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Strategic Report Directors’ Report

Strategy and Operations Our Board 44
Making a difference to: Corporate Governance 46
Sustainable supply chains 02 Remuneration Report 69
The changing population 04 Directors’ Report 90
The changing environment 06
The future 08 Financial Statements
Chair’s Statement 10 Independent Auditors’ Report 94
Business Model 12 Group Consolidated 100
Our Stakeholders 14 Statements
Chief Executive’s Review 16 Group Accounting Policies 105
Our Strategy 20 Notes to the Group Accounts 112
Company Financial Statements 138
Performance and Financials Notes to the Company 140
Key Performance Indicators 24 Financial Statements
Sector Review 26
Sustainability 30 Other Information
Finance Review 34 Related Undertakings 145
Risk Management 38 Shareholder Information 148
Five Year Record 150
Glossary of Terms 151

Sales NPP % Group sales

(constant currency)

2017: £1,373.1m
2017: 27.6%

Core Business
sales growth Energy from
(constant currency)
non-fossil fuels

+3.8% 21.1%
2017: 24.1%

IFRS profit before tax

(PBT) Safety
(Total Recordable Injury Rate)

2017: £314.1m 0.72

Making a
2017: 0.71

Adjusted PBT growth

(constant currency)

difference Ordinary dividend
(proposed full year)

Annual Report and Accounts 2018
About Us Personal
Care (p26)

At a glance
Personal Care focuses on

Strategic Report
ingredients for skin, hair,
sun protection and colour
cosmetic products

Every day our

Adjusted operating profit

global team of 4,580 Life

employees, across Sciences (p27)
38 countries, work North America

Making a
Operations Western Europe Life Sciences
together to inspire 10 Operations comprises three
Employees 24 complementary
and influence 628 Employees Asia Pacific businesses, Health Care,

each other and 2,454 Operations Crop Protection and

Seed Enhancement
our customers. Employees

Adjusted operating profit

Latin America

9 107
314 Technologies (p28)

Performance Technologies
targets faster growth technologies
in Smart Materials and Energy
Technologies and continues to
Sales by region Sales by sector develop its presence in Home
Care & Water To Sustainable supply chains
£85.2m The changing population
Adjusted operating profit
The changing environment
The future
Chemicals (p29)

Industrial Chemicals is a small,

diverse sector developing
Europe, Middle East & Africa £572.4m Personal Care £487.8m novel niche applications,
North America £372.7m Life Sciences £324.5m selling co-streams and
Asia £300.8m Performance Technologies £456.4m undertaking toll processing

Latin America £141.0m Industrial Chemicals £118.2m

£1,386.9m £1,386.9m Adjusted operating profit

Croda International Plc

Annual Report and Accounts 2018 1
Making a difference to


Strategic Report
Working together to address the world’s needs must
be done ethically and responsibly, by businesses that
understand they are accountable for the impact of
how they operate and what they produce.
Transparency and Our opportunities to make to assess and improve physical supply Croda Personal Care out extensive research and testing ECO range of 100% bio-based, 100%
trust are critical in our a difference chains, such as palm oil derivatives, High performance, bio-based into consumer sun care needs in renewable non-ionic surfactants, the
consumer-driven world With ever greater emphasis on giving us an opportunity to lead our Sub-Saharan Africa in order to develop widest range commercially available
Our heritage is built on bio-based raw
Today’s digitally empowered and sustainability, performance and value, at industry on transparency of provenance. the right ingredients for the market. and certified to meet the criteria of
materials, with 61% of the materials we
environmentally aware consumers Croda we are well positioned to continue the USDA BioPreferred® programme.
use today originating from such sources.
expect more from products and to build on our already extensive product Striving to be a sustainable business Minimising negative
Sustainability touches every area of our
services than ever before. More choice claims substantiation capabilities to help also means active management of the environmental impact Sustainable sourcing
business, particularly the Personal Care
and control, more visibility, more and customers make the right choices for key risks that could affect the reliability of
sector where it is central to how we IRB by Sederma is one of the leaders and traceability
quicker access to information and their consumers. This goes hand-in-hand our service. This gives us an opportunity in the development of cosmetic actives Extending our sustainability focus out to
design our ingredients, source our raw
more robust sustainability credentials. with our reputation as a supplier of high to continually raise our performance, created from plant cell cultures. This the supply chain, Crodarom is engaging in
materials and the way we work with our
quality, high performance bio-based and that of our suppliers, in the areas offers the industry high performance and the development of ‘win-win’ partnerships,
customers. Increasingly, this encompasses
Increasingly, these expectations apply to ingredients, aiming to exceed our of ethics, human rights, process safety, naturally derived active ingredients that supporting the diversification of farming
the benefits in use of our ingredients
businesses as well as the products they customers’ requirements. product safety, quality assurance and avoid the over exploitation of land and businesses that can offer ethically
that add value to our customers’ products,
deliver. We must operate transparently, business continuity. In parallel, we are natural resources and the destruction sourced ingredients with assured
targeting premium, performance-led
ethically and with social accountability, Increasingly, the sustainability of our ensuring that manufacturing sites are of ecosystems. Our acquisition of ‘blue provenance and purity. Additionally,
solutions for accelerating future growth.
taking greater responsibility for our solutions is not just measured on our certified against appropriate safety, biotechnology’ specialists Nautilus will for many years now we have received
supply chains and the traceability and operational performance, but on that of environment, quality and Good also allow us to explore the marine peer recognition for our progressive work
As part of our focus on diversity and
impact of our products and operations. our whole supply chain. We therefore, for Manufacturing Practice (GMP) environment as a sustainable alternative to deliver products containing certified
inclusion, we also recognise that not
All of this must be done with a focus example, continue to identify, prioritise standards, as well as meeting to the conventional manufacturing of sustainable palm oil derivatives. We
all performance benefits are relevant in
on improving product performance and address supply chain risks, which consumer demands for certifications personal care ingredients. have worked closely with the Roundtable
all areas of the market. We are now
and value. is overseen by our Ethics Committee. such as halal and kosher. for Sustainable Palm Oil to achieve
working to understand the different
We are also working with specialists needs of consumers in different cultures In addition, our significant investment certification across our manufacturing
and parts of the world. For instance, our in our Atlas Point manufacturing site sites to support the production of
African Centre of Excellence is carrying in North America will produce an deforestation-free sustainable palm oil.

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Annual Report and Accounts 2018 3
Making a difference to


Strategic Report
The global population is growing and changing fast.
Businesses must also change if they are to survive,
turn challenges into opportunities and be part of
a positive global response.
World demographics This unprecedented population growth Our high quality ingredients also play a Croda Life Sciences Our recent acquisition of Plant Impact Supporting the ageing population
are undergoing and changing demographics create a central role in the new pharmaceutical, Feeding the world broadens our agricultural portfolio The ageing population is currently at its
unprecedented change dramatically different landscape for the anti-ageing and beauty products with biostimulants. These use non-GM, highest level in human history, placing
Our growing crop care portfolio is
With global population set to reach 9.7bn future and the challenge will fall upon demanded by today’s and tomorrow’s toxicologically benign and environmentally a huge burden on health systems. Our
optimising the quality and yield of
by 2050, without action the world will both governments and businesses to consumer. We aim to manufacture these safe small molecule chemistry to work range of high purity excipients supports
farmers’ crops. For instance, seed
face significant food shortages in the find sustainable solutions to meet the ingredients sustainably by minimising with the plant’s natural responses, the delivery of some of the most
treatments increase the yield of
years to come. Alongside this, although evolving demand. the negative impact of our operations, improving productivity both in ideal challenging drug molecules, getting them
vegetables and field crops by enhancing
wealth distribution is uneven, many which includes ongoing investment in climates and in conditions of high heat, to where they are most needed within the
seed performance using innovative
developing countries report a growing Our opportunities to technologies such as renewable drought or salinity. Meanwhile, our crop body. They offer many benefits, including
technologies. By providing film coatings
‘middle class’. The growth in this group make a difference energy sources to reduce our
to our customers, we can better optimise
protection range of naturally derived enhanced stability and extended release,
means that more people can afford a These trends are generating new markets reliance on fossil fuels. formulation additives supports our meaning health care is increasingly
their seeds while reducing the amount
more varied, protein-rich diet and have for us at Croda, and for the products we customers in getting the most out of their accessible and convenient for the
of crop protectants used. In addition,
money to spend on preventative, as make, which have a positive impact on As our business grows, we are active ingredients, in an environmentally patient, with fewer clinic visits required.
our priming technology delivers fast and
well as curative health care. living standards worldwide. We anticipate focusing on employing an increasingly sensitive way.
uniform germination under a wide variety
a clear demand for sustainable, targeted diverse, multi-skilled global workforce We will continue to invest in innovative
of conditions; if seeds germinate quickly
Meanwhile, populations are living for innovations to increase crop quality and that truly represents our changing Improving agricultural yields through our technologies that drive health and
and all at the same time, the crop will
longer than ever before and the ageing yields, giving us an opportunity to societies, customers and consumers. extensive agricultural product and service wellbeing. Most recently we acquired
develop faster and uniformly, and make
population can access a wider range contribute to global food security. We will attract and keep the very best by offerings does not just mean more food Biosector, which adds a range of
cultivation and harvesting more efficient.
of medical and consumer products to providing exciting opportunities to make for more people. It also means more food advanced vaccine adjuvants to our
meet their essential and desirable needs. a real difference in the changing world. from the same amount of land, potentially portfolio that enable the efficient
Focus on anti-ageing, wellbeing and reducing issues of deforestation while delivery of vaccines for widespread
fitness self-care products continues delivering better quality produce, with disease prevention.
to increase. less food waste.

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Annual Report and Accounts 2018 5
Making a difference to


Strategic Report
As the debate on the cause and impact of climate
change continues, what is clear is that businesses
must act now to do more with fewer of the planet’s
precious resources, and with less negative
environmental and social impact.
In a fragile world we must be Our opportunities to supply and local economic development, Croda Performance Croda Energy Technologies lead the Minimising negative impact
part of the solution make a difference and our drug excipients and newly Technologies way in lubricant fluids and in 2018 Through a number of investments at our
The continuing accumulation of From our unique position focused on acquired vaccine adjuvants business, Maximising positive impact launched the new range of PerfadTM manufacturing sites, we have reduced
greenhouse gases is described as the using bio-based raw materials, rather Biosector, also directly address the SDGs friction modifiers that enhance engine our environmental impact. For example,
We are committed to minimising any
main cause of global warming, with the than petrochemical, we have a real for prevention of disease. durability, fuel economy and emission our Performance Technologies sector
negative environmental impact of our
predicted result that sea levels will rise by opportunity to contribute directly to the reduction. The business is also investing benefits from the bio-fermentation plant
operations, but increasingly important are
at least 30cm by the end of the century, targets supporting the United Nations Reaching wider than our own products in phase change materials. These can at our Gouda manufacturing site in the
the positive impacts of our ingredients in
along with more frequent extreme Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and operations, we are taking the be used, for instance, in temperature- Netherlands, which has reduced its
customer applications.
weather. Both affect food and water as our ingredients are used in a wide opportunity to inform and shape future controlled packaging and to store external energy dependency by 25%.
supply just when the growing global variety of consumer products. policy on climate change with our voice thermal energy, thereby saving energy Our Chocques site in France uses energy
Coupling performance advantages with
population needs it most, bringing on industry committees. Being open and and fuel in internal combustion engines, from the city incinerator, and in Hull in
increased bio-based content, our Home
increased international pressure to In our businesses, there are many transparent, we also work to minimise hybrid and electric vehicles, as well as to the UK, our £27m capital expansion
Care ingredients deliver sustainability and
restrict climate change. examples of our ingredients bringing environmental and social impact along store heat generated by day in homes for project is re-using 95% of building
sensory effects across the whole value
about major reductions in greenhouse our entire supply chains and report our use at night. demolition materials to save energy,
chain, from polymer fibre to end garment,
This, along with ever more scarce gas emissions when included in performance publicly. keep waste out of landfill and reduce
at the same time reducing water and
natural resources, means a growing customers’ formulations; for example, In Smart Materials, our environmentally greenhouse gas emissions.
energy consumption in production.
demand for innovative sustainable in engine lubricants where one tonne of friendly and durable Maxemul™ coating
For example, our Coltide™ surfactants
products produced using fewer and our PerfadTM friction modifier saves over solutions are VOC free, reducing our In addition, we have invested in a pipeline
extend the lifetime of garments by
more effective ingredients, from bio- 1,700Te of CO2 emissions. In application, carbon footprint. We also offer anti- that enables us to use landfill gases at
keeping them looking newer for longer.
based raw materials, made using our Life Sciences products make a real scratch solutions to reduce the repair and our Atlas Point manufacturing site. This
more environmentally and socially difference to the lives of farmers in replacement needs of high performance site also uses solar energy, as we do at
sensitive processes. developing nations, addressing food plastic components, reducing the use of our Edison offices in North America and
scarce resources. our Thane site in India.

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Annual Report and Accounts 2018 7
Making a difference to


Strategic Report

As the digital age continues to revolutionise our lives,

more opportunities are available to businesses than
ever before, providing they innovate to meet the
expectations of customers.
Technology advances continue As markets expand and diversify, Our Open Innovation and Smart Across the Croda world high-throughput analytical testing and along with university partnerships,
to reshape the world we live in businesses have a real opportunity to Partnering Programmes also play a Digital and data advanced data analysis. The result is our allowing us to commercialise and bring
Businesses must understand how respond to demands for niche products crucial role. By working in entrepreneurial ability to better exploit the functionality exciting innovations to market.
Our future innovation will be supported
digitalisation is transforming the and to the increase in small independent cells and partnering with world-leading of existing and new ingredients in a wider
and strengthened by our digital strategy,
behaviours of their customers and customers and virtual communities that academics, universities and start-ups, we range of formulation systems, giving Operational innovation
which has been developed by our new
address the impact of how technology demand a ‘different’ level of service. To identify unique opportunities and develop our customers greater choice of We will continue to ensure that our
Digital Centre of Excellence, who work
is making it easier for the voices of survive and thrive, we must be agile to new solutions that will add value to our innovative formulations. manufacturing assets and supply
collaboratively right across our business
different stakeholders to be heard. keep pace with, and foresee changes in customers’ products and fulfil consumer chains are flexible to enable production
to ensure that we take advantage of
technology and consumer expectations. demands. This is integral to our strategy Product innovation and delivery of small batch sizes to
every opportunity.
Meanwhile, there are increasing of offering ever-higher levels of We are harnessing data science and meet changing customer demands.
opportunities in the significant Our opportunities to performance at ever-lower levels robotics to shorten product development This is only part of the work that our
We are also continuing to invest in artificial
advances digital development is make a difference of negative environmental impact.
intelligence in R&D. Our investment in life cycles, automate manufacturing and Process Innovation Team focuses on,
offering businesses, in terms of the We maintain a relentless focus on the Centre of Innovation for Formulation invest in new product areas. In particular, as they find ways to optimise the
ability to ethically gather and analyse innovation to create new and improved Innovation is not just applied to inventing we will leverage the cutting-edge performance of our plants, whilst
Science at the University of Liverpool’s
data and turn it into knowledge. This is ingredients in collaboration with our the new, but also to adapting existing technology we have invested in through minimising their environmental impacts.
Materials Innovation Factory (MIF) in the
knowledge that must be acted upon fast customers. Achieving this depends ingredients and ways of working. By our shareholding in Cutitronics, who are
UK is building a data-centric approach to
to drive the innovation needed to enter upon the deep knowledge of global taking our science and applying it in new developing a patented handheld device
innovation. The capabilities available at
new markets and respond to new trends. markets, and customer objectives, and novel ways to different applications that assesses skin health and prepares
the MIF allow us to gain a more detailed
products and applications, that we and in niche market areas, we are it for the optimum delivery of the skin
understanding of ingredient interactions,
gain from our direct-selling model creating significant sustainability care formulation it dispatches. As we
actives delivery and optimised formulation
and focus on customer intimacy. and performance benefits for our proactively expand our collaboration
development for any given application.
customers and their consumers. strategy, we will continue to invest in
This is through design of experiment,
faster robotic formulating platforms, these start-ups in niche applications,

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Chair’s Statement

Delivering returns
broader implications of decisions are Governance in action Dividend

Strategic Report
considered and where we ‘do the right As a Board, we set out to deliver We have a clear capital allocation policy, with
thing’ for all our stakeholders. In addition, the highest standards of corporate profits reinvested to drive growth, a regular
in 2019 we will be rolling out our new governance, transparency and integrity. ordinary dividend for shareholders, selective

to shareholders
purpose – ‘Smart Science to Improve Alongside supporting and empowering technology acquisitions and fund the periodic
Lives’, harnessing science, our people our people, we have continued to ensure return of excess capital to shareholders.
and entrepreneurial spirit to provide that we understand and consider the Given our performance in 2018, the Board
innovative solutions that benefit our views of all our key stakeholders, including has recommended an increase in the full year
customers and meaningfully impact the shareholders, customers, suppliers and the ordinary dividend of 7.4% to 87 pence per
wider world through those United Nations communities in which we operate. We have share (2017: 81p). In addition, with leverage
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) continued to prioritise a safe operating at the lower end of the Board’s target range
to which Croda can best contribute. and working environment, engaging with supported by improving cash generation, the
management through our safety leadership Board is recommending a special dividend of
Since publishing its first Sustainability programme. We have developed our 115 pence per share, reflecting the excess
Report for 2007, Croda has sought to Diversity and Inclusion Programme, capital generated since the last special
be a leader in sustainability. This has achieving our objective of 33% female dividend in 2016.
“We achieved consistent sales reflected our heritage of producing
sustainable ingredients from natural
representation at Board level, whilst
agreeing actions to improve diversity Outlook
growth in our Core Business, resources. The world has now begun to
embrace sustainability on a broader basis,
across the organisation. In 2018, Croda continued to deliver
sustained sales and profit growth.
at industry-leading margins,
recognising the finite resources of, and The Board has continued to evolve to Looking ahead, whilst global market
ongoing environmental damage to, our meet changing demands – harnessing a conditions remain challenging, we
generating capital returns
planet. In 2018, we have been working to wider range of skills, including international continue to invest for the future and are
assure Croda’s commitment to delivering and digital technology experience. We confident that our strategy of Growing the
positive climate and societal impact
to shareholders.” alongside enduring commercial success.
Using the SDGs as a framework, we
welcomed Roberto Cirillo and Jacqui
Ferguson to the Board. At the forthcoming
Core and Stretching the Growth will deliver
further progress in 2019.
AGM, we will say goodbye to Steve Williams,
have mapped the strategic actions which who has served Croda for nine years and
Anita Frew create the Croda Difference to sustainable who leaves with our sincerest thanks for his
Chair outcomes and performance measures. outstanding contribution and wise counsel.
We will develop this further in 2019 to
ensure that Croda continues to deliver
Overview Our people are crucial to this success. My Delivering our strategy – financial success and makes a positive
Anita Frew
I am pleased to report another year of Board colleagues and I had the opportunity the ‘Croda Difference’ contribution to our world.
strong progress for Croda. We achieved to meet many of them in 2018 through our As a Board, we reviewed our three year
consistent sales growth in our Core programme of site visits, presentations and plan, which forms the basis for our short
Business, at industry-leading margins, informal lunches. I would like to express to medium term decisions. We have a clear
generating capital returns to shareholders. the Board’s thanks for their hard work, strategy. Firstly, we are ‘Growing the Core’
commitment, innovation and agility. – delivering top line growth with strong
Case study:
We delivered growth in sales and adjusted profitability and good free cash generation
Diversity and inclusion
profit in constant currency terms in all three Sustained sales and profit growth from our Core Business. Alongside this, In 2018 we achieved our objective of
of our Core Business sectors. We improved In 2018, constant currency sales for the we are ‘Stretching the Growth’ – investing women making up at least a third of the
free cash generation as we came to the Core Business rose by 3.8%. With stronger in product innovation, creating new Board. However, we need to replicate
end of a significant programme of capital margins, Croda’s adjusted profit before tax technologies and making selective this across the Business. As part of
investment. We achieved greater innovation reached a new record of £331.5m (2017: acquisitions to drive superior shareholder our Diversity and Inclusion Programme,
and increased the number of customers £320.3m), up 6.2% in constant currency. returns for the future. In 2018 we invested we are focusing on ensuring that all
we serve. Adjusted basic earnings per share were £37m in R&D, supplemented by 450 employees have, and are able to take,
8.8% higher in constant currency. On university and enterprise partnerships opportunities to progress and develop
Over the last three years, Croda has a statutory basis, Group sales rose to through our Open Innovation programme, their careers, in particular women,
achieved a top quartile total shareholder £1,386.9m (2017: £1,373.1m) and profit over £100m in new capacity across our who continue to be under-represented
return (TSR) versus comparator UK before tax to £317.8m (2017: £314.1m). 30 manufacturing sites and over £80m in senior positions across the
FTSE350 stocks. We also ranked first in in acquiring technology-led companies. chemical industry.
our industry comparator group of 19 global Personal Care is our largest sector;
chemical peers for both of the last two year Croda’s heritage business, where we are During 2018, the Board undertook We recognise that improving this
period and 2018. Management Today, in the recognised global leader in ingredient a ten year forward assessment of its situation in our business is a primary As a company, we understand our the world building an impressive number
the longest running annual survey of innovation. In 2018 it delivered a robust markets, technologies and opportunities. objective of our Diversity and Inclusion role in inspiring and empowering a new of hours participating at schools in and
corporate reputation in the UK, placed performance, continuing the growth seen in This included two areas fundamental to Steering Committee. There are a number generation of young women to proactively around our operations.
Croda third overall in Britain’s Most 2017 and retaining industry-leading levels our success – purpose and culture, and of ongoing and newly created activities seek out careers in science, technology,
Admired Companies. of profitability. Life Sciences successfully creating a sustainable business model. that have been developed to facilitate engineering and mathematics (STEM) In 2018 STEM activities made up 43.2%
replaced sales lost in the planned exit Whilst the Board sets the ‘tone from the opportunities for women and under- industries. Part of ensuring that our of our recorded employee volunteering
from a major contract, growing across top’, our culture is vital in aligning our represented groups, such as balanced business can grow sustainably and time, demonstrating how our employees
its ongoing businesses and creating people behind a common purpose and short-lists for recruitment. We are also inclusively means engaging with local are committed to inspiring and encouraging
exciting opportunities for future growth. way of working. In Croda, many decisions encouraging flexible working and more communities and schools. Our STEM school children in chemistry and science.
Performance Technologies continued its are delegated across all levels in the opportunity for time to care for families. programme has been active for 10 years
transition to a higher value, technology- organisation and so it is important to with many STEM ambassadors around
focused business. create and protect a culture where the

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Annual Report and Accounts 2018 11
Business Model
Our sector sales

How we create value £487.8m £324.5m £456.4m £118.2m

Strategic Report
Personal Life Performance Industrial
Care Sciences Technologies Chemicals

We create, make and sell innovative speciality chemical

ingredients, generating long term value through collaborative
relationships and our commitment to sustainable innovation. Total sales £1,386.9m
Our value chain A powerful business model
Consumer Customer Engage E Create C Make M Sell S Customer Consumer
demand needs Working closely with our We create innovative and Our manufacturing sites We have a direct product benefit
customers and supply sustainable ingredients all run flexible operations selling model with sales,
Influenced by Our customers Using our innovative and Through our customers’
chain, we identify unmet and technologies that to consistently high technical and warehousing
global mega trends, seek innovative and sustainable ingredients, products, our ingredients
consumer needs around meet consumer needs. standards. local to our customers.
consumers dictate the sustainable ingredients our customers enhance improve consumers’ lives
the world.
unmet needs across that address consumer their products to meet by addressing their unmet
our four market sectors. needs. The Croda Difference The Croda Difference The Croda Difference their consumers’ needs. needs in increasingly
The Croda Difference Our local specialists We produce high value We sell thousands of sustainable ways.
Customer intimacy is work as one global team, ingredients on a customer ingredients to thousands
central to everything we sharing knowledge demand driven basis. of customers of all sizes.
do. Our local sales and to grow our extensive We are constantly Through our global
technical teams gain a innovation pipeline and developing new network, customer focus
deep understanding of valuable protected production technologies and ability to manage
our customers’ current intellectual property. that improve flexibility complexity, we offer
and future needs, which Through our Open and security of supply. ingredients that address
we respond to through Innovation and Smart We make superior unmet consumer
our agile global network, Partnering Programmes, ingredients while reducing demands for high
whether they are a small we constantly pursue new our environmental burden. performing, low
niche company or a and novel technologies environmental
large multinational. to address unmet impact products.
consumer needs.

Our key assets

Our stakeholders Culture Innovation Sustainability Partnerships The value we add
We are united as a Innovation is the lifeblood Building on our bio-based Through our Open
93.7% 32.8%

​ global team through our of our business. Success raw material heritage, Innovation and Smart
culture, striving to be a relies on our people’s we are committed to Partnering programmes
Shareholders of our Rising Star products, increase in ordinary dividend
fun, lively and exciting drive for continuous sustainability across every with universities and small
Our people those expected to be a top over the past four years
place to work, where improvement, especially aspect of our business. and medium enterprises,
Innovation partners 50 seller in the next five years,
everyone is treated fairly our technical and As a key differentiator, we we identify unique
have a known sustainability
Regulators &
trade associations
and equally. Our values
and behaviours guide
commercial experts as
we focus on increasing
will continue to invest in
innovative product design
opportunities that add
value to our customers’
benefit in use 50.0%
Customers our progress, and as we our sales of new and and operations, working products and satisfy of the suppliers we invited to
Local communities
constantly seek to evolve,
we empower our people
protected products. We
therefore strive to attract
with our supply chain to
minimise the negative
the unmet needs of
consumers. We are 28.2% connect with us through the
EcoVadis supply chain risk
Non-governmental by recognising their a diverse array of talent, impact we, and the focused on innovation, of our sales in 2018 were from assessment platform did
organisations commitment, creativity develop our people and ingredients we make, with teams across our new and protected products so during 2018
​ and innovation, affording foster a can-do attitude. may have on the business dedicated
them autonomy to As we expand into faster planet and maximise to creating new and
Read more about our
stakeholders on page 14-15
develop themselves
and our business.
growth markets, we are
increasing the number
the positive benefits we
deliver to improve lives.
improved ingredients
in collaboration with
82.7% 43.2%
of our people received training of our employee volunteering
of our innovation centres our customers.
during 2018 time was spend on science,
in locations where our
technology, engineering and
people can get closer
mathematics activities
to our customers.

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Annual Report and Accounts 2018 13
Our Stakeholders

The importance of engaging

Strategic Report
with our stakeholders To read more about the engagement that our Board has with some
of these stakeholders see pages 56-59.

Shareholders Our People Innovation Regulators & Customers Suppliers Local Non-Governmental
As a FTSE 100 business, listed We rely on the knowhow, Partners Trade Associations By working collaboratively Supply chain integrity is a Communities Organisations
since 1964, we pride ourselves creativity and entrepreneurial with our customers, we critical part of our business as
We focus on Open Innovation Operating in a regulated We have a responsibility to The consumer voice is
on maintaining open dialogue spirit of all our people. Our develop innovations to meet we rely on our suppliers to help
and Smart Partnering, working industry, we embrace operate safely and effectively getting more powerful and
with our shareholders. ability to innovate relies on consumer needs and deliver meet our customers’ needs.
closely with our customers, complexity. Our people have within the communities we NGOs are increasing pressure
Why we engage a culture of openness and thousands of ingredients directly Why we engage
academics, university start-ups the expertise and networks share and to give back to on business to take greater
We recognise that the way trust that fosters collaboration. to thousands of customers. In the speciality chemicals
and technology enterprises. to foresee and respond to these societies. responsibility for their impacts.
we operate to deliver long term Why we engage Why we engage opportunities and challenges. Why we engage industry many supply chains
Why we engage Why we engage
sustainable value is different to As an information and As well as being as close to are long and complex. We
We create new technologies Why we engage Strong local relationships are As a business to business
our peers, so it is critical that knowledge rich business, our customers as possible, must source from suppliers
to add value to our customers’ As part of our commitment essential to maintaining our company, it is typically our
we communicate regularly with we ensure that everyone we add value by sharing who share our standards of
products and satisfy changing to transparency and trust, social licence to operate. Our customers who receive
shareholders to ensure that our communicates effectively market insight to identify future ethics and transparency.
consumer demand. We we keep informed of, lead education activities support NGO attention, but we have a
strategy and market trends are through formal and informal opportunities, engage R&D and Our work to characterise
recognise that a collaborative and support legislative and local schools, whilst enabling responsibility to support them.
clearly understood. networks. Management provide sustainable solutions key physical supply chains
approach to innovation can regulatory change. The public our people to develop new Many NGOs work collaboratively
How we engage regularly share important to improve performance. By continues to give us a major
often accelerate time to voice and policy makers are skills; helping us recruit new to meet shared goals, although
Our Investor Relations team news to align our strategic becoming our customers’ opportunity to lead on
market, reduce costs and increasingly demanding, so talent in the future; and we are also proactive to
regularly answers questions direction and behaviours. indispensable strategic traceability and sustainability.
create product differentiation. we anticipate and prepare ensuring that we have a understand areas of their
and presents to shareholders. How we engage partner, we help them satisfy How we engage
How we engage for how issues, such as positive societal impact. focus to protect our reputation.
We attend investor conferences Our informal networks their consumers’ needs. Our strong partnerships with
Our global R&D teams climate change, will impact How we engage How we engage
and roadshows across the are supported by a global
build partnerships to our business. How we engage suppliers on a global, regional
We focus on three key areas. Engagement on the ingredients
world and invite groups to visit email notification (Croda Now), Each of our market sectors and local level enable us to
combine internal and external How we engage We invite local community we make and how we make
our operations to showcase local newsletters, our global has a dedicated research, sales deliver our extensive product
expertise to focus on relentless Our people, particularly representatives to take part in them is increasingly important.
our expertise. Through our publication (Croda Way), and marketing team working portfolio. We also work with
innovation. We encourage product and quality specialists, our site committees and our Areas of focus include the
website, press activities and local cascade meetings, closely with our customers’ our supply chain through
partners to approach us with are members of national local teams maintain open environmental and social
annual reports, we keep our works councils, consultation R&D, purchasing, regulatory initiatives such as CDP
their innovations at external and international industry dialogue with government impact of our ingredients
shareholders up to date. committees, webinars and and sustainability departments. (formerly Carbon Disclosure
events and by holding associations, where our voice officials and emergency and operations, our approach
Impact of engagement culture surveys. In addition to face-to-face Project), Sedex and EcoVadis,
seminars to present is highly respected. We services. Our education to bribery, modern slavery,
We have a loyal shareholder Impact of engagement meetings, we attend industry and oversee compliance
our capabilities and attend meetings with local programmes seek to raise equal pay and the living wage.
base in the UK and North Employee engagement must exhibitions, speak at many through our Group
market opportunities. government officials and the profile of science, Our activities include meetings
America and are seeing be two-way. Our global culture conferences and invite Ethics Committee.
Impact of engagement emergency services to technology, engineering with NGOs and working
growth in Europe and Asia. survey in 2017 had a pleasing customers to our own Impact of engagement
New partnerships have helped support community needs. and mathematics (STEM), with our customers, trade
With sustainability central 80% response rate, and in seminars and workshops. Through our work with CDP we
in supporting six successive Impact of engagement and through our 1% Club associations and regulators.
to our strategy, we are also 2018 we held Listening
years of new and protected We have been involved in
Impact of engagement encourage suppliers to look at we volunteer time to support Impact of engagement
seeing growth in investment Groups across all levels of our Our year on year sales growth, their sustainability credentials, local community needs.
product sales growth. In 2018, establishing international Since 2009 we have been
from ESG funds. organisation to gain a deeper particularly the increase in with the aim of reducing CO2
this included: acquiring marine best practice and producing Impact of engagement a voice in driving industry
understanding of our people’s sales of new and protected emissions in our supply chain.
38 feelings towards our business.
This has informed detailed
biotechnology company
Nautilus following an open
guidelines and standards to
enhance consumer safety and
products, is testament to how
our people work closely with
Using the scorecard systems
of Sedex and EcoVadis to
Many of our operations have
regular two-way conversations
transformation to certified
sustainable palm oil (CSPO). We
conferences and roadshows innovation partnership; product quality. Working with with community representatives have also recently supported
were attended in 2018 and action plans for all operations. our customers. Ultimately, identify potential risks, we have
investing in the university suppliers and customers, we to discuss our activities and the development of guidelines
success is seen where, meaningful conversations to
we presented to spin-out Cutitronics; have led in the certification of the local topics that impact for compliance with the UN’s
together, we improve the empower ethical supply chains
and developing a sustainable palm oil derivatives. us both. Our STEM work is Nagoya Protocol and in 2017
139 Listening Groups were held lives of consumers through the and secure product supply.
strategic partnership helping to improve the learning we became a signatory of the
shareholders face to face
in 2018 and with bio-pharmaceutical
company SiSaf.
220+ wide range of environmental
and social benefits our 2,500+ and career prospects of local
people, at the same time as
UK Living Wage.

active memberships of industry
ingredients deliver in use. meetings with our raw material enhancing our reputation and
associations, so in 2018 we
suppliers in 2018, in helping to develop our people.
of our people have, so far, attended over CSPO presentations and

ongoing projects in 2018 interviews were given by
received an annual appraisal
face-to-face meetings with
and over us in 2018, and our
our customers in 2018 and
countries hours of 1% Club time
450 14
meetings across the world we attended over
recorded in 2018, with
Open Innovation partnerships
established globally
100 43.2%
manufacturing sites who
handle 99% of our palm
industry events
of this used for STEM activities derivatives are RSPO certified

14 Croda International Plc

Annual Report and Accounts 2018
Croda International Plc
Annual Report and Accounts 2018 15
Chief Executive’s Review

Delivering the
6.8% and profit by 4.9%. Life Sciences university and small enterprise partners to

Strategic Report
also delivered good year-on-year sales supplement our R&D capability. Product Case study:
and profit growth, more than offsetting the innovation was also supported by our Investing in Life Sciences
headwind from the Active Pharmaceutical Smart Partnering Programme, where

Croda difference​
Ingredient (API) contract that we exited in we work jointly with other companies
December 2017. Performance Technologies to leverage each other’s strengths and
continued to make encouraging progress expertise. The output of this greater
on actively demarketing higher volume, innovation investment saw sales of
lower margin products and driving growth New and Protected Products (NPP) reach
in higher value applications, to create a 28.2% (2017: 27.6%) of total Group sales.
more profitable, technology-rich business.
In 2018 we invested in new technologies,
In line with our ‘value over volume’ both organically and inorganically. We
philosophy, we continued to prioritise completed construction of the biggest
bottom line growth. Adjusted profit before capital investment in Croda’s history Through investments and acquisition,
tax was 6.2% higher in constant currency, in North America which will introduce we have enhanced all aspects of our
Life Sciences sector in recent years.
“Our business model is working at £331.5m in reported currency. Return
on sales increased by 50 basis points to
sustainable bio-surfactants to our markets
for the first time. After an initial period of Crop Care and Seed Enhancement
have benefited from the acquisitions
well – a dynamic innovation 24.7%. Basic earnings per share (EPS)
grew by 8.8% and free cash flow
successful operation, in November 2018
a small leak occurred at the plant, found to of both Incotec and Plant Impact,
and very recently our Health Care
engine creating exciting products,
increased by almost 60%. be due to an incorrect gasket fitted during
construction. A thorough investigation is business has started to integrate
the expertise of vaccine adjuvant
Progress in reported results (IFRS)
balanced global manufacturing and
underway and we will bring the plant back
on stream in a safe manner later in 2019. specialists Biosector. Our 2018
On a reported basis, sales and profit rose results show that, in time, our
Until that time, unrecovered operating
unrivalled customer intimacy.” slightly, as adverse currency translation
reduced the growth in constant currency. costs of approximately £2m per quarter
are being incurred. There is also a resultant
acquisition and subsequent
investment in these businesses
Sales at reported rates increased 1.0% to is yielding results, with our refocus
£1,386.9m (2017: £1,373.1m). Profit before delay in the expected capture of additional
Steve Foots margin and growth from the exciting new of Incotec seeing their capacity for
tax on an IFRS basis increased by 1.2% to innovation and product development
Group Chief Executive market opportunities created by our ECO
£317.8m (2017: £314.1m). IFRS basic EPS increase, leading to a more than
were broadly flat at 181.4p (2017: 180.8p). range of green surfactants.
doubling of profit since acquisition.
Results are stated in adjusted1 terms light model. Stretching the Growth is successful completion of the evaluation With free cash generation improving and We continue to invest in a number of
and growth at constant currency rates2 focused on accelerating future sales in core of almost 200 higher hazard process smaller, organic capital projects to increase Enhancing our
capital investment reducing, the Board
unless otherwise stated. Alternative and adjacent markets and technologies to risks identified across the Group against capacity and develop new technologies. Health Care portfolio
has proposed an increase in the full year
performance measures are defined drive faster growth and future profitability. demanding new internal standards. ordinary dividend of 7.4% to 87.0p (2017: In addition, we are investing inorganically, Our acquisitions help us enhance
in the Finance Review. Our occupational health and safety 81.0p), together with an additional return seeking to acquire mid-sized businesses our existing skillsets across the
Delivering sustained sales performance remained broadly flat at of capital of £150m, by way of a special complementary to our existing markets. Group. Through acquiring Biosector
Our strategy – delivering across and profit growth an OSHA recordable incident rate of 0.72. dividend of 115p per share. In 2015 we acquired Incotec, which gave we are enhancing our capabilities and
three strong legs of growth Croda continues to deliver sustained In 2018 we launched a safety leadership us a presence in seed enhancement, a knowledge to strengthen our Health
Croda delivers consistently superior sales and profit growth through the programme across the global management Stretching the Growth – growing market in Crop Care within our Care product portfolio, bringing
team. I am delighted with the commitment Life Sciences sector. Since acquisition, significant benefits to our customers.
shareholder value by being a leading economic cycle. In 2018 we further refined investing for the future
speciality ingredient company, driving the Business, growing profit ahead of of the senior leadership across the Group, we have refocused Incotec, more than Biosector has unprecedented industry
Alongside Growing the Core by delivering experience as a vaccine adjuvant
sustainable innovation, superior sales, ahead of volume. Our business with more engagement, visibility and doubling profit and improving innovation
consistent sales and profit growth, in 2018 specialist, with their product portfolio
performance and creating value model is working well – a dynamic audits, putting safety at the top of the capability, delivering a strong return on our
we increased investment in Stretching comprising innovative aluminium and
for our customers and consumers. innovation engine creating exciting new agenda. This programme is expected to initial investment. Building on this, in 2018
the Growth. This investment focuses on saponin-based adjuvants.
Our objectives are to: products to meet new consumer needs; a deliver improvement over the coming we made a complementary acquisition in
accelerating product innovation, investing
balanced global manufacturing footprint; years and help us meet our 2020 OSHA Health Care with the £64m purchase of
in new technologies and increasing
• Deliver consistent top and and an unrivalled direct selling capability, recordable incident rate target of 0.60. Biosector, a leading global specialist Why Biosector?
intellectual property. These investments
bottom line growth with local customer intimacy. Within our in vaccine adjuvancy, extending our Vaccine adjuvants are a
will accelerate sales over time, deliver
• Increase the proportion of Core Business there are three strong legs Growing the Core – compelling returns and continue to
existing high purity pharmaceutical complementary extension of our
protected innovation of growth – Personal Care, Life Sciences delivering strong performance underpin robust cash conversion, all
delivery systems portfolio. existing pharmaceutical excipients
• Accelerate our customers’ and Performance Technologies – which In 2018 we continued to Grow the Core, driving enhanced shareholder returns portfolio and we can now offer our
transition to sustainable ingredients. have robust market positions, leading with the top line momentum seen in 2017 We are also acquiring small, disruptive customers an industry renowned
for the future.
technologies and focused innovation. continuing through 2018. Sales increased technology companies, using a global product portfolio of adjuvants,
In 2018 we made strong progress in These are driving profit growth and to £1,386.9m, with Core Business sales network of over 45 in-house technology including the well-known brands
In 2018 we continued to invest in our
delivering these three objectives by improved cash generation. 3.8% higher, supported by volume growth scouts across Croda. In 2017, we purchased Alhydrogel® and Adju-Phos®, as
product innovation pipeline. With the
connecting to faster growth markets across the Consumer businesses and IonPhasE, a novel electrostatic dissipative well as their technically advanced
opening of our Beijing Crop Care and
through our ‘Growing the Core’ and Safety – at the heart of stronger pricing and sales mix. polymer technology for Performance saponin-based adjuvant systems.
Singapore tribology labs, we now have
Technologies, and in 2018 we made two Biosector’s rich development
‘Stretching the Growth’ strategy. Growing everything we do 34 customer innovation centres globally,
the Core is focused on delivering robust All three Core Business sectors grew nascent technology acquisitions – Nautilus, pipeline is an excellent indication
Safety is at the centre of everything we do. enabling us to work more closely with local
top line growth above the market rate, at sales and profit. Personal Care continued a marine biotechnology company with of their innovative thinking, with
In 2018 our process safety programme customers to meet their consumers’ needs.
industry-leading margins, with a capital- its strong performance, growing sales by potential applications in Personal Care second and third generation
passed a major milestone, with the This in-house innovation was supported by
and other markets, and Plant Impact, adjuvant platforms in development.
a successful Open Innovation programme,
1 Adjusted results are stated before exceptional items, acquisition costs and amortisation of intangible assets arising on acquisition, and tax thereon. an innovative biostimulant technology
where we are working with over 450
2 Constant currency results reflect current year performance for existing business translated at the prior year’s average exchange rates. for Crop Care. Whilst technology

16 Croda International Plc

Annual Report and Accounts 2018
Croda International Plc
Annual Report and Accounts 2018 17
Chief Executive’s Review continued

acquisitions typically have limited sales Actives. Following an initial anchor Superior growth in profitability to recover, increasing 9% in 2018. an increase in the ordinary dividend Croda is making a difference in

Strategic Report
on acquisition and therefore bring initial investment in 2017, we increased our in Performance Technologies Alongside gradual macroeconomic and a special return of excess capital improving health and wellbeing, reducing
profit headwinds, they provide significant minority investment in the multi-award Performance Technologies continued to improvement, this growth benefited to shareholders. the environmental burden on the planet,
protected future growth opportunities as winning digital device company, Cutitronics. transition to a higher value, technology- from investment to expand Crop Care improving life on land and supporting our
we commercialise the technologies. We We also expanded R&D capabilities in orientated business. Sales grew by 1.4%, production capacity in Brazil to better Sustainability leadership – local communities. In Personal Care, we
spent £39m on technology acquisitions, Brazil and South Africa, and doubled R&D with growth of speciality sales largely offset meet local customer needs. ‘Smart Science to Improve Lives’ provide solar protection ingredients to
associates and investments between and operational capacity in our flagship by exiting higher volume, lower margin As the world’s population grows, we protect consumers from harmful exposure
December 2017 and December 2018, Beauty Actives business. NPP sales in products, with total volume sold 8% lower In Asia sales were 7% ahead, driven need more food, more water and more to the sun. In Health Care, our newly
with a total operating loss from these in Personal Care reached a record 43% year-on-year. The improved product mix by growth in Japan, with Personal Care energy. But the world has finite resources acquired Biosector business is improving
2018 of approximately £6m, primarily from of total sales (2017: 41%). saw adjusted operating profit 15.0% higher particularly strong. We continue to expand and we need to create a future which is vaccine effectiveness to treat global
Plant Impact. We expect the operating and return on sales increased significantly our reach in Asia with local and regional sustainable. With our long heritage of diseases. In Crop Protection, we develop
loss from these acquisitions to moderate API sales successfully replaced to 18.7% (2017: 16.5%), well on its way customers across all sectors. producing sustainable ingredients from adjuvants that minimise spray-drift and
in 2019 as sales are developed. in Life Sciences towards our 20% medium term goal for natural resources, Croda aims to be reduce pesticide burden run-off. In
Following the 2017 planned exit from its this sector. The market in Europe remained solid, a leader, accelerating innovation and Seed Enhancement, we create coatings
2018 also saw new investment North American API contract, Life Sciences with sales up 3%, including the successful reducing the environmental impacts of that allow precision treatment of active
programmes in Digital and Sustainability. successfully replaced these lost sales in In Growing the Core, Performance integration of IonPhasE and growth in our activities – a provider of innovative, ingredients and reduction in pesticide
We created a Digital Centre of Excellence, 2018, with growth in the rest of the Health Technologies is driving three core newer geographic markets in Eastern sustainable ingredients and technologies, application. In our recently acquired Plant
to drive greater use of digital selling and Care and in the Crop Care businesses. platforms. Energy Technologies saw Europe, Middle East and Africa. creating positive change for the planet and Impact business, we develop biostimulants
marketing across Croda, supported by Overall sales grew by 2.8% (and by 6.7% the strongest sales growth in 2018, society, whilst maintaining superior returns. for enhanced plant vigour, promoting
easier access for customers to our rich adjusted to exclude the impact of the driven by demand for its environmentally North America growth slowed to 1%, growth, crop quality and yields to get
libraries of formulation, regulatory and API exit). Adjusted operating profit rose friendly lubricant additives which specifically reflecting the exit of the API This truly reflects our new purpose – more out of the same planted land use.
sustainability data. This will enable Croda by 3.1%, with return on sales marginally increase efficiency in automotive and contract, together with slower growth of ‘Smart Science to Improve Lives’. We In Performance Technologies, our phase
to access the growing number of local lower at 29.5% (2017: 30.1%), following marine engines. Smart Materials saw sales Crop Care customers’ products into the use science and entrepreneurial spirit to change materials control temperature to
and ‘Indie’ brand customers emerging the acquisition of Plant Impact with its growth in higher value applications whilst important China market. Excluding the API provide innovative solutions that benefit ensure safe transportation of essential
across the world. We also invested in initial start-up loss. reducing sales in lower value markets in exit, North America sales rose 4%, driven our customers, colleagues and the wider medicines, even in the remotest areas.
high throughput screening – the ability polymer additives and coatings. Home by strong Personal Care demand. world. We will keep contributing towards This is the Croda Difference and we will
to test large numbers of ingredients using In Growing the Core, sales in our Health Care & Water completed its programme global environmental and social challenges continue to enhance our sustainability
artificial intelligence. Alongside this, we are Care business were flat year-on-year, of reducing low margin sales for oil and Robust financial platform by applying science to create new, better leadership to improve lives.
enhancing our sustainability leadership as strong growth in high purity excipients gas applications, selectively growing its supported by lower and sustainably sourced solutions.
in the industry, of which more later. offset the API exit. Crop Protection saw presence in the higher value home care capital investment Outlook
mid single digit percentage sales growth, market. As a result of improving the Croda’s balance sheet remains robust, We are passionate about sustainability – it In 2018, Croda has continued to
Strong sales growth and despite second half year uncertainty core product portfolio, Performance providing flexibility for organic investment, is the right thing to do but also an integral deliver sustained sales and profit
robust margin in Personal Care in North America from the US/China Technologies saw double digit acquisition and capital returns to part of how our sustainable ingredients growth. Looking ahead, whilst global
The Group’s largest sector, Personal Care, trade dispute. We continued to increase percentage growth in operating shareholders. We have completed a period add value to our customers’ products. market conditions remain challenging,
delivered a strong performance in 2018. collaboration with crop science customers, profit for the third year in succession. of higher capital expenditure, which saw Our bio-surfactants plant will enable the we continue to invest for the future and are
The sales growth seen in the second half of both globally and locally. Our Seed the construction of our industry-leading launch of a new ECO range of products, confident that our strategy of Growing the
2017 continued throughout 2018, with sales Enhancement business benefited from In Stretching the Growth, Performance bio-surfactants plant in North America. allowing our customers to build sustainably Core and Stretching the Growth will deliver
up 6.8% and operating profit 4.9% higher. recent European investment in innovation, Technologies is investing in higher Consequently, free cash flow improved focused consumer brands without further progress in 2019.
Return on sales fell marginally to 32.9% with steady sales growth driven by value technologies, improving knowledge by almost 60% year-on-year, to £155.4m sacrificing performance.
(2017: 33.3%), reflecting a broader sales mix. industry-leading positions in priming, intensity (including sales, marketing and (2017: £98.5m). We have also invested
pelleting and film coating. technical capabilities) whilst reducing over £200m in the last four years in bolt-on During 2018 we have mapped Croda’s
In Growing the Core, Personal Care capital deployed (in asset intensity). and technology acquisitions and continue activities to the United Nations’ 17
delivered healthy growth across all three In Stretching the Growth, we commenced New opportunities are being developed to invest in product innovation through Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
of its businesses. Our world-leading Beauty a £25m project in North America to double in renewable energy markets and higher enhanced in-house R&D capabilities. of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable
Actives business saw sales rise by high manufacturing capacity for the fast growing value materials. This is being supported by Development, identifying both how we can Steve Foots
single digit percentage. Beauty Effects high purity excipients business, as demand greater testing capability, generating better Leverage (the ratio of net debt to EBITDA) meet our sustainability goals and emerging Group Chief Executive
delivered solid growth, focused on the for complex drug delivery systems continues application data to support novel market at the end of 2018 was prudent at 1.1 growth opportunities for our business. The
creation of ingredients for instant impact to grow. Alongside this platform, the niches. As part of the Digital Centre of times (2017: 1.0x). Along with improving SDGs are a commitment to address some
and skin effects, particularly popular with acquisition of Biosector provides Croda Excellence, an e-commerce pilot is being free cash generation, this has allowed both of the more pressing challenges facing the
the millennial generation of consumers. In with access to an industry renowned developed to expand customer reach, world today.
Beauty Formulation, improved commercial portfolio of adjuvants, serving both with the customer base being broadened
focus, innovation and better multinational human and veterinary vaccine markets. beyond the sector’s traditional European
customer engagement saw continued We also expanded global R&D capabilities, heartland into North America and Asia. Case study: Carbon neutral
growth across our heritage ingredient including new investment in Incotec in Following acquisition in December 2017,
portfolio. Croda ingredients have been China and North America. The acquisition IonPhasE has been integrated into the It is vital that we continue to identify ways Reserve is protecting a large area of
formulated into several major global of Plant Impact established our third Crop Smart Materials business, distributors to reduce our carbon emissions. We are tropical rainforest, which was previously
multinational relaunches and we continue Care market, a biostimulants business with exited and sales transitioned to Croda’s proud that, through the offsetting of their lined up for conversion to palm oil
to develop new customers, particularly good growth trends driven by the need to global team. emissions, our Beauty Actives business, estates. With our support, not only will
in the exciting ‘Indie’ space. sustainably feed a rising global population Sederma and Crodarom, became carbon this rainforest be preserved, important
from a fixed land area. The ongoing Core Business growth across neutral for their manufacturing processes local community employment
In Stretching the Growth, the acquisition of integration of Plant Impact leverages all regions in 2018. opportunities will be funded as an
Nautilus from our open innovation partner, Croda’s global crop sales network and alternative to deforestation. Wider
We saw good organic sales growth in
the University of Prince Edward Island, the first new product sales are expected By working with ClimateCare for the benefits also include clean water
our Core Business across all geographic
added a range of ‘blue’ biotechnology later in 2019, supporting progress purchase of carbon credits, we are filters and low fuel cooking stoves
regions. After a period of regional economic
marine organisms to the existing synthetic towards profitability thereafter. able to support the Rimba Rya project for local families.
weakness, sales in Latin America continued
and plant-based portfolio of Beauty in Indonesia. The Rimba Rya Biodiversity

18 Croda International Plc

Annual Report and Accounts 2018
Croda International Plc
Annual Report and Accounts 2018 19
Our Strategy

‘Growing the Core’ and

Strategic Report
‘Stretching the Growth’
We deliver shareholder value by being a leading speciality ingredient
company, driving sustainable innovation, superior performance and
creating value for our customers and consumers.

