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 In our dialy life ,we see lots of things moving around for example car passing through from one
place to other ,person riding on a bicycle and many more like this.
 In scientific terms an object is said to be in motion ,if it changes its position with the pasage of
time and if it does not change it position with the passage of time then it is said to be at rest
 Both the motion and rest are relative terms for example mobile kept on the table is resting at its
position but it is moving in the sense as earth is rotating on its axis.So for a person seeing mobile
from earth it is at rest and for person on moon earth seems to change its position with time and so
mobile is moving.
 Simplest case of motion is rectilinear motion which is the motion of the object in a straight line
 In our descriotion of object ,we will treat the object as an point object
 Object under consideration can be treated as point object if the size of the object is much smaller
than the distance travelled by it in a reasonable time duration for example length of a motor car
travelling a distance of 500km can be neglected w.r.t distance travelled by it.
 Here in kinematics ,we study ways to describe the motion without going into the cause of the

2.Position and Displacement

(a) Position:
 To locate the position in motion or at rest,we need a frame of refrence.
 Simplest way to choose a frame of refrence is to choose three mutually perpendicular axis
labelled as X-,Y- and Z- axis as shown in figure below

 Such system of labelling position of an object is known as rectangular coordinates system

 If A(x,y,z) be the position of any point in rectangular co-ordinates system it can be labelled as
 Point O is the point of intersection of these mutaully perpendicular axis and is known as refrence
point or origin of frame of refrence
 To measure a time ,we can also attach a clock with this frame of refrence
 If any or all co-ordinates of the object under consideration changes with time in this frame of
refrence then the object is said to be in a motion w.r.t the frame of the refrence otherwise it is at
 For describing motion in one dimension we need one set of co-ordinates axis i.e only one of X,Y
and Z axis
 Similary for two and three dimensions we need two or three set of axis respectively
 Motion of an object along a straight line is an example of motion in one dimension
 For such a motion,any one axis say X-axis may be choosen so as to co-incide with the path along
which object is moving
 Position of the object can be measured w.r.t origin O shown in the figure

 Position to the right of the origin has positive values and those to the left of origin O has negative

(b) Distance and displacement:

 In the graph shown below an object is at position P at time t1 and at position R at time t2.

 In the time interval from t1 to t2 particle has travelled path PQR and length of the path PQR is the
distance travelled by the object in the time interval t1 to t2
 Now connect the initial position of the object P with its final position R through a straight line
and we get the displacement of the object.
 Displacement of the object has both magnitude and direction i.e., displacement is a vector
 Magnitude of displacement vector is equal to the length of straight line joining initial and final
position and its direction points from the initial position of object towards its final position.
 In contrast to displacement distance is scalar quantity.
3. Average velocity and speed

 Consider a particle undergoing motion along a straight line i.e. moving along X-axis.
 X co-ordinate describing motion of the particle from origin O varies with time or we can say that
X co-ordinate depends on time.
 If at time t=t1 particleis at point P , at a distance x1 from origin and at time t=t2 it is at point Q at a
distance x2 from the origin then displacement during this time is a vector from point P to Q and is
Δx=x2-x1 (1)

 The average velocity of the prticle is defined as the ratio of the displacement Δx of the particle in
the time interval Δt=t2-t1. If vavg represents average velocity then,

 Figure 5b represents the co-ordinate time graph of the motion of the particle i.e., it shows how the
value of x-coordinate of moving particle changes with the passage of time.
 In figure 5b average velocity of the particle is represented by the slope of chord PQ which is
equal to the ratio of the displacement Δx occuring in the particular time interval Δt.
 Like displacement average velocity vavg also has magnitude as well as direction i.e., average
velocity is a vector quantity.
 Average velocity of the particle can be positive as well as negative and its positive and negative
value depends on the sign of displacement.
 If displacement of particle is zero its average velocity is also zero.
 Graphs below shows the x-t graphs of particle moving with positive, negative average velocity
and the particle at rest.
 From graph 5c it is clear that for positive average velocity slope of line slants upwards right or we
can say that it has positive slope.
 For negative average velocity slope line slants upwards down to the right i.e. it has negative
 For particles at rest slope is zero.
 So far we have learnt that average speed is the rate of motion over displacement of the object.
 Displacement of the object is different from the actual distance travelled by the particle.
 For actual distance travelled by the particle its average speed is defined as the total distance
travelled by the particle in the time interval during which the motion takes place.
 Mathematically,

