2.1 Guidelines On The Selection and Election of RDC Private Sector Representatives (PSR) For The Term 2019-2022

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FOR THE TERM 2019-2022


The Regional Development Council 2 (RDC2) is set to reorganize this year given the end of
the three-year term of office of the RDC2 Chair, Co-Chair, Local Government Chief
Executives, and Private Sector Representatives (PSR), which coincides with the regular
term of local elective officials as provided for under Executive Order No. 325, series of 1996.

EO 325 mandates that 25 percent of the total membership of the RDC shall come from the
private sector, which shall include sectoral and geographic representation. This set of
guidelines shall provide for the process, mechanism and criteria for the selection PSR
members for the term 2019-2022.

II. DEFINITION OF TERMS (as provided for under the IRR of EO 325)

1. Private Sector Representative refers to a person who represents the private sector
for the purpose of socio-economic development by rendering service or providing
assistance to the public.

2. Private Sector Organization (PSO) refers to an organization created or formed by

private persons for purposes of socio-economic development, rendering service or
providing assistance to the public, duly registered with the Securities and Exchange
Commission (SEC) or accredited by any government agency which registers
organizations and associations. These include among others: non-governmental
organizations (NGOs), defined as private, non-profit voluntary organizations that are
committed to the task of socio-economic development and established primarily for
service; business organizations; peoples organizations; industry associations;
religious organizations; cultural associations; professional organizations; civic clubs;
and cooperatives.


1. Engage in activities of the RDC2 along development planning, policy formulation,

investment programming and budgeting, program/project monitoring and evaluation,
and social marketing;

2. Generate sectoral or geographical issues and concerns in the region and discuss
actions to address these in the RDC2 and in PSR conventions, if necessary;

3. Assist in mobilizing resources for RDC2 projects;

4. Act as project monitor; and engage in problem solving sessions for projects
encountering bottlenecks or implementation problems;

5. Participate in meetings of the RDC2 and its committees, major activities in the region,
and PSR conventions; and

6. Perform other related functions, as may be necessary, to promote and sustain the
socioeconomic development of the region.

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Currently, the RDC2 is composed of 25 regular members from the national/regional line
agencies and 17 from local government units. Following the prescribed percentage of private
sector representation in the council, a total of 14 private sector representatives (PSR) will sit
as regular members for the term 2019-2022.

Sector and geographic PSRs will be selected. The sectors to be represented will be the
priority sectors in the region while the geographic or political and administrative area to be
represented will be the provinces. The geographic representatives shall work in tandem with
the provincial local government units to push geographical development concerns.

A. Allocation of PSR Seats per Sector and Province

1. Sector Representatives (9 seats). One PSR seat will be allotted for each identified
priority sector in the region, except for agriculture and fisheries sector which will be
given two seats, as follows:
 Agriculture and Fisheries (2)
 Trade, Industry and Services
 Environment and Natural Resources
 Social Welfare and Marginalized Sector
 Health, Education, and Manpower Development
 Tourism
 Labor (as mandated by EO 384, s. 1996)
 Indigenous People and Cultural Communities (as mandated by RA 8371, Sec.

2. Geographic Representatives (5 seats). Each of the five provinces shall be allotted with
one PSR seat.

3. The sector representatives shall automatically sit as regular members of RDC2 sectoral
or support committee that corresponds to the sector they represent. The geographic
representatives may choose from any of the committees needing geographic
representation. Their choice of committee should, however, be aligned with their
expertise, experience or track record.

Below is the distribution of PSRs per sectoral committee and select support committees:

a. Economic Development Committee (EDC)

 Agriculture and Fisheries (1)
 Trade, Industry and Services
 Tourism
 Geographic Representative

b. Social Development Committee (SDC)

 Social Welfare and Marginalized Sector
 Health, Education, and Manpower Development
 Labor
 Indigenous People and Cultural Communities
 Geographic Representative

c. Infrastructure Development Committee (IDC)

 Agriculture and Fisheries (1)
 Geographic Representative

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d. Committee on Development Administration and Communication (CODAC)
 Geographic Representative

e. Regional Committee on Sustainable Development (RCSD)

 Environment and Natural Resources

f. Regional Project Monitoring Committee (RPMC)

 Agriculture and Fisheries (IDC PSR)
 Geographic Representative
 Health, Education, and Manpower Development (2 Highest vote)
 Agriculture and Fisheries (3 Highest vote)

In case a PSR is interested to attend RDC2 committee meetings other than the sector
he/she is signed in, he/she shall be considered as an observer and shall have no voting

B. Qualification of PSR Nominees

 Filipino citizen of legal age, not otherwise disqualified by law

 With a proven track record on undertakings, whether as an individual or a member of
a PSO, on socioeconomic development in or outside the region
 Must not hold any government position, whether appointive or elective, and must not
be receiving any remuneration from the government
 Must be formally nominated by a qualified PSO
 Must be willing and able to participate in all RDC activities on a voluntary basis.

C. Nomination Process

The nominee must be formally nominated by the board or, in the absence of the board,
the head or authorized representative of a duly accredited by the Secretariat.

