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12, DECEMBER 2008 5441

Relay-Assisted Free-Space Optical Communication

Majid Safari, Student Member, IEEE, and Murat Uysal, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—In this paper, we present relay-assisted transmission Despite the major advantages of FSO, its widespread use
as a powerful fading mitigation tool for free-space optical systems has been hampered by its rather disappointing performance
operating in atmospheric turbulence channels. We study both for long-range links. For link ranges longer than 1 km, at-
serial (i.e., multi-hop transmission) and parallel (i.e., cooper-
ative diversity) relaying encoupled with amplify-and-forward mospheric turbulence-induced fading becomes a major perfor-
and decode-and-forward modes. We consider an aggregated mance limiting factor in FSO systems [4]. A number of fading-
channel model which takes into account both path-loss and mitigation techniques have been proposed in the literature
turbulence-induced log-normal fading. Since fading variance is including error-correcting codes [5], [6], maximum-likelihood
distance-dependent in free-space optical systems, relay-assisted sequence estimation [7], and spatial diversity [8]–[11]. Among
transmission takes advantage of the resulting shorter hops and
yields significant performance improvements. We derive outage those, spatial diversity is particularly attractive with its lower
probability of the relaying schemes under consideration which complexity. Spatial diversity involves the use of multiple trans-
are further confirmed through Monte-Carlo simulations. Our mit and/or receive apertures and has been extensively studied
outage probability analysis demonstrates that an impressive in the context of wireless radio-frequency (RF) communication
performance improvement of 18.5 dB is possible with the use before it was applied to FSO communication. In this paper, we
of a single relay at a target outage probability of 10−6 .
borrow another well-studied concept - cooperative diversity -
Index Terms—Free-space optical systems, cooperative diver- from wireless RF literature to apply within the context of FSO
sity, fading channels. communications.
Cooperative diversity has been recently introduced as an
I. I NTRODUCTION alternative way of realizing spatial diversity advantages [12]–
[14]. The main idea behind cooperative diversity is based
F REE-SPACE optical (FSO) communication refers to ter-
restrial line-of-sight optical transmission through the at-
mosphere. This technology has recently attracted a renewed
on the observation that in a wireless RF channel, the signal
transmitted by the source node is overheard by other nodes,
which can be defined as partners or relays. The source and its
interest within the research community although its roots can
partners can jointly process and transmit their information,
be traced back to Alexander Graham Bell’s ”photophone” [1].
creating a virtual antenna array although each of them is
In this first FSO experiment carried out on February 18, 1880,
equipped with only one antenna. Multihop transmission is an
Bell was able to transmit voice signals through a modulated
alternative relay-assisted transmission scheme which employs
beam of light via atmosphere for a distance of about 200 m.
the relays in a serial configuration [15], [16]. Such schemes
Although Bell’s photophone never came out as a commercial
are typically used to broaden the signal coverage for limited-
product, it has successfully demonstrated the potential of FSO
power transmitters and do not offer performance improvement
against fading effects in wireless RF environments, i.e., it does
Today’s FSO systems use either lasers or LEDs (light emit-
not increase the diversity order [12].
ting diodes) to transmit a modulated beam of visible/infrared
light [2]. These systems are license-free with high-bandwidth To the best of our knowledge, relay-assisted FSO trans-
capacity providing a cost-effective and easy-to-install alterna- mission was first proposed by Acampora and Krishnamurthy
tive to fiber optics. They further provide an inherent security in [17]. Their work, however, has a networking perspective
due to the nature of their directional and narrow beams which and does not address the physical layer aspects which our
make eavesdropping and jamming nearly impossible. With paper aims to focus on. In [18], Akella have studied
its unique features, FSO communication is appealing for a the bit error rate performance of a decode-and-forward FSO
number of applications including last-mile access, fiber back- multi-hop scheme. Their channel model considers only path-
up, back-haul for wireless cellular networks, and disaster loss and ignores the fading effects. In [19] and [20], Tsiftsis
recovery [3]. have considered K and Gamma-Gamma atmospheric-
induced fading models without explicitly taking into account
Manuscript received December 1, 2007; revised March 2, 2007; accepted the path-loss and evaluated outage probability for a multi-hop
March 31, 2007. The associate editor coordinating the review of this paper FSO system. Their results demonstrate the usefulness of relay-
and approving it for publication was N. Arumugam. This paper was presented
in part at the Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, assisted transmission as a method to broaden the coverage
Monterey, CA, USA, November 2007. area, but do not highlight its use as a fading-mitigation tool
The work of M. Uysal is supported in part by a Natural Sciences which is demonstrated in our paper.
and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Special Research
Opportunity Grant (SROPJ305821-05). In this paper, we study relay-assisted FSO communication
The authors are with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engi- system based on different configurations of relays whether
neering, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, N2L3G1, Canada (e-mail:, they are employed in serial (i.e., multi-hop transmission) or
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/T-WC.2008.071352 in parallel (i.e., cooperative diversity). Our investigation on
c 2008 IEEE

