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SIGNA VITAE 2015; 10(SUPPL 1): 92-96

Toxicological screening - Experience from University

Hospital Centre Zagreb Emergency Medical Service
Department of Laboratory Diagnostics, University Hospital Centre Zagreb, Croatia

Corresponding author:
Andrijana Ščavničar
Department of Laboratory Diagnostics, University Hospital Centre Zagreb, Croatia Kišpatićeva 12, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Phone: 385 1 2367 328; fax: 385 1 2367 395;

ABSTRACT for 80% or more of intoxication cases The patient’s degree of hydration has sig-
treated in most emergency departments. nificant influence on substance concentra-
The aim of toxicological screening is to de- (1, 2) The scope of clinical toxicology test- tion in urine. Concentration of a substance
tect drugs of abuse and other drugs, or to ing provided by the laboratory will depend in urine also depends on the amount of the
demonstrate that they have not been taken. on the pattern of local drug use and on substance used, on the volume of urine in
It is performed with a variety of tests capa- available resources of the institution, and it the bladder, and later on the quantity of
ble to detect certain substance or a group should be developed in consultation with urine excreted.
of substances. Urine is a sample of choice the appropriate clinical staff. (2)
for toxicological screening because of less Laboratory testing for a single drug of
invasive sampling and the prolonged de- abuse can help in antidote selection (N- METHODS AVAILABLE FOR TOXICO-
tection time of substances in urine. The acetyl-cysteine for acetaminophen of na- LOGICAL SCREENING
Department of Laboratory Diagnostics loxone for opiates). Drug toxicity is often
at the University Hospital Centre Zagreb recognizable based on history or clinical The proper selection of analytical meth-
used to perform screening with thin-layer signs and symptoms, and treatment is ods requires knowledge of pharmacology
chromatography and confirm results with general and supportive and therefore not and of pharmacokinetics of the substance
GC-MS analysis. Since September 2014, influenced by drug screening results. Drug of interest (for example, potential hepa-
the Department has been using GC-MS screening results are frequently not avail- totoxicity of acetaminophen is related to
for toxicological screening 24 hours a day. able soon enough to represent valuable the concentration of unmetabolized drug;
Compared to the previous period, the ex- information. However, clinical history is an analytical test should measure only the
perience acquired so far has shown that also not always available or reliable; symp- parent drug and not inactive metabolites).
there are a significantly lower number of toms are not clearly recognizable as drug Quantitative determination in serum is
samples with unknown substances that or substance intoxication. Symptoms may important only for some substances (for
cannot be confirmed with certainty. be particularly confusing in case of multi- example acetaminophen, ethylene glycol,
ple drug intoxication. It is very important teophyline, digoxin); as regarding a large
Key words: gas chromatography, mass spec- to rule in or rule out intoxication as a pos- number of other drugs, their serum con-
trometry, toxicological screening sible reason in patients with altered mental centration and clinical picture do not cor-
status or coma. (2) relate. In these cases, qualitative identifica-
tion in urine is generally sufficient.
INTRODUCTION Urine as a sample in toxicological screen- Screening methods are rapid, usually
ing qualitative and they have adequate sensi-
The aim of toxicological screening is to Urine is a sample of choice in emergency tivity, but they are not highly specific. A
detect drugs of abuse and other drugs, or departments because of less invasive sam- negative result obtained by a screening test
to demonstrate that they have not been pling (unconscious patients demand cath- rules out the presence of clinically signifi-
taken. In clinical toxicology, drug screen- eter use), as it is possible to obtain a large cant concentrations of a particular analyte.
ing is performed when a patient exposed to sample volume and the detection time Every positive result must be confirmed by
drug shows signs of intoxication or over- of substances is usually a few days. Most a procedure of greater specificity. Screen-
dose, with symptoms such as excitement, drugs and drug metabolites are present in ing procedures are designed to detect one
respiratory or central nervous system de- the urine in relatively high concentrations. drug or a group of drugs and involve the
pression or organ specific reactions: liver For example, THC metabolites are lipo- following:
failure, cardiac arrhythmia or severe meta- soluble and can be detected several days - Simple visual colour tests (spot tests)
bolic acidosis. or even several weeks after consumption. which are qualitative and noninstrumen-
In practice, it is not possible or necessary (3) Detection times for some substances tal; every positive result must be confirmed
to test for all of the hundreds or thousands are shown in Table 1. The actual detection with a more specific method.
of clinical toxins that may be encountered. time depends on dose, frequency of use - Serum osmol gap, which is the difference
In reality, up to 24 drugs or agents account and individual metabolism. (4) between the actual osmolality; measured

