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Next generation design for the
future-focused hatchery

Pas Reform
Hatchery Technologies
The ultimate goal of the modern
hatchery is to produce large
­numbers of uniform, r­ obust day
old chicks: traits that originate in
the embryo and correlate directly
with the performance and
­resistance of chicks on the farm.
The following two articles discuss ­progress in the development
of modular single-stage equipment for Circadian ­Incubation™,
i.e. equipment that supports the use of thermal stimulation for
the ­production of uniform batches of robust, high quality chicks
in the future-focused h­ atchery.

Circadian Incubation™
The next generation of modular,
single-stage technology

Introduction environmental triggers during critical periods of the maturation

of physiological control systems - and has been shown to cause
Modern poultry production requires birds that grow uniformly long-lasting alterations in the perinatal epigenetic programming
and efficiently, which means that most of the bird’s nutrition is of body functions (Tzschentke and Plageman, 2006). In poultry,
directed to production. Efficient birds are resistant to stressful the best understood physiological system is the maturation of
conditions and use only small amounts of nutrients for the thermoregulation and its dependence on incubator temperatures.
maintenance of basic physiological systems. Geneticists have Study shows that embryos exposed to short periods of heat or
introduced the concept of robustness to describe these efficient, cold develop an improved capacity to control body temperature
modern birds in more biological terms, so that today, robustness during periods of heat or cold in the farm (Decuypere, 1984;
also defines an important trait for selection, related to animal Janke t al. 2002). Consequently, these birds retain most of their
health and welfare (Star et al., 2008 J. of agricultural and feed for growth – and use much less for the maintenance of
­environmental ethics; McKay, 2009, In: Biology of Breeding body functions.
Poultry. Ed. P. Hocking).
Circadian incubation™ is a single-stage protocol that includes
Robustness is a health criterion that originates in embryonic life periodic stimulation, by increasing temperature during certain
and correlates with growth and the resistance of the individual sensitive periods of embryonic development. The term ‘circadian’
chicks under different farm conditions. We define a robust day literally means ‘about a day’ as it derives from the latin
old chick as a first class chick that delivers predictable growth (‘circa’= about and ‘dies’= day). Circadian thus refers to daily
and production under different farm designs and fluctuating biological rhythms observed in most organisms, such as the
conditions, such as high and low temperatures. Batches of robust day-night rhythm in body temperature. The biological rhythms,
day old chicks show low mortality, need less medication and also called the circadian or biological clock, are essential for
have the potential for optimum growth even under adverse regulating the daily metabolic rhythm and other physiological
farm conditions. functions. In contrast to nature, embryos hatched in a convential
incubator are not exposed to a daily rhythm. This changes when
To support the development of robust day old chicks, Pas Reform the Circadian Incubation™ technique is implemented.
has introduced Circadian Incubation™ as a natural and progressive
development of single stage incubation. Circadian incubation™
is based on observations that embryonic ‘training’ – or the
imprinting of body functions – stimulates robustness on the
farm. This ‘imprinting’ is achieved by exposing the embryo to

2 Circadian Incubation™
The development of a robust day old chick Embryonic development is a continuous process. Each embryonic
phase overlaps, while the embryo moves gradually from an
To understand day old chick robustness, we need first to under- embryonic state to that of a hatchling. Normal post-natal
stand the development and maturation of physiological systems ­performance is only possible when functional maturation of
in the embryo (Tzschentke and Plagemann, 2006; Gilbert and the organs and fine-tuning of the integrated physiological
Epel, 2009). circuits have taken place, during the final days of incubation.
A good example of an ‘integrated physiological circuit’ is the
Embryonic development comprises a number of complex thermoregulatory system, which controls body temperature in
­physio­­logical interactions between cells and groups of cells, ­ the late-stage embryo and the chicken. Organs involved in
best understood by simply observing the development that ­thermoregulation – such as the hypothalamus, thyroid and
takes place in different phases. ­pituitary gland – develop and grow during the mid-period,
or Growth Phase, of incubation. Final maturation of the thermo-
The first phase of development is called the Differentiation regulatory systems, however, occurs during the last days of the
Phase. This is when the different embryonic structures and Maturation Phase in the embryo and the first days post-hatch.
premature organ fields are determined and differentiated.
To further understand the route to achieving a robust day old
The second phase – the Growth Phase – is so called because this is chick that can cope with varying farm conditions, we need to
when the different organs and tissue grow to their final s­ tructure look at a lower level of embryonic development: that of cell-to-
and size. Not only do the organs develop their final form, they cell interaction and differential gene expression. Each phase of
also acquire the capability to function physiologically, although embryonic development described above is recognized by
at this point they are not yet integrated into a physiological specific cellular interactions and the expression of genes.
control system.
As the embryo develops after fertilization, the number of cells
The third and final phase of embryonic development is known increase – and these cells become differentiated as each adopts
as the Maturation Phase, characterized by the maturation of the characteristics of its ultimate restricted fate. Some cells grow
physiological functions and the development of integrated to form muscle tissue, while others become part of the skeleton.
­physiological and endocrinal controlling systems. The differentiation of cells is the result of differential gene
expression: muscle cells express genes for contractive proteins
while bone cells produce proteins that can bind calcium, for
example. Thus differential gene expression is the fundament of

