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Pre GATE-2019 Chemical Engineering Test-1 CH | 1

Pre-GATE 2019 MOCK Test-1 (8th January 2019)

Question paper & Answer Key
Duration: 180 minutes Total Marks : 100 CODE: GATE19-1A

Engineers Institute of India

Classroom Postal Course Test Series (Office: 61C, Kalusarai Near HauzKhas Metro, Delhi 9990657855)
Pre GATE-2019 Chemical Engineering Test-1 CH | 2

General Aptitude Question 1 to 10

Question No. 1 to 5 (One Mark)

1. Choose the most appropriate word from the options given below to complete the
following sentence. A person suffering from Alzheimer’s disease short-term memory
(a) experienced (b) has experienced
(c) is experiencing (d) experiences
Ans: d
2. Choose the most appropriate word from the options given below to complete the
following sentence. ____________ is the key to their happiness; they are satisfied
with what they have.
(a) Contentment (b) Ambition (c) Perseverance (d) Hunger
Ans: a
3. Which of the following options is the closest in meaning to the sentence below? “As a
woman, I have no country.”
(a) Women have no country.
(b) Women are not citizens of any country.
(c) Women’s solidarity knows no national boundaries.
(d) Women of all countries have equal legal rights.
Ans: c
4. In any given year, the probability of an earthquake greater than Magnitude 6
occurring in the Garhwal Himalayas is 0.04. The average time between successive
occurrences of such earthquakes is ____ years.
Ans: 25
5. The population of a new city is 5 million and is growing at 20% annually. How many
years would it take to double at this growth rate?
(a) 3-4 years (b) 4-5 years (c) 5-6 years (d) 6-7 years
Ans: a
Question No. 6 to 10 (Two Marks)
6. In a group of four children, Som is younger to Riaz. Shiv is elder to Ansu. Ansu is
youngest in the group. Which of the following statements is/are required to find the
eldest child in the group?
Statements 1. Shiv is younger to Riaz.
2. Shiv is elder to Som.
(a) Statement 1by itself determines the eldest child.
(b) Statement 2 by itself determines the eldest child.
(c) Statements 1 and 2 are both required to determine the eldest child.
(d) Statements 1 and 2 are not sufficient to determine the eldest child.
Ans: a

Engineers Institute of India

Classroom Postal Course Test Series (Office: 61C, Kalusarai Near HauzKhas Metro, Delhi 9990657855)
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7. Moving into a world of big data will require us to change our thinking about the
merits of exactitude. To apply the conventional mindset of measurement to the digital,
connected world of the twenty-first century is to miss a crucial point. As mentioned
earlier, the obsession with exactness is an artefact of the information-deprived analog
era. When data was sparse, every data point was critical, and thus great care was taken
to avoid letting any point bias the analysis. From “BIG DATA” Viktor Mayer-
Schonberger and Kenneth Cukier
The main point of the paragraph is:
(a) The twenty-first century is a digital world
(b) Big data is obsessed with exactness
(c) Exactitude is not critical in dealing with big data
(d) Sparse data leads to a bias in the analysis
Ans: c
8. The total exports and revenues from the exports of a country are given in the two pie
charts below. The pie chart for exports shows the quantity of each item as a
percentage of the total quantity of exports. The pie chart for the revenues shows the
percentage of the total revenue generated through export of each item. The total
quantity of exports of all the items is 5 lakh tonnes and the total revenues are 250
crore rupees. What is the ratio of the revenue generated through export of Item 1 per
kilogram to the revenue generated through export of Item 4 per kilogram?

