchronous motor is an AC motor, which runs at constant speed fixed by frequency of
the system. It requires direct current (DC) for excitation and has low starting torque, and
synchronous motors are therefore suited for applications that start with a low load, such as air
compressors, frequency changes and motor generators. Synchronous motors are able to
improve the power factor of a system, which is why they are often used in systems that use a
lot of electricity

A synchronous Motor

The main difference between the synchronous motor and the induction motor is
that the rotor of the synchronous motor travels at the same speed as the rotating magnetic
field. This is possible because the magnetic field of the rotor is no longer induced. The
rotor either has permanent magnets or DC-excited currents, which are forced to lock into
a certain position when confronted with another magnetic field.

The stator produces a rotating magnetic field that is proportional to the frequency
supplied. This motor rotates at a synchronous speed, which is given by the following equation.
Ns = 120 f / P
f = frequency of the supply frequency
P= number of poles

Induction motor
Induction motors are the most common motors used for various equipments in industry.
Their popularity is due to their simple design, they are inexpensive and easy to maintain, and can be
directly connected to an AC power source
An induction motor has two main electrical components.

Induction motors use two types of rotors:
- A squirrel-cage rotor consists of thick conducting bars embedded in parallel slots.These
bars are short-circuited at both ends by means of short-circuiting rings.
-A wound rotor has a three-phase, double-layer, distributed winding. It is wound for
as many poles as the stator. The three phases are wired internally and the other ends
are connected to slip-rings mounted on a shaft with brushes resting on them.

The stator is made up of a number of stampings with slots to carry three-phase windings. It
is wound for a definite number of poles. The windings are geometrically spaced 120 degrees apart.

Induction Motor

Using areas of electric motors

Today, electric motors are used everywhere.

➢ Elevators
➢ Refrigator
➢ Washing machine
➢ Tape
➢ Vacuum cleaner etc.


Asansör sisteminde hız kontrol amacı ile kullanılan Inverter şebekeden aldığı enerjiyi
önce doğrultarak doğru akıma çevirir sonra da asansör motorunu istediği hız ve tork ile
döndürecek 3 faz AC gerilimi üretir. Inverterler, darbe genişlik modülasyonu (PWM)
tekniği ile sadece süresi (genişliği) değişen kare dalgalar silsilesi üretirler. Bu kare
dalgaların genliği sabit olmasına karşın genişlikleri periyodik olarak değiştirilerek
istenilen motor dönme frekansı ve gerilimi elde edilir. Darbelerin genişliklerinin
artması, gerilimin artması anlamına gelir. Darbelerin belirli bir frekansla artıp azalması
ise motor frekansını belirler. Darbelerin ortalama frekansı (taşıyıcı) genellikle 10 kHz

ve üzerindedir. Bu tür yüksek frekanslı ve bir elektrik motorunu sürebilecek güçteki