multi-hop FSO differs from earlier work in [18]–[20] in the d0,1 d1,2 d2,3 dN,N+1
S R1 R2 R3 RN
sense that we explicitly take into account both path-loss and D
fading effects. At this point, it is worth emphasizing that fading
variance is distance-dependent in FSO systems. This is a major Fig. 1. FSO serial relaying configuration.
difference between wireless RF and wireless optical systems
and allows multi-hop FSO transmission bring performance R1
improvements against the degrading effects of fading, as d0,1 d1,N+1
reflected by our performance analysis and numerical results. d0,2 R2
We also consider parallel relaying in this paper as a possible d3,N+1
alternative to serial relaying. It is obvious that broadcast nature d0,3 R3
of wireless RF transmission (i.e., the cost-free possibility of
the transmitted signals being received by other than desti- RN
nation nodes) is not present in FSO transmission which is
based on line-of-sight transmission through directional beams.
Fig. 2. FSO parallel relaying configuration.
Therefore, we create an artificial broadcasting through the
use of multiple transmitter apertures directed to relay nodes
and propose a parallel relaying transmission scheme. For Gaussian noise with zero mean and variance of σn2 = N0 /2.
both parallel and serial transmission under consideration, we This is a good approximation of the shot noise caused by
derive expressions for outage probability assuming amplify- background radiation when the intensity of the light incident
and-forward (AF) and decode-and-forward (DF) relaying. We on the photodetector is sufficiently high [2].
further present an extensive simulation study to confirm our In serial relaying (Fig 1), the source transmits an intensity-
derivations. modulated signal to a relay node. Under the assumption of DF
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: In Section II, relaying, the relay decodes the signal after direct detection,
we introduce the system model and describe the serial and par- modulates it with BPPM, and retransmits it to the next relay.
allel relay-assisted transmission schemes under consideration. If AF relaying is employed, the relay does not perform any
In Section III, we present expressions of outage probability decoding on the received signal and, after multiplication with
assuming both AF and DF relaying. In Section IV, we provide a proper energy scaling term, simply forwards it to the next
numerical results of outage analysis and compare them with relay. This continues until the source’s data arrives at the
simulation results. Finally, we conclude in Section V. destination node.
Fig. 2 illustrates a parallel relaying scheme. Since broad-
II. R ELAY-A SSISTED FSO T RANSMISSION casting is not possible due to the nature of FSO communica-
We consider a relay-assisted FSO communication system in tion, the source is equipped with a multi-laser transmitter with
which the transmitted signal from a source node propagates each of the lasers pointing out in the direction of a correspond-
through N serial or parallel relays before detection at the des- ing relay node. The source node transmits the same signal to
tination node. The system under consideration uses intensity- N relays. Based on the AF or DF relaying method, the relays
modulation direct-detection (IM/DD) employing binary pulse either decode and retransmit the signal or scale the received
position modulation (BPPM). In such systems, optical trans- signal and forward it to the destination. It should be noted that,
mitter is “on” during a half of the BPPM bit interval (i.e., different from wireless RF communication, distributed space-
“signal slot”) and is “off” during the other half (i.e., “non- time block coding across relays is not required because of the
signal slot”). The receiver integrates the detected photocurrent ensured orthogonality of the received diffraction patterns from
over both the signal and non-signal slots of the BPPM pulse sufficiently separated transmit apertures [10], [21].
and obtains the resulting electrical signal vector given by
r RTb (Ps + Pb ) + ns A. Channel Model
r= = (1)
rn RTb Pb + nn
We consider an aggregated channel model where both
where rs and rn are the received electrical signals which distance-dependant path loss and turbulence-induced fading
correspond to signal and non-signal slots of the BPPM pulse. are taken into account. The path loss ratio for an FSO link
In (1), Ps and Pb are, respectively, the optical signal power with length d can be expressed as [8]
and background power incident on the photodetector, Tb is the
AT X ARX −σ d
duration of the signal and non-signal slots, and R = ηq/hf = e (2)
is responsitivity of the photodetector. η is quantum efficiency
of the photodetector, q is the electron’s charge, h is Planck’s where σ is the attenuation coefficient which is dependent on
constant, and f is the optical frequency. ns and nn in (1) visibility [22]. AT X , ARX , and λ are transmitter aperture
denote the additive noise terms for the signal and non-signal area, receiver aperture area, and the optical wavelength, re-
slots. We assume background noise limited receivers [4], [9] spectively.
in which the shot noise caused by background radiation is We model turbulence-induced fading by log-normal distri-
dominant with respect to the other noise components, e.g., bution [4], [7]–[11] which is commonly used to model weak
thermal, signal-dependent, and dark noise. Therefore, the turbulence conditions. Let α = exp(χ) be the channel fading
noise term is modeled as a signal-independent additive white amplitude which is described by the log-normal probability