For accreditation purposes, the nominating PSO must submit to the Secretariat the

1. Legal Personality. The PSO must be registered with the Securities and Exchange
Commission (SEC) or any government agency or LGU which registers organizations
and associations for the purpose of bestowing legal personality.

2. Performance. The PSO must have conducted socioeconomic activities in the region or
in the locality where they operate for at least three (3) years from the date of

3. Nationality. The PSO must be comprised of Filipino members. Organizations managed

by foreigners, whose officers and members are primarily composed of foreign nationals,
or are considered branches or affiliates of foreign organizations are disqualified.

4. PSOs that have government officials and employees as ex officio members or whose
operations are funded by the government are disqualified. Financial support by the
government to specific projects will not be considered as funding support to operations.

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D. Screening and Selection

1. Sectoral Representatives

a. Pre-screening shall be conducted by the Secretariat to determine if the nominee

and the nominating PSO are qualified. The Secretariat shall review submitted
documents as identified in item C. The curriculum vitae of nominees are likewise
reviewed to determine whether he/she can represent based on the nominee’s field
of expertise and exposure.

The Secretariat will then prepare a shortlist of nominees per sector, which will be
used as reference during the PSR election.

For incumbent PSR nominees, pre-screening will involve evaluation of

performance in the RDC2, which will include their contributions or
accomplishments and attendance to council and committee meetings, major
RDC2 activities, and PSR conventions. The accomplishment of their
commitment/s stated in RDC2 PSR Action Agenda will also serve as reference in
their performance evaluation. The allocation of weights will be:

Performance …………………………………………………… 50%

 Accomplishment of PSR action agenda: 30%
 Participation in meeting discussions: 20%
(based on minutes of meetings and audio recordings)

Attendance ……………………………………………………… 50%

Total ……………………………………………………………… 100%

The passing rate to qualify for re-election is 70 percent.

b. Election will be conducted by sector group through secret ballot or caucus,

whichever is applicable or preferred by the sector group. The nominating PSOs or
qualified voters will elect from among the PSR nominees who will represent the
sector in the council.

In case of tie votes, the voters will be given time to discuss and agree. Should
there be no consensus, a coin toss or drawing of lots will decide the winner. Lone
nominees, on the other hand, will automatically win the PSR seat.

Election in absentia is allowed provided that the nominee submits to the RDC2
Secretariat a written justification for his/her absence and confirms his/her interest
and commitment to the sector he/she is being nominated prior to the election day.

c. The PSRs for Labor and Indigenous sector will not be elected. The sector PSR for
Labor will be selected and endorsed by the Department of Labor and Employment
(DOLE) Regional Office 2, while the PSR for Indigenous People and Cultural
Communities will be selected and endorsed by the National Commission on
Indigenous Peoples (NCIP) Regional Office 2.

2. Geographic Representatives

a. The RDC2 Secretariat will collaborate with the provincial local government units
for the selection of geographic representatives.

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b. The geographic PSRs shall be selected by the Provincial Development Council
(PDC) from among its incumbent private sector members and duly endorsed to
the RDC.

c. If the PDC fails or opts not to endorse a geographic representative due to

reasonable and valid constraints such as distance (e.g. Batanes Island), this
should be put in writing. The relinquished seat will be allocated for additional
sector PSR, particularly for tourism, trade, industry and services sector.

E. Confirmation of Elected PSRs as Regular RDC2 Members

The elected PSRs will be officially proclaimed and confirmed by the RDC2 during its first
regular business meeting for the new term of office of elected officials in September

F. Preparation of PSR Action Agenda for 2019-2022

After confirmation, each PSR shall come up with their respective action agenda or
banner activities for the next three years. This is to ensure a more pro-active synergy
especially in fulfilling their roles in the RDC and the sector they represent for the
realization of inclusive and sustainable regional development.

The RDC2 shall extend funding support for the implementation of these activities, which
will only include the conduct of PSR meetings (e.g. meals and venue of meetings).

G. Calendar of Activities

Activity Timeframe Responsible Entity

RDC2 approval of PSR selection June RDC2
guidelines for the term 2019-2022
Dissemination of information on June to July RDC2 Secretariat
RDC2 PSR selection through the
RDC2 committees, PLGUs,
government agency, radio programs,
and/or direct communication to
potential PSOs
Coordination with the PLGUs, PDCs, June to July RDC2 Secretariat
DOLE, and NCIP for their role in the
PSR selection process
Initial shortlisting of LGU- and RLA- July RDC2 secretariat
accredited PSOs in the region
Sending out of invitation to potential July RDC Secretariat
nominating PSOs and sectoral PSR
nominees (based on the initial
Evaluation and final shortlisting of July to August RDC2 Secretariat, DOLE,
sector nominees NCIP
Election of sector PSRs August RDC2 Secretariat, DOLE,
Selection and endorsement of September PDCs of Batanes, Cagayan,
geographic PSRs Isabela, Quirino, and Nueva
Confirmation of Elected PSRs September RDC2
Preparation of Action Agenda October PSRs

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