Strategic objective ​ Description ​ We achieve this through ​ What we have done in 2018 ​ Our priorities in 2019 ​ KPIs ​ Risks
Deliver Through our powerful business model we • Our unrivalled local direct • Delivered sales and profit growth in all • Deliver top line growth ahead of • Return on • Revenue
connect to fast growing markets to grow selling capability three core sectors in constant currency the markets in which we operate sales % (p24) generation
consistent top profit ahead of sales, ahead of volume. • A balanced global footprint • Increased earnings per share • Deliver bottom line growth in established
• Core Business
and bottom line growth • Accelerating sales in our core markets • Increased free cash flow • Deliver strong free cash flow sales growth %
and emerging
markets (p40)
• A disciplined approach to • Returned capital to shareholders. • Maintain our disciplined (p24)
capital allocation approach to capital allocation. • Talent
• Investing in high return opportunities. and retention
​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ (p41)
​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​

Increase the proportion Innovation is the lifeblood of our business, • Investing in our own R&D • Increased the number of innovation centres • Increase collaboration with • NPP sales % • Product and
playing a key role in delivering sales and • Expanding the number of regional • Completed four technology investments: customers across core sectors (p24) technology
of protected innovation profit growth. Through our technical and innovation centres Nautilus, Plant Impact, SiSaf and Cutitronics • Commercialise new technologies innovation (p40)
• Relative NPP
commercial expertise, our focus is to
• Working closer with customers to • Acquired Biosector, a specialist supplier of • Globalise open innovation sales growth • Protect new
increase the sales of new and protected
better understand their specific needs human and veterinary vaccine adjuvants • Acquire new technology-led (p24) intellectual
products (NPP).
• Identifying disruptive technologies • Expanded our Open Innovation network of companies with unique property (p40)
• Developing our Open Innovation and partners to more than 450 and continued intellectual property • Digital
Smart Partnering Programmes with to expand our Smart Partnering Programme • Expand our digital capabilities. technology
universities and technology enterprises. • Created a global technology scouting group innovation (p40)
• Established a Digital Centre of Excellence. • Talent
and retention
​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ (p41)
​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​

Accelerate our Sustainability connects all aspects of our • Creating ingredients that provide • Acquired Nautilus, a sustainable marine • Develop KPIs and targets for • Non-fossil fuel • Product liability
business. Building on our bio-based raw a benefit in use with reduced biotechnology company 2030, aligned with the SDGs energy % (p25) claims (p41)
customers’ transition to material heritage, we are evolving our environmental impact • Acquired Plant Impact, a biostimulants • Demonstrate how our • Total • Major safety or
sustainable ingredients products, technologies and supply chain • Better understanding the sustainable business that improves crop yield and quality products save more Recordable environmental
to meet customer and consumer needs. ingredient needs of our customers greenhouse gas emissions
• Acquired Biosector, a leading adjuvant Injury Rate (p25) incident (p41)
• Acquiring technology-led companies specialist for vaccines • Identify low carbon technologies
• Security of raw
with sustainable technologies • Worked on open innovation projects • Deliver an improvement in work material supply
• Aligning our business with the United to identify novel, low energy, place safety (p41)
Nations Sustainable Development sustainable technologies • Demonstrate the net benefit of
Goals (SDGs) wherever possible. • Chemical
• Determined the mechanism for Carbon our use of land. regulatory
reduction targets, 50% by 2030 and 80% by compliance
2050, from its 2006 level. (p42)
​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​

20 Croda International Plc

Annual Report and Accounts 2018
Croda International Plc
Annual Report and Accounts 2018 21
Our Strategy continued

How we invested in 2018 Good capital discipline

Strategic Report
‘Stretching the Growth’ focuses on accelerating sales Delivering a strong cash flow is core to our strategy; it
in our core sectors; creating more technology, new enables us to invest in R&D, faster growth technologies
and protected products and intellectual property; that are both organic and acquired, expand production
and taking a disciplined approach to capital allocation.​ capacity and pay increased dividends.​

In line with our disciplined capital allocation policy, we invest in high capital return opportunities to deliver superior shareholder value. We seek to deliver high quality returns, measured through a superior Return on Invested Capital (ROIC), earnings growth and strong cash
In order to achieve this, we are investing in six key areas.​ returns. The Group’s capital allocation policy is to:

Sustainability Greater R&D Premium niches Reinvest for Provide regular Acquire Maintain
leadership We have a relentless focus on innovation. Many of our markets are experiencing growth by: returns to promising appropriate
We are passionate about sustainability,
In constant currency, new and protected a ‘flight to premium’. We continue to shareholders by: technologies to: balance sheet
product (NPP) sales have grown by 85% experience high levels of demand for our
because it is the right thing to do and
since 2012, from 20.5% of total sales to Sederma anti-ageing skin actives, which
and return
an integral part of how our sustainable
ingredients add value to our customers’
28.2% today. Personal Care has the richest is why we have recently doubled R&D and excess
products. Our bio-surfactants plant will see
innovation, with NPP sales accounting for enhanced production capacity. We have capital to:
43% of total sector sales. increased capacity in our solar protection
the launch of our ECO range of sustainably
business to support the growth of our
focused ingredients.
Life Sciences has a healthy innovation Solaveil™ range of ingredients.
pipeline and is expected to deliver
The publication of the United Nations
fast growth in NPP sales. Performance We are expanding manufacture of our
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Technologies has increased its proportion high purity excipients as demand continues • Investing in capital • Paying a regular dividend • Supplement organic • Meet future investment and
is providing growth opportunities for our
of NPP sales to 18% as the sector to grow rapidly. In Brazil, we invested in projects to grow sales, representing 40% to 50% growth in existing and trading requirements; with
business. The SDGs are a commitment
transitions to a higher technology business. capacity for our Crop Care adjuvants, typically each year spending of adjusted earnings over adjacent markets • A target leverage of 1.0 to
to tackling some of the more pressing
providing us with new exciting opportunities. 1.5x depreciation the business cycle. • Enhance our strong 1.5x (excluding deficits on
challenges facing the world today and, in
We continue to invest in our global R&D In the UK, we are expanding our polymer • Increasing product innovation product pipeline. retirement benefit schemes).
2018, our Executive Committee worked
capabilities with new facilities in North additive manufacturing capacity. innovation In 2018 the Board has
with Cambridge Institute for Sustainability
America, China and Singapore. We have • Expanding in attractive proposed: In 2018 we: In 2018:
Leadership to develop our sustainability
also enhanced our R&D capabilities at geographic markets. • Acquired Nautilus, a marine After the acquisition of
strategy in alignment with the SDGs. • An increase of 7.4% in the
Sederma and expanded our crop biotechnology company Biosector, leverage increased
full year dividend to 87.0p
care facility in Brazil. In 2018 we have invested • Acquired Plant Impact, a to 1.1x. In light of our strong
(2017: 81.0p)
2x depreciation in: • A special dividend of biostimulants business performance and improving
• Funding asset replacement 115.0p per share. • Acquired Biosector, cash generation, the Board is
• New investment in a leading adjuvant proposing a return of £150m
key technologies specialist for human excess capital to shareholders
Innovation Partnering Disruptive Technology- Digitalisation • Completing the and veterinary vaccines by way of a special dividend.
Our Open Innovation and Smart Partnering led acquisitions Digitalisation is an emerging construction of our • Invested in SiSaf, a The effect of this return would
Programmes continue to evolve. We now differentiator for our business, creating pioneering bio-surfactants novel drug delivery have been to increase the 2018
We continue to invest in disruptive
have more than 450 partners, comprising many opportunities. We have invested plant in North America. technology company year-end leverage towards the
technology as part of our strategy to
over 100 completed and 85 ongoing in global digital resource and established • Increased our investment in upper end of the Board’s
‘Stretch the Growth’. The integration of
projects with academics, universities, a Digital Centre of Excellence to take Cutitronics, the multi-award target range.
an innovative technology provider of static
start-ups and technology enterprises. advantage of this fast-evolving winning digital device
electricity dissipation for electronic and
In 2018 we acquired Nautilus, from digital world. company.
automotive applications, IonPhasE, is
one of our smart partners.
nearing completion. This acquisition has
We focus our efforts on better
created openings in new fast growing,
Along with our smart partner Glassflake,
niche end markets.
connecting with our customers. We ROIC Acquisitions Ordinary Leverage Net capital
we developed and launched a range created entrepreneurial cells in Digital
of Moonshine™ ingredients in 2018, Marketing and Data Analytics that will drive
dividend expenditure
In Health Care, we acquired Biosector,
a new offering in colour cosmetics. an improved customer experience through
a vaccine adjuvant specialist, seen
We also completed an investment our digital channels. In Canada, we opened
as a natural extension of our existing
and a commercial arrangement the Nautilus Biosciences Croda Centre of
pharmaceutical excipients portfolio.
with SiSaf, a pioneering UK based Innovation for Marine Biotechnology.
bio-pharmaceutical company.
18.2% £82.5m 87.0p 1.1x £103.1m
2017: 19.2% 2017: £30.4m 2017: 81.0p 2017: 1.0x 2017: £157.2m

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Annual Report and Accounts 2018
Croda International Plc
Annual Report and Accounts 2018 23
Key Performance Indicators Key
​ Delivering consistent top and bottom line growth

​ Increase the proportion of protected innovation

How we performed
​ Accelerate our customers’ transition to sustainable ingredients

Strategic Report
KPI Comment Target Our performance KPI Comment Target Our performance
On target The Group ROS increased by 50 basis Personal Care Return on sales Behind target The proportion of energy coming from 27% by 2020. Non-fossil fuel energy %
points in the year. Personal Care delivered (PC) and Life non-fossil sources took a temporary step
Return on sales another strong profit, although the broader Sciences (LS)
Non-fossil back in 2018 due to some operational 2018 21.1%
(ROS) % mix resulted in a marginal decline in ROS. maintain 30 fuel energy % challenges with our own generation
Life Sciences had another good year with 2017 levels. 25
facilities (which have since been resolved)
KPI definition increased sales and profit in constant KPI definition and an increase in electricity consumption 2017 24.1%
Adjusted operating profit currency. ROS was adversely affected by
Technologies (PT)
20 The proportion of our energy that associated with commissioning our new
as a percentage of sales. the acquisition of Plant Impact and the API comes from non-fossil fuel sources. bio-surfactants plant in North America. 2016 21.3%
grow to 20% in 15
exit. Performance Technologies delivered
the medium term.
double-digit percentage profit growth for the 10 2015 20.5%
third consecutive year with ROS increasing
significantly, reflecting an improved product 5
mix. Industrial Chemicals profit declined as 2014 22.5%
part of our strategy to create a smaller, more 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
sustainable, innovation focused business. PC 32.9% LS 29.5% PT 18.7%
IC 1.0% Group Total 24.7%

​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
On target 2018 was another year of progress as we Low-to-mid single Core Business sales growth On target Employee TRIR decreased to 0.66, Achieve a Total Recordable Injury Rate
delivered against our strategy through our digit % growth % extending the improvement made since sustained (TRIR)
Core Business programme of ‘Growing the Core’ and (excluding raw Total Recordable 2016. Contractor TRIR performance OSHA TRIR in
sales growth % ‘Stretching the Growth’. All core sectors material price 2018 3.8% Injury Rate (TRIR)  deteriorated versus 2016 and 2017, albeit the top quartile 1.5
contributed to the Group’s sales recovery). on a reduced number of contractor hours of chemical
KPI definition growth performance. KPI definition worked, following the end of major capital manufacturing 1.2
2017 5.6%
Total sales growth in the The number of incidents per investment projects. Combined TRIR was companies with
Core Business measured 200,000 hours worked where broadly flat at 0.72. more than 1,000 0.9
2016 4.6% employees
at constant currency. a person has sustained an injury.
by 2020​ (0.60).
This includes all lost time, restricted 0.6
2015 4.2%
work and medical treatment cases.
2014 3.7%
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
​ ​ ​ ​ Employee Contractor Combined
Creating shareholder value
On target We focus technically and commercially NPP sales to be NPP sales %
on increasing the percentage of sales 30% of Group
New and Protected from NPP. We have a relentless focus sales in the
On target We are pleased to report an adjusted EPS 5-11% EPS Adjusted basic earnings per
2018 28.2% of 190.2p, representing an increase of 6.3% growth per share (EPS)
Products (NPP) sales % on innovation to create solutions that medium term. Adjusted basic earnings on last year. This places us within the target annum.
meet the needs of our customers and their per share (EPS) range of 5-11% with a CAGR of 11.0%
KPI definition 2017 27.6% 2018 190.2p
consumers. This focus includes discovering since 2014.
Proportion of sales from NPP novel ways of creating additional value from KPI definition
(in constant currency). NPP products our existing portfolio (for example, through 2016 27.4% 2017 179.0p
Adjusted profit after tax divided
are where sales are protected by new application data). NPP sales increased
by the average number of
for the sixth consecutive year. 2015 26.1% 2016 155.8p
virtue of being either newly launched, issued shares.
protected by intellectual property
or by unique characteristics. 2014 23.4% 2015 135.0p

2014 125.2p

​ ​ ​ ​
​ ​ ​ ​
On target The KPI definition has been amended to 2x non-NPP Relative NPP sales growth
more closely align with the measurement sales growth.
Relative NPP of our PSP target. Our continued technical
NPP Non-NPP On target Our model is relatively capital light and Achieving ROIC Return on invested capital
growth % growth % Ratio strongly cash generative, allowing us to of around 20%
sales growth and commercial focus on creating novel, Return on Invested deliver a superior ROIC. Over the last three on the underlying 2018 18.2%
differentiated solutions for our customers 2018 +4.8% +2.2% 2.2x
KPI definition
Capital (ROIC) % years, ROIC has declined modestly as we business in the
delivered NPP growth in the year and the have increased capital investment and medium term
NPP sales growth; targeted to ratio to non-NPP sales was on target. 2017 19.2%
2017 +5.3% +4.4% 1.2x KPI definition acquired technology-led companies. (ie excluding
be at least twice the ratio of Adjusted operating profit after tax As these investments start to generate short term
non-NPP sales. divided by the average invested profitable sales, we expect the ROIC to dilution from 2016 19.3%
2016 +6.9% +1.7% 4.0x
capital for the year for the Group. improve (subject to the impact of any acquisitions).​
Invested capital represents the net further acquisitions).​ 2015 20.1%
2015 +15.5% +0.7% 22.2x
assets of the Group, adjusted for
earlier goodwill written off to reserves, 2014 21.2%
2014 +12.5% +0.3% 36.5x
net debt, retirement benefit liabilities,
provisions and deferred taxes.

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Annual Report and Accounts 2018
Croda International Plc
Annual Report and Accounts 2018 25
Sector Review

Personal Care Life Sciences

Strategic Report
Personal Care delivered a strong an inorganic UV active and a better adverse impact of the API contract exit
performance in 2018. In constant currency, performing, sustainable alternative and acquisition. Return on sales was only Case study:
sales grew by 6.8% and adjusted operating to traditional organic UV filters. marginally lower at 29.5% (2017: 30.1%). Welcome Plant Impact
profit by 4.9%. Growth was driven by a 4%
volume increase and almost 3% price/mix Beauty Formulation continued to The strong growth, excluding APIs,
growth, reflecting richer innovation, with improve sales momentum, with mid-single demonstrates the success of Growing
New and Protected Products (NPP) digit percentage growth. A commercially the Core in Life Sciences. Crop Protection
increasing to 43% of total sector sharper approach, together with improved saw good growth. Although the US/China
sales (2017: 41%). engagement with multinational customers, trade dispute has had some impact on
has seen the successful development and North American customers, Latin America
Sandra Breene Whilst growth was strongest in the differentiation of our heritage ingredients Nick Challoner appears to have benefited from some During 2018 we made the exciting
President, Personal Care first half of the year, momentum was portfolio, with Croda ingredients being President, Life Sciences switching of supply. Good growth in acquisition of bio-stimulant business,
maintained through the second half against formulated into several major multinational multinational accounts reflected continued Plant Impact, who identify ways to
Sales tougher prior year comparators. Demand customer relaunches. New ingredients Sales collaboration on the innovation pipeline. improve the yield and quality of crops.
This is by stimulating or moderating

£487.8m £324.5m
was strong across all three business units included Cropure™ Mango Butter, an The business continued to expand outside
and in all regions. Growth by customer excellent natural moisturiser extracted from of its traditional heartlands of Western plant responses during key growth
group was broad-based, with a notable mango seed, and Cithrol™ PGTL, a 100% Europe and North America, with Latin stages, and developing spray and
2017: £466.6m improvement in sales to multinationals, bio-based, efficient and versatile water in 2017: £322.6m America benefiting from recent changes seed treatments that help growers
driven by a stronger innovation pipeline. oil emulsifier which allows our customers to local regulation, our investment in to unlock the potential of their crops.
Adjusted operating profit to formulate creams with excellent Adjusted operating profit local manufacture and greater customer

£160.3m £95.8m
In reported currency, sales increased by sensory performance. intimacy, meeting the needs of local
China and North America, and enhanced
4.5% to £487.8m (2017: £466.6m) and customers, which included the launch
our existing crop laboratory in Brazil.
adjusted operating profit was £160.3m Regional growth was strong across Asia, of a new plant nutrient dispersant to
Through smart partnering we launched
2017: £155.5m (2017: £155.5m), a rise of 3.1%. Return North America and Europe, with signs of 2017: £97.0m meet increased demand for precision
Atplus™ DRT-6000 for spray drift control
on sales declined slightly to 32.9% (2017: improvement in Latin America. Japanese agriculture. The standout success in Seed
in Crop Care, developed in conjunction
Return on sales 33.3%), reflecting a small margin dilution Beauty trends were the standout area of Return on sales Enhancement was overall profit in 2018
with the University of Nebraska.

32.9% 29.5%
from the broader basis of customer and growth, driving strong local sales. reaching double the level on acquisition
business unit growth, together with three years previously. This reflected our
Life Sciences also offers opportunities
transactional currency impact of a As part of our Stretching the Growth investment in innovation, reestablishing
to grow inorganically, through technology
2017: 33.3% stronger Euro on Europe-manufactured strategy, we have 28 active open 2017: 30.1% Incotec as a leader in its space, a stronger
and bolt-on acquisitions. Enza Biotech,
sales into US dollar denominated markets innovation projects and several smart portfolio in priming and film coating, and
acquired in 2017, continued to develop
and increased investment to deliver the partnerships, including with pigments successful new technology platforms, such
exploratory drug delivery technologies.
Stretching the Growth programme. innovator Glassflake. This saw the launch as encrustment, initially developed for the
In March 2018 we acquired Plant Impact,
in 2018 of the Moonshine™ range of US corn market, but which has been
a plant stimulation business which
Our strategy of Growing the Core is colour cosmetic ingredients in Beauty extended to soybean and rice crops.
increases yield and performance. Its first
successfully delivering. Beauty Actives saw Effects. We commissioned a €10 million In Life Sciences we create IP-rich delivery major product is being marketed in Latin
Case study: Exceptional shine sales rise at high single digit percentage. capacity expansion in Beauty Actives, systems for complex health and crop The Health Care business successfully
America and new products are expected
Several new products were launched, doubling R&D and manufacturing capacity. applications. The sector delivered a good replaced the exited API business in a single
to be launched in other global markets
including Crystalide™, a new peptide that Technology investments included a marine performance in 2018, with strong growth year. This was driven by high purity drug
from later in 2019, mitigating initial losses
preserves skin transparency and improves biotechnology company, Nautilus, which in the mainstream business offsetting delivery systems, with 30% revenue
from cost investment. Alongside Crop
skin surface quality, and PoreTect™, an sustainably uses microbial biodiversity to headwinds from the 2017 exit of the North growth reflecting increased demand from
Protection and Seed Enhancement, Plant
eco-designed active ingredient that brings create novel actives and ingredients, and American API contract and an initial loss more complex drug actives and broader
Impact creates a third technology platform
firmness, tone and density to the skin. our second investment in Cutitronics, a from the acquisition of Plant Impact. Sales excipient applications, but the range of
for Croda’s Crop Care business.
The trend towards more sustainable and digital device company. Good progress grew by 2.8% and adjusted operating standard excipients also delivered solid
ethical sourcing of ingredients supported has been made integrating Nautilus and profit by 3.1% in constant currency. growth. As part of our investment and
In December we acquired Biosector, a
growth in plant cell products and botanical Enza Biotech, our 2017 acquisition, into the Adjusted for the API exit, sales were partnering programme with SiSaf, we
To meet the growing demand for vaccine adjuvant specialist and a natural
ingredients, which included the launch of Croda R&D network. As part of our digital 6.7% higher. Demand was robust across launched Prosilic®, a novel drug delivery
sensory and suspension properties extension to our existing pharmaceutical
‘Green Caviar’, a sustainable skin hydration programme, we have invested in a high Crop Protection, Seed Enhancement and technology providing solutions to
in colour cosmetics, in 2018 we excipients portfolio within Health Care.
ingredient produced from algae. throughput robotics laboratory at Nautilus mainstream Health Care. Growth was pharmaceutical development problems
launched our Moonshine™ effect The acquisition gives Croda access to an
and are developing online tools to meet driven equally by volume increase and across multiple therapeutic areas.
pigments. This new technology industry renowned portfolio of adjuvants,
Beauty Effects is a high value business, the needs of a growing number of agile improved price/mix, although New and
platform expands our existing including well-known brands, such as
with similar returns and innovation to ‘Indie’ brands. A new range of green ECO Protected Products (NPP) was lower Life Sciences offers exciting future
product portfolio for effect pigments, Alhydrogel® and Adju-Phos®, and new
Beauty Actives. It focuses on creating ingredients will be launched later in 2019. as a proportion of sector sales due to opportunities through our strategy
offering our customers an ultra- technically advanced systems. The
ingredients for instant impact skin effects, customer reformulation. of Stretching the Growth. Our organic
smooth sensory experience with acquisition brings a strong innovation
particularly popular with the millennial investment programme includes doubling
exceptional intensity and shine that pipeline, pharmaceutical certified
generation of consumers. Also, in 2018 we In reported currency, sales increased by of production capacity for high purity
is unachievable with traditional manufacturing facility and the opportunity
expanded the Solaveil™ solar protection 0.6% to £324.5m (2017: £322.6m) and excipients, alongside investment in new
effect pigments. to develop sales through Croda’s existing
range, with the launch of Solaveil XT-200, adjusted operating profit fell slightly to purification technologies. We opened new
sales network.
£95.8m (2017: £97.0m), reflecting the Seed Enhancement innovation centres in

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Annual Report and Accounts 2018
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Annual Report and Accounts 2018 27
Sector Review continued

Performance Technologies Industrial Chemicals

Strategic Report
2018 was another year of good progress The Smart Materials business made We continued to refine the product Sipo, whilst the North America market was
for Performance Technologies in its good progress in growing sales of portfolio in Industrial Chemicals, reducing also weaker.
transition to a higher value business innovative products, whilst shedding low volumes of low value co-product and
focused on the premium Smart Materials margin products in coatings and polymer tolling business. In constant currency, Industrial Chemicals is innovating
and Energy Technologies markets. applications. The business was impacted sales declined by 5.4%. In reported selectively to develop niche products for
Sales grew by 1.4% with higher sales of by some weakening in end markets currency, sales declined to £118.2m new applications. This is creating a smaller,
specialities largely offset by exiting lower towards the end of 2018. The integration (2017: £127.0m) and adjusted operating more sustainable, innovation focused
margin business. Adjusted operating profit of IonPhasE, acquired in December 2017, profit decreased to £1.2m (2017: £4.3m). business. These products will enable
growth was 15.0% in constant currency, progressed well, with sales growth, a first Profitability in China was also adversely customers to achieve better performance
the third consecutive year of double digit product into North America for permanent impacted by raw material crop issues in with higher levels of sustainability.
Maarten Heybroek percentage profit growth. This change anti-static protection and a promising Maarten Heybroek
President, Performance in focus was reflected by a significant innovation pipeline. In Home Care & Water, President, Industrial Chemicals
Case study: ECO benefits
Technologies decline in volume, 8% lower, offset by reliance on low margin business into oil
an improvement in price/mix of 9%. and gas production has significantly Sales Our commitment to sustainability is
The proportion of sales from New and reduced, replaced by more innovative continually opening new markets for

Protected Products remained low but home care applications, such as the us and our customers. The completion
the innovation pipeline is improving. Coltide™ Radiance range for of our bio-surfactants plant in North
enhanced fibre protection. 2017: £127.0m America has enabled us to launch
2017: £456.9m At reported currency, sales were flat at ECO Renex, 100% bio-based
£456.4m (2017: £456.9m), whilst adjusted In Stretching the Growth, Smart Materials Adjusted operating profit Polyethylene Glycols (PEGs). Unique
Adjusted operating profit
operating profit increased by 13.0% to is reinforcing its global leadership in within the market place as the only

£85.2m (2017: £75.4m). The stronger polymer additives by doubling capacity 100% bio-based PEG option, they
product mix was reflected in return on in the UK. Successful innovation in 2018 allow our customers to increase the
sales up 220 basis points to 18.7% (2017: included IncroslipTM SL exceeding £1 2017: £4.3m bio-based content of their products,
2017: £75.4m 16.5%), in line with our medium term target million of sales for the first time and replacing what was a traditionally in air fresheners to keep moisture levels
for the sector of 20% and benchmarking self-healing adhesives for the mobile Return on sales petrochemical-based ingredient. high, so they are effective for longer, and
Return on sales
favourably with other speciality phone market. The sector is broadening in fibre finishes to lubricate yarn during

chemical peers. its customer base beyond its traditional PEGs are used in a range of items found clothes and textile processing. Our ECO
European heartland, into North America in homes every day, such as urethane Renex products are available in a range
As part of Growing the Core, Performance and Asia, with an innovation centre in 2017: 3.4% foam, which is used in mattresses, of molecular weights to enable our
2017: 16.5% Technologies continued to drive ‘value Texas and a new laboratory in Singapore. pillows, athletic shoes and make-up customers to meet their varying
over volume’. Profitability has continued to The sector will also benefit from the new applicators. They also see applications formulation needs.
improve in the strategic growth businesses range of ECO bio-surfactants when the
of Smart Materials and Energy Technologies. plant commissions.
Technology change will make these
Case study: markets increasingly attractive for Croda, Performance Technologies is focused Case study: Launching our ECO range of bio-surfactants
Looking to the future supported by customers increasingly on improving knowledge intensity,
looking to improve their sustainability strengthening sales, marketing and Following our single largest capital to meet the demanding criteria of plans were activated and the situation
profile using Croda ingredients. technical resources in newer regions, and investment project, 2018 saw us gain the USDA BioPreferred® program. was brought under control by the plant
reducing capital deployed in asset intensity certification for our ECO range of operating team with the assistance of the
Energy Technologies achieved good growth by transforming into a technology-based bio-surfactants, which will be produced It is the completion of our bio-surfactants emergency services. There was no harm
and margin. The lubricant additive business business with an ever improving product at our Atlas Point manufacturing site plant on the Atlas Point site that enables to our local community or employees,
continued to grow in its established mix. Investment continues in improved in North America. us to launch this ECO range, the first with precautionary medical advice
automotive and marine markets, with testing capability, to generate better site in the US to have such a capability. provided to employees who were
emerging opportunities in renewable application data and support new novel These new and re-imagined ingredients As with all our existing operations and working on site at the time. A thorough
Consumers will want to keep their energy. Its range of flow assurance niches. The progressive improvement in are designed to meet the increasing construction projects, process safety investigation involving external specialists
next generation of ultra-lightweight additives for oil pipelines included the product mix will make the business more market demand for sustainable, high- is our primary responsibility and we are is currently underway to ensure that
and thin mobile devices looking launch of FlowSolveTM 140, a wax control resilient and continue to improve profitability. performance ingredient options across proud of the fact that on this project we fully understand the incident and
pristine. To achieve this we have additive that helps customers mitigate a range of markets including: cosmetics construction workers worked 800,000 put measures in place to prevent
launched our first 100% bio-based, flow problems in a number of crude oils. and hair care products; lubricants and hours with no lost-time accidents. any repetition.
self-healing ingredient, PriamineTM coatings for the automotive industry;
1075. Offering self-healing effects, and air and surface-care products for After a period of successful operation,
even at room temperature, it the Home Care market. 100% bio-based an incident occurred at the plant, which
is designed for adhesives and and 100% renewable, this range of was found to be due to an incorrect
engineering plastic parts for 5G non-ionic surfactants will be the widest gasket fitted by contractors during its
smart phones, also providing commercially available and is certified construction. As soon as the incident
protection against moisture occurred, our emergency response
and extreme temperatures.

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Annual Report and Accounts 2018
Croda International Plc
Annual Report and Accounts 2018 29

Sustainable thinking The Croda difference

Strategic Report
We are committed to sustainability across every aspect of our
Business, playing our part in meeting the global challenges.
United Nations Sustainable Highlights and sustainable ingredient created as a We contribute or impact:
Development Goals Drivers result of processing sheep fleece for textile

In 2018, our Executive Committee Those we directly contribute industries. Over 90 years later, 61% of
worked with the Cambridge Institute to through our strategy our raw materials come from natural,
for Sustainability Leadership to develop bio-based sources.
of our raw materials were from
our sustainability strategy to 2030 and to bio-based sources in 2018,
align with the United Nations Sustainable By purposefully adapting to reflect
an industry leading position
Development Goals (SDGs). Following an changes in our operating environment,
assessment of the relevance of the SDGs we have divested ourselves of many capital
to our business, which also addresses
global megatrends, we divided these
A- intensive, environmentally challenging
businesses, particularly those with a higher
CDP rating for Forests in 2018 dependence on fossil feedstocks. Our
into two categories.
focus today is on delivering more benefit

The ‘Drivers’ are SDGs that we directly from less input, making a positive impact
contribute to through our strategy and and further futureproofing our business
Our business strategy and sustainability
sales of our products across all market with our capital and carbon light
programme are informed by four mega tonnes of GHG emissions were avoided
sectors; for example, through the technology and intellectual property
trends, which are of most importance to through the use of just four of our ranges
sustainability benefits our products rich acquisition strategy.
us, our customers and their consumers. in application during 2018
These are: Transparency and Trust (p02), offer in use and our emission reduction The Material Areas that support this part of
targets. The ‘Fundamental’ SDGs are those Our overarching objective is to continually
Changing Demographics (p04), Fragile our sustainability programme are:
that we impact through our day-to-day From climate change and globalisation increase economic and shareholder value
World (p06) and Digitalisation and
business activities or indirectly through our to feeding and caring for an ageing while reducing our environmental impact
Interconnectedness (p08). • Our People
philanthropic activities, so, while they are population, we have a key role to play and improving the planet we all share.
equally important, they do not drive our in ethically and responsibly meeting the This reflects our ongoing determination • Product Innovation
Materiality to constantly adapt and reshape our
strategy. Goal 17 sits between these two global challenges of the future. A major
With the mega trends providing a high level • Product Stewardship
layers, as nearly all our contributions are differentiator from our peers is our heritage business, so that wherever we operate in
view of the challenges and opportunities in bio-based raw materials. Lanolin, the the world, and whoever we serve, we make • Customer Intimacy
we face, our Material Areas are a list of dependent on partnerships between Where our
ourselves and other stakeholders. very first product we made, is a natural a positive difference, the Croda Difference.
those that matter most, without which we partnerships • Climate Action.
would not have a sustainable business. have an
Underneath these broad areas sit many Our 2018 Sustainability Report contains impact
more material issues. In 2018 we carried more information on our work to map the Please read our 2018 Sustainability Report
out a full review of our Material Areas, to SDGs against our Material Areas (p19). for more details.
check alignment with the international We are currently updating existing, and Fundamentals
standard on social responsibility, ISO developing new, KPIs with associated
Those we impact through
26000, and to confirm their correlation stretch targets for each of these Material
our activities
with our sustainability strategy. More Areas through to 2030 based on our Sustainability benefits in use
information on our 14 priority Material assessment against the SDGs.
Inclusion of our ingredients in ingredient and customer combinations,
Areas can be found in our 2018
customer formulations can offer many we have already uncovered large savings
Sustainability Report.
kinds of benefits in use, which are social, through specific case studies.
economic and environmental, for both
Telling our sustainability story our customers and their consumers. One of our studies has shown that
Last year, we began to quantify the including our ingredient, ColtideTM
Our sustainability programme is divided into:
avoidance or reduction of greenhouse Radiance, at low levels in fabric softener
The Croda Difference ​ These differentiating Material Areas are the focus of gas (GHG) emissions associated with the products demonstrates that clothes can
our sustainability programme.​ use of our products by our customers or be washed up to twice as many times
p31 consumers in the end application. before fading or becoming bobbly. Just
How we engage ​ Material Areas focusing on people, brought together 1kg of Coltide Radiance is enough to be
p32 as they are at the centre of everything we do.​ This work has been driven through the included in the wash of 195kg of clothes
Doing the right thing ​ The activities covered under these Material Areas formation of a Product Sustainability throughout their lifetime. If we assume
enable a sustainable business.​ Group within our Sustainability that 10% of clothes are disposed of due
p33 Steering Committee, bringing together to washing damage, then this 1kg of
representatives from all our businesses Coltide Radiance will have avoided the
who each have close relationships with manufacture of 19.5kg of cotton and
Non-financial information statement our customers and an understanding of polyester clothes, avoiding over 450kg
Please see page 60 to find out where all non-financial matters are located within our the applications our products are used of CO2e emissions and saving 150,000
Annual Report as required under the Non-Financial Reporting Directive. in. Although we have thousands of litres of water.

30 Croda International Plc

Annual Report and Accounts 2018
Croda International Plc
Annual Report and Accounts 2018 31
Sustainability continued

How we engage Doing the right thing

Strategic Report
Highlights Steering Committee, a global network of We contribute or impact: Highlights employees, with awareness campaigns We contribute or impact:
ambassadors to promote best practice and and training taking place across the Group.

82.7% 9.8%
additional activities in this important area.
2018 saw us achieve our target of ensuring
We look to continually train and develop all Process Risk Reviews for high hazard
of our people received training during 2018 reduction in greenhouse gas emissions
our employees, monitoring global training processes across our operations meet the
intensity since 2015
hours annually. We are a knowledge rich corporate standard. This has involved a
5,117 business and we pride ourselves on our rigorous review of nearly 200 processes

employee 1% Club hours volunteered

relentless innovation. Careful knowledge
stewardship is required to ensure that we
17.8% and a huge effort by our manufacturing
sites and the in-house Group Safety,
during 2018 retain all of the business-critical knowledge reduction in waste to landfill since 2015 Health and Environment team.
that is held across the organisation. Digital

50% Completion
tools are being developed to help us here, We strive to minimise our impact on the
along with effective succession planning. environment through a focus on reducing
water consumption, minimising energy
of the suppliers we invited to connect of all Process Risk Reviews to internal
There is an increased need for usage, reducing greenhouse gas (GHG)
with us through the EcoVadis assessment quality standard
transparency within our supply chains, emissions and reducing waste across
platform did so during 2018
and we must partner with our suppliers to our operations. Where we are investing in
achieve this. In 2018, we joined the CDP There are several fundamental areas new infrastructure, we are incorporating
The Material Areas that support this part of The Material Areas that support this part of
Our people are at the heart of everything we Supply Chain initiative, engaging with our of our business that allow us to operate sustainability from the very beginning
our sustainability programme are: our sustainability programme are:
do at Croda, fostering close relationships largest suppliers to encourage them to safely and sustainably, providing a solid of the project, at the design stage,
with our customers, our local communities, set greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions foundation on which to grow, continue utilising techniques such as SUStainable
• Our People • Environmental Stewardship
our suppliers and other stakeholders. Our reduction targets. to innovate and be different. OPerations (SUSOP®) to ensure that all
culture provides a fun and inclusive working • Diversity & Inclusion aspects of sustainability and resource • Process Safety
environment to allow the creativity and Our 1% Club programme continues to be The safety of our employees and efficiency have been considered.
• Knowledge Management • Quality Assurance
innovation of our talented employees successful, with 5,117 hours spent in our neighbours is of paramount importance to
to thrive. We understand the business local communities volunteering in 2018, • Supplier Partnership us. In 2018, all manufacturing sites globally Globally, our manufacturing sites • Health, Safety & Wellbeing
value of diversity of thought, and in 2018 many of these in schools encouraging implemented our behavioural safety have robust and comprehensive quality
• Community Education & Involvement. • Responsible Business.
established a Diversity and Inclusion children to study science, technology, system. We are also increasingly focusing management systems in place to ensure
engineering and mathematics subjects on the mental health and wellbeing of all that we supply high quality products, on
to help develop the next generation Please read our 2018 Sustainability Report time, in full, with the exceptional service Please read our 2018 Sustainability Report
of scientists. for more details. our customers rely upon. for more details.

Diversity and inclusion Across the Group Executive Committee Members GHG emissions Our chosen measure of GHG emission All of our GHG emissions data
intensity divides our GHG emissions by is verified by Carbon Smart.
We embrace the differences Since 2015, our baseline year, value added2: a measure of our business Their formal Independent
of a multi-ethnic, multi- total scope 1 and 2 greenhouse activity. Since 2015, our GHG emissions Verification Statement is available at
geographic and multi-skillset Male Female Male Female gas emissions have risen by 8.9%. intensity has fallen by 9.8%, illustrating
66.2% 33.8% 88.9% 11.1%
company. In 2018, we Within this, our scope 1 emissions have how we are decoupling growth from our
achieved our objective of increased by 17.4%, while we have seen environmental impact.
women making up at least a a 6.3% decrease in scope 2 emissions. GHG emissions intensity
third of the Board. However, More about the reasons behind these GHG emissions (TeCO2e)1 (TeCO2e/£m)
we need to replicate this changes can be found in our 2018
2018 2018
across the Business, which is 2017: 67.1% male, 32.9% female 2017: 88.9% male, 11.1% female Sustainability report.
part of our ongoing Diversity 153,211 67,176 368
and Inclusion Programme. We are reporting location based scope 2
Regional and Business Board Members emissions in order to directly compare to 2017 2017
We continue to comply and Senior Functional Heads* Board of Directors our baseline year of 2015. However, our 134,562 66,432 347
with the ILO Declaration verified market based scope 2 emissions,
on Fundamental Principles which reflect our efforts to purchase 2016 2016
and Rights at Work. Key Male Female Male Female renewable electricity, were 45,974 128,550 67,350 356
policies can be found 83.3% 16.7% 66.7% 33.3% tonnes CO2e in 2018.
at 1 Scope 1 emissions are calculated using
2015 2015
companypolicy the International Energy Agency’s published 130,492 71,727 408
conversion factors for the tonne equivalents
of CO2. Scope 2 emissions are location based.
2 Value added is defined as operating profit before Scope 1 Intensity
* Does not include Biosector depreciation and employee costs at 2015 Scope 2
2017: 83.8% male, 16.2% female 2017: 75% male, 25% female constant currency.

32 Croda International Plc

Annual Report and Accounts 2018
Croda International Plc
Annual Report and Accounts 2018 33
Finance Review

Finance review

Strategic Report
Currency Adjusted profit other significant adjustments between the capital expenditure of £103.1m (2017:
Sterling averaged US$1.334 (2017: Adjusted results are stated before Group’s expected and reported tax charge £157.2m), following completion of the Investing in biotechnology
US$1.290) and €1.130 (2017: €1.141). exceptional items, acquisition costs and based on its accounting profit. The Group’s construction of the North American
adjusted profit for the year at reported bio-surfactants plant. Working capital During 2018 we opened our
Currency translation reduced sales amortisation of intangible assets arising
rates was £249.9m (2017: £234.4m). rose by £69.3m, reflecting a reduction in Centre of Innovation for Marine
compared to 2017 by £26.2m (1.9%) and on acquisition and tax thereon.
Adjusted basic earnings per share (EPS) capital creditors, as the recent investment Biotechnology at our Nautilus site
adjusted profit before tax by £8.7m (2.7%).
increased by 6.3% in reported currency programme was completed, and an in Canada. This investment, which
Adjusted operating profit rose by 3.1%
to 190.2p (2017: 179.0p). increase in inventories above planned includes automated, high-throughput
Sales (figure 3) to £342.5m (2017: £332.2m).
levels; action has been taken to reduce analytical testing, will accelerate their
Sales (figure 1) in reported currency grew On a constant currency basis, adjusted
IFRS profit the excess. Tax payments were reduced research and product development
by 1.0% to £1,386.9m (2017: £1,373.1m). operating profit increased by 5.8%, and by
“Increased profit In constant currency, sales rose by 2.9%. 7.5% before the impact of losses incurred IFRS profit (figure 6, p36) is measured after by fiscal rule changes and allowances programme, thereby increasing our
on recent investment in North America. ability to discover sustainable, natural
was driven by Acquisitions, including IonPhasE and Plant on recent technology acquisitions. exceptional items, acquisition costs and
sources of functional ingredients for
amortisation of intangible assets arising
organic growth Impact, added 0.6% to sales growth.
The growth in adjusted operating profit on acquisition. The charge for these before After acquisition spend of £82.5m a broad range of personal, health
and improved mix.” In the Core Business, constant currency (figure 4) in constant currency was driven tax was £13.7m (2017: £6.2m). Acquisition (2017: £30.4m), dividends and currency and crop care ingredients.
by organic growth and improved product costs were £2.7m (2017: £0.8m), the translation, net debt increased by £44.0m
sales increased by 3.8% (figure 2). Sales This investment in biotechnology
Jez Maiden mix across the Core Business, with all charge for amortisation of intangible assets to £425.5m (2017: £381.5m). The leverage
volume was around 3% lower and sales demonstrates our commitment to
Group Finance Director sectors seeing profit increase. Performance was £6.1m (2017: £3.7m) and exceptional ratio (the ratio of net debt to EBITDA)
price/mix 7% higher, reflecting improved new, truly sustainable ingredients
Technologies increased profit by 15.0%, items were £4.9m (2017: £1.7m). The latter increased to 1.1x (2017: 1.0x) and remains
mix in Performance Technologies, with a to meet consumer demands.
the third consecutive year of double digit related to a past service cost charged in substantially below the maximum covenant
Sales value move to value over volume, together with
percentage profit growth. Group return on 2018 to equalise benefits for the effects of level under the Group’s lending facilities
the benefit of greater product innovation

£1,386.9m sales increased by 50 basis points to unequal Guaranteed Minimum Pensions of 3 times.
across the Group and some limited raw profit growth. This in turn delivers a
material price increases which were 24.7% (2017: 24.2%). (GMPs). The profit before tax on an IFRS superior ROIC. Over the last three years,
basis was £317.8m (2017: £314.1m). The There were no material changes to
2017: £1,373.1m fully recovered. ROIC has declined modestly to 18.2%
The net interest charge (figure 5, p36) profit after tax for the year on an IFRS basis committed debt facilities during the year.
(2017: 19.2%) as increased capital
was broadly flat at £11.0m (2017: £11.9m) was £238.3m (2017: £236.7m) and basic At 31 December 2018 the Group had
Sales in the first half of the year were investment and technology acquisitions
at reported rates, with a lower charge on EPS were 181.4p (2017: 180.8p). £380.7m (2017: £433.7m) of cash
Adjusted profit before tax particularly strong, with Core Business have reduced the return by close to three
pensions liabilities. £3.3m of interest was and undrawn committed credit
constant currency sales up 4.7%. percentage points. As these investments

£331.5m capitalised on the construction of the North Cash management facilities available.

Growth in the second half was slightly start to generate profitable sales, we
softer, up 2.8%, with stronger prior year American bio-surfactants plant until the half Delivering good cash generation is core expect the ROIC to improve (subject
year, reflecting completion of the principal to Croda’s strategy (figure 7, p37). This
Dividend and capital allocation to the impact of any further acquisitions);
2017: £320.3m comparators. Personal Care continued
its return to sales growth, Life Sciences project expenditure. Thereafter, the interest cash is used to invest in R&D, faster Croda seeks to deliver high quality
delivered good sales growth, partly offset on this additional debt has been charged growth technologies, both organically profits, measured through a superior ROIC, 2. Provide regular returns to
Free cash flow by the exit of the North American API to the income statement. Adjusted profit and by acquisition, to expand production earnings growth and strong cash returns shareholders – we pay a regular
contract at the end of 2017. Performance before tax at reported rates increased by capacity and to pay increased dividends. (figure 8, p37). The Group’s capital dividend to shareholders, representing

2017: £98.5m
Technologies continued to shed low
margin business and grow higher value
applications, improving return on sales.
£11.2m to £331.5m (2017: £320.3m).

The effective tax rate on this profit

2018 saw an increase of £56.9m in free
cash flow to £155.4m (2017: £98.5m).
allocation policy is to:

1. Reinvest for growth – we invest in

40 to 50% of adjusted earnings over the
business cycle. The Board has proposed
an increase of 7.4% in the full year
reduced to 24.6% (2017: 26.8%), reflecting This reflected an increase in EBITDA to organic capital expenditure, product dividend to 87.0p (2017: 81.0p), a
a lower US Federal tax rate. There were no £392.6m (2017: £381.8m) and reduced net innovation and expansion in attractive pay out of 46% of adjusted EPS;
geographic markets to drive sales and

Financial data

Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4

Sales (£m) Sales at constant currency Adjusted operating profit Adjusted operating profit by sector
2018 Constant 2017
First half Second half Full year Reported currency Reported
£m % % % % £m % £m £m £m
2017 reported 1,373.1 Personal Care 9.3 4.1 6.8 2017 reported 332.2 Personal Care 160.3 163.1 155.5
Underlying growth 31.2 2.3 Life Sciences 2.3 3.3 2.8 Underlying growth 24.8 7.5 Life Sciences 95.8 100.0 97.0
Impact of acquisitions 8.8 0.6 Performance Technologies 1.7 1.1 1.4 Impact of acquisitions (5.6) (1.7) Performance Technologies 85.2 86.7 75.4
2018 at constant currency 1,413.1 2.9 Core Business 4.7 2.8 3.8 2018 at constant currency 351.4 5.8 Core Business 341.3 349.8 327.9
Impact of currency translation (26.2) (1.9) Industrial Chemicals (7.0) (3.6) (5.4) Impact of currency translation (8.9) (2.7) Industrial Chemicals 1.2 1.6 4.3
2018 reported 1,386.9 1.0 Group 3.6 2.2 2.9 2018 reported 342.5 3.1 Group 342.5 351.4 332.2

34 Croda International Plc

Annual Report and Accounts 2018
Croda International Plc
Annual Report and Accounts 2018 35
Finance Review continued

3. Acquire disruptive technologies – Brexit update product onto the continent and vice- financial outcomes and do not believe • Constant currency results: these reflect adjusted presentation is adopted on a

Strategic Report
we have identified a number of exciting With 96% of sales and 80% of production versa is not at risk. These amendments these would alter our view of viability current year performance for existing consistent basis for each half year and
technologies to supplement organic outside the UK, the overall impact of the have included reviewing which ports are of the Group. business translated at the prior year’s full year results;
growth in existing and adjacent markets. UK leaving the European Union (EU) is best placed to protect service levels, as average exchange rates and include
• Return on sales: this is adjusted
Some of these will be acquired, either as expected to be limited for Croda. This well as ensuring that we have full EU Retirement benefits the impact of acquisitions. For constant
operating profit divided by sales,
nascent opportunities for future scale-up includes potential impacts from WTO recognition for imports and exports; The post-tax deficit on retirement currency profit, translation is performed
at reported currency;
or as larger complementary acquisitions. tariffs, restrictions on labour mobility and benefit plans, measured on an accounting using the entity reporting currency.
• Maintaining effective customer service
During 2018, we completed the any impact on the UK economy. Croda valuation basis under IAS19, decreased to For constant currency sales, local • Return on Invested Capital (ROIC): this is
and supply chains. We are working to
complementary acquisition of Biosector, has 30 manufacturing sites, of which four £12.4m (2017: £21.1m), largely reflecting currency sales are translated into the adjusted operating profit after tax divided
mitigate supply issues if there are delays
technology acquisitions of Nautilus and are located in the UK, and over 4,500 net actuarial gains. Cash funding of the most relevant functional currency of the by the average invested capital for the
at borders. We have secured additional
Plant Impact, invested in a minority employees, with 1,000 based in the UK. various plans within the Group is driven by destination country of sale (for example, year for the Group. Invested capital
warehousing capacity and are building
interest in novel drug technology Protecting our ability to manufacture the schemes’ ongoing actuarial valuation sales in Latin America are primarily made represents the net assets of the Group,
finished goods inventory in our
company SiSaf and increased our product in the UK and to ship to reviews. No deficit funding payments in US dollars, which is therefore used adjusted for earlier goodwill written off
distribution network in continental
associate investment in Cutitronics; and customers, particularly in the EU, are currently required to the Group’s as the functional currency). Sales in to reserves, net debt, retirement benefit
Europe. To ensure continued effective
have been important elements of largest pension scheme, the UK functional currency are then translated liabilities, provisions, deferred taxes and
operation of our UK manufacturing sites,
4. Maintain an appropriate balance our contingency planning. Croda Pension Scheme. into Sterling using the prior year’s acquisitions as appropriate. Acquisitions
we have also developed a plan to protect
sheet and return excess capital – we average rates for the corresponding made at year end without a profit
critical raw materials; and
maintain an appropriate balance sheet An orderly transition of the UK out of Future trading updates period. Constant currency results contribution in the period are excluded;
to meet future investment and trading the EU is expected to be manageable for • Ensuring compliance with regulatory are reconciled to reported results
The Board has decided to cease • Net debt: comprises cash and cash
requirements. We target leverage of Croda. However, given uncertainty over the frameworks, most notably the EU’s in the Finance Review;
issuing quarterly trading updates from equivalents (including bank overdrafts),
1.0 to 1.5x (excluding retirement benefit method and timing of the UK’s exit from REACh programme. UK-held REACh
2019 onwards, given developing market • Adjusted results: these are stated current and non-current borrowings
schemes), although we are prepared to the EU, we have progressed contingency registrations may no longer be valid for
practice. Routine updates will occur as part before exceptional items (including and obligations under finance leases;
move above this range if circumstances plans for a ‘hard Brexit’. The objective has sale of products in the EU, although
of the half year and full year results, discontinued business costs), acquisition
warrant. We consider returning excess been to ensure that we can offer continuity the UK government has confirmed • Leverage: this is the ratio of net
normally in July and February each year. costs and amortisation of intangible
capital to shareholders when leverage of service and supply to our customers, that EU-held REACh registrations will debt to Earnings Before Interest, Tax,
assets arising on acquisition and tax
falls below our target range and wherever they are, and regardless of the continue to be valid in the short term Depreciation and Amortisation (EBITDA).
sufficient capital is available to meet our for products coming to the UK. This risk
Alternative performance thereon. The Board believes that the
EBITDA is adjusted operating profit plus
type of exit. Following our risk assessment, measures adjusted presentation (and the columnar
investment opportunities. With leverage we have focused on those areas that could is mitigated through greater inventory depreciation and amortisation;
We use a number of alternative format adopted for the Group income
at the end of 2018 close to 1x and our have the most impact on our ability to of UK manufactured goods on the
performance measures to assist in statement) assists shareholders by • Free cash flow: comprises EBITDA
confidence in future cash generation, the service customers, in the event that the continent and through re-registration
presenting information in this statement in providing a meaningful basis upon less movements in working capital, net
Board is proposing to return 115p per UK was to leave the EU abruptly, without of UK products sold in the EU.
an easily analysable and comprehensible which to analyse underlying business capital expenditure, non-cash pension
share (£150m) to shareholders by way of a transition period: expense, and interest and tax payments.
form. We use such measures consistently performance and make year-on-year
a special dividend with associated share In addition, with the vast majority of the
at the half year and full year and reconcile comparisons. The same measures
consolidation. The effect of this return of • Having a Brexit-ready trading model. We Group’s sales outside the UK, reported
them as appropriate. The measures used are used by management for planning,
capital, had it been made in 2018, would have made minor changes to our trading profits are impacted by movements in
in this statement include: budgeting and reporting purposes and
have been to increase the 2018 year end model within Europe to ensure that our Sterling, with reported profit benefiting
for the internal assessment of operating
leverage towards the upper end of the ability to move UK manufactured from any weakening in Sterling. Overall,
performance across the Group. The Jez Maiden
Board’s target range. we have stress tested a range of potential
Group Finance Director

Financial data

Figure 5 Figure 6 Figure 7 Figure 8

Summary income statement Income statement Cash flow Return on invested capital (ROIC)

2018 2017 2018 2017 2018 2017 2018 2017

£m £m £m £m £m £m ​ £m £m
Sales 1,386.9 1,373.1 Adjusted profit before tax 331.5 320.3 Adjusted operating profit 342.5 332.2 Adjusted operating profit 342.5 332.2
Operating costs (1,044.4) (1,040.9) Exceptional items, acquisition Depreciation and amortisation 50.1 49.6 Adjusted tax at effective rate (84.3) (89.0)
Adjusted operating profit 342.5 332.2 costs & intangibles (13.7) (6.2) EBITDA 392.6 381.8 Adjusted operating profit net of tax 258.2 243.2
Net interest charge (11.0) (11.9) Profit before tax (IFRS) 317.8 314.1 Working capital (69.3) (33.3) Net assets 998.0 829.9
Adjusted profit before tax 331.5 320.3 Tax (79.5) (77.4) Net capital expenditure (103.1) (157.2) Adjustments for: ​ ​
Profit after tax (IFRS) 238.3 236.7 Non-cash pension expense 3.8 3.4 Net debt 425.5 381.5
Interest & tax (68.6) (96.2) Net retirement benefit liability 18.5 30.5
Free cash flow 155.4 98.5 Net deferred tax liability 68.5 30.3
Dividends (110.5) (100.0) Provisions 11.1 12.6
Acquisitions (82.5) (30.4) Goodwill previously written off to reserves 50.2 50.2
Other cash movements 4.4 5.6 Acquisitions* (71.1) –
Net cash flow (33.2) (26.3) Invested capital 1,500.7 1,335.0
Average invested capital 1,417.9 1,266.0
Return on invested capital % 18.2% 19.2%

* The Group acquired Biosector on 28 December 2018. Given the proximity of the
acquisition to the balance sheet date, the Group’s measure of invested capital
has been adjusted to exclude this.

36 Croda International Plc

Annual Report and Accounts 2018
Croda International Plc
Annual Report and Accounts 2018 37
Risk Management

Protecting value

Strategic Report
Risk Heat Map (unmitigated)
The objective of our risk management Each of our 50+ risks are owned by an Management Committee, monitors Our key risks
programme, summarised in our Risk Executive member, and are categorised into and reviews risks using a bottom up Our Risk Heat Map identifies the key risks Our principal risks are reported gross (before mitigating controls)
Framework, is to support the Business six main areas. The Risk Framework is used and top down approach. Our dashboard that we consider may threaten the delivery
in meeting its strategic and operational to drive an integrated, three lines of defence tool enables comparison across regions, of our long term strategic goals. The Risk Strategic risk External environment risk
objectives and to deliver on its commitments. management approach through the culture operations and sectors and by risk category. Framework includes longer lists of risks that 1 Revenue generation in established 9 Chemical regulatory compliance
of the organisation, across sectors, The third line of defence is assurance. are reviewed throughout the year, together and emerging markets 10 Ethics and compliance
How we manage risk operations, regions and functions. This is provided over the mitigating controls with consideration of emerging risks. The 2 Product and technology innovation
Our risk management activities are part of a identified in the framework via internal key risks are explained in further detail in 3 Protect new intellectual property
Our first line of defence, our employees, control audits and deep dive risk assurance
Business systems risk
strong framework, owned and overseen by the table on pages 40 to 42, together with 4 Digital technology innovation
have a responsibility to manage day to audits, the results of which are monitored by 11 Security of business information
the Board, which has overall responsibility their link to business strategy and business
day risk in their own areas, and it is the three Executive Committees and reviewed and networks
for ensuring that our risks are aligned with model. The Board has carried out a robust
our goals and strategic objectives (p60). role of local management and ultimately the by the Audit Committee and the Board. People and culture risk
assessment of these key risks and has
The Audit Committee assists the Board Executive to ensure that risks are managed, taken them into consideration when
5 Talent development and retention Financial risk
in monitoring the effectiveness of the and risk registers are maintained, reviewed assessing the long term viability of 12 Ineffective management
risk management and internal control and actioned according to the framework. the Company on page 43. Process risk of pension fund
systems (p62). The second line of defence, the Risk 6 Product liability claims
Changes to our gross risk 7 Major safety or environmental incident
Risk Framework: what we monitor environment in 2018 8 Security of raw material supply
A number of our key risks were elevated as

a result of increased political and economic
Our risk landscape Six categories with over 50 risks What we assess uncertainty, especially around the US/
2 7 1
China trade relationship (p18), and the 11
Current risks Strategic
• Risk ownership: each risk has focus on digital strategy opportunities 10
Risks that could affect a named owner also identified on page 18. 6
our business, customers, • Likelihood and impact: globally
supply chain, employees
People and culture
applied 6x6 scoring scale

and communities and stop us With the completion of the biggest
Process • Gross risk before mitigating controls capital investment in Croda’s history, the 9
achieving our strategic goals 3
• Mitigating controls subject to bio-surfactants plant in North America 8
Emerging risks External environment internal audit review and monitoring (p29), the risk of major capital project 5
Risks with a future impact, • Net risk after mitigating controls failure is reduced (and has been removed
identified through our rigorous Business systems and security are applied from our key risks). The short term risk of
internal risk assessment process, • Actions for further mitigation
from external or internal threats major safety and environmental incident 12
Financial if required

and opportunities has been increased as that site moves
into business as usual operation.
Medium Impact High
Executive Risk Register Our bottom up register
Our Executive Committee reviews a combined summary of all Identify, own and manage risks involved in day-to-day operations Gross risk increase Gross risk no change Gross risk decrease
individual bottom up registers to identify emerging risks that through over 25 risk registers globally, owned by market sectors,
may need to be added to the top-down key risk register. regions, manufacturing sites and functions.