distribution function (pdf) given by received signals after direct detection, modulate them with
  BPPM, and simultaneously retransmit to the destination. At
1 (ln (α) − μχ )
f (α) =  exp − . (3) the destination, we assume a large receiver field of view which
α 2πσ 2 2σχ2 allows all of the optical fields transmitted from different relay
nodes are simultaneously detected. Let D denote the decoded
Hence the fading log-amplitude χ is modeled as a Gaussian
set which is the set of relays having successfully decoded
distributed random variable with mean μχ and variance σχ2 . the signal (i.e., the received SNR exceeds the threshold).
We normalize the fading amplitude such that E[α2 ] = 1 The received signal at the destination is superposition of the
implying μχ = −σχ2 . This ensures that the fading does not received optical powers transmitted from the decoded set [10],
attenuate or amplify the average power [6]. Besides the link [21] and is given by
length d, the log-amplitude variance depends on wave number  s 
(k), and refractive index structure constant (Cn2 ) and is given rN +1 =
rN +1
by ⎡ rN +1 ⎤
σχ2 (d) = 0.124k 7/6Cn2 d11/6 . (4)
RT P g i,N +1 + P + n s
=⎣ N +1 ⎦
b b
i∈D .
B. DF Relaying RTb Pb + nnN +1
In DF relaying, the relay decodes the signal after direct
detection, modulates it using BPPM with optical power P , and C. AF Relaying
retransmits it to the next relay (or to the destination in the last In AF relaying, the relay first normalizes the received signal
hop), only if the received signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) exceeds ri = [ris , rin ]T by a factor of E[ris + rin ] to ensure the unity
a given decoding threshold. Such a threshold is required to of average power. The relay then modulates the normalized
avoid the error propagation [13]. signal by optical power P and retransmits it to the next relay
In serial relaying, the received signal at ith node (i = (or to the destination within the last hop). In effect, the average
1, 2, . . . , N + 1)1 is given by transmitted power from each relay remains constant as P .
ri RTb (P gi−1,i + Pb ) + nsi Furthermore, in order to improve power efficiency, the relay
ri = = (5) reduces the level of the received signal before normalization to
rin RTb Pb + nni
remove the background light bias (i.e., RTb Pb ) which contains
where ris and rin are the received signals which correspond to
no information. However, reducing the signal level by RTb Pb
signal and non-signal slots of the BPPM pulse. In (5), gi−1,i is
may result in a negative signal. Therefore, this bias operation
the channel gain of the link connecting (i−1)th and ith nodes
should be performed in such a way that ensures the non-
and P is the average transmitted optical power per transmit
negativity of the signal which will be modulated.
aperture which is related to the total transmitted power (Pt )
Considering the bias and normalization operations, the
by P = Pt /(N + 1) for serial relaying. It is obvious that the
received signal at ith node (i = 1, 2, . . . , N + 1) for serial
optical signal power incident on the photodetector is now given
relaying is given as
as Ps = P gi−1,i . The channel gain of the link connecting ith  s   
and j th nodes gi,j (i, j = 0, 1, . . . , N + 1) can be formulated ri s
ai−1 gi−1,i ri−1 + RTb Pb − Ai + nsi
ri = =
as  ri
n n
ai−1 gi−1,i ri−1 +RTb Pb − Ai + nni
gi,j = α2i,j Li,j (6) =
ai−1 gi−1,i ri−1 + Ai + ni
s s
ai−1 gi−1,i ri−1 + Ai + nni
where αi,j is the turbulence-induced fading amplitude and (9)
Li,j = (di,j )/(d0,N +1 ) denotes the normalized path loss where Ai = RTb Pb − Ai = − min{ai−1 gi−1,i ri−1 s
for the hop range between ith and j th nodes with respect to nsi , ai−1 gi−1,i ri−1
+ nni } is the AF bias term including the
the distance of direct link between source and destination, i.e., effects of background light bias (RTb Pb ) and the bias opera-
d0,N +1 . tion (−Ai ) which leads to improvement of power efficiency.
In parallel relaying, each of the relay nodes receives the In practice, the relay node carries out this bias operation
transmitted signal from the corresponding transmit apertures simply by decreasing the level of the received signals in the
pointed in their direction. The received signal at ith relay (i = signal and non-signal BPPM slots until one of them reaches
1, 2, . . . , N ) is given by zero. Note that the bias operation does not cause any loss of
ri RTb (P g0,i + Pb ) + nsi signal information because the information is contained in the
ri = = (7)
rin RTb Pb + nni difference between the signal and non-signal slot levels which
where the average optical power per transmit aperture P can remains constant during the bias operation where the signal
be obtained by dividing the total transmitted power by the and non-signal slot levels are reduced by the same amount.
number of the transmit apertures in parallel relaying config- In (9), the amplification factor at the (i − 1)th node, ai−1
uration2, i.e., P = Pt /(2N ). The relay nodes decode their (i = 2, 3, . . . , N + 1), is defined as
1 Throughout this paper, indexes i = 0 and i = N + 1 refer to the source ai−1 = (10)
and the destination nodes respectively, and indexes i = 1, 2, . . . , N refer to ρi−1
the relay nodes. where ρi−1 = E[ri−1 s
+ ri−1
] is the normalization term. Note
2 Recall that the source is equipped with N transmitters and each of N
relay nodes has one transmitter resulting in a total of 2N transmit apertures that for the signal transmitted from the source, normalization
for this scheme. is obviously not performed, i.e., a0 = RTb P . The details on