Circadian Incubation™ 3
the three phases of embryonic development – and the differential More research will decipher specific, sensitive embryonic phases
activation and expression of genes has formed a key focus for and conditions, to engender the further use of thermal stimula-
research and publication in the field of developmental biology tion in commercial incubators, to induce enhanced robustness in
(eg. Gilbert, 2006). day old chicks from different flock ages and commercial breeds.
In the meantime, promising scientific results already ratify the
It is now generally understood that minute variations in the development and introduction of Circadian Incubation™.
environment of embryonic cells will induce variations in the
expression of genes. Embryos derived from the same parents, From single-stage incubation to Circadian Incubation™
having inherited basically the same genetic potential, develop to
different phenotypes when exposed to different environmental If the goal of the modern hatchery is to produce uniform, robust
inducing agents: the agents that prepare and adapt the embryo day old chicks, the multi-stage system does not deliver the
to cope with varying conditions after birth. degree of control required – and single-stage incubation requires
further development. Single-stage incubators can of course be
A term often used to explain embryo-environment interaction is adjusted and set such that climate conditions match the needs
epigenetic adaptation: the study of how changes in gene expres- of modern embryos, to improve day old chick quality and unifor-
sion patterns mediated by the environment can cause variations mity (Boerjan, 2002). Today, the basic assumption for the design
in phenotypes (Gilbert and Epel, 2009). Today’s discussions on of single-stage incubation programs is that optimal embryonic
the embryonic origin of human health and heart failure in later development occurs under constant conditions, without fluctua-
life, for example, refers to epigenitic affects during the embryonic tion. However, the idea that the embryo can be adapted to
and foetal development of the baby. certain stress factors (high or low temperatures, for example) to
improve robustness and deliver better performance later in life is
In poultry research, the idea that the embryo can be acclimatised gaining significant acceptance. In the poultry sector, where
to a certain trigger for better performance later in life is becoming substantial growth is indicated over the next two to three
more widely accepted (Decuypere, 1984, Minne and Decuypere, decades, Circadian Incubation™ signals an important bridge
1984; Nichelmann and Tzschentke, 2002; Yahav et al, 2004). to meeting next generation demands and opportunities in
Currently, the most studied trigger for epigenetic adaptation commercial hatcheries.
is the exposure of the embryo to brief periods of high or low
temperature. Critical periods, when the embryo is prone to The majority of thermal conditioning investigations have been
thermal adaptation, have been found during the early phase of performed under controlled experimental conditions, in small
development, when the differentiation of specific structures is incubators. In collaboration with a commercial broiler hatchery
being induced – and again in the later phase of development, and Wageningen University Research Centre, Pas Reform has
when the organs and physiological systems mature. undertaken trials on a commercial scale with four flocks of 35,
42, 48 and 56 weeks respectively.
A four-day thermal-manipulation during the differentiation
phase has been shown to influence the proliferation of muscle- In each experiment, Ross 308 eggs from three different suppliers
type cells in turkey embryos, to subsequently and positively were incubated in a modular, single-stage incubator, adapted to
affect post-hatch muscle development (Maltby et al., 2004). enable the Circadian principle with a capacity of 115,200 hen
In the chicken, short periods of increased temperature from eggs. For each batch of eggs, a thermal conditioning period of
embryonic days 4 - 7 encouraged embryonic movement and three hours was applied by increasing temperature set points
activity, promoting leg and muscle growth in the embryo from 36.7 ºC (98 ºF) to 38.1 ºC (100.6 ºF) for three hours on days
(Hammond, et al., 2007). Broiler embryos can be thermally 16.5, 17.5 and 18.5 in the setter. (See figure 1 on page 5)
­conditioned during their final days in the setter, such that
they achieve tolerance to heat challenge at an early age in the In all four experiments, the egg shell temperatures raised
farm (Moraes et al, 2003; Collin et al., 2007), thus altering post- ­immediately after increasing the set point. At the end of the
natal growth (Collin et al., 2005; Halevy et al., 2006a,b). Short thermal conditioning period, average egg shell temperature was
periods of cold exposure (60 min at 15 ºC) at days 18 and 19 of measured at 39.8 - 40.1 ºC (103.6 - 104.2 ºF). On each experimental
embryonic development shows an improved performance at day, egg shell temperatures returned to normal and were
38 days of age (Shinder, et al, 2009). comparable with egg shell temperatures in the control incubator
1.5 hours after completing the period of thermo-conditioning,
Long lasting adaptation occurs when periodic thermal by returning set points to normal (36.7 °C / 98 °F) temperature.
­manipulation is applied during the last part of the Maturation
Phase, when the integrated circuits for the thermoregulatory Each batch demonstrated positive influences on hatching results,
system are well developed - and therefore most responsive to as a result of thermal conditioning. A clear, positive trend on
‘training’ (Tzschentke, 2007; Tzschentke , 2008; Tzschentke and growth performance was observed, with 1 to 2 points improve-
Halle, 2009). Thermal manipulation during this late phase in the ment in feed conversion ratios.
setter and hatcher shows an improvement of 1.5 % on hatcha­
bility, a 2.9 % improvement in male growth and improved feed
conversion (Tzschentke and Halle, 2009): all indications of
enhanced robustness in the day old chick. (See table 1 on page 5)