(a) 1:2 (b) 2:1 (c) 1:4 (d) 4:1

Ans: d
9. X is 1 km northeast of Y. Y is 1 km southeast of Z. W is 1 km west of Z. P is 1 km
south of W. Q is 1 km east of P. What is the distance between X and Q in km?
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 2
Ans: c
10. 10% of the population in a town is HIV+. A new diagnostic kit for HIV detection is
available; this kit correctly identifies HIV+ individuals 95% of the time, and HIV−
individuals 89% of the time. A particular patient is tested using this kit and is found to
be positive. The probability that the individual is actually positive is _______
Ans: 0.48 to 0.49

Engineers Institute of India

Classroom Postal Course Test Series (Office: 61C, Kalusarai Near HauzKhas Metro, Delhi 9990657855)
Pre GATE-2019 Chemical Engineering Test-1 CH | 4

Technical Questions No. 11 to 35 (One Mark)

0 0 3
11. The rank of the matrix 9 3 5  is
 3 1 1 
(a) 0 (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) 3
Ans: c
12. The exhaust gas from a hydrocarbon fuel oil fired furnace, shows 10.2% CO2, 7.9%
O2 and 81.9% N2 by Orsat analysis. Calculate percentage excess air used.
(a) 50% (b) 56.96 % (c) 66.5% (d) 75.8 %
Ans: b
13. The excess enthalpy for a liquid mixture of species (1) and (2) at fixed temperature
and pressure is

H E  x1 x 2 (40x1  20x 2 ) , J/mol

The value of partial molar excess H i E at x1 = 0.5 is _______

Ans: 10
14. The gas phase reaction 2A  B takes place in PFR with pressure drop. For a feed of
pure A, as the reaction proceed the volumetric flow rate v will
(a) Increase (b) Decreases
(c) Remains constant (d) Insufficient information to describe
Ans: d
15. A first-order irreversible liquid phase reaction is taking place in a CSTR and 50%
conversion is obtained. If two more CSTRs of the same size are placed downstream,
what is the final conversion?
Ans: 87.5%
first order zero order
A series reaction A   B   C is taking place in a CSTR.
1 k 2 k
Concentration of A and B as functions of residence time , the rate constants
(k1 and k2) and the initial concentration of A (CA0). Assume the concentration of B
and C in the reactor entrance stream are zero.

CB k1 k  CB k1 k
(a)   2 (b)   2
CA0 (1  k1) CA0 CA0 (1  k1) CA0

C B (1  k1) k1 CB k 2 k2

(c)   (d)  
CA0 k2 k2 CA0 k1 (1  k1)

Ans: a

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Classroom Postal Course Test Series (Office: 61C, Kalusarai Near HauzKhas Metro, Delhi 9990657855)
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17. Which of the following is never true in a process controlled by a cascade control

(a) Changes in the secondary control variable affect the primary measured variable.

(b) Disturbances in the secondary loops propagate at least four times faster than
disturbances in the primary loop.

(c) One control variable is used to influence the primary and secondary measured

(d) Major disturbances in the process are detected in the primary loop.

Ans: b
18. Which assumptions is/are incorrect regarding to Nusselt’s theory for laminar film
condensation on a vertical plate:
A. The plate is maintained at a uniform temperature Tw that is greater than the
saturation temperature of vapour Ts .
B. The vapour at the liquid-vapour interface is stagnant so that there is no shear
stress or drag on the flow of condensate.
C. The vapour is pure, dry and saturated.
D. Heat transfer across the condensate layer is by conduction and convection both
and the liquid temperature profile is laminar.
(a) A, B, C (b) A, C, D (c) B, C, D (d) A only

Ans: b
19. Calculate the upward velocity (mm/sec) of water in a suspension of uniform particles.
The slurry contains 60 wt % solid, density of solid particle is 2500 kg / m3. Density of
water  1000kg / m3 and terminal settling velocity of single particle is 20 mm/sec.
Assume: Richardson Zaki Index is 4.6

Ans: 1.35 to 1.40 mm/sec

20. An integrating factor of the differential equation
(3x 2 y3e y  y3  y 2 )dx  (x 3 y3e y  xy) dy  0 is
1 1 1
(a) (b) (c) (d) ln y
y y2 y3
Ans: c