the calculation of the normalization term can be found in the A. Outage Probability for DF Relaying
Appendix. The received signal at the destination is given by In DF relaying, outage of each intermediate link may lead to
rN +1 the outage of the relaying scheme. Therefore, the calculation
rN +1 = n of outage probability for each intermediate link is required
rN +1
⎡  N

N ⎤ to evaluate the end-to-end performance. We first calculate
ai gi,i+1 + (nsj + Aj ) ai gi,i+1 + nsN +1 the outage probability of an intermediate SISO (single-input
⎢ i=0 ⎥
j=1 i=j ⎥.
⎦ single-output) link which is the building block of both serial

(nj + Aj )
ai gi,i+1 + nN +1
and parallel relaying schemes.
j=1 i=j
Using (14), the received electrical SNR for the intermediate
SISO link connecting ith and j th nodes can be obtained as
In parallel relaying, the relays receive the transmitted sig-
nals from the corresponding transmit apertures pointed in the R2 Tb2 P 2 gi,j

direction of their locations and simultaneously retransmit them γ= . (17)

with proper normalization and bias operations. The received
signal at ith relay (i = 1, 2, . . . , N ) is therefore given by Inserting (17) in (16), the outage probability of the SISO link
 s    is
ri RTb P g0,i + Ai + nsi   
ri = = (12) γth N0
rin Ai + nni Pout,SISO = Pr gi,j < . (18)
R2 Tb2 P 2
and the received signal at the destination is
 s  We replace the definition of gi,j = α2i,j Li,j in (18) and obtain
rN +1
rN +1 = n
rN 1 N
⎡ N +1 ⎤

Pout,SISO (di,j ) = Pr α2i,j < (19)
⎢ i=1 a0 ai gi,N +1 g0,i + ai gi,N +1 (ni + Ai ) + nN +1
s s Li,j PM

=⎣ ⎢ ⎥.

N ⎦ where N  = N + 1 for serial relaying and N  = 2N for
ai gi,N +1 (nni + Ai ) + nnN +1 parallel relaying. In (19), PM denotes power margin [9] and
(13) is defined as PM = Pt /Pth where Pth denotes a threshold
transmit power required to guarantee that no outage happens
III. O UTAGE A NALYSIS in a direct fading-free transmission from the source to the
destination. Thus the power margin can be expressed as
Atmospheric turbulence results in a very slowly-varying 
fading in FSO systems. The channel coherence time is about Pt2 R2 Tb2
1-100 ms, therefore fading remains constant over hundreds PM = . (20)
N0 γth
of thousand up to millions of consecutive bits for typical
transmission rates [9]. For such quasi-static channels where In (19), α2i,j is a log-normal random variable with mean
the errors caused by fading are no longer independent, out- 2μχ (di,j ) and variance 4σχ2 (di,j ). Therefore the outage proba-
age probability is a suitable metric to evaluate the system bility can be written using the cumulative distribution function
performance. Denote C(α ) as the instantaneous capacity (cdf) of the log-normal distribution as
corresponding to a channel realization α = α which is a
ln (Li,j PM /N  ) + 2μχ (di,j )
function of instantaneous electrical SNR γ . For a Gaussian Pout,SISO (di,j ) = Q (21)
channel where the mean of received signal components for the 2σχ (di,j )
signal and non-signal slots are given by ms and mn , we have  √ ∞
where Q(x) = 1/ 2π x exp(−u2 /2)du. Once we obtain
rs ∼ N (ms , σn2 /2) and rn ∼ N (mn , σn2 /2). Instantaneous the outage probability of the SISO link, we can now return
electrical SNR can be then defined as [23] our attention to end-to-end outage probability for serial and
(ms − mn )2 parallel relaying.
γ= . (14)
σn2 1) Serial Relaying: In serial relaying, an outage occurs
when any of the intermediate SISO links fails. Hence the
The outage probability at the transmission rate of R0 is given
outage probability for the end-to-end scheme can be given
by [24]
Pout (R0 ) = Pr (C(γ) < R0 ) . (15) N 