by freezing-point depression and the cal- mass spectrometer where it is ionized and screened every sample containing a known
culated osmolality. When present in signif- fragmented. After data processing, the re- substance and then recorded its retention
icant concentrations, alcohols, acetone and sult is mass spectrum; a graphic display of time and three or more mass ions that are
ethylene glycol increase serum osmolality abundance in function of mass and charge. characteristic for the substance. Today our
for >10 mOsm/kg. A mass spectrum of molecular fragments internal database contains information on
- Immunoassays can detect a single drug is characteristic of the molecule (similar to 240 substances and is still growing. It is al-
(e.g., cocaine, methadone) or a group of a finger print) and allows molecule iden- ways possible that a substance of interest
drugs (e.g., amphetamines, opiates). They tification by comparing created ions and is not in the internal database, but labora-
are very simple to use, automated, semi- their intensity with the spectrum of sub- tory medicine specialists also learned how
quantitative and rapid with a low detec- stances from the commercially available to search commercially available libraries.
tion limit (0.02-1.0 µg/mL). The main library. (7) Library searching is not always easy and
disadvantage of immunoassays is that they It is important to highlight that LC-MS requires a lot of experience to learn all
provide false-positive results and require a (-MS) analysis is capable of analysing a the “tricks” (e.g., spectrum cleaning) to be
second test for confirmation. (3 - 6) much wider range of compounds (includ- 100% sure of the substance found. A result
- Chromatographic methods are able to ing polar and thermally labile without of toxicological screening always says that
detect a wide range of drugs and metabo- derivatization) with shorter time analysis the presence of a substance is suspected. If
lites (thin-layer chromatography-TLC, gas and greater selectivity and sensitivity. (8) a clinician wants, they can ask for screen-
chromatography- GC; high performance Due to these above mentioned advantages, ing confirmation on the next working day.
liquid chromatography-HPLC). LC-MS-MS has certainly found a place in GC-MS as a screening method has its own
TLC is operationally relatively simple and the analysis of new drugs such as synthetic limitations:
inexpensive. After extraction and speci- cannabinoides. - Thermolabile and polar compounds can
men spotting, the TLC plates are devel- not be screened (e.g., opiates must be deri-
oped with appropriate solvents to achieve vatized before GC-MS analysis)
chromatographic resolution. Drugs and CHANGES IN OUR LABORATORY - We cannot screen for substances that are
metabolites are then visualised as spots by not in the library (e.g., synthetic cannabi-
their fluorescence or ultraviolet absorb- Until September 2014, immunoassays noides, new synthetic drugs…)
ance and by their colour development with for targeted screening, TLC for general - Time-consuming (it lasts longer than
a combination of dip solutions. Identifica- screening (24 hours a day) and GC-MS TLC, approx. 1.5 hour from sample recep-
tion is made by co-chromatographing ref- for confirmation in the event of a positive tion to results).
erence compounds with the unknown sub- sample during regular working hours were Because of the above mentioned first two
stances, followed by comparison of their used in our laboratory. Confirmations on limitations, it is always emphasised in the
relative migration distances (Rf values) GC-MS were conducted by an analytical laboratory report that the analysis does not
and detection characteristics with those toxicology specialist. In the spring of 2014, cover all psychoactive substances.
of the unknown substances. Identification the manufacturer discontinued produc- In drug screening, analysts do not rely only
requires considerable experience, skill and tion of TLC plates and the laboratory was on GC-MS analysis for opiates, THC, ben-
various detection colour hues. in a situation to perform general screening zodiazepines and amphetamines. These
HPLC is often used for toxicological only with immunoassays for methadone, substances can not always be seen on GC-
screening. The advantage of HPLC over cocaine, THC, benzodiazepines, ampheta- MS. Because analysts do not want to miss
GC is the ability to analyse polar com- mines, and opiates, and to rely on GC- any substances, immunoassays for these
pounds without derivatization (e.g., mor- MS analysis only during regular working are also performed.
phine) and thermally labile drugs (e.g., hours. The laboratory did not have enough From September 2014 to May 2015, a total
chlordiazepoxide). analytical toxicology specialists to cover of 233 toxicological screenings were per-
GC is relatively rapid and capable of re- GC-MS screening 24 hours a day, and it formed on GC-MS. In these samples, 55
solving a broad spectrum of drugs and is was also financially unjustifiable. There different substances were found. As shown
widely used for qualitative and quantita- were, however, a sufficient number of labo- in table 2, the most frequent among de-
tive drug analysis. Common detectors for ratory medicine specialists who were will- tected drugs were: antipsyhotics (39 sam-
drug detection by GC are flame ionisa- ing to learn how to handle GC-MS, so it ples), anxiolytic sedative hypnotics - ben-
tion detectors and mass spectrometers. was decided to try to introduce GC-MS zodiazepines (32 samples), antidepressants
GC is a chromatographic technique based screening into our laboratory for emer- (27 samples), antiepileptics (26 samples).
on repeated partition and adsorption be- gency service needs. The main problem Local anesthetic (lidocaine) was present
tween the mobile phase and a stationary was how to create our internal database in 53 samples due to urine sampling with
phase. The mobile phase is always gas. A that would automatically notify the ana- catheter containing lidocaine.
sample must be introduced into the analy- lyst which substance/s is/are present in the During the same period one year earlier
sis system in the form of vapour, which is screened sample. Therefore, one colleague (September 2013 - May 2014), 343 toxi-
achieved by heating the sample before it started hard-labouring and embarked on a cological screenings were performed with
reaches the column. In GC-MS analysis, a long-term job: to create our internal data- TLC and only 32 different substances
substance eluted from the column reaches base. It was difficult work, as she physically were found. Some details of toxicological