Engineers Institute of India

Classroom Postal Course Test Series (Office: 61C, Kalusarai Near HauzKhas Metro, Delhi 9990657855)
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21. The correct sequence of unit processes and unit operations involved in manufacturing
of urea are-
(a) Urea synthesis autoclave, Flash evaporator , Flash drum, vacuum evaporator,
Granular solidification tower
(b) Urea synthesis autoclave, vacuum evaporator, Flash evaporator, Flash drum,
Granular solidification tower
(c) Urea synthesis autoclave, Flash drum, Flash evaporator, vacuum evaporator,
Granular solidification tower
(d) Urea synthesis autoclave, Flash evaporator, vacuum evaporator, Flash drum,
Granular solidification tower
Ans: a
22. Which of the following statements is true regarding transfer unit of a packed column?
(a) Number of transfer unit depends on the type and size of packing
(b) Height of transfer unit is unity if the average driving force available is equal to
the concentration change
(c) Height of a transfer unit is the same as the height equivalent of a theoretical plate
(d) The number of transfer units is determined by the concentration change and
driving force.
Ans: d
23. 500 kg feed containing 40% C is extracted with 400 kg pure solvent B. 600 kg extract
is formed analyzing 25% C. The distribution coefficient corresponding to this
concentration is
(a) 1.67 (b) 1.25 (c) 0.25 (d) 1.5
Ans: d
24. For a pure substance the critical isotherm on the p-v plane exhibits
(a) a maximum (b) a minimum
(c) a point of inflection (d) a discontinuity
Ans: c
25. Which of the following processes, shown in the figure below, represents the throttling
of an ideal gas?

(a) 1 to 2 (b) 1 to 3 (c) 1 to 4 (d) 1 to 5

Ans: a

Engineers Institute of India

Classroom Postal Course Test Series (Office: 61C, Kalusarai Near HauzKhas Metro, Delhi 9990657855)
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26. The temperature filed in a fluid flow is given by (60  0.2xy)º C . The velocity field is
V  2xyi  t y ˆjm/s . The rate of change of temperature measured by a thermometer
moving along with the flow at (2, –4) m at t = 4 s is

(a) –12.8ºC/s (b) –10.6ºC/s (c) –6.4ºC/s (d) –4.8ºC/s

Ans: c
27. Consider a steady, fully developed flow in a horizontal pipe of diameter D. Over a
section of length L of this pipe, a pressure drop of P is observed. The average wall
shear over this section is

pD pD pL pL

(a) (b) (c) (d)
4L 2L 2D 4D

Ans: a (Mark to all )

28. Assuming equilibrium is always reached in the reactor, which of the following is/are
correct to increase the maximum achievable conversion for the reversible exothermic
 B
adiabatic reaction A 

1. Increase concentration of the inert

2. Increase the inlet temperature

3. Use feed conditions as close to a stoichiometric feed ratio as possible

4. Decrease inlet temperature

(a) Only 3 (b) 1and 3 both (c) 1 and 4 both (d) 1, 2 and 3

Ans: a
29. The steady-state gain of a process described by the transfer function
(5s  4)
G(s)  is :
(8s2  6s  2)
(a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 5/8 (d) 0
Ans: a
30. In the McCabe-Thiele method for fractionating columns, if R = reflux ratio, q = feed
R  qF / D
quality, F = feed rate, D = distillate rate. The quantity,
(R  1)  (q  1)F / D
(a) condenser heat duty (b) reboiler heat load
(c) slope of the rectifying operating line (d) slope of the stripping operating line
Ans: d

Engineers Institute of India

Classroom Postal Course Test Series (Office: 61C, Kalusarai Near HauzKhas Metro, Delhi 9990657855)
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31. If open steam is used instead of a reboiler supplying vapour to the distillation column,
for a given rate of production of the distillate.
(a) more number of plates required in the stripping and enriching sections.
(b) more number of plates required in the stripping section.
(c) lesser number of plates required in the stripping section.
(d) lesser number of plates required in the stripping and enriching sections.
Ans: b
(s  4)
32. A unit-step input is given to a process described by the transfer function .
(s  3s  2)

The initial value at (t  0  ) of the derivative of the output variable is response to the
step input is:

(a) –2 (b) 0 (c) 1 (d) 2

Ans: c
33. When should P-only controllers be used in liquid level control?
(a) Whenever, because it’s really easy.
(b) Never because it is too simple.
(c) Sometimes, when the gain is small and the tank capacity is large.
(d) None of the above.
Ans: c
34. The steady-state temperature distribution in a complete plane wall of three different
material, each of constant thermal conductivity as shown below (K are independent of
temperature )