işaretler her tür elektronik devre için çok ciddi bir EM girişim problemidir.
Inverterin EM girişimi iki şekilde yayılır. Bunlardan ilki motor bağlantı kabloları
üzerindendir. Bunu önlemek için şu önlemler mutlaka alınmalıdır:
• Inverter çıkışından motora giden kablolar blendajlı (ekranlı) olmalı ve blendaj
mutlaka topraklanmalıdır.
• Inverterden motora giden kabloların yakınından hiçbir kablo geçirilmemelidir. Bu
konuda çok sık yapılan hatalardan biri de motor enkoderinden gelen kabloyu motor
kablosu ile aynı kanalda bulundurmaktır. Özellikle enkoder işaretleri her tür
elektriksel parazitten ciddi şekilde etkilenirler. Bunun sebebi, bu işaretlerin bir
dijital haberleşme paketi taşımayıp sadece hareketten oluşan darbeleri invertere
göndermeleridir. Inverter, gelen darbelerin sıklığından motor dönüş hızını hesaplar.
Bu yüzden tek bir darbenin dahi bozulması buradaki uygulamayı bozar.
• Inverter çıkışındaki kablolara, kumanda tablosu içinde ferrit nüve takılmalıdır. Ferrit
nüve işaretteki yüksek frekans elemanlarını ciddi ölçüde zayıflatır. Şekil 3’te ferrit
nüve içinden geçen bir kablo gösterilmektedir.
Inverter aynı zamanda bağlı bulunduğu noktadan şebekeye belirli bir ölçüde EM girişim
aktarır. Bu yüksek frekanslı istenmeyen işaretler, binada bulunan ve aynı şebekeye bağlı
bulunan tüm elektrikli cihazlara ulaşırlar. Evde ya da endüstriyel olmayan işyerlerinde
kullanılmakta olan cihazların bu tür bir istenmeyen işaretlere karşı hiçbir korumaları yoktur. Bu
istenmeyen işaretler elektronik cihazların şebeke girişinde bulunan
trafolardan rahatlıkla atlar ve cihazların elektronik devrelerine ulaşırlar. Bu şekilde cihazlarda
fonksiyon bozuklukları, kalıcı veya geçici arızalar meydana gelebilir. Bunları
önlemek için mutlaka inverteri özel olarak üretilmiş olan RF (radyo frekansı) filtre
üzerinden şebekeye bağlamak gerekir. Aksi takdirde asansör elektrik sisteminde ve
binanın her yerindeki elektronik cihazlarda anlam verilemeyen sorunlar ortaya


Types of inverter

➔ Pure sine wave inverters

➔ Modified sine wave inverters

Modeified sine wave has usually less efficiently and run warmer on motors and power
Pure Sine wave inverts can actualy operate anything. Sine wave inverter is equal to or
even better then utility supplied power.

Using areas of pure sine wave inverters

➢ Especially using in medical instruments.
➢ In measurement instruments.
➢ Laptops
➢ Digital clocks with radio

Using areas of modified sine wave inverters

➢ In kitchen instruments.
➢ In white goods.


PLC "Programmable Logic Controllers" PLC by taking the first letters of English words
with shortening occurs.Industrial applications in every branch of the general-purpose control and
automation work as a result of the PLC technique, bringing users a complete solution for all kinds
of AZ, technology is a sub-group. 25 years ago, industrial applications have been introduced and the
General Electric, companies such as GEC, base and programming logic very close to each other,
among themselves, with different rule separated by PLC systems enhancements with automatic
control systems, speed, control, security, product quality, as well as a new product manufactured for
the re-creation of the control circuit assembly and connection instead of with only the PLC
programming elimination was a huge advantage.

The creation of a PLC control system:

a) defining the control problem, the paper said questions loss,

b) for the solution of the problem of determining the necessary program or function,
c) diagram of the program time and waves made the work with control
d) transfer of the program diagram (LADDER STL, SCL, FBD)
e) The program can be written as a sequence.


Purpose of Using PLC

In general, PLC, used in industry are designed for digital messages according to the
principles of the functions that implement a system or system groups, the input and output card to
control, hosted in the timing, counting, storage and arithmetic operations with functions that provide
overall control electronics is a device.Arithmetic capabilities of these devices PLCs later with the
addition of feedback control systems are provided they can be used.

PLC system in the field of physical phenomena occurring, changes and movements as
determined by various measuring devices, according to information from the user program by the
amount subject to an assessment.Logical result of the result operations also be controlled through
the elements to reflect the field: Field Information from the environment into electrical signals was
occurring form of the action is.This information may be analog or digital.This is a signal transducer,
a contactor auxiliary contact can come from. Analog information from the corresponding value for
a certain range, the signal is digital or not can be done by questioning.This feeling of the event with
input cards, output cards are made with the intervention events.

