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Diabetes Treatment Metformin and Vegan Diet


University Affiliation

Diabetes – a widely prevalent disease of the contemporary era is caused by the inability

of the body to process and refine glucose in blood, which is otherwise known as blood sugar.

Diabetes occurs majorly from obesity and from spending an inactive and unhealthy lifestyle. It is

imperative to find remedies and treatment methods for diabetes since a major populace suffers

from it ranging from 27.9 – 32.7 in the Unites States of America alone (Nall, 2018). Moreover, it

also estimated that as many as 30.2 million people over the age limit of eighteen in the USA

(Nall, 2018). Diabetes also serves as a gateway for detrimental diseases such as strokes and heart

diseases, if left untreated, which makes it paramount to find adequate treatment techniques to

cater it. There are three distinct types of diabetes, namely the Type I, Type II, and gestational

diabetes. Type I diabetes is linked with the inability of the body to engender insulin and people

suffering from this disease have to rely on artificial methods of insulin intake. Type II diabetes is

caused by the lack of responsiveness of cells in the body to insulin product. Lastly, gestational

diabetes is attributed to pregnant women only who display lower sensitivity to insulin during the

period and is remedied after the completion of the period.

Diabetes can be treated on the basis of its typology. Most issues associated with diabetes

can be resolved by intake of insulin, making lifestyle choices, weight loss, and balanced diet.

Diabetes can also be managed considerably by relying on metformin, which aids significantly in

diminishing the blood sugar level and also enhancing the activity of insulin to be more effective.

Contrarily, alternative medicinal techniques have exposed shifting to vegan diet as a treatment

technique. Vegan diet that accommodates lower cholesterol and saturated fats, which are

sufficient in fiber, protein, and other essential nutrients that can help in controlling glucose

levels. It also means relegation of meat, diary, and other animal products from the diet. Vegan

diet comprises of vegetables, fruits, legumes, and grains.


Type II diabetes can be efficiently regulated through employment of vegan diet as it helps

in curtailing weight while also enhancing control over glycemic levels. Additional benefits

include weight reduction, control of systolic and diastolic blood pressure, withholding of

neuropathic pain within tolerable levels, and maintenance of serum lipid profile within bounds.

The adherence to vegan diet resulted in less frequent intake of medications such as insulin. A

drawback of vegan diet is that it culminates in higher B12 deficiency as well as other

complications including retinopathy, bone fractures, iron deficiency, lower vitamin D levels,

calcium deficiency, CVD, and neuropathy (Pawlak, 2017).

Metformin is another oral drug formed from metformin hydrochloride, which is

sometimes available in modified forms as well. It is particularly beneficial for Type II diabetics

and can be employed in addition to other drugs and strict diet monitoring as well as exercise.

Metformin may be responsible for side effects such as asthenia, flatulence, myalgia,

hypoglycemia, vitamin B-12 deficiency, bloating, constipation, and heartburn (Rojas & Gomas

2013). However, it does not yield any long-term minatory effects on the user. Therefore, it can

be stated while keeping in mind that vegan diet might result in supplementary deficiencies that

can be pernicious in the long run, it is advised that a person should employ metformin for

treatment of Type II diabetes. However, following a modified vegan diet in addition to

metformin while employing strict control of diet is also a good way for remedying diabetes.


Nall, R., 2018, An Overview of Diabetes Types and Treatments, Medical News Today, Archived


Pawlak, R. (2017). Vegetarian diets in the prevention and management of diabetes and its

complications. Diabetes Spectrum, 30(2), 82-88.

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