If q 4 , q 3 , q 2 & q1 are heat flux. That what will be relations between KC and KB.
(a) K B  K C (b) K B  K C
(c) K B  K C (d) data insufficient
Ans: a
35. In scale-up of agitation tank various method can be used. Scale up can be done on the
basis of “equal liquid motion”, “equal suspension of solid” and “equal rate of mass
transfer”. If R is the scale up ratio. Then the relationship between agitator speed and
N D 
diameter of agitation tank is given below 2   T1 
N1  DT2 
Match the following

Engineers Institute of India

Classroom Postal Course Test Series (Office: 61C, Kalusarai Near HauzKhas Metro, Delhi 9990657855)
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n Scale up criterion
A. 1 P. Equal liquid motion
B. 2/3 Q. Equal suspension of solid
C. 3/4 R. Equal rate of mass transfer

(a) AP BR CQ

(b) AR BP CQ
(c) AQ BR CP
(d) AR BQ CP
Ans: a
Question No. 36 to 65 (Two marks)
36. Calculate the volume surface mean diameter (in mm) form particle size range
(0-100 m )
If  D for size (0 – 10 m )
dn 105
 for size (10  100 m)
dD D4
(a) 25.58 m (b) 10 m (c) 21.7 m (d) 33.58 m
Ans: d
37. Silica gel is used to adsorb moisture from an air stream in multistage counter current
unit operated isothermally. The initial moisture content is 0.015 kg water/kg dry air
and the final value is to be 0.0015 kg water/kg dry air. The air is admitted at a rate of
10 kg dry air/sec and dry silica gel at a rate of 0.90 kg/sec. The adsorption isotherm is
represented by Y = 0.04X, where Y is kg of water vapour per kg of dry air and X is
kg of water vapour per kg of dry silica gel. The minimum number of ideal adsorption
stages by using Kremser equation for above operation.
Ans: 3
38. The composite wall of an oven consists of three materials, two of which are known
thermal conductivity, k A  20 W/m.K and k c  50 W/m.K and known thickness
L A  0.30 m and LC  0.15m. The third material B, which is sandwiched between
materials A and C is of known thickness, L B  0.15m but unknown thermal
conductivity k B. Under steady-state operating conditions, measurements reveal an
outer surface temperature of Ts, 0  20º C and Inner surface temperature of
Ts, i  600º C and oven air temperature of T  800º C, inside convection coefficient h
is known to be 25 find the value of k B .
m 2 .K

Ans: 1.53 W/m.K

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39. Figure is a schematic representation of a conical gravitational tank. An incompressible

fluid with constant density  enters the tank at a volumetric flow rate Fi (m 3 / sec).
The outlet volumetric flow F is assumed to be proportional the square root of the level
in the tank h i.e., F   h for some strictly positive constant  . The total height of
the tank is H(m) and tank has a radius of R at the top of the tank.

The modelling equation for the above process will be:

dh H 2  Fi   dh R2  Fi  
(a)  
 h h1/2  (b)   h 
dt R 2 dt 3H 2 2
h1/2 

dh 3R 2  Fi   dh H 2  Fi  
(c)  
 h 2 h 3/2  (d)  
 h 2 h 3/2 
dt H 2 dt R 2

Ans: d
40. A gas phase first order reaction A 2B is taking place in recycle PFR. If 67% of the
immediate exit stream from the reactor is recycled, what will be space time (in sec) in
the reactor for a conversion of 80%. The rate constant is 0.5 sec–1.