Pout = Pr {γi < γth } (22)
Since C(·) is monotonically increasing with respect to γ, (15)
can be rewritten as
where γ0 , γ1 , . . . , γN are the SNRs of the intermediate SISO
Pout (R0 ) = Pr (γ < γth ) (16) channels with the lengths of d0,1 , d1,2 , . . . , dN,N +1 . Eq. (22)
can be rewritten as
where γth = C −1 (R0 ) is the threshold SNR. If SNR exceeds N
γth , no outage happens and signal can be decoded with 
Pout = 1 − Pr {γi > γth }
arbitrarily low error probability at the receiver. We also note i=0
that we assume the aforementioned decoding threshold in DF 
=1− (1 − Pout,SISO (di,i+1 )).
relaying and γth are taken equal. i=0

Replacing (21) in (23), the end-to-end outage probability for Pr(j ∈ S(i)) = 1 − Pout,SISO (d0,j ). Inserting these in (30),
serial relaying scheme is obtained as we obtain
⎛ ⎛ ⎞⎞ 

2μχ (di,i+1 )
Li,i+1 PM e
⎜ ⎜ ln (N +1) ⎟⎟ Pout = (1 − Pout,SISO (d0,j ))
Pout = 1 − ⎜1 − Q ⎜ ⎟⎟. (24) i=1 j∈S(i)
⎝ ⎝ 2σχ (di,i+1 ) ⎠⎠
i=0  ¯
× Pout,SISO (d0,j ) Pout,MISO (dS(i) ).
j ∈S(i)
2) Parallel Relaying: In parallel relaying, outage occur-
rence in one of the intermediate SISO links does not nec- Replacing (21) and (29) in (31), the end-to-end outage prob-
essarily lead to an outage of the relaying scheme. In this ability for parallel relaying scheme is obtained as
⎡ ⎛ ⎛   ⎞⎞
scheme, an outage occurs if either the decoded set D is empty ln
L0,j PM e

or the MISO (multiple-input single-output) link between the

⎢  ⎜ ⎜ 2N
Pout ≈ ⎣ ⎝1 − Q ⎝ 2σχ (d0,j ) ⎠⎠
decoding relays and the destination fails. The received SNR i=1 j∈S(i)
for the MISO link can be written as ⎛   ⎞⎤
⎛ ⎞
2 ln
L0,j PM e PM e ξ

 ⎜ 2N
⎟⎥ ⎝ ln 2N
R2 Tb2 P 2 gi,N +1 × Q⎝ ⎠⎦ Q ⎠.
2σχ (d0,j ) σξ (d̄S(i) )
i∈D j ∈S(i)
γ= . (25)
N0 (32)
Inserting (25) in (16), the outage probability of the MISO link
is obtained as B. Outage Probability for AF Relaying

In AF relaying, the intermediate relay nodes forward the
Pout,MISO = Pr γth N0
gi,N +1 < R2 T 2 P 2
i∈D b
(26) signal without any decoding. Thus, instead of considering

2 2N SNRs in intermediate SISO links, the total received SNR at
= Pr Li,N +1 αi,N +1 < PM .
i∈D the destination should be calculated for outage analysis.
We approximate the weighted sum of log-normal random vari- 1) Serial AF Relaying: Recall that the received signal at
ables as a log-normal random variable using the destination node for serial AF relaying is given by (11).

moment matching Eq. (11) can be rewritten as
method [11], [25], i.e., β = exp(ξ) ≈ i∈D Li,N +1 α2i,N +1 .
⎡ N ⎤
The log-amplitude factor ξ is defined as a normal random vari-  s  
able with mean μξ and variance σξ2 which can be respectively rN +1 ag + Aacc + nacc ⎦
rN +1 = n = ⎣ i=0 i i,i+1 (33)
written as rN +1
Aacc + nnacc

μξ (d¯D ) = ln Li,N +1 − σξ2 (d¯D )/2 (27) where nsacc and nnacc are
the accumulated
N noise terms which
i∈D are defined as nacc = j=1 nj i=j ai gi,i+1 + nsN +1 , and
s s

⎛  ⎞ nnacc = n
j=1 nj i=j ai gi,i+1 + nN +1 . In (33), Aacc de-

notes accumulated bias term and is given by Aacc =

N the 
4σχ (di,N +1 )
⎜ L2i,N +1 e −1 ⎟ N
σξ2 (d¯D )

= ln ⎜1 +
i∈D ⎟ Aj i=j ai gi,i+1 . Using (14) and (33), the received
2 ⎟ . (28) j=1

⎠ SNR at the destination node is given by
Li,N +1

a2i gi,i+1

The mean and variance of the log-amplitude factor ξ are func- γ=  i=0
. (34)
tions of d¯D which is the set of all the distances between the de-

coding relays and the destination (i.e., di,N +1 ∈ d¯D , ∀i ∈ D). N0 a2i gi,i+1
2 +1
j=1 i=j
Using the cdf of log-normal distribution, (26) is approximated
as Defining
Pout,MISO (d¯D ) ≈ Pr β < P2N a2i gi,i+1
(29) νj = i=0
ln(PM /2N )+μξ (d¯D )
=Q σ (d̄D )
. (RTb )2 P 2
we can rewrite (34) as
For a parallel relaying scheme with N relays, the decoded set
−1 −1
consists of 2N possibilities. Let S(i) denote the ith possible set (RTb )2 P 2 ν0−1 + ν1−1 + · · · + νN
and Pr(S(i)) denote the probability of the event {D = S(i)}. γ= (36)
The outage probability for parallel relaying scheme can be
where νj ’s are log-normal random variables since any product
then expressed as
of independent log-normal random variables is also log-
2 normally distributed. Let νj = exp(κi ), then κi is a normal