Be done with the control PLC system may vary in terms of size.As can be only one
machine to control, complete control of a factory that can be performed.The difference is only the
capacity of the controller used. PLCs, today may come to mind are in every sector.The chemical
sector, food sector, production lines depolamasistemlerine, markets a wide range of used refinery up
to PLCs, control engineering today in a place they have the right.In line with rapid developments in
the electronics industry developing PLC technology is progressing day by day as engineers in the
field of automation has opened new horizons.Therefore, even if the surface of every technician
should have some knowledge has become a branch.

General Application Areas


The largest and most widely used PLC and "sequential study" feature closest to the relay
system application. Application in terms of independent machines or machine lines, conveyors and
packaging machines, and even modern elevator control systems are used even


This linear and rotary motion control systems, PLC and servo step and the entire available
in single or multi-axis hydraulic drive system can control.PLC motion control applications, includes
an infinite variety of machines (eg: "Metal cutting, metal forming and assembly machinery) and
shock motion axis for discrete parts and process industry applications can be coordinated


This application PLC several physical parameters (temperature, pressure, flow, speed,
weight, etc.) is related to the ability to control.This is to create a closed loop control system, analog
I / O requires. PID with the use of the software PLC, a cycle stand-alone controllers (single loop
controllers) function has undertaken. Another option using the best features of both PLC and all
controllers.Typical examples of this, the plastic injection machines, re-heating furnaces and many
other mass control (batch-control) application.


PLC data collection, analysis and processing has evolved in recent years.Advanced
training sets and the extended memory capacity of the system with the new PLC, now the machine
control or data about the processes can be used as thickener.Then these data are compared with
reference data in the controller's memory or another device for examination and report to the
reception can be transferred. In this application, large material handling systems and paper, primary
metals and food processing industry as many processes are frequently used.

A PLC programming environment;

• Variable name and type to define

• Relational and logical arguments as to connect

• IEC standards, a programming platform 61131st

• Possibility of simulation (virtual online)

• PLC-PC communication protocol

• Existing program or sign up to be able to read PLC

• PLC program to be able to show simultaneous

• Memory space used and the creation of input-output label

• Related areas regularly received from the printer output enables

Therefore, only the hardware PLC does not mean in terms of user programming. PLCs are
used in conjunction with their software.Experiments, cross-platform available today, but PLCs
regarding the reliability of companies certified by the manufacturer.

Before their move to the number of types of data format is the inspection;
• Binary Format: 0-1
• Decimal Format: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9
• Hex Format: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, A, B, C, D, E, F

On PLC digital data types ;

*Bool (logical 0 or 1)
*Byte (1 Byte = 8 bits consists of 1111 1111 FF hex.)
*Word (1 Word = 2 Bytes = 16 Bit = 1111 1111 1111 1111 = FF FF hex.)
*Dword (2 Word = 4 Bytes = 32 Bit = 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 FFFF =
FFFF hex.)
On PLC analog data types;


In recent years in the industry use of PLC to the demand for rapidly increasing the causes
of the PLC, especially in lift installation and automotion PLC control system to relay the location of
the classical system with programmable control systems to receive technical direction is a major
innovation.Programmable Logic Controller (PLC); prior fulfillment of electromechanical relays,
solid-state circuits with the logic functions are fulfilled.Mainly the creation of the PLC logic and
output decisions of the solid-state digital logic elements of the date of the right is a system that has
been assigned. Programmable logic controllers, manufacturing process steps and control purposes is
used in machines.