(1  X )
Use following tool  (1  XAA) dX  (1  XA )  (1  ) ln(1  XA )
Ans: 8 to 9
41. The first two rows in the Routh table for the characteristic equation of a certain
closed-loop control system are given as

s3 1 (2k  3)
s2 2k 4

The range of k for which the system is stable is _________

(a) 2.0  k  0.5 (b) 0  k  0.5

(c) 0  k   (d) 0.5  k  

Ans: d

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42. In the hippopotamus, digestion occurs as an autocatalytic reaction in the stomach

followed by a catalytic reaction in the intestines. The system can be modeled as a
series of CSTR-PFR. The volumetric flow rate of food intake into the system can be
assumed to be 100 litres/day, at a concentration of 7.5 mol/litres. The volume of the
stomach (modeled as CSTR) is 450 litres. Reciprocal rates for the two types of
(rA )
reactions are provided below. If the total conversion of 50% is observed, what is the
volume (in litres) of the intestines?

Ans: 335 to 340 litres

43. Consider fully developed flow of water in a pipe of diameter 2 cm. The average
velocity of the flow is 2 m/s. The viscosity of the water is 10 –3kg/m-s and the density
is 1000 kg/m3. The friction factor can be calculated using f = 64/Re for laminar flows
and f = 0.3164/Re0.25 for turbulent flows. The pressure drop over a length of 0.5 m is

(a) 0.08 Pa (b) 325 Pa (c) 1115 Pa (d) 9875 Pa

Ans: c
44. The fourth order Runge-Kutta method given by
u j1  u j   K1  2K 2  2K 3  K 4  , j  0,1, 2,.....,
is used to solve the initial value problem  u , u(0)  .
If u(1) = 1 is obtained by taking the step size h = 1, then the value of K4 is ____
Ans: 1.01 to 1.03

45. The following second order liquid phase reaction taking place in CSTR.


A and B are fed to the reactor at rates of 4 mol/min and 2 mol/min respectively at a
temperature of 300 K. Total volumetric flow rate is 10 lit/min. The reactor is jacketed
with water at temperature TC. The overall heat transfer coefficient has been estimated
as 200 J / (min.m2 .K) , while heat transfer area is 0.5 m2.

Additional data: CPA = 125 J/mol.K

Engineers Institute of India

Classroom Postal Course Test Series (Office: 61C, Kalusarai Near HauzKhas Metro, Delhi 9990657855)
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CPB = 100 J/mol.K

CPC = 130 J/mol.K

CPD = 135 J/mol.K

The heat of reaction at 373 K is found to be = –32 kJ/mol. If at 90% conversion of

limiting reactant, exit temperature was found to be 373K. The coil temperature (TC) in
K will be ______

Ans: 308 K

d2 y dy
46. The solution to the initial value problem 2
 2  5y  3e  t sin t , y(0)  0
dt dt
and (0)  3 is
(a) y(t)  e t (sin t  sin 2t) (b) y(t)  e  t (sin t  sin 2t)
(c) y(t)  3e t sin t (d) y(t)  3e  t sin t
Ans: b
47. Match the product with corresponding raw material.

(i) Nylon 6,6 (A) Adipic acid, Hexamethyl diamina

(ii) Nylon 6 (B) Caprolactum
(iii) Rayon (C) Cellouse, NaOH, CS2, H2SO4
(iv) Dacron (D) Dimethyl Terephthalate (DMT), Ethylene Glycol

(a) (i)-B, (ii)-A, (iii)-C, (iv)-D (b) (i)-A, (ii)-B, (iii)-D, (iv)-C
(c) (i)-A, (ii)-B, (iii)-C, (iv)-D (d) (i)-D, (ii)-C, (iii)-B, (iv)-A
Ans: c
48. The excess Gibbs energy of a binary liquid mixture at T and P is given by
G E /RT   2.6x1  1.8x 2  x1 x 2
Find the value of activity coefficient (1) at x1 = 0.4 at temperature T and pressure P.
Ans: 0.39 to 0.42
49. The annual production (variable) costs for a plant are Rs. 36.4 lakhs, while the sum of
the annual fixed charges, overhead costs and general expenses are 26 lakhs. What is
the breakeven point in units of production per year if the total annual sales are Rs.
72.8 lakhs and the product sells at Rs. 520 per unit?