4 Circadian Incubation™

Figure 1
103,00 Temperature stimulation in a
modular, single-stage incubator,
adapted to enable the Circadian
average eggshall temperatures (ºF)

102,00 Incubation™ principle. A thermal

conditioning period of three hours
was applied by increasing
temperature set points from 98 ºF
to 100.6 ºF for three hours on day
100,00 16.5, 17.5 and 18.5. Eggshell
temperatures were measured
automatically by means of contact
16,0 16,5 17,0 17,5 18 18,5

day of incubation

Table 1
Overall (females + Male: weight gain Male: final body Male: Feed ­conversion Temperature stimulation
males) hatchability of g/broiler/day 1 - 35 weight (35 d) rate (1 - 35d)
fertile eggs (%) Eggs (337) exposed for 2 hr/day
at 38.5 ºC during the last 4 days
Control 94.6 62.2 ± 2.9 2270 ± 203 1.50 ± 0.04 of incubation (days 18 - 21).
incubator (Tzschentke B. and Halle I (2009).
Influence of temperature
Temperature 97.0* 64.6* ± 2.0 2336* ± 191 1.47* ± 0.02 stimulation during the last 4 days
stimulation of incubation on secondary sex
ratio and later performance in
*(P< 0.05) male and female broiler chicks.
Br. Poultry Sci 50(5): 634 - 640)

Further studies will improve the protocols for thermal condi- Conclusions
tioning in practice for different commercial breeds and flock
ages. For this reason, Pas Reform has initiated a collaborative The ultimate goal of modern hatchery management is to
research project with dr. B. Tzschentke from Institute of Biology, produce uniform, robust day old chicks. Robustness is a health
Working Group Perinatal Adaptation at the Humbold University criterion that originates in the embryonic lifestage of the
of Berlin (HU) and dr I. Halle from Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut (FLI), chicken and correlates directly with the performance and
Federal Research Institute for Animal Health, Institute of Animal ­resistance of individual chicks under differing farm conditions.
Nutrition, Braunschweig. Robustness requires a specific incubation trigger during
so-called critical periods, eg. stimulation by heat or cold, to
We know, however, that thermal conditioning is only beneficial ­physiologically imprint the embryo such that the chicken thrives
when applied in a clear, controlled manner, for specific time in its farm environment. Short-term thermo-conditioning using
points and duration. A Circadian Incubation™ program can only Circadian Incubation™ improves hatching results and produces
be applied in commercial practice, if the hatchery’s single-stage long-lasting effects, with 1 - 2 % increase in final body weight
incubation system contains individually controlled sections for and 1 - 2 points better feed conversion rates. Batches of uniform,
accurate climate control and (thereby) delivers homogeneous robust day old chicks improve uniformity at slaughter age and
eggshell temperature. The system must also be equipped with thereby improve efficiency and performance throughout the
sufficient, cooling and heating devices – to deliver short, highly entire production chain. However, to support the use of
accurate cold or heat stimuli for the incubating embryos to Circadian Incubation™, the incubator should provide accurate
result in uniformly robust day old chicks. climate control, to promote tight temperature uniformity.
Each egg must receive a consistent flow of conditioned air
Used correctly, Circadian Incubation™ opens the door for the for optimum thermal conditioning.
hatchery manager to produce uniform, highly robust day old
chicks that will go on to deliver robust, improved performance
at farm level.