Risk management in action: Brexit risk

How we monitor
Our cross functional Brexit project team reported results, cash and financing, recognising the existing trading rules)
Board Audit Committee Risk Management Group SHEQ Group Ethics was formed in April 2016 to monitor and customer service and supply chain, increased, the Risk Management
Responsible for the Risk Reviews the effectiveness Committee* Steering Committee* review the implications of the result of the and the regulatory framework. Committee approved the acceleration
Framework and definition of the Group risk Meets quarterly to monitor Committee* Meets quarterly to UK referendum to leave the EU (“Brexit”) of the project team’s contingency plans,
of risk appetite. management process. and review risks other review ethics and
Meets quarterly to on our strategy, business model and The project team conducted scenario with the primary objective of ensuring
Reviews key risks with an Reviews assurance than SHEQ and ethics. review Safety, Health, compliance risks.
operations both within Europe and globally. analysis to assess the impact of individual the continuity of the European business
opportunity for in-depth over controls by directing Identifies and considers Environmental and Monitors against
discussion of specific internal audit to undertake Quality (SHEQ) risks. risks and combinations of risks. The across the whole business model.
emerging risks. agreed KPIs.
key risks and mitigating assurance reviews for The team developed a Brexit risk register register was reviewed by the Board Customer communication packs
Receives an in-depth Monitors against stretching
controls twice a year (p60). selected key risks and using the Risk Framework that considered and the Risk Management Committee, were developed for the sales teams
presentation of specific targets and agreed KPIs.
reviews the results (p62). not only the immediate potential for who received quarterly updates on summarising our preparations and
Verifies the viability key risks and mitigating Considers the results of disruption between Europe and the the progress of review, design and updates continue to be posted on
statement. controls from the assurance audits over UK across all our generic risk categories. implementation of mitigating controls. our website.
Executive owners SHEQ controls.
at each meeting. It also considered the global implications
on the movement of people and products, As the probability of a hard Brexit A summary of the current status is
Considers the results
of risk assurance audits.
our trading model, innovation partnerships, (without a transition agreement included in the Finance Review on p36.
* Executive Committee (p68)

38 Croda International Plc

Annual Report and Accounts 2018
Croda International Plc
Annual Report and Accounts 2018 39
Risk Management continued

Link to our Potential impact on

Strategic Report
Link to strategy (p20) ​ Risk movement ​ business model (p12) Key risk our business How we respond What we have done in 2018
​ Deliver consistent top and bottom line growth ​ ​ Risk increase ​ ​ E Engage People and culture risks
​ Increase the proportion of protected innovation ​ ​ No change ​ ​C Create
5. Talent The vision and experience of Reward programmes, a strong The first phase of our new global
our knowledgeable and specialist development culture and excellent HR Information System was rolled
​ Accelerate our customers’ transition to ​ ​ Risk decrease ​ ​M Make development
employees are critical to maintaining learning opportunities support the out, implementing a single globally
sustainable ingredients and retention our success. Inability to recruit and retention and career development adopted appraisal and learning
​ ​ Included in viability statement ​ ​S Sell Tom Brophy retain appropriately skilled employees of the high-quality teams we need. platform. The talent and development
Executive owner from diverse backgrounds could Global graduate and management process was reviewed and updated.
adversely impact our ability to deliver development programmes include We continued to implement actions
our current and future business stretching and high profile assignments identified in our global employee
Potential impact on requirements and strategic priorities. and provide a pipeline of internal talent. culture survey including establishing
Key risk our business How we respond What we have done in 2018 If these individuals were to leave, it The annual global talent review
a Diversity and Inclusion Steering
Committee (p11) and a global network
Strategic risk would take time to replace them if process supports review of resources
of ambassadors to promote best
no succession plans were in place. and succession plans for critical
practice in this area.
roles, with actions monitored by the
1. Revenue Failure to keep pace with our Through our global sector sales, Delivered a year of significant progress E C M S
customers as they follow consumers marketing and technology teams, through our organic growth strategy, Executive Committee and the Board.
generation in
into emerging markets, and increasing we identify consumer trends and ‘Growing the Core’ (p16), where all
established and competition from mainstream and respond swiftly to satisfy customer core sectors and major regions

emerging markets other chemical companies looking needs through key technologies. contributed to growth. Process risk
Sector Presidents to move into our established markets, Our direct selling model enables
The increased risk reflects current
Executive owner will adversely impact delivery of our us to get closer to our customers.
political and economic uncertainty,
6. Product We sell into a number of highly Our sites and products are certified to All manufacturing sites continued to
strategic objective to deliver consistent regulated markets. Non-compliance demanding external quality standards maintain the required level of Good
particularly around trade between liability claims
top and bottom line growth. both with our customers’ stringent (including ISO 9001, GMP and Manufacturing Practice throughout
the US and China (p18) and to our Tom Brophy quality requirements and local Excipact) which are highly valued by 2018, and larger sales offices were
Brexit contingency planning. Executive owner regulation could expose us to our customers. Compliance with these awarded ISO 9001 certification.
liability and reputational damage, is delivered by our global network of A global focus team reviewed our
especially in light of our commitment quality professionals and assurance customer delivery against ‘Right
​ ​ ​ ​
to sustainability. over controls provided though audits First Time’ and actions continue
delivered both internally by our to be implemented to drive
2. Product and Innovation plays a critical role across Our outstanding technical research In ‘Stretching the Growth’ (p17) we
specialist audit team and externally. continuous improvement.
our operations; it differentiates us from and development (R&D) teams are acquired Biosector and purchased
technology We work proactively with relevant
the competition, protects sales and fully integrated into our global sector two disruptive technology companies,
innovation improves our margins. Failure to drive leadership teams to focus innovation Nautilus and Plant Impact (p27), M S
trade associations to shape
Nick Challoner New and Protected Products (NPP) on customer requirements. Guided introducing new markets to our future regulation.
Executive owner through innovation will impact by our key technology platforms, business. We continued to invest ​ ​ ​ ​
on growth. we invest in: R&D, Open Innovation in our product innovation pipeline,
and Smart Partnership programmes opening two new tribology laboratories. 7. Major safety We rely on the continued sustainable Monitored by our Group SHEQ High hazard chemical processes
with universities, specialist research operation of our manufacturing sites Steering Committee (p68), our global identified at every manufacturing
or environmental
laboratories and SMEs, and disruptive around the world. network of safety specialists located at site are documented to demonstrate
technology acquisitions. We seek out
incident each site enforce compliance with the that risks are reduced to ‘As Low
Stuart Arnott A major event causing loss of
and invest in premium niches which policies and procedures defined in the As Reasonably Practicable’. In 2018,
Executive owner production, or violating safety, health
we identify in partnership with Group SHE manual. Assurance over the planned assessment of all the
E C or environmental regulations, could
our customers. mitigating controls is provided by the PRR documents against an internal
limit our operations and expose the
dedicated Group SHE internal audit quality standard was completed
​ ​ ​ ​ Group to liability, cost and reputational
team, whilst external audits assess on time (p33).
damage, especially in light of our
compliance with OHSAS 18001
3. Protect new Failure to protect our intellectual We have a specialist IP team Increased the proportion of our commitment to sustainability and
and ISO 14001 certifications.
This risk increased in 2018 as we
property (IP) in both existing and who participate in the technical portfolio that is protected by patents,
intellectual customer service. completed the construction of our
new markets could undermine and business planning and strategy including products developed through We have business continuity plans in bio-surfactants plant in North America
property our competitive advantage. meetings to identify ways to protect collaborative and joint projects and place for each site and a Group Crisis which moved into production. In
Nick Challoner any new products and technologies. those acquired through technology Management Plan that is tested at November 2018 a small leak occurred
Executive owner They defend our IP and challenge acquisitions such as IonPhasE and least annually. at the plant (p17), which will remain
third party IP where appropriate. Nautilus (p17). off stream until later in 2019.
​ ​ ​ ​

8. Security of raw An interruption in the supply of key Professional purchasing teams Performed a full risk review of high
raw materials would significantly affect based in our regions monitor supply contribution suppliers in Europe for
​ ​ ​ ​ material supply
our operations and financial position. to identify and manage potential future effectiveness of mitigating controls
Stuart Arnott Such a disruption could arise from shortages. We look to develop good and contingency strategies in the
4. Digital Disruptive digital technology has We are investing in dedicated global Following the appointment of our Executive owner market shortages or from restrictive relationships with our suppliers and to event of a ‘hard Brexit’ (p36). The
an increasing impact, changing both resource to take advantage of the fast Chief Digital Officer in 2017, we
technology legislation, for example relating to agree long term contracts. To protect raw material supplier risk assessment
our customer base and the way our evolving digital world and deliver an invested in building a dedicated global the transport of hazardous goods. supply, we aim to source from multiple process was subject to internal audit
innovation customers want to interact with us. integrated market facing environment Digital Centre of Excellence (p18) of
M suppliers. Where this is not possible, review (p62).
Steve Foots Our current and future customers that encompasses everything from cross functional specialists from IT, we build up our own inventories.
Executive owner will increasingly select and research product development to artificial marketing, R&D and operations who
products through digital channels intelligence enabled manufacture will together evolve and deliver our
with an expectation of high levels to customer service. digital strategy to drive greater use
E S of customer service. of digital selling and marketing
across our business.

40 Croda International Plc

Annual Report and Accounts 2018
Croda International Plc
Annual Report and Accounts 2018 41
Risk Management continued

Potential impact on Long term viability statement Assessment of viability

Strategic Report
Key risk our business How we respond What we have done in 2018 Assessment of prospects Viability has been assessed by considering the ‘top-down headroom’ available in terms of
In assessing the prospects of the Company the overall funding capacity to withstand events, together with the ‘bottom-up headroom’
External environment risk ​ ​
assessing the potential financial impact of events reflecting the Company’s principal risks,
and determining the appropriate viability
both individually and in combination.
9. Chemical As a global chemical manufacturer, we Global regulatory expertise is provided The PSRA team completed the period, the Board has taken account of:
operate in highly regulated markets, by our in-house team of specialists final product registration under
regulatory Top-down headroom
which are subject to regular change. (PSRA), who have in-depth knowledge the phase-in provisions of REACh. • The financial and strategic planning
compliance Violation, incomplete knowledge or of the regional and market regulatory This ten year project involved the
Stuart Arnott change of the appropriate regulations frameworks within which we operate. generation and collection of
cycle, which covers a three year period. Bank leverage The ratio of net debt to EBITDA at the end of 2018 of 1.1x remains
Executive owner could limit the markets into which we They work proactively to influence product data and submission The strategic planning process is led covenant substantially below the maximum covenant level under the Group’s
can sell or expose the Business to regulation and they are an integral of comprehensive dossiers to the by the Group Chief Executive and lending facilities of 3x, providing significant headroom. EBITDA would
need to fall by more than 65% before triggering an event of default.
fines or penalties. part of our new product European Chemical Agency for 194 fully reviewed by the Board;
development process. materials. In addition we submitted Action could also be taken to conserve cash.
129 registrations on behalf of • The investment planning cycle, which
We use the SAP EHS module to Debt headroom The current level of committed debt facilities of £804m would support a
customers. This work forms a solid covers three years. The Executive gross leverage of circa 2x and significant additional credit is likely to be
ensure that regulatory changes
are applied to existing products.
foundation for any changes which Committee considers, and the Board available to the Group up to circa 3x leverage. Current committed debt
may arise post Brexit. reviews, likely customer demand and facilities largely mature in the third year of the viability period and, in
​ ​ ​ ​ manufacturing capacity for each of its normal lending market circumstances, we would expect to have ample
access to renew facilities as these mature.
key technologies. The three year period
10. Ethics and We are subject to UK legislation, Our Group Ethics Committee (p68) The roll out of our compliance
reflects the typical maximum lead time Bottom-up scenarios ​
including the Bribery Act, which is meets quarterly to promote the reinforcement programme continued
compliance involved in developing new capacity;
far-reaching in terms of global scope. importance of ethics and compliance globally, and its implementation was
Tom Brophy across our business and those third audited as it moves to business as Each of the key risks identified on pages 40 to 42 has been assessed for its potential
Executive owner Our increased presence in emerging • The business model (p12) and the
parties we choose to work with. usual. We proactively assessed the financial impact as part of the viability assessment. Of these, the most severe but
economies and the introduction of Company’s diversified portfolio of
regulations such as the Modern
Compliance training and education compliance risk associated with supply plausible scenarios (or combinations thereof) were identified as follows:
programmes are rolled out globally, chain partners, meeting many suppliers, products, operations and customers,
Slavery Act give rise to an which reduce exposure to specific
with results monitored by the agents and distributors to emphasise
elevated risk to our business.
Committee and followed up our expectations of their behaviour when geographies and markets, as well as Scenario modelled Link to key risks
with refresher training. acting on our behalf, and expanded large customer/product combinations;
our supplier engagement programme, Uninsured catastrophic loss of a manufacturing site – the 7. Major safety or
partnering with EcoVadis. We expanded • The strong innovation pipeline (p17), impact of losing the contribution from the single largest environmental incident (p41)
our whistleblowing hotline to external which supports the Company’s business site was considered assuming no insurance cover.
third parties for increased transparency. through development of new sales However, for most loss events, we carry insurance cover.
​ ​ ​ ​ growth opportunities, protects sales
Significant compliance breach – the financial impact 10. Ethics and compliance
and margins, differentiates the Company
Business systems and security risk of regulatory fines was considered along with the (p42)
from competitors and provides barriers
associated reputational damage.
to entry; and
11. Security We rely heavily on the availability of IT Our information security specialists The Data Privacy steering group
Disruptive technology – the impact of substitute chemical 2. Product and technology
networks and systems; an extended monitor our IT services and network, monitored the delivery of personal
of business • The Company’s strong cash generation or process technologies affecting current sales as innovation (p40)
interruption of these services may and oversee computer and mobile data risk assessments and process
information result in an inability to meet customer device protection, in line with our flows to support readiness for GDPR
and its ability to renew and raise debt modelled, together with the impact of new digital
and networks requirements. Society and business established policies and processes. in May 2018. Similar processes and facilities in most market conditions (p35). technology affecting our historical routes to market. 4. Digital technology
Jez Maiden are subject to more numerous and Regular penetration testing is controls will be rolled out beyond the innovation (p40)
Executive owner increasingly sophisticated threats to undertaken and we run our key EU during 2019. Strong conditional A critically important driver of the
security, including hackers, viruses applications in distributed computing access controls to cloud services were Company’s business model is its Adverse Brexit impact. 1. Revenue generation –
and ransomware attacks that could environments with regular failover implemented and regular phishing innovation pipeline. The Board reviews Brexit risk management
compromise access. In addition, testing. We have externally audited and security awareness training was in action (p39)
regulatory responsibilities relating to ISO 27001 certification for key undertaken with outcomes reported
this over a period longer than three years,
data protection are becoming more systems and locations, whilst and action completion monitored. in line with longer development cycles Loss of IT systems (particularly SAP Enterprise Resource 11. Security of business
stringent, including the implementation internal and external auditors The 2019 cyber improvement plan for new products. However, the Board Planning system) for a prolonged period. information and networks
E C M S of the General Data Protection review and report on the operation was informed by a benchmark considers that, in assessing the viability (p42)
Regulation (GDPR) from 2018. of all IT controls annually. exercise and a cyber insurance review. of the Company, its investment and
​ ​ ​ ​ planning horizon of three years, The results of the bottom up scenario modelling showed that no individual event or
supported by detailed financial plausible combination of events would have a financial impact sufficient to endanger
Financial risk
modelling, is the appropriate period. the viability of the Company in the period assessed. It would, therefore, be likely that
12. Ineffective We maintain an open defined The Group maintains close dialogue During 2018 we took advantage of the Company would be able to withstand the impact of such scenarios occurring over
management benefit pension scheme in the UK, with the UK Pension Trustee, and the further improvements in the funding the assessment period.
which faces similar risks to other move to a career average capped position to reduce the proportion
of pension fund defined benefit schemes such as salary basis of calculation in 2016 of return seeking assets to 50%,
Jez Maiden
Viability statement
future investment returns, longer life mitigated some of the risks. The reducing the value at risk in the
Executive owner expectancy and regulatory changes pension fund investment strategy scheme. The remaining return seeking Based on their assessment of prospects and viability, the Directors confirm that they
that could result in pension schemes (including a triennial valuation review) assets are well diversified to provide a have an expectation that the Company will be able to continue in operation and meet
becoming more of a financial burden. is delivered with the support of degree of protection against economic its liabilities as they fall due over the next three years to 31 December 2021 in line with
professional advisers, and trained or political risks. Approximately 85% the Company’s financial and strategic time planning horizons.
pension fund Trustee Directors take of the fund liabilities are now hedged
professional advice and monitor for changes in interest rates and
and review arrangements quarterly. inflation (p121).
Signed on behalf of the Board who approved the Strategic Report on 26 February 2019.

Steve Foots
Group Chief Executive

42 Croda International Plc

Annual Report and Accounts 2018
Croda International Plc
Annual Report and Accounts 2018 43
Our Board

Our leadership team

Directors’ Report
Key ​
Anita Frew, 61 Steve Foots, 50 Jez Maiden, 57 Alan Ferguson, 61 Helena
Chair of the Committee ​
Chair Group Chief Group Finance Non-Executive Director Ganczakowski, 56
Member of the Committee ​
Executive Director (Senior Independent Non-Executive
Secretary of the Committee ​
Director) Director
N E F SHEQ R E F Nomination Committee N
Appointment: Appointment: July Appointment: A RM N RM A N Remuneration Committee RM
March 2015 2010 and Group January 2015
Audit Committee A
and Chair since Chief Executive since as Group Appointment: Appointment:
September 2015 the beginning of 2012 Finance Director July 2011 February 2014 Risk Management Committee R
Group Executive Committee E
“I have served on Plc boards in “Joining Croda as a graduate trainee “I am an experienced Group Finance “As a CFO, Non-Executive and Audit “With 23 years of experience in marketing Group Ethics Committee ET
the chemical, resources, engineering, in 1990, I bring to the Board a business, Director, having served in this role on five Committee Chair, I have worked for a and corporate strategy at Unilever and a Group Finance Committee F
water and financial services industries strategic and operational background UK listed company Boards. As a chartered number of large international businesses further eight as a strategic consultant for Group SHEQ Committee SHEQ
for over 20 years. Prior to joining Croda gained from a number of senior leadership management accountant, my expertise in including Inchcape, BOC, Johnson Matthey other multi-national businesses, I aim to
I was Chair of Victrex Plc and Senior roles across the Group. Having spent all aspects of finance management, gained and The Weir Group. This breadth of bring marketing skill and an end-consumer
Independent Director of Aberdeen Asset several years leading many different Croda in speciality chemical, FMCG and other experience has given me exposure to perspective to the boardroom, as well
Management Plc and IMI plc. During my businesses, I also have great insight into manufacturing environments, allows me diverse end markets, many of which Croda as challenge and support to the CEO in
time as a director I chaired main boards, the markets we serve, the importance to support the Board and Executive of serves, and deep international financial strategy development. My academic roots
Remuneration, Responsible Business of customer focus and the power of our Croda in managing the performance of the experience. I have also seen what good in engineering, with a PhD from Cambridge
and Risk Committees. Currently, I am also innovative culture. Outside of Croda, my Business, risk management and control, looks like in areas such as leadership, University, drive my passion and curiosity
Deputy Chair of Lloyds Banking Group plc role as Chair of the UK Chemistry Council and in capital allocation and investment compliance and health and safety. I share for both product and process innovation.
and a Non-Executive Director of BHP Plc enables me to work alongside government evaluation. I act as business partner to Croda’s passion for sustainability and I am also a Non-Executive Director of
and BHP Limited. I therefore bring to the ministers and industry peers to bring wider the Group Chief Executive and lead the working hard whilst having fun. I feel a Greggs Plc.”
Croda Board extensive experience as Chair industry knowledge into our business.” finance team globally. Outside of Croda deep responsibility to serve Croda’s
and leadership in strategic management, I am a Non-Executive Director and Audit shareholders well.”
mergers and acquisitions and risk Committee Chair of PZ Cussons Plc.”
experience from working internationally
across many sectors.”

Roberto Cirillo, 47 Jacqui Ferguson, 48 Keith Layden, 59 Steve Williams, 71 Tom Brophy, 45
Non-Executive Non-Executive Non-Executive Non-Executive Group General Counsel
Director Director Director Director and Company Secretary
February 2012 and Appointment:
Appointment: Appointment: Non-Executive Director Appointment: December 2012
April 2018 September 2018 since May 2017 July 2010 as Board Secretary

“With ten years’ experience as Country “I am an experienced CEO from “I bring to the Board 33 years’ experience “I’ve been around boardrooms either in “I am an experienced corporate lawyer,
and Group CEO in the Service and Health the technology industry with general of working at Croda in a variety of an executive or non-executive capacity having worked at City law firm Hogan
Care industries, and many years spent as management and M&A experience positions, most recently leading the Global for some 35 years, many of which were Lovells and FTSE 100 company Ferguson.
a strategy practitioner in Europe and Asia, in international and emerging markets. Research, Development and Innovation as General Counsel and Chief Legal Officer My expertise of public and private
I bring to the boardroom my knowledge I have first-hand insight of transformational/ function and President of the Global Life at Unilever Plc. My fellow Board members acquisitions supports Croda’s inorganic
and passion in growth and operations. disruptive digital, cyber security, technology Sciences business. I also have an interest and I have a great capacity and willingness growth plans and my professional
I also share lessons-learned from large and business process solutions. I spent and background in organisational culture, to learn; it is what helps make the Croda background and breadth of experience
transformations and M&A. My engineering three years in Silicon Valley as Chief of which is a key consideration in the decision Board special. I know which behaviours in insurance, risk and compliance
background enables me to link Croda’s Staff at Hewlett Packard focused on a making of the Board. In my roles of work around the board table, and how to enable me to lead Croda’s responsible
R&D and production competences with new company strategy and turnaround. Honorary Professor of Chemistry and help frame an open and honest discussion business programme and Chair the
the evolving demands of its multinational I also chaired the public services strategy Industry at the University of Nottingham, in order to surface controversial issues Ethics Committee. I provide corporate
markets. Next to my role as Non-Executive board for the CBI. Away from Croda, I am member of Council at the University of without rancour. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed governance knowhow to the Board and
Director for Croda, from April 2019 I will be a Non-Executive Director of Wood Plc and Sheffield and a Fellow of the Royal my nine years as a Director and send my Croda. Having spent many years leading
CEO of Swiss Post. I was previously the Tesco Bank, a fellow of the IET, a Trustee Society of Chemistry, I widen my network very best wishes to everyone at Croda global teams, I am proud to lead Croda’s
Group CEO at Optegra Eye Health Care of Engineering UK, and a member of the of emerging technology companies and as I retire from the Board in April.” HR team, as well as the Legal and
Ltd, France CEO and Group COO at Scottish First Ministers Advisory Board.” research institutes and spot new talent Company Secretary teams.”
Sodexo SA and Associate Partner at that will aid Croda’s future success.”
McKinsey & Co.”

44 Croda International Plc

Annual Report and Accounts 2018
Croda International Plc
Annual Report and Accounts 2018 45
Corporate Governance

Chair’s letter

Directors’ Report
Dear fellow shareholder During the year the Board received the experience in operations and strategy and With Jacqui’s appointment to the Board
output from the Global Employee Culture Jacqui a deep knowledge of digital as well I am pleased that we have fulfilled the Case study:
In the wake of some recent high-profile Survey conducted at the end of 2017 and as experience in operating in emerging commitment in our Board diversity policy Outside the boardroom
corporate failures there is rightly a growing had regular discussions and oversight of markets. The appointments also bring to reach 33% female representation on
spotlight on accountability and business the actions being undertaken across every greater diversity to the Board in terms of our Board in the medium term. We have
responsibility. I welcome the recent changes country and business in the Group in gender, tenure, nationality and experience. updated our diversity policy to reflect this
to corporate reporting requirements and response to the feedback from the survey. and have committed to maintain this level of
corporate governance and they align with The Board’s site visits allow each Director Having served nine years on the Board, representation and stated our aim to reach a
how Croda operates – with transparency to engage directly with our employees, Steve Williams will retire at this year’s gender balanced Board in the future. More
and integrity. Our governance framework ensuring they understand first-hand their Annual General Meeting. I would like information on our Board diversity policy
underpins the Board’s commitment to the
“The Board has a highest standards of corporate governance
views and insights into our culture, whilst to thank Steve for his outstanding and on our efforts to increase diversity
at the same time creating opportunities for contribution to Croda, in particular in across the Company are on page 66.
vital role to play in and sets the tone for the rest of the a cultural tone to be cascaded from the his role as Chair of the Remuneration
defining the values organisation. The Board has a vital role to boardroom. On pages 50 and 57 we set Committee. In preparation for Steve’s Effectiveness
play in promoting and nurturing a culture
and behaviours needed and behaviours that are consistent with
out details of the Board’s programme of retirement, Helena Ganczakowski took As Chair, I am responsible for leading and In September the Board visited our
activities outside the boardroom and our over as Chair of the Remuneration
to underpin Croda’s delivering our strategy and ensuring the engagement with our employees. Committee in April 2018. This gave Helena
ensuring that we have an effective and manufacturing site, laboratories and
functioning Board. Good progress has sales office of Sederma, our Beauty
purpose and its long- success of Croda in the long term. a good period as Chair to prepare for the been made against the actions that the Actives business. As well as meeting
term success.” The Board is accountable to Croda’s
As a Board we ensure that we also Committee’s review of the Company’s Board set itself following the 2017 Board with the management team, the
understand the views of our other key remuneration policy. Helena has been a effectiveness review. This progress is Board met with many of the local
shareholders for good governance and stakeholders and take them into account member of the Remuneration Committee
Anita Frew summarised on page 49. employees, including some of our
this report, together with the Directors’ in our discussions and decision-making. since 1 February 2014.
Chair high potential future leaders – giving
Remuneration Report set out on pages Page 56 describes how the Board engages The Board and Committee review for them a good understanding of
69 to 89, describe how the Code’s main with each key stakeholder, the issues that We have continued our focus on 2018 was conducted using an online the talent pipeline for our French
Governance at a glance 48​ principles of governance have been applied are important to each of them and some succession planning to ensure that we questionnaire, designed by Lintstock, with business. The Board discussed
Leadership 50 by the Company. This report includes examples of how we have considered our have a healthy talent pipeline for future input from me and the Company Secretary. business performance, competitive
Effectiveness 54​ insights into how our governance framework key stakeholders in some of the Board’s Executive Committee and Board roles. The evaluation was very positive, and I was landscape, customer insights and
underpins and supports our business and decisions made during the year. This year we have spent time on
Relations with stakeholders 56 pleased that the Board dynamics and the employee talent and succession
the decisions we make every day. development plans for our most senior
Accountability 60​ composition of the Board, including plans. The Board engaged in a
Audit Committee 61 Leadership employees – those members of the diversity, were rated highly – supporting the detailed discussion of the site’s
I am pleased to report that the Company Executive Committee and other key
Nomination Committee 66 We regularly assess the skills and contribution and effectiveness of our new safety performance.
has complied with the UK Corporate management identified as having Board
experiences of the Board to ensure that we Directors Jacqui and Roberto. The changes
Other Committees 68 Governance Code (April 2016) for the potential – ensuring that their development
have the right balance and composition. we made to rebalance the Board agendas
Remuneration Report 69 period under review and is also complying plans are individually tailored and allow us
This assessment enables us to identify with the aim of freeing more Board time for
Other disclosures 90​ early with many of the provisions of the to build up a talent pool for future Board
areas of opportunity to bring fresh and high level strategic decisions are working
new UK Corporate Governance Code and Executive Committee appointments.
alternative insights to the Board and well. Further details on the evaluation
(July 2018) that we will be formally This work is described in more detail in the
enhance diversity in its broadest sense. can be found on page 54.
reporting on in next year’s Annual Report. Nomination Committee report on page 66.
Last year this assessment identified
opportunities for us to strengthen the We have also started to consider
Culture and values succession for Alan Ferguson, who will
Board’s skills and experience in the areas
The Board spends a considerable amount of international/emerging markets, digital have served on the Board for nine years
of time meeting with employees and and general management/CEO experience. in 2020.
visiting our offices and manufacturing sites Following an extensive search summarised Anita Frew
around the world. This year the Directors on page 66 I was delighted to welcome Chair
undertook 38 site visits between them, Roberto Cirillo and Jacqui Ferguson to
visiting a total of 26 sites and sales offices. the Board as independent Non-Executive
This level of engagement, particularly by Directors. Roberto joined the Board Case study:
the Non-Executive Directors, provides our on 26 April 2018 and Jacqui joined on Outside the boardroom
Board with insights and understanding of 1 September 2018. Both appointments In May, the Board spent a day in our
the Business that would not otherwise be have already been of enormous benefit to laboratories at Cowick Hall. Through
gained in their role and which enhances the Croda Board, supporting our strategic multiple interactive and quick fire
the quality of decision making and debate. plans to connect more dynamically to demonstrations, the Board gained
customers through the use of technology insights into new technologies and
and helping customers transition to more research projects. The Board spent
sustainable ingredients. Roberto brings time engaging with the R&D teams
with him a wealth of international on pipeline projects and customer
unmet needs.

46 Croda International Plc

Annual Report and Accounts 2018
Croda International Plc
Annual Report and Accounts 2018 47
Corporate Governance: At a glance

Board composition and diversity Board time (p51) Progress on focus areas for 2018:

Directors’ Report
Gender of Tenure of Directors Number of meetings 10 Key actions What we did Status
the Board Perform longer term • Working with the Executive Committee, articulated the Group’s purpose – Ongoing
Proportion of time spent by
the Board in key areas: strategic reviews ‘Smart Science to Improve Lives’
• Developed ambitious long term strategic objectives, built upon the United Nations
Strategy 55% Sustainable Development Goals.
<1 year Delivering growth 25% Oversee the recruitment • Assessed the collective Board expertise and experience and identified Completed
of a new Non-Executive opportunities for new appointments
33% 3
>6 years
Driving innovation 10%
Director and consider • Appointed Roberto Cirillo and Jacqui Ferguson as independent
Sustainable solutions 20%
Non-Executive Director Non-Executive Directors
1 People 15% succession • Appointed Alan Ferguson as Senior Independent Director upon
Male 2-3 years Nigel Turner’s retirement
Financial, risk and 20%
67% performance management
• Appointed Helena Ganczakowski as Chair of the Remuneration Committee
in preparation for Steve Williams’ retirement in April 2019.
3 Governance and reporting 10% Refine risk appetite for • Working with the Risk Management Committee and generic risk owners, reviewed Ongoing
3-6 years key Company risks and refreshed the risk appetite for each risk
• Developed a risk appetite statement for risk sub-categories to be shared with the
Board in 2019.
Board changes during the year (p49 and p66) Commission an external • External assessment of the Executive Committee completed to identify development Completed
Roberto Cirillo and Jacqui Ferguson appointed, Nigel Turner retired, Alan Ferguson appointed SID, Helena Ganczakowski appointed Chair of gap analysis for succession areas and strengthen succession planning; assessment also included external
the Remuneration Committee benchmarking.
Define those elements of • Undertook a review of the Group’s core values Completed
Board skills and the culture to preserve to • Developed a new code of conduct.
support long term success
experience (p44)
Current skills Areas of opportunity for future Develop mechanisms • Received reports on performance of capital expenditure projects against the Completed
Board appointments for the evaluation of approved business plans
past Board decisions • Received regular reports on the performance of recently acquired companies
• Undertook a comprehensive review of the bio-surfactants plant in North America
Emerging markets and lessons learnt from the project
Sector Operational Financial Strategy • In 2019 we will undertake an evaluation of past decisions concerning innovation.


Risk Innovation Technical Marketing Digital marketing

Looking ahead to 2019 Meetings
Financial During the year the Board will:
Membership of the Board and attendance (eligibility) at Board meetings held during the
General Health year ended 31 December 2018.
Digital International Continue our focus on safety
management & safety Audit chair leadership – at all levels of
Anita Frew (Chair) 10 (10)
the organisation
Roberto Cirillo 5 (5)*
Professional backgrounds: sales, banking, legal, accountancy, marketing, Continue to nurture and promote Alan Ferguson 10 (10)
general management, digital, R&D the Croda values and culture Jacqui Ferguson 3 (3)*
Steve Foots 10 (10)
Nationalities: British and Swiss Spend time looking at insights Helena Ganczakowski 10 (10)
and longer term trends Keith Layden 10 (10)
Key stakeholders (p56) from our customers and Jez Maiden 10 (10)
the external markets Nigel Turner 4 (5)**
Employees Shareholders​ Customers Local Communities Suppliers
Steve Williams 10 (10)
Ensure sustainability and digital
become integral components
* Roberto Cirillo joined the Board on 26 April 2018. Jacqui Ferguson joined the Board on
of our long term strategy 1 September 2018.
development. ** Nigel Turner retired from the Board on 25 April 2018. He was unable to attend one Board meeting
due to personal commitments.

Employee engagement – Directors’ site visits (p57)

Total number Different Different manufacturing Countries

of site visits sites sites visited

38 26 15 14
48 Croda International Plc
Annual Report and Accounts 2018
Croda International Plc
Annual Report and Accounts 2018 49
Corporate Governance continued

Leadership Board activity in 2018

Directors’ Report
At the date of this report, the Board balance and diversity within the Board. enough time is devoted, during meetings
comprises nine Directors: the Chair; the A key consideration for any new Board and throughout the year, to discuss all Strategy
Group Chief Executive; the Group Finance appointment will be the additional breadth material matters, including strategic, Delivering growth
Director; five independent Non-Executive a new Director could bring, in terms of financial, operational, business, risk, Financial, risk
(p20) (25%) and performance
Directors and one non-independent skills, knowledge, experience, gender human resources and governance issues. management Delivering
Non-Executive Director, who was the or ethnicity. Directors’ biographical • Product manufacturing strategies growth
Company’s Chief Technology Officer notes appear on pages 44 and 45 The Board has taken action to strike a • Consideration of various acquisition
opportunities, with approvals for
20% 25%
until his retirement in 2017. The size of our and at balance between reporting, approvals and
Board allows time for full discussion and governance matters, whilst ensuring more acquisitions of Plant Impact,
debate of items and enables all Directors’ With support from the Company Secretary, time is devoted to major strategic issues. Nautilus and BioSector
views to be heard. The Non-Executive the Chair sets the annual Board agenda • Digital strategy – including
Governance Board
Directors have a broad range of business, programme and Board meeting agendas projects for digital marketing and reporting
and e-commerce platforms activity
financial and international skills and
experience, which provide appropriate
and determines the number of meetings
to be held during the year. She ensures • Capital expenditure approvals – 10% in 2018 Driving
including approval of a new innovation
warehouse facility in the UK
and expansion and development
Role and operation of the Board of manufacturing capacity and
The Board has ultimate responsibility for the overall leadership of the Group. In this role, it oversees the development of a clear capability in China, France
Group strategy, monitors operational and financial performance against agreed goals and objectives and ensures that appropriate and the UK 15% Sustainable
• Adjacent market opportunities
controls and systems exist to manage risk.
• Business presentations, 20%
Specific Board matters including of the Company’s
Beauty Actives business and
The matters reserved for the Board fall into four broad areas:
Botanical Extracts business.

1 Matters required by law to be reserved for the Board’s decision, such as approving the Annual Report and Accounts,
appointing new Directors and declaring dividends
Driving innovation
(p20) (10%) People (15%) • Board and Committee

2 The requirements of the UK Listing, Prospectus and Disclosure and Transparency Rules, such as approving circulars to
shareholders and other significant communications
• Product innovation programmes
and technology platforms
• Talent review and succession planning
• Approval of the appointment of
effectiveness evaluation
• Defence strategy and
• Technology led acquisitions Roberto Cirillo and Jacqui capital markets update
3 UK Corporate Governance Code recommendations, such as ensuring the Group has a sound system of internal control
and risk management, and approving the Board and Committees’ terms of reference
and entrepreneurial cells
• New and Protected
Ferguson as Directors
• Appointment of a new Pension
• Investor relations review
• Stakeholders and review of
Products pipeline engagement mechanisms
4 Other matters, such as approval of the Group’s strategy and budget, material corporate transactions and Trustee Chair and an independent
• Innovation and Research Trustee Director to the UK • Review of and change to
capital expenditure.
and Development metrics Pension Scheme the Company’s brokers.
• Open Innovation and • Extension of the terms of office
The full schedule of matters reserved for the Board can be found at Smart Partnering programmes. of Messrs Williams and Ferguson Financial, risk and
as Directors performance management
Sustainable solutions • Diversity – notably the Board diversity (20%)
(p20) (20%) policy, diversity and inclusion of • Trading performance
• Safety, health, environment and our workforce and the gender pay • Review of key risks, internal and
Outside the boardroom All of the Directors undertook one or more The Board’s 2018 quality – including behavioural gap reporting external assurance of each risk
additional site visits outside of these two
In addition to formal Board meetings, Board site visits. Further details are activities and priorities safety, safety leadership and • Croda’s purpose and cultural values as well as risk appetite
the Board undertook two site visits on page 57. process safety • Review of actions following the • Preparations for Brexit, including
The Board has an agenda programme
during the year. • Sustainability strategy and targets employee culture survey the key risks and mitigating actions
that ensures strategic, operational,
The Directors attended two off-site financial, human resources and corporate • Review of Sustainability Report • Development programme for the • Dividend policy and
In May they spent a day in the laboratories meetings to review the Group’s strategy, • Senior management succession Executive Committee and other dividend approvals
governance items are discussed at the
at Cowick Hall where they gained insights one focusing on the long term strategy and • Responsible business activities – senior leaders • Long term viability statement
appropriate time at Board meetings.
into many of our new development and the other the three year plan. The Board including the ethical supply chain • Health and safety of our • The Group’s budget, forecasts
The Board agenda has strong links to
research projects. This took the form of met with the Group’s financial and public compliance programme and employees and contractors and key performance targets
the strategic objectives for the Business.
multiple interactive demonstrations and relations advisers to discuss the feedback modern slavery programme • All-employee sharesave grants and indicators
The Board has seven routine meetings
provided a fun and informal environment from investors and analysts on the Group’s • Completion of the Company’s • The Board’s engagement with • Changes to tax legislation and a
during the year and an additional strategy
outside of the boardroom for the Directors annual results. bio-surfactants plant in employees and the employee voice. review of the Company’s tax and
day, which is attended by members of the
to engage with the R&D teams. North America treasury policies
Executive Committee. The strategy day in
The Chair spends a considerable the first half of the year is followed by • Review of the United Nations Governance and reporting • The UK pension scheme funding
In September the Board visited our amount of time meeting with Steve Foots the consideration of the three year plan in Sustainable Development Goals (10%) and investment strategy
manufacturing site laboratories and sales and the senior management team at the and alignment with the Company’s • Review of Annual Report • A post-implementation capital
the autumn and then the approval of the
offices of Sederma, our French actives Company’s head office. This ensures long term strategy and purpose. and Accounts and other expenditure review
budget towards the end of the year. Key
business. Further details are on page 47. that she is kept appraised of significant financial statements • Renewal of the Group’s
highlights of the Board’s 2018 activities
developments in the Business between and priorities are set out on page 51, along insurance programme.
Board meetings. In addition, the Chair with an estimate of the proportion of the
and Non-Executive Directors met together time that the Board spent discussing
without the Executive Directors present. each area.

50 Croda International Plc

Annual Report and Accounts 2018
Croda International Plc
Annual Report and Accounts 2018 51
Corporate Governance continued

Board roles Governance structure

Directors’ Report
Chair Group Chief Executive Executive Directors Senior Independent The Board has three main Committees: The day-to-day operational management (SHEQ) Steering Committee; the Group
The Chair leads the Board and is The Group Chief Executive The role of an Executive Director the Audit Committee, the Remuneration of the Business is delegated by the Board Ethics Committee, and the Routine
responsible for promoting open has day-to-day responsibility Director is to bring a The Senior Independent Director Committee and the Nomination to the Group Chief Executive, who uses Business Committee. For further
and effective communication for the effective management commercial and internal provides a sounding board for the Committee. The terms of reference several Committees to assist him in this information on each of these
between the Executive and of the Group’s business and for perspective to the Chair and acts as an intermediary for each Board Committee can be task: the Group Executive Committee; Committees see page 68.
Non-Executive Directors and ensuring that Board decisions are boardroom. Working with for the Non-Executive Directors, found at the Group Finance Committee; the Risk
for creating an environment implemented. He plays a key role the Group Chief Executive, where necessary. He is available to Management Committee; the Group
at Board meetings in which in devising and reviewing Group they are responsible for the shareholders where communication Safety, Health, Environment and Quality
all Directors contribute to strategies for discussion and leadership and management through the Chair or Executive
discussions and feel comfortable approval by the Board. The of the Company according Directors has not been successful or
in engaging in healthy debate Group Chief Executive is tasked to the strategic direction where it may not seem appropriate.
and constructive challenge. with providing regular reports set by the Board. The Senior Independent Director
to the Board on all matters of is responsible for leading the Group
The Chair leads the annual significance relating to the Non-Executive Directors in Board
Board effectiveness review Group’s business, or reputation, appraising the performance of the Chaired by
process and ensures that all new to ensure that the Board has Chair and in their discussions of Anita Frew
Directors have an appropriately accurate, timely and clear her term of appointment and fees.
tailored induction process. information on all matters.

Principal Board Committees Group Chief Executive

Audit Committee Group Executive Committee

Chaired by Alan Ferguson Chaired by Steve Foots
Monitors the integrity of the Group’s financial
statements and announcements, the effectiveness
Group of internal controls and risk management as well as
Board managing the external auditor relationship. For more
information see pages 61 to 65. Group Finance Committee
Chaired by Steve Foots

Remuneration Committee Risk Management Committee

Chaired by Helena Ganczakowski Chaired by Jez Maiden
Approves the Company’s Remuneration Policy
and framework and determines the remuneration
packages for members of senior management.
For more information see pages 69 to 89.

Independent Non-Independent Group General Counsel Group SHEQ Steering Committee

Non-Executive Directors Non-Executive Directors and Company Secretary Chaired by Stuart Arnott
The role of independent Non-Executive Having served Croda for 33 years, the The Group General Counsel and Company
Director is central to an effective and latter five of which were as a member of Secretary is secretary to the Board and
accountable Board structure. They the Board, Keith Layden is not considered its Committees. He ensures that Board
constructively challenge the Executive independent. However, because of that procedures are complied with and advises
Directors and scrutinise the performance of experience, Keith contributes strongly to on regulatory compliance and corporate
Nomination Committee Group Ethics Committee
management in meeting agreed goals and the Board’s culture and personality, and governance. In addition, he develops Chaired by Anita Frew Chaired by Tom Brophy
objectives. They help develop and monitor adds unique and valuable insight and Board and Committee agendas and Reviews the structure, size and composition of the
the delivery of the strategy within the risk constructive challenge. With appropriate collates and distributes meeting papers. Board and its Committees, identifies and nominates
and control framework set by the Board. management of conflicts, Keith can He facilitates induction programmes for suitable candidates for appointment to the Board
They determine appropriate levels of constructively challenge the Executive new Directors and provides briefings on and has responsibility for Board and Executive
remuneration for Executive Directors Directors and scrutinise the performance of governance, legal and regulatory matters. Committee succession planning. For more
information see pages 66 to 67.
Routine Business Committee
and have a prime role in succession management in meeting agreed goals and
Chaired by Steve Foots or
planning and the appointment and, objectives in a way largely unavailable to
Jez Maiden
where necessary, the removal of the independent Non-Executive Directors.
Executive Directors.

52 Croda International Plc

Annual Report and Accounts 2018
Croda International Plc
Annual Report and Accounts 2018 53
Corporate Governance continued

Effectiveness to complement and support management The results were discussed in detail by iPad-accessible, web portal. The independence of the Non-Executive Details of the professional commitments of

Directors’ Report
Board re-election and add value. Demand for exceptional, the Board, with facilitation by the Chair Following feedback from previous Board Directors is kept under review. The Chair the Chair and the Non-Executive Directors
highly qualified directors is growing and and the Company Secretary. The Board effectiveness reviews and leveraging was independent upon her appointment are included in their biographies on pages
The Board has a broad range of skills and
increasingly specialist skills are required deliberations remain constructive and experience gained from other boards, in 2015 but, as Chair, is not classified 44 and 45. The Board is satisfied that these
experience from different industries, advisory
in the boardroom. robust, with high levels of energy and pace. papers have been significantly shortened, as independent. With the exception of do not interfere with the performance of
roles and from international markets.
The addition of new Directors has brought concentrating on performance through the Keith Layden, the Board considers that their duties for the Company.
The Board undertakes a formal review of a positive dynamic to Board discussions. use of KPI dashboards and distinguishing all Non-Executive Directors who served
These skills support the strategic aims
its performance and that of its Committees Board meetings are well led by the Chair information reporting from decisions during the year are independent in During 2018, no independent Non-
of the Company. Following individual
each year. The 2017 review was conducted and the agendas are balanced. The sought. Meeting papers are made available character and judgement, with no Executive Director had served on the
performance assessments, the Board is
by Egon Zehnder, an external board review changes made in 2017 to rebalance the one week in advance, which ensures that relationships or circumstances that are Board for more than nine years from the
satisfied that each Director continues to
specialist. The key actions following the Board agendas with the aim of freeing each Director has the time and resources likely to affect, or could appear to affect, date of their first election, with the range
perform effectively, allocates sufficient
review and the progress in meeting more time for high level strategic decisions to fulfil his/her duties. Directors have the their judgement. Keith Layden is not between three years and eight and a half
time for his/her duties and remains fully
them are summarised on page 49. are working well and the Board has opportunity to raise questions stemming considered independent, having served years. Keith Layden served just over five
committed to his/her role. With the
continued its involvement in strategy from the papers prior to the meeting, as the Company’s Chief Technology years as an Executive Director, prior to his
exception of Steve Williams, all Directors
This year we conducted the review using formulation and is working alongside should they wish to do so. A resource Officer prior to retirement from the appointment as a Non-Executive Director
will stand for re-election/election at
an online questionnaire tailored to Croda’s the Executive Committee to shape centre within the web portal provides Company and appointment as a on 1 May 2017.
the 2019 AGM. Full biographies for
activities and current concerns. Separate the Company’s purpose and long term access to useful information about the Non-Executive Director in May 2017.
the Directors are on pages 44 and 45,
questionnaires were also used for the strategic priorities. Underpinning the long Group, including corporate governance The terms and conditions of appointment
with more detail at
Audit, Remuneration and Nomination term strategic planning, the Directors have materials, finance and strategy information, Conflicts of interest of Non-Executive Directors can be viewed
Committees. A report was prepared based clarity on the Company’s values and how Group policies and procedures, and The Board has an established process at They can be inspected
Board performance on the completed questionnaires, which they influence the organisation’s culture. information on topics such as risk during normal business hours at the
for declaring and monitoring actual
The nature of Board service has facilitated an evaluation of the effectiveness Board papers had already been streamlined and insurance. Company’s registered office by contacting
and potential conflicts. The Articles of
significantly changed, requiring an ever of the Board and its Committees and the and work will now be undertaken to the Company Secretary and will also be
Association of the Company allow the
wider range of skills and greater time support and information received from standardise the format of papers – Independence of available for inspection at the AGM.
non-conflicted members of the Board to
commitment. The Board is not just management and advisers. including more consistent use of executive Non-Executive Directors authorise a conflict or potential conflict
a governing body; boards are being summaries. The Board was clear on the Time commitment
Croda complies with the Financial situation. Steve Williams has consultancy
leveraged as a competitive advantage top strategic issues facing the Company. Reporting Council’s Reporting Code roles with Eversheds LLP, which provides Each Director is aware of the need to
(the Code) in having experienced legal services to the Group of immaterial allocate sufficient time to the Company
Areas for focus and opportunities for 2019 Non-Executive Directors who represent monetary value, and Spencer Stuart, a to discharge his/her responsibilities
Case study: Directors’ induction were agreed by the Board, see page 49. a source of strong advice, judgement search consultancy firm that has previously effectively. In addition to time spent
and challenge to the Executive Directors. been used by Croda. Jez Maiden has a at Board and Committee meetings,
Upon joining Croda, Directors receive Board support At present there are seven such Directors, Non-Executive Director role on the board the Directors participate in several
a tailored induction programme. Both
Each Director has access to the advice including the Chair and the Senior of PZ Cussons Plc, a customer of Croda. Company related events; details are
Roberto Cirillo and Jacqui Ferguson
and services of the Company Secretary. Independent Director, each of whom The Board does not consider that these set out on page 50 and 57.
are undergoing their induction following
Where necessary, the Directors may take has significant commercial experience. roles would affect Steve’s or Jez’s
their appointment to the Board during
the year. As new Directors they need
independent professional advice at the Their understanding of the Group’s judgement in relation to Croda and External consultants
Company’s expense. operations is enhanced by regular its business. In the period Deloitte have provided
to quickly absorb a great deal about the
business presentations and site visits. remuneration consultancy to the
Business if they are to fulfil their roles
Training and briefings are available to Remuneration Committee.
effectively from the start. Our tailored
all Directors taking into account their
inductions offer a swift and thorough
existing experience, qualifications and
way to help them understand our
skills. In order to build and increase the
business, markets, culture and both to explore our complex
Non-Executive Directors’ familiarity with,
relationships and to establish manufacturing processes and approach When planning an induction we take the following steps:
and understanding of, the Group’s people,
a link with employees. to process safety and behavioural safety.
businesses and markets, senior managers
They were also able to discuss our
regularly make presentations at Board
As part of their induction, Jacqui challenging sustainability targets and find
meetings. The Board also receives regular
and Roberto gained a thorough out about quality and regulatory matters.
face-to-face briefings from the Company
understanding of our business through Jacqui and Roberto have also met with
Secretary and, where appropriate, the
meetings with Croda employees across our key advisers (financial, brokers, legal,
Company’s professional advisers. As well
all regions in which we operate. This remuneration) and with our auditors.
as planned training on governance, legal
included site visits, typically hosted
and regulatory matters, the programme
by one of our Executive Committee From the outset of their appointment
is sufficiently flexible to capture new
members. This allowed them to get to Roberto and Jacqui were given lots of
and emerging regulation, development
know the regional and local leadership opportunities to spend time engaging
stemming from evaluation and specific
teams and to discuss a wide range of with, and talking to, a wide variety of
training requests from Directors. Each 1 2 3 4
topics, including the local organisation employees across all functions and
structure, growth plans, strategic seniorities. They have visited a number
Director’s training programme includes Bespoke programme Varied delivery Length Review
the same online training on competition Our Company Secretary We use diverse formats to Conscious of a Director’s other The Company Secretary
priorities, risks and the competitive of our manufacturing sites and sales
law and anti-bribery and corruption discusses how the programme communicate information. commitments and not wanting and the new Director have
landscape. Jacqui and Roberto also offices in Singapore, Spain, USA,
as taken by managers and selected should be tailored to meet a These include iPad reading to overload him/her with too regular reviews, with input
spent time at our laboratories with the France and the UK. This included time
employees across the Business. new Director’s needs. materials, meetings with much information in too short from the Chair, to agree
research and development teams, where at dinners and social events. Through
they gained insight into technology these interactions they were able to gain employees and fellow a time, we deliver the induction what extra insights the
Before each Board meeting, the Directors, briefings and over the full Board cycle of induction needs to deliver.
platforms and chemistries, as well as our an insight into the Croda culture and our
Company Secretary makes sure that training from external 12 months.
product development pipeline. Visiting values, which are a key differentiator
the meeting papers and other information advisers and site visits.
our manufacturing sites enabled them between us and our competitors.
are delivered electronically, via a secure,

54 Croda International Plc

Annual Report and Accounts 2018
Croda International Plc
Annual Report and Accounts 2018 55
Corporate Governance continued

Relations with Employees:

Directors’ Report
Case study: Examples of Case study: Employee engagement
stakeholders how the Board considered the
During the year the Board undertook a key interest of its key stakeholders As well as the Board’s site visit in Some of the Directors are involved in Spouses and partners are invited to
The Board has direct engagement during September, all of the Directors undertook the Group’s Leadership Development attend, reinforcing the family values
stakeholder review. Although the Company
site visits, Board presentations, Board
when making decisions
has multiple stakeholders, the Board one or more additional site visits. During Programme. This involves attending of the Company.
dinners and informal lunches (see the case these site visits the Directors met with various sessions, and includes
considered that its key stakeholders were
study on page 57 for more details.) The a broad spectrum of employees from discussions on business strategy and The Company has numerous employee
our employees, shareholders, customers,
Board inputted into the design of the differing departments – including sales leadership chaired by a Director, as well engagement mechanisms, with examples
local communities and suppliers. The
recent employee culture survey and has & marketing, R&D, SHEQ, HR, supply as interacting with employees on the including local consultation committees,
Board reviewed how the Directors and The Board reviewed the Company’s
had good visibility of the results and chain, finance, operations, production programme in team building sessions works councils, union meetings, Listening
the Company engaged with these key contributions to the UK defined
actions. Engagement with employees and customer services and discussed or at dinners. Groups and Town Hall meetings that
stakeholders and refined its engagement benefit pension scheme. Balancing
also takes place through works councils, a wide range of topics. These included incorporate Q&A sessions. Common
strategy in certain areas to ensure that it the funding risks that are inherent in
consultation committees, Listening process safety, innovation, business The Board hosted informal lunches with topics discussed at these meetings
continued to have a good understanding maintaining an open defined benefit
Groups and Town Halls. ethics, the recent employee culture members of the global HR team and of are work practices, safety, benefits,
of their views and interests. In undertaking scheme with the material benefits for
this review, the Board agreed which UK employees, the Board reached survey findings, site expansion plans the Performance Technologies leadership business performance, site facilities
stakeholders it needs to engage with Shareholders: the decision that it was in the and challenges and opportunities in team. Board dinners are frequently and key-people changes. Any issues of
directly and where it could rely on Company’s best interests to each market. Whilst on site each Director attended by members of the Executive a material nature get reported to the
information from management. The increase its contribution rates. had lots of informal interaction with Committee, which provides the Board Board via regular management reports,
majority of our engagement with key Board engagement with shareholders employees – whether over lunches, the opportunity to spend more time including reports from the HR Director.
stakeholders is carried out by our is primarily through the Group Chief dinners or site walk arounds, discussing aspects of the business in
commercial and functional business Executive and Group Finance Director. including when site senior more detail. The Board hosts a more
teams. The Board engages directly managers were not present. informal dinner each year with members
with employees, shareholders and During the Board’s consideration of of the UK based senior leadership team.
customers, but not directly with a potential acquisition of a company
suppliers or local communities. in an adjacent market, management
The Board engages with customers presented its due diligence findings,
To read more about how we engage through the Group Chief Executive which highlighted certain risks that
with our wider stakeholders see and receives regular information about could have an adverse reputational
pages 14 and 15. customers in the Group Chief Executive’s impact. The Board considered the Site visits during 2018 by the Directors
Board Report and in other business importance of Croda’s reputation with Manufacturing site visits
Board reports. its customers and employees and, Sales office visits
notwithstanding the financial benefits
of undertaking the acquisition, it
Local communities: concluded that it was best for the
success of the Company not to
proceed with the acquisition.
Engagement takes place locally through
our local offices and sites, including via
the science, technology, engineering
and mathematics (STEM) and 1% Club
programmes and community The Board approved a capital
consultation committees. expenditure request to open a new
warehouse in the North of England.
Suppliers: The Board took account of a number
of stakeholder factors in reaching
this decision, including that existing
We engage with our suppliers via our site warehouse employees would not
and purchasing teams as well as through be made redundant and would be
other functions such as Safety, Health, relocated to the new facility; the
Environment and Quality (SHEQ) and legal. positive impact on customer service;
The Board receives information through and the benefits of the investment to
Board reports. the local community. The Board also
took account of the financial returns
in the project and considered it was
in the best interests of the Company
to approve the expenditure.

times NEDs
sites visited
sites visited
total number
visited sites by Executive by full Board of visits (four Croda sites
Directors (Cowick and regions)

56 Croda International Plc

Annual Report and Accounts 2018
Croda International Plc
Annual Report and Accounts 2018 57
Corporate Governance continued

Communication with During the year, numerous meetings Substantial shareholders

Directors’ Report
shareholders were held with investors in the UK, As at the date of this Annual Report Common investor questions Our investor calendar
The Chair, Executive Directors and other North America, Europe and Asia, including and Accounts the Company had Set out below is a calendar of our investor events attended by senior management in 2018.
senior managers maintain regular contact
with existing and potential shareholders to
face-to-face meetings, telephone and
video conferences and hosted site visits
received notification of the following
material shareholdings pursuant to the
1 How does the Company
manage its allocation
in numerous regions. of capital? January February March
ensure that our strategy and trading trends Disclosure and Transparency Rules of
are clearly understood. the UK Listing Authority: The Company has good • Investor field trips • Full year results • Roadshows
The Board invites the Company’s brokers capital discipline that is aligned in Singapore and announced. in London
Recognising the importance of and financial public relations advisers to with its clearly defined Capital the UK.
Number % of issued • Conferences
communicating with our shareholders, attend at least one meeting each year, ​ of shares capital
Allocation Policy (p35). Organic in London and
our Vice President, Investor Relations at which the economic and investment capital investment and a
BlackRock, Inc. 7,463,118 5.68% New York.
manages the day-to-day contact with the environment, Croda’s performance regular dividend are prioritised.
investment community, including investors (generally and in comparison with its
and analysts, as well as co-ordinating site sector peers) and investor reactions
visits and presentations at investor
conferences and roadshows.
are discussed. Case study: Governance lunch
2 How does the Board assess
whether to return capital
• Q1 Trading
• Roadshows in
• Roadshows in
The Company’s results presentations In June, the Company’s largest to shareholders?
Update published New York, Chicago, Stockholm and Paris
are webcast live, so all shareholders have shareholders were invited to attend
The Board engages in active dialogue In line with the defined • Annual General Toronto, Frankfurt, • Conferences in
access to them, and are also available a lunch with the Chair, Anita Frew,
with shareholders through the Group Capital Allocation Policy, Meeting in Harrogate Edinburgh, London, Nice
to download. We answer all investor Alan Ferguson (the Chair of the
Chief Executive, Group Finance Director we target leverage of 1.0 to Copenhagen and Paris
questions sent to our website. Audit Committee and Senior • Capital Markets Day
and the Chair, who regularly meet with 1.5x (excluding deficits on and Oslo
Independent Director) and held at Incotec in • Investor field trips
shareholders. These meetings provide retirement benefit schemes), • Conferences
Set out on page 59 are answers to Helena Ganczakowski (Chair the Netherlands to Brussels and
an appropriate means of capturing although we are prepared in London and
the most commonly asked shareholder of the Remuneration Committee). in the UK
shareholders’ opinions and the Chair to move above this range if • Roadshows in
New York.
ensures that the Board is regularly questions and a calendar of our investor circumstances warrant. The the Netherlands • Investor lunch
events attended by senior management The lunch was attended by
appraised of shareholders’ views and key Board considers returning and Boston. in London with
throughout the year. representatives from six shareholders
issues. All Non-Executive Directors are excess capital to shareholders Board members.
who between them held 6.61% of
available to attend meetings if requested if it feels that leverage is likely
the total issued shares in Croda.
by shareholders and the Senior to be below the target range.
Independent Director is available to July August September
Discussions focused on a range
discuss matters concerning the Chair
if the need arises; no such meetings were
requested by shareholders during the year.
of topics, including governance,
remuneration, sustainability and 3 What are the sales and
profit growth opportunities
• Half-year results
announced in London
• Conferences in
Boston and London
succession planning. for the core sectors? • Roadshow in London. • Roadshow in Madrid
Personal Care offers low to • Investor field trip
The Chair reported back to the next
mid single digit percentage in UK.
Board meeting, where it was agreed
growth at strong margins.
by the Board to host a similar event
Growth in Life Sciences can
in 2019.
be higher, supported by more October November December
acquisition opportunities.
Performance Technologies • Roadshows in US • Q3 Trading • Conferences
offers low single digit Mid-West, Dublin Update published in London.
percentage sales growth and Helsinki • Conferences in
Investor concentration at improving margins. • Investor field trips New York, London
in Singapore and Boston
3.42% 2.97% 4.17% and Sweden. • Roadshows in
4 What are the Company’s
priorities in respect of London, Montreal
and Toronto
merger and acquisition
Percentage of Geographical activity? • Investor field
issued capital breakdown The Company’s M&A priority
trips in UK.
by type of of shareholder targets are:
holder base 16.72%
Continental • Nascent technologies Annual General Meeting (AGM) Deadlines for exercising
33.10% • Small to medium sized
Europe The AGM provides an opportunity for voting rights
North businesses in adjacent
America private shareholders to raise questions Votes are exercisable at a General
markets with strong IP.
with Board members. The Directors are also Meeting of the Company in respect of
available to answer questions afterwards, in which the business being voted upon is

5 What is the target for New

and Protected Products
an informal setting. The Annual Report and
Accounts, including the notice of AGM, are
being heard. Votes may be exercised in
person, by proxy or, in relation to corporate
(NPP) sales growth? sent to shareholders at least 20 working members, by corporate representatives.
93.61% 46.01% days before the meeting. There is a separate The Company’s Articles of Association
The aim is to grow NPP
Institutional UK investor relations section on provide a deadline for submission of proxy
holders at twice the non-NPP
that includes, amongst other items, forms of not less than 48 hours before the
sales growth rate (p24).
presentations made to analysts. The time appointed for the holding of a meeting
AGM will be held at the Pavilions of or adjourned meeting.
Harrogate, on 24 April 2019 at 12 noon.