(a) 100 (b) 10000 (c) 1000 (d) 100000

Ans: b

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Classroom Postal Course Test Series (Office: 61C, Kalusarai Near HauzKhas Metro, Delhi 9990657855)
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50. A hot solution containing 1000 kg of MgSO4 and water having a concentration of
30% (weight) MgSO4 is cooled to 289 K where crystals of MgSO4. 7H2O are
precipitated. The solubility at 289 K is 24.5 wt% anhydrous MgSO4 in the solution.
Calculate % yield of crystals obtained if 5% of the original water in the system
evaporates on cooling.
Data given: molecular weight of Mg = 24
Ans: 41 to 43%

51. The rate of drying R (kg water evaporated/m2h) of a wet material is given by
R  5.40X, for X  0.3
R  1.62, for X  0.3
where X = kg moisture/kg dry solid. The drying surface is 0.025m2 /kg dry solid.
Time required in hr to reduce the moisture content from 0.6 to 0.25 kg moisture/kg
dry solid. The equilibrium moisture is zero.
Ans: 8.76 hour.

52. A long cylindrical rod of radius 10 cm consists of a nuclear reacting material

(K = 0.0W/mK) generating 24000 W / m 3 uniformly throughout its volume. This rod
is encapsulated with in another cylinder having an outer radius of 20 cm and a thermal
conductivity of 4 W/mK. The outer surface is surrounded by a fluid at 100ºC and the
convection coefficient between the surface and the fluid is 20 W/m 2 .K. Find the
temperature at the interface between the two cylinder and at the outer surface.
Ans: 150.79, 130ºC
53. The crossover frequency associated with a feedback loop employing a proportional
controller to control the process described by the transfer function

2 exp[ s]
G(s) 
(  ps  1)2

is found to be 0.6 rad/min (units of time constant is in min). Assume the valve and
measurement transfer functions are unity. If the feedback loop is to operate at a gain
margin of 2, determine the value of the gain of the proportional controller.

Ans: KC = 2.85
54. A vapour containing 50 mol% A and 50 mol% B is at 300 K and 101.3 kPa. This
mixture is compressed isothermally until condensation occurs. What is the
composition of more volatile component in liquid phase that forms? Assume that the
substances A and B form ideal liquid solutions. The vapour pressure of A and B are
120 kPa and 90 kPa respectively.
Ans: 0.4286

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55. A balanced counter flow heat exchanger has a surface area of 20 m 2 and overall heat
transfer coefficient of 20 W/m 2 .K. Air (C p  1000J / kg.K) entering at 0.4 kg/s and
280K is to be preheated by the air leaving the system at 0.4 kg/s and 300 K. The outer
temperature (in K) of the preheated air is ___________
Ans: 300 K
56. A storage tank is fed by an input flow rate Fi (t) and a steady rate of liquid (constant
density) with drawl is maintained by the constant speed pump at the tank outlet with
flow rate F0 . The Tank’s cross-sectional area is 2.5 m 2 . The incoming flow rate
fluctuates around its nominal steady-state value in a sinusoidal fashion with a
maximum deviation of 10m3 / hr, and the frequency of the sinusoidal fluctuation is
denoted by  .

If   0.2 radian / sec, what is the maximum and minimum values of the deviation in
the liquid level from its nominal operating value?

(a) 80, 2 (b) 40, 1 (c) 0, 40 (d) 40, 0

Ans: d
57. A liquid phase reaction A + 2B  C is taking place in a semi-batch reactor. The
reaction is begun with 84 moles of A in the reactor. The initial reactor volume is 50
litres. B is added at a volumetric flow rate of 2 lit/min and concentration of 10 mol/lit.
The reaction is assumed to be zero order with respect to both A and B. The rate
constant k is 0.125 . How much time (in min) does it take to reach a
conversion to 50% A?