Programmable controller, relay control system according to the traditional and the rule
provides some advantages.Relays (hard-wired) tightly wrapped wire has a specific function. The
system needs a complete change when changing relay coil connections in a state
gerekmekteydi.Böyle possible to change the old model, although each of the required production
rate and yield of both time and economic disadvantage constitutes a team. Programmable controller
with traditional relay control giant will have multiple manual connection to the process of grief.The
PLC based control system operators with a relay system of the PLC compared with traditional
systems of small and not expensive also provides an advantage.This programmable controllers as
well as reliability, low power consumption and offers the ability to spread easily.
4.4.PARTS OF PLC (app.pict 4)

4.4.1.A Typcial PLC’s Parts

In general, the PLC 's are divided into 3 main sections. These sections:
• Central Processing Unit (CPU)
• The INPUT/OUTPUT (I/O) Section
• The Programming Device

Central Processing Unit and PLC system in the brain circuits are very different logic gates.
CPU is a microprocessor-based systems, control relays, counters, timer performs functions such as.
CPU;login information from a variety of sensor circuit by reading the user program stored
memory'deki fulfill the command and control circuit sends the appropriate output.Processor and I /
O (Input / Output) module by the used low-level voltage direct current to direct current power
supply is required.This power supply may be under the same roof, such as CPU, PLC system, PLC
system, but may be connected to an independent body. I / O section consists of input and output
modules.I / O devices connected to the system controller via forms are contacted.The aim of this
interface, an external device to receive various signals are sent status. Input devices, eg push-button
(touch ON, is left OFF) Limit switches (limit switches) sensors, selector switches on the module
input thumbwheel switches are contact terminals.

Output devices such as small motors, motor starters, solenoid valves, and indicator lights
on the module output terminals are contact.These devices are also in daily life are referenced
elements. Desired program or programming device with the processor's memory is installed in the
terminal.This program is entered using relay ladder logic.The program resulted in actual control or
machine until the process is sequential.

4.4.2.Power Sources

These modules in the PLC to the supply of card (Log out except store card is not
limited.External sources of supply voltage levels in PLC to download the. PLC in the power
consumption of the cards according to the source's maximum output current for different values
selectable.Output current is very high in cases where the fan unit with the cooling
requirement.Power source of memory backup battery in the CPU user program within the
permanent 'retentive' markers, counters and timer contents can be protected against voltage cut
off.This backup battery when no power is to be changed, a source from outside the power supply
should be fed.

4.4.3.Centrel Processing Units

Central processing units, PLC system can be thought of as the brain.These units belong to
control the system software (software only logic) are stored and processed up cards of this
software.Apart from memory and central processing program programming interface for device
connectivity in some models includes.They can work together with other PLC groups are private

CPUs with multi-processor system design as well as CPU type.A standard microcontroller
in conjunction with one or more specifically with Gate-Array Techniques language processor has
been developed.This language processors have been defined control commands are operated in a
very short time.Language processor can not process commands in the microprocessor.Standart
standard microprocessor or processor of the language processor called Co-Procsssing work style
with this work, the PLC control program in a very short time frame to be processed at the same time
include.Standart microprocessor operating system interfaces and query the date of study is
responsible.Intended to read only (ROM) memory is located within the operating system.User
program written by the CPU can be read-writable PLC (RAM) takes place within the memory.(app.
Pict 5)

System will be used in the selection of the CPU is important.Desired function properly to
carry the CPU processing speed, memory capacity and the specific features of the minimum
required to provide Process is essential.How powerful the CPU user program can be stored so
broad, so this program can be processed as soon as possible will take place.

In other words, the system's own control mechanisms Process Control (CPU) should not
be taken by Process.As an example, consider the matter SIMATIC 115U series CPUs, the CPUs in
this series CPU 941, CPU 942, CPU 943, CPU 943, CPU 944, and CPU 945 is the five varieties.

The bottom of the 941 model series model, a bit of time required to perform operations 1.6
U.S., while the top model of the series with 0.1 uS CPU 945 same process.Here implies that the
CPU performance of system control actions in the field to detect, evaluate and conclude the process
in the minimum time should be in a position to reality.

According to the system also controls the CPUs that can process the PID function. Analog
modules and software in conjunction with auxiliary PID PID control loop to eight transactions can
be made. Processing program in detail later CPUs will be covered.