Circadian Incubation™ 5
Next generation design
for the modern hatchery
Creating an adaptive environment

Introduction 1 The challenge of temperature homogeneity

In the previous article titled ‘Circadian Incubation™’, Pas Reform Thermal stimulation can only be applied in practice when
discussed the effects of thermal stimulation on subsequent post ­incubation equipment delivers a homogeneous climate for
hatch performance. Research shows a positive and sustained uniform embryonic development. Only the smallest variations
effect on hatchability, robustness, final bodyweight and feed in temperature and therefore in heat transfer can be tolerated,
conversion ratios, when periodic temperature increases are which is largely determined by air temperature and velocity
administered during the last days of incubation (maturation around the eggs.
For incubator manufacturers, the challenge today is to design
This article discusses progress in the development of modular incubators capable of supporting uniform, optimised embryonic
single-stage equipment for Circadian Incubation™, i.e. equip- development for each egg at every stage of its development.
ment that supports the use of thermal stimulation for the This means providing every one of a very large number of eggs
production of uniform batches of robust, high quality chicks in in a closely packed environment with an optimal airflow for
the modern hatchery. uniform temperature distribution. Air must move freely around
the eggs at all times.

This challenge is complicated by the trend towards larger capacity

incubators. Because of increased heat production by modern
embryos, it is more difficult to maintain homogeneity in egg
shell temperature and air movement rates for each egg in such
large incubators.

Further complications can arise as a result of airflow obstruction in

the incubator. The even distribution of temperature and humidity
within the incubator depends on the ease with which air can pass
through the setter trays and over the surface of the eggshells.
Poorly designed trolleys and trays can result in air passing around
the mass of eggs, rather than passing evenly between them, which
leads to non-homogeneous temperature distribution.

6 Next generation design for the modern hatchery

Figure 1
Building a 3D simulation model
of a separately controlled
incubator section.

There are three additional sources of non-uniform air tempera- 2 Computational Fluid Dynamics: a first in the
ture in incubators: hatchery sector
1 The ambient temperature and relative humidity of inlet air
usually differs from average temperature and relative Traditionally, new developments in the design of airflow systems
humidity inside the machine, resulting in localised tempera- have relied upon the actual, physical development of a prototype
ture and humidity variation at the point of intake. and in-practice testing: a lengthy and expensive process, limited
2 Both cooling and heating in the incubator generate localised by the number of practical situations and product alternatives
temperature variations. that can be physically tested.
3 The evaporation of water to control humidity levels for
optimum egg weight loss can lead to temperature differences. While looking at ways to optimise temperature uniformity,
Pas Reform started to implement Computational Fluid Dynamics
The challenge of modern incubator design is to exchange energy, (CFD) to simulate the airflow and the heat transfer inside the
CO2/O2 and moisture without affecting homogeneous tempera- incubator. CFD is a scientific discipline, in which the flow and the
ture around the eggs. heat transfer of any gaseous or liquid medium can be simulated
within a virtual environment. It uses numerical algorithms to
The following chapters demonstrate how a redesign of the calculate airflow and temperature distribution, thereby allowing
­incubator can improve homogeneous temperature distribution, deeper insights into the internal physics of the incubator and
creating the ability to operate within the strict parameters other environmental factors.
required to successfully apply Circadian Incubation™. Chapter 2
introduces the application of Computational Fluid Dynamics CFD was first applied in Aerospace development about 30 years
(CFD) simulations, to gain valuable insights into the incubator’s ago, followed by the automotive industry, which now routinely
air flow pattern and temperature distribution. Chapter 3 uses CFD in new product development and testing. Despite its
­presents the aerodynamics of a fully optimised airflow and air proven accuracy and dependability in these highly specific and
redistribution system for Circadian Incubation™. Finally, chapter demanding arenas, Pas Reform is the first to apply CFD for new
4 shows how the homogeneous temperature achieved with an product development in the hatchery sector. In its application of
optimised airflow system is further improved by the use of a CFD for incubator design, the company worked in collaboration
system newly developed by Pas Reform and known as ‘Adaptive with FlowMotion, an engineering company that specialises in
Metabolic Feedback™’. fluid dynamics for industrial applications, with a proven track
record in food technology.