Pout = Pout,MISO (d¯S(i) ) Pr(S(i)). (30) random variable with mean
i=1 ⎛ ⎞
 i i

 can write Pr(S(i)) = Pr[( j∈S(i) j ∈ S(i)) ∩

We μκ (i) = ln ⎝L20,1 a2j L2j,j+1 ⎠ − 4 σχ2 (dj,j+1 ) (37)
( j ∈S(i)
/ j∈
/ S(i))], Pr(j ∈
/ S(i)) = Pout,SISO (d0,j ), and j=1 j=0

and variance The log-amplitude pair (ω1 , ω2 ) follows a correlated bivariate

i normal distribution [26]. Their mean and covariance matrix
σκ2 (i) = 16 σχ2 (dj,j+1 ). (38) are defined respectively as


On the other hand, the covariance between κi and κj can μ1 = ln ai L0,i Li,N +1 − σ12 /2 (46)
be obtained as Σκ (i, j) = σκ2 (min(i, j)). Since any power i=1

(positive or negative) of a log-normal random variable is also 

log-normally distributed, the sum of νj ’s can be approximated μ2 = ln a2i L2i,N +1 e4σχ (di,N +1) − σ22 /2 (47)

as a log-normal random variable, i.e., exp(ε) ≈ N j=0 νj .
Therefore, γ can be approximated in terms of a single log- σ12 σ12
normal random variable as Σ= (48)
σ12 σ22
γ ≈ (RTb )2 P 2 exp(−ε)/N0 (39) where σ12 , σ22 , and σ12 are given by
⎛  ⎞
where the mean and variance of the normally distributed

N 2 2

random variable ε are ⎜ a2i L20,i L2i,N  e4(σχ (d0i )+σχ (diN  )) − 1 ⎟
⎜ ⎟
N  σ12 = ln ⎜1 + i=1 N 2 ⎟

με = ln exp(σκ2 (i)/2 − μκ (i)) − σε2 /2 (40) ai L0,i Li,N 
i=0 i=1
⎛ ⎞ ⎛ (49)

N 2 (i)+σ2 (j)

N  2 2
24σχ (diN  ) 8σχ (diN  )
⎜ e 2
κ −μκ (i)−μκ (j)
(eΣκ (i,j) − 1) ⎟ ⎜ a4i L4i,N  e −e ⎟
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
σε2 = ln ⎜1 +
i=0 j=0
N 2 ⎟ σ22 = ln ⎜1 + i=1
N 2 ⎟

⎠ ⎝

exp(σκ2 (i)/2 − μκ (i)) a2i L2i,N  e4σχ (diN  )
i=0 i=1
(41) ⎛ (50)

Replacing (39) in (16), the end-to-end outage probability of 12σχ
a3i L0,i L3i,N 
(diN  )
4σχ (diN  )
the serial AF relaying scheme is obtained as ⎜ ⎟
σ12 = ln ⎜
⎝1 + i=1

N 2 (d
4σχ )
2 2 
Pout ≈ Pr exp(−ε) < (RT γth N0
2 2
b) P
ai Li,N  e iN ai L0,i Li,N 
 i=1 i=1
= Pr exp(−ε) < P 2 (N +1)2 (51)
where N  = N + 1. Replacing (45) in (16), the end-to-end
/(N +1)2 )−με
=Q σ . outage probability is obtained using pdf of the bivariate normal
distribution as in (52) at the top of the next page. The upper
2) Parallel AF Relaying: Recall that the received signal at limit of the inner integration in (52) is expressed as ω0 =
the destination node for parallel AF relaying is given by (13). ln(2N (exp(ω2 ) + 1)/PM )/2.
Eq. (13) can be rewritten as A closed-form expression for (52) is unfortunately not
 s  available. However, it can be easily calculated through
rN +1
rN +1 = n multi-dimensional integration routines such as Gauss-Hermite
⎡ rNN +1 ⎤ quadrature formula [27].