58 Croda International Plc

Annual Report and Accounts 2018
Croda International Plc
Annual Report and Accounts 2018 59
Corporate Governance continued Corporate Governance continued

Audit Committee
of compliance with these controls, • Presentations of key risks and controls

Directors’ report
which is assured during planned internal by the Executive owner and other
The Audit Committee audit visits assurance providers
The Audit Committee’s report, which • Comprehensive monitoring and • Half-yearly report on control
describes the membership of the Audit quantification of business risks, under weaknesses from the Vice President
Committee, its responsibilities, main the direction of the Risk Management of Risk and Assurance.
activities in 2018 and priorities for 2019, Committee. The Group’s approach to
This system is designed to mitigate,
is set out on pages 61 to 65. risk management and the principal
rather than eliminate, the risk of failure to
risks facing the Group are discussed
achieve business objectives and provides Report of the Dear fellow shareholder discuss the detail of the year end
Risk management and in more detail in the Strategic Report
reasonable, but not absolute, assurance Audit Committee and half year results before the relevant
internal control on pages 38 to 43 In my capacity as Chair of the Audit Committee meetings. This helps me to
against material misstatement or loss. As for the year ended Committee, I am pleased to present
The Board acknowledges its responsibility • Capital investment with detailed 31 December 2018 better understand the key issues and
appropriate, the Board also ensures that the Audit Committee report for the year
for ensuring the maintenance of a sound appraisal, risk analysis, authorisation to make sure enough time is devoted
necessary actions have been, or are being, ended 31 December 2018, which provides
system of internal controls and risk and post-investment review procedures. to them at the subsequent meeting.
taken to remedy failings or weaknesses detail of the activities carried out by the
management. In accordance with the This process has been in place for the full identified from the review of internal Committee during the year. Responsibilities
guidance set out in the Financial Reporting financial year and up to the date on which controls’ effectiveness and judges
Council’s (FRC’s) Guidance on Risk the financial statements were approved by their level of significance. The Committee assists the Board
Management, Internal Control and Related
Committee membership
the Directors. in ensuring that the Group’s financial
Financial Business Reporting 2014, and in The Committee consists of five Non- systems provide accurate and up-to-date
Fair, balanced and Executive Directors. The experience
the Corporate Governance Code itself, an The Board discharged its responsibility for understandable information on its financial position.
ongoing process has been established for of each member of the Committee is
monitoring the operational effectiveness of The process of compiling the Annual
identifying, evaluating and managing the summarised on pages 44 and 45. I have Key responsibilities:
the internal control and risk management Report and Accounts starts early enough
principal risks faced by the Group (p38). held a number of senior finance director
systems throughout the financial year and to give the Board time to assess whether • To monitor the integrity of the financial
The Directors have established an up to the date of approval of the Annual it is fair, balanced and understandable,
“The Committee roles and am Chair of the Audit Committees
statements and results announcements
organisational structure with clear of a FTSE 100 company and an AIM listed
Report and Accounts. It used a process as required by the Code, and a paper is has overseen the company. The Board considers each
of the Group and to review significant
operating procedures, lines of which involved: financial reporting issues and judgements
responsibility and delegated authority. • Written confirmations from relevant
presented to the Board to help in this successful transition of member of the Committee is independent
assessment. The Board considered
senior executives and divisional whether the Annual Report and Accounts
the new firms providing within the definition of the Code and has • To recommend external auditor
In particular, there are clear procedures relevant financial experience, as well as a appointment and removal, assess
directors concerning the operation contained the necessary information for external and internal broad and diverse spread of commercial audit quality, negotiate and approve the
and defined authorities for: of those elements of the system
• Financial reporting, with clear policies for which they are responsible
shareholders to assess the Company’s audit services.” experience, including competence in audit fee, assess independence, monitor
position and performance, business model operating within the chemical industry. non-audit services and be responsible
and procedures governing the financial • Internal audit work, which reports and strategy. The tone was reviewed to Alan Ferguson Such consideration provides the Board for audit tendering
reporting process and preparation of through the Vice President of Risk ensure a balanced approach and the Board Chair of the Audit Committee with assurance that the Committee has
the financial statements. There is a clear and Assurance to the Audit Committee • To review the adequacy and
made sure the narrative at the front end of the appropriate skills, breadth and depth
and documented framework of required • Reports from the external auditors to effectiveness of the Group’s internal
the Annual Report was consistent with the Members and attendance to ensure that it can be fully effective, and
controls. Each reporting location the Audit Committee controls and risk management systems,
financial statements. See page 93 for the (eligibility) at meetings held during that it meets the Code requirements that
prepares an annual self‑assessment and the adequacy, effectiveness and
statement of Directors’ responsibilities. the year ended 31 December 2018 at least one member has significant, recent
output of the internal audit function
and relevant financial experience and that
Alan Ferguson • To review the adequacy of the
the Committee as a whole is competent in
Non-financial information statement Chair 5 (5) Group’s whistleblowing arrangements
the sector in which the Company operates.
The table below sets out where more information can be found in our Annual Report that relates to non-financial matters, Roberto Cirillo and procedures for detecting fraud.
as required under the Non-Financial Reporting Directive. We also publish a Sustainability Report, which includes further Independent Non-Executive 2 (2) The Chair of the Board, Professor Layden
information and non-financial KPIs relating to these areas. Jacqui Ferguson (a Non-Executive Director), the Group In addition to its business as usual
Independent Non-Executive 1 (1) Chief Executive, the Group Finance activities, the Committee selects certain
Where to read more in Key risks relating to these matters
Reporting requirement the Annual Report Page Some of our relevant policies (pages 38 to 42) Helena Ganczakowski Director, the Group Financial Controller, focus areas each year for detailed review.
Environmental matters Making a difference to… 2-9 Group SHE Policy1 Major safety or environmental incident Independent Non-Executive 5 (5) the Vice President of Risk and Assurance,
Chief Executive’s Review 19 Group CSR Policy1 Nigel Turner who leads the internal audit function, and Detailed responsibilities are set out in the
Sustainability 30-33 Independent Non-Executive 2 (3) representatives from the external and Committee’s terms of reference, which
Board activity in 2018 51
Steve Williams internal auditors attend the meetings can be found at
Social and employee matters, Chair’s statement 11 Group SHE Policy1 Talent development and retention
including diversity and inclusion Our Stakeholders 14-15 Group Performance Management Policy1 Major safety or environmental incident Independent Non-Executive 5 (5) by invitation.
Sustainability 30-33 Equal Opportunities Policy1

Board activity in 2018 51 Data Privacy Policy1

The Committee periodically, and I more
Group Code of Conduct2
In addition to the meetings during
regularly, meet or speak separately with
Group Policy on Training and Development2 2018, there were two meetings held
the Vice President of Risk and Assurance
Group Policy for Managing Diversity2 subsequent to the year end, with
and the external auditors without the
Respect for human rights Sustainability 30-33 Group Code of Ethics2 Ethics and compliance full attendance at both. Nigel Turner
Board activity in 2018 51 Croda Modern Slavery Statement2 Executives being present. While these
missed one meeting during 2018
Group Policy on Discrimination2 discussions are invaluable, I also meet
due to personal commitments.
Anti-bribery and corruption Board activity in 2018 51 Group Code of Ethics2 Ethics and compliance with the external auditors, the Group
Key focus areas 63 Competition Law Policy1 Finance Director and the Group Financial
Croda Fraud Policy1 Controller at least twice each year to
Whistleblowing Group Policy Procedures1
Business model Business Model 12-13 All key risks link to our business model
Our Strategy 20-21

1. Available to employees via the Company intranet, not published externally

2. Available to employees via the Company intranet and published on

60 Croda International Plc

Annual Report and Accounts 2018
Croda International Plc
Annual Report and Accounts 2018 61
Corporate Governance continued

Key focus areas for 2018 (20%)

Directors’ Report
Main (business as usual) activities of the Committee since the publication of The Audit Committee has delivered on our ‘business as usual’ work, as set out in our terms of reference, and from this perspective there is
the 2017 Annual Report and Accounts nothing to highlight for your attention. Last year, we noted four focus areas for 2018, which absorbed the balance of the Committee’s time
The Committee met three times in 2018 after publication of the 2017 Annual Report and Accounts and twice between the year end of around 20%.
and the publication of this Annual Report. The key issues covered at the Committee meetings were reported at the subsequent
Board meeting. Key focus area Actions during the year Progress
Monitor and assist in the transition Under the guidance of the Committee a rigorous induction programme was Completed
The Committee’s main business as usual activities, excluding the focus areas, and an estimate of the proportion of time spent
to the new firms providing internal undertaken with both internal and external audit which included site tours and
on them, are detailed below:
and external audit services with presentations from both the sectors and the regions. A full day induction was
a focus on driving audit quality held at Cowick Hall for the internal audit team, with a visit to Rawcliffe Bridge,
with the partner and directors visiting sites during planned audit visits. The KPMG
partner and Directors visited each region and the local partners held face-to-face
Committee activity in 2018 meetings with key regional senior management. Where external and internal audit
attended the same sites to perform business process walkthrough work, the visits
were co-ordinated to minimise the impact of transitional year work on sites. Both
Financial reporting (20%) • Met with internal audit and external audit Internal audit and risk internal and external audit have held regular meetings with the Group FD and
The Committee: without management being present management (20%) have presented to the Audit Committee to discuss the transition. Lessons
• Monitored the Group’s financial • Received presentations from the The Committee: have been learnt around the efficiency of downloading data to support the
statements and results announcements, Head of Financial Planning and • Received a report from the Vice analytical work.
and reviewed significant financial the Head of Global Data Analytics President Risk and Assurance at each Continue to review the The Ethics Committee continued to monitor the global programme through Completed
reporting and accounting issues meeting and monitored compliance implementation of our enhanced quarterly meetings, and the Board and Audit Committee received progress
• Undertook an effectiveness review,
including the going concern with the Group Risk Management ethical compliance programme updates during the year. Ethics controls included in the self-assessment
which included reviewing the results
assessment and exceptional items Programme. The Committee reviewed as it becomes embedded across framework were updated and all were included in the scope of internal audit visits
from a questionnaire, and concluded that
the reliance placed by management the world in 2018, with findings reported. The Asia region is leading the move to embedding
• Undertook regular reviews of the the Committee was operating effectively.
on the risk mitigating controls of the the procedures into ‘business as usual’. A post implementation risk assurance
Group’s material litigation and Areas for focus for the Committee
Group’s highest risks and analysed the audit is planned to be performed by internal audit in 2019 to provide assurance
was satisfied with the approach included undertaking training in
types of assurance, both internal and over the embedding of the programme into business as usual globally.
to provisioning cyber security
external, that applied to these controls
• In conjunction with the Board, reviewed • Reviewed its terms of reference and Review the implementation of In support of the GDPR programme, additional resource was appointed in Ongoing
• Assessed the 2018 risk assurance effective policies and procedures the form of a GDPR programme team. The team developed and rolled out
the financial modelling and stress testing made only minor clarification changes.
activity carried out by internal audit with to comply with GDPR coming detailed impact assessments and process flow templates, providing support
based on plausible scenarios arising The Committee will undertake a further
reference to the Group’s principal risks, into force in May 2018 to all data owners and stewards required to complete them. A GDPR steering
from selected key risks, noting the review in 2019 to ensure the role and
which included a review of: the Group’s group was formed to monitor and review progress against a detailed programme
effect they would have during the responsibilities of the Committee are
NPP metric; GDPR implementation; plan. A specialist training package (KnowB4) was purchased and rolled out to
viability period aligned with the new UK Corporate
cyber security assessment; and appropriate employees in Western Europe and EEMEA. Internal audit carried
Governance Code
• Reviewed the Financial Reporting security of raw material supply out a risk assurance audit of the GDPR programme roll out in August 2018 and
Council’s (FRC) review of the Company’s • Completed its annual review of the the Audit Committee discussed the findings of the report and agreed a detailed
• Undertook a detailed review of the
2017 Annual Report and Accounts. Group’s tax strategy (which can be action plan with management. The Audit Committee considered phase 2 of the
evolving approach our Internal Audit
Where questions were raised on found on our website) and risks. programme to roll out the data privacy framework globally. Data privacy controls
team is taking to controls assurance
alternative performance measures, included in the self-assessment framework were updated and all controls will
across all business processes, using
Earnings Per Share and the cash flow External audit (25%) be included in the scope of 2019 internal audit site visits.
increased data analytics across 100%
statement, we discussed and approved The Committee: of business transactions to focus site Maintain our ongoing focus on Our internal audit team undertook a cyber maturity review, using the National Completed
the response to the FRC where we
• Discussed and approved the external based manual testing on exceptions. cyber security risk Institute of Standards and Technology framework, to update the holistic view
committed to make some reporting
audit plan, including: the assessment of This included the use of process mining of Croda’s information security maturity benchmarked against indicative industry
enhancements. The FRC has closed
significant audit risks; the engagement to reconstruct how end-to-end Croda data. The Audit Committee discussed this report and agreed a detailed action
its enquiry
risk profile; the use of data analytics; the business processes operate, enabling plan with management. Cyber security testing continues to form a core part of
• The Committee reviewed the UK scope of the audit; the materiality level comparison between sites to highlight IT assurance work undertaken by internal audit which is reported and discussed
payment practices report, discussed and the de minimus reporting threshold; potential opportunities to share best by the Committee, together with the results of regular penetration testing and
the data submitted and challenged the approach to working with internal practice and leverage our SAP investment breach detection tool output.
management on some aspects of audit; and the key members of the
engagement team. The resulting • Considered the results of the 2018 We also undertook a review of our cyber risks with Marsh, to assess whether
the report.
audit fee was approved controls assurance internal audits and cyber insurance could provide us with cover in the event of a cyber-attack.
the IT audits, the self-assessment
Governance (15%) • Reviewed compliance with the FRC’s In October 2018 the Executive attended a face-to-face training session based
process, the adequacy of management’s
The Committee: Ethical Standard for auditors and the on the ‘Game of Threats’ which was followed by a crisis management test based
response to matters raised and the time
• Reviewed the effectiveness of restrictions on auditors to provide on a cyber security threat scenario.
taken to resolve such matters
the Group’s anti-bribery and fraud non-audit services
procedures, including those for whistle- • Reviewed and approved the 2019
• Discussed the FRC’s 2017/2018 Audit internal audit plan and supported the
blowing. The Committee received a
Quality Inspection of KPMG in support plans to extend the use of data analytics
report on the independent investigations
of the Committee’s annual assessment to provide further insights to identify
that had been conducted in response to
of the quality of the external audit inefficient or inconsistent processes
concerns raised under the whistleblowing
policy and were satisfied with the • Considered and confirmed • Conducted its annual review of the
outcome, including follow up actions the independence of KPMG, Group’s internal auditor, see page 64.
as further described on page 65.

62 Croda International Plc

Annual Report and Accounts 2018
Croda International Plc
Annual Report and Accounts 2018 63
Corporate Governance continued

External auditors’ effectiveness External audit tendering External auditor reappointment

Directors’ Report
Significant financial statement reporting items During the year, the Committee We are in compliance with the Statutory As noted above, the Committee
assessed the effectiveness of KPMG as Audit Services Order 2014. As we reported recommended to the Board that
With support from the external auditors, Provisions: The Committee Goodwill: The strategy of the Group
Group external auditor. To assist in the in detail last year, we undertook an audit KPMG be offered for re-election at
the Committee reviewed those items in reviewed whether certain environmental, includes acquiring new technologies
assessment, the Committee considered tender in 2017 and the Board appointed the forthcoming AGM.
the Group’s financial statements which restructuring, litigation and other legal and businesses operating in adjacent
the quality of reports from KPMG, the KPMG as external auditor with Chris Hearld
have the potential to significantly impact provisions were sufficient to cover markets. Goodwill represents a
additional insights provided by the audit as the Lead Audit Partner. The first year I will be available at the AGM to respond
reporting. These are set out below. estimated costs of potential and significant asset value on the balance
team, particularly at partner level, and to be audited by KPMG is the year to to any questions shareholders may raise
actual claims and decided that they sheet (£354.0m out of total net assets
their detailed reviews on areas such as 31 December 2018. on the Committee’s activities in the year.
Pensions: The Committee monitored were reasonable and appropriate. For of £998.0m at 31 December 2018).
segmental reporting. It took account of the
the Group’s pension arrangements, larger areas of exposure, the Committee The Committee completed its annual
views of the Group Finance Director and Audit quality was at the forefront of
in particular the funding of the defined was reassured by legal opinions and impairment review of the carrying value
Group Financial Controller, who had met the Committee’s mind during the tender
benefit plans in the UK, the US and insurance coverage. We also reviewed of goodwill, as prepared by management,
local audit partners when visiting some process, as well as auditor independence.
the Netherlands, which are sensitive the contingent liability note. including the sensitivity to a number of
of the Group’s sites, to gauge the quality
to assumptions made in respect of underlying assumptions. After challenge,
of the team and their knowledge and External auditors’ independence Alan Ferguson
discount rates, salary increases and Taxation: The global footprint of the the Committee was satisfied that the
understanding of the business. The The Committee and the Board place Chair of the Audit Committee
inflation. The Committee reviewed Group necessitates an understanding assumptions were reasonable, no
Committee considered how well the great emphasis on the objectivity of the
the actuarial assumptions used, of, and compliance with, complex tax impairments were necessary and
auditors assessed key accounting and Group’s external auditors in reporting
compared them with those used regulations. The Committee reviewed the that disclosure was appropriate.
audit judgements and the way they applied to shareholders.
by other companies, considered basis of calculation of the effective tax
constructive challenge and professional Looking ahead to 2019
the views of the external auditors rate, including the impact of the recent In addition to the ongoing issues, the
scepticism in dealing with management. Our Group policy on the provision of
and found them to be reasonable. USA legislative changes, the status of Committee reviewed and discussed the In addition to our routine business,
the Group’s tax compliance, details of alternative performance measures being non-audit services by external auditors,
The Committee also reviewed the output the Committee has three focus areas
potentially significant challenges from used (p37) and the associated disclosures. which is on our website,
from a questionnaire completed by senior for 2019. We will:
tax authorities, the level of accruals and sets out prohibited non-audit services and
members of the finance team to obtain the controls over assignments awarded to
the relevant disclosures. The Committee • Continue to review the
their views on KPMG’s effectiveness the external auditor to ensure that audit
concurred with management’s views. implementation of our Data Privacy
in carrying out the 2018 audit. The independence is not compromised.
questionnaire covered: policies and procedures globally
During the year, the Committee • Consider the implications of the
Internal audit and the self-assessment questionnaire, In February, the Committee conducted • Quality of planning, delivery and undertook a detailed review of the Group’s digital strategy on cyber
risk management completed annually by each business its annual review of the internal auditor, execution of the audit provision of non-audit services by KPMG security risk
In 2018 I met with the Vice President unit. In these instances the Committee including the approach to audit planning
• Quality and knowledge of the audit team and compliance with the FRC’s Revised
Risk and Assurance several times outside challenged management as to what actions and risk assessment, communication • Review in detail the HR system
Ethical Standard for auditors (the Standard).
of the formal meetings to discuss the it was taking to minimise the chances of within the business and with the • Effectiveness of communications implementation planned for 2019.
KPMG have terminated any services that
performance and output of the internal divergences arising in the future. The Committee and its relationship with the between management and the would not be permissible under the
audit function and aspects of risk Committee looked at recurring themes external auditors. Senior management audit team Standard. The use of the derogation
management. The Vice President Risk where issues were identified across a feedback from sites included in the 2018
• Robustness of the audit, for certain tax services in respect of
and Assurance attended each Committee number of locations; these will inform programme is used in this process. This
including the audit team’s ability 2017 R&D tax claims and tax compliance
meeting and presented an internal audit the scope of the work undertaken in did not highlight any significant areas for
to challenge management as well as was considered and approved by the
report that was fully reviewed and the 2019 audit plan. development and the Committee was
demonstrate professional scepticism Committee (£58k) as the work spanned
discussed, highlighting any major pleased with the progress made in the
and independence. the 31 December 2017 year end.
deviations from the annual plan In addition to the extended use of data first year following the tender, with
agreed with the Committee. analytics across 100% of data to identify notable benefits being seen around
We reviewed the FRC’s 2017/2018 Audit In 2018, non-audit fees were £0.1m,
business process inconsistencies and data analytics and the development
Quality Inspection report of KPMG UK. significantly less than the total audit fees
At each meeting, the Committee specific exceptions for follow up at sites, of a risk and control portal.
The results were disappointing although of £0.9m; the non-audit to audit fees ratio
considered the results of the audits a programme of ‘Croda peer reviews’ was
given our focus on data analytics it was stands at 0.1:1.
undertaken and the adequacy of implemented within each region as part of Details on how the Business implements its
the internal audit plan, under the direction risk management framework and monitors encouraging to see that audit work relating
management’s response to matters raised, to the understanding and evaluation of The Committee undertook its annual
including the time taken to resolve such of the Vice President Risk and Assurance, controls on a Group-wide basis are set out
systems and information flows was an review of the Group’s policies relating to
matters. Particular focus was addressed reporting back to the Audit Committee. on pages 38 to 43.
area highlighted as an example of good external audit, including the policy that
to those areas where there was a major This revised approach ensured that the
practice. The main areas identified by the governs how and when employees and
divergence between the outcome of internal audit resource added the greatest
FRC as requiring action by KPMG were former employees of the Group’s auditors
the internal audit and the scoring of value to the internal control environment
discussed by the Committee with a focus can be employed by the Company. No
by focusing in the right areas.
on the remedial actions being taken. We changes were made. The Committee
will follow up on these matters again in also reviewed and accepted KPMG’s
2019. A review of effectiveness also forms Independence letter.
part of KPMG’s own system of quality
Case study: Data analytics In 2018, external and internal audit Internal audit used data to inform
control and this was discussed with the In conclusion the Committee agreed that
Amongst the key selection criteria co-ordinated their planning to identify four areas of review including process KPMG were independent.
Committee during the presentation of
considered for the external and internal key data tables for download from SAP, mining to visually reconstruct end-to-end
the 2018 audit plan.
audit tender processes undertaken in and independently analysed this data business processes, providing insight to
2017 was the requirement that the audit using their proprietary tools. the business and facilitating continuous
Following the review, the Committee
approach use data analytics to leverage improvement through cross site learning,
concluded that the audit was effective
the best value from Croda’s single External audit analysis focused on and identification of SAP business control
and the Committee was pleased with
instance of SAP. financial risks and system access. exceptions for follow up at sites.
the performance of KPMG in the first
year since the tender.

64 Croda International Plc

Annual Report and Accounts 2018
Croda International Plc
Annual Report and Accounts 2018 65
Corporate Governance continued

Nomination Committee

Directors’ Report
Report of the Dear fellow shareholder Roberto Cirillo and Jacqui Ferguson joined One recommendation of the Hampton- Routine business
Nomination Committee the Board in April and September 2018 Alexander Review, an independent, As well as considering Board Looking ahead to 2019
I have pleasure in presenting the respectively, and we have announced that business led review supported by the UK
for the year ended appointments, succession and diversity,
Nomination Committee report for Steve Williams will retire from the Board Government, is that all FTSE 350 boards In addition to our routine business,
31 December 2018 the Committee undertook its routine
the year ended 31 December 2018. at the AGM on 24 April 2019. Jacqui and should target 33% female membership. during the year the Committee will:
business – including reviewing the
Roberto are in the process of undertaking We achieved this milestone in 2018 and time commitment of the Non-Executive
Main activities and their induction programme (for further are particularly proud that our Board Chair • Monitor the outcome and consider
Directors. It was satisfied that all the
priorities in 2018 details of their induction see page 54). and Chair of the Remuneration Committee the effectiveness of interventions
Non-Executive Directors remain able to
Board appointments and are both female. Our Board Diversity Policy intended to increase diversity, in
commit the required time for the proper
succession planning Looking ahead, an updated version of the now reflects our commitment to maintain particular continuing to review the
performance of their duties. The Committee
skills and experiences analysis will guide the 33% female membership and our number of women on the Board
During the year the Committee carried considered and concluded that, except for
the Committee as we start to consider aspiration to move towards a gender and Executive Committee and
out a review of the size and composition Keith Layden, all Non-Executive Directors
succession planning for Alan Ferguson, balanced Board. This policy will continue in senior roles in the Company
of the Board and the collective skills and continue to fulfil the criteria of independence.
experiences of the Directors to ensure we who will have served nine years on the to guide our future appointments. We will As Keith was formerly an Executive • Review and implement the relevant
have the strongest leadership to deliver the Board in 2020. do this by ensuring that the specification Director of the Company, he is not requirements of the Financial
“Diversity throughout Company’s strategy – both now and for for any new Director role is equally suited currently considered to be independent. Reporting Council’s revised UK
The Committee considered a talent to applicants of any gender and that no
the Company not only the long term. The Committee focused on
succession development profile for each discrimination occurs at any stage in
Corporate Governance Code 2018
several areas that were identified from the I will be available at the AGM to respond to
helps generate a diverse most recent Board evaluations, against member of the Executive Committee, the selection process on any applicant any questions shareholders may raise on
• Consider succession planning
for Alan Ferguson, who will have
talent pipeline for the which the Committee assessed existing ensuring that a healthy talent pipeline characteristic. A copy of our Board the Committee’s activities.
exists for future Board roles. In 2018 this Diversity Policy, which is regularly served nine years on the Board
Executive Committee, Board expertise and experience. The
included an external assessment of the reviewed by the Board, is available at in 2020
results of this analysis recognised the need
and ultimately the to strengthen the Board’s experience and Executive Committee to identify further For more information
Board, it also leads knowledge of digital technology, emerging areas for development and to benchmark on our Board diversity see Governance
our leaders externally. As part of this at a Glance on page 48.
directly to more markets and general management. These
assessment, the development profiles
opportunities informed the candidate brief Anita Frew
balanced decision for the recruitment of a new Non-Executive were overlaid against the Board expertise It is also vital that we have diversity
Chair of the Nomination Committee
making.” Director to succeed Nigel Turner, as he analysis described above. Our leaders throughout the Company, as this leads
retired from the Board at the 2018 AGM, benchmarked well against an external lens directly to more balanced decision
Anita Frew having served nine years as a Director. and individual development plans are in making and helps generate a diverse
Chair of the Nomination Committee place to further enhance our Executive talent pipeline for the Executive Committee, Responsibilities
The recruitment process also focused on Committee’s development. The Committee and ultimately the Board. It was gratifying
Members and attendance will regularly review the progress of these that over 40% of attendees at our Senior • The Committee is responsible knowledge, experience and
further improving the diversity of the Board
(eligibility) at meetings held during development plans over the coming year. Leadership Conference held in February for nominating candidates for diversity on the Board, and
and we required our external search firm
the year ended 31 December 2018 2018 were non-UK nationals, reflecting appointment to the Board for approval prepare a description of the
to produce a gender balanced shortlist of
The Committee also considered the diversity of our operations and markets. by the Board, and for succession role and capabilities required
candidates for interview by the selection
Anita Frew emergency CEO succession, should planning. It evaluates the balance for the respective appointment
panel (consisting of the Chair, Chief
Chair 3 (3) the Board need to appoint a temporary We are intensifying our efforts across the of skills, knowledge, experience
Executive and Senior Independent • To identify and nominate candidates
Alan Ferguson CEO due to unforeseen circumstances. Company to increase the diversity of our and diversity on the Board.
Director). The selection panel put forward to fill Board vacancies, for the
Independent Non-Executive 3 (3) two outstanding candidates, Jacqui leaders, particularly focusing on gender approval of the Board, as and
Helena Ganczakowski Ferguson and Roberto Cirillo, both of Diversity and nationality. In 2018 we established a Key responsibilities when openings arise
Independent Non-Executive 3 (3) whom met with each Board Director. The Committee considers diversity on Diversity and Inclusion Steering Committee • To regularly review the structure,
to create a global network of Diversity and size and composition, including the • To keep the organisation’s
Keith Layden** The views of all Directors were provided the Board and throughout the Company to
Inclusion Champions and appointed a full skills, knowledge, experience and leadership needs, both Executive
Non-Executive 2 (3) to the Committee and a recommendation be a key factor in the Company’s strategic
time Diversity and Inclusion Manager to diversity, of the Board and make and Non-Executive, under review to
Nigel Turner was made to the Board by the Committee and financial success. We see diversity
promote and drive our initiatives in this recommendations for any changes ensure that the Company continues to
Independent Non-Executive 1 (1) to appoint both candidates to the Board. of thought, skills, knowledge, experience,
area. Examples of initiatives include a to the Board compete effectively in the marketplace
Steve Williams In making this recommendation, the gender and ethnicity as critical to our
Committee had regard to the tenure sustainable future. Diversity was a mentoring programme for high potential • To review annually the time required
Independent Non-Executive 3 (3) • To give full consideration to
of Steve Williams, who will have served central consideration for the new female employees on executive succession from a Non-Executive Director and
Roberto Cirillo* succession planning for Directors
nine years on the Board in 2019. Board appointments made in 2018. plans, unconscious bias training amongst the Chair
Independent Non-Executive 2 (2) and other senior Executives, taking
management populations, greater internal
Jacqui Ferguson* into account the challenges and • To make recommendations on
promotion of flexible working approaches
Independent Non-Executive 2 (2) opportunities facing the Company succession planning for the Board.
and ‘female friendly’ job adverts and
and, consequently, what skills and
gender balanced shortlists in our
expertise the Board will need in Detailed responsibilities are set out
* Roberto Cirillo joined the Committee upon ** Keith Layden was unable to attend the January recruitment processes.
his appointment as a Non-Executive Director Committee meeting due to unforeseen
the future in the Committee’s terms of reference,
on 24 April 2018. Jacqui Ferguson joined personal circumstances.
• Where a Board vacancy is identified, which can be found at
the Committee upon her appointment as a Responsibilities
Non-Executive Director on 1 September 2018. to evaluate the balance of skills,

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Annual Report and Accounts 2018 67
Corporate Governance continued Remuneration Report

Other Committees Remuneration Report

Directors’ report
The operational management of the Risk Management Committee Routine Business Committee Report of the A. Chair’s letter Our annual bonus targets are based on a
Business is delegated by the Board to The Committee meets quarterly to The Committee comprises the Group Remuneration Committee single operating profit metric with the key
the Group Chief Executive, who uses On behalf of the Board and the requirement that no bonus can be paid
evaluate and propose policies and Chief Executive and Group Finance for the year ended
several Committees to assist him in Remuneration Committee, I have the unless and until the previous year’s
monitor processes to control business, Director, with the Group General Counsel 31 December 2018
this task. These Committees and their pleasure of presenting the Directors’ operating profit is exceeded.
operational and compliance risks faced by and Company Secretary and Group
membership at the date of the Annual Remuneration Report for the year ended
the Group, and to assess emerging risks. Financial Controller acting as alternates.
Report and Accounts are shown in the 31 December 2018. This is my first report For our longer term Performance Share
The Committee attends to business of a
table below. as Chair, having been a member of the Plan (PSP), 40% of the award is based
Group SHEQ Steering Committee routine nature and to the administration
Remuneration Committee for five years.
of certain matters, the principles of which on Earnings Per Share (EPS) growth, and
The Committee meets quarterly to monitor I would like to thank Steve Williams for
Group Executive Committee have been agreed by the Board or the 40% is based on relative Total Shareholder
progress against the Group safety, health, all his work as Committee Chair prior to
The Committee meets eight times a year Group Executive Committee. Return (TSR) performance amongst a
environment and quality objectives and my appointment, and welcome Jacqui
and is responsible for: developing and bespoke group of our most relevant
targets, review safety performance and Ferguson and Roberto Cirillo as new
implementing strategy, operational plans, competitors. Driving Innovation is also
audits, and determine the requirement for members of the Committee.
policies, procedures and budgets; an objective that is directly aligned with
new or revised SHEQ policies, procedures
monitoring operational and financial performance measures; 20% of our PSP
and objectives. The Committee believes that Croda’s
performance; assessing and controlling risk; “We strongly believe approach to remuneration plays a key
award is based on the performance of
and prioritising and allocating resources. New and Protected Products (NPP) –
Group Ethics Committee that pay should be role in the achievement of the Group’s products that will drive our future growth.
Group Finance Committee
The Committee meets quarterly in support aligned to company strategic objectives and in the delivery
of our culture of integrity, honesty and of sustainable growth.
The Committee meets every month to openness, and to promote the importance
performance and Sustainable solutions continue to be key
to our growth plans. We consider progress
review monthly operating results and of ethics and compliance across the Group the delivery of I am very grateful for the continued against a range of metrics here including
examine capital expenditure projects. and amongst our supply chain partners. our strategy.” support and engagement of our safety, health and the environment, as a
shareholders, whilst recognising the key underpin to our annual bonus plan.
Dr Helena Ganczakowski ongoing need for proportionality, reform
Chair of the Remuneration and responsiveness as outlined in the new Performance is always considered
Committee UK Corporate Governance Code. As you holistically; each year the Committee
Committee membership (as at the date of this report) Group
Group SHEQ
Business will see in this report, we have already satisfies itself that the result in terms
Committee Committee Committee Committee Committee Committee responded in part to the new Code (see of primary incentive plan performance
​ ​ ​ page 72 for a summary), and we continue measures has not been to the detriment
Steve Foots Group Chief Executive
to review the need for further changes on of other measures of corporate
A. Chair’s Letter 69
Stuart Arnott President Global Operations an ongoing basis, and as part of the policy performance. It does this by reviewing
B. 2018 Remuneration at a
review that is due next year. a range of financial and non-financial
Sandra Breene President Personal Care glance – including single
figure remuneration at measures at the time that the bonus
We strongly believe that pay should be outcome is determined.
Tom Brophy Group General Counsel and a glance 71
aligned to company performance and the
Company Secretary C. Our response to the new delivery of our strategy. During 2018, we Executive Directors, Executive Committee
UK Corporate Governance continued to deliver consistent sales and
Nick Challoner President Life Sciences members and other senior leaders all
Code – including new profit growth and made progress against share the same performance metrics for
Anthony Fitzpatrick President Corporate Development Discretion Framework 72 each of our strategic objectives, as the global annual bonus plan and the PSP,
D. Report of the Remuneration outlined below.
Maarten Heybroek President Performance Technologies in line with our ‘One Croda’ culture; in
Committee for year ended
& Industrial Chemicals 2018 around 400 leaders benefited from
31 December 2018 74 Alignment to key participation in the bonus plan with 65 of
Jez Maiden Group Finance Director a) Remuneration Policy links strategic objectives these also benefiting from participation
to strategy and to reward The objectives of our business in the PSP. We believe that this focuses
Graham Myers Group Financial Controller ​ across our wider workforce 74 remain consistent with previous years: everyone on working together to deliver
b) Remuneration delivering growth, driving innovation and the best overall result for our customers
​ Committee year 2018 77 providing sustainable solutions to meet and, in turn, our shareholders.
Chair Member c) Summary of Remuneration our customers’ needs. In addition, we
​ Policy adopted 2017 78 pay close attention to the business Responding to shareholder
d) Executive Directors’ culture when assessing and operating feedback and expectations
remuneration for our Remuneration Policy, as we At the 2018 Annual General Meeting
​ the year ending 2019 80 believe this is also a strong driver (AGM), our Remuneration Report
e) Report of the of business performance. received support from 91% of the
​ Remuneration Committee 81 69% of shareholders that voted. As the
E. Summary components of Delivering growth is an objective that is new Committee Chair, I have spent time
the Remuneration Policy 88 directly aligned with our performance meeting with shareholders to understand
measures and ambitious targets.

68 Croda International Plc

Annual Report and Accounts 2018
Croda International Plc
Annual Report and Accounts 2018 69
Remuneration Report continued B. 2018 Remuneration at a glance
How we performed in 2018

their different perspectives and we will Salaries for 2019 On pensions, I am pleased to confirm that,
Adjusted Operating Profit Adjusted EPS NPP as a % of Group Sales

Directors’ Report
input this feedback, some of which has In 2019 the general increase set for the with the changes made last year, we were
been on alternative performance measures,
to our policy review next year.
UK workforce was 3%. The Committee
considered the salaries of the Executive
already in line with the Code guidance for
new Executive Directors. Notwithstanding +3.1% to £342.5m +6.3% to 190.2p +0.6% pts to 28.2%
Directors in the context of positioning this, in light of recent investor guidance, we
Remuneration out-turn for 2018 against market benchmarks, as well as plan to review pension provisions further How was our policy implemented in 2018?
The Group delivered another strong the performance of the Company. The as part of next year’s policy review.
performance in 2018, with sales increasing Committee determined that the salary Key component Feature Metrics and results How we implemented in 2018
by 2.9% and adjusted operating profit by increase for Executive Directors would Holding periods for Executive Directors and timeline
were also in line. We have now formalised Chief Executive Group Finance
5.8%, on a constant currency basis. be in line with that of the UK workforce. Officer (CEO) Director (GFD)
our existing policy for post-employment
This 2018 adjusted operating profit Board Chair fees shareholding requirements, although we Basic salary Competitive package to attract and N/A Pay rise of 3% awarded to
outcome translates to a 3.6% increase in intend to revisit this as part of the policy and core retain high calibre Executives. Executive Directors. UK workforce
During 2018, the Committee also was awarded a 3% increase.
the income growth metric for the annual review next year. As a Committee we have benefits
reviewed the Board Chair’s fee. As part
bonus, on a constant currency basis. developed a rigorous framework for the
of this process the Committee considered £643,046 £443,480
The annual bonus is subject to an overall application of judgement and discretion in
the expanded scope and growth of the
performance underpin, including safety, reviewing awards, which we have already Annual bonus Incentivise delivery of strategic plan, Income growth £349,078 £200,619
Company over recent years. Croda is targets set in line with Group KPIs. (see page 80 for definition of income)
health and environment, and this received put to use. We have also agreed an
now an established international FTSE 100
explicit consideration by the Committee approach for reviewing wider workforce Threshold 2017 actual
company, and consequently the scope of
as part of its overall discretion review. I am remuneration on an ongoing basis and
the Board Chair role has changed. As part Maximum 2017 actual plus 10%
pleased to confirm that the performance of have voluntarily disclosed our CEO
of the review it was found that Anita Frew’s
the Company in respect to these underpins Pay Ratio a year early. Actual 2017 actual plus 3.6%
fee for the role was significantly below
was good and in line with our internal the fees paid to other FTSE 100 Chairs.
objectives. This overall performance Targets for 2019 have been set in line 36.19% of maximum bonus paid
Against the background of the expanded
delivers an annual bonus outcome of with 2018, and we are confident that our
scope and growth of the Company, the Deferred element Compulsory deferral of one third of N/A £116,359 £66,873
36.19% of the maximum potential for 2018. policy will continue to serve us well over bonus into shares with three year deferred deferred
Committee felt that the Board Chair’s fee
the coming year. We will continue to take
of bonus
should be subject to a one-off adjustment, holding period to align with long (out of £349,078) (out of £200,619)
With regard to PSP, 2018 was the year on board the implications of the Code, term business performance.
and determined that her fee would be
in which grants made in 2016 concluded together with input from all relevant
increased from £245,140 to £295,000.
their three year period, and the Committee stakeholders as we formally review
reviewed performance against the EPS and and update our Remuneration Policy
Sharing success with our through the course of 2019, for delivery
TSR targets that had been set then. Over employees PSP​ Incentivise execution of the business ​ Vesting of the £1,974,985​ £1,021,554​
the performance period, EPS growth was to shareholders at the 2020 AGM. strategy over long term measuring 2016 PSP award
We have a high take-up for our employee profit and shareholder value.​
40.9%, resulting in 100% of this part of
share schemes. Around 82% of our We remain committed to ensuring ​ EPS* TSR
the award vesting. Our three year TSR
UK workforce participate in our Share that our remuneration policies reflect Threshold 6% p.a. Median
performance was 89.4% which placed us
Investment Plan (SIP) and Sharesave and the evolving needs and expectations
in the upper quartile against our FTSE 350
therefore share in the rewards enjoyed by of our shareholders, stakeholders and Maximum 12% p.a. Upper quartile
group, the relevant comparator for grants
all shareholders. For example, an employee the societies in which we operate.
under the old policy, and resulted in 100% Actual over 40.9% 89.4%
saving £250 per month in the 2015 3 years
of the TSR part of the award vesting.
Sharesave plan would have been awarded Yours sincerely
403 shares. If they chose to sell those 100% of maximum PSP vesting
The PSP award is dependent on
shares at the end of January, they would * EPS growth p.a. is calculated on a simple
satisfactory underlying financial average basis over the three-year period
have made in excess of £10,428 profit
performance of the Group over the
based on the recent share price. Dr Helena Ganczakowski Pension Pension benefits are either a capped N/A £195,386 £110,870
performance period. The Committee
considered all factors, including the Chair of the Remuneration Committee career averaged defined benefit
modest decline of ROIC over the past Looking ahead to 2019 pension plan with a cash supplement
Going forward, we continue to look for above the cap, or a cash supplement.
three years, and concluded that given Cash allowance of up to 25% of
the increased capital investment and opportunities to develop and improve
salary; for future appointments this
technology acquisition over the period, the remuneration approach at Croda. will be reduced to up to 15% of
the underlying performance met the As mentioned earlier, during 2018 your salary aligned to the UK workforce.
underpin requirements. Therefore an Committee actively engaged in and
overall vesting of 100% of the total focused on the implications of the Shareholding Share ownership guideline to ensure CEO 200% of salary >200% >150%
requirements material personal stake in business. of target of target
was agreed. new UK Corporate Governance Code.

After due consideration, including GFD 150% of salary

application of its new Discretion
Framework (see page 73) it is the
Committee’s view that these awards
are consistent with and reflective of Single figure remuneration at a glance
the overall performance of the business
over the relevant time periods. Salary
Steve Foots (total £3,195,815)
Pension (incl supplement)
Jez Maiden (total £1,792,578) LTIPs
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

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Croda International Plc
Annual Report and Accounts 2018 71
Remuneration Report continued

C. Our response to the new UK Corporate Governance Code Framework for the application of discretion

Directors’ Report
During the year the Committee has been discussing the impact of the new UK Corporate Governance Code on our current Remuneration
Policy. A summary of these deliberations is below: What is the formulaic result following consideration of the existing underpins?

Our response to the new UK Corporate Governance Code

What is the single figure outcome?
Changes to Committee to consider year-on-year change and whether this mirrors the trend in performance
the remuneration
section of the Code Commentary
Expansion of Remuneration • The Remuneration Committee already determines the remuneration arrangements for
How does the outcome compare with shareholder experience?
Committee remit senior management. Committee to consider total shareholder return in both relative and absolute terms over a number of different periods

​ • During the year, the Committee discussed the process for the review of workforce remuneration
and related policies as well as the relevant information that would be required. From 2019, the How does the outcome compare with overall Company performance?
Committee will be provided with a review of workforce remuneration and this will form part of
Consider performance against other KPIs, for example
our normal Remuneration Committee cycle.

Pension contribution rates • Croda operates a Defined Benefit pension plan in which all UK employees can participate on the ROIC Sales Profit growth Sustainability
for Executive Directors should same basis, with a 15% cash supplement available as an alternative.
align with those available to
• While current Executive Directors have pensions at a higher level, last year the policy for Executive
the workforce
Director pensions was reduced to 15% of base salary for future appointments which is aligned to Culture and conduct
​ the workforce. The policy is therefore in line with the Code guidance.
Culture Conduct Health and safety Systems and control
• Pension provisions will be considered as part of next year’s policy review in light of recent
shareholder guidance.

Total vesting and holding period • Following the end of the three-year PSP performance period, an additional two-year holding period
of at least five years applies for any shares vesting. Are there any external headwinds or tailwinds which need to be considered?

Development of a formal • Our existing share restrictions (three-year deferral and holding period) continue to apply post-
post-employment cessation of employment, resulting in a potential significant holding of shares in the two years Are there any other events that should be factored in?
shareholding policy following a Director’s departure.
Other events could be reputational/risk related or a change of accounting standards
​ • The policy will be reviewed in 2019 taking account of new shareholder guidance in this area.

Application of judgement • In order to determine whether outcomes are fair and reasonable in the broader context of overall As an additional reference point, are the bonus and PSP outcomes consistent?
and discretion company performance and the shareholder experience, we have introduced a framework to
use when assessing incentive outcomes. A copy of the framework is provided over the page.

Recovery provisions • During the year the malus and clawback provisions were reviewed in line with the Code guidance, Input from others?
and the potential events which could trigger malus and clawback were expanded to include Draw on input from other Committees as well as other management teams including HR, Legal, Internal Audit and Risk
corporate failure and serious reputational damage.

Consider shareholder response to results

The Committee may also want to reflect on how the market is likely to respond to the preliminary results

Compare with historical use of discretion

Does the outcome appear reasonable/fair, or should an adjustment be considered?