PLC s are designed for specific modules from its name suggests, the task of the PLC does
not have personal computers that function as more applications are used to store the
information.This information will be stored in the CPU to take its place as hard and often
impossible unnecessary.This PLC system into one card included with the information to be received
that information processing and large proportions (which can not be stored in the CPU in size)
hiding include.Bu types of transactions to perform some special modules in the software needs to be
done. CPU to the card information "through the various command line''with the internal bus
sends.Dos commands can run media, and can store information in the database as an
example.Model of this type of card can be inserted PLC PCs also drive through flopy provides data
backup for the backups.Here, the value stored in the CPU to achieve the data blocks must be
opened.Any intermediate data blocks in the STEP5 CPU operation without requiring the files into
excel or lotus can be integrated.

Communication between modules input and output units PLC's or provide the exchange
of data between different PCs. These modules are direct links (point to poinı) and the process can be
operated via a network such as. A link connection in a dual interface contains the
CPU.Programming device is being accessed by a port through the other communication will be
provided.Thus, a greater number of system I / Q is possible to be included. In addition, LAN (local
area network) is provided via data exchange. Within this network PCs PLCs can be found on the
field elements and Workstations.Monitoring process through the monitor or printer of this type of
reporting is done via communication modules.


4.5.1.Card of The Raf are Stucks (RACK'S)

PLC cards inserted into the racks gore different PLC classes are different.For example,
rack-mounted type raylımontajla has PLCler. We S5-90-type PLC in the factory as we have seen
examples of URLs.S5-100 mounted on grubunuda submodule called elements can give as an
example.S5-115, S5-135 and 155 systems, the situation was explained differently have not seen
examples only.

4.5.2.Plc Size and Application

There are many sizes and types of URLs PLC is a difference. Symbolically in 3 different
size categories small (small), Middle (medium) and Large (large) are classified.
* Small (small) group in the category PLC 128 I / O'un the input / output and on the MEMORY of
2Kbyte has.
* Intermediate (medium) group in the categories in the 2048 s PLC I / O and 32 on the MEMORY
has Kbyte'in. Special I / O modules in this category provide analog functions.
* Broad (large) entry in the category PLC 's 8192 I / O and the input / output module and 750
Kbytes of memory and is over.With this type, which forces the PLC for applications is limitless.

4.5.3.I / O Input / Output Units

Control the environment or PLC input information comes from the machine.This
information is coming from inside the PLC has not evaluated or subject of the digital input signals,
the system creates. Inputs PLC eat comes from various field measurement devices. These devices
need to be aware that the event occurs, the PLC end of the entry '0 'signal level '1' signal to the level
of their interests.Thus, the system ensures that in the field aware of the incident.Therefore, the
physical changes in the PLC system to convert the signal can understand 0-1. PLC input signals
coming from the pressure switches, limit switches for, approach, or any of the relay switch,
contactor or auxiliary contact can come from the machine.PLC is a non-binary signal and input
signals in the PLC module to download the internal signal levels. In a single input module 8, 16 or
32 bit digital domain knowledge can be read.Each entry has an LED on the module and the signal
level can be understood here. PLC input signals to read these signals according to the type of the
card must be relevant range. Alternatively, in addition to voltage levels for voltage input signal from
frekansıda is important. (47 Hz-63 Hz) to read some input module of the input is triggered again
with another entry can be blocked.In this way, the desired signal for the PLC can be run as a blind.
Input modules must be cut by half work (interrupt) mode can work

PLC as a binary thing will intervene when the digital output unit volumes are used. Digital
output modules of PLC in signal level needed to translate it to binary level are the elements.This
module belongs to each bit in the signal indicating the status LEDs are available.

Only input and output demonstrating cards by only including both input and output cards.

PLC logic functions except some special URLs Functions normal are closed-loop
feedback control applications with this function can be made.This type of highly precise control
modules are designed with the goal.

