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5/12/2019 Single MOT resonance arcs

Single MOT resonance arcs

And now: High voltage arcs from a single MOT (Microwave Oven Transformer). When connecting 2-4 HV capacitors from microwave ovens in
series with the secondary, discharges are much greater. I used 3 capacitors with a total capacity of 2.8 uF (see diagram). MOT should not be operated
too long, as it can overheat.

Warning! There's extremely dangerous lethal high voltage at the output! Capacitors can remain charged to lethal voltage even after the
circuit is disconnected from mains! Everything you do on your own risk and responsibility.

Schematic diagram of the resonance high voltage supply with a single MOT. 1/5
5/12/2019 Single MOT resonance arcs

MOT 700W 2/5
5/12/2019 Single MOT resonance arcs

MOT 600W 3/5
5/12/2019 Single MOT resonance arcs

again 4/5
5/12/2019 Single MOT resonance arcs

MOT 600W + 2,8uF v sérii se sekundárem

Video of higf voltage arcs from single MOT and 2,8uF resonance capacity.

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