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Croda International Plc
Annual Report and Accounts 2018 73
Remuneration Report continued

D. Report of the Remuneration Committee for year ended 31 December 2018

Directors’ Report
How our Remuneration Policy relates to reward in the wider employee context
a. How our Remuneration Policy Committee to use its discretion to Therefore, our sustainability agenda is When making decisions about Executive remuneration the Committee considers the pay and reward structures across the business.
links to strategy and to reward reduce payments if profit growth has integral to our business success. Our One of the principles of Croda’s culture is to drive ‘One Croda’, therefore, many of the remuneration structures that apply to
across our wider workforce been achieved at the expense of other commitment to sustainability is also Executives also apply further in the global organisation:
This updated and extended section of our financial measures. directly reflected within the discretion
report provides the broader context of how framework used to determine PSP Base pay All employees – pay is set in line with market and closely monitored. Our aim is to pay
our Remuneration Policy links to strategy Driving innovation is the key differentiator and bonus outturns. a ‘living wage’ globally
and to reward across our wider workforce. between ourselves and our peers, making
us the preferred supplier for our customers. We are proud of our One Croda Culture Annual bonus Executive Directors, Executive Committee, Senior leaders and Senior managers:
We hope that it will provide a useful Consistent global bonus scheme aligned to increase in annual profit
summary of the context of our Reward We reward success in this area directly and believe sustaining this culture is key to
through the New and Protected Products our ongoing success. One of the principal All other employees: Local schemes apply in many locations
Policy and will show how our Reward
Policy will evolve to meet the needs of the (NPP) metric in the PSP but we also pillars of our culture is a strong sense of Performance Share Plan Executive Directors, Executive Committee and Senior leaders: Consistent PSP based on EPS,
business, our workforce and align with the recognise that sustained EPS growth fairness and transparency, therefore we TSR and NPP
new UK Corporate Governance standards. can only come about through relentless have the same simple bonus metric for
innovation and the creation of new the top 400 employees within Croda; profit Employee share plans1 All employees – can participate in our global Sharesave plan, subject to qualifying service, allowing
ingredients for our customers. must increase over prior year for any bonus everyone to save monthly and purchase discounted shares
How our reward strategy links to our
to be paid. Creativity and innovation are
business strategy Pension (UK only)2 All employees – Defined benefit plan based on career average salary
We are industry leaders in providing also key pillars of our culture and are
Delivering profitable growth, both top sustainable solutions for our customers, supported by the NPP metric within
and bottom line, is central to our business and innovation in sustainable products the PSP.
1 Sharesave or similar schemes are provided where local social security laws allow.
success. Therefore, the key metric of our is central to our long term growth. Many
2 Other pension arrangements, aligned to local practice and legislation, are available in many of our locations.
annual bonus plan is profit increase over of our customers are well known brands We strongly believe that all the various
prior year. Longer term growth is measured with direct connection to consumers who metrics of our Remuneration Policy Employee participation in share plans
and rewarded through the EPS and TSR increasingly expect branded products to combine to deliver long term Employee participation in our employee share plans has remained consistently strong and is driven by our culture of employees
metrics within the PSP. Both the annual be made using sustainable ingredients. shareholder return. feeling a strong loyalty to the business.
bonus plan and PSP have general financial Our customers rely on the integrity of our
underpins enabling the Remuneration ingredients to retain their market position. Employee participation in employee share plans %






How our remuneration ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ 70%

practices support Delivering

One Croda
Long term

our strategy


return 50%

Bonus Profit ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ 40%
Long term EPS ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ 30%
incentive plan TSR ​ ​ ​ ​
​ 20%
NPP ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
Underpins Safety, health and environment ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
General financial ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Other features Holding periods & deferrals ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ UK

Shareholding requirements ​ ​ ​ ​ ​

74 Croda International Plc

Annual Report and Accounts 2018
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Annual Report and Accounts 2018 75
Remuneration Report continued

CEO Pay Ratio The CEO Pay Ratio is calculated based on • We are proud of the training and

Directors’ Report
The Remuneration Committee has decided the total remuneration payable to the CEO development that we provide for Gender Pay Gap
to voluntarily publish the CEO Pay Ratio for in respect of 2018, as set out on page 71, employees. In 2018 our employees
The table below shows a summary of the Gender Pay Gap for This includes:
2018. Under the Government’s regulations, which includes payments under the annual undertook 95,000 hours of training.
Croda Europe Ltd for 2018:
for financial years beginning on or after bonus and PSP. The outcomes of these
• In 2018 we launched a new global • Ensuring we have a balanced shortlist for all positions that
1 January 2019, quoted companies elements are significantly linked to ​ 2018
HR system which included a Learning we are recruiting for
registered in the UK (with more than 250 performance, with the value of the PSP Mean pay gap 27.68%
Management System giving employees
UK employees) are required to publish also incorporating share price growth. • Further improving our talent and succession planning
access to a wide range of online Median pay gap 23.10%
the ratio of their CEO’s ‘single figure’ It is therefore expected that the ratios will processes to help identify and nurture talent early in
learning material. Mean bonus gap 63.05%
total remuneration to the median, 25th and fluctuate year-on-year to reflect Croda’s their career
performance. In respect of the 2018 figures • We are also developing career paths Median bonus gap 33.26%
75th percentile total remuneration of their • Finding ways to reduce shift work (especially night work)
full-time equivalent UK employees. The pay in the table above, the ratios particularly which will provide structured career
and to examine the feasibility of part-time and job share
ratios are calculated on a group wide basis reflect Croda’s strong share price development, for employees in We are confident that our gender pay gap is not an equal pay
arrangements in our production facilities
by reference to UK employees only. There performance, see chart below. If functional roles, including issue but is a result of a lack of female representation across
are three methodologies that companies Company performance reduced, operations, sales, and R&D. our business at senior levels and particularly in production roles • Improving family friendly policies including flexible working,
can choose to report their pay ratio, known these ratios would be lower. which represent the bulk of the workforce between the 25th parental leave and other benefits – see our new Global
as Option A, B and C, and for 2018 for For 2019 and 75th percentile. In addition our workforce below the 25th Parental Leave Policy
ease of administration we have chosen More than just pay During the coming year the Committee will percentile is largely female. Addressing this issue will require
• Continuing to invest in our science, technology, engineering
to use option C. Our employees and our culture remain be considering a new Remuneration Policy a long term approach but we have already begun work to
and mathematics (STEM) activities to encourage a wide range
central to the continued success of Croda for 2020 and will debate further ways of increase the number of females working in production
of applicants to apply for roles in our business.
Using option C requires us to identify, on and in addition to pay and benefits we also sharing the Company’s success with all and increasing the number of women in senior positions.
an indicative basis, the total remuneration have a range of other workforce initiatives: employees; the Committee will examine More information is available on the Croda website.
packages of three individual UK employees whether the Company’s wider policies on
at the median, 25th, 50th and 75th • In 2017 we launched our first Global employee pay, reward and progression
percentile, and we have used these Employee Survey and having identified continue to be fair and reasonable.
b. Remuneration • To ensure that no payment or proposed • Granting of 2018 PSP awards based
figures to calculate the ratios. several actions from the feedback,
Committee year 2018 payment is made that is not consistent on 40% EPS, 40% TSR and 20%
we are working hard to deliver on with the Remuneration Policy most NPP target.
Global Parental Leave Policy Responsibilities
The table below sets out the CEO these actions. recently approved by shareholders.
Pay Ratio at the 25th, median and In 2019 Croda introduced a Global The Committee determines and • Granting of new Restricted Share
• We have ongoing dialogue with our agrees with the Board the Company’s • To select, appoint and set the terms Plan awards to a small number of
75th percentile: Parental Leave Policy, setting a
employees through various mechanisms Remuneration Policy and framework. of reference for any remuneration selected employees below the
minimum standard for maternity,
25th 50th 75th – listening groups, works councils, It determines the remuneration packages consultants who advise the Committee. Executive Committee.
​ paternity and adoption leave globally.
Percentile Percentile Percentile trade unions and employee forums. for all Executive Directors and the Board
This policy provides a minimum of • To oversee any major changes in • Establishing the annual bonus and
FY 2018 85:1 67:1 57:1
• We have developed a new set of values 16 weeks’ maternity leave on full pay, Chair and recommends and monitors the employee benefit structures PSP targets for 2018.
that will be launched in 2019 and include 2 weeks’ paternity leave again on level and structure of remuneration for throughout the Group.
at their heart confirmation that we will full pay and finally adoption leave senior managers. • Salary of the CEO and Group Finance
continue to treat all our employees that corresponds to maternity Director to be increased by 3%
Detailed responsibilities are set out in the
fairly and consistently. and paternity pay for primary and Key responsibilities: effective 1 January 2019, in line
Committee’s terms of reference, which
secondary carers. This initiative • To determine the Company’s with the UK workforce.
can be found at
Share price growth table is aimed at improving the living Remuneration Policy and framework, • Fee of Board Chair also to be increased
standards of new parents at Croda considering factors which it deems Summary of key decisions for 2018 from £245,140 to £295,000 effective
60 as well as supporting our drive for necessary, including legal and from 1 January 2019. This one-off
The CEO Pay Ratio will fluctuate • Vesting of 2015 PSP awards; the EPS
better gender equality. regulatory requirements. adjustment reflects the increased
year-on-year to reflect Croda’s target representing 50% of the award
• To review the ongoing was met in full as was the TSR target demands and scope of the role.
performance. This year’s pay
ratio reflects our strong share appropriateness and relevance therefore the overall award vesting
price performance. of the Remuneration Policy. was at 100%.
Living Wage • To determine the total individual • Payment of 2017 annual bonus in
remuneration packages for the Board March 2018 at 78.39% of maximum
We were pleased to announce in Chair, each Executive Director, the target reflecting a 11.4% increase in
2018 that we gained accreditation Company Secretary and other members adjusted operating profit.
Share Price (£)

as a Living Wage Employer from of the Executive management team as

the Living Wage Foundation. In 2019 are designated by the Board from time
we will continue to ensure that all our to time.
employees and regular contractors
are paid at, or above, the rates
advised by the Living Wage
Foundation. Globally we are also
30 working on proposals to ensure that
at every location we pay a minimum
wage, that goes beyond the legal
minimums ensuring
that we can provide
an appropriate
Dec 2015 Jun 2016 Dec 2016 Jun 2017 Dec 2017 Jun 2018 Dec 2018 standard of living
Croda International for all our employees.

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Annual Report and Accounts 2018
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Annual Report and Accounts 2018 77
Remuneration Report continued

Summary of Remuneration Committee meetings Summary of policy

Directors’ Report
January 2018 • Approved the targets for the 2018 bonus plan Salary Set taking into account an individual’s responsibilities, performance and experience,
as well as external factors, pay and employment conditions elsewhere in the Group.
• Reviewed the outcome of the Committee effectiveness review
Annual bonus Maximum annual bonus opportunities:
February 2018 • Reviewed the draft Directors’ Remuneration Report
• Group Chief Executive 150% of salary
• Approved the calculation for 2017 annual bonus award for payment in March 2018
• Group Finance Director 125% of salary
• Approved the vesting outcome for the 2015 Performance Share Plan (PSP) awards
Income growth targets, with no bonus payable until the previous year’s income is exceeded.
• Approved the granting of PSP awards for 2018
General financial and safety, health and environmental underpins apply.
• Approved the granting of the Restricted Share Plan awards
One third deferred for three years.
• Ensured adherence to ABI headroom limits as they apply to the business
Malus and clawback provisions apply.
April 2018 • Confirmed appointment of new Committee Chairs
Performance Share Plan Maximum Performance Share Plan award:
• Gave authority for UK employees to join the UK Sharesave Scheme and non-UK employees
• Group Chief Executive 200% of salary
to join the International Scheme
• Group Finance Director 150% of salary
October 2018 • Considered and reviewed remuneration trends specifically the new UK Corporate
Governance Code Awards based on EPS, Relative TSR and NPP. Subject to satisfactory underlying financial
performance of the Group.
• Reviewed shareholder consultation feedback resulting from engagement by the Committee Chair
Three-year performance period with an additional two-year holding period.
December 2018 • Approved the Discretion Framework
Malus and clawback provisions apply.
• Approved salary increases for Executive Directors and Board Chair
Pension and benefits Pension benefits are either a capped career averaged defined benefit pension plan with a cash
• Reviewed and approved proposed targets for 2019 annual bonus and PSP award
supplement above the cap, or a cash supplement.
• Considered the Committee’s effectiveness
Cash allowance for existing Executive Directors of up to 25% of salary. For future appointments
this has been reduced to up to 15% of salary, which aligns to the UK workforce.
c. Summary of Remuneration Policy adopted 2017 Typical other benefits include company car, private fuel allowance, private health insurance and
An updated Remuneration Policy was presented and approved by shareholders at the 2017 AGM and will operate until the AGM in 2020. other insured benefits.
Changes to the policy at that time were minimised and the Committee believes that the changes made then are still right for the business,
Shareholding guidelines Shareholding guidelines apply.
reflect the values of the organisation and remain reasonable and proportionate.

Objectives of the policy Further details about the policy can be found on pages 88 and 89.
The Committee spent several months considering the effectiveness of the previous policy and any potential changes for the future.
This review was completed with the following five principal objectives in mind:

• To achieve the closest possible alignment with the Company’s strategy

• To raise the profile of performance and to ensure that it is judged against true business competition
• To ensure that the policy properly reflects the various concerns of shareholders as to structure and metrics
• To ensure that year by year target setting sets truly stretching ambitions and that the scale of reward is proportionate
• The Committee’s method of operation will be flexible and dynamic taking account of external changes and business performance

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Annual Report and Accounts 2018 79
Remuneration Report continued

d. Executive Director’s remuneration for the year ending 2019 EPS vesting schedule TSR vesting schedule

Directors’ Report
100 100
Key component

% of EPS element vesting

% of TSR element vesting

Implementation in 2019
80 80
Basic salary Executive Directors’ base salaries were reviewed during the final quarter of the financial year ending 31 December 2018.
Salaries for 2019 are as follows: 60 60

​ Salary at Jan 2019 Salary at Jan 2018 Increase 40 40

Steve Foots £662,337 £643,046 3% 20 20

Jez Maiden £456,784 £443,480 3% 0 0
1% 3% 5% 7% 9% 11% 13% 15% 25% 50% 75% 100%
• UK workforce will be awarded an increase of 3% in 2019. Adjusted EPS Growth Percentile Ranking %

• The Committee considered each individual’s progression in their role as well as their responsibilities, performance, skills and
e. Report of the Remuneration Committee for the year ended 31 December 2018 – Audited Information
experience. In this section
• The Committee also considered the wider pay levels and salary increases being proposed across the Group as a whole.
I) Directors remuneration for the year ending 2018
Other benefits • Other benefits such as company cars or car allowances, fuel allowance and health benefits are made available to
II) Pension
Executive Directors.
III) Payment for cessation of office
Performance ​
Steve Foots 150% of salary Jez Maiden 125% of salary IV) Payments to past directors
related V) Share interests
Level of award *Bonusable Profit % of bonus payable
annual bonus VI) Performance graph
Threshold Equivalent to 2018 actual 0%
VII) Ten-year remuneration figures for Group Chief Executive
Maximum 2018 actual plus 10% 100%
VIII) Board Chair and other Non-Executive Directors’ fees 2018 and 2019
* Income growth is the growth in underlying profitability (defined for bonus purposes as Group EBITDA for continuing operations before IX) Non-Executive Directors’ remuneration
exceptional items and any charges or credits under IFRS 2 share based payments) less a notional interest charge on working capital
employed during the year. Income is measured after providing for the cost of bonuses on a constant currency basis. X) Service contracts and outside interests
Commentary XI) Remuneration Committee attendance and advisers
• No change to maximum awards or performance measures from last year. ​XII) Other disclosures​
• When determining bonus outcomes, the Committee will take a range of factors into consideration (see Discretion Framework XIII) Statement of voting
on page 73) and may reduce the bonus awards if it considers it appropriate.
• One third of any bonus paid will be deferred into shares for a three-year period.
• Malus and clawback provisions apply. I) Directors’ remuneration for the year ending 2018
• Full retrospective disclosure will be made.
• The Committee remains comfortable that the structure of the annual bonus does not encourage inappropriate risk taking Elements of remuneration
and that the mandatory deferral of one third of bonus into shares provides clear alignment with shareholders and fosters Executive Directors’ remuneration
a longer term link between annual performance and reward.
• The Committee considers the targets set for 2019 to be at least as demanding as in previous years and were set after taking Salaries and Pension3 Long term
fees1 Benefits2 supplement Pension4 Annual bonus Incentives5A-B Total
due account of the Company’s commercial circumstances and inflationary expectations. Executive Director ​ £ £ £ £ £ £ £
Steve Foots 2018 643,046 33,320 151,386 44,000 349,078 1,974,985 3,195,815
Performance ​ Steve Foots 200% of salary Jez Maiden 150% of salary
Share Plan 2017 624,316 31,650 146,704 28,088 734,102 2,005,391 3,570,251
The targets for the awards are set out below Jez Maiden 2018 443,480 16,055 110,870 – 200,619 1,021,554 1,792,578
Performance measure & weighting Threshold vesting Maximum vesting
2017 430,563 28,179 107,641 – 421,898 1,037,253 2,025,534
Relative TSR1 (40%) Median Upper quartile Total 2018 1,086,526 49,375 262,256 44,000 549,697 2,996,539 4,988,393
EPS growth (40%) 2
5% p.a. 11% p.a. Total 2017 1,054,879 59,829 254,345 28,088 1,156,000 3,042,644 5,595,785
NPP (20%) Target vesting for NPP sales growth to be at least twice non-NPP sales, subject to a
minimum average of 5% growth per year and overall positive Group profit growth.
Steve Foots’ salary before salary sacrifice pension contributions of £3,000.
Benefits include benefit-in-kind for company car or cash allowance, benefit-in-kind for private medical insurance and private fuel allowance.
1 TSR peer group constituents: AkzoNobel, Albemarle, Arkema, Ashland, BASF, Clariant, Koninklijke DSM, Eastman Chemicals, Elementis, 3
Represents the 25% supplement paid to Steve Foots and Jez Maiden in relation to benefits provided above the salary pension cap.
Evonik Industries, Givaudan, Johnson Matthey, Kemira, Lanxess, Novozymes, Solvay, Symrise, Synthomer, Victrex. 4
For defined benefit pensions the amount included is the additional value accrued during the year, calculated using HMRC’s methodology for the purposes of income
2 EPS growth p.a. is calculated on a simple average basis over the three-year period and therefore growth of 33% or more over three years tax using a multiplier of 20.
is required for maximum vesting. 5A
The PSP awards granted in March 2016 reached the end of their performance period on 31 December 2018. The awards will vest at 100% (see page 82). The values
Commentary included in the table above are based on the three-month average price to 31 December 2018 of 4784p. These values will be updated in next year’s Annual Report
based on the share price at vesting which will take place on 4 March 2019.
• No change to maximum awards or performance measures from last year. 5B
The 2017 PSP award has been updated to reflect the actual share price at vesting of 4459p.
• When determining the outcome the Committee will take a range of factors into consideration (see Discretion Framework page 73)
and may reduce awards if it considers appropriate.
• An additional two-year holding period will apply for any shares vesting.
Annual bonus
• Malus and clawback provisions apply. The 2018 bonuses for Executive Directors were calculated by reference to the amount by which the income for the year exceeded the
• Performance period 01.01.19 to 31.12.21. income for 2017 (the ‘base income’). Bonuses for 2018 are payable against a graduated scale once the 2018 income exceeds the base
income with bonus targets set, and performance measured, based on constant currency actual exchange rates.
Pension ​
Steve Foots Jez Maiden
Bonus outcome
​ Threshold target Maximum target Actual (% of maximum)
• Membership of CARE pension plan up to salary cap and • 25% of salary as pension supplement.
25% of salary as pension supplement. Income £359.3m £395.2m £372.3m 36.19%

The Remuneration Committee has discretion to reduce (including to zero) the amount of any payment under the scheme if it considers
• Last year the policy for Executive Director pensions was reduced to 15% of salary for future appointments which is aligned to
the UK workforce.
the safety, health or environment (SHE) performance is in serious non-compliance with the Croda SHE policy statement, document of
• Pension supplement will be subject to further review as we consider our new Remuneration Policy for implementation in 2020. minimum standards. In addition the Committee can also reduce any payment (including to zero) if it considers the underlying business
performance of the Company is not sufficient to support the payment of any bonus. In addition the Committee has developed a rigorous
Full retrospective disclosure of the targets and actual performance will be provided in next year’s Annual Report on Remuneration. framework for the application of judgement and discretion in reviewing awards (see page 73).

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Annual Report and Accounts 2018 81
Remuneration Report continued
Audited Information

PSP Sharesave

Directors’ Report
PSP awards vesting in March 2019 Details of awards made under the UK Sharesave scheme are set out below:
Number at Number at
The PSP awards granted in March 2016 reached the end of their three-year performance period on 31 December 2018. 01.01.18 31.12.18
Earliest Exercise (10.357143p Granted Exercised (10.357143p
Measure Weighting Threshold Maximum Actual performance Out-turn (% of max element) Date of grant exercise date Expiry date Face value* price shares) in year in year shares)

Relative TSR versus Steve Foots

FTSE 350 Median Upper quartile 89.4 18 September 2014 1 November 2017 30 April 2018 £2,247.06 1763p 102 – 102 –
constituents 50% (50th percentile) (75th percentile) percentile 100% 17 September 2015 1 November 2018 30 April 2019 £4,490.29 2232p 161 – 161 –
Adjusted annual 16 September 2016 1 November 2019 30 April 2020 £6,728.94 2639p 204 – – 204
average EPS growth 13 September 2017 1 November 2020 30 April 2021 £6,725.10 3092p 174 – – 174
over 3 years* 50% 6% pa 12% pa 40.9% 100% 27 September 2018 1 November 2021 30 April 2022 £8,959.67 4144p – 173 – 173
641 173 263 551
* EPS growth p.a. is calculated on a simple average basis over the three-year period; and therefore, growth of 36% or more over three years is required for
maximum vesting.
Jez Maiden
17 September 2015 1 November 2018 30 April 2019 £11,239.67 2232p 403 – 403 –
As well as considering the EPS and TSR targets under the rules of the PSP, the Remuneration Committee is obliged to consider 16 September 2016 1 November 2019 30 April 2020 £11,247.89 2639p 341 – – 341
the underlying performance of the Company over the performance period, which it did using the Discretion Framework on page 73.
27 September 2018 1 November 2021 30 April 2022 £11,238.43 4144p – 217 – 217
744 217 403 558
The forecast vesting value of the awards made in March 2016, subject to the above performance targets, is included in the 2018 single
figure table on page 81.
During 2018, the highest mid-market price of the Company’s shares was 5290p and the lowest was 4268.5p. The year end closing price was 4685p. The year end
mid-market price was 4701p.
Gains made on exercise of share options and PSP * Face value is calculated using the market value on the day before the date of grant, multiplied by the number of shares awarded.
The gains are calculated according to the market price of Croda International Plc ordinary shares of 10.35143p each on the date of II) Pension
exercise, although the shares may have been retained.
The pension rights that accrued during the year in line with the policy on such benefits as set out in the Policy Report were as follows:
Executive Director Exercise date Shares exercised Scheme Exercise price Market price Gain (before tax) Normal retirement Accrued Single remuneration Single remuneration Single remuneration figures
Executive Director date under the CPS pension 2018 figure 2018 figure 2017 excluding supplement
Steve Foots 12 May 2017​ 20,701 ​ PSP​ 0​ 3923.5p​ £812,204​
​ 5 March 2018​ 44,974 ​ PSP​ 0​ 4459p​ £2,005,391​ Steve Foots 14 September 2033 £122,121 £195,386 £174,792 £44,000
​ 25 April 2018 102 Sharesave 1763p 4420p £2,710 Jez Maiden N/A –​ £110,870 £107,641 –​
​ 1 November 2018 161 Sharesave 2232p 4784p £4,109
Note: Members of the CPS have the option to pay voluntary contributions. Neither the contributions nor the resulting benefits are included in this table. During 2018,
Jez Maiden 5 March 2018 23,262 PSP 0 4459p £1,037,253 Steve Foots was paid £151,386 (2017: £146,704) and Jez Maiden was paid £110,870 (2017: 107,641) in addition to their basic salary to enable them to make
​ 1 November 2018 403 Sharesave 2232p 4784p £10,285 independent provision for their retirement.

Croda has a number of different pension plans in the countries in which we operate. Pension entitlements for Company Executives are
PSP awards granted in 2018 tailored to local market practice, length of service and the participant’s age.
The PSP awards granted on 14 March 2018 were as follows:
Following a review of pension provision in the UK conducted in 2014, a Career Average Revalued Earnings scheme was introduced with
Number of PSP Basis of award Face/maximum value of % of award vesting a cap applied to pension benefits. The plan was rolled out in 2016, and at this time, the cap was set at £65,000; it is increased each year
Executive Director shares awarded granted (% of salary) awards at grant date1 at threshold (maximum) Performance period
in line with inflation and from April 2019 will be £69,243.
Steve Foots 27,903 200% 1,286,049 25% (100%) 01.01.18 – 31.12.20
Jez Maiden 14,433 150% 665,216 25% (100%) 01.01.18 – 31.12.20 Employees who earn in excess of the pension cap receive a pension supplement. For current Executive Directors this supplement is up
to 25% of salary; however, from 2018, any new appointments to the role of Executive Director or to the Executive Committee will receive
1 Face value/maximum value is calculated based on a share price of £46.09, being the average mid-market share price of the three dealing days prior to the date a supplement of 15% in line with the UK employee population.
of grant.

The 2018 PSP awards are subject to a performance condition which is split into three parts: 40% EPS, 40% TSR, and 20% NPP. Where employees elect not to join the pension plan, cash is paid in lieu of a Company pension contribution. Again, for current Executive
Vesting will take place on a sliding scale. Targets were consistent with the 2019 PSP as stated on page 82. Directors this is set at 25% of salary; however, from 2018, any new appointments to the role of Executive Director or to the Executive
Committee will receive a supplement of 15% in line with the UK employee population.
All employee share plans
Executive Directors are invited to participate in the HMRC tax-approved UK Sharesave Scheme and the Croda Share Incentive Plan (SIP) Steve Foots’ pension provision
in line with, and on the same terms as, the wider UK workforce. Steve Foots accrues pension benefits under the Croda Pension Scheme (CPS) with an accrual rate of 1/60th and an entitlement to retire
at age 60. From 6 April 2011 onwards, pension benefits accruing are based on a capped salary. This cap was £187,500 until April 2014
SIP at which point it reduced to £150,000, and due to annual allowance regulations and changes to the pension scheme, reduced to £37,500
in April 2016 (reduced from the scheme cap of £65,650 due to annual allowance regulations). If Steve Foots retires before the age of 60,
Details of shares purchased and awarded to Executive Directors under the SIP are shown in the table below. A brief description of the SIP
a reduction will be applied to the element of his pension accrued before 6 April 2006, unless in either instance, he is retiring at the
is set out in note 22 on page 136.
Company’s request. In the event of death, a pension equal to two-thirds of the Director’s pension would become payable to the surviving
SIP shares spouse. Steve Foots’ pension in payment is guaranteed to increase in line with the rate of inflation up to a maximum of 10% per annum
Partnership that became Total unrestricted for benefits accrued before 6 April 2006, and in line with inflation up to a maximum of 2.5% per annum for benefits accrued from
SIP shares held shares acquired Matching shares Total shares unrestricted SIP shares held
Executive Director 01.01.18 in year awarded in year 31.12.18 in the year at 31.12.18 6 April 2006 onwards.
Steve Foots 5,717 38 38 5,793 96 5,335
Jez Maiden 199 38 38 279 – – Steve Foots is entitled to death-in-service benefits from the CPS. He also receives a pension supplement at 25% of salary above his
personal pension benefit cap.
There have been no changes in the interests of any Director between 31 December 2018 and the date of this report, except for the purchase of 6 SIP shares and
6 matching shares by Steve Foots and Jez Maiden during January and February 2019. Jez Maiden’s pension provision
* Jez Maiden also had 4 additional shares acquired through the Dividend Reinvestment Plan. Jez Maiden has elected not to join the CPS and is therefore paid a pension supplement of 25% of salary. He has an agreement with
the Company to provide him with death-in-service benefits outside of the CPS.

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Annual Report and Accounts 2018
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Annual Report and Accounts 2018 83
Remuneration Report continued
Audited Information

III) Payments for cessation of office VIII) Board Chair and other Non-Executive Directors’ fees 2018 and 2019

Directors’ Report
There were no payments for loss of office during the year under review. The fees paid to the Non-Executive Directors (including chairing of Committees) and to the Senior Independent Director were reviewed
in December 2018 and increased. These changes will take effect from 1 January 2019. The revised fee structure for the Board Chair and
IV) Payments to past directors other Non-Executive Directors for 2019 is detailed below.
There were no payments to past directors during the year under review.
2018 Fee 2019 Fee
Non-Executive Director Position £ £
V) Share interests Anita Frew1 Board Chair 245,140 295,000
The interests of the Directors who held office at 31 December 2018 are set out in the table below: Roberto Cirillo Non-Executive Director 56,650 62,000
Alan Ferguson2 Audit Committee Chair & Senior Independent Director 77,250 87,300
Legally owned1 ​ SIP ​ % of salary held
PSP DBSP Sharesave Total under shareholding
Jacqui Ferguson Non-Executive Director 56,650 62,000
31.12.17 31.12.18 (unvested) (unvested)2 (unvested) Restricted Unrestricted 31.12.18 guideline Helena Ganczakowski2 Remuneration Committee Chair 66,950 77,000
Executive Director Keith Layden Non-Executive Director 56,650 62,000
Steve Foots 135,177 159,233​ 104,067 19,712 551 458 5,335 289,356​ >200% target Steve Williams Non-Executive Director 56,650 62,000
Jez Maiden 3,475 16,184​ 53,828 10,995 558 279 – 81,844​ >150% target
Non Executive Director 1 During 2018, the Committee also reviewed the Board Chair’s fee. As part of this process the Committee considered the expanded scope and growth of the Company
over recent years. Croda is now an established international FTSE 100 company, and consequently the scope of the Board Chair role has changed. As part of the
Roberto Cirillo – –​ – – – – – –​ – review it was found that Anita Frew’s fee for the role was significantly below the fees paid to other FTSE 100 Chairs. Against the background of the expanded scope
Alan Ferguson 2,414 2,414 – – – – – 2,414 – and growth of the Company, the Committee felt that the Board Chair’s fee should be subject to a one-off adjustment, and determined that her fee would be increased
Jacqui Ferguson – –​ – – – – – – – from £245,140 to £295,000.
2 Committee Chairs received a supplementary fee of £10,300 in respect of their additional duties in 2018. This will increase in 2019 to £15,000. The Senior Independent
Anita Frew 9,655 9,655 – – – – – 9,655 – Director received a supplementary fee of £10,300 in respect of their additional duties in 2018, which will be unchanged in 2019. In addition in 2019 the Non-Executive
Helena Ganczakowski 370 370 – – – – – 370 – Director base fee increased from £56,650 to £62,000.
Keith Layden 72,143 78,993​ 16,532 6,742 – – – 102,267​ –
Nigel Turner* 14,482 –​ – – – – – –​ – IX) Non-Executive Directors’ remuneration
Steve Williams 11,824 11,983 – – – – – 11,983 – The remuneration of Non-Executive Directors for the year ended 31 December 2018 payable by Group companies is detailed below.
This table reflects actual payments in 2018 and also reflects several appointments and changes to Board Chairs and the Senior
* N.B. Nigel Turner retired 26 April 2018. Independent Director.
1 Including connected persons.

2 Represents DBSP awards and, for Keith Layden in respect of his 2017 bonus, a deferred share award equivalent to a DBSP award. Non-Executive Director
Salaries and fees Benefits1 Total
​ £ £ £

VI) Performance graph (unaudited information) Anita Frew 2018 245,140 8,636 253,776
​ 2017 236,917 7,295 244,212
Total shareholder return Nigel Turner2 2018 21,373 964 22,337
1,200 ​ 2017 64,917 4,947 69,864
Steve Williams3 2018 59,965 3,468 63,433
Total Shareholder Return

​ 2017 64,917 4,043 68,960
Alan Ferguson4 2018 73,936 6,323 80,259

600 ​ 2017 64,917 3,215 68,132

Helena Ganczakowski5 2018 63,636 5,152 68,788
​ 2017 54,917 6,230 61,147
Roberto Cirillo6 2018 38,420 2,599 41,019
0 ​ 2017 –​ –​ –​
Dec 2008 Dec 2009 Dec 2010 Dec 2011 Dec 2012 Dec 2013 Dec 2014 Dec 2015 Dec 2016 Dec 2017 Dec 2018
Jacqui Ferguson7 2018 18,883 1,623 20,506
Croda International FTSE 100 FTSE 250 FTSE 350
​ 2017 –​ –​ –​
VII) Ten-year remuneration figures for Group Chief Executive (unaudited information) Total 2018 ​ 521,353 28,765 550,118
Total 2017 ​ 486,585 25,730 512,315
The total remuneration figure includes the annual bonus and long term incentive awards which vested based on performance in those
years. The annual bonus and long term incentive award percentages show the payout for each year as a percentage of the maximum.
1 The benefits relate to Directors undertaking business travel on behalf of Croda and ensuring the Directors are not out of pocket for related tax.
​ 2009* 2010* 2011* 2012^
2015 ^
2018 ^
2 Nigel Turner retired 26 April 2018.
3 Steve Williams retired as the Chair of the Remuneration Committee in April 2018.
Total remuneration (£) 1,943,740 3,224,875 4,142,608 1,364,048 1,427,156 769,414 1,374,046 2,404,441 3,570,251 3,195,815 4 Alan Ferguson was appointed Senior Independent Director in April 2018.

Annual bonus (%) 100% 100% 100% 28% 0% 0% 76.38% 100% 78.36% 36.19% 5 Helena Ganczakowski was appointed Chair of the Remuneration Committee in April 2018.

Long term incentives 6 Roberto Cirillo was appointed to the Board in April 2018.

vesting (%) 100% 100% 100% 100% 81.8% 0% 0% 43% 100% 100% 7 Jacqui Ferguson was appointed to the Board in September 2018.

Executive Director Pay Non-Executive Director Pay

* Relate to Mike Humphrey ​ and Benefits ​ and Benefits ​ ​
^ Relate to Steve Foots Pension
Base pay Benefits supplement Other Annual bonus PSP Fee Benefits Total
Keith Layden1 £ £ £ £ £ £ ​ £ £ ​ £
2017 111,116 7,630 27,779 11,710 85,911 577,351 ​ 36,667 3,026 ​ 861,190
2018 – – – – – 304,788 ​ 56,650 1,492 ​ 362,930

1 Keith Layden retired as an Executive Director on 30 April 2017. Following his retirement he was appointed as a Non-Executive Director. The 2018 PSP amounts shown
relate to the 2016 PSP award, which was subject to performance conditions and pro-rating.

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Annual Report and Accounts 2018
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Annual Report and Accounts 2018 85
Remuneration Report continued
Audited Information

Non-Executive Directors appointment XII) Other disclosures (unaudited information)

Directors’ Report
The effective dates of the letters of appointment for the Board Chair and each Non-Executive Director who served during 2018 are shown Percentage change in remuneration levels
in the table below: The following chart shows the movement in the salary, benefits and annual bonus for the Group Chief Executive between the current and
Expiry date of
previous financial year compared with that of the average UK employee. The Committee has chosen this comparator as it feels it provides
Non-Executive Director Original appointment date current term a more appropriate reflection of the earnings of the average worker than the movement in the Group’s total wage bill, which is distorted by
Anita Frew 05-Mar-15 05-Mar-21 fluctuations in the number of employees and variations in wage practices in our overseas markets.
Roberto Cirillo 26-Apr-18 26-Apr-21 UK employees (ex. Executive Directors)
Alan Ferguson 01-Jul-11 30-Jun-19 3.0%
Salary CEO

Jacqui Ferguson 01-Sep-18 01-Sep-21 4.8%

Helena Ganczakowski 01-Feb-14 31-Jan-20 5.3%

Steve Williams 01-Jul-10 30-Jun-19 -53.1%

Keith Layden​ 01-May-17​ 01-May-20
-60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 10%
% change (from 2017 to 2018)
X) Service contracts and outside interests
The Executive Directors have service contracts as follows: Relative importance of the spend on pay
Executive Director Contract date Termination provision The chart below shows the movement in spend on staff costs versus that in dividends and adjusted profit after tax.
Steve Foots 16 September 2010 by the Company 12 months, by the Director 6 months
+1.3% 2018
Employee remuneration cost1
Jez Maiden 09 October 2014 by the Company 12 months, by the Director 6 months 2017
External directorships
Executive Directors are permitted to accept external appointments with the prior approval of the Board. It is normal practice for Executive Adjusted profit after tax3
Directors to retain fees provided for Non-Executive roles. Jez Maiden was appointed as a Non-Executive Director of PZ Cussons on
0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275
16 October 2016 and received a fee of £65,946 for 2018. £m

XI) Remuneration Committee attendance and advisers

1 Employee remuneration costs, as stated in the notes to the Group accounts on page 117. These comprise all amounts charged against profit in respect of
employee remuneration for the relevant financial year, less redundancy costs and share-based payments, both of which can vary significantly from year to year.
Members and attendance (eligibility) at meetings held during the year ended 31 December 2018: 2 Dividends are the amounts payable in respect of the relevant financial year. The dividend amount shown in respect of 2018 includes a special dividend of

​ ​ 115.0p per share.

3 Adjusted profit after tax is profit for the relevant year adjusted for exceptional items, acquisition costs, amortisation of intangible assets arising on acquisition
Helena Ganczakowski – Chair 5 (5)
and the tax thereon.
Alan Ferguson – Senior Independent Non-Executive 5 (5)
Nigel Turner1 – Senior Independent Non-Executive 2 (3) XIII) Statement of voting (unaudited information)
Steve Williams – Independent Non-Executive 5 (5) At the 2018 AGM, the Directors’ Remuneration Report received the following votes from shareholders:
Roberto Cirillo2 – Independent Non-Executive 2 (3)
Jacqui Ferguson3 – Independent Non-Executive 2 (2) Remuneration Policy Annual Report on Remuneration Annual Report on Remuneration
​ 2016 ​ 2016 ​ 2017
​ number of votes % of votes ​ number of votes % of votes ​ number of votes % of votes
1 Nigel Turner retired 26 April 2018, he missed one meeting in 2018 due to personal commitments.
2 Roberto Cirillo was appointed to the Board in April 2018.
Votes cast in favour 77,434,375 86.34% ​ 87,511,176 97.36% ​ 83,007,615 91.28%
3 Jacqui Ferguson was appointed to the Board in September 2018. Votes cast against 12,253,393 13.66% ​ 2,369,282 2.64% ​ 7,929,552 8.72%
Total votes cast 89,687,768 100% ​ 89,880,458 100% ​ 90,937,167 100.00%
In addition the Committee invites individuals to attend meetings to ensure that decisions are informed and take account of pay and
Withheld 320,236 ​ ​ 127,546 ​ ​ 175,048 ​
conditions in the wider Group. During 2018, invitees included other Directors and employees of the Group and the Committee’s advisers
(see below), including Steve Foots (Group Chief Executive), Anita Frew (Board Chair), Jez Maiden (Group Finance Director), Keith Layden
(Non-Executive Director), Tracy Sheedy (Group HR Director), and Tom Brophy (Group General Counsel and Company Secretary). I will be available at the AGM to respond to any questions shareholders may raise on the Committee’s activities.

Remuneration Committee advisers (unaudited information) On behalf of the Board

Deloitte were retained as the appointed adviser to the Committee for the whole of 2018, having been appointed in October 2017.
Deloitte did not have any connection to the Group other than providing advice in relation to Executive remuneration and Non-Executive
fees. Deloitte is a signatory to the Remuneration Consultants Group Code of Conduct. The total fees paid to Deloitte for its services during
the year were £66,030 (excluding VAT). The Committee regularly reviews the external adviser relationship and is comfortable that the Helena Ganczakowski
advice it is receiving remains objective and independent. Chair of the Remuneration Committee

26 February 2019

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Annual Report and Accounts 2018 87
Remuneration Report continued

E. Summary of the Remuneration Policy Link to strategy Operation Maximum opportunity

Directors’ Report
An updated Remuneration Policy was presented and approved by shareholders at the 2017 AGM and will operate until the AGM in 2020.
Performance Share The PSP provides for awards of free shares (ie either Normal maximum opportunity of 200% of salary.
Plan (PSP) conditional shares or nil-cost options) normally made
Changes to the application of Remuneration Policy effective 2018 annually which vest after three years subject to
In exceptional circumstances (eg recruitment), awards
To incentivise and reward the may be granted up to 300% of salary to compensate
In direct response to shareholder concerns the Committee agreed that for all new Executive Director or Executive Committee continued service and the achievement of challenging
execution of business strategy for value forfeited from a previous employer.
appointments the cash supplement element of their pension will be up to 15% of base salary, which is aligned to the UK workforce. performance conditions. Shares (on an after-tax basis)
over the longer term.
are subject to a two-year post-vesting holding period.
To reward sustained
Main components of the Remuneration Policy The Committee has the discretion when awards are
growth in (i) profit and
granted to permit awards to benefit from the dividends
(ii) shareholder value.
Link to strategy Operation Maximum opportunity paid on shares that vest.

Basic salary Reviewed annually with increases effective from Salaries may be increased each year in percentage Framework used to assess performance and for the recovery of sums paid
1 January. of salary terms. Granted subject to a blend of challenging financial (eg EPS), shareholder return (eg relative TSR) and strategic targets (eg NPP).
To assist in the recruitment
and retention of high-calibre Base salaries will be set by the Committee, considering: The Committee will be guided by the salary Targets will normally be tested over three years.
Executives. increase budget set in each region and across
• The performance and experience of the individual In relation to financial targets (eg EPS growth and TSR) 25% of awards subject to such targets will vest for threshold performance with a
the workforce generally. graduated scale operating through to full vesting for equalling, or exceeding, the maximum performance targets (no awards vest for performance
• Any change in responsibilities Increases beyond those linked to the region of the below threshold). In relation to strategic targets, the structure of the target will vary based on the nature of target set (ie it will not always be
• Pay and employment conditions elsewhere in the Group Executive or the workforce as a whole (in percentage of practicable to set such targets using a graduated scale and so vesting may take place in full for strategic targets if specific criteria are met in full).
• Rates of inflation and market-wide wage increases salary terms) may be awarded in certain circumstances Vesting is also dependent on satisfactory underlying financial performance of the Group over the performance period and subject to potential claw
across international locations such as where there is a change in responsibility, back in the event of a material misstatement of results, serious misconduct, serious reputational damage, or corporate failure. The claw back
• The geographical location of the Executive experience or a significant increase in the scale of provisions will operate for a three-year period following the date on which the awards vest.
• Rates of pay in international manufacturing the role and/or size, value or complexity of the Group.
and pan-sector companies of a comparable All-employee Periodic invitations are made to participate in the The maximum participation level (for UK-based
size and complexity. The Committee retains the flexibility to set the salary share plans Group’s Sharesave Plan and Share Incentive Plan. employees) is as per HMRC limits (see Annual Report
of a new hire at a discount to the market level initially, on Remuneration for current maximum limits).
To encourage retention and Shares acquired through these arrangements have
and to implement a series of planned increases in
long term shareholding in significant tax benefits in the UK subject to satisfying
subsequent years, in order to bring the salary to the
the Company. certain HMRC requirements.
desired positioning, subject to individual performance.
To provide all employees The plans can only operate on an all-employee basis.
Framework used to assess performance and for the recovery of sums paid with the opportunity to become
The Committee considers individual salaries at the appropriate Committee meeting each year, taking due account of the factors noted in operation The plans operate on similar terms but on a non-tax
shareholders in the Company
of the salary policy. favoured basis outside the UK as appropriate.
on similar terms.
Benefits The Group typically provides the following benefits: Cost of benefits is not pre-determined and may vary Framework used to assess performance and for the recovery of sums paid
To provide competitive benefits • Company car (or cash allowance) from year to year based on the cost to the Group. There are no post-grant performance targets applicable to these awards.
to act as a retention mechanism • Private fuel allowance
and reward service. • Private health insurance and other insured benefits Pension Pension benefits are typically provided either through Career Average Revalued Earnings Scheme with up to
• Other ancillary benefits, including relocation expenses/ To provide competitive long term (i) participation in the UK’s defined benefit pension plan 1/60th accrual up to a capped salary currently set at up
arrangements as required. retirement benefits. with a cash supplement provided above any pension to £67,620 plus cash allowance of up to 15% of salary
Additional benefits might be provided from time to time salary cap or (ii) a cash supplement provided in lieu above the cap. The salary cap may be reduced due to
To act as a retention mechanism of pension. annual allowance regulations.
(for example in circumstances where an Executive
and reward service.
Director is recruited from overseas). Only basic salary is pensionable. or
The Committee will consider whether the payment Cash allowance aligned to the workforce of up to 15%
of any additional benefits is appropriate and in line of salary.
with market practice when determining whether
they are paid. (A cap of 25% applies to Executive Directors appointed
prior to 2018).
Framework used to assess performance and for the recovery of sums paid
None. Framework used to assess performance and for the recovery of sums paid
Performance related Compulsory deferral of one third of any bonus paid into Group Chief Executive: 150% of salary
bonus shares for three years through the Deferred Bonus
Group Finance Director: 125% of salary
Share Plan (DBSP).
To incentivise and reward
Other Executive Directors: 100% of salary
delivery of the Group’s key The Committee has the discretion to permit DBSP
annual objectives. awards to benefit from dividends on shares that vest.
To contribute to longer term The balance of the bonus is paid in cash.
alignment with shareholders.

Framework used to assess performance and for the recovery of sums paid
Details of the performance measures used for the current year and targets set for the year under review and performance against them is
provided in the Annual Report on Remuneration. Bonus will be based on a challenging range of financial targets set in line with the Group’s KPIs
(for example income growth targets). The Committee has the flexibility to include, for a minority of the bonus, targets related to the Group’s other
KPIs where this is considered appropriate. For each objective set, bonus starts to accrue once the threshold target is met (0% payable) rising on
a graduated scale to 100% for out-performance. The Committee takes health, safety and environmental performance into consideration when
determining the actual overall level of individual bonus payments and it may reduce the bonus awards if it considers it appropriate to do so.
Bonuses paid are subject to provisions that enable the Committee to recover value overpaid through the withholding of variable pay previously
earned or granted (malus) or through requesting a payment from an individual (claw back) in the event of a material misstatement of results,
serious misconduct, serious reputational damage, or corporate failure. The provisions will operate for a three-year period following the date
on which the bonus is paid.

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Annual Report and Accounts 2018 89
Directors’ Report

Other Disclosures

Directors’ Report
Pages 44 to 93 inclusive, together with Apart from the share option schemes, Share capital Development and learning: The Company
the sections of the Annual Report and long term incentive schemes and service At the date of this Report, 135,124,108 recognises that the key to future success
Accounts incorporated by reference, contracts, no Director had any beneficial Ordinary Shares of 10.357143p each lies in the skills and abilities of its
constitute a Directors’ Report that interest in any contract to which the have been issued and are fully paid up and dedicated global workforce.
has been drawn up and presented Company or a subsidiary was a party quoted on the London Stock Exchange.
in accordance with applicable English during the year. At the date of this Report, the Company The continuous development of all of
company law; the liabilities of the Directors has issued and fully paid up 21,900 7.5% our employees is key to meeting the future
in connection with that report are subject A statement indicating the beneficial and Cumulative Preference Shares, 498,434 demands of our customers, especially in
to the limitations and restrictions provided non-beneficial interests of the Directors in 6.6% Cumulative Preference Shares and relation to enhanced creativity, innovation
by that law. the share capital of the Company, including 615,562 5.9% Cumulative Preference and customer service. During 2018, 82.7%
share options, is shown in the Directors’ Shares, all of £1 each (the Preference of our employees received training, totalling
Research and development Remuneration Report on page 84. Shares). The rights and obligations over 95,000 hours.
Research and development activities are attached to the Company’s Ordinary
undertaken with the prospect of gaining The Directors are responsible for managing Shares and Preference Shares are set Involvement: We are committed to
new scientific or technical knowledge the business of the Company and may out in the Articles, copies of which can be ensuring that employees share in the
and understanding. exercise all the powers of the Company obtained from Companies House in the UK success of the Group. Owning shares
subject to the provisions of relevant or by writing to the Company Secretary. in the Company is an important way
Dividends statutes, the Company’s Memorandum There are no restrictions on the voting of strengthening involvement in the
and Articles and any directions given rights attached to the Company’s Ordinary development of the Business and bringing
The Directors are recommending a final
by special resolution. Shares or on the transfer of securities together employees and shareholders’
dividend of 49p per share (2018: 46p). If
in the Company. The 7.5% Cumulative interests. In 2018, 82.2% of our UK
approved by shareholders, total dividends
for the year will amount to 87p per share
Directors’ indemnities Preference Shares do not confer on the employees and 60.1% of our non-UK
Power to issue or Employees employees participated in one of our
(2017: 81p). Details of dividends are The Company maintains Directors’ holders any right to receive notice of or
and Officers’ liability insurance that
buy back shares Diversity: We are committed to all-employee share plans, indicating
shown in note 8 on page 116; details of the to be present or to vote at any general
gives appropriate cover for any legal meeting of the Company, unless the At the 2018 AGM, authority was given to the principle of equal opportunity in employees’ continued desire to be
Company’s Dividend Reinvestment Plan
action brought against its Directors. The cumulative preferential dividend on such the Directors to allot unissued shares in employment and to ensuring that no involved in the Company.
can be found on page 148. The Company
Company has also granted indemnities shares is more than 12 calendar months in the Company up to a maximum amount applicant or employee receives less
has established various Employee Benefit
to each of its Directors and the Company arrears. The 6.6% and 5.9% Cumulative equivalent to approximately one third of the favourable treatment on the grounds Employees are kept informed of matters
Trusts (EBTs) in connection with the
Secretary, which represent ‘qualifying third Preference Shares do not confer on the issued share capital, excluding shares held of gender, marital status, race, ethnic of concern to them in a variety of ways,
obligation to satisfy future share awards
party indemnity provisions’ (as defined by holders any right to receive notice of or in treasury, for general purposes, plus up origin, religion, disability, sexuality or including the Company magazine, Croda
under employee share incentive schemes.
Section 234 of the Companies Act 2006), in to be present or to vote at any general to a further one third of the Company’s age, or is disadvantaged by conditions or Way; quarterly updates; the Company
The trustees of the EBTs have waived
relation to certain losses and liabilities that meeting of the Company, unless the issued share capital, excluding shares held requirements that cannot be shown to be intranet, Connect; team briefing webinars;
their rights to receive dividends on certain
the Directors or the Company Secretary may cumulative preferential dividend on such in treasury, but only in the case of a rights justified. Group human resources policies and Croda Now email messages. These
Ordinary Shares of the Company held in
incur to third parties in the course of acting shares is more than six calendar months issue. No such shares have been issued. are clearly communicated to all of our communications help achieve a common
the EBTs. Such waivers represent less
as Directors or the Company Secretary or in arrears or the business of the general employees and are available through awareness of the financial and economic
than 1% of the total dividend payable on
as employees of the Company or of any meeting includes the consideration of a A further special resolution passed at that the Company intranet. factors affecting the performance of Croda
the Company’s Ordinary Shares. Further
associated company. In addition, such resolution for reducing the share capital of meeting granted authority to the Directors and of changes within the Business. We
details of the EBTs can be found in
indemnities have been granted to other the Company, to sell the undertaking of the to allot equity securities in the Company Recruitment and progression: are committed to providing employees
note 24 on page 136.
officers of the Company who are Directors Company or to alter the Articles. No person for cash, without regard to the pre-emption It is established policy throughout the with opportunities to share their views
of subsidiary companies within the Group. holds securities in the Company that carry provisions of the Companies Act 2006. Business that decisions on recruitment, and provide feedback on issues that are
Directors Both of these authorities expire on the date career development, promotion and important to them. In 2017 we undertook
The Company has also granted an indemnity special rights with regard to control of the
The Company’s Articles of Association of the 2019 AGM, that is 24 April 2019, and other employment related issues are made a Global Employee Culture Survey and in
representing ‘qualifying pension scheme Company. The Company is not aware
(Articles) give the Directors power to so the Directors propose to renew them for solely on the grounds of individual ability, 2018 we held Listening Groups across all
indemnity provisions’ (as defined by of any agreements between holders of
appoint and replace Directors. Under a further year. achievement, expertise and conduct. levels of our organisation to gain a deeper
Section 235 of the Companies Act 2006) securities that may result in restrictions on
the terms of reference of the Nomination understanding of our people’s feelings
to a paid Director of the corporate trustee the transfer of securities or on voting rights.
Committee, any appointment must At last year’s AGM the members renewed We give full and fair consideration to towards our Business. More details can
of the Group’s UK pension scheme. Such
be recommended by the Nomination the Company’s authority to purchase up to applications for employment from people be found on page 26 of our 2018
indemnities were in place during 2018
Committee for approval by the Board of 10% of its Ordinary Shares. No purchases with disabilities, having regard to their Sustainability Report.
and at the date of approval of the
Directors. The present Directors of the were made during the year. As a result particular aptitudes and abilities. Should
Group financial statements.
Company are shown on pages 44 and 45. the Company will be seeking to renew its an employee become disabled during
In line with the UK Corporate Governance authority to purchase its own shares at the their employment with the Company, they
Code, each Director will be standing for 2019 AGM. Shares will only be purchased are fully supported by our Occupational
election or re-election at the AGM, with if the Board believes that such purchases Health provision. Efforts are made to
the exception of Steve Williams, who will will improve earnings per share and be in continue their employment with reasonable
retire at the AGM. Details of the Directors’ the best general interest of shareholders. It adjustments being made to the workplace
service contracts are given in the Directors’ is the Company’s intention that any shares and role where feasible. Retraining is
Remuneration Report on page 86. purchased will be held as treasury shares. provided if necessary.
At the date of this report the Company
holds 3,481,087 shares in treasury.

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Annual Report and Accounts 2018 91
Directors’ Report continued

Directors’ Report
Articles of Association Other disclosures All the information cross referenced above
Unless expressly specified to the contrary Certain information that is required to be is incorporated by reference into the Statement of Directors’ responsibilities
in the Articles, the Company’s Articles may included in the Directors’ Report can be Directors’ Report.
The Directors are responsible for UK accounting standards have that complies with that law and
be amended by a special resolution of the found elsewhere in this document as
References in this document to other preparing the Annual Report and the been followed, subject to any material those regulations.
Company’s shareholders. referred to below, each of which is
documents on the Company’s website, Group and parent Company financial departures disclosed and explained
incorporated by reference into the
such as the Sustainability Report, are statements in accordance with applicable in the parent Company financial The Directors are responsible for
Significant contracts and Directors’ Report:
included as an aid to their location and law and regulations. statements; the maintenance and integrity of the
change of control corporate and financial information
• Information on greenhouse gas are not incorporated by reference into any • assess the Group and parent
The Group has borrowing facilities which Company law requires the Directors included on the Company’s website.
emissions can be found on page 33 section of the Annual Report and Accounts. Company’s ability to continue as
may require the immediate repayment of to prepare Group and parent Company Legislation in the UK governing the
all outstanding loans together with accrued a going concern, disclosing, as
• An indication of likely future Independent auditors financial statements for each financial preparation and dissemination of
interest in the event of a change of control. applicable, matters related to
developments in the Group’s business year. Under that law they are required to financial statements may differ
The rules of the Company’s employee Our auditors, KPMG, have indicated their going concern; and
can be found in the Strategic Report, prepare the Group financial statements from legislation in other jurisdictions.
share plans set out the consequences willingness to continue in office and on the
starting on page 2 in accordance with International Financial • use the going concern basis of
of a change in control of the Company recommendation of the Audit Committee,
• An indication of the Company’s overseas a resolution regarding their reappointment Reporting Standards as adopted by the accounting unless they either intend Responsibility statement of
on participants’ rights under the plans. European Union (IFRSs as adopted by to liquidate the Group or the parent the Directors in respect of
Generally, such rights will vest and branches is on pages 145 to 147. and remuneration will be submitted to the
the EU) and applicable law and have Company or to cease operations, the annual financial report
become exercisable on a change of AGM on 24 April 2019.
elected to prepare the parent Company or have no realistic alternative We confirm that to the best of
control subject to the satisfaction of There have been no events affecting the
financial statements in accordance with but to do so.
performance conditions. None of the Company since the financial year end to Audit information our knowledge:
report to shareholders in accordance with UK accounting standards, including FRS
Executive Directors’ service contracts The Directors confirm that, so far as 101 Reduced Disclosure Framework. The Directors are responsible for keeping
contains provisions that are affected by the Accounts Regulations and Disclosure they are aware, there is no relevant • the financial statements, prepared in
adequate accounting records that are accordance with the applicable set
a change of control and there are no and Transparency Rules. audit information of which the Company’s Under company law the Directors must sufficient to show and explain the parent of accounting standards, give a true
other agreements that the Company is auditors are unaware, and that they have not approve the financial statements Company’s transactions and disclose
party to that take effect, alter or terminate For the purposes of Listing Rule (LR) each taken all the steps they ought to and fair view of the assets, liabilities,
unless they are satisfied that they give a with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position and profit or loss of
in the event of a change of control of the 9.8.4R, the information required to be have taken as a Director in order to true and fair view of the state of affairs financial position of the parent Company the Company and the undertakings
Company, which are considered to be disclosed by LR 9.8.4R can be found on make themselves aware of any relevant of the Group and parent Company and and enable them to ensure that its included in the consolidation taken
significant in terms of their potential the following pages of this Annual Report audit information and to establish that of their profit or loss for that period. In financial statements comply with as a whole; and
impact on the Group. and Accounts: the Company’s auditors are aware of preparing each of the Group and parent the Companies Act 2006. They are
that information. Company financial statements, the responsible for such internal control as • the Strategic Report includes a
The Company does not have any Directors are required to: they determine is necessary to enable fair review of the development
contractual or other arrangements that the preparation of financial statements and performance of the business
are essential to the business of the Group. • select suitable accounting policies and that are free from material misstatement, and the position of the issuer and
then apply them consistently; whether due to fraud or error, and have the undertakings included in the
Political donations general responsibility for taking such consolidation taken as a whole,
• make judgements and estimates together with a description of the
No donations were made for political Section Topic Page reference that are reasonable, relevant, reliable
steps as are reasonably open to them
purposes during the year (2017: £nil). to safeguard the assets of the Group principal risks and uncertainties
(1) Capitalised interest Page 92 and prudent; that they face.
and to prevent and detect fraud and
Financial risk management (2) Publication of unaudited financial Not applicable
• for the Group financial statements, other irregularities. We consider the Annual Report and
The Group’s exposure to and management state whether they have been prepared Accounts, taken as a whole, is fair,
of capital, liquidity, credit, interest rate and in accordance with IFRSs as adopted Under applicable law and regulations, balanced and understandable and
foreign currency risks are contained in note (3) Smaller related party transactions Not applicable by the EU; the Directors are also responsible for provides the information necessary
19 on pages 127 to 131. preparing a Strategic Report, Directors’ for shareholders to assess the Group’s
(4) Details of long term incentive schemes Not applicable • for the parent Company financial
Report, Directors’ Remuneration Report position and performance, business
established specifically to recruit or retain statements, state whether applicable
Capitalised interest and Corporate Governance Statement model and strategy.
a Director
The Group’s policy for capitalising
borrowing costs directly attributable to the (5) (6) Waiver of emoluments by a Director Not applicable
purchase or construction of fixed assets is
(7) (8) Allotments of equity securities for cash Page 91
set out on page 110. The Directors’ Report and the Strategic
(9) Participation in a placing of equity securities Not applicable Report, including the sections of the
Annual Report and Accounts incorporated
(10) Contracts of significance Page 92 by reference, is the ‘management report’
for the purposes of the Financial Conduct Tom Brophy
(11) (14) Controlling shareholder disclosures Not applicable Group General Counsel and Company
Authority Disclosure and Transparency
(12) (13) Dividend waiver Page 90 Rules (DTR 4.1.8R). It was approved by Secretary
the Board on 26 February 2019 and is 26 February 2019
signed on its behalf by

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Annual Report and Accounts 2018 93
Independent Auditor’s Report to the
Members of Croda International Plc
1. Our opinion is unmodified Overview 2. Key audit matters: our assessment of risks of material misstatement

Financial Statements
We have audited the financial statements of Croda International Plc Materiality: £16 million Key audit matters are those matters that, in our professional judgement, were of most significance in the audit of the financial statements and
(“the Company”) for the year ended 31 December 2018 which Group financial statements as 5% of group profit before tax include the most significant assessed risks of material misstatement (whether or not due to fraud) identified by us, including those which had
comprise the Group Income Statement, the Group Statement of a whole the greatest effect on: the overall audit strategy; the allocation of resources in the audit; and directing the efforts of the engagement team.
Comprehensive Income, the Group and Company Balance Sheets, We summarise below the key audit matters, in decreasing order of audit significance, in arriving at our audit opinion above, together with our
the Group Statement of Cash Flows, the Group and Company key audit procedures to address those matters and, as required for public interest entities, our results from those procedures. These matters
Statements of Changes in Equity, and the related notes, including Coverage 79% of group profit before tax were addressed, and our results are based on procedures undertaken, in the context of, and solely for the purpose of, our audit of the financial
the accounting policies on pages 105 to 111 and on page 140. statements as a whole, and in forming our opinion thereon, and consequently are incidental to that opinion, and we do not provide a separate
opinion on these matters.
In our opinion: Key audit matters
• the financial statements give a true and fair view of the state of the Recurring risks Valuation of defined benefit Group The risk Our response
Group’s and of the parent Company’s affairs as at 31 December pension scheme liabilities
and certain of its assets Valuation of Subjective valuation: Our procedures included:
2018 and of the Group’s profit for the year then ended;
defined benefit • The Group has three defined benefit pension • Benchmarking assumptions: challenged key assumptions
• the Group financial statements have been properly prepared in pension scheme schemes that are material in the context of the applied (discount rate, inflation rate, and mortality rate) with the
accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards as Environmental provision liabilities and overall balance sheet and the results of the Group. support of our own actuarial specialists, including a comparison
adopted by the European Union; certain of of key assumptions against market data.
Taxation its assets • Significant estimates, including the discount
• the parent Company financial statements have been properly rate, the inflation rate, the mortality rate and • Sensitivity analysis: assessed the sensitivity of the defined
prepared in accordance with UK accounting standards, (Gross defined
GMP equalisation adjustment, are made in valuing benefit obligation to changes in certain assumptions.
including FRS 101 Reduced Disclosure Framework; and Recoverability of parent benefit obligation
the Group’s defined benefit pension obligations
company’s intercompany £1,268.7 million; • Test of details: obtained third party valuation confirmations
• the financial statements have been prepared in accordance with (before deducting the schemes’ assets).The UK
receivables 2017: £1,317.8 directly from fund managers, and compared those confirmations
the requirements of the Companies Act 2006 and, as regards scheme is still open to future accrual and new
million) with unaudited Net Asset Value (NAV) statements. Tested the
the Group financial statements, Article 4 of the IAS Regulation. members, and small changes in the assumptions
ability of fund managers to prepare accurate valuations by
and estimates would have a significant effect on
(Fair value of validating the unaudited NAV statements to audited
Basis for opinion the financial position of the Group. The Group
unlisted real financial statements.
engages external actuarial specialists to assist
We conducted our audit in accordance with International Standards estate and
them in selecting appropriate assumptions and • Actuary’s and fund managers’ credentials: assessed the
on Auditing (UK) (“ISAs (UK)”) and applicable law. Our responsibilities infrastructure
calculate the obligations. competence, independence and integrity of the Group’s
are described below. We believe that the audit evidence we have scheme assets)
actuarial expert and third party expert fund managers.
obtained is a sufficient and appropriate basis for our opinion. Our • The effect of these matters is that, as part of
audit opinion is consistent with our report to the Audit Committee. Refer to page 64 our risk assessment, we determined that the • Accounting analysis: challenged the accounting subjectivities
(Audit Committee valuation of the defined benefit obligations has such as GMP equalisation treatment that have been applied.
We were first appointed as auditor by the shareholders on 25 April Report), pages a high degree of estimation uncertainty, with a
• Assessing transparency: considered adequacy of the Group’s
2018. The period of total uninterrupted engagement is for the one 108 (accounting potential range of reasonable outcomes greater
disclosures in respect of the sensitivity of the net deficit to
financial year ended 31 December 2018. We have fulfilled our ethical policy) and note than our materiality for the financial statements
changes in key assumptions.
responsibilities under, and we remain independent of the Group in 11 on pages 118 as a whole, and possibly many times that amount.
accordance with, UK ethical requirements including the FRC Ethical to 121 (financial The financial statements (note 11) disclose the
Our results
Standard as applied to listed public interest entities. No non-audit disclosures). sensitivity estimated by the Group.
services prohibited by that standard were provided. • The results of our testing were satisfactory and we found the
• Judgements and estimations are also applied valuation of retirement benefit liabilities and certain unlisted
when valuing certain of the schemes’ unlisted assets to be acceptable.
real estate and infrastructure assets, including
the choice of valuation methodology.