Next generation design for the modern hatchery 7

Figure 2
The most effective method of
exchanging energy, CO2/O2 and
moisture in the incubator, is to
generate as many vortices as
possible of a specific dimension
and intensity in the wake of the
air pump blade. (Colours indicate
difference of airspeed)

The application of CFD in product development can be separated 3 The final phase of CFD is Post-processing – where the data
into three phases: pre-processing, solving and post-processing: produced in the previous two phases is visualized. Crucially,
this is where the expertise of Pas Reform Academy’s R&D
1 In the first phase, Pre-processing, a 3D model of an incubator team, with its detailed understanding of the needs of the
section is created. With a completed 3D model, the calculation growing embryo – joined forces with the expertise of
region is divided into millions of small cells, for which the FlowMotion to fulfil these needs in terms of aerodynamics,
governing equations need to be solved numerically. to analyse the huge amount of simulation data produced
(See figure 1) against the real world air flow requirements of modern
Boundary conditions are prescribed for all incubator surfaces,
inlets, outlets, fans, etc. – ie. all the areas that are instrumental 3 Aerodynamics of a new airflow principle
in generating airflow and producing heat transfer, including
the hatching eggs. The design of the calculation grid and the From conception, Pas Reform’s Smart modular single-stage
definition of all boundary conditions are the most critical ­incubators were designed to overcome the drawbacks of
processes in CFD, because they have the largest influence on ­conventional incubation described in the first paragraph of
the viability and accuracy of results. This phase requires this article.
sophisticated expertise and experience in fluid dynamics.
Smart’s modular single-stage design creates sectional environ-
2 In the second phase of CFD, Solving, the computer calculates ments, each with the capacity for up to 19,200 hen eggs. During
governing equations for each grid cell. And there are millions incubation, each section climate can be individually controlled –
of cells. This process can take anything from a couple of hours the only way to guarantee homogeneous incubation tempera-
for a small number of cells, to a number of days for complex ture in incubators containing more than 100,000 eggs. Separate
flows. temperature, heating, cooling, humidification and ventilation
systems in each section of the incubator provide a homogeneous
environment around the incubating eggs.

8 Next generation design for the modern hatchery

Figure 3 Figure 4
The Vortex™ draws in an optimum The inlet air moves around the
amount of fresh air from the eggs along the side of the setter
setter room and circulates it trolleys, to avoid ambient air from
through each separate section of making contact directly with the
the incubator. (Colours indicate eggs. (Colours indicate difference of
difference of airspeed) airspeed)

Smart is a trusted system in hatcheries around the world. blades also positively influences the pumped flow rate of fresh
And as an innovator in the hatchery industry, it was logical for air, the amount of torque required to achieve maximum tempe­ra­
Pas Reform to look for ways in which this established platform ture uniformity, the electrical power consumption of the system
could be further improved, to fully maximise the benefits of and the flow along the cooling/heating elements of the incubator.
homogeneous climate control for Circadian Incubation™.
Air Preparation principle
The application of CFD made it possible to gain valuable further Through the inlet in the ceiling of each incubator section,
insights into the airflow pattern and temperature distribution the Vortex™ draws fresh air from the setter room, which flows
produced in each separate section of an incubator. With this through a vertical channel and through the hub and inner
data, the detailed investigation of various incubator designs ­structure of the air pump blades, creating a radial pump for
became viable – and Pas Reform has focused its attention on a the air. (See figure 3)
number of variations, including the number and shape of air
pump blades, air inlet principles, section partitions, size of Each separate section of the incubator is equipped with a Vortex™,
mixing zone, air pushing or pulling principles, trolley and tray that circulates the ‘fresh air’ from the tip of its air pump blades
design, heating, cooling and humidifying principles, air tightness to partitions on each side of the incubator section.
and footprints. After three years of intensive and varied flow The partitions direct the air along the side of the setter trolleys,
simulation, Pas Reform has developed a fully optimised airflow into the so-called ‘mixing zone’ of the incubator. The primary
and air ­redistribution system – with the following aerodynamics: advantage of this flow pattern is that ambient air never makes
contact with the eggs directly, so avoiding significant, localised
Air pump blade principle changes in egg temperature. (See figure 4)
The basis of the new airflow and air redistribution system is
Pas Reform’s ‘Vortex™’, a newly designed air pump named after
the vortical movement of airflow it produces. (See figure 2)
With the intensive analysis of many different, simulated air
pump blade shapes, it is clear that the most effective method of
exchanging energy, CO2/O2 and moisture in the incubator, is to
generate as many vortices as possible of a specific dimension
and intensity in the wake of the blade. The shape of the air pump

