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Verbal Communication Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial, 12 pt, Bold

Formatted: Normal

1. Refers to an interaction in which words are used to relay a Formatted: Bulleted + Level: 1 + Aligned at: 0.8" + Indent
at: 1.05", Tab stops: Not at 0.5"
2. Use words to express ideas which can be easily understood by the
person you are talking to. Consider appropriateness, brevity, clarity,
ethics, and vividness when engaging in this type of communication.
1. Appropriateness Formatted: Numbered + Level: 1 + Numbering Style: 1, 2,
3, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 1.5" +
1.o The language that you use should be appropriate to the Indent at: 1.75", Tab stops: Not at 0.5"
Formatted: Bulleted + Level: 1 + Aligned at: 2" + Indent
environment or occasion (i.e., whether formal or at: 2.25", Tab stops: Not at 0.5"


2. Brevity Formatted: Numbered + Level: 1 + Numbering Style: 1, 2,

3, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 1.5" +
3.o Speakers who often use simple yet precise and powerful Indent at: 1.75", Tab stops: Not at 0.5"
Formatted: Bulleted + Level: 1 + Aligned at: 2" + Indent
words are found to be more credible. Try to achieve at: 2.25", Tab stops: Not at 0.5"

brevity by being more direct with your words. Avoid fillers

and insubstantial expressions which do not add to the
message, such as “uh,” “you know,” “I guess,” and
4.3. Clarity Formatted: Numbered + Level: 1 + Numbering Style: 1, 2,
3, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 1.5" +
5.o The meanings of words, feelings, or ideas may be Indent at: 1.75", Tab stops: Not at 0.5"
Formatted: Bulleted + Level: 1 + Aligned at: 2" + Indent
interpreted differently by a listener; hence, it is essential at: 2.25", Tab stops: Not at 0.5"

for you to clearly state your message and express your

ideas and feelings.
6.4. Ethics Formatted: Numbered + Level: 1 + Numbering Style: 1, 2,
3, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 1.5" +
7.o Words should be carefully chosen in consideration of the Indent at: 1.75", Tab stops: Not at 0.5"
Formatted: Bulleted + Level: 1 + Aligned at: 2" + Indent
gender, roles, ethnicity, preferences, and status of the at: 2.25", Tab stops: Not at 0.5"

person or people you are talking to.

8.5. Vividness Formatted: Numbered + Level: 1 + Numbering Style: 1, 2,
3, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 1.5" +
9.o Words that vividly or creatively describe things or feelings Indent at: 1.75", Tab stops: Not at 0.5"

usually add color and spice to communication. Hence, Formatted: Bulleted + Level: 1 + Aligned at: 2" + Indent
at: 2.25", Tab stops: Not at 0.5"
you are encouraged to find ways to charm your audience
through the use of vivid words.

Nonverbal Communication

1. Refers to an interaction where behavior is used to convey and represent Formatted: Bulleted + Level: 1 + Aligned at: 0.25" +
Indent at: 0.5", Tab stops: Not at 0.5"
2. All kinds of human responses that are not expressed in words are
classified as nonverbal communication. Examples of nonverbal communication
are stares, smiles, tone of voice, movements, manners of walking, standing and
sitting, appearance, style of attire, attitude towards time and space, personality,
gestures, and others.

Mastery of nonverbal communication is important for several reasons:

1. It enhances and emphasizes the message of your speech, thus making it

more meaningful, truthful, and relevant.
2. It can communicate feelings, attitudes, and perceptions without you saying a
3. It can sustain the attention of listeners and keep them engaged in the speech.
4. It gives the audience a preview to the type of speaker you are.
5. It makes you appear more dynamic and animated in your delivery.
6. It serves as a channel to release tension and nervousness.
7. It helps make your speech more dramatic.
8. It can build a connection with listeners.
9. It makes you a credible speaker.
10. It helps you vary your speaking style and avoid a monotonous delivery.

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