Environmental Omitted exposure: Our procedures included:

provision • The Group has numerous operating and legacy • Enquiry with lawyers: obtained legal confirmation letters and
(£9.9 million; manufacturing sites worldwide. Environmental inspected legal correspondence in relation to ongoing claims,
2017: £10.2 issues and related legal proceedings are inherent and held discussions with the Group’s in-house legal team
million) within the chemicals industry. There are a number and specialists.
of ongoing claims against the Group for soil and
• Third party expert credentials: assessed the competence,
Refer to page 64 potential groundwater contamination and
independence and integrity of the Group’s third party experts
(Audit Committee environmental damage.
used in estimating the provision.
Report), page 110
• The accounting risk is that there is a material
(accounting • Comparisons: assessed legal expenses incurred and reviewed
exposure which has not been provided for.
policy) and note due diligence performed on acquisitions made in the period and
The determination of the resulting environmental
20 on page 131 compared these with the provisions identified.
provision is inherently subjective and involves
a significant level of judgement, including the • Assessing transparency: considered the adequacy of the
interpretation of local environmental legislation. Group’s disclosures in respect of the nature and extent of the
exposure and the subjectivity in the forecasts.

Our results
• We found the judgements made around accounting for
environmental provisions and contingent liabilities to
be acceptable.

Croda International Plc
Croda International Plc
Annual report and Accounts 2018
Annual Report and Accounts 2018
Croda International Plc
Croda International Plc
Annual report and Accounts 2018
Annual Report and Accounts 2018
Independent Auditor’s Report to the
Members of Croda International Plc continued

Group The risk Our response Of the Group’s 80 reporting components, we subjected 8 to full Group revenue Group profit before tax

Financial Statements
scope audits for group purposes and 8 to specified risk-focused audit
Taxation Dispute outcome: Our procedures included: procedures. One component for which we performed specified risk-
(Tax accruals for • The Group operates in multiple tax jurisdictions governed by • Our tax expertise: with the assistance of our focused procedures was not individually financially significant enough
judgemental and national tax laws and regulations, and is required to estimate own local and international tax specialists, to require an audit for group reporting purposes, but did present
estimated tax positions) the impact of cross border transactions including transfer assessed the correspondence with tax specific individual risks that needed to be addressed. The other 7
pricing arrangements. Misinterpretation of these laws and authorities relating to ongoing enquiries, components for which we performed work other than audits for
Refer to page 64 (Audit regulations could give rise to a material misstatement. reviewed transfer pricing agreements and group reporting purposes were not individually significant but were
Committee Report), page
109 (accounting policy)
• The Group also holds a number of specific judgemental
tax accruals that relate to specific, open tax investigations/
analysed and challenged the assumptions used
to determine the tax charge and provisions.
included in the scope of our group reporting work in order to provide
further coverage over the Group’s results. We subjected these 8
76% 58
and note 5 on page 114 audits and other such matters. The estimation of the We also considered the Country by Country components to specified risk-focused audit procedures over a 18
(financial disclosures). accruals are dependent on the Directors’ assessment Reporting data made available to tax authorities combination of revenue (6 components), property, plant and 79
of the likely outcome of the outstanding matters. for the period ended 31 December 2017. equipment (2 components) and defined benefit pension assets
Subjective estimate: • Historical comparison: evaluated the track and liabilities (1 component). The components within the scope
• The Directors have recorded accruals to cover potential record of assumptions used to calculate of our work accounted for 79% of the total profits and losses
related tax provisions and charges versus that made up group profit before tax.
liabilities arising from the risk of challenge to transfer pricing Group total assets
arrangements and ongoing tax investigations in different actual historical results.
jurisdictions. There is a risk that the Group’s judgements • Assessing transparency: considered the The remaining 24% of total group revenue, 21% of group profit
do not adequately reflect the latest available, reliable adequacy and consistency of the Group’s before tax and 15% of total group assets is represented by 64
information or an appropriate application of relevant tax disclosures of the nature and extent of components, none of which individually represented more than 3%
legislation, and are either under or overstated as a result. the exposure and the sensitivity of the tax of any of total group revenue, group profit before tax or total group
accruals to any change in assumptions. assets. For the residual components, we performed analysis at an 2
• The effect of these matters is that, as part of our risk
Our results aggregated group level to re-examine our assessment that there
assessment, we determined that the valuation of tax
accruals has a high degree of estimation uncertainty,
with a potential range of reasonable outcomes greater
• We found the judgements and estimates made
around accounting for tax uncertainties to be
were no significant risks of material misstatement within these.
The Group team instructed component auditors as to the significant
than our materiality for the financial statements as a whole. acceptable.
areas to be covered, including the relevant risks detailed above and
Parent The risk Our response the information to be reported back. The Group team approved the 83
component materialities, which ranged from £0.8m to £11.0m, having
Recoverability of • The carrying amount of the parent Company’s intercompany Our procedures included:
regard to the mix of size and risk profile of the Group across the
parent Company’s receivables, held at cost less impairment, represents 73.6% • Tests of detail: Compared the carrying amount
components. The work on 12 of the 16 components was performed
intercompany of the Company’s total assets. of the highest value receivables balances with by component auditors in Germany, Italy, France, the Netherlands, Full scope for group audit purposes 2018
receivables • We do not consider the recoverable amount of these the respective subsidiaries’ net asset values Singapore, Japan, Brazil, Spain, China and India, and the rest, Specified risk-focused audit procedures 2018
(£1,675.4 million; 2017: receivables to be at a high risk of significant misstatement, and forecast cash generation to identify with including the audit of the parent company, was performed by Residual components
£1,809.1 million) or to be subject to a significant level of judgement. However, reference to the relevant debtors’ draft balance the Group team at locations in the UK and the USA.
due to their materiality in the context of the Company sheet, whether the net asset values, being an
Refer to page 110 financial statements as a whole, this is considered to be approximation of their minimum recoverable The Group team visited 3 component locations in Singapore, France
(accounting policy) one of the areas which had the greatest effect on our overall amount, were in excess of the carrying amount. and Brazil, to assess the audit risk and strategy. Video and telephone
and note H on page 142 audit strategy and allocation of resources in planning and Our results In our evaluation of the Directors’ conclusions, we considered the
conference meetings were also held with these component auditors
(financial disclosures). completing our company audit. inherent risks to the Group’s and Company’s business model and
• The results of our testing were satisfactory and and certain others that were not physically visited. At these visits and
analysed how those risks might affect the Group’s and Company’s
we found the recoverability of intercompany meetings, the findings reported to the Group team were discussed in
financial resources or ability to continue operations over the going
receivables to be acceptable. more detail, and any further work required by the Group team was
concern period. The risks that we considered most likely to adversely
then performed by the component auditor.
affect the Group’s and Company’s available financial resources over
this period were:
3. Our application of materiality and an overview of Profit before tax Group materiality 4. We have nothing to report on going concern
the scope of our audit £317.8m £16.0m The Directors have prepared the financial statements on the going • The impact of a significant business continuity issue affecting
Materiality for the Group financial statements as a whole was set concern basis as they do not intend to liquidate the Company or the the Group’s manufacturing facilities or those of its suppliers;
£16.0m Group or to cease their operations, and as they have concluded
at £16.0 million, determined with reference to a benchmark of
Group profit before income tax of £317.8 million, of which it
Whole financial
that the Company’s and the Group’s financial position means that • A potential significant legal settlement relating to a compliance
statements materiality breach such as an environmental issue; and
represents 5.0%. this is realistic. They have also concluded that there are no material
uncertainties that could have cast significant doubt over their ability • The impact of Brexit on the Group’s supply chain.
Materiality for the parent Company financial statements as a whole £11.0m to continue as a going concern for at least a year from the date of
was set at £10.2 million, determined with reference to a benchmark of Range of materiality approval of the financial statements (“the going concern period”).
company total assets of £2,276.8 million, of which it represents 0.4%. at 16 components
(£0.8m-£11.0m) Our responsibility is to conclude on the appropriateness of the
We agreed to report to the Audit Committee any corrected or Directors’ conclusions and, had there been a material uncertainty
uncorrected identified misstatements exceeding £0.8 million, in related to going concern, to make reference to that in this audit
addition to other identified misstatements that warranted reporting report. However, as we cannot predict all future events or
on qualitative grounds. conditions and as subsequent events may result in outcomes
that are inconsistent with judgements that were reasonable at
Profit before tax £0.8m the time they were made, the absence of reference to a material
Group materiality Misstatements reported uncertainty in this auditor’s report is not a guarantee that the
to the Audit Committee Group and the Company will continue in operation.

Croda International Plc
Croda International Plc
Annual report and Accounts 2018
Annual Report and Accounts 2018
Croda International Plc
Croda International Plc
Annual report and Accounts 2018
Annual Report and Accounts 2018
Independent Auditor’s Report to the
Members of Croda International Plc continued
As these were risks that could potentially cast significant doubt Directors’ remuneration report 6. We have nothing to report on the other matters on The potential effect of these laws and regulations on the financial

Financial Statements
on the Group’s and the Company’s ability to continue as a going In our opinion the part of the Directors’ Remuneration Report to which we are required to report by exception statements varies considerably.
concern, we considered sensitivities over the level of available be audited has been properly prepared in accordance with the Under the Companies Act 2006, we are required to report to you if, in
financial resources indicated by the Group’s financial forecasts taking Companies Act 2006. our opinion: Firstly, the Group is subject to laws and regulations that directly
account of reasonably possible (but not unrealistic) adverse effects affect the financial statements including financial reporting
that could arise from these risks individually and collectively and Disclosures of principal risks and longer-term viability • adequate accounting records have not been kept by the parent legislation, including related companies legislation, distributable
evaluated the achievability of the actions the Directors consider they Company, or returns adequate for our audit have not been received profits legislation, and taxation legislation, and we assessed the
Based on the knowledge we acquired during our financial
would take to improve the position should the risks materialise. We from branches not visited by us; or extent of compliance with these laws and regulations as part of
statements audit, we have nothing material to add or draw
also considered less predictable but realistic second order impacts, our procedures on the related financial statement items.
attention to in relation to: • the parent Company financial statements and the part of the
such as the impact of erosion of customer or supplier confidence
arising from Brexit, which could result in a rapid reduction of Directors’ Remuneration Report to be audited are not in agreement Secondly, the Group is subject to many other laws and regulations
• the Directors’ confirmation on page 39 in relation to the with the accounting records and returns; or
available financial resources. where the consequences of non-compliance could have a material
viability statement on page 43 that they have carried out a
• certain disclosures of Directors’ remuneration specified by law are effect on amounts or disclosures in the financial statements, for
robust assessment of the principal risks facing the Group,
Based on this work, we are required to report to you if: not made; or instance through the imposition of fines or litigation or the loss of
including those that would threaten its business model,
the Company’s licence to operate. We identified the following areas
future performance, solvency and liquidity; • we have not received all the information and explanations we
• we have anything material to add or draw attention to in relation as those most likely to have such an effect: health and safety and
to the Directors’ statement in the Accounting Policies on pages 105 • the Key Risks disclosures describing these risks and explaining require for our audit. product safety, anti-bribery and corruption, employment law, tax
and 140 on the use of the going concern basis of accounting with how they are being managed and mitigated; and and environmental legislation, recognising the nature of the Group’s
no material uncertainties that may cast significant doubt over the We have nothing to report in these respects. activities. Auditing standards limit the required audit procedures to
• the Directors’ explanation in the viability statement of how they
Group and Company’s use of that basis for a period of at least identify non-compliance with these laws and regulations to enquiry
have assessed the prospects of the Group, over what period 7. Respective responsibilities
twelve months from the date of approval of the financial of the Directors and other management and inspection of regulatory
they have done so and why they considered that period to
statements; or
be appropriate, and their statement as to whether they have a
Directors’ responsibilities and legal correspondence, if any. These limited procedures did not
As explained more fully in their statement set out on page 93, identify actual or suspected non-compliance.
• If the related statement under the Listing Rules set out on page 92 reasonable expectation that the Group will be able to continue in
is materially inconsistent with our audit knowledge. operation and meet its liabilities as they fall due over the period the Directors are responsible for: the preparation of the financial
statements including being satisfied that they give a true and fair Owing to the inherent limitations of an audit, there is an unavoidable
of their assessment, including any related disclosures drawing
view; such internal control as they determine is necessary to enable risk that we may not have detected some material misstatements
We have nothing to report in these respects, and we did not identify attention to any necessary qualifications or assumptions.
the preparation of financial statements that are free from material in the financial statements, even though we have properly planned
going concern as a key audit matter.
misstatement, whether due to fraud or error; assessing the Group and and performed our audit in accordance with auditing standards.
Under the Listing Rules we are required to review the viability
parent Company’s ability to continue as a going concern, disclosing, For example, the further removed non-compliance with laws and
5. We have nothing to report on the other information statement. We have nothing to report in this respect.
regulations (irregularities) is from the events and transactions reflected
in the Annual Report as applicable, matters related to going concern; and using the going
concern basis of accounting unless they either intend to liquidate the in the financial statements, the less likely the inherently limited
The Directors are responsible for the other information presented in Our work is limited to assessing these matters in the context of only
Group or the parent Company or to cease operations, or have no procedures required by auditing standards would identify it. In
the Annual Report together with the financial statements. Our opinion the knowledge acquired during our financial statements audit. As
realistic alternative but to do so. addition, as with any audit, there remained a higher risk of non-
on the financial statements does not cover the other information we cannot predict all future events or conditions and as subsequent
detection of irregularities, as these may involve collusion, forgery,
and, accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion or, except as events may result in outcomes that are inconsistent with judgements
Auditor’s responsibilities intentional omissions, misrepresentations, or the override of internal
explicitly stated below, any form of assurance conclusion thereon. that were reasonable at the time they were made, the absence of
controls. We are not responsible for preventing non-compliance
anything to report on these statements is not a guarantee as to Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the
and cannot be expected to detect non-compliance with all laws
Our responsibility is to read the other information and, in doing so, the Group’s and Company’s longer-term viability. financial statements as a whole are free from material misstatement,
and regulations.
consider whether, based on our financial statements audit work, whether due to fraud or other irregularities (see below), or error, and
the information therein is materially misstated or inconsistent with Corporate governance disclosures to issue our opinion in an auditor’s report. Reasonable assurance
is a high level of assurance, but does not guarantee that an audit 8. The purpose of our audit work and to whom we owe
the financial statements or our audit knowledge. Based solely on We are required to report to you if:
conducted in accordance with ISAs (UK) will always detect a material our responsibilities
that work we have not identified material misstatements in the
• we have identified material inconsistencies between the knowledge misstatement when it exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud, This report is made solely to the Company’s members, as a body,
other information.
we acquired during our financial statements audit and the Directors’ other irregularities or error and are considered material if, individually in accordance with Chapter 3 of Part 16 of the Companies Act 2006.
statement that they consider that the Annual Report and financial or in aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to influence Our audit work has been undertaken so that we might state to the
Strategic Report and Directors’ Report
statements taken as a whole is fair, balanced and understandable the economic decisions of users taken on the basis of the Company’s members those matters we are required to state to them
Based solely on our work on the other information: in an auditor’s report and for no other purpose. To the fullest extent
and provides the information necessary for shareholders to assess financial statements.
the Group’s position and performance, business model and permitted by law, we do not accept or assume responsibility to
• we have not identified material misstatements in the strategic report A fuller description of our responsibilities is provided on the FRC’s anyone other than the Company and the Company’s members,
and the Directors’ report; strategy; or
website at as a body, for our audit work, for this report, or for the opinions
• in our opinion the information given in those reports for the financial • the section of the Annual Report describing the work of the Audit we have formed.
year is consistent with the financial statements; and Committee does not appropriately address matters communicated Irregularities – ability to detect
by us to the Audit Committee.
• in our opinion those reports have been prepared in accordance We identified areas of laws and regulations that could reasonably be
with the Companies Act 2006. expected to have a material effect on the financial statements from
We are required to report to you if the Corporate Governance
our general commercial and sector experience, through discussion
Statement does not properly disclose a departure from the eleven
with the Directors and other management (as required by auditing
provisions of the UK Corporate Governance Code specified by the
standards), from inspection of the Group’s regulatory and legal
Listing Rules for our review.
correspondence, and discussed with the Directors and other Chris Hearld (Senior Statutory Auditor)
management, the policies and procedures regarding compliance for and on behalf of KPMG LLP, Statutory Auditor
We have nothing to report in these respects.
with laws and regulations. We communicated identified laws Chartered Accountants
and regulations throughout our team and remained alert to any 1 Sovereign Square
indications of non-compliance throughout the audit. This included Sovereign Street
communication from the Group to component audit teams of Leeds
relevant laws and regulations identified at group level. LS1 4DA
26 February 2019

Croda International Plc
Croda International Plc
Annual report and Accounts 2018
Annual Report and Accounts 2018
Croda International Plc
Croda International Plc
Annual report and Accounts 2018
Annual Report and Accounts 2018
Group Consolidated Statements

Group Income Statement Group Balance Sheet

Financial Statements
for the year ended 31 December 2018 at 31 December 2018
2018 2018 2018 2017 2017 2017
Reported Reported
2018 2017
Adjusted Adjustments Total Adjusted Adjustments Total
Note £m £m
Note £m £m £m £m £m £m
Revenue 1 1,386.9 – 1,386.9 1,373.1 – 1,373.1 Assets
Cost of sales (864.6) – (864.6) (855.7) – (855.7) Non-current assets
Gross profit 522.3 – 522.3 517.4 – 517.4 Intangible assets 12 454.9 386.3
Operating costs 2 (179.8) (13.7) (193.5) (185.2) (6.2) (191.4) Property, plant and equipment 13 780.3 684.0
Operating profit 3 342.5 (13.7) 328.8 332.2 (6.2) 326.0 Investments 15 4.8 2.2
Financial costs 4 (12.1) – (12.1) (12.5) – (12.5) Deferred tax assets 6 56.2 33.1
Financial income 4 1.1 – 1.1 0.6 – 0.6 Retirement benefit assets 11 24.6 19.1
Profit before tax 331.5 (13.7) 317.8 320.3 (6.2) 314.1 1,320.8 1,124.7
Tax 5 (81.6) 2.1 (79.5) (85.9) 8.5 (77.4) Current assets
Profit after tax for the year 249.9 (11.6) 238.3 234.4 2.3 236.7 Inventories 16 287.2 258.5
Trade and other receivables 17 233.6 202.2
Attributable to:
Cash and cash equivalents 19 71.2 63.3
Non-controlling interests (0.2) – (0.2) (0.3) – (0.3)
592.0 524.0
Owners of the parent 250.1 (11.6) 238.5 234.7 2.3 237.0
249.9 (11.6) 238.3 234.4 2.3 236.7 Liabilities
Current liabilities
Adjustments relate to exceptional items (including discontinued business costs), acquisition costs, amortisation of intangible assets arising on acquisition and the tax thereon. Details are disclosed in Note 3.
Trade and other payables 18 (190.5) (201.4)
Earnings per 10.36p ordinary share Pence Pence Pence Pence Borrowings and other financial liabilities 19 (49.2) (18.4)
Provisions 20 (4.0) (5.2)
Basic 7 190.2 181.4 179.0 180.8 Current tax liabilities (47.9) (45.9)
(291.6) (270.9)
Diluted 7 189.2 180.4 177.3 179.0 Net current assets 300.4 253.1
Non-current liabilities
Borrowings and other financial liabilities 19 (447.5) (426.4)
Group Statement of Comprehensive Income Other payables
Retirement benefit liabilities 11
for the year ended 31 December 2018 Provisions 20 (7.1) (7.4)
2018 2017 Deferred tax liabilities 6 (124.7) (63.4)
Note £m £m
(623.2) (547.9)
Profit for the year 238.3 236.7
Net assets 998.0 829.9
Other comprehensive income/(expense): Equity
Items that will not be reclassified Ordinary share capital 21 14.0 14.0
subsequently to profit or loss: Preference share capital 23 1.1 1.1
Remeasurements of post-retirement Share capital 15.1 15.1
benefit obligations 11 22.6 121.9 Share premium account 93.3 93.3
Tax on items that will not be reclassified 5 (4.9) (23.8) Reserves 882.1 713.9
17.7 98.1 Equity attributable to owners of the parent 990.5 822.3
Items that may be reclassified Non-controlling interests in equity 25 7.5 7.6
subsequently to profit or loss: Total equity 998.0 829.9
Currency translation 14.9 (22.6)
Other comprehensive income for the year 32.6 75.5 The financial statements on pages 100 to 137 were signed on behalf of the Board who approved the accounts on 26 February 2019.
Total comprehensive income for the year 270.9 312.2
Attributable to:
Non-controlling interests (0.1) (0.6)
Owners of the parent 271.0 312.8
270.9 312.2
Arising from: Anita Frew Jez Maiden
Continuing operations 270.9 313.9
Chair Group Finance Director
Discontinued operations – (1.7)
270.9 312.2

Croda International Plc
Annual International
report Plc
and Accounts 2018
Annual Report and Accounts 2018
Croda International Plc
Croda International Plc
Annual report and Accounts 2018
Annual Report and Accounts 2018
Group Consolidated Statements continued

Group Statement of Cash Flows Group Cash Flow Notes

Financial Statements
for the year ended 31 December 2018 for the year ended 31 December 2018

(i) Reconciliation to net debt
2018 2017
Cash flows from operating activities Note £m £m
Cash generated by operations ii 331.7 359.3 Movement in cash and cash equivalents iii (18.5) 0.4
Interest paid (14.7) (13.9) Movement in debt and lease financing iii (14.7) (26.7)
Tax paid (55.0) (82.9) Change in net debt from cash flows (33.2) (26.3)
Net cash generated from operating activities 262.0 262.5 New finance lease contracts (0.7) (0.7)
Exchange differences (10.1) 9.6
Cash flows from investing activities (44.0) (17.4)
Acquisition of subsidiaries 27 (79.3) (29.0) Net debt brought forward (381.5) (364.1)
Acquisition of associates and other investments 15 (3.2) (1.4) Net debt carried forward iii (425.5) (381.5)
Purchase of property, plant and equipment 13 (100.2) (155.8)
Purchase of other intangible assets 12 (3.4) (3.5)
(ii) Cash generated by operations
Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment 0.5 2.1
2018 2017
Proceeds from sale of other investments 0.4 – Note £m £m
Cash paid against non-operating provisions 20 (1.0) (2.5) Adjusted operating profit 342.5 332.2
Interest received 1.1 0.6 Exceptional items iv (4.9) (1.7)
Net cash used in investing activities (185.1) (189.5) Acquisition costs and amortisation of intangible assets arising on acquisition (8.8) (4.5)
Operating profit 328.8 326.0
Cash flows from financing activities Adjustments for:
New borrowings 437.1 359.3 Depreciation and amortisation 56.2 53.3
Repayment of borrowings (421.9) (331.8) (Profit)/loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment (0.1) 1.5
Capital element of finance lease repayments iii (0.5) (0.8) Net provisions charged (note 20) – 1.3
Net transactions in own shares 0.4 0.7 Share-based payments 8.3 9.2
Dividends paid to equity shareholders 8 (110.5) (100.0) Cash paid against operating provisions (note 20) (1.1) (2.2)
Net cash used in financing activities (95.4) (72.6) Non-cash pension expense 8.7 3.4
Share of loss of associate 0.2 0.1
Net movement in cash and cash equivalents i,iii (18.5) 0.4 Movement in inventories (22.2) (31.0)
Cash and cash equivalents brought forward 54.9 56.4 Movement in receivables (26.3) (14.4)
Exchange differences iii 3.9 (1.9) Movement in payables (20.8) 12.1
Cash and cash equivalents carried forward 40.3 54.9 Cash generated by continuing operations 331.7 359.3

Cash and cash equivalents carried forward comprise: (iii) Analysis of net debt
Cash at bank and in hand 71.2 63.3 Cash Exchange Other
Bank overdrafts (30.9) (8.4) 2018 flow movements non-cash 2017
£m £m £m £m £m
40.3 54.9
Cash and cash equivalents 71.2 4.0 3.9 – 63.3
Bank overdrafts (30.9) (22.5) – – (8.4)
Movement in cash and cash equivalents (18.5) 3.9 –
Borrowings repayable within one year (17.9) (7.8) – (0.5) (9.6)
Borrowings repayable after more than one year (446.9) (7.4) (14.0) 0.5 (426.0)
Finance leases (1.0) 0.5 – (0.7) (0.8)
Movement in borrowings and other financial liabilities (14.7) (14.0) (0.7)
Total net debt (425.5) (33.2) (10.1) (0.7) (381.5)

(iv) Cash flow on exceptional items

The total cash outflow during the year in respect of exceptional items, including those recognised in prior years’ income statements, was
£2.1m (2017: £4.7m). Details of exceptional items can be found in note 3 on page 113.

Croda International Plc
Croda International Plc
Annual report and Accounts 2018
Annual Report and Accounts 2018
Croda International Plc
Croda International Plc
Annual report and Accounts 2018
Annual Report and Accounts 2018
Group Consolidated Statements continued Group Accounting Policies

Group Statement of Changes in Equity The principal accounting policies adopted in The critical accounting judgements required (iii) Goodwill and fair value of assets acquired

Financial Statements
the preparation of these financial statements when preparing the Group’s accounts are (note 12) – management are required to
for the year ended 31 December 2018 are set out below. These policies have as follows: undertake an annual test for impairment
been consistently applied to all the years of indefinite lived assets such as goodwill.
Share Non presented, unless otherwise stated. (i) Provisions – the Group has recognised Accordingly, the Group tests annually
Share premium Other Retained controlling Total
capital account reserves earnings interests equity potential environmental liabilities whether goodwill has suffered any
Note £m £m £m £m £m £m Basis of preparation and other provisions. The Group’s impairment and the Group’s goodwill
At 1 January 2017 15.1 93.3 76.2 416.0 8.2 608.8 assessment of whether a constructive value has been supported by detailed
The consolidated financial statements
have been prepared under the historical cost or legal obligation has arisen from a past value-in-use calculations relating to the
Profit for the year – – – 237.0 (0.3) 236.7 event (and can be measured reliably) is recoverable amounts of the underlying
Other comprehensive (expense)/income – – (22.3) 98.1 (0.3) 75.5 convention, in accordance with International
Financial Reporting Standards Interpretations a key judgement in determining the Cash Generating Units (‘CGUs’). These
Total comprehensive (expense)/income for the year – – (22.3) 335.1 (0.6) 312.2 calculations require the use of estimates
Committee (IFRSIC) and the Companies Act appropriate accounting treatment. The
Transactions with owners:
2006 applicable to companies reporting rationale behind these judgements is to enable the calculation of the net
Dividends on equity shares 8 – – – (100.0) – (100.0)
under IFRS. The standards used are those discussed in note 20, with consideration present value of cash flow projections
Share-based payments – – – 8.2 – 8.2
published by the International Accounting of contingent liabilities disclosed in of the relevant CGU. The critical
Transactions in own shares – – – 0.7 – 0.7
Standards Board (IASB) and endorsed by note 28. assumptions are as follows:
Total transactions with owners – – – (91.1) – (91.1)
the EU as at 31 December 2018. A summary
Total equity at 31 December 2017 15.1 93.3 53.9 660.0 7.6 829.9 of the more important Group accounting The critical accounting estimates and • Rate of growth in EBITDA (calculated
policies is set out below. assumptions required when preparing as operating profit before depreciation
At 1 January 2018 15.1 93.3 53.9 660.0 7.6 829.9 the Group’s accounts are as follows: and amortisation) – estimated at 3%
Going concern long term (a prudent estimate given
Profit for the year – – – 238.5 (0.2) 238.3 (i) Post-retirement benefits – as disclosed in the Group’s historical growth rates)
The financial statements which appear
Other comprehensive income – – 14.8 17.7 0.1 32.6 note 11, the Group’s principal retirement unless the profile of a particular
on pages 100 to 137 have been prepared
Total comprehensive income/(expense) for the year – – 14.8 256.2 (0.1) 270.9 benefit schemes are of the defined acquired business warrants a
on a going concern basis as, after making
Transactions with owners: benefit type. Year end recognition of the different treatment.
appropriate enquiries, including a review
Dividends on equity shares 8 – – – (110.5) – (110.5) liabilities under these schemes and the
of forecasts, budgets and banking facilities, • Selection of appropriate discount rates
Share-based payments – – – 7.3 – 7.3 valuation of assets held to fund these
the Directors have a reasonable expectation to reflect the risks involved – typically
Transactions in own shares – – – 0.4 – 0.4 liabilities require a number of significant
that the Group has adequate resources to the Group’s weighted average cost
Total transactions with owners – – – (102.8) – (102.8) assumptions to be made, relating to
continue in operational existence. of capital would be used as a starting
levels of scheme membership, key
point unless the risk profile of a
Total equity at 31 December 2018 15.1 93.3 68.7 813.4 7.5 998.0 financial market indicators such as
Critical accounting judgements inflation and expectations on future
particular acquired business
Other reserves include the Capital Redemption Reserve of £0.9m (2017: £0.9m) and the Translation Reserve of £67.8m (2017: £53.0m).
and key sources of estimation salary growth and asset returns. These
warrants a different treatment.
uncertainty assumptions are made by the Group in Recoverable amounts currently
The Group’s significant accounting policies conjunction with the schemes’ actuaries exceed carrying values including
under IFRS have been set by management and the Directors are of the view that any goodwill. Goodwill arising on acquisition
with the approval of the Audit Committee. estimation should be prudent and in line is allocated to the CGU that is expected
The application of these policies requires with consensus opinion. to benefit from the synergies of the
estimates and assumptions to be made acquisition. Such goodwill is then
concerning the future and judgements to (ii) Taxation – the Group is subject to incorporated into the Group’s
be made on the applicability of policies corporate income taxes in numerous standard impairment review
to particular situations. Estimates and jurisdictions. Significant judgement process as described above.
judgements are continually evaluated and is often required in determining the
are based on historical experience and other worldwide expense and liability for such
factors, including expectations of future taxes, including consideration of the
events that are believed to be reasonable potential impact of transfer pricing. There
under the circumstances. Under IFRS an are many transactions and calculations
estimate or judgement may be considered where the ultimate tax determination is
critical if it involves matters that are highly uncertain during the ordinary course of
uncertain or where different estimation business. The Group recognises liabilities
methods could reasonably have been used, for tax issues based on estimates of
or if changes in the estimate that would have whether additional taxes will be due,
a material impact on the Group’s results based on its best interpretation of the
are likely to occur from period to period. relevant tax laws and rules. Where the
final tax outcome of these matters is
different from the amounts that were
initially recorded, such differences will
impact the income tax and deferred tax
provisions in the period in which such
determination is made.

Croda International Plc
Croda International Plc
Annual report and Accounts 2018
Annual Report and Accounts 2018
Croda International Plc
Croda International Plc
Annual report and Accounts 2017
Annual Report and Accounts 2018
Group Accounting Policies continued

Changes in accounting policy (ii) New standards and interpretations Group accounts Transactions with Other intangible assets arising Computer software

Financial Statements
(i) New and amended standards adopted not yet adopted – a number of new General information non-controlling interests on acquisition Acquired computer software licences
by the Group for the first time for standards and amendments to standards The Group treats transactions with non- On acquisition, intangible assets other covering a period of greater than a year
Croda International Plc is a public limited
the financial year beginning on and interpretations are effective for controlling interests as transactions with the than goodwill are recognised if they can are capitalised on the basis of the costs
company, which is listed on the London
1 January 2018: annual periods beginning on or after 1 equity owners of the Group. For purchases be identified through being separable from incurred to acquire and bring to use the
Stock Exchange and incorporated and
January 2019, and have not been applied from non-controlling interests, the difference the acquired entity or arising from specific specific software. These costs are amortised
domiciled in the United Kingdom. It is
IFRS 15 ‘Revenue from contracts’ in preparing these consolidated financial between any consideration paid and the contractual or legal rights. over their estimated useful lives (3 to 7 years).
registered in England and Wales and
requires revenue to be recognised when statements. None of these are expected relevant share acquired of the carrying value
the address of its registered office
a customer obtains control of a good or to have a significant effect on the of net assets of the subsidiary is recorded Once recognised, such intangible assets will Revenue recognition
can be found on page 149.
service and thus has the ability to direct consolidated financial statements of as equity. Gains or losses on disposals to be initially valued using either the ‘market Revenue is measured based on the
the use and obtain the benefits from the Group except as set out below: non-controlling interests are also recorded approach’ (where a well-defined external
Subsidiaries consideration specified in a contract
the good or service. It replaces IAS 18 in equity. market for the asset exists), the ‘income with a customer and excludes intra-group
IFRS 16 ‘Leases’ will require lessees to Subsidiaries are all entities (including
‘Revenue’ and IAS 11 ‘Construction approach’ (which looks at the future income sales. The Group recognises revenue when
recognise a lease liability reflecting future structured entities) over which the Parent
contracts’ and related interpretations.
Company has control. The Parent controls Intangible assets the asset will generate) or the ‘cost approach’ it transfers control over a product or service
The Group has amended its accounting lease payments and a right-of-use asset (the cost of replacing the asset), whichever
for virtually all lease contracts. It replaces an entity when it is exposed to, or has rights Goodwill to a customer.
policy appropriately (as disclosed on is most relevant to the asset under
IAS 17, under which lessees are required to, variable returns from its involvement with On acquisition of a business, fair values
page 107) but the impact of the new consideration. Following initial recognition, Sale of goods
to make a distinction between a finance the entity and has the ability to affect those are attributed to the net assets acquired.
standard on the Group’s revenue and the asset will be written down on a straight-
lease (on balance sheet) and an operating returns through its power over the entity. Goodwill arises where the fair value of the The principal activity from which the Group
profit is not material. This reflects the line basis over its useful life, which range from
lease (off balance sheet). IFRS 16 Subsidiaries are fully consolidated from the consideration given for a business exceeds generates revenue is the supply of products
relatively non-complex and largely 7 to 10 years for technology processes and
includes an optional exemption (for date on which control is transferred to the such net assets. Goodwill arising on to customers from its various manufacturing
standardised terms and conditions trade secrets and 20 years for trade names
lessees) which can be applied for certain Group. They are deconsolidated from the acquisitions is capitalised and carried at sites and warehouses, and in some limited
applicable to the Group’s revenue and customer relationships. Useful lives
short-term and low value leases. The date that control ceases. cost less accumulated impairment losses. instances from consignment inventory held
contracts. Accordingly, the Group has are regularly reviewed to ensure their
standard is effective for annual periods Goodwill is subject to impairment review, on customer sites. Products are supplied
only adopted IFRS 15 from 1 January continuing relevance.
beginning on or after 1 January 2019. The Group uses the acquisition method both annually and when there are indications under a variety of standard terms and
2018 and no adjustment has been
of accounting to account for business that the carrying value may not be conditions, and in each case, revenue is
recognised in opening equity at the
combinations. The consideration transferred recoverable. For the purpose of impairment
Research and development recognised when contractual performance
date of initial application. The Group has completed a detailed
for the acquisition of a subsidiary is the fair testing, assets are grouped at the lowest Research expenditure, undertaken with the obligations between the Group and the
IFRS 16 assessment and confirmed that
value of the assets transferred, the liabilities levels for which there are separately prospect of gaining new scientific or technical customer are satisfied. This will typically be
IFRS 9 ‘Financial Instruments’ replaced the new standard will have a material
incurred and the equity interests issued by identifiable cash flows, known as CGUs. knowledge and understanding, is charged to on dispatch or delivery. When sales discount
the classification and measurement impact on the Group’s consolidated
the Group. Acquisition costs are expensed If the recoverable amount of the CGU is less the income statement in the year in which it and rebate arrangements result in variable
models for financial instruments in balance sheet, but with no material
as incurred. than the carrying value of the goodwill, an is incurred. Internal development expenditure, consideration, appropriate provisions are
IAS 39 with three classification net impact on profit or financial gearing.
impairment loss is recognised immediately whereby research findings are applied to a recognised as a deduction from revenue at
categories: amortised cost, fair value Accordingly, the Group does not intend
Identifiable assets acquired, and liabilities and against the goodwill value. The recoverable plan for the production of new or substantially the point of sale (to the extent that it is highly
through profit or loss and fair value to restate prior year comparators when
contingent liabilities assumed, in a business amount of the CGU is the higher of fair value improved products or processes, is charged probable that a significant reversal in the
through other comprehensive income. the new standard is adopted, with right-
combination are measured initially at their less costs to sell and value in use. Value in to the income statement in the year in which amount of cumulative revenue will not be
Consistent with the non-complex nature of-use asset values being set equal to
fair values at the acquisition date, irrespective use is estimated with reference to estimated it is incurred unless it meets the recognition required). The Group typically uses the
of the Group’s financial instruments, lease liabilities at the date of transition
of the extent of any minority interest. The future cash flows discounted to net present criteria of IAS 38 ‘Intangible Assets’. expected value method for estimating
the impact of the new standard is not in line with the simplified approach
excess of the cost of acquisition over the value using a discount rate that reflects Development uncertainties typically variable consideration, reflecting that such
material and therefore the Group only permitted under IFRS 16. The Group will
Group’s share of identifiable net assets the risks specific to the CGU. Typically the mean that such criteria are not met, most contracts have similar characteristics and
adopted IFRS 9 from 1 January 2018 adopt recognition exemptions for short-
acquired is recorded as goodwill. Group’s weighted average cost of capital commonly because the Group can only a range of possible outcomes.
and no adjustment has been recognised term and low value leases and will also
would be used as a starting point unless the demonstrate the existence of a market at a
in opening equity at the date of initial elect to apply the practical expedient
Intra-group transactions, balances and risk profile of a particular acquired business late stage in the product development cycle, Royalties and profit
application. The Group has amended its available for all leases which end within
unrealised gains on transactions between warranted different treatment. The Group at which point the material element of project sharing arrangements
accounting policy (as disclosed on page 12 months of the date of transition
Group companies are eliminated. Unrealised uses prudent growth estimates that track spend has already been incurred and
110) for the establishment of provisions (accounting for as short-term leases). Revenues are recognised when performance
losses are also eliminated. Accounting below the Group’s historical growth rates. charged to the income statement. Where,
against trade receivables to reflect the obligations between the Group and the
policies of subsidiaries have been changed however, the recognition criteria are met,
lifetime expected loss model (consistent On initial application, it is estimated that customer are satisfied in accordance with
where necessary to ensure consistency intangible assets are capitalised and
with the simplified approach permitted the Group will record right-of-use assets the substance of the underlying contract.
with the policies adopted by the Group. amortised over their useful economic
under IFRS 9). and lease liabilities with a value of £45m
lives from product launch.
based on calculations to date. This will Interest and dividend income
exceed the £35.6m non-cancellable Interest income is recognised on a
Intangible assets relating to products in
lease commitments reported as at time-proportion basis using the effective
development are subject to impairment
31 December 2018 under IAS 17 interest method.
testing at each balance sheet date or
(note 14) due to extension options
earlier upon indication of impairment.
reasonably certain to be exercised. Dividend income is recognised when the right
Any impairment losses are written off
to the income statement. to receive payment is established.

Croda International Plc
Croda International Plc
Annual report and Accounts 2018
Annual Report and Accounts 2018
Croda International Plc
Croda International Plc
Annual report and Accounts 2018
Annual Report and Accounts 2018
Group Accounting Policies continued

Segmental reporting Other post-retirement benefits Transactions and balances Taxation Income statement presentation Impairment of non-financial assets

Financial Statements
An operating segment is a group of Some Group companies provide Monetary assets and liabilities are translated The charge for taxation is based on the profit The acquisition of Enza Biotech AB The Group assesses at each year end
assets and operations engaged in providing post-retirement healthcare benefits to their at the exchange rates ruling at the end of the for the year and takes into account taxation and IonPhasE OY in 2017 and Nautilus whether an asset may be impaired. If any
products and services that are subject to retirees. The entitlement to these benefits financial period. Exchange profits or losses deferred because of temporary differences Biosciences Canada Inc, Plant Impact evidence exists of impairment, the estimated
risks or returns that are different from those is usually conditional on the employee on trading transactions are included in between the treatment of certain items Plc and Brenntag Biosector A/S in 2018 recoverable amount is compared to the
of other segments. Operating segments remaining in service up to retirement age and the Group income statement except for taxation and for accounting purposes. increased acquisition costs and amortisation carrying value of the asset and an impairment
presented in the financial statements are the completion of a minimum service period. when deferred in equity as qualifying Temporary differences arise on differences of acquired intangible assets. If the right loss is recognised where appropriate. The
consistent with the internal reporting The expected costs of these benefits are cash flow hedges and qualifying net between the carrying value of assets and targets can be found, these costs are likely recoverable amount is the higher of an
provided to the Group’s Chief Operating accrued over the period of employment investment hedges. liabilities in the financial statements and their to increase in the future. To avoid distorting asset’s value in use and fair value less
Decision Maker, which has been identified using an accounting methodology similar tax base and primarily relate to the difference the underlying trend in profitability, the Group costs to sell. In addition to this, goodwill is
as the Group Executive Committee. to that for defined benefit pension plans. Group companies between tax allowances on tangible fixed introduced the definitions ‘Adjusted operating tested for impairment at least annually. Non-
Remeasurements are recognised in the The results and financial position of all assets and the corresponding depreciation profit’, ‘Adjusted profit before tax’ and financial assets other than goodwill which
Employee benefits statement of comprehensive income. the Group entities that have a functional charge, and upon the net pension fund ‘Adjusted earnings per share’. In each case have suffered impairment are reviewed for
Pension obligations These obligations are valued annually currency different from the presentation deficit. Full provision is made for the tax acquisition costs, amortisation of intangible possible reversal of the impairment at each
by independent qualified actuaries. currency are translated into the presentation effects of these differences. No provision assets arising on acquisition and exceptional reporting date.
The Group accounts for pensions and similar
currency as follows: is made for unremitted earnings of foreign items, including the respective tax effect, are
benefits under IAS 19 ‘Employee Benefits’
(revised). In respect of defined benefit plans
Termination benefits subsidiaries where there is no commitment excluded. The Group income statement has Leases
Termination benefits are payable when (i) assets and liabilities for each balance to remit such earnings. been produced in a columnar format to Assets acquired under finance leases are
(pension plans that define an amount of
employment is terminated by the Group sheet presented are translated at further aid this analysis. included in the balance sheet under property,
pension benefit that an employee will receive
before the normal retirement date, or the closing rate at the date of that Similarly, no provision is made for temporary plant and equipment at an amount reflecting
on retirement, usually dependent on one or
more factors such as age, years of service whenever an employee accepts voluntary balance sheet; differences relating to investments in Property, plant and equipment the lower of the present value of future
redundancy in exchange for these benefits. subsidiaries since realisation of such Property, plant and equipment is stated at rentals and the fair value of the asset and are
and compensation), obligations are measured
The Group recognises termination benefits (ii) income and expenses for each income differences can be controlled and is not historical cost less depreciation, with the depreciated over the shorter of the lease term
at discounted present value whilst plan
when it is demonstrably committed to either statement are translated at average probable in the foreseeable future. Deferred exception of assets acquired as part of a and their estimated useful lives. The capital
assets are recorded at fair value. The assets
(i) terminating the employment of current exchange rates (unless this average is tax assets are recognised, using the balance business combination. Cost includes the element of future lease rentals is included in
and liabilities recognised in the balance sheet
employees according to a detailed formal not a reasonable approximation of the sheet liability method, to the extent that it is original purchase price of the asset and the borrowings. Finance charges are allocated to
in respect of defined benefit pension plans
plan without possibility of withdrawal or cumulative effect of the rates prevailing probable that future taxable profit will be costs attributable to bringing the asset to its the income statement each year in proportion
are the net of plan obligations and assets.
(ii) providing termination benefits as a on the transaction dates, in which case available against which the temporary working condition for its intended use. The to the capital element outstanding.
A scheme surplus is only recognised as
result of an offer made to encourage income and expenses are translated at differences can be utilised. Group’s policy is to write-off the difference
an asset in the balance sheet when the
Group has the unconditional right to future voluntary redundancy. the dates of the transactions); and between the cost of all property, plant and The cost of operating leases is charged to
All taxation is calculated on the basis of the equipment, except freehold land, and their the income statement on a straight-line
economic benefits in the form of a refund or
Share-based payments (iii) all resulting exchange differences are tax rates and laws enacted or substantively residual value on a straight-line basis over basis over the lease period.
a reduction in future contributions. The Group
recognised as a separate component enacted at the balance sheet date. their estimated useful lives.
currently expects to recover its accounting The Group operates a number of cash
surplus through reduced future contributions. and equity settled, share-based incentive of equity. Derivative financial instruments
No allowance is made in the past service schemes. These are accounted for in
Exceptional items Reviews are made annually of the The Group uses derivative financial
liability in respect of either the future accordance with IFRS 2 ‘Share-based On consolidation, exchange differences Exceptional items are those items that in the estimated remaining lives and residual instruments to hedge its exposure to
expenses of running the schemes or for Payments’, which requires an expense to be arising from the translation of the net Directors’ view are required to be separately values of individual productive assets, taking interest rates and short term currency
non-service related death in service benefits recognised in the income statement over the investment in foreign entities, and of disclosed by virtue of their size or incidence account of commercial and technological rate fluctuations.
which may arise in the future. The operating vesting period of the options. The expense borrowings and other currency instruments to enable a full understanding of the Group’s obsolescence as well as normal wear and
costs of such plans are charged to operating is based on the fair value of each instrument designated as hedges of such investments, financial performance. In the current year tear, and adjustments are made where Derivative financial instruments are recorded
profit and the finance costs are recognised which is calculated using the Black Scholes are taken to shareholders’ equity. exceptional items relate to a past service cost appropriate. Under this policy it becomes initially at cost. Subsequent measurement
as financial income or an expense or binomial model as appropriate. Any for the UK defined benefit pension scheme impractical to calculate average asset lives depends on the designation of the instrument
as appropriate. expense is adjusted to reflect expected When a foreign operation is sold, such to equalise benefits for the effects of unequal exactly. However, the total lives range from as either: (i) a hedge of the fair value of
and actual levels of options vesting for exchange differences are recognised in Guaranteed Minimum Pensions following approximately 15 to 40 years for land and recognised assets or liabilities or a firm
Service costs are spread systematically over non-market based performance criteria. the income statement as part of the gain the precedent set by the 2018 High Court buildings, and 3 to 15 years for plant and commitment (fair value hedge); or (ii) a hedge
the lives of employees and financing costs or loss on sale. judgement in the Lloyds Bank case. equipment. All individual assets are reviewed of highly probable forecast transactions
are recognised in the periods in which they Currency translations Exceptional items in the prior year related for impairment when there are indications (cash flow hedge).
arise. Remeasurements are recognised in to environmental costs of discontinued that the carrying value may not be
Functional and
the statement of comprehensive income. businesses. Details can be found in recoverable. By far the bulk of the Group’s
presentation currency note 3 on page 113. ‘plant and equipment’ asset class relates
Payments to defined contribution schemes
Items included in the financial statements to the value of plant and equipment at
(pension plans under which the Group pays
of each of the Group’s entities are measured the Group’s manufacturing facilities.
fixed contributions into a separate entity) are
using the currency of the primary economic Consequently, the Group does not seek
charged as an expense as they fall due.
environment in which the entity operates to analyse out of this class other items such
(‘the functional currency’). The consolidated as motor vehicles and office equipment.
financial statements are presented in Sterling,
which is the Company’s functional and
presentation currency.