P a g g x + A + n s
= ⎣ i=1 i i,N +1 0,i 0 acc acc ⎦
Aacc + nnacc
In this section, we present numerical results for outage

N we defines thes accumulated

noise terms as nsacc = analysis obtained through the derived expressions and Monte-
i=1 ai gi,N +1 ni + nN +1 , nacc = gi,N +1 nni + nnN +1 ,
i=1 ai
Carlo simulations. In the following, we consider an FSO sys-
and the accumulated bias term as Aacc = i=1 ai gi,N +1 Ai . tem with λ = 1550 nm operating in clear weather conditions
Using (14) and (43), the received SNR at the destination node with visibility of 10 km. We assume an atmospheric attenu-
is given by ation of 0.43 dB/km (i.e., σ ≈ 0.1) and structure constant of
2 Cn2 = 1 × 10−14m−2/3 . The link range (i.e., distance between

RTb P ai gi,N +1 g0,i the source and the destination) is d0,N +1 = 5km. For serial
γ= N
. (44) relaying, we assume the consecutive nodes are equidistant

2 2 along the path from the source to the destination. In parallel
N0 ai gi,N +1 + 1
i=1 relaying, the relays are located on the halfway point.
The summation terms in the numerator and denominator Fig. 3 demonstrates the end-to-end outage probability of an
of (44) can be approximated FSO DF system for serial relaying assuming N = 1, 2, 3. We

N as single log-normal random present analytical results which have been obtained through
variables, i.e., exp(ω1 ) ≈ i=1 ai gi,N +1 g0,i and exp(ω2 ) ≈

N 2 2 (24) along with the Monte-Carlo simulation of (16). As clearly

i=1 ai gi,N +1 . Therefore, (44) reduces to
seen from Fig. 3, our exact closed-form expressions provide an
R2 Tb2 P 2 exp(2ω1 ) identical match to simulation results. As a benchmark, outage
γ≈ . (45)
N0 (exp(ω2 ) + 1) probability of the direct transmission is also included in this

exp(2ω1 )
Pout = Pr exp(ω 2 )+1
< P2N

∞ ω0 (52)
√ exp − ( 2 1 1
1 σ2 (ω −μ )2 +σ12 (ω2 −μ2 )2 −2σ12 (ω1 −μ1 )(ω2 −μ2 ))
= 2|Σ| dω2 dω1
−∞ −∞ 2π |Σ|

0 0
10 10
Direct Transmission Analytical Analytical
Direct Transmission
Numerical Numerical

−5 −5
10 N=1 10
Outage Probability

Outage Probability

−10 −10
10 10

−15 −15
10 10
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
PM [dB] PM [dB]

Fig. 3. Outage probability of FSO serial decode-and-forward relaying Fig. 4. Outage probability of FSO parallel decode-and-forward relaying
scheme. scheme.

exploits distance-dependency of fading variance to a lesser

figure. Serial relaying significantly improves the performance. extent.
Particularly, for a target outage probability of 10−6 , we Fig. 5 demonstrates the end-to-end outage probability of
observe performance improvements of 18.5 dB, 25.4 dB, and an FSO AF system for serial relaying assuming N = 1, 2, 3.
29.2 dB for N = 1, 2, and 3 with respect to the direct transmis- We present approximate analytical results which have been
sion. We should emphasize that these impressive performance obtained through (42) along with the Monte-Carlo simulation
gains are a result of relay-assisted transmission’s ability to of (16). For N = 1, we observe a very good match between
exploit the distance-dependency of the log-amplitude variance. analytical and simulation results. The discrepancy gets larger
As reported in [11], spatial diversity, through the use of co- for N = 2 and N = 3. Recall that closed-form expressions
located apertures, in an FSO communication system scales for this case are built upon an approximation of the sum
down the effective log-amplitude variance by the number of correlated log-normal random variables as a single log-
of apertures. A similar effect is observed in serial relaying normal term. Comparison with direct transmission reveals that
where the fading log-amplitude variance of each intermediate performance improvements are 12.2 dB, 17.7 dB, and 21 dB
SISO link decreases as the intra-distance decreases through for N = 1, 2 and 3 for a target outage probability of 10−6 .
the insertion of relaying nodes. Therefore, diversity advantage It is observed that the performance gains are less than those
is artificially induced in the relaying scheme by shortening the observed in DF relaying. However, AF relays enjoy a lower
distance between communicating nodes. complexity in comparison with DF counterparts since it does
Fig. 4 demonstrates the end-to-end outage probability of an not require any decoding process.
FSO DF system for parallel relaying assuming N = 1, 2, 3. We Fig. 6 demonstrates the end-to-end outage probability of an
present analytical results which have been obtained through FSO AF system for parallel relaying assuming N = 1, 2, 3. We
(32) along with the Monte-Carlo simulation of (16). Although present analytical results which have been obtained through
the derived expression is based upon an approximation, we (52) along with the Monte-Carlo simulation of (16). Similar
have found nearly identical match between analytical and sim- to Fig. 5, they provide a good match for N = 1 while some
ulation results. We also note that for N = 1 the performance of discrepancy is observed for N = 2, and 3 due to the log-
serial and parallel relaying coincide as expected which can be normal approximation. At a target outage probability of 10−6 ,
readily confirmed through the comparison of (24) and (32). FSO DF parallel relaying system yields performance gains
We observe from Fig. 4 that parallel relaying improves the of 12.2 dB, 18.1 dB, and 20.2 dB for N = 1, 2, and 3. It
outage performance with respect to the direct transmission. is observed that these are lower than those observed for its
Specifically, we obtain performance improvements of 18.5 dB, counterpart with DF relaying.
20.3 dB, and 20.7 dB for N = 1, 2 and 3 with respect to the
direct transmission for a target outage probability of 10−6 . V. C ONCLUSIONS
We note that performance gains are less than those observed In this paper, we have applied the concept of relaying
in serial relaying since parallel relaying (with only two hops) to FSO systems. We have investigated serial and parallel