4.5.4.Analog I / O Unit (I / O Modules)

Analog PLC s adjustable (no digit) according to the logic of the system to 0 to open the
door It's used in a system set up this system if we should consist of analog modules
Analog input modules, analog input current and voltage of the analogue of taking a convertor
Analog Digital (ADC) converts to the form of digital data through.Analog signal is proportional to
the levels where the conversion of the 12-bit binary or 3-digit BCD-coded value is expressed as.
Analog sensor elements, heat, light, speed, pressure, humidity sensors are such elements.All these
sensors can be connected to analog input.

Analog input modules from process converts analog values into digital values. Solo first
measured the physical size of the PLC must be translated into the language will understand. This
process is called, performs transmitter devices. They measure 0 to grow reviews problarından
transmitters-20mA, 4-20mA or 0-10V signal to turn expressed as a certain range. This signals the
PLC analog input card with the intern through the CPU bus lines are read. Changing values in
certain intervals so that the PLC can process becomes.

4.5.5.Memory Design

Stored information is lost and disappear depending on 2 groups.

Power source of the energy of the Memory Group 1 fed cutting the memory is deleted.
With the energy stored information at cut be lost. However, modifying the content of this
type of memory for a system are needed.

Group 1: (RAM, RIW) programming during reading and writing is used to perform
operations.PLC devices within existing batteries can be stored in RAM eating program.Of course,
as soon as the program running out of battery power will be deleted.RAM memory test, especially
programs that provide great convenience in working condition.

Group 2: (ROM) can be deleted, and are divided into groups in terms of programmability.
*PROM (Programmable Read-Only Memory)
*EPROM (Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory)
*EAROM (Electrically Alterable Read-Only Memory)
*EEPROM (Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory)


One of the most important characteristics of programmable controllers; is easy to use, with
programming elements.Programming the device operator and provides communication between the
controller's circuit.PLC programming control program with the device by the user is sent to the
device.Industrial programmable controller with CRT terminals typically are used for multiple
devices.These terminals display unit itself, keyboard and central processing unit with the necessary
mechanisms that will ensure communication contains. CRT (Display) offers the advantages of
monitoring is to provide programs on the screen with ease.

I write software for SIEMENS SIMATIC PG 740 programmer named portable laptop
computer as normal use.This have the status of the programmer, but complex links with ports in the
feature to set up a direct connection to PLC and provides direct data exchange.The following
figures taken from the example of Siemens PG in official web page is a Picture.(app. Pict 6)


Advantages of PLC System

PLCs, compared with the previously used conventional systems have many advantages.

PLC systems are much smaller compared to the previous system.Therefore, the control
system, where the cabinet or panel size is relatively smaller.The cost of consumables for the system
cable relatively decreased. PLC system is also easy, and the establishment of the user, based on a
system ready to make changes and additions can easily express the opportunity to provide benefits.
A machine, a factory or any of the processes at the same time during a realization event
occurs and they need not be in a row. Therefore, such a process with normal computer program can
not control.But at the same time held a PLC to control the many events do not cause problems. In
the meantime, just a lot of control transactions for reasons of command also contains an extra with
the PLC and such programs are easy to write and run.CPU programming to LAD (ladder diagram)
and STL (program list) and FBD (function block diagram) such as the various languages available

Computer Program of The PLC Program Differences

Computer programs for their work, respectively, and tested that can follow each other
according to certain logic operations are fulfilled.However, PLC 's case for a little different. PLC
program has become my constant environment. All commands are operated respectively, and are
still top.PLC program in the entire cycle of computer language called gibidir.PLC parts at the
program performs several instances at the same time.Therefore, independent of events at the same
time and therefore command operation, ie before the end of an event to another throughout is top
need. For the optimal functioning of this work style, into a loop to write all the commands and the
whole cycle of events in the best way possible for the control loop to run at top speed.

PLC URLs, as a transaction completed on computers and does not make sense to switch to
another process. PLC is in a continuous loop events at the same time a lot of work to be done.

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