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How to make a fan air conditioning, cost yourself cheap

“How do I make an AC fan at a low cost? What equipment is required?”

AC fan is one of the home-based mechanical innovations that want to feel the
coolness of AC (Air Conditioner) by utilizing a fan. So, for those of you who do
not have the financial ability to buy an AC, can innovate using a modified fan in
such a way, resulting in a cooler and cooler air. In the market, the price of one fan
model AC was priced at 300 thousand to 600 thousand rupiah.
Well, if you have equipment and mechanical expertise, you can also try to create
your own fan modification to produce coolness that resembles air conditioning.
The way it works is quite simple. When we activate the aquarium pump, it will
pump the water from inside the container to the ' clear hose pipe ' and so on to the
copper tube, and end back into the container of the original water shelter. When
the ice is placed inside the shelter, the flowing water will be cold. Cold
temperature in the water will directly participate in cooling copper tubes. To
which it is crossed. When the fan is turned on, it will be exhaled the cold wind
through the brass tube that is crushed in front of the fan cover.
Tools and materials for making fan AC :
1) Standing fan (easy to carry)
2) Copper Tube (copper tube size 1/4)
3) Clear Hose Pipe
4) Cable tie
5) Container used (for water and Ice place)
6) Aquarium PUMPS
7) Equipment, such as pliers, cutter, etc.
Images of materials and tools :
Build steps :
1) First, make a tube circle or a copper hose to cover the fan lid shape. After that,
paste it on the inside of the fan cover. See the following picture!

2) Next, created circular pattern following the fan lid size.

3) The result is like this :

4) To be stronger stick, use cable tie.

5) Once so, connect the copper hose with a clear hose to drain the water. If it is,
reinstall the lid.

6) Connect the plastic hose to the aquarium pump.

7) Prepare the water container and ice cubes (use the Ice box), then place the
aquarium pump in it. Install or insert the other end of the hose into the ice
water in order to water circulation through the pump to the copper hose and
then return to the ice box.

8) Home-made AC fan models are ready for testing.

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