Next generation design for the modern hatchery 9

Figure 5 Figure 6
The mixing zone minimises Principle drawing showing how
remaining variations in air the Vortex™ pulls the mixed air in
temperature. (Colours indicate vortices through the setter trays
difference of airspeed) and over the eggs.

Air Mixing principle To further reduce obstruction by the setter trays, new tray design
Once the air has passed the trolleys, it reaches the ‘mixing zone’, incorporates an open, spacious grid that prevents the develop-
where remaining variations in air temperature are minimised by ment of dead spots and allows the free movement of air vortices
mixing the air before it is drawn over the eggs. The size of this through the trays, to reach each individual hatching egg.
mixing zone is crucial for its impact on egg temperature homo- (See figure 7)
geneity within each separate incubator section. (See figure 5)
When the vortices finally flow out of the trays, they reach the
Exchange Principle ‘Exchange zone’ of the incubator section. Here the primary target
The Vortex™ pulls the mixed air in vortical spirals through the of the air pump is to exchange energy, CO2/O2 levels and moisture,
egg trays and over the eggs, back towards the centre of the air to condition the air before recirculation throughout the incubator
pump. (See figure 6) section, for homogeneous egg temperature distribution. The
shape of the Vortex™ has explicitly been optimised to mix ‘old’
This has two significant advantages over conventional airflow air coming from the incubator section with ‘fresh’ air from the
systems. By pulling (instead of pushing) vortices over the eggs, tip of the Vortex™ and the integrated heating/cooling of the
the surface of the hatching egg is exposed for an optimum incubator, by its specific vortices in the wake of the blade.
exchange of heat and humidity. The specific flow direction along (See figure 8)
the eggs changes constantly, ensuring that uniform egg shell
temperature is created and maintained for each egg throughout
incubation. Additionally, the vortices move in parallel with the
turning direction of the setter trolleys, managing airflow such
that it reaches the entire surface of the eggshells. This prevents
the development of ‘dead spots’ where there is little air move-
ment, to provide unique, homogeneous air distribution within
each incubator section.

10 Next generation design for the modern hatchery

Figure 7 Figure 8
The redesigned setter tray allows The Exchange zone conditions the
the free movement of air vortices, air before recirculating throughout
to reach every individual hatching the incubator section, for
egg. homogeneous egg temperature
distribution. (Colours indicate
difference of airspeed)

4 Maximising uniformity by Adaptive Metabolic The aspect of increased humidity is often neglected – despite
Feedback™ the fact that increased levels of relative humidity in the incubator
limit the evaporation of water from the eggs, decreasing egg
The advancements in airflow design described in chapter 3 weight loss and the effects of evaporative cooling. High levels of
of this article produce an environment that can be precisely relative humidity have physical as well as physiological influences
controlled: a prerequisite for thermal stimulation – or the on embryo development. The evaporation of water is a physical
deployment of Circadian Incubation™. In this chapter, we show process that uses heat – and therefore the eggs lose heat during
how temperature homogeneity, achieved by optimising airflow, that process, also known as evaporative cooling. The continuous
can be further maximised using so-called ‘Adaptive Metabolic evaporation of water from the eggs during all stages of the
Feedback™’. ­incubation process – measured as egg weight loss – is essential