 Since distance travelled by an particle does not involve direction so speed of the particle
depending on distance travelled does not involve direction and hence is a scalar quantity and is
always positive.
 Magnitude of average speed may differ from average velocity because motion in case of average
speed involve distance which may be greater than magnitude of displacement for ex.

here a man starts travelling from origin till point Q and return to point P then in this case
displacement of man is
Displacement from O to Q is OQ=80m
Displacement from Q to P is =20m-80m=-60m
total displacement of particle in moving from O to Q and then moving Q to P is = 80m + (-60m)
= 20 m
Now total distance travelled by man is OQ+OP= 80m +60m = 140m
Hence diring same cource of motion distance travelled is greater then displacement.
 from this we can say that average speed depending on distance is in general greater than
magnitude of velocity.

4. Instantaneous velocity and speed

 Velocity of particle at any instant of time or at any point of its path is called instantaneous
 Again consider the graph 5b and imagine second point Q being taken more and more closer to
point P then calculate the average velocity over such short displacement and time interval.
 Instantaneous velocity can be defined as limiting value of average velocity when second point
comes closer and closer to the first point.
 Limiting value of Δx/ Δt as Δt aproaches zero is written as dx/dt, and is known as instantaneous
velocity.Thus instantaneous velocity is

 As point Q aproaches point P in figure 5a in this limit slope of the chord PQ becomes equal to the
slope of tangent to the curve at point P.
 Thus we can say that instantaneous velocity at any point of a coordinate time graph is equal to the
slope of the tangent to the graph at that point.
 Instantaneous speed or speed is the magnitude of the instantaneous velocity unlike the case of
average velocity and average speed where average speed over an finite interval of time may be
greate than or equal to average velocity.
 Unit of average velocity , average speed, instantaneous velocity and instantaneous speed is ms-
1 in SI system of units.
 Some other units of velocity are ft.s-1 , cm.s-1 .

5. Acceleration

 Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity with time.

 For describing average acceleration we first consider the motion of an object along X-axis.
 Suppose at time t1 object is at point P moving with velocity v1 and at time t2 it is at point Q and
has velocity v2. Now average acceleration of object in moving from P to Q is

which is the change in velocity of object with the passage of time.

 Instantaneous acceleration can be defined in the same way as instantaneous velocity

 The instantaneous acceleration at any instant is the slope of v-t graph at that instant.
 In figure 7 instantaneous acceleration at point P is equal to the slope of tangent at this point P.
 Since velocity of a moving object has both magnitude and direction likewise acceleration
depending on velocity has both magnitude and direction and hence acceleration is a vector
 Acceleration can also be positive, negative and zero.
 SI unit of acceleration is ms-2

7. Free fall acceleration

 Freely falling motion of any body under the effect of gravity is an example of uniformly
accelerated motion.
 Kinematic equation of motion under gravity can be obtained by replacing acceleration 'a' in
equations of motion by acceleration due to gravity 'g'.
 Value of g is equal to 9.8 m.s-2.
 Thus kinematic equations of motion under gravity are
v = v0 + gt (16a)
x = v0t + ½ ( gt2 ) (16b)
v2 = (v0)2 + 2gx (16c)
 The value of g is taken positive when the body falls vertically downeards and negative when the
body is projected up against gravity.

8. Relative velocity

Consider two objects A and B moving with uniform velocities vAand vB along two straight and parallel

 Let xOAand xOB be their distances from origin at time t=0 and xAand xB be their distances from
origin at time t.
 For object A
xA = xOA + vAt (18)
and for object B
xB = xOB + vBt (19)
subtracting equation 18 from 19
xB - xA = ( xOB - xOA ) + ( vB - vA) t (20)
 Above equation 20 tells that as seen from object A , object B seems to have velocity ( vB - vA) .
 Thus ( vB - vA ) is the velocity of object B relative to object A. Thus,
vBA = ( vB - vA ) (21)
 Similarly velocity of object A relative to object B is
vAB = ( vA - vB ) (22)
 If vB = vA then from equation 20
xB - xA = ( xOB - xOA )
i.e., two objects A and B stays apart at constant distance.
 vA > vB then (vB - vA ) would be negative and the distance between two objects will go on
decreasing by an amount ( vA - vB ) after each unit of time. After some time they will meet and
then object A will overtake object B.
 If vA and vB have opposite signs then magnitude of vBA or vAB would be greater then the
magnitude of velocity of A or that of B and objects seems to move very fast.