(a) 8min (b) 12 min (c) 6 min (d) 15 min

Ans: c

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Classroom Postal Course Test Series (Office: 61C, Kalusarai Near HauzKhas Metro, Delhi 9990657855)
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58. A rigid insulated cylinder is divided into two chambers A and B by a thin rigid
insulating barrier as shown in the figure below

Initially, chamber A contains a mixture of 0.5 kg nitrogen and 0.5 kg helium at 300 K
while chamber B contains 1 kg of pure nitrogen at 400 K. The pressure in chamber B
is twice that in chamber A. The gases and gas mixtures are assumed to be ideal. If the
barrier is removed and the gases are allowed to mix and reach thermodynamic
equilibrium, what is the final temperature of the mixture, to the nearest K? ________
Data given; molecular weight of He = 4
Ans: 327 K
59. A 60 % efficient pump is installed in a pipe of diameter 20 cm to lift water from a
sump to an overhead tank at a discharge rate of /100 m3/s. Free surface level in the
overhead tank is 20 m higher than the free surface level in the sump. The all-inclusive
head losses (not including the lift) in the suction and delivery sides of the pump are 2
times and 28 times the velocity head, respectively.
The power (W) supplied to the pump is
Data given: use g = 10 m/ sec2
Ans: 11225 to 11261.9
60. The following reaction reaches equilibrium at 650º C (923K) and atmospheric
 2HCN(g)
N 2 (g)  C2 H 2 (g) 

If the system initially is an equimolar mixture of nitrogen and acetylene, what would
be equilibrium mol fraction of N2 at 2 atm?
Data Given: G  3.2  104 J / mol at 923 K.
Ans: 0.46 to 0.48
61. Dry air a 101.3 kPa is blown across the bulb of mercury thermometer. The bulb is
covered with a wick. The wick is immersed in an organic liquid (M.W = 58). The
reading of the thermometer is 290 K. At this temperature, the vapour pressure of the
liquid is 10.0 kPa. Find the air temperature in K. Given that the psychometric ratio is
2 kJ/kg K and the latent heat of vaporisation of the liquid 425 kJ/kg.

Ans: 336 to 337 K

Engineers Institute of India

Classroom Postal Course Test Series (Office: 61C, Kalusarai Near HauzKhas Metro, Delhi 9990657855)
Pre GATE-2019 Chemical Engineering Test-1 CH | 16

62. If r is the position vector of any point on a closed surface S that encloses the volume
V then  ( r .ds ) is equal to
(a) V (b) V (c) 2 V (d) 3V
Ans: d

63. A first order reaction A  B is taking place in a packed bed reactor. The particles are
10 mm in diameter and intrinsic (diffusion free) rate constant k  is 0.8 lit/kgcat.sec

Data: Effective diffusivity (De) = 0.08 cm2/sec

Bulk density of catalyst = 2.8 kg/lit

Volumetric flow rate (v0) = 20 lit/sec

For 75% conversion of reactant, weight of catalyst in kg will be required?

1 1 1 
Formula use     
  tanh 3 3 

Ans: 47 to 49
64. Gas leaving an alcohol fermenter consists of 98% CO2 and 2% ethanol. 97% alcohol
is absorbed in pure water in a plate column operated at 303 K and 110 kPa. The gas is
admitted at a rate 180 kmol/h and water rate is 1.3 times the minimum. Equilibrium
can be represented by Y = 0.57X. The overall stage efficiency is 30%. Find out the
Murphree plate efficiency.

Data Given: The equation relate the Murphree plate efficiency to the overall stage
efficiency is
  mGS   
ln 1  E MG    1 
  LS   
EO 
 mGS 
ln 
 LS 
where EO is overall stage efficiency and E MG is Murphree plate efficiency
Ans: 31 to 33 %

Engineers Institute of India

Classroom Postal Course Test Series (Office: 61C, Kalusarai Near HauzKhas Metro, Delhi 9990657855)
Pre GATE-2019 Chemical Engineering Test-1 CH | 17

65. A thermodynamics cycle operates between one source at a temperature of 600 K,

another source at a temperature of 300 K and a sink at a temperature T as shown in
the figure below

If the first and second laws of thermodynamics are not violated, what should be the
value of T in K?
Ans: 400 K

Best of Luck … !!!

Engineers Institute of India

Classroom Postal Course Test Series (Office: 61C, Kalusarai Near HauzKhas Metro, Delhi 9990657855)
Pre GATE-2019 Chemical Engineering Test-1 CH | 18

Engineers Institute of India

Classroom Postal Course Test Series (Office: 61C, Kalusarai Near HauzKhas Metro, Delhi 9990657855)

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