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>> Gamma has the greatest speed.

>> At night the land cools faster than the water in the
sea. >>The chemical name of chalk is Calcium carbonate. >> The branch of
science which studies the interaction between matter and radian energy is called Spectroscopy.
>> The horizontal rows of the periodic table are called Periods. >>
The vertical columns of the periodic table are called Groups.
>> Bromine is liquid at room temperature.
>> Battery charger converts electrical energy into Chemical energy.
>> A loudspeaker changes Electrical energy into sound energy.
>> The strongest parts of a magnet are North and South Pole.
>> Electromagnetic induction was discovered by Faraday.
>> The most abundant form of matter in the universe is Plasma.
>> When gas is ionized, Plasma forms.
>> Wind is caused by Difference in atmospheric pressure.
>> Wind speed is measured by Anemometer.
>> The fact that universe is expanding was discovered by Hubble.
>> X-rays were discovered by Rontgen.
>> The Nobel Prize in physics for the discovery of the law of photoelectric effect was awarded to
>> The symbol of gold is Au. >> Plaster of Paris is produced by heating Gypsum.
>> Skin is the largest excretory organ of the body.
>> The brain is enclosed in a bony case called cranium.
>> Radius is the bone that is present in forelimb. nts test preparation mcqs related to computer
>> Information is data that has been organized or presented in a meaningful fashion.
>> Computers gather data, which means that they allow users to input data.
>> After a picture has been taken with a digital camera and processed appropriately, the actual print of
the picture is considered output.
>> Computers process data into information by working exclusively with numbers.
>> The term bit is short for binary digit.
>> The frequency range over which coaxial cables are typically used is 106 to 108 Hz.
>> In internet, the well-known port 21 refers to the application FTP.
>> The maximum data rate possible through a noise free 4 kHz binary channel is 8000 bps.
>> The transparency provided in a distributed system where users cannot tell how many copies of a
resource exist is termed as Replication transparency.
>> Shared memory multiprocessors configurations can be said to be tightly coupled.
>> In distributed systems, RPC stands for Remote Procedure Call.
>> MISD category of classification of multiple computer systems is not generally used in practice.
>> Translation Look aside Buffer (TLB) is also called Associative Memory.
>> In Internet Standards Terminology, RFC refers to Request for Comments.
>> MIME is associated with the following E-mail.
>> The mode of communication in which transmission can be bidirectional. But in only one direction at a
time is called Half Duplex.
>> In Serial communication, start and stop bits are used for Synchronization.
>> In a transmitter, the unmodulated signal is known as Baseband signal.
>> In data communications, bauds signify Signaling rate.
>> VPN denotes a Virtual Private Network.
>> To move the cursor to the end of the document press Ctrl + End.
>> In Word Processing the red underline indicates Spelling mistakes.
>> The shortcut key to print documents is Ctrl + P.
>> Program threats are Trojan horse.
>> The bar which displays information about the current page number is Status bar.
>>Japan has the oldest monarchy. >> ITAR-TASS is the news agency of Russia.
>> Pakistan’s standard time was suggested by Professor Muhammad Anwar.
>> Golf player Vijay Singh belongs to Fiji.
>> Guarantee to an exporter that the importer of his goods will pay immediately for the goods ordered
by him, is known as Letter of Credit (L/C).
>> First Afghan War took place in 1839.
>> Gulf cooperation council was originally formed by Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and
United Arab Emirates.
>> First China War was fought between China and Britain.
>> Pakistan’s first coin was issued on 3rd January 1948.
>> Attock fort was constructed by Akbar.
>> Mancher Lake situated in Dadu.
>> Treeless plains of Argentina called Pampas.
>> Software name is given to the programs run by a computer, as opposed to the hardware.
>> Charles Dickens wrote David Copperfield.
>> Koala animal is an Aboriginal term meaning ‘no water’
>> Horse has the biggest eyes of any living creature.
>> The Wrigley Building is located in Chicago, US city.
>> New York is known as City of Skyscrapers.
>> Driest place in the world is Death Valley (California).
>> Largest Museum in the world is in USA.
>> World environment day is on 5th June.
>> The world oldest known city is Damascus.
>> Hindenburg Line is in between Germany and Poland.
>> Highest Dam in world is The Grande (Switzerland).
>> Headquarter of Ghandhara civilization is in Taxilla.
>> Russia is largest in area.
>> The largest planet is Jupiter.
>> Germany did the Rottweiler originate.
>> Green color is produced by adding together yellow and cyan.
>> The biggest Salt Mine located in Pakistan in Jhelum.
>> Pakistan will receive 14 billion meter cube natural gas from Turkmenistan per year.
>> Pakistan-Qatar deal to import LNG from Qatar to Pakistan is a government-to-government contract
for 15 years.
>> Pakistan-Qatar LNG contract was signed on 10 February 2016.
>> According to the Pakistan-Qatar LNG deal Pakistan will receive 3.75 million tons of LNG annually.
>> Nandipur Power Plant is located in Gujranwala.
>> Pakistan launched Operation Zarb-e-Azb in North Waziristan on 15 June 2014.
>> The GDP growth for the financial year 2014-15 was 4.24%.
>> Sharmeen Obaid Chinoy won Oscars award 2015 for the second time for her documentary movie A
Girl in the River: The Price of Forgiveness.
>> The first shaheed female pilot of Pakistan Air Force is Marium Mukhtiar.
>> The youngest Nobel Prize laureate, Malala Yousafzai won Nobel Peace Prize for the year 2014.
>> Dr. Abdus Salam won Nobel Prize for the year 1979 in the field of Physics.
>> The agriculture sector contributes 20.88 % towards national GDP.
>> The industrial sector contributes 20.30 % towards national GDP.
>> The agriculture sector generates 43.5 % of employment.
>> The population growth rate in Pakistan is 1.92 percent.
>> The government of Pakistan is trying to add electricity generation of 10,400 MW to national grid by
2017- 18.
>> Pakistan conducted the first use of its military drone, “Burraq”, in Shawal Valley of North Waziristan
on 7 September 2015.
>> Pakistan won the Cricket T20 World Cup in 2009.
>> Pakistan has won squash men’s world open for 14 times.
>> The Vision 2025 aims to serve 4 functions.
>> The Parliament passed a bill to convert PIA into a public limited company on 11 April 2016.
>> The president of China arrived in Pakistan for two day visit on 20 April 2015.
>> The bill for 21 st amendment in the constitution of Pakistan was passed from the national assembly
of Pakistan on 6 January 2015.
>> The provisions of the 21 st amendment shall remain in force for a period of 2 year(s).
>> The president of China on his visit to Pakistan signed development projects of worth $ 46 billion.

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