Question 1. A ball is dropped vertically from a height h above the ground .It hits the ground and bounces
up vertically to a height h/2.Neglecting subsequent motion and air resistance ,its velocity v varies with the
height h as
. Before hitting the ground ,the velocity v is given by v2=2gd Which is a quadratic equation and hence
parabolic path. Downward direction means negative velocity , After collison ,the velocity becomes
positive and velocity decreases Further v12=2g(d/2)=gd Therefore v=v1√2 As the direction is reversed and
speed is decreased, Hence (a) is the answer

Question 2. The displacement -time graph of a moving particle is shown below.The instantanous velocity
of the particle is negative at the point
a. C
b. D
c. E
d. B

. The instantanous velocity is given by the slope of the displacement time graph.
Since slope is negative at point B,instantanous velocity is negative at B
Hence (d) is correct

Question 3.The velocity -time graph of a moving particle is shown below.Total displacement of the
particle during the time interval when there is nonzero acceleration and retardation is

a. 60m
b. 40m
c. 50m
d. 30m

. Acceleration is given by the slope of the velocity time graph
Non zero acceleration happened in the time interval 20 to 40 sec as the slope of the graph is non zero in
that time interval

Now displacement in that interval is given by the area enclosed the v-t curve during that interval

So area=(1/2)20*3 +20*1=50m
Hence (c) is correct
Question 4. Figure below shows the displacement -time graph of two particles.Mark the correct statement
about their relative velocity
a. It first increases and then decreases
b. It is a non zero constant
c. it is zero
d. none of the above
. The instantanous velocity is given by the slope of the displacement time graph.
As slope of both the particle displacement time graph is constant.That means there individual velocities
are constant.
So relative velocity is also constants
so it is a non zero constant as they have different velocity
Hence (b) is correct

Motion in straight Line Solved Examples Part 1

Four position -time graph are shown below.




Question 5 What all graph shows motion with positive velocities

a. a and c only
b. all the four
c. b and D only
d. b only
. The instantanous velocity is given by the slope of the displacement time graph.
Since slope is positive in graph a and c.Positive velocity is there in a and c curve
Hence (a) and (c) are correct
Question 6. What all graph shows motion with negative velocities
a. a and b only
b. all the four
c. a and c only
d. c only

. The instantanous velocity is given by the slope of the displacement time graph.
Since slope is negative in graph b and d.Negative velocity is there in b and d curve
Hence (b) and (d) are correct

Question 7.which of the folliwing graph correctly represents velocity-time relationships for a particle
released from rest to fall under gravity




The velocity will increase with time so b is the correct answer
Hence (b) is correct
Question 8.The v-x graph of a particle moving along a straight line is shown below.Which of the below
graph shows a-x graph



. The equation for the given graph is
v=-(v0/x0)x + v0 ---(1)
Differentiating both sides we get
dv/dx=-v0/x0 ---(2)
a=(-v0/x0)[-(v0/x0)x + v0 ]
where m=v02/x0)2
and c=-v02/x0)2

So that means slope is positive and intercept is negative

So (d) is correct

Question 9.A truck accelerates from rest at the constant rate a for some time after which it decelerates at
a constant rate of b to come to the rest.If the total time elapsed is t ,then find out the maximum velocity
attains by the truck
a. (ab/a+b)t
c. (a2+b2/ab)t

. Let t1 and t2 be the the time for acceleration and deccleration.
Let v be the maximum velocity attained

v=at1 or t1=v/a
v=bt2 or t2=v/b

Now t=t1 + t2
or t=v/a + v/b

or v=abt/(a+b)
Hence (a) is correct

Question 10.Displacement(y) of the particle is given by

The velocity of the particle when acceleration is zero is given by
a. 5/2
b. 9/4
c. 13/6
d. 17/8
. given


Velocity is given
Now acceleratio is zero

Putting this value velocity equation

Hence (c) is correct

Question 11.Mark out the correct statement

a. Instantaneous Velocity vector is always in the direction of the motion
b. Instantaneous acceleration vector is always in the direction of the motion
c. Acceleration of the moving particle can change its direction without any change in direction of velocity
d. None of the above

. Take the case of uniform circular motion,Instantanous Velocity vector and acceleration vector at any
point is tangent and radial to the circle.So it is not along the direction of the circle
Take the case the moving car in one direction.If the car accelerated,acceleration is along the direction of
velocity.if car driver put a brake then it deacclerates without any change in the direction of the velocity

