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There is a famous statement which says “Linearity gives beauty
but Nonlnearity gives excitement”True to this statement nowdays people are very
interested in knowing the science behind the non-linearity. And nonlinearity exist in
all sort of discipline. Any obect changes its motion with respect to time is said to be
moving obect. Based on the force acting on the obejct we can classify it as linear and
nonlinear dynamical system.This chapter deals with the introduction to dynamical
system,what is linearity,nonlinearity,stability analysis, and to the introduction of some
special interesting bursting oscillation and mixed mode dynamics

Newton’s law form the foundation for the description of
evolution of physical system.Mathematical formulation can be used in the form of
diiferential equation and even with integral equation to construct dynamical equation
of motion. From the dynamical equation of motion,the behaviour of physical system
is essentially determined by the form of the force acting upon them.

When we call a system as linear system: If force acts linearly proportional

Examples for linear system: linear harmonic oscillator(F=-kx),

three dimensional isotropic harmonic oscillator(F=-kr),damped harmonic
oscillator(F=-b*dx/xt-kx) in all these force is linear .So we call all the above system
as linear system.

When we call a system as nonlinear system: If any one of the state variable and its
derivative has power more than 1 and if any two state variable comes as product then
we call such equation as nonlinear equation.The corresponding system are called
nonlinear system .
Example for non linear system: Anharmonic oscillator(F=-kx),kepler problem(F=-
k/r^2)in all these is nonlinear.So it is nonlinear system.

Characteristics of linear system:

Obeys linear superposition principle
Insensitive to initial condition
Amplitude independent
Linear system has well defined mathematical analysis such as Laplace,
Fourier,Green’s function etc...
Charateristics of nonlinear system:
Superposition principle fails completely
Sensitive to initial condition
Amplitude dependent
Nonlinear system has no systematic analytical tool ,as a result it is difficult to study
about the behaviour of nonlinear dynamical systems.

Autonomous system:
Dynamical system whose equation of motion have no explicit
dependence of time are called autonomous system.
Examples :
Damped harmonic oscillator.
Lorentz equation.
Rossler equation.

Nonautonomous equation:
Dynamical system whose equation of motion have explicit dependence
of time are called nonautonomous system
Duffing oscillator.
Driven vander pol oscillator.
Parametrically driven nonlinear oscillator.

If we have the equation for a dynamical system analytically we can
calculate the eigen value of the system with the help of hamiltonian jacobi
method.Eigen value of the equation will say wheter the dynamics is stable or
unstable.Generally if the calculated eigen value results in a positive value then the
dynamics is unstable .And if the calculated eigen value results in a negative value
then the dynamics is stable dynamics.
Bursting oscillation refers to an alternate switching back and forth of the
dynamics between a spiking or firing state comprising of periodic or nonperiodic
oscillation and a quescent state. This type of oscillation is very interesting as it helps
to explains the behavior of neuron.
In order to achieve bursting type of oscillation we need to have atleast
one fast variable and one slow variable. When we allow slow oscillation of external
frequency to interact with system of higher frequency we get bursting
oscillation.Some general analysis method are available to analysis bursting
oscillation. Bifurcation diagram and Inter Spike Interval(ISI) are some of the general
method. ISI tells whether the bursting oscillation is periodic or nonperiodic bursting.

The MMOs are characterized by an alternate sequence of large and small
amplitude oscillations of varying system frequencies. In our system(lineard)
mixedmode oscillation obtained via through canard explosion. We can able to get
mixedmode in many ways.We have primary mixedmode oscillation secondary
mixedmode oscillation and so on.
Primary mixedmode oscillation means it will be in the form one large amplitude with
a 2 or 3 or more small amplitude.
Secondary mixedmode oscillation means it will be in the form of two
large amplitude with a 2 or 3 or more small amplitude.

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