Croda International Plc
Croda International Plc
Annual report and Accounts 2018
Annual Report and Accounts 2018
Croda International Plc
Croda International Plc
Annual report and Accounts 2018
Annual Report and Accounts 2018
Group Accounting Policies continued

(i) Fair value hedge Borrowings Cash and cash equivalents (ii) Treasury shares – where any Group

Financial Statements
Changes in the fair value of derivatives, Borrowings are recognised initially at fair Cash and cash equivalents comprise cash company purchases the Company’s
for example interest rate swaps and foreign value, net of transaction costs incurred. balances and short term deposits. Bank equity share capital as treasury shares,
exchange contracts, that are designated and Any difference between the proceeds overdrafts that are repayable on demand the consideration paid, including any
qualify as fair value hedges are recorded in (net of transaction costs) and the redemption and form an integral part of the Group’s cash directly attributable incremental costs
the income statement, together with any value is recognised in the income statement management are included as a component of (net of income taxes) is deducted from
changes in the fair value of the hedged over the period of the borrowings using the cash and cash equivalents for the purpose of equity attributable to the Company’s
asset or liability that are attributable to effective interest method. Borrowings are the statement of cash flows. Cash and bank equity holders until the shares are
the hedged risk. classified as current liabilities unless the overdrafts are offset and the net amount cancelled, reissued or disposed of.
Group has an unconditional right to defer reported in the balance sheet when there Where such shares are subsequently
(ii) Cash flow hedge settlement of the liability for at least 12 is a legally enforceable right to offset the sold or reissued, any consideration
months after the balance sheet date. recognised amounts, there is an intention to received, net of any directly attributable
The effective portion of changes in the fair
settle on a net basis and interest is charged incremental transaction costs and the
value of derivatives that are designated and
Borrowing costs on a net basis. related income tax effects, is included
qualify as cash flow hedges are recognised
in equity attributable to the Company’s
in equity. The gain or loss relating to the General and specific borrowing costs directly
Environmental, restructuring and equity holders.
ineffective portion is recognised immediately attributable to the acquisition, construction
in the income statement. Amounts or production of qualifying assets, which are other provisions
accumulated in equity are recycled in assets that necessarily take a substantial
The Group is exposed to environmental
the income statement in the periods when period of time to get ready for their intended liabilities relating to its operations and Dividends on ordinary share capital are
the hedged item will affect profit or loss use or sale, are added to the cost of those liabilities following the acquisition of recognised as a liability when the liability is
(for instance when the forecast sale that is assets, until such time as the assets are Uniqema. Provisions are made immediately irrevocable. Accordingly, final dividends are
hedged takes place). However, when the substantially ready for their intended use where a legal obligation is identified, can be recognised when approved by shareholders
forecast transaction that is hedged results or sale. quantified and it is regarded as more likely and interim dividends are recognised
in the recognition of a non-financial asset than not that an outflow of resources will be when paid.
(for example inventory) or a liability, the gains Trade and other payables required to settle the obligation. The Group
and losses previously deferred in equity are Trade and other payables are recognised does consider the impact of discounting Investments
transferred from equity and included in the initially at fair value and subsequently when establishing provisions and provisions Investments in equity securities are measured
initial measurement of the cost of the asset measured at amortised cost using the are discounted when the impact is material at fair value, with movements in the fair value
or liability. effective interest method. and the timing of cash flows can be being recognised in equity. Investments
estimated with reasonable certainty. in associates are initially recorded at cost
When a hedging instrument expires or is sold, Inventories and subsequently adjusted for the Group’s
or when a hedge no longer meets the criteria
Inventories are stated at the lower of cost Share capital share of results. Investments are subject to
for hedge accounting, any cumulative gain or Investment in own shares impairment testing at each balance sheet
and net realisable amount on a first in first
loss existing in equity at that time remains in date or earlier upon indication of impairment.
out basis. Cost comprises all expenditure, (i) Employee share ownership trusts –
equity and is recognised when the forecast
including related production overheads, shares acquired by the trustees of
transaction is ultimately recognised in the
incurred in the normal course of business the employee share ownership trust
income statement.
in bringing the inventory to its location and (the Trustees), funded by the Company
condition at the balance sheet date. Net and held for the continuing benefit of
When a forecast transaction is no longer
realisable amount is the estimated selling the Company are shown as a reduction
expected to occur, the cumulative gain
price in the ordinary course of business in equity attributable to owners of the
or loss that was reported in equity is
less any applicable variable selling costs. parent. Movements in the year arising
immediately transferred to the
Provision is made for obsolete, slow moving from additional purchases by the
income statement.
and defective inventory where appropriate. Trustees of shares or the receipt of
Profits arising on intra-group sales are funds due to the exercise of options
Certain derivative instruments do not qualify
eliminated in so far as the product remains by employees are accounted for within
for hedge accounting. Changes in the fair
in Group inventory at the year end. reserves and shown as a movement in
value of any derivative instruments that
equity attributable to owners of the parent
do not qualify for hedge accounting are
recognised immediately in the
Trade and other receivables in the year. Administration expenses of
Trade and other receivables are recognised the trusts are charged to the Company’s
income statement.
initially at fair value and subsequently income statement as incurred.
measured at amortised cost, using the
effective interest method, less impairment
losses. A provision for impairment of trade
receivables is recognised based on lifetime
expected losses, but principally comprises
balances where objective evidence exists
that the amount will not be collectible. Such
amounts are written down to their estimated
recoverable amounts, with the charge being
made to operating expenses.

Croda International Plc
Croda International Plc
Annual report and Accounts 2018
Annual Report and Accounts 2018
Croda International Plc
Croda International Plc
Annual report and Accounts 2018
Annual Report and Accounts 2018
Notes to the Group Accounts

1. Segmental analysis Capital expenditure and depreciation

Financial Statements
The Group’s sales, marketing and research activities are organised into four global market sectors, being Personal Care, Life Sciences, 2018 2017
£m £m
Performance Technologies and Industrial Chemicals. These are the segments for which summary management information is presented to Additions to Depreciation Additions to Depreciation
the Group’s Executive Committee, which is deemed to be the Group’s Chief Operating Decision Maker. A review of each sector can be found non-current and non-current and
assets amortisation assets amortisation
within the Strategic Report on pages 26 to 29.
Personal Care 29.9 14.7 50.5 14.0
Life Sciences 26.1 15.5 41.6 14.8
There is no material trade between segments. Segmental results include items directly attributable to a specific segment as well as those that
Performance Technologies 41.9 20.5 56.3 18.5
can be allocated on a reasonable basis. Segment assets consist primarily of property, plant and equipment, intangible assets, inventories and
Industrial Chemicals 9.0 5.5 15.9 6.0
trade and other receivables. Total Group 106.9 56.2 164.3 53.3
2018 2017
£m £m
Income statement The Group manages its business segments on a global basis. The operations are based in the following geographical areas: Europe, with
Revenue manufacturing sites in the UK, France, the Netherlands, Italy, Spain, Finland and Denmark; the Americas, with manufacturing sites in the US,
Personal Care 487.8 466.6 Brazil and Argentina; Asia, with manufacturing sites in Singapore, Japan, India, China and Indonesia; and Australia and South Africa.
Life Sciences 324.5 322.6
Performance Technologies 456.4 456.9 The Group’s revenue from external customers in the UK is £55.4m (2017: £50.2m), in Germany is £113.0m (2017: £113.6m), in the US
Industrial Chemicals 118.2 127.0 is £343.2m (2017: £356.5m) and the total revenue from external customers from other countries is £875.3m (2017: £852.8m). No single
Total Group revenue 1,386.9 1,373.1 external customer represents more than 3% of the total revenue of the Group.

Adjusted operating profit The total of non-current assets other than financial instruments, retirement benefit assets and deferred tax assets located in the UK is £119.6m
Personal Care 160.3 155.5 (2017: £94.0m), and the total of the non-current assets located in other countries is £766.4m (2017: £658.3m). Goodwill has not been split by
Life Sciences 95.8 97.0
geography as this asset is not attributable to a geographical area.
Performance Technologies 85.2 75.4
Industrial Chemicals 1.2 4.3
Total Group operating profit (before exceptional items, acquisition costs and amortisation of intangible assets
2. Operating costs
2018 2017
arising on acquisition) 342.5 332.2 £m £m
Exceptional items, acquisition costs and amortisation of intangible assets arising on acquisition1 (13.7) (6.2) Analysis of net operating expenses by function:
Total Group operating profit 328.8 326.0 Distribution costs 65.8 74.1
1 Relates to Personal Care £3.7m (2017: £0.6m), Life Sciences £6.1m (2017: £3.2m), Performance Technologies £3.5m (2017: £0.6m), Industrial Chemicals £0.4m (2017: £0.1m) and operations discontinued Administrative expenses 127.7 117.3
in prior years £nil (2017: £1.7m)
193.5 191.4
In the following table, revenue has been disaggregated by sector and destination. This is the primary management information that is
Additional information on the nature of operating expenses, including depreciation and employee costs, is provided in note 3.
presented to the Group’s Executive Committee.

Europe North America Latin America Asia Total 3. Profit for the year
£m £m £m £m £m 2018 2017
Revenue 2018 £m £m
Personal Care 165.7 143.1 57.8 121.2 487.8 The Group profit for the year is stated after charging/(crediting):
Life Sciences 128.6 94.6 50.3 51.0 324.5 Depreciation and amortisation (note 12 & 13) 56.2 53.3
Performance Technologies 217.4 124.3 30.6 84.1 456.4 Staff costs (note 9) 267.1 265.8
Industrial Chemicals 60.7 10.7 2.3 44.5 118.2 Redundancy costs (non-exceptional) 1.1 1.6
Total Group revenue 572.4 372.7 141.0 300.8 1,386.9 Inventories – cost recognised as expense in cost of sales 747.5 741.9
Inventories – provision movement in the year (1.7) (2.4)
Revenue 2017 Research and development 37.5 37.5
Personal Care 157.7 135.6 58.4 114.9 466.6 Hire of plant and machinery and other operating lease rentals 10.0 9.9
Life Sciences 119.8 111.2 42.6 49.0 322.6 Net foreign exchange 0.9 1.2
Performance Technologies 217.7 125.7 30.4 83.1 456.9 Bad debt (credit)/charge (note 17) (1.7) 0.8
Industrial Chemicals 60.1 12.9 3.4 50.6 127.0
Total Group revenue 555.3 385.4 134.8 297.6 1,373.1 Adjustments (including exceptional items):
Adjustments in the Group income statement of £13.7m (2017: £6.2m) include a £4.9m exceptional cost relating to the UK defined benefit
2018 2017
£m £m
pension scheme, being a past service cost to equalise benefits for the effects of unequal Guaranteed Minimum Pensions following the
Balance sheet precedent set by the 2018 High Court judgement in the Lloyds Bank case (2017: £1.7m relating to environmental costs of businesses
Total assets discontinued in prior years). Also included are acquisition costs of £2.7m (2017: £0.8m) and amortisation of intangible assets arising on
Segment total assets: acquisition of £6.1m (2017: £3.7m). The tax impact on adjustments in the Group income statement was £2.1m (2017: £0.8m). In the prior year,
Personal Care 611.3 561.4 the US Tax Cuts and Jobs Act also led to a revaluation of the Group’s net deferred tax liability, resulting in a £7.7m exceptional tax credit.
Life Sciences 493.7 358.9
2018 2017
Performance Technologies 480.2 444.0 £m £m
Industrial Chemicals 170.8 166.7 Services provided by the Group’s auditors
Total segment assets 1,756.0 1,531.0 Audit services
Tax assets 56.2 33.1 Fees payable to the Group auditors for the audit of Parent Company and consolidated financial statements 0.1 0.1
Retirement benefit assets 24.6 19.1 Fees payable to the Group auditors and its associates for the audit of the Company’s subsidiaries 0.8 0.9
Cash and investments 76.0 65.5
Total Group assets 1,912.8 1,648.7 Other audit services
Tax compliance services 0.1 0.1
1.0 1.1

Fees disclosed as payable to the Group’s auditors in 2018 relate to services provided by KPMG LLP. Fees disclosed as payable in 2017 relate
to services provided by PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP.

Croda International Plc
Annual International
report Plc2018
and Accounts
Annual Report and Accounts 2018
Croda International Plc
Croda International Plc
Annual report and Accounts 2018
Annual Report and Accounts 2018
Notes to the Group Accounts continued

4. Net financial costs 6. Deferred tax

Financial Statements
2018 2017 2018 2017
£m £m £m £m
Financial costs The deferred tax balances included in these accounts are attributable to the following:
US$100m 5.94% fixed rate 10 year bond 4.5 4.6 Deferred tax assets
2014 Club facility due 2021 2.5 2.9 Retirement benefit liabilities 10.2 12.5
2016 Club facility due 2021 – 0.1 Tax losses 24.4 –
€30m 1.08% fixed rate 7 year bond 0.3 0.3 Provisions 21.6 20.6
€70m 1.43% fixed rate 10 year bond 0.9 0.9 56.2 33.1
£30m 2.54% fixed rate 7 year bond 0.8 0.8 Deferred tax liabilities
£70m 2.80% fixed rate 10 year bond 2.0 2.0 Accelerated capital allowances 98.4 45.0
Net interest on retirement benefit liabilities 0.6 3.6 Revaluation gains 1.9 1.9
Other bank loans and overdrafts 3.8 2.3 Acquired intangibles 19.2 12.4
Capitalised interest (3.3) (5.0) Retirement benefit assets 4.1 3.1
12.1 12.5 Other 1.1 1.0
Financial income 124.7 63.4
Bank interest receivable and similar income (1.1) (0.6)
Net financial costs 11.0 11.9 The movement on deferred tax balances during the year is summarised as follows:
Deferred tax (charged)/credited through the income statement
5. Tax Continuing operations before adjustments (24.5) (4.0)
2018 2017 Adjustments and exceptional items 2.1 8.5
£m £m Deferred tax charged directly to equity (note 5(b)) (4.1) (22.1)
(a) Analysis of tax charge for the year Acquisitions (8.9) (3.4)
UK current corporate tax 15.0 16.4 Exchange differences (2.8) 0.7
Overseas current corporate taxes 42.1 65.5 (38.2) (20.3)
Current tax 57.1 81.9 Net balance brought forward (30.3) (10.0)
Deferred tax (note 6) 22.4 (4.5) Net balance carried forward (68.5) (30.3)
79.5 77.4
Deferred tax (charged)/credited through the income statement relates to the following:
(b) Tax on items charged/(credited) to equity Retirement benefit obligations 1.3 (0.2)
Deferred tax on remeasurement of post-retirement benefits 4.9 23.8 Accelerated capital allowances (48.4) 4.8
Deferred tax on share-based payments (0.8) (1.7) Tax losses 23.2 –
4.1 22.1 Provisions 0.3 (2.7)
Other 1.2 2.6
(c) Factors affecting the tax charge for the year (22.4) 4.5
Profit before tax 317.8 314.1
Tax at the standard rate of corporation tax in the UK, 19.00% (2017: 19.25%) 60.4 60.5 Deferred tax is calculated in full on temporary differences under the balance sheet liability method at rates appropriate to each subsidiary.
Effect of: Deferred tax expected to reverse in the year to 31 December 2019 and beyond has been measured using the rate due to prevail in the year
Deferred tax rate change (0.9) (7.7) of reversal.
Prior year overprovisions (2.4) (2.9)
Tax cost of remitting overseas income to the UK 0.6 0.8 Deferred tax assets have been recognised in all cases where such assets arise, as it is probable the assets will be recovered.
Expenses and write-offs not deductible for tax purposes 0.6 0.6
Net effect of higher overseas tax rates 21.2 26.1
Deferred tax is only recognised on the unremitted earnings of overseas subsidiaries to the extent that remittance is expected in the foreseeable
79.5 77.4
future. If all earnings were remitted, an additional £3.0m (2017: £3.2m) of tax would be payable.
Croda’s 2018 effective adjusted corporate tax rate of 24.6% is significantly higher than the UK’s standard rate of 19%. Croda operates in
All movements on deferred tax balances have been recognised in income with the exception of the charges shown in note 5(b), which have
many tax jurisdictions other than the UK, both as a manufacturer and distributor, with the majority of those jurisdictions having rates higher
been recognised directly in equity.
than the UK; considerably so in some cases. It is the exposure to these different tax rates that increases the effective tax rate above the UK
standard rate and also makes it difficult to forecast the Group’s future tax rate with any certainty given the unpredictable nature of exchange
Of the deferred tax assets, £26.6m are expected to reverse within 12 months of the balance sheet date. No material reversal of any of the
rates, individual economies and tax legislators. Other than the exposure to higher overseas tax rates, there are no significant adjustments
deferred tax liability is expected within 12 months of the balance sheet date based on the Group’s current capital expenditure programme.
between the Group’s expected and reported tax charge based on its accounting profit. Given the global nature of the Group, and the
number of associated cross-border transactions between connected parties, we are exposed to potential adjustments to the price
charged for those transactions by tax authorities. However, the Group carries appropriate provisions relating to the level of risk.

The main rate of UK corporation tax reduced from 20% to 19% from 1 April 2017. Further reductions to the UK tax rate have been announced
that will reduce the rate to 17% by 1 April 2020, although for 2018 the rate is 19%. The future changes to rates were substantively enacted on
6 September 2016. Overseas tax is calculated at the rates prevailing in the respective jurisdictions.

Croda International Plc
Croda International Plc
Annual report and Accounts 2018
Annual Report and Accounts 2018
Croda International Plc
Croda International Plc
Annual report and Accounts 2018
Annual Report and Accounts 2018
Notes to the Group Accounts continued

7. Earnings per share 9. Employees

Financial Statements
2018 2017 2018 2017
£m £m £m £m
Adjusted profit after tax for the year attributable to owners of the parent 250.1 234.7 Group employment costs including Directors
Exceptional items, acquisition costs and amortisation of intangible assets (13.7) (6.2) Wages and salaries 192.4 190.3
Tax impact of exceptional items, acquisition costs and amortisation of intangible assets 2.1 8.5 Share-based payment charges (note 22) 15.1 17.0
Profit after tax for the year attributable to owners of the parent 238.5 237.0 Social security costs 35.3 35.0
Post-retirement benefit costs 24.3 23.5
Number Number Redundancy costs 1.1 1.6
m m
268.2 267.4
Weighted average number of 10.36p ordinary shares in issue for basic calculation 131.5 131.1
Deemed issue of potentially dilutive shares 0.7 1.3
Average number of 10.36p ordinary shares for diluted calculation 132.2 132.4 2018 2017
Number Number
Pence Pence Average employee numbers by function
Basic earnings per share 181.4 180.8 Production 2,755 2,659
Adjusted basic earnings per share from continuing operations 190.2 179.0 Selling and distribution 1,089 1,032
Administration 619 579
Diluted earnings per share 180.4 179.0 4,463 4,270
Adjusted diluted earnings per share from continuing operations 189.2 177.3
As required by the Companies Act 2006, the figures disclosed above are weighted averages based on the number of employees at each
Basic earnings per share is calculated by dividing the profit after tax attributable to owners of the parent by the weighted average number month end and include Executive Directors. At 31 December 2018, the Group had 4,580 (2017: 4,309) employees in total.
of ordinary shares in issue during the year, excluding those shares held in treasury or employee share trusts (note 24). Shares held in
employee share trusts are treated as cancelled because, except for a nominal amount, dividends have been waived. 10. Directors’ and key management compensation
Detailed information concerning Directors’ remuneration, interests and options is shown in the Directors’ Remuneration Report,
For diluted earnings per share, the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue is adjusted to assume conversion of all potentially
which is subject to audit, on pages 69 to 89 forming part of the Annual Report and Accounts.
dilutive ordinary shares.
Aggregate compensation for key management, being the Directors and members of the Group Executive Committee, was as follows:
Additional earnings per share calculations are included above to give a better indication of the Group’s underlying performance.
2018 2017
8. Dividends £m £m
Pence per 2018 Pence per 2017 Key management compensation including Directors
share £m share £m Short term employee benefits 5.6 6.6
Ordinary Post-retirement benefit costs 0.1 0.1
Interim Share-based payment charges 3.6 3.4
2017 interim, paid October 2017 – – 35.00 45.8 9.3 10.1
2018 interim, paid October 2018 38.00 50.0 – –
2016 final, paid June 2017 – – 41.25 54.1
2017 final, paid May 2018 46.00 60.4 – –
84.00 110.4 76.25 99.9
Preference (paid June and December) 0.1 0.1
110.5 100.0

The Directors are recommending a final dividend of 49.0p per share, amounting to a total of £64.5m, in respect of the financial year ended
31 December 2018.

Subject to shareholder approval, the dividend will be paid on 30 May 2019 to shareholders registered on 12 April 2019 and has not
been accrued in these financial statements. The total dividend for the year ended 31 December 2018 will be 87.0p per share amounting
to a total of £114.5m.

The Directors are also proposing a £150m return to shareholders by way of a special dividend of 115p per share.

Croda International Plc
Croda International Plc
Annual report and Accounts 2018
Annual Report and Accounts 2018
Croda International Plc
Croda International Plc
Annual report and Accounts 2018
Annual Report and Accounts 2018
Notes to the Group Accounts continued

11. Post-retirement benefits The amounts recognised in the balance sheet in respect of these schemes are as follows:

Financial Statements
2018 2017
The table below summarises the Group’s net year end post-retirement benefits and activity for the year. £m £m
Present value of funded obligations
2018 2017
£m £m
UK pension scheme (961.6) (991.6)
Balance sheet: US pension scheme (126.1) (127.9)
Retirement benefit assets 24.6 19.1 Netherlands pension scheme (165.5) (176.0)
Retirement benefit liabilities (43.1) (49.6) Rest of world (15.5) (22.3)
Net liability in Group balance sheet (18.5) (30.5) (1,268.7) (1,317.8)
Fair value of schemes’ assets
Net balance sheet liabilities for: UK pension scheme 986.0 1,010.1
Defined pension benefits (6.0) (17.1) US pension scheme 124.1 128.5
Post-employment medical benefits (12.5) (13.4) Netherlands pension scheme 149.7 151.0
(18.5) (30.5) Rest of world 12.9 15.2
1,272.7 1,304.8
Income statement charge included in profit before tax for: Net asset/(liability) in respect of funded schemes 4.0 (13.0)
Defined pension benefits 23.9 22.1 Present value of unfunded obligations (10.0) (4.1)
Post-employment medical benefits 0.9 1.0 Net liability in Group balance sheet (excluding post-employment medical benefits) (6.0) (17.1)
24.8 23.1
2018 2017
£m £m
Remeasurements included in other comprehensive income for: Movement in present value of retirement benefit obligations in the year:
Defined pension benefits (20.3) (119.9) Opening balance 1,321.9 1,359.7
Post-employment medical benefits (2.3) (2.0) Current service cost 18.9 19.1
(22.6) (121.9) Past service cost – plan amendments 4.9 –
Interest cost 31.5 34.4
Defined benefit pension schemes Remeasurements
The Group operates defined benefit pension schemes in the UK, US and several other territories under broadly similar regulatory frameworks. Change in demographic assumptions 6.3 (5.5)
All of the Group’s final salary type pension schemes (which provide benefits to members in the form of a guaranteed level of pension payable Change in financial assumptions (76.0) 21.0
for life based on salary in the final years leading up to retirement) are closed to future service accrual with the exception of a small number of Experience gains (1.8) (60.3)
Contributions paid in
‘grandfathered’ employees in the US scheme. The UK scheme operated on a final salary basis until 5 April 2016, following which the scheme
Employee 2.8 2.6
changed to a Career Average Revalued Earnings (CARE) defined benefit scheme, with annual pensionable earnings capped and pensions
Benefits paid (40.7) (41.8)
in payment indexed based on CPI (previously RPI), for service accrued from 6 April 2016. This change is expected to reduce the future
Exchange differences on overseas schemes 10.9 (7.3)
comparable cost and risk attached to the UK scheme. Material defined benefit pension schemes in other territories operate on a similar
1,278.7 1,321.9
basis to the UK, except in the US, which (other than for ‘grandfathered’ employees) operates a cash balance pension scheme that provides
Movement in fair value of schemes’ assets in the year:
a guaranteed rate of return on pension contributions until retirement. From 1 October 2017 the US scheme was closed to new joiners who Opening balance 1,304.8 1,229.4
will receive defined contribution benefits. The US plans also do not generally receive inflationary increases once in payment. With the exception Interest income 31.4 31.4
of this difference in inflationary risk, the Group’s main defined benefit pension schemes continue to face broadly similar risks, as described Remeasurements
on page 121. Return on scheme assets, excluding amounts included in financial expenses (51.2) 75.1
Contributions paid in
The majority of benefit payments are from trustee administered funds; however, there are also a number of unfunded plans where the relevant Employee 2.8 2.6
Group company meets the benefit payment obligation as it falls due. Employer 15.2 15.8
Benefits paid out including settlements (40.7) (41.8)
Plan assets held in trusts are governed by local regulations and practice in each country, as is the nature of the relationship between Exchange differences on overseas schemes 10.4 (7.7)
the Group and the trustees (or equivalent) and their composition. Responsibility for governance of the schemes, including investment 1,272.7 1,304.8
decisions and contribution schedules, predominantly lies with the particular scheme’s board of trustees with appropriate input from the
relevant Group company. The board of trustees must be composed of representatives in accordance with each scheme’s regulations As at the balance sheet date, the present value of retirement benefit obligations comprised approximately £360m in respect of active
and any relevant legislation. employees, £327m in respect of deferred members and £592m in relation to members in retirement.

Total employer contributions to the schemes in 2019 are expected to be £14.8m.

The actuarial assumptions were as follows:

2018 2018 2018 2017 2017 2017

UK US Netherlands UK US Netherlands
Discount rate 2.7% 4.2% 1.9% 2.4% 3.6% 1.9%
Inflation rate – RPI 3.2% 2.5% 1.8% 3.2% 2.5% 1.9%
Inflation rate – CPI 2.2% n/a n/a 2.2% n/a n/a
Rate of increase in salaries 4.2% 4.0% 2.4% 4.2% 4.0% 2.4%
Rate of increase for pensions in payment 3.0% n/a 1.3% 3.0% n/a 1.5%
Duration of liabilities (ie life expectancy) (years) 20.0 10.8 21.8 19.9 11.1 22.4
Remaining working life 12.7 10.9 13.4 12.7 11.1 13.0

Croda International Plc
Croda International Plc
Annual report and Accounts 2018
Annual Report and Accounts 2018
Croda International Plc
Croda International Plc
Annual report and Accounts 2018
Annual Report and Accounts 2018
Notes to the Group Accounts continued

11. Post-retirement benefits continued Pension and medical benefits – risks and volatility

Financial Statements
Mortality assumptions are based on country-specific mortality tables and where appropriate allow for future improvements in life expectancy. Through its defined benefit pension schemes and post-employment medical schemes, the Group is exposed to a number of risks, the most
Where credible data exists, actual plan experience is taken into account. Applying the mortality tables adopted, the expected future average significant of which are detailed below:
lifetime of members currently at age 65 and members at age 65 in 20 years’ time is as follows:
Asset volatility
Current age 65 Age 65 in 20 years
UK US Netherlands UK US Netherlands The schemes’ liabilities are calculated using a discount rate set with reference to corporate bond yields; if scheme assets underperform this
Male 21.5 21.1 22.1 23.0 22.5 23.7 yield, a deficit will be created. Both the UK and US plans hold a significant proportion of equities, which are expected to outperform corporate
Female 24.1 23.0 24.5 25.6 24.4 26.0 bonds in the long term while providing volatility and risk in the short term. Whilst our Dutch scheme is less mature, regulatory pressures result
in lower equity holdings. As the schemes mature, the Group intends to reduce the level of investment risk by investing more in assets that
The sensitivity of the defined benefit obligation to changes in the significant assumptions is as follows: better match the liabilities. However, the Group and the pension trustees (Trustees) believe that due to the long term nature of the scheme
liabilities and the strength of the supporting Group, a level of continuing equity investment is an appropriate element of the Group’s long
Impact on retirement benefit obligation term strategy to manage the schemes efficiently. See below for more details on the Group’s asset-liability matching strategy.
Sensitivity Of increase Of decrease
Discount rate 0.5% -8.9% +10.3% Changes in bond yields
Inflation rate 0.5% +6.3% -6.0%
Mortality (assumes a one year increase in life expectancy) 1 year +3.0% n/a A decrease in corporate bond yields will increase scheme liabilities, although this will be partially offset by an increase in the value
of the schemes’ bond holdings.
The above sensitivity analyses are based on a change in an assumption while holding all other assumptions constant. In practice,
this is unlikely to occur, and changes in some of the assumptions may be correlated. When calculating the sensitivity of the defined benefit Inflation risk
obligation to significant actuarial assumptions, the same method (present value of the defined benefit obligation calculated with the projected Some of the Group’s pension obligations are linked to inflation, and higher inflation will lead to higher liabilities. However, the level of inflationary
unit credit method at the end of the reporting year) has been applied as when calculating the retirement benefit obligation recognised in the increases are usually capped to protect the scheme against extreme inflation. The majority of the schemes’ assets are either unaffected by
Group balance sheet. inflation in the case of fixed interest bonds or loosely correlated in the case of equities, meaning that an increase in inflation will thus increase
the deficit. In the US schemes, the pensions in payment are not linked to inflation, so this is a less material risk.
The weighted average duration of the defined benefit obligation is 19.3 years (2017: 19.3 years).
Life expectancy
The assets in the schemes comprised: The majority of the schemes’ obligations are to provide benefits for the life of the member, so increases in life expectancy will result in an
2018 2018 2017 2017
£m % £m %
increase in the schemes’ liabilities. This is particularly significant in the UK scheme, where inflationary increases result in higher sensitivity to
Quoted changes in life expectancy. In the case of the funded schemes, the Group ensures that the investment positions are managed within an asset-
Equities 232.9 19% 355.1 27% liability matching (ALM) framework that has been developed to achieve long term investments that are cognisant of the obligations under the
Government bonds 87.7 7% 64.5 5% pension schemes. Within this framework, the Group’s ALM objective is to match a portion of assets to the pension obligations by investing in
Corporate bonds 115.0 9% 128.7 10% long term fixed interest securities with maturities that match the benefit payments as they fall due and in the appropriate currency. The Group
Other quoted securities – 0% 1.9 0% and Trustees actively monitor how the duration and the expected yield of the investments are matching the expected cash outflows arising
Unquoted from the pension obligations. The Group has not changed the processes used to manage its risks from previous years. Investments are well
Cash and cash equivalents 43.3 3% 43.1 3% diversified, such that the failure of any single investment would not have a material impact on the overall level of assets. A significant portion of
Real estate 68.6 5% 66.8 5% assets in 2018 consist of equities and bonds, although the schemes also invest in property, cash and infrastructure funds. The Group believes
Liability driven instruments 448.8 35% 378.3 29% that equities offer the best returns over the long term with an acceptable level of risk. Both the UK and Dutch schemes make use of a portfolio
Other 276.4 22% 266.4 21% of derivative instruments to mitigate interest rate and inflation risk.
1,272.7 100% 1,304.8 100%
The latest triennial valuation of the UK scheme was completed as at 30 September 2017. The results showed that there was no actuarial deficit
Post-employment medical benefits with the funding level standing at 109% on a technical provisions basis, a surplus of £74.7m. During 2018 the UK scheme took advantage of
The Group operates an unfunded post-employment medical benefit scheme in the US. The method of accounting, significant assumptions its favourable funding level to reduce the investment risk it was carrying. This de-risking resulted in the proportion of return-seeking assets
and the frequency of valuations are similar to those used for defined benefit pension schemes set out above with the addition of actuarial in the scheme falling to 50.4% as at 31 December 2018. The scheme remains approximately 85% hedged against interest rate and inflation
assumptions relating to the long term increase in health care costs of 5.0% a year (2017: 5.0%). movements. The funding review of our US scheme is undertaken annually. As at 1 December 2017 the scheme was 130% funded, with
the funding level allowing for contributions to be received during 2018. The Group’s Dutch scheme is subject to a more rigorous regulatory
The amounts recognised in the balance sheet in respect of this scheme are as follows: environment under the supervision of the Dutch National Bank (DNB). As at 31 December 2018 the scheme was 117% funded on an actuarial
2018 2017 basis relative to the DNB’s required level of 120% and a minimum funding requirement of 104%.
£m £m
Present value of unfunded obligations
The expected distribution of the timing of benefit payments is as follows:
US scheme 12.5 13.4
2018 2017 Less than Between Between Beyond
£m £m a year 1–2 years 2–5 years 5 years Total
£m £m £m £m £m
Movement in present value of retirement benefit obligations in the year:
Pension benefits 36.1 37.6 125.5 1,079.5 1,278.7
Opening balance 13.4 16.2
Post-employment medical benefits 0.5 0.6 1.8 9.6 12.5
Current service cost 0.4 0.4
36.6 38.2 127.3 1,089.1 1,291.2
Interest cost 0.5 0.6
Change in demographic assumptions 0.1 – Defined contribution schemes
Change in financial assumptions (2.4) (1.3) 2018 2017
£m £m
Experience gains – (0.7)
Contributions paid charged to operating profit 5.0 4.0
Benefits paid (0.3) (0.3)
Exchange differences on overseas schemes 0.8 (1.5)
12.5 13.4

Croda International Plc
Croda International Plc
Annual report and Accounts 2018
Annual Report and Accounts 2018
Croda International Plc
Croda International Plc
Annual report and Accounts 2018
Annual Report and Accounts 2018
Notes to the Group Accounts continued

12. Intangible assets Impairment testing for goodwill

Financial Statements
Other The goodwill relates predominantly to the value of commercial and other synergies arising from the combination of acquired businesses, with
Goodwill Software intangibles Total
£m £m £m £m Croda’s established global sales, marketing and R&D networks. This goodwill is allocated to the Group’s Cash Generating Units (CGUs) that
Cost are expected to benefit from that combination. The carrying amount of goodwill is allocated to CGUs as follows:
At 1 January 2017 307.1 18.6 46.7 372.4
Exchange differences 1.1 (0.2) 1.7 2.6 2018 2017
£m £m
Additions – 3.5 – 3.5
Uniqema (Personal Care and Life Sciences) 192.1 192.6
Acquisitions 12.8 – 18.1 30.9
Incotec (Life Sciences) 72.6 71.4
Disposals and write-offs (0.8) (1.0) (0.1) (1.9)
Biosector (Life Sciences) 26.6 –
Reclassification from plant and equipment – 1.5 – 1.5
Sipo (Performance Technologies and Industrial Chemicals) 21.8 21.6
At 31 December 2017 320.2 22.4 66.4 409.0
Other 40.9 34.6
354.0 320.2
At 1 January 2018 320.2 22.4 66.4 409.0
Exchange differences 1.2 0.6 0.9 2.7
As discussed in the accounting policies note on page 107, goodwill is tested at each year end for impairment with reference to the relevant
Additions – 2.4 1.0 3.4
Acquisitions 32.6 – 38.4 71.0 CGU’s recoverable amount compared to the unit’s carrying value including goodwill. Assets are grouped at the lowest level for which there
Reclassification from plant and equipment – 0.3 – 0.3 are separately identifiable cash flows relevant to the acquisition generating the goodwill. The recoverable amount is based on value in use
At 31 December 2018 354.0 25.7 106.7 486.4 calculations using pre-tax discounted cash flow projections based on the Group’s current year results and a long term future growth rate.

Accumulated amortisation and impairment losses Unless the risk profile of a particular acquisition dictates otherwise, forecast cash flows are assumed to grow at a future long-term growth rate
At 1 January 2017 – 12.9 4.2 17.1 of 3% and are discounted using a weighted average cost of capital, which for these purposes has been calculated to be approximately 6.7%
Exchange differences – (0.3) 0.2 (0.1) pre-tax (2017: 6.6%).
Charge for the year (note 3) – 1.7 3.7 5.4
Disposals and write-offs – (1.0) 0.1 (0.9) For the purpose of the Sipo calculation, a pre-tax discount rate of 8.8% has been applied because of the higher risk associated with this
Reclassification from plant and equipment – 1.2 – 1.2 investment, together with a higher long-term growth rate of 4% commensurate with the market within which the business operates. This
At 31 December 2017 – 14.5 8.2 22.7 calculation supports the goodwill allocated to the CGU, albeit with limited headroom. The calculation is sensitive to changes in the underlying
assumptions used to assess whether the carrying value of the CGU should be impaired. In particular, if the discount rate assumption was
At 1 January 2018 – 14.5 8.2 22.7 increased by 0.5% or if the long-term future growth rate decreased by 1%, the CGU’s recoverable amount would be reduced to a level
Exchange differences – 0.4 0.3 0.7 comparable with its carrying value. Any greater change would result in an impairment of the carrying value of the CGU.
Charge for the year (note 3) – 1.8 6.3 8.1
At 31 December 2018 – 16.7 14.8 31.5 The key assumptions underpinning the forecasts employed in the value in use calculation reflect a prudent view of past experience and are that
market share will not change significantly and that gross and operating margins will remain broadly constant. In respect of the brought forward
Net carrying amount goodwill, the Directors believe there are no reasonably possible changes in assumptions which would give rise to an impairment charge in the
At 31 December 2018 354.0 9.0 91.9 454.9 year except as discussed above. Goodwill arising in the year will be subject to the same assumptions and review process commencing the
At 31 December 2017 320.2 7.9 58.2 386.3 year after initial recognition.
At 1 January 2017 307.1 5.7 42.5 355.3

Intangible asset amortisation is recorded in operating costs within the income statement on page 100.

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Croda International Plc
Annual report and Accounts 2018
Annual Report and Accounts 2018
Croda International Plc
Croda International Plc
Annual report and Accounts 2018
Annual Report and Accounts 2018
Notes to the Group Accounts continued

13. Property, plant and equipment 14. Future commitments

Financial Statements
Land and Plant and 2018 2017
buildings equipment Total £m £m
£m £m £m Group capital projects
Cost At 31 December the Directors had authorised the following expenditure on capital projects:
At 1 January 2017 186.7 808.7 995.4 Contracted, but not provided for
Exchange differences (4.6) (32.1) (36.7) Property, plant and equipment 28.4 22.7
Additions 10.1 150.7 160.8 Intangible assets 0.2 0.5
Acquisitions – 3.0 3.0 Authorised, but not contracted for
Other disposals and write-offs (5.7) (9.6) (15.3) Property, plant and equipment 84.5 83.8
Reclassifications 0.1 (1.6) (1.5) Intangible assets 0.7 1.0
At 31 December 2017 186.6 919.1 1,105.7 113.8 108.0
Operating leases – minimum lease commitments
At 1 January 2018 186.6 919.1 1,105.7 At 31 December the Group’s future minimum lease commitments were due as follows:
Exchange differences 6.6 38.0 44.6 Within one year 9.7 9.2
Additions 5.5 98.0 103.5 From one to five years 19.1 14.1
Acquisitions 7.7 7.7 15.4 After five years 6.8 7.4
Other disposals and write-offs – (2.4) (2.4) 35.6 30.7
Reclassifications (0.8) 0.5 (0.3)
At 31 December 2018 205.6 1,060.9 1,266.5 The Group leases various buildings, vehicles and other plant and equipment under non-cancellable operating lease arrangements. The leases
have various terms typical of lease agreements for the particular class of asset.
Accumulated depreciation and impairment losses
At 1 January 2017 66.6 330.7 397.3
Exchange differences (1.3) (8.5) (9.8)
15. Investments
Charge for the year (note 3) 5.6 42.3 47.9 The amounts recognised in the balance sheet are as follows:
Other disposals and write-offs (3.8) (8.7) (12.5)
2018 2017
Reclassifications – (1.2) (1.2) £m £m
At 31 December 2017 67.1 354.6 421.7 Associate 2.3 1.3
Other investments 2.5 0.9
At 1 January 2018 67.1 354.6 421.7 4.8 2.2
Exchange differences 2.5 15.9 18.4
Charge for the year (note 3) 6.0 42.1 48.1
On 17 December 2018, the Group increased its minority shareholding in Cutitronics Limited from 24.9% to 38.6% for consideration of £1.2m.
Other disposals and write-offs – (2.0) (2.0)
This additional investment will enable Cutitronics to develop and test design updates for its innovative CutiTronTM device, which is anticipated
At 31 December 2018 75.6 410.6 486.2
to result in the first customisable commercial device. This investment continues to be recognised as an associate on the Group balance sheet.
Net book amount
Other investments of £2.5m (2017: £0.9m) increased during the year as, on 30 July 2018, the Group acquired a 4.0% minority shareholding in
At 31 December 2018 130.0 650.3 780.3
SiSaf Limited. SiSaf is a pioneering UK based bio-pharmaceutical company and this investment is part of a wider strategic partnership to use
At 31 December 2017 119.5 564.5 684.0
and develop SiSaf’s patented bio-courier, ProSilic®, a novel drug delivery technology. All remaining assets recognised as other investments
At 1 January 2017 120.1 478.0 598.1
on the Group balance sheet are non-quoted equity securities measured at fair value.
The net book amount of assets held by the Group under finance leases for plant and equipment at 31 December 2018 was £1.4m
The Directors believe the carrying value of the investments is supported by their underlying net assets.
(2017: £1.0m). The leased equipment secures the lease obligations in note 19. No other property, plant or equipment have been pledged
as security for liabilities.
The amounts recognised in the income statement are as follows:
The value of assets under construction not yet subject to depreciation at 31 December 2018 was £318.1m (2017: £249.8m). 2018 2017
£m £m
Share of loss of associate 0.2 0.1
Other investments – –
0.2 0.1

16. Inventories
2018 2017
£m £m
Raw materials 56.5 48.6
Work in progress 49.0 36.8
Finished goods 181.7 173.1
287.2 258.5

The Group consumed £747.5m (2017: £741.9m) of inventories during the year.

Croda International Plc
Croda International Plc
Annual report and Accounts 2018
Annual Report and Accounts 2018
Croda International Plc
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Annual Report and Accounts 2018
2018 125
Notes to the Group Accounts continued

17. Trade and other receivables 18. Trade and other payables

Financial Statements
2018 2017 2018 2017
£m £m £m £m
Amounts falling due within one year Trade payables 68.2 69.8
Trade receivables 197.8 175.3 Taxation and social security 7.9 7.8
Less: provision for impairment of receivables (3.0) (4.8) Other payables 41.7 44.2
Trade receivables – net 194.8 170.5 Accruals and deferred income 72.7 79.6
Other receivables 29.4 26.1 190.5 201.4
Prepayments 9.4 5.6
233.6 202.2 All trade payables are payable within one year.

The ageing of the Group’s year end overdue receivables against which no provision has been made is as follows: 19. Borrowings, other financial liabilities and other financial assets
This note should be read in conjunction with the further liquidity disclosures in our accounting policies note and the Finance Review
2018 2017
£m £m on pages 34 to 37.
Not impaired
Less than three months 30.6 24.2 2018 2017
£m £m
Three to six months 1.8 – Current assets
Over six months 0.3 1.5
Investments 4.8 2.2
32.7 25.7 Trade and other receivables (excluding prepayments) 224.2 196.6
229.0 198.8
The provision for impairment of receivables principally relates to customers in unexpectedly difficult economic circumstances. The overdue Current liabilities
receivables against which no provision has been made relate to a number of customers for whom there is no recent history of default, nor any Trade and other payables (excluding taxation, social security, accruals and deferred income) 109.9 114.0
other indication that settlement will not be forthcoming. The other classes within trade and other receivables do not contain impaired assets Unsecured bank loans and overdrafts due within one year or on demand 35.6 10.1
and are considered to be fully recoverable. Other loans 13.2 7.9
Obligations under finance leases 0.4 0.4
The carrying amounts of the Group’s receivables are denominated in the following currencies: 159.1 132.4
Non-current liabilities
2018 2017
£m £m
2014 Club facility due 2021 131.7 144.4
Sterling 20.1 13.7 2016 Club facility due 2021 20.0 –
US Dollar 68.5 59.2 US$100m 5.94% fixed rate 10 year bond 78.8 73.9
Euro 71.1 72.1 €30m 1.08% fixed rate 7 year bond 27.1 26.6
Other 73.9 57.2 €70m 1.43% fixed rate 10 year bond 63.1 62.1
233.6 202.2 £30m 2.54% fixed rate 7 year bond 30.0 30.0
£70m 2.80% fixed rate 10 year bond 70.0 70.0
Other secured bank loans 0.3 0.7
Movements on the Group’s provision for impairment of trade receivables are as follows:
Other unsecured bank loans 25.9 18.3
2018 2017
Obligations under finance leases 0.6 0.4
£m £m 447.5 426.4
At 1 January 4.8 4.4
Exchange differences 0.1 (0.1) The Group’s 2014 and 2016 Club facilities fall due for repayment upon expiry of the agreements in July 2021. Interest is charged on both
(Released)/charged to income statement (1.7) 0.8 agreements at a floating rate based on ICE GBP LIBOR, ICE LIBOR or EURIBOR, depending upon the drawdown currency, plus a variable
Net write-off of uncollectible receivables (0.2) (0.3) margin. The margin the Group pays on its borrowings over and above standard rates is determined by the Group’s net debt to EBITDA ratio.
At 31 December 3.0 4.8
The Group’s Sterling and Euro denominated US private placement bonds have an average maturity of 6.6 years and carry an average fixed rate
Amounts charged to the income statement are included within administrative expenses. of interest of 2.1% at 31 December 2018.

Croda International Plc
Croda International Plc
Annual report and Accounts 2018
Annual Report and Accounts 2018
Croda International Plc
report Plc
and Accounts
Annual Report and Accounts 2018
2018 127
Notes to the Group Accounts continued

19. Borrowings, other financial liabilities and other financial assets continued Interest rate and currency profile of Group financial liabilities

Financial Statements
2018 2017 Fixed rate
£m £m weighted average
Maturity profile of financial liabilities Total Fixed Floating Interest rate Fixed period
£m £m £m % Years
Repayments fall due as follows:
Sterling 163.3 100.0 63.3 2.72 6.6
Within one year
US Dollar 203.5 78.8 124.7 5.94 1.1
Bank loans and overdrafts 35.6 10.1
Euro 106.5 90.2 16.3 1.32 6.6
Other loans 13.2 7.9
Other 23.4 – 23.4 – –
Obligations under finance leases 0.4 0.4
At 31 December 2018 496.7 269.0 227.7 3.19 5.0
49.2 18.4
After more than one year
Sterling 147.7 100.0 47.7 2.72 7.6
Loans repayable
US Dollar 176.8 73.9 102.9 5.94 2.1
Within one to two years 78.8 0.1
Euro 108.0 88.7 19.3 1.33 7.6
Within two to five years 235.0 237.2
Other 12.3 – 12.3 – –
Five years and over 133.1 188.7
Obligations under finance leases payable between years two and five 0.6 0.4 At 31 December 2017 444.8 262.6 182.2 3.16 6.0
447.5 426.4
Fair values
The minimum lease payments under finance leases fall due as follows: The table below details a comparison of the book and fair values of the Group’s financial assets and liabilities. Where there are no readily
Within one year 0.4 0.5 available market values to determine fair values, cash flows relating to the various instruments have been discounted at prevailing interest
Within one to five years 0.7 0.4 and exchange rates to give an estimate of fair value.
1.1 0.9
Future finance charges on finance leases (0.1) (0.1) Book Fair Book Fair
value value value value
Present value of finance lease liabilities 1.0 0.8 2018 2018 2017 2017
£m £m £m £m
2018 2017 Cash deposits 71.2 71.2 63.3 63.3
£m £m
Other investments 4.8 4.8 2.2 2.2
Undiscounted maturity analysis of financial liabilities 2014 Club facility due 2021 (131.7) (131.7) (144.4) (144.4)
Within one year 2016 Club facility due 2021 (20.0) (20.0) – –
Bank loans and overdrafts 45.5 14.0 US$100m 5.94% fixed rate 10 year bond (78.8) (76.5) (73.9) (76.4)
Other loans 4.8 4.8 €30m 1.08% fixed rate 7 year bond (27.1) (27.7) (26.6) (27.0)
Obligations under finance leases 0.4 0.5 €70m 1.43% fixed rate 10 year bond (63.1) (65.3) (62.1) (63.1)
50.7 19.3 £30m 2.54% fixed rate 7 year bond (30.0) (30.4) (30.0) (30.5)
After more than one year £70m 2.80% fixed rate 10 year bond (70.0) (71.4) (70.0) (71.4)
Loans repayable Other bank borrowings (61.8) (61.8) (29.1) (29.1)
Within one to two years 92.3 0.1 Other loans (13.2) (13.2) (7.9) (7.9)
Within two to five years 254.0 255.6 Obligations under finance leases (1.0) (1.0) (0.8) (0.8)
Five years and over 143.3 219.4
Obligations under finance leases 0.7 0.4 For financial instruments with a remaining life of greater than one year, fair values are based on cash flows discounted at prevailing interest
490.3 475.5
rates. Accordingly, the fair value of cash deposits and short term borrowings approximates to the book value due to the short maturity of
these instruments. The same applies to trade and other receivables and payables excluded from the above analysis.
The analysis above includes estimated interest payable to maturity on the underlying loans. For the loans due after more than one year £13.1m
(2017: £11.1m) of the interest falls due within one year of the balance sheet date, £8.8m (2017: £11.1m) within one to two years, £13.3m
Financial instruments
(2017: £16.2m) within two to five years and £7.3m (2017: £10.7m) beyond five years.
Financial instruments measured at fair value use the following hierarchy:

• Quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical assets or liabilities (level 1)
• Inputs other than quoted prices included within level 1 that are observable for the asset or liability, either directly (that is, as prices)
or indirectly (that is, derived from prices) (level 2)
• Inputs for the asset or liability that are not based on observable market data (that is, unobservable inputs) (level 3).

All of the Group’s financial instruments are classed as level 2 with the exception of other investments and finance lease obligations, which are
classed as level 3.

Borrowing facilities
As at 31 December 2018, the Group had undrawn committed facilities of £358.4m (2017: £390.2m). In addition, the Group had other undrawn
facilities of £38.7m (2017: £59.0m) available. Of the Group’s total committed facilities of £804.4m, £725.6m expire after 2020. New and repaid
borrowings disclosed in the Group Statement of Cash Flows reflect routine short-term cash management, comprising regular monthly
drawdowns and repayments on the Group’s revolving credit facilities.

Croda International Plc
Croda International Plc
Annual report and Accounts 2018
Annual Report and Accounts 2018
Croda International Plc
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Annual Report and Accounts 2018
2018 129
Notes to the Group Accounts continued

19. Borrowings, other financial liabilities and other financial assets continued Capital risk management

Financial Statements
Financial risk factors The Group’s objectives when managing capital are to safeguard the Group’s ability to continue as a going concern in order to provide returns
The Group’s activities expose it to a variety of financial risks: currency risk, interest rate risk, liquidity risk, and credit risk. The Group’s overall for shareholders and benefits for other stakeholders, as well as maintaining an optimal capital structure to reduce overall cost of capital.
risk management strategy is approved by the Board and implemented and reviewed by the Risk Management Committee. Detailed financial
risk management is then delegated to the Group Finance department which has a specific policy manual that sets out guidelines to manage In order to maintain this optimal structure, the Group may adjust the amount of dividends paid, issue new shares, return capital to shareholders
financial risk. Regular reports are received from all operating companies to enable prompt identification of financial risks so that appropriate or dispose of assets to reduce net debt. Given the Group’s strong balance sheet and sustained trading growth, the Group announced a
action may be taken. In the management and definition of capital the Group includes ordinary and preference share capital and net debt. dividend policy in 2011 of paying a dividend of between 40% and 50% of sustainable earnings. Further details can be found in the Finance
Review on pages 34 to 37.
Currency risk
Underlying growth coupled to Return on Invested Capital (ROIC) is the key perceived driver of shareholder value within the Group. The Group’s
The Group operates internationally and is exposed to currency risk arising from various currency exposures, primarily with respect to the US
ROIC now stands at 18.2% against a post-tax Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) of 5.1%, thus hitting the Group’s target of
Dollar and the Euro. Foreign exchange risk arises from future commercial transactions, recognised assets and liabilities and net investments
maintaining ROIC at a higher level than the WACC. In addition, the Group employs two widely used ratios to measure its ability to service its
in foreign operations. Entities in the Group use foreign currency bank balances to manage their foreign exchange risk arising from future
debt. Both net debt/EBITDA and EBITDA interest cover were well ahead of target in 2018. Further details can be found in the Finance Review
commercial transactions, recognised assets and liabilities. The Group’s risk management policy is to manage transactional risk up to three
on pages 34 to 37. The Group was in compliance with its covenant requirements throughout the year. Additional information on progress
months forward. The Group has certain investments in foreign operations, whose net assets are exposed to foreign currency translation risk.
against Key Performance Indicators can be found on pages 24 and 25.
Currency exposure arising from the net assets of the Group’s foreign operations is not specifically hedged but is reduced primarily through
borrowings denominated in the relevant foreign currencies where it is efficient to do so.
20. Provisions
Environmental Restructuring Other Total
For 2018, had the Group’s basket of reporting currencies been 10% weaker/stronger than the actual rates experienced, post-tax profit for the £m £m £m £m
year would have been £17.6m (2017: £17.4m) lower/higher than reported, primarily as a result of the translation of the profits of the Group’s At 1 January 2018 10.2 2.0 0.4 12.6
overseas entities, and equity would have been £68.5m (2017: £56.6m) lower/higher. Exchange differences 0.6 – – 0.6
Released to the income statement – (0.3) – (0.3)
Interest rate risk Charged to the income statement 0.1 – 0.2 0.3
The Group has both interest bearing assets and liabilities. In 2016, the Group had a policy of maintaining no more than 60% of its gross Cash paid against provisions and utilised (1.0) (1.1) – (2.1)
borrowings at fixed interest rates in normal circumstances. During 2016, the Group increased its amount of fixed rate debt following payment At 31 December 2018 9.9 0.6 0.6 11.1
of the £136m special dividend and consequent increase in core debt requirements. Bonds were issued in the amounts of £100m and €100m
with an average maturity of 9.1 years and interest rate of 2.08%. The Group also retained its US$100m loan note repayable in 2020 carrying a Analysis of total provisions
fixed rate of 5.94%. During 2017, the policy formally increased the upper limit for fixed rate debt to 75% of gross borrowings. At 31 December 2018 2017
£m £m
2018, approximately 54% of Group borrowings were at fixed rates. Current 4.0 5.2
Non-current 7.1 7.4
At 31 December 2018, aside from the loan notes and bonds referred to above, all Group debt and cash was exposed to repricing within 11.1 12.6
12 months of the balance sheet date.
Provisions are made where a constructive or legal obligation has arisen from a past event, can be quantified and where the timing
At 31 December 2018, the Group’s fixed rate debt was at a weighted average rate of 3.19% (2017: 3.16%). The Group’s floating rate liabilities of the transfer of economic benefits relating to the provisions cannot be ascertained with any degree of certainty.
are predominantly based on LIBOR and its overseas equivalents.
The environmental provision relates to soil and potential groundwater contamination on a number of sites, both currently in use and previously
Based on the above, had interest rates moved by 10 basis points in the territories where the Group has substantial borrowings, post-tax profits occupied, in Europe and the Americas.
would have moved by £0.2m (2017: £0.2m) due to a change in interest expense on the Group’s floating rate borrowings.
In relation to the environmental provision, the Directors expect that the balance will be utilised within ten years. Provisions for remediation
Liquidity risk costs are made when there is a present obligation, it is probable that expenditures for remediation work will be required and the cost
The Group actively maintains a mixture of long term and short term committed facilities designed to ensure that the Group has sufficient funds can be estimated within a reasonable range of possible outcomes. The costs are based on currently available facts and prior experience.
available for operations and planned investments. The Group also has a share buyback programme that is managed to ensure the efficiency of Environmental liabilities are recorded at the estimated amount at which the liability could be settled at the balance sheet date. Remediation
the Group’s funding structure. of environmental damage typically takes a long time to complete due to the substantial amount of planning and regulatory approvals normally
required before remediation activities can begin. In addition, increases in or releases of environmental provisions may be necessary whenever
On a regular basis, management monitors forecasts of the Group’s cash flows against both internal targets and those targets imposed by new developments occur or additional information becomes available. Consequently, environmental provisions can change significantly. The
external lenders. The Group has substantial committed, unused facilities and the Directors are confident this situation will remain the case level of environmental provision is based on management’s best estimate of the most likely outcome for each individual exposure. The Group
for the foreseeable future. has also considered the impact of discounting on its provisions and has concluded that, as a consequence of the significant utilisation
expected in a relatively short timescale, the impact is not material.
Credit risk
The Group has no significant concentrations of credit risk. It has policies in place to ensure that sales of products are made to customers with
an appropriate credit history. Derivative counterparties and cash transactions are limited to high-credit quality financial institutions. The Group
has policies that limit the amount of credit exposure to any individual financial institution.