Hence (c) is correct

Matrix match type

Question 12.In a free fall motion from rest,Match column I to column II

column I
A) Graph between displacement and time
B) Graph between velocity and time
C) Graph between velocity and displacement
D) Graph between KE and displacement

column II
P) Parabola
Q) Straight line
C) Circle
D) No appropiate match given

. Equation of motion for a free fall from rest
x=(1/2)gt2.It is a parabola
v=gt it is a straight line
v2=2gx it is a parabola
KE=(1/2)mv2=mgx..... it is a straight line
So the correct answers are A -> P
B -> Q
C -> P
D -> Q
13. A body fall from height H.if t1 is time taken for covering first half height and
t2 be time taken for second half.Which of these relation is true for t1 and t2
a. t1 > t2
b. t1 < t2
c. t1=t2
d. Depends on the mass of the body

. Let H be the height
First Half
H/2=(1/2)gt12 ----(1)
Also v=gt1

Second Half
(1/2)gt22 =(H/2)-gt1t2 ---(2)

From 1 and 2
(1/2)gt22=(1/2)gt12 -gt1t2
t22+2t1t2 -t12=0

or t2=[-2t1+√(4t1t2 +4t1t2 )]/2

or t2=[-2t1+2t1√8]/2

so t1 > t2

Hence a is correct

14.A train running at 30m/s is slowed uniformly to a stop in 44 sec.Find the stopping distance?
a. 612 m
b. 662 m
c. 630 m
d. 605 m

. Here
v0=30m/s vf=0 at t=44 sec
vf=v0+at or 0=30+a(44) or a=-.68m/s2

Now x=v0t+(1/2)at2
or x=662 m

Hence b is correct

15.A nut comes loose from a bolt on the bottom of an elevator as the elavator is moving up the shaft at
3m/s.The nut strikes the bottom of the shaft in 2 sec.How far from the bottom of the shaft was the elevator
when nut falls off?
a. 13.6 m
b. 10 m
c. 12.6 m
d. none of these

. Here the nut intially has the velocity of the elevator ,so choosing upward as positive ,v0=3 m/s
also a=-g=-9.8 m/s2

The time taken to hit the bottom is 2 s so

=-13.6 m

Hence the bottom of the shaft was 13.6 m below elevator when nut fall off
Hence (a) is correct
16. Let v and a denote the velocity and acceleration respectivly of the particle in one dimension motion.
a.the speed of the particle decreases when v.a <0
b. the speed of the particle decreases when v.a >0
c.the speed of the particle increases when v.a=0
d. the speed of the particle decreases when |v|<|a|

. when v.a <0
That mean they are in opposite direction
So when the particle is moving towards origin,acceleration is acting outwards so it is decreasing the speed
When the particle is moving outwards,acceleration is acting inwards hence it is decreasing the speed
So this option is correct

When v.a > 0

That means v and a are in same direction
When the particle is moving towards origin, acceleration is also acting inwards so increasing the speed
When the particle is moving outwards,acceleration is also acting outwards hence increasing the speed
So this option is not correct

when v.a=0
Then possible cases are
Acceleration is zero
Velocity is zero
Both are zero
So speed does not increases in all cases.So this option is not correct

Possible cases
Velocity is positive ,accleration is positive ----Speed increase
Velocity is negative ,acceleration is negative----Speed increase
Velocity is positive,acceleration is negative
Velocity is negative ,acceleration is positive---Speed decreases
So this is not correct option

So correct answer is a
17.The displacement of a particle moving in straight line depends on time t as

which of the follwing is true

a. Intial acceleration depends on b only
b Intial velocity depends on c only
c. Intial displacement is d
d. Ratio of intial velocity /intial acceleration depends on a and c

. The displacement of a particle moving in straight line depends on time t as

Velocity (dx/dt)=3at2+2bt+c
Acceleration (d2x/dt2)=6at+2b

So Intial displacement(t=0) =d
Intial velolcity(t=0) =c
Intial acceleration (t=0) =2b

18.A particle located at x=0 at time t=0 starts moving along the positive x-direction with a velocity v that
varies as
The displacement of the particles varies with time as
which of the follwing is true
a. t2
b t3
c. t4
d. t1/2

. Given v=√x
Integrating both sides between the limit (0,x) and (0,t)
Hence (a) is correct
19.A Train is moving along a straight section of the track with a velocity of 180km/h. The braking
deceleration is 2m/s2s
At what distance from a train station should the train driver aply the brake so that train stops at the station
a. 800m
b 625m
c. 700m
d. none of these
. we are given
Now v2=v02+2as
0=(50)2-2*2*x or x=625m hence (b) is correct 20.from the previous question,how long will it take to
bring the train to the halt
a. 25s
b 20s
c. 15s
d. none of these

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