screening results are shown in table 2. On phetamines (8.5% were positive), and 150 method, it provides clinicians with more
TLC, analysts were not able to see which for THC (18.1% were positive). information than TLC. The Department of
benzodiazepine, phenotiazine or tricyclic Although the number of samples for gen- Laboratory Diagnostics at the University
antidepressant was present in the sample; eral toxicological screening decreased Hospital Centre Zagreb demonstrated that
they were just able to see them as a group. by 32%, the number of samples without GC-MS can be successfully used for toxi-
On GC-MS, the exact substance can be any substance found still remained simi- cological screening 24 hours a day. GC-MS
seen, which is very important for benzo- lar and relatively high (38.6%). The same screening significantly lowered the num-
diazepines as the therapeutic range for this phenomenon was observed for targeted ber of samples with unknown substances
drugs very much varies from benzodiaz- screening. These data point at the impor- that are impossible to prove with certainty.
epine to benzodiazepine. This information tance of communication between clini- The Department of Laboratory Diagnos-
can point to a toxic concentration of a cer- cians and laboratory in order to reduce the tics at the University Hospital Centre Za-
tain benzodiazepine in a patient. number of unnecessary screening tests. It greb is the only laboratory in Croatia that
It is important to point out that TLC is also very important that the analyst re- performs toxicological screening 24 hours
screening detected 25.1% samples with ceive information regarding symptoms, a day during the whole year on GC-MS.
unknown substances that are impossible substances taken (if the clinician has that This method introduction was a very brave
to confirm with certainty, and only 2.6% of information from the patients themselves and demanding step. Currently there are
such samples were detected with GC-MS or from someone else) or substances ad- 15 specialists performing toxicological
screening (mostly due to the fact that we ministered during emergency medical screenings. They continue to learn since
did not have some of the substances in the services. Such information can reduce the every new toxicological case is material for
internal database yet). number of unnecessary general screenings discussion. It is very important to be aware
Only a few requests for screening confir- and can direct targeted screening, which of the limitations of the methods used for
mation were received since clinicians are is both cheaper and faster. In case of, for screening and to introduce them to clini-
provided with more information from GC- example, synthetic cannabinoides, it can cians. On the other hand, it is also very
MS screening than from TLC screening, rule out screening because it is not possi- important for the laboratory to receive
especially when a sample contains several ble to detect these substances with current information regarding the patient status,
drugs. equipment. symptoms, drugs a patient is taking or has
From September 2014 to May 2015, 436 received during emergency medical ser-
targeted screenings were performed: for vices. This valuable information can guide
benzodiazepines (59.9% were positive), CONCLUSION toxicological analysis in the right direc-
147 for opiates (4.8% were positive), 53 for tion.
methadone (24.5% were positive), 54 for Although GC-MS analysis is time-con-
cocaine (1.9% were positive), 77 for am- suming, more expensive and a demanding