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Croda International Plc
Annual report and Accounts 2018
Annual Report and Accounts 2018
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Annual Report and Accounts 2018
2018 131
Notes to the Group Accounts continued

21. Ordinary share capital Croda International Plc Sharesave Scheme (‘Sharesave’)

Financial Statements
Ordinary shares of 10.36p (2017: 10.36p)
2018 2017 The Sharesave scheme, established in 1983 and renewed in 2013, grants options annually in September to employees of the Group at a
£m £m
fixed exercise price, being the market price of the Company’s shares at the grant date discounted by up to 20%. Employees then enter into
Authorised at 1 January and 31 December a savings contract over three to five years and, subject to continued employment, purchase options at the end of the period based on the
222,788,170 ordinary shares of 10.36p each (2017: 222,788,170 ordinary shares of 10.36p each) 23.1 23.1 amount saved. Options are then exercisable for a six month period following completion of the savings contract. For options granted in
the year, the fair value per option granted and the assumptions used in the calculation of the value are as follows:
Allotted, called up and fully paid at 1 January and 31 December
135,124,108 ordinary shares of 10.36p each (2017: 135,124,108 ordinary shares of 10.36p each) 14.0 14.0 2018 2017
Grant date 27 Sep 2018 13 Sep 2017
During 2018 options were granted to employees under the Croda International Plc Sharesave Scheme to subscribe for 71,178 ordinary shares Share price at grant date 5200p 3777p
at an option price of 4144p per share and under the Croda International Plc International Sharesave Plan to subscribe for 225,581 ordinary Exercise price 4144p 3092p
shares at an option price of 4144p per share. Conditional awards over 157,340 ordinary shares were granted under the Performance Share Number of employees 634 594
Plan during the year. Also granted in the year were 18,392 shares under the Deferred Bonus Share Plan, 621 shares under the Deferred Bonus Shares under option 71,178 84,674
Discretionary Arrangement and 7,188 shares under the Restricted Share Plan. Vesting period Three years Three years
Expected volatility 20% 20%
During the year consideration of £1.5m was received on the exercise of options over 66,689 shares. The options were satisfied with shares Option life Six months Six months
transferred from the Group’s employee share trusts. Since the year end a further 2,198 shares have been transferred from the trusts. Risk free rate 1.0% 0.3%
Dividend yield 1.6% 2.0%
The outstanding options to subscribe for ordinary shares were as follows at the balance sheet date: Possibility of forfeiture 7.5% p.a. 7.5% p.a.
Fair value per option at grant date 1186.2p 765.3p
Year option Number of Option pricing model Black Black
granted shares Price Options exercisable from Scholes Scholes
Croda International Plc Sharesave Scheme 2015 5,321 2232p 1 Nov 2018 to 30 Apr 2019
2016 106,784 2639p 1 Nov 2019 to 30 Apr 2020
2017 80,234 3092p 1 Nov 2020 to 30 Apr 2021 A reconciliation of option movements over the year is as follows: 2018 2017
2018 70,772 4144p 1 Nov 2021 to 30 Apr 2022 Weighted Weighted
average average
Croda International Plc International Sharesave Plan (2009) 2016 331,411 2639p 1 Nov 2019 to 30 Nov 2019 Number exercise price Number exercise price
2017 254,862 3092p 1 Nov 2020 to 30 Nov 2020 Outstanding at 1 January 266,481 2659p 267,091 2275p
2018 223,829 4144p 1 Nov 2021 to 30 Nov 2021 Granted 71,178 4144p 84,674 3092p
Croda International Plc Performance Share Plan (2014) 2016 268,154 Nil 4 Mar 2019 Forfeited (7,859) 2785p (12,018) 2469p
2016 4,870 Nil 31 Oct 2019 Exercised (66,689) 2201p (73,266) 1791p
2017 226,320 Nil 9 Mar 2020 Outstanding at 31 December 263,111 3174p 266,481 2659p
2018 157,340 Nil 13 Mar 2021 Exercisable at 31 December 5,321 2232p 6,510 1763p
Croda International Plc Deferred Bonus Share Plan 2016 77,992 Nil 4 Mar 2019 For options exercised in year, weighted average share price at date of exercise 4754p 4156p
2016 1,909 Nil 16 Mar 2019 Weighted average remaining life at 31 December (years) 2.2 2.3
2017 98,213 Nil 9 Mar 2020
2018 18,694 Nil 13 Mar 2021
Croda International Plc International Sharesave Plan 2009 (‘International’)
Croda International Plc Deferred Bonus Discretionary Arrangement 2016 1,097 Nil 16 Mar 2019
2018 631 Nil 13 Mar 2021 The International scheme, established in 1999 and renewed in 2009, has the same option pricing model, savings contract and vesting period
Croda International Plc Restricted Share Plan 2018 6,751 Nil 20 Mar 2021 as the Sharesave scheme. At exercise, employees are paid a cash equivalent for each option purchased, being the difference between the
exercise price and market price at the exercise date. For options granted in the year, the fair value per option granted and the assumptions
used in the calculation of the value are as follows:
22. Share-based payments
The impact of share-based payment transactions on the Group’s financial position is as follows: 2018 2017
Grant date 27 Sep 2018 13 Sep 2017
2018 2017
£m £m Share price at grant date 5200p 3777p
Analysis of amounts recognised in the income statement: Exercise price 4144p 3092p
Charged in respect of equity settled share-based payment transactions 6.5 6.5 Number of employees 2,082 1,891
Charged in respect of cash settled share-based payment transactions 8.6 10.5 Shares under option 225,581 279,032
15.1 17.0 Vesting period Three years Three years
Expected volatility 20% 20%
Analysis of amounts recognised in the balance sheet: Option life One month One month
Liability in respect of cash settled share-based payment transactions 13.0 11.2 Risk free rate 0.7% 0.4%
Dividend yield 1.8% 1.7%
The key elements of each scheme along with the assumptions employed to arrive at the charge in the income statement are set out below. Possibility of forfeiture 7.5% p.a. 7.5% p.a.
Fair value per option at 31 December 791.8p 1274.1p
Where appropriate the expected volatility has been based on historical volatility considering daily share price movements over periods
Option pricing model Black Black
equal to the expected future life of the awards and the risk free rate is based on the Bank of England’s projected nominal yield curve with
Scholes Scholes
appropriate duration.

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Annual report and Accounts 2018
Annual Report and Accounts 2018
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Annual Report and Accounts 2018
2018 133
Notes to the Group Accounts continued

22. Share-based payments continued Croda International Plc Deferred Bonus Share Plan (‘DBSP’)

Financial Statements
A reconciliation of option movements over the year is as follows: The DBSP scheme was established in 2014. Under the DBSP, one third of any annual bonuses due to certain senior executives are deferred.
The size of award is determined by the amount of the total bonus divided by one third and converted into a number of Croda shares using the
2018 2017 market value of shares at the time the award is granted. Awards are increased by the number of shares equating to the equivalent value of any
Weighted Weighted
average average dividend paid during the option period. The awards vest on the third anniversary of the date of grant, unless the recipient has been dismissed
Number exercise price Number exercise price for cause. There are no performance conditions applied to the award. The DBSP is also discussed in the Directors’ Remuneration Report
Outstanding at 1 January 782,416 2723p 804,182 2280p (pages 69 to 89).
Granted 225,581 4144p 279,032 3092p
Forfeited (54,328) 2783p (62,876) 2271p 2018 2017
Exercised (143,567) 2254p (237,922) 1779p Grant date 13 Mar 2018 9 Mar 2017
Outstanding at 31 December 810,102 3197p 782,416 2723p Share price at grant date 4580p 3636p
For options exercised in year, weighted average share price at date of exercise 4780p 4179p Number of employees 10 109
Weighted average remaining life at 31 December (years) 1.7 2.1 Shares under conditional award 18,392 94,908
Vesting period Three years Three years
Croda International Plc Performance Share Plan 2014 (‘PSP’)
The PSP scheme was established in 2014 and replaced the Company’s previous Executive long term incentive plans. The PSP provides for A reconciliation of option movements over the year is as follows: 2018 2017
Weighted Weighted
awards of free shares (ie either conditional shares or nil-cost options) normally made annually which vest after three years dependent upon average average
an EPS performance related sliding scale (non-market condition), an NPP growth measure (non-market condition) and the Group’s total Number exercise price Number exercise price
shareholder return (market condition). The PSP is discussed in detail in the Directors’ Remuneration Report (pages 69 to 89). Shares (on an Outstanding at 1 January 175,340 – 74,828 –
after tax basis) are subject to a one year post vesting holding period for awards granted in 2014 and a two year post vesting holding period Granted 18,392 – 94,908 –
for awards granted in subsequent years. For options granted in the year, the fair value per option granted and the assumptions used in the Dividend enhancement 3,076 – 5,604 –
calculation of the value are as follows: Forfeited – – – –
Exercised – – – –
2018 2017 Outstanding at 31 December 196,808 – 175,340 –
Market Non-market Market Non-market For options exercised in year, weighted average share price at date of exercise – –
condition condition condition condition
Weighted average remaining life at 31 December (years) 0.9 1.7
Grant date 13 Mar 2018 13 Mar 2018 9 Mar 2017 9 Mar 2017
Share price at grant date 4580p 4580p 3636p 3636p
Number of employees 68 68 94 94 Croda International Plc Deferred Bonus Discretionary Share Arrangement
Shares under conditional award 62,936 94,404 93,312 139,968 In addition to the awards under the DBSP, no cost options over 1,728 shares have been awarded to similarly defer bonus entitlement
Vesting period Three years Three years Three years Three years where the DBSP cannot be used due to employment having ceased before the grant date. These options will be deemed to be exercised
Expected volatility 20% 20% 20% 20% automatically on the date falling three years after the date of grant. As of 31 December 2018, the weighted average remaining life was
Dividend yield 1.8% 1.8% 2.0% 2.0% 0.9 years.
Possibility of forfeiture 3.45% p.a. 3.45% p.a. 3.45% p.a. 3.45% p.a.
Fair value per option at grant date 2794p 4345p 1767p 3423p Croda International Plc Restricted Share Plan (‘RSP’)
Option pricing model Closed Closed Closed Closed
The RSP scheme was established in 2018 and provides for awards of free shares or cash equivalent to a limited number of employees not
form form form form
valuation valuation valuation valuation eligible for the PSP scheme, based on a percentage of salary. The awards vest on the third anniversary of the date of grant, subject to the
condition that the employee remains employed by the Group. There are no performance conditions applied to the award. On the vesting
date, UK employees will be awarded free shares and non-UK employees will be paid a cash equivalent based on the market price.
A reconciliation of option movements over the year is as follows: 2018 2017
Weighted Weighted 2018 2017
average average
Number exercise price Number exercise price Grant date 20 Mar 2018 –
Outstanding at 1 January 798,825 – 917,914 – Share price at grant date 4590p –
Granted 157,340 – 233,280 – Number of employees 31 –
Forfeited (26,802) – (235,164) – Shares under conditional award 7,188 –
Exercised (272,679) – (117,205) – Vesting period Three years –
Outstanding at 31 December 656,684 – 798,825 – Expected volatility 20% –
For options exercised in year, weighted average share price at date of exercise 4459p 3924p Dividend yield 1.8% –
Weighted average remaining life at 31 December (years) 1.0 1.1 Possibility of forfeiture 3.45% p.a. –
Fair value per option at grant date 4356p –
Option pricing model Closed –

A reconciliation of option movements over the year is as follows:

2018 2017
Weighted Weighted
average average
Number exercise price Number exercise price
Outstanding at 1 January – – – –
Granted 7,188 – – –
Forfeited (437) – – –
Exercised – – – –
Outstanding at 31 December 6,751 – – –
For options exercised in year, weighted average share price at date of exercise – –
Weighted average remaining life at 31 December (years) 2.2 –

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Notes to the Group Accounts continued

22. Share-based payments continued 27. Business combinations

Financial Statements
Croda International Plc Share Incentive Plan (‘SIP’) 2018 Acquisitions
The SIP was established in 2003 and has similar objectives to the Sharesave scheme in terms of increasing employee retention and share On 11 January 2018, the Group acquired Nautilus Biosciences Canada Inc, a technology-rich marine biotechnology company based in
ownership. Under the SIP scheme, employees enter into an agreement to purchase shares in the Company each month. For each share Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada. Nautilus uses marine microbial biodiversity to discover novel actives and materials, innovative
purchased by an employee, the Company awards a matching share which passes to the employee after three years’ service. The matching science that will be utilised in applications for Personal Care Beauty Actives and other markets.
shares are allocated each month at market value with this fair value charge being recognised in the income statement in full in the year
of allocation. On 28 March 2018, the Group acquired Plant Impact Plc, an innovative crop enhancement business which researches and develops
chemical biostimulants to sustainably improve crop yield and quality, headquartered in the UK. The acquisition represents an exciting
23. Preference share capital opportunity in combination with the Group’s existing Crop Protection and Seed Enhancement businesses (Life Sciences sector), bringing
2018 2017 together technical and marketing expertise which will deliver an enhanced portfolio of products to our global customer base.
£m £m
The authorised, issued and fully paid preference share capital comprises: On 28 December 2018, the Group acquired Brenntag Biosector A/S, a market leading specialist in the manufacture and supply of adjuvants for
615,562 5.9% preference shares of £1 (2017: 615,562) 0.6 0.6 the human and veterinary vaccine markets, based in Frederikssund, Denmark. Biosector’s adjuvant platforms are a complementary extension
498,434 6.6% preference shares of £1 (2017: 498,434) 0.5 0.5
to the Group’s existing pharmaceutical excipients portfolio within our Health Care business (Life Sciences sector). The acquisition will enable
21,900 7.5% preference shares of £1 (2017: 21,900) – –
the Group to better support our existing customers through an increased breadth of offering and additional technical expertise, and we will
1.1 1.1
leverage our dedicated global sales network to accelerate Biosector’s growth.
The preference shares have no redemption rights and carry no voting rights other than in certain circumstances affecting the rights of the
The following table summarises the Directors’ provisional assessment of the consideration paid in respect of the acquisitions, and the fair value
preference shareholders, details of which are set out in the Company’s Articles of Association. The three classes of preference shares rank
of assets acquired and liabilities assumed.
pari passu with each other but ahead of the ordinary shares on a winding up. Rights on a winding up are limited to repayment of capital and
any arrears of dividends. Nautilus Plant Impact Biosector
£m £m £m
24. Shareholders’ equity Consideration (inclusive of net debt) 5.6 9.3 63.8
Croda International Plc Qualifying Share Ownership Trust (QUEST), Croda International Plc Employee Benefit Trust (CIPEBT) and Croda Fair value of assets and liabilities acquired
International Plc AESOP Trust (AESOP), each hold shares purchased on the open market or transferred from treasury shares to satisfy Intangible assets 0.9 11.4 26.1
Property, plant and equipment 0.1 0.4 14.9
the future issue of shares under the Group’s share option schemes. As at 31 December 2018 the QUEST had a net amount due from
Inventories – 0.1 2.6
the Company of £8.4m (2017: £6.9m) and held 46,358 (2017: 113,706) shares transferred at a nil cost (2017: nil cost) with a market value
Trade and other receivables – 0.4 2.6
of £2.2m (2017: £5.0m). As at 31 December 2018 the CIPEBT was financed by a repayable on demand loan to the Company of £5.5m
Trade and other payables – (3.8) (1.6)
(2017: £4.5m) and held 43,167 (2017: 43,167) shares transferred at a nil cost (2017: nil cost) with a market value of £2.0m (2017: £1.9m). Taxation 0.5 (1.1) (7.4)
Total identifiable net assets 1.5 7.4 37.2
As at 31 December 2018 the AESOP had issued all its previously held shares, as financed by the Company, and thus had no residual loan Goodwill 4.1 1.9 26.6
balance with the Company. All of the shares held by the QUEST and CIPEBT were under option at 31 December 2018 and, except for a
nominal amount, the right to receive dividends has been waived. The goodwill is attributable to the synergies expected to arise from the combination of the acquired technologies and the Group’s global sales
and marketing network. It will not be deductible for tax purposes.
As at 31 December 2018 the total number of treasury shares held was 3,481,087 (2017: 3,731,314) with a market value of £163.1m
(2017: £165.1m). Acquisition-related costs of £2.7m have been charged to administration expenses in the consolidated income statement for the year ended
31 December 2018 (2017: £0.8m).
25. Non-controlling interests in equity
2018 2017 2017 Acquisitions
£m £m
On 7 July 2017, the Group acquired Enza Biotech AB, a research enterprise established as a spin-out company from Lund University, for
At 1 January 7.6 8.2 consideration of £10.7m (inclusive of deferred consideration). Identifiable net assets of £4.8m were acquired, with the acquisition generating
Exchange differences 0.1 (0.3)
goodwill of £5.9m. During 2018, the Group paid £0.6m of deferred consideration related to its obligations under the purchase agreement.
Income allocated to non-controlling interests (0.2) (0.3)
At 31 December 7.5 7.6
On 8 December 2017, the Group acquired IonPhasE OY, an innovative technology provider of static electricity dissipation solutions for
electronic and automotive applications, for consideration of £20.9m (inclusive of debt). Identifiable net assets of £14.0m were acquired,
26. Related party transactions with the acquisition generating goodwill of £6.9m.
The Group has no related party transactions, with the exception of remuneration paid to key management and Directors which is included
in note 10. During 2018, the Group completed fair value reviews relating to its 2017 acquisitions. This review did not identify any changes to the asset
base or goodwill.

28. Contingent liabilities

The Group is subject to various claims which arise in the course of business. These contingent liabilities are reviewed on a regular basis and
where possible an estimate is made of the potential financial impact on the Group.

The Group is also involved in certain environmental legal actions and proceedings. Whilst the Group cannot predict the outcome of any current
or future actions or proceedings with any certainty, it currently believes the likelihood of any material liabilities to be low, and that the liabilities,
if any, will not have a material adverse effect on its consolidated income, financial position or cash flows. The Group also considers it has
insurance in place in relation to any significant contingent liabilities. The environmental actions and proceedings the Group is subject to
relate to a discontinued business in the USA and are a matter of public record.

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2018 137
Company Financial Statements

Company Balance Sheet Company Statement of Changes in Equity

Financial Statements
at 31 December 2018 for the year ended 31 December 2018

2018 2017
Note £m £m
Fixed assets Share Capital
Intangible assets D – – Share premium redemption Revaluation Retained
capital account reserve reserve earnings Total
Tangible assets E 1.8 1.6 Note £m £m £m £m £m £m
Investments At 1 January 2017 15.1 93.3 0.9 2.1 1,991.6 2,103.0
Shares in Group undertakings F 569.8 492.5
Other investments other than loans G 0.6 0.6 Profit for the year attributable to equity
Retirement benefit assets L 1.2 0.9 shareholders – – – – 28.2 28.2
573.4 495.6 Other comprehensive income – – – – 3.2 3.2
Transactions with owners:
Current assets Dividends on equity shares 8 – – – – (100.0) (100.0)
Debtors H 1,702.6 1,853.7 Share-based payments – – – – 4.7 4.7
Deferred tax asset I – – Transactions in own shares – – – – 0.7 0.7
Cash and cash equivalents 0.8 5.1 Total transactions with owners – – – – (94.6) (94.6)
1,703.4 1,858.8
Total equity at 31 December 2017 15.1 93.3 0.9 2.1 1,928.4 2,039.8
Current liabilities
Creditors: Amounts falling due within one year J (55.2) (57.9) At 1 January 2018 15.1 93.3 0.9 2.1 1,928.4 2,039.8
Borrowings K (13.3) (8.3)
(68.5) (66.2) Profit for the year attributable to
Net current assets 1,634.9 1,792.6 equity shareholders – – – – 28.1 28.1
Other comprehensive income – – – – 0.4 0.4
Total assets less current liabilities 2,208.3 2,288.2 Transactions with owners:
Dividends on equity shares 8 – – – – (110.5) (110.5)
Non-current liabilities Share-based payments – – – – 6.4 6.4
Deferred tax liability I (0.2) (0.2) Transactions in own shares – – – – 0.5 0.5
Borrowings K (243.4) (248.2) Total transactions with owners – – – – (103.6) (103.6)
Retirement benefit liabilities L – –
(243.6) (248.4) Total equity at 31 December 2018 15.1 93.3 0.9 2.1 1,853.3 1,964.7

Net assets 1,964.7 2,039.8 Of the retained earnings, £860.1m (2017: £653.0m) are realised and £993.2m (2017: £1,275.4m) are unrealised. Details of investments in own
shares are disclosed in note 24 of the Group financial statements.
Capital and reserves
Ordinary share capital 14.0 14.0
Preference share capital 1.1 1.1
Called up share capital 15.1 15.1
Share premium account 93.3 93.3
Reserves1 1,856.3 1,931.4
Total shareholders’ funds 1,964.7 2,039.8
1 Included within Reserves is profit after tax of £28.1m (2017: £28.2m).

The financial statements on pages 138 to 144 were approved by the Board on 26 February 2019 and signed
on its behalf by

Anita Frew Jez Maiden

Chair Group Finance Director

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Annual Report and Accounts 2018
Notes to the Company Financial Statements

The principal accounting policies applied in the preparation of these financial statements are set out below. These policies have been applied D. Intangible assets

Financial Statements
consistently to all years presented, unless otherwise stated. Other
A. Accounting policies Cost
Basis of accounting At 1 January 2018 0.8
The Company meets the definition of a qualifying entity under Financial Reporting Standard 100 (FRS 100) issued by the Financial Reporting Additions –
Council. Accordingly, the Company has adopted FRS 101 ‘Reduced Disclosure Framework’ and has ceased to apply all UK Accounting At 31 December 2018 0.8
Standards issued prior to FRS 100. Therefore the recognition and measurement requirements of EU-adopted IFRS have been applied, with
amendments where necessary in order to comply with the requirements of the Companies Act 2006 (‘the Act’). The financial statements have Accumulated amortisation
been prepared under the historical cost convention, in compliance with the provisions of the Act and the requirements of the Listing Rules of At 1 January 2018 0.8
Charge for the year –
the Financial Conduct Authority.
At 31 December 2018 0.8
As permitted by FRS 101, the Company has taken advantage of the disclosure exemptions available under the standard in relation to
Net carrying amount
share-based payments, financial instruments, capital management, presentation of comparative information in respect of certain assets,
At 31 December 2018 –
presentation of a cash flow statement, standards not yet effective, impairment of assets and related party transactions. Where required,
At 31 December 2017 –
equivalent disclosures are provided in the Group financial statements of Croda International Plc.

Going concern E. Tangible assets

Land and Plant and
The financial statements which appear on pages 138 to 144 have been prepared on a going concern basis as, after making appropriate buildings equipment Total
£m £m £m
enquiries, including a review of forecasts, budgets and banking facilities, the Directors have a reasonable expectation that the Company
has adequate resources to continue in operational existence. Cost or valuation
At 1 January 2018 2.0 1.7 3.7
Additions 0.3 0.2 0.5
Principal accounting policies Disposals – (0.1) (0.1)
The accounting policies which have been applied by the Company when preparing the financial statements are in accordance with FRS 101. At 31 December 2018 2.3 1.8 4.1
FRS 101 is based on the recognition and measurement requirements of EU-adopted IFRS, under which the Group financial statements have
been prepared. As a result, the accounting policies of the Company are consistent with those used by the Group as presented on pages 105 to Accumulated depreciation
111, except for those relating to the recognition and measurement of goodwill and the recognition of revenue, which are not directly relevant to At 1 January 2018 1.3 0.8 2.1
the Company financial statements. Charge for the year 0.1 0.2 0.3
Disposals – (0.1) (0.1)
The Group accounting policy for financial risk factors is also relevant to the preparation of the Company financial statements and is disclosed At 31 December 2018 1.4 0.9 2.3
on pages 130 and 131.
Net book amount
B. Profit and loss account At 31 December 2018 0.9 0.9 1.8
Of the Group’s profit for the year, £28.1m (2017: £28.2m) is included in the profit and loss account of the Company which was approved by the At 31 December 2017 0.7 0.9 1.6
Board on 26 February 2019 but which is not presented as permitted by Section 408 Companies Act 2006.
F. Shares in Group undertakings
Included in the Company profit and loss account is a charge of £0.1m (2017: £0.1m) in respect of the Company’s audit fee. Shares Loans Total
£m £m £m
C. Employees At 1 January 2018 342.1 179.5 521.6
2018 2017 Exchange differences – 1.8 1.8
£m £m
Additions 8.4 332.2 340.6
Company employment costs including Directors
Wages and salaries 8.0 9.6 Amounts repaid (6.1) (259.0) (265.1)
Share-based payment charges (note M) 4.3 5.1 At 31 December 2018 344.4 254.5 598.9
Social security costs 1.2 1.2
Post-retirement benefit costs 0.5 0.5 Impairment
14.0 16.4 At 1 January 2018 (27.8) (1.3) (29.1)
Impairment in the year – – –
At 31 December 2018 (27.8) (1.3) (29.1)
2018 2017
Number Number Net book value
Average employee numbers by function At 31 December 2018 316.6 253.2 569.8
Production 22 24 At 31 December 2017 314.3 178.2 492.5
Administration 38 34
60 58 The undertakings which affect the financial statements are listed on pages 145 to 147.

As required by the Companies Act 2006, the figures disclosed above are weighted averages based on the number of employees at each The Directors believe that the carrying value of the investments is supported by their underlying net assets.
month end and include Executive Directors. At 31 December 2018, the Company had 62 (2017: 57) employees in total.

Detailed information concerning Directors’ remuneration, interests and options is shown in the table within the Directors’ Remuneration Report
which is subject to audit on pages 69 to 89 which forms part of the Annual Report and Accounts.

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Annual Report and Accounts 2018
Notes to the Company Financial Statements continued

G. Other investments other than loans K. Borrowings

Financial Statements
Other investments
The Company’s objectives, policies and strategies in respect of financial instruments are outlined in the accounting policies note on pages 109
Cost or valuation of net equity and 110 which forms part of the Annual Report and Accounts. Short term receivables and payables have been excluded from all of the
At 1 January 2018 and 31 December 2018 0.6 following disclosures.
Other investments comprise non-quoted equity securities measured at fair value. 2018 2017
£m £m

H. Debtors Maturity profile of financial liabilities

2018 2017 2014 Club facility due 2021 33.3 59.5
£m £m 2016 Club facility due 2021 19.9 –
Amounts owed by Group undertakings 1,675.4 1,809.1 €30m 1.08% fixed rate 7 year bond 27.1 26.6
Corporation tax 26.5 43.6 €70m 1.43% fixed rate 10 year bond 63.1 62.1
Other receivables 0.4 0.8 £30m 2.54% fixed rate 7 year bond 30.0 30.0
Prepayments 0.3 0.2 £70m 2.80% fixed rate 10 year bond 70.0 70.0
1,702.6 1,853.7 Bank loans and overdrafts repayable on demand 13.3 8.3
256.7 256.5
The amounts owed by Group undertakings are current and have no fixed date of repayment. Of the amount at 31 December 2018, £1,673.9m Repayments fall due as follows:
will continue to attract interest from 1 January 2019 at a floating rate based on the main facility agreement. The remainder will continue to be Within one year
interest free. Bank loans and overdrafts 13.3 8.3
13.3 8.3
I. Deferred tax After more than one year
Loans repayable
The deferred tax balances included in the balance sheet are attributable to the following:
Within one to five years 110.3 59.5
2018 2017
After five years 133.1 188.7
£m £m 243.4 248.2
Retirement benefit obligations (0.2) (0.2)
L. Post-retirement benefits
The movement on deferred tax balances during the year is summarised as follows:
At 1 January (0.2) 0.7 In line with the requirements of FRS 101, the Company now recognises its share of the UK pension fund assets and liabilities. A full
Deferred tax charged through the profit and loss account – – reconciliation of the Group retirement benefit obligation can be found in note 11 of the Group financial statements on pages 118 to 121.
Deferred tax charged directly to equity – (0.9) The table below shows the movement in the obligation during the year.
At 31 December (0.2) (0.2)
2018 2017
£m £m
Deferred tax assets were recognised in all cases where such assets arose, as it was probable that the assets would be recovered.
Opening balance:
Assets 48.6 47.5
J. Creditors: Amounts falling due within one year
Liabilities (47.7) (51.5)
2018 2017
£m £m Net opening retirement benefit asset/(liability) 0.9 (4.0)
Amounts falling due within one year Movements in the year:
Trade payables 0.4 0.3 Service cost – current (0.5) (0.5)
Taxation and social security 1.3 1.2 Service cost – past (0.2) –
Amounts owed to Group undertakings 46.7 47.0 Interest cost – –
Other payables 5.8 5.7 Contributions 0.6 0.5
Accruals and deferred income 1.0 3.7 Remeasurements 0.4 4.9
55.2 57.9 Closing balance 1.2 0.9

The amounts owed to Group undertakings are interest free, unsecured and have no fixed date of repayment.

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Annual Report and Accounts 2018
Notes to the Company Financial Statements continued Related Undertakings

M. Share-based payments Related undertakings of Croda International Plc

Shareholder Information
The total charge for the year in respect of share-based remuneration schemes was £4.3m (2017: £5.1m). The grant by the Company of options All companies listed below are owned by the Group and all interests are in ordinary share capital, except where otherwise indicated. All
over its equity instruments to the employees of subsidiary undertakings in the Group is treated as a capital contribution. The fair value of subsidiaries have been consolidated. All companies operate principally in their country of incorporation. Unless otherwise indicated, all
employee services received, measured by reference to the grant date fair value, is recognised over the vesting period as an increase to shareholdings represent 100% of the issued share capital of the subsidiary.
investment in subsidiary undertakings, with a corresponding credit to equity.
Wholly owned subsidiaries:
The key elements of each scheme along with the assumptions employed to arrive at the charge in the profit and loss account are set out in Incorporated in the UK
note 22 to the Group financial statements. Incorporated in China
Cowick Hall, Snaith, Goole, East Yorkshire, DN14 9AA
Unit BCD, 19 Floor, Urban City Center, No.45,
N. Contingent liabilities Bio Futures Limited (vii) Nanchang Road, Shanghai
The Company has guaranteed loan capital and bank overdrafts of subsidiary undertakings amounting to £104.3m (2017: £91.2m). Brookstone Chemicals Limited (viii) Croda China Trading Company Ltd (vii)
Cowick Hall Trustees Limited (xi)
No. 1 Hongda Road, Xihuan Beikou, Changping Town, Changpin
O. Dividends Croda (Goole) Limited (viii) District, Beijing
Croda Application Chemicals Limited (viii) Incotec (Beijing) Agricultural Technology Co. Ltd (vii)
Details of dividends are disclosed in note 8 of the Group financial statements.
Croda Bakery Services Limited (viii)
No. 2 Plant, No. 1 QuanFeng Road, Wuqing Development Zone,
Croda Bowmans Chemicals Limited (v) (viii)
P. Related party transactions Wuqing District, Tianjin
Croda CE Limited (viii) Incotec (Tianjin) Agricultural Technology Co. Ltd (vii)
The Company has taken advantage of the exemption available under FRS 101 from disclosing transactions with other Group undertakings.
Croda Chemicals Limited (viii)
There were no other related party transactions during the year. Information on the Group can be found in note 26 on page 136 of the Group Room 3010, No. 1, Linhexi Road, Guangzhou
Croda Colloids Limited (viii)
financial statements. IonPhasE (Guangzhou) Special Polymers Co., Ltd (vii)
Croda Cosmetics & Toiletries Limited (i) (v) (viii)
Croda Cosmetics (Europe) Limited (iii) (viii)
Incorporated in France
Croda Distillates Limited (i) (x)
Croda Enterprises Limited (viii) 1, rue de Lapugnoy, 62920 Chocques
Croda Europe Limited (i) (vii) Croda Chocques SAS (vii)
Croda Fire Fighting Chemicals Limited (viii) Route Nationale 10, Immoparc, 78190 Trappes
Croda Food Services Limited (viii) Croda France SAS (vii)
Croda Hydrocarbons Limited (viii) Croda Holdings France SAS (ix)
Croda Investments Limited (ix) Zone artisanale, 48230 Chanac
Croda Investments No 2 Limited (ix) Crodarom SAS (vii)
Croda Investments No 3 Limited (ix)
29 rue du Chemin Vert, 78610, Le Perray en Yvelines
Croda JDH Limited (viii)
Sederma SAS (vii)
Croda Leek Limited (viii)
Croda Limited (viii)
Incorporated in the Netherlands
Croda Overseas Holdings Limited (i) (ix)
Croda Pension Trustees Limited (viii) Buurtje 1, 2802 BE Gouda
Croda Polymers International Limited (i) (ix) AM Coatings BV (v) (viii)
Croda Resins Limited (viii) Croda EU BV (ix)
Croda Solvents Limited (iii) (iv) (viii) Croda Nederland B.V. (vii)
Croda Trustees Limited (viii) Unicorn Power BV (viii)
Croda Universal Limited (viii)
Westeinde 107, 1601 BL Enkhuizen
Croda World Traders Limited (i) (v) (viii) Incotec Europe B.V. (vii)
P.I. Bioscience Limited (vii) Incotec Group B.V. (i) (ix)
Plant Impact Limited (ix) Incotec Holding B.V. (ix)
John L Seaton & Co Limited (viii)
Southerton Investments Limited (i) (viii)
Sowerby & Co Limited (viii)
Technical and Analytical Services Limited (i) (viii)
Uniqema Limited (i) (viii)
Uniqema UK Limited (i) (viii)
c/o Thorntons Law LLP, Citypoint, 3rd Floor,
65 Haymarket Terrace, Edinburgh, EH12 5HD
Croda (CPI) Limited (ix)

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Annual Report and Accounts 2018
Related Undertakings continued

Incorporated in the USA Hong Kong – Room 908, East Ocean Centre, No.9 Science Museum Incorporated in other overseas countries continued Non-wholly owned subsidiaries and associates:

Shareholder Information
Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, East Kowloon
Croda Hong Kong Company Ltd (vii)
South Africa – 4 Shortts Retreat Road, Mkondeni, Pietermaritzburg, Incorporated in the UK
300-A Columbus Circle, Edison, NJ 08837-3907
Croda Americas LLC (viii) KwaZulu-Natal, 3201
Hong Kong – Kreston CAC CPA Ltd, Rooms 2702-3, 27th Floor, Bank Torus Building, Rankine Avenue, East Kilbride,
of East Asia Harbour View Centre, 56 Gloucester Road, Wan Chai Incotec South Africa (Pty.) Ltd (vii) Scotland, G75 0QF
Croda Finance Inc (viii)
Croda Inc (vii) IonPhaseE (H.K.) Limited (vii) Spain – Plaza. Francesc Macià, 7, 7ºB, 08029 Barcelona Cutitronics Ltd 38.55%
Croda Inks Corp (viii) Hungary – 1117 Budapest XI, Bölcso utca 6. 1. emelet 4. Croda Ibérica SA (vii) 3 Huxley Road, Surrey Research Park, Guildford, GU2 7RE
Croda Investments Inc (ix) Croda Magyarorszag Kft (i) (vii) SiSaf Ltd 4.01%
Sweden – Geijersgatan 2B, 216 18 Limhamn
Croda Storage Inc (viii)
India – Plot No. 1/1 Part, TTC Industrial Area, Thane Belapur Road, Croda Nordica AB (vii)
Croda Synthetic Chemicals Inc (ix) Koparkhairne, Navi Mumbai 400710, Maharashtra Incorporated in other overseas countries
Mona Industries Inc (viii) Croda India Company Private Ltd (i) (v) (vii)
Sweden – Box 50121, 202 11 Malmö Brazil – Rua das Sementes nr. 291, Holambra, State of São Paulo
Sederma Inc (vii)
India – 47, Mahagujarat Industrial Estate, Opp. Pharma Lab, Sarkhej- MX Adjuvac AB (xiii)
Bavla Highway, At. Moraiya, Ta. Sanand, Ahmedabad-382213, Gujarat Incotec America do Sul Tecnologia em Sementes Ltda. (vii) 99.90%
1293 Harkins Road, Salinas, CA 93901
Incotec Integrated Coating and Seed Technology, Inc . (vii) Integrated Coating and Seed Technology India Pvt. Ltd (vii) Thailand – 319 Chamchuri Square Building, 16th Floor, Unit 13-14, China – No 656 East Tangxun Road Economic and Technological
Payathai Road, Patumwan, Bangkok 10330 Development Zone Miangyang Sichuan
Indonesia – Kawasan Industri Jababeka, Jl. Jababeka IV Blok V Kav
74-75, Cikarang Bekasi 17530 Croda (Thailand) Co., Ltd (i) (vii) Croda Sipo (Sichuan) Co., Ltd (vii) 65.00%
Incorporated in other overseas countries
PT Croda Indonesia (iii) (iv) (vii)
Turkey – Nidakule Göztepe Is¸ Merkezi, Merdivenköy Mahallesi, Bora Malaysia – Unit no. 203, 2nd floor, block C, Damansara Intan no. 1,
Argentina – Av. Alicia Moreau de Justo 2030 Piso 1, Oficina 117, Sokak, No: 1 Kat:2/5 Kadıköy 34732, Istanbul Jalan SS20/27, Petaling Jaya, Selangor
Buenos Aires Iran – Apt. 305, 3rd Floor, No 14 Golestan Avenue, Alikhani Avenue,
Southern Shiraz Street, Tehran Croda Kimya Ticaret Limited Şirketi (vii) Incotec Kedah (M) Sdn. Bhd (vii) 51.00%
Croda Argentina SA (vii)
Croda Pars Trading Co (vii)
United Arab Emirates – P. O. BOX 17916, Office 2112, 2113, 21st Floor, Sweden – Scheelevägen 22, 22363 Lund
Argentina – Avenida del Libertador 498, Piso 12, Jafza One, Jebel Ali Free Zone, Dubai
Oficina 1220 Buenos Aires Italy – Via P. Grocco 915, 27036 Mortara Enza Biotech AB (xiii) 87.99%
Croda Italiana S.p.A. (vii) Croda Middle East FZE (vii)
Incotec Argentina S.A (vii)
Japan – 4-3 Hitotsubashi 2-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0003 Zimbabwe – 4a Knightsbridge Crescent, Highlands, Harare
Argentina – Peru 590, Piso 8, Buenos Aires
Croda Japan KK (i) (vii) Croda Chemicals Zimbabwe Pvt Ltd (viii)
Plant Impact Argentina SA (vii)
Croda Zimbabwe (Pvt) Ltd (viii)
Australia – Suite 2, Level 6, 111 Phillip Street, Parramatta, NSW 2150 Malaysia – Unit no. 203, 2nd floor, block C, Damansara Intan no. 1,
Jalan SS20/27, Petaling Jaya, Selangor
Croda Australia (ii) (vii)
Incotec Malaysia Sdn. Bhd (vii) Classifications Key
Australia – 18 Doveton Street North, Ballarat, Victoria 3350 (i). Companies owned directly by Croda International Plc
Mexico – Hamburgo 213, Piso 10, Colonia Juárez, Delegacion (ii). Branch office
Kriset Pty. Ltd (vii) Cuauhtémoc, D.F., C.P. 06600 (iii). A Ordinary
(iv). B Ordinary
Belgium – “Corporate Village”, Da Vincilaan 9/E6 Elsionor, Croda México SA de CV (vii) (v). Preference including cumulative, non-cumulative and redeemable shares
1930 Zaventem (vi). No share capital, share of profits
Peru – Avenida La Encalada 1388 Oficina 801, Polo Hunt 1, Surco (vii). Manufacture, sales or distribution of speciality chemicals, or of seed treatment
Croda Belgium BVBA (vii)
Croda Peruana S.A.C (vii) services and products
Brazil – Rua Croda, 580, Distrito Industrial, Campinas, São Paulo, (viii). Dormant
CEP 13.074-710 Poland – ul. Wadowicka 6, 30-415 Kraków (ix). Holding company
(x). Property holding company
Croda do Brasil Ltda (vii) Croda Poland Sp. z o.o. (i) (vii) (xi). Trustee
(xii). Captive insurance company
Brazil – Avenida das Nações Unidas 18801, Sala 501, Chacara Sto Republic of Korea – Rm. 1201, 12th Floor, 42, Hwang Sae UI-Ro 360 (xiii). Research enterprise
Antonio, São Paulo, Estate of São Paulo, CEP 04795-100 Beon-Gil, Bun Dang-Gu, Seong Nam-Si, Gyeong Gi-Do, 13591
Plant Impact Technolgia em Nutricao Ltda (vii) Croda Korea (ii) (vii)
Canada – 1700 Langstaff Road, Suite 1000, Vaughan, Russian Federation – Office 1333, 16 Raketnyi bulvar, Moscow,
Ontario, L4K 3S3 129164
Croda Canada Ltd (vii) Croda RUS LLC (vii)
Chile – Santa Beatriz 100, 12th Floor, Office 1205, Singapore – 30 Seraya Avenue, Singapore 627884
Providencia Santiago Croda Singapore Pte Ltd (i) (v) (vii)
Croda Chile Ltda (vi) (vii)
South Africa – Clearwater Estate Office Park, Block G, Corner of Atlas
Colombia – Calle 90 # 19-41 Office 601, Bogotá & Park Road, Parkhaven Ext 8, Boksburg 1459
Croda Colombia (ii) (vii) Croda (SA) (Pty) Ltd (vii)
Czech Republic – Praha 5, Pekarˇská 603/12, 150 00
Croda Spol. s.r.o (vii)
Denmark – Elsenbakken 23, 3600 Frederikssund
Croda Denmark A/S (vii)
Finland – Hepolamminkatu 29, 33720 Tampere
IonPhaseE Oy (vii)
Germany – Herrenpfad Süd 33, 41334 Nettetal
Croda GmbH (vii)
Sederma GmbH (vii)
Guernsey – Maison Trinity, Trinity Square, St Peter Port, GY1 4AT
Cowick Insurance Services Ltd (i) (xii)

Croda International Plc
Croda International Plc
Annual report and Accounts 2018
Annual Report and Accounts 2018
Croda International Plc
Croda International Plc
Annual report and Accounts 2018
Annual Report and Accounts 2018
Shareholder Information

2019 Annual General Meeting 24 April 2019 Overseas shareholders – choose Share dealing continued The Financial Conduct Authority (‘FCA’) Secretary and Registered Office

Shareholder Information
2018 Final ordinary dividend payment 30 May 2019 to receive your next dividend in This is not a recommendation to buy or sell has found most share fraud victims are Tom Brophy (Company Secretary)
2019 Half year results announcement 24 July 2019
your local currency shares and this service may not be suitable experienced investors who lose an average Cowick Hall, Snaith, Goole, East Yorkshire
If you live outside the UK, Link has partnered for all shareholders. The price of shares can of £20,000, with around £200m lost in the DN14 9AA Tel: +44 (0)1405 860551
2019 Interim ordinary dividend payment 2 October 2019 go down as well as up, and you are not UK each year. Fax: +44 (0)1405 861767
with Deutsche Bank to provide you with a
2019 Preference dividend payments 30 June 2019 service that will convert Sterling dividends guaranteed to get back the amount that you Website:
31 December 2019 into your local currency at a competitive rate. originally invested. Terms, conditions and Protect yourself Registered in England number 206132
2019 Full year results announcement 25 February 2020 risks apply. Link Asset Services is a trading If you are offered unsolicited investment
You can choose to receive payment directly name of Link Market Services Trustees advice, discounted shares, a premium Registrars
to your local bank account or alternatively Limited which is authorised and regulated by price for shares you own, or free company Link Asset Services
Investor relations Dividend reinvestment plan (‘DRIP’) you can be sent a currency draft. You can the Financial Conduct Authority. The service or research reports, you should take these The Registry, 34 Beckenham Road,
Shareholders can now get up to Ordinary shareholders may wish to know sign up to this service on Signal Shares is only available to private shareholders steps before handing over any money: Beckenham, Kent, BR3 4TU
date information on Stock Exchange about this plan, which allows you to use ( by clicking on resident in the European Economic Area,
announcements, key dates in the corporate your dividends to buy further shares in Croda. ‘your dividend options’ and following the the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man. • Treat all unexpected calls, emails and Tel: 0871 664 0300 (from UK) +44
calendar, the Croda share price and brokers’ The DRIP is provided by Link Asset Services, on-screen instructions) or by contacting text messages with caution. Don’t assume (0)371 664 0300 (from overseas) –
estimates by visiting our corporate website at a trading name of Link Market Services the Customer Support Centre. For further Link Asset Services is a trading name of Link they’re genuine, even if the person seems calls cost 12p per minute plus your and clicking on the section Trustees Ltd which is authorised and information contact Link: Market Services Limited and Link Market to know some basic information about you phone company’s access charge.
called ‘Investors’. regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Services Trustees Limited. Share registration Calls outside the United Kingdom
• Don’t be pressured into acting quickly.
By phone – UK 0871 664 0300, from and associated services are provided by will be charged at the applicable
Shareholders can receive shareholder For information and an application pack A genuine bank or financial services
overseas +44 (0)371 664 0300. Calls cost Link Market Services Limited (registered in international rate; lines are open
communications electronically by please call 0371 664 0381. Calls are charged firm won’t mind waiting if you want
12p per minute plus your phone company’s England and Wales, No. 2605568). Regulated 9.00am to 5.30pm, Monday to
registering on the Registrars’ website, at the standard geographic rate and will time to think
access charge. Calls outside the United services are provided by Link Market Friday excluding public holidays and following the vary by provider. Calls outside the United Kingdom will be charged at the applicable Services Trustees Limited (registered in • Get the name of the person and in England and Wales.
instructions. To register, shareholders will Kingdom will be charged at the applicable international rate. Lines are open 9.00am to England and Wales, No. 2729260), which is organisation contacting you
require their investor code (IVC): this is an international rate. Lines are open 9.00am 5.30pm, Monday to Friday, excluding public authorised and regulated by the Financial Fax: + 44 (0)1484 601512
11 digit number starting with five or six zeros to 5.30pm, Monday to Friday, excluding
• Check the Financial Services Register
holidays in England and Wales. Conduct Authority.
at to ensure they
and can be found on your dividend tax public holidays in England and Wales. From Website:
are authorised
voucher or your share certificate. Receiving outside the UK dial +44 (0)208 639 3402). By email – Relating to beneficial owners of Email:
corporate communications by email has Alternatively you can email shares with ‘information rights’ • Use the details on the FCA Register to
a number of benefits including being or log on to Share dealing contact the firm Independent Auditors
Please note that beneficial owners of shares
more environmentally friendly, reducing
A simple and competitive service to buy who have been nominated by the registered • Call the FCA Consumer Helpline on 0800 KPMG LLP,
unnecessary waste, faster notification of
and sell shares is provided by Link Asset holder of those shares to receive information 111 6768 if there are no contact details on 1 Sovereign Street, Sovereign Square,
information to shareholders and eventually Payment of dividends Services. There is no need to pre-register rights under section 146 of the Companies Leeds, LS1 4DA
the Register or you are told they are out
leading to a reduction in company costs. You can arrange to have your dividends paid and there are no complicated application Act 2006 are required to direct all of date
direct to your bank account. This means that: forms to fill in. Visit communications to the registered holder of Principal Financial Advisers
Shareholders who register on the above
their shares rather than to the Company’s
• Search the list of unauthorised firms and
to access a wealth of stock market news Morgan Stanley & Co. International plc
website can also check their shareholding, • your dividend reaches your bank account individuals to avoid doing business with.
and information free of charge. For further registrar, Capita Asset Services, or to the
view their dividend history, elect for the on the payment date; If the firm isn’t on the list, don’t assume
information on this service, or to buy and Company directly. Principal Solicitors
dividend reinvestment plan, register it’s legitimate, it may not have been
• it is more secure - cheques can sometimes sell shares, visit or
changes of address and dividend reported yet. Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP
get lost in the post; call 0371 664 0445 (calls are charged at the Share fraud warning
mandate instructions.
standard geographic rate and will vary by Share fraud includes scams where investors Remember: if it sounds too good to be true,
• you don’t have the inconvenience of Stockbrokers
provider). Calls outside the United Kingdom are called out of the blue and offered shares it probably is!
Share price information depositing a cheque; and will be charged at the applicable international Morgan Stanley & Co. International plc
that often turn out to be worthless or non-
The latest ordinary share price is available on rate. Lines are open 9.00am to 4.30pm, If you use an unauthorised firm to buy or sell HSBC Bank plc
• helps reduce cheque fraud. existent, or an inflated price for shares they
our website at Monday to Friday, excluding public shares or other investments, you will not have
own. These calls come from fraudsters
If you have a UK bank account you can holidays in England and Wales. access to the Financial Ombudsman Service Financial PR Advisers
operating in ‘boiler rooms’ that are mostly
The middle market values of the listed share or Financial Services Compensation Scheme Teneo Blue Rubicon
sign up to this service on Signal Shares based abroad. While high profits are
capital at 31 December 2018, or last date (FSCS) if things go wrong.
( by clicking on promised, those who buy or sell shares
traded*, were as follows:
‘your dividend options’ and following the in this way usually lose their money.
on-screen instructions) or by contacting Report a scam
Ordinary shares 4701p the Customer Support Centre. If you are approached about a share scam
5.9% preference shares 105p* you should tell the FCA using the share fraud
6.6% preference shares 118p* reporting form at,
where you can find out about the latest
investment scams. You can also call the
Consumer Helpline on 0800 111 6768.

If you have already paid money to share

fraudsters you should contact Action Fraud
on 0300 123 2040.

Croda International Plc
Croda International Plc
Annual report and Accounts 2018
Annual Report and Accounts 2018
Croda International Plc
Croda International Plc
Annual report and Accounts 2018
Annual Report and Accounts 2018
Five Year Record Glossary of Terms

Earnings Adjusted Before exceptional items, acquisition costs, ILO International Labour Organization

Other Information
amortisation of intangible assets arising on IP Intellectual Property
2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 acquisition and the tax thereon where applicable ISO International Organization for Standardization
£m £m £m £m £m AGM Annual General Meeting IT Information Technology
Turnover 1,386.9 1,373.1 1,243.6 1,081.7 1,046.6 AIM Alternative Investment Market KPI Key Performance Indicator
Adjusted operating profit1 342.5 332.2 298.2 264.2 248.4 ALM Asset-Liability Matching M&A Mergers & Acquisitions
Adjusted profit before tax1 331.5 320.3 288.3 254.7 235.4 API Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient Market sectors Personal Care, Life Sciences, Performance
Profit after tax 238.3 236.7 197.6 181.1 165.2 CARE Career Average Revalued Earnings Technologies, Industrial Chemicals
Profit attributable to owners of the parent 238.5 237.0 196.7 180.7 165.3 CDG Carbon Disclosure Project Material Areas Our 14 most important sustainability areas
CEO Chief Executive Officer Net debt Borrowings and other financial liabilities less
% % % % % CGU Cash Generating Unit cash and cash equivalents
Adjusted operating profit as a % of turnover1 24.7 24.2 24.0 24.4 23.7 CIPEBT Croda International Plc Employee Benefit Trust NPP New and Protected Products
Return on Invested Capital (ROIC)1* 18.2 19.2 19.3 20.1 21.2 Code Financial Reporting Council’s Corporate Code OHSAS Occupational Health and Safety Advisory Series
Effective tax rate 24.6 26.8 28.0 28.0 28.0 CO2e Carbon Dioxide Equivalent OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration
Constant Current year results for existing business PSP Performance Share Plan
pence pence pence pence pence Currency translated at the prior year’s average QUEST Croda International Plc Qualifying Share
Adjusted earnings per share1 190.2 179.0 155.8 135.0 125.2 exchange rates Ownership Trust
Ordinary dividends per share 87.0 81.0 74.0 69.0 65.5 Core Business Personal Care, Life Sciences and R&D Research and Development
Performance Technologies REACh Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation &
times times times times times CPI Consumer Price Index restriction of Chemicals
CPS Croda Pension Scheme Return on sales Adjusted operating profit divided
Net debt/EBITDA1 1.1 1.0 1.1 0.9 0.6
DRIP Dividend Reinvestment Plan by revenue
EBITDA interest cover1** 28.6 28.7 33.1 43.2 33.2
DBSP Deferred Bonus Share Plan ROIC Adjusted operating profit after tax divided by the
1 Before exceptional items, acquisition costs, amortisation of intangible assets arising on acquisition and the tax thereon where applicable
EBITDA Earnings Before Interest, Taxation, Depreciation average invested capital for the year for the Group.
* ROIC measure is adjusted for acquisitions where applicable and Amortisation Invested capital represents the net assets of the
** Interest excludes pension scheme net financial expense EBT Employee Benefit Trust Group, adjusted for earlier goodwill written off to
EPS Earnings Per Share reserves, net debt, retirement benefit liabilities,
EU European Union provisions and deferred taxes
FCA Financial Conduct Authority RPI Retail Price Index
Summarised Balance Sheet FRC Financial Reporting Council RSP
Restricted Share Plan
Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil
2018 2017 2016 2015 2014
FRS Financial Reporting Standard
FSCS Financial Services Compensation Scheme SAP EHS Safety, Health and Environment module in
£m £m £m £m £m
the SAP reporting system
Intangible assets, property, plant and equipment and investments 1,240.0 1,072.5 954.4 799.4 633.5 FTSE Financial Times Stock Exchange
SDG United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
Inventories 287.2 258.5 235.7 221.6 201.0 GDPR General Data Protection Regulation
SHE Safety, Health, Environment
Trade and other receivables 233.6 202.2 192.4 156.1 145.0 GHG Greenhouse Gas
SHEQ Safety, Health, Environment, Quality
Trade and other payables (191.3) (202.5) (188.8) (161.7) (129.4) GHG emissions Greenhouse Gas emissions from sources that
– scope 1 we own or control SIP Share Investment Plan
Capital employed 1,569.5 1,330.7 1,193.7 1,015.4 850.1 SMEs Small and Medium Enterprises
Tax, provisions and other (127.5) (88.8) (74.3) (70.0) (54.2) GHG emissions Greenhouse Gas emissions that are a
– scope 2 consequence of our activities, but occur at Te Tonnes
Retirement benefit liabilities (18.5) (30.5) (146.5) (78.8) (126.7) TRIR
sources owned or controlled by another entity Total Recordable Injury Rate
1,423.5 1,211.4 972.9 866.6 669.2 TSR Total Shareholder Return
GMP Good Manufacturing Practice
Shareholders’ funds 990.5 822.3 600.6 600.8 482.9 UK United Kingdom
HMRC HM Revenue & Customs
Non-controlling interests 7.5 7.6 8.2 6.5 6.1 Underlying Current year results in local currency translated to
HR Human Resources
998.0 829.9 608.8 607.3 489.0 Sterling at the prior year average foreign exchange
IAS International Accounting Standards
Net debt 425.5 381.5 364.1 259.3 180.2 rate excluding acquisitions
IASB International Accounting Standards Board
1,423.5 1,211.4 972.9 866.6 669.2 UV Ultra Violet
IFRS International Financial Reporting Standards
IFRSIC International Financial Reporting Standards WACC Weighted Average Cost of Capital
Gearing (%) 42.6 46.0 59.8 42.7 36.9 Interpretation Committee

Croda International Plc
Annual International
report Plc2018
and Accounts
Annual Report and Accounts 2018
Croda International Plc
Croda International Plc
Annual report and Accounts 2018
Annual Report and Accounts 2018

Cautionary Statement Designed and produced by

The information in this publication is believed to be accurate Black Sun Plc.
at the date of its publication and is given in good faith but no
representation or warranty as to its completeness or accuracy This Report is printed on
is made. Suggestions in this publication are merely opinions. Some UPM Fine Offset which has
statements and in particular forward-looking statements, by their been independently certified
nature, involve risks and uncertainties because they relate to events according to the rules of the
and depend on circumstances that will or may occur in the future Forest Stewardship Council®
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should be treated as an invitation or inducement to invest in a CarbonNeutral® company.
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chain-of-custody certified.

152 Croda International Plc

Annual Report and Accounts 2018
Registered Office

Croda International Plc

Cowick Hall
East Yorkshire
DN14 9AA

T +44 (0)1405 860551

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