Direct Transmission

Outage Probability

N=2 The normalization term at ith relay (i = 1, 2, . . . , N ) is
N=3 given by
ρi = E[ris + rin ]. (53)
After the insertion of the bias term, either ris or rin becomes
zero. Therefore, we can rewrite the normalization term as
ρi = E[|ris − rin |]. (54)
10 Conditioned on ḡi = {g0,1 , g1,2 ..., gi−1,i }, the term − rin is
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 i−1
P [dB] real Gaussian with mean mi = j=0 aj gj,j+1 and variance

i−1 i−1
s2i = (1+ j=1 k=j ak gk,k+1 )N0 for serial AF relaying and
Fig. 5. Outage probability of FSO serial amplify-and-forward relaying with mean mi = RTb P g0,i and variance s2i = N0 for parallel
AF relaying. Its magnitude, therefore, follows a folded-normal
distribution [28]. Hence, the normalization term conditioned
Direct Transmission Analytical on ḡi is given by [28]
m2 (ḡ )
E[ris + rin |ḡi ] = si (ḡi ) π2 exp − 2si2 (ḡii )
i (ḡi )
+mi (ḡi ) 2Q − m si (ḡi ) −1 .
Outage Probability

N=2 Performing an expectation over ḡi , we obtain

N=3  !  
m2 (ḡ )
ρi = fḡi (ḡi ) si (ḡi ) π2 exp − 2si2 (ḡii )
  " (56)
10 mi (ḡi )
+mi (ḡi ) 2Q − si (ḡi ) − 1 dḡi

where fḡi (ḡi ) is the joint pdf of the log-normal vector ḡi .
The calculation of (56) requires numerical computation, but
10 it can be also precisely approximated which can be useful
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
PM [dB] particularly for practical implementation. The normalization
term can be rewritten by the law of total probability as
Fig. 6. Outage probability of FSO parallel amplify-and-forward relaying ρi = E[|ris − rin |]
= Pr(ris > rin )E[ris − rin ] + Pr(rin > ris )E[rin − ris ].
relaying, each of which operates either in AF or DF modes. Let Pe denote the average error probability for BPPM modu-
The fact that fading variance is distance-dependent in FSO sys- lation scheme. We can then write Pr(ris > rin ) = 1 − Pe ≈ 1
tems constitutes a major difference between wireless RF and and Pr(rin > ris ) = Pe << 1 . Inserting these in (57), the
wireless optical systems. This lets multi-hop FSO transmission normalization term can be approximated as
smartly exploit the shorter distance in the resulting hops and ρi = E[|ris − rin |] ≈ E[ris − rin ] = E[mi ]
# i−1
brings substantial improvements against the degrading effects serial relaying (58)
= j=0 aj Lj,j+1
of turbulence-induced fading. As a possible alternative to serial RTb P L0,i parallel relaying
relaying, we have also considered parallel relaying where an
artificial broadcasting is obtained through the use of multiple Inserting (58) in (10), the amplification factor is obtained as
transmitter apertures directed to relay nodes. Through the RT P
 i−1 b 1
= Li−1,i serial relaying
derivation of outage probability and Monte-Carlo simulations, ai = j=0 aj Lj,j+1
RTb P L0,i = L0,i parallel relaying
we have quantified the performance improvements obtained
for both parallel and serial relaying schemes. Specifically, Inserting (59) in (58), the normalization term reduces to
for a single-relay serial relaying scheme (i.e., double-hop #
RTb P Li−1,i serial relaying
scheme), performance improvements of 12.2 dB and 18.5 ρi ∼
= (60)
dB have been obtained for serial relaying with AF and DF RTb P L0,i parallel relaying
modes. For a triple-hop scheme, the respective performance It is obvious that the approximated normalization terms in
improvements climb up to 17.7 dB and 25.4 dB. In comparison (60) are very simple in comparison to (56) and can be easily
to serial relaying, parallel relaying takes advantage of distance- implemented at the relay terminals. Our simulation results
dependency of fading log-normal variance to a lesser extent further indicate that this approximation results in negligible
and is outperformed by its competitor as the number of relays difference within the line of thickness.

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vol. 42, pp. 994-995, Aug. 2006. Uysal is a Senior IEEE member.

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