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Ateneo de Davao University

Graduate Business and Governance Programs


Title Page
Table of Contents
List of Tables
List of Figures
List of Appendices

1.1 Background of the Study
1.2 Framework
1.3 Statement of the Problem
1.4 Hypotheses
1.5 Objectives
1.6 Significance of the Study
1.7 Scope and Limitations
1.8 Definition of Terms



3.1 Research Design
3.2 Unit/s of Analysis
3.3 Data Collection Method
3.4 Statistical Treatment


Title Page
Entries must be the same as presented below:


MASTER IN _______________________ PROGRAM/
DOCTOR OF ___________________________ PROGRAM

(ADDU Logo)


A Thesis/Dissertation Submitted to the Faculty of the Graduate

Business and Governance Programs in Partial Fulfilment of the
Requirements of the Master in / Doctor of ______________ Program




Table of Contents

Indicate the titles of main sections, subsections, and their corresponding

page numbers. This should also show the “Appendices” section and the
“References” section with the corresponding page numbers. The entries
should be in double space format.

List of Table/s (indicate the name of the table and the corresponding page

Include this part if there is any table shown in the paper. The entries
should be in double space format.

List of Figure/s (indicate the name of the figure and the corresponding page
Include this part if there is any chart, graph, or diagram shown in the
paper. The entries should be in double space format.

Chapter I

The title of this chapter is “INTRODUCTION.”

1.1 Background of the Study

This section should provide circumstantial evidence to introduce
and justify the conduct of your study. You should include all the facts at the
global, national, and regional levels. You should be able to make sense of
these facts by fitting them to your thesis / dissertation.

Include at least the following items in this section:

a) Background (or past and current situations) of the selected
company (or organization or industry).
b) Some relevant statistics or data that are meaningful (or
relevant) to your selected problem/s.
c) Other pieces of information that will lead to and justify your
selected problem/s.

1.2 Framework

1.2.1Theoretical Framework
You should examine course readings and relevant literature (based
on your “Review of Related Literature”) for existing theories and analytical
models that are related and meaningful to the research problem you are
investigating. The selection of a theory should be based on its
appropriateness, ease of application, and explanatory power.

Represent graphically the theoretical framework and

comprehensively discuss it. Your discussion should demonstrate how well
you understand the theories and concepts that are relevant to your thesis
and that will relate it to the broader fields of knowledge. The theoretical
framework should be the point from which your conceptual framework is

1.2.2 Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework allows you to offer your own perspective
and inquiries which are anchored on the theoretical framework. Hence,
you should define and systematically organize it to provide the focus and
rationale for your hypothesized relationships and/or effects of the different
variables that are included in your thesis. Be sure to support your
conceptual framework by citing and discussing published and related
scholarly works and empirical observations.

Represent graphically the conceptual framework by showing all the

variables that are included in your thesis/dissertation and by indicating
their hypothesized relationships and/or effects. Comprehensively discuss
the conceptual framework. Your discussion should demonstrate how well
you have assimilated all the theories and concepts that relate to your

Both theoretical framework and conceptual framework must be aligned

with the research problems.

The entries should be in double space format.

1.3 Statement of the Problem

The research problem should be stated unambiguously and in
question form.

1.4 Hypotheses
State the hypotheses in the null form. Also, state how you will test
each hypothesis.

1.5 Objectives
Enumerate here the reasons why you would like to provide the
answers to your research problem. You may classify your objectives as
“Primary Objectives” and “Secondary Objectives.”

1.6 Significance of the Study

State here the importance of your study to the following entities:

a) Selected company (or organization or industry)

b) Practitioners
c) Academicians
d) Your fellow students and researchers

1.7 Scope and Limitations of the Study

State here what your study will do (scope) and what your study will
not do (limitations).

1.8 Definitions of Terms

Enumerate and define the important terms (specially the technical
terms) you included in your study. Definitions may be dictionary definitions
or operational definitions, depending on the need. A dictionary definition is
defining a concept with a synonym while an operational definition is
defining a concept (or variable) in terms of specific criteria for testing or
measurement. The latter must specify adequately the empirical
information about the concept and how it will be observed or collected.

All sources of dictionary definitions must be correctly cited (in accordance

with the APA Manual) in your paper.

The entries should be in double space format.

Chapter II

The title of this chapter is “REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE.”

Include in this chapter the different scholarly writings from peer-reviewed

(or refereed) research journals, books, periodicals, and other learned
sources. These writings should be contextually related and meaningful to
your study. At the end of the chapter, be sure to include a section
containing your synthesis and conclusion about the collection of written
works you have included for the purpose of identifying the research gap
that will be addressed by your thesis.

The entries should be in double space format.

Chapter III

The title of this chapter is “METHODOLOGY.”

3.1 Research Design

Cite and discuss your selected research design.

3.2 Unit/s of Analysis

Identify and discuss the following items:

a) The variables that are included in your study

b) Type/s (quantitative or qualitative or both) of data that you will use
c) Source/s of data (primary and secondary)
d) Sampling design (if you will do sampling)
e) Sampling frame (if you will do sampling)
f) Sample size (if you will do sampling) showing the computations
g) Respondents (describe the respondents and discuss how you will
select them)

3.3 Data Collection Method

Discuss how you will gather your data.

3.4 Statistical Treatment

Identify here the statistical technique/s that will be applied to your
study. Discuss thoroughly the concept of the tool/s. Justify the use of the
technique/s. The justification must be able to show the suitability of the
technique/s to solve the research problems.


Use the APA Manual, 6th Edition (or later) for the proper format of listing


Appendices are included in a study for placing large tables, large figures,
questionnaire, full-text or excerpts of large documents that support your
discussions in the text, large details about statistical techniques, statistical
test results, etc.

Curriculum Vitae of the Candidate (with the latest 2x2 picture)

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