for maintaining mineral balance in the different embryonic

Adaptive Metabolic Feedback™ (AMF™) enables the control compartments at a physiological level.
parameters of the incubation process to be adapted, according
to the time-varying metabolism of a specific batch of embryos In non-ventilated incubators, actual relative humidity rises above
in the incubator. Ultimately AMF™ maximizes uniformity, by set points and as the incubator humidifiers are not in operation,
optimising airflow and air redistribution such that Circadian cold spots are avoided. Embryo temperatures increase because
Incubation™ can be applied. evaporative cooling is limited as a result of increased moisture
content in the incubator air. However, increased moisture content
Incubators must ventilate, to allow enough oxygen to come in in the non-ventilated incubator limits egg weight loss, affecting
and to allow the gases produced during the process of incuba- embryo development to finally increase the risk of poor chick
tion to escape. The ventilation system controls the rate of air quality, bad navels and large yolk sacs.
refreshment and, consequently, the level of carbon dioxide and
relative humidity in the incubator. Carbon dioxide percentages The control of the moisture-carbon dioxide couple in commercial
and relative humidity increase when the valves are closed and incubators must therefore follow physical as well as physiological
ventilation is zero. Levels of carbon dioxide and relative humidity rules. It is important that the modern incubator has the ability to
are strongly associated and should ideally be controlled simulta- operate according to varied moisture-carbon dioxide profiles,
neously, with equal sensitivity. suited to local circumstances.

Next generation design for the modern hatchery 11

This knowledge formed the essential background for the deve­ Conclusions
lopment of Pas Reform’s ‘Adaptive Metabolic Feedback™’ system
for ventilation. Based on the actual metabolism of the incubating Since the Circadian Incubation™ principle greatly challenges
eggs in a commercial incubator, the uniquely adapted moisture – the incubator’s homogeneity, new design concepts are needed
CO2 couple determines the ventilation rate of the incubator, in to further improve homogeneous temperature distribution.
line with the rate of development of the incubating eggs. Three years of intensive (flow) simulations and empirical field
studies have shown that the combination of (1) a modular
Because both moisture and CO2 are monitored continuously ­incubator design, (2) a new airflow principle based on the
against specific setpoints, AMF™ optimises incubation by creation of vortices and (3) Adaptive Metabolic Feedback™,
­minimizing cold spots from ventilation and humidifiers, while produce the highly precise environmental controls that are
simultaneously avoiding the excessive build-up of CO2. The fine a prerequisite to the successful use of thermal stimulation.
control delivered by AMF™ ensures that the natural evaporation
of water from the eggs is unaffected, while the incubator meets The combined use of these three components1 makes it possible
the time-varying needs of the growing embryo in its different to exchange energy, CO2/O2 and humidity without affecting
stages throughout the cycle. homogeneous temperature around the eggs. This delivers
­significant advantages for the modern hatchery, including
Adaptive Metabolic Feedback™ achieves this continuous control homogeneous egg temperature distribution in the maturation
over both recirculated and fresh air by listening to the embryo’s phase of incubation. Short, accurate increases in temperature for
metabolism, as reflected in the production of moisture and each of the embryos is possible, to deliver the benefits of
carbon dioxide. In this way energy, CO2/O2 and moisture are Circadian Incubation™ on hatchability, robustness, final body-
exchanged without affecting the incubator’s homogeneous weight and feed conversion ratios.
1 Patent Pending with Worldwide Intellectual Property Rights

12 Next generation design for the modern hatchery


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© Copyright Pas Reform 2010. All rights reserved.

Pas Reform Hatchery Technologies

Pas Reform is an international company,

which has specialised in the development
of innovative hatchery technologies for
the poultry sector since 1919.
The company has earned its position as one
of the world’s leading hatchery e ­ quipment
manufacturers, through decades of
research into the bio­­logical and physio-
logical aspects of embryo development,
combined with a thorough understanding
of all aspects of the poultry production
chain – and a dedicated focus on the

Pas Reform Hatchery Technologies

Pas Reform is an international company, which has specialised in the development

of innovative hatchery Technologies for the poultry sector since 1919.

The company has earned its position as one of the world’s leading hatchery e
­ quipment

manufacturers, through decades of research into the biological and ­physiological

aspects of embryo development, combined with a complete u

­ nderstanding of all

aspects of the poultry production chain - and a dedicated focus on the future.
Pas Reform
Hatchery Technologies

Pas Reform
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7038 ZG Zeddam
The Netherlands

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