Table 1. Detection time for some substances


Amphetamine-Type Stimulans
Amphetamine 3 days
Methamphetamine 3 days
Methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA) 2 days
Methylenedioxymetamphetamine (MDMA) 2 days
Long-acting (Diazepam, Nordiazepam) 10 days
Intermediate-acting (Alprazolam, Lorazepam, Oxazepam, Temazepam, 5 days
Chlordiazepoxide, Clonazepam, Flunitrazepam)
Short-acting (Triazolam, Flurazepam) 2 days
Cocaine and metabolite
Cocaine <1 day
Benzoylecgonine 5 days
Single use 3 days
Moderate use (4 times per week) 5 days
Heavy use (daily) 10 days

Chronic heavy use 30 days
Methadone, EDDP (methadone metabolite) 7 days
6-MAM 1 day
Morphine 3 days
Codeine 3 days

6-MAM - 6-Monoacetylmorphine
EDDP - 2-ethylidene-1,5-dimethyl-3,3-diphenylpyrrolidine
THC – tetrahydrocannabinol

Table 2. Substance groups found in toxicology screening

SUBSTANCE GROUP September 2013-April 2014 September 2014-April 2015

analgoantipyretic 7 16
antiarrhythmic 4
anticholinergic 1 1
antidepressant 1 27
antiemetic 4
antiepileptic 14 26
antihistaminic 2 1
antihypertensive 2
antiparkinsonic 2
antiplatelet drug 3
antipsyhotic 11 39
antitussic 2
anxiolytic and sedative hypnotic (benzodiaz- 40 32
barbiturate, anesthetic 1
beta blocker 18
bronchodylatator 6
diuretic 1
H2 blocker 1
6-monoacethylmorphine (heroin metabolite) 1
hypnotic 1 6
illicit drug 9 4
local anesthetic 11 53
NSAID 2 17
analgesic, antitussic opiate 1 2
opiate analgesic 2
sinthetic opioid analgetic 19
synthetic opioid narcotic 7 7
tetracyclic antidepressant 13
tricyclic antidepressant 5

GC-MS - gas chromatography - mass spectrometry, NSAID - nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug, TLC - thin layer chromatography

Table 3. Some details of toxicological screening results

September 2013-April 2014 September 2014-April 2015

NUMBER OF SAMPLES WITHOUT ANY 125 (36.4%) 90 (38.6%)
NUMBER OF SAMPLES WITH ONLY ONE 80 (23.3%) 15 (6.4%)
NUMBER OF SAMPLES WITH MORE THAN 52 (15.2%) 120 (51.5%)

GC-MS - gas chromatography - mass spectrometry

TLC - thin layer chromatography


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