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CHAPTER I THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND Introduction Metal cutting is one of
the most important processes discovered to develop most of the components and
equipment using the technology. The old “trial and error” experimental method,
originally developed in the middle of the 19th century is still in wide use in metal cutting
research and development activities. There are several different types of cutting tools
present in the world today, each serving different purpose and application.

All types of cutting tools can be classified as either single-point or multi-points cutting
tools. Single-point cutting tools such as scissors are used in turning, shaping or similar
operations, whereas multi-points tools include milling, drilling or grinding tools.
history-and-principles-metallurgy/96161) In our modern society, the product of
technology is everywhere, it almost surrounds everyone. Today, technology affects
almost everything.

In our everyday life, technology contributes mostly. It influences our mind in good and
bad ways that allows people to share information that not a sole person can attain. The
technology which is just now beginning to manipulate them is affecting the minds of
the children in the way that they could be harmful throughout the history, people have
looked forward of what technology could to do ease their work and meet their needs to
satisfy their expectations.

People nowadays are greatly affected by the development of new technology. People
are seeking for better, effective and at the same time efficient technology equipment.
Their discovery of technology equipment has been maximized in order to make it
produce a good output. An Improvised High Speed Metal Cutter is a power tool and
widely used in fabrication and structural industries for cutting metal.

The cutting action is performed by an abrasive cutting disk, similar to a thin grinding.
High speed metal cutter machine are lightweight and portable and they can be brought
to building sites. It also used to create a rough, initial abrasive cut in a desired material.

In principle, high speed metal cutter is an electrically powered motor which turns a high
speed abrasive wheel. The progress of Improvised High Speed Metal Cutter is at a crest
that is unprecedented by any other cutting off technique. This research aimed at
developing a high speed abrasive cutting machine and evaluating the machine

Background of the Study The history of metal cutting started in Egypt where a rotating
device called bowstring was used to drill holes in stones. The use of abrasive goes back
to earliest man’s rubbing of one hard stone against another to shape a weapon or a
tool. Cutters are amongst the most common of machine tools and they are used in
contouring and cutting off.

There are three basic types of saws: hacksaw, circular and band saw. Circular saws are
made of three types: metal saws, steel friction disk and abrasive disk. Circular saw blades
are economical methods used for cut off operations that require dimensional accuracy
and good surface finish. Abrasive cutting was initially regarded as a tool room method
only but it has now grown to be a high speed production operation, often preferable to
steel saws, shears, and flame cutting from the point of view of economy. Abrasive disks
are mainly aluminum oxide grains or silicon carbide grains bonded together.

They are used to cut ferrous and non-ferrous metal. With abrasive parting off there is no
danger of work prior to the cutting action as is the case with other forms of cutting
methods. As an advantage over the conventional cutting method, the abrasive wheel
has been noted to cut materials without distortion while cut surfaces are with minimum
blur and better surface finish.
( The
researchers found out the existing high speed cutter that available on mechanical shop
is defective because the motor is burn out due to heavy use and need for re-winding
the motor and it will be costly.

The researchers come up to this situation to provide a durable and long life cutting
machine that our machine shop has this new high speed metal cutter. This high speed
metal cutter is powered by an electric motor which, the driver and driven mechanism
and through timing belt will run constantly. Objectives of the Study The main objective
of the study is to make “Improvised High Speed Metal Cuter” that can be used in
mechanical works assigned.

Specifically, the study aims to achieve the following: To design and fabricate an
Improvised High Speed Metal Cutter in terms of: 1.1. Material components 1.2. Technical
specification To conduct performance testing in relation to: 2.1. Efficiency 2.2. Usefulness
2.3. Durability 2.4. Safety 3. To develop operation and maintenance manual of the

Significance of the Study The study aimed is to design, develop and fabricate an
Improvised High Speed Metal Cutter to produce uniform cutting of metals. This study is
important in the following: To the training center and institutions such as Batangas State
University that offer technical course such as Mechanical Technology and Welding

This development will definitely make learning and teaching an easy task both for the
lectures and the student, also this development will truly help them conduct their
training process more efficiently as it will enable them to show how proper cutting is
done and will assist their trainees achieve a better grasp of the cutting process first
hand. To the mechanical and welding shops, it will help them in cutting different metals.
It will also help them make their work easier and safer.

To the students, it becomes easier to cut metals. It is easy to comply for their shop
activities and projects. It will help them finish their projects in a more efficient and safe
manner. To the Instructors, it will serve as instructional device for students to show them
on how drive components worked as mechanical system; also, it will be a great help I
teaching the student the use of more appropriate tools for process. To the future
researchers, it will serve as references for the project study.

This study will benefit the innovators to serve as an inspiration and help them to think
more creatively to make machine more productive and efficient. Scope, Delimitation and
Limitation This project development study mainly focused on designing and fabricating
an Improvised High Speed Metal Cutter. It includes the design construction of the
components of the machine and capacity of work at hand.

It also consists of the determination of the design requirements adaptable to a range of

metals. The project is a machine that is specially designed for cutting different metals.
Materials specification and selection for the project were also determined to ensure the
effectiveness of the design.

This machine is consisting of electric motor that is known in durability. Its heavy cast
iron body provides accurate and easy cutting of metal. It is supplied with a heavy steel
vice to strongly grip the job to be cut and also provide an angle cutting for the desired
cut metals. It can be used for long period of time which is attached in a rectangular
metal plate surface.

The metal plate surface is a table type for the operators to convenient cutting. Under it
is detachable dust trap for the debris and other metal filling for the cleanliness of the
work place. This machine is provided with safety protocols to prevent injury and
accidents to the machine.

More specifically it comprises a motor suitably connected by timing belt to an arbor for
supporting a cutting element for rapid rotation. The limitations of this machine is not
suitable to use for sharpening or grinding the tool bits and drill bits to the abrasive
wheel because it is designed only to cut metals. The adjustable jigs can extended into 4
inches and greater than this is not applicable to use.

The appropriate abrasive blade or wheel must provide of the operators for cutting
ceramics, woods and metals. Conceptual Framework For better understanding of the
concept of the study, the researchers show the relationship of the input, process and
output that constitute the conceptual process of the study. Input involves the skills,
knowledge, tools, materials, machine, equipment, and labor used in conducting study.

The importance of input in assembling and fabricating the project was recognized by
the researchers in doing the project developmental study. The second frame contains
different processes. The first process done by the researchers is conceptualizing and
planning, and what materials specification will be used on the project. Next is designing
the project.

It is provided with a working drawing of the different parts of the proposed project was
done followed by purchasing which involves price estimation. Next is canvassing and
purchasing, it is finding the right and reliable materials and its costs that will be used in
the project. After the fabricating of the project, the process of preliminary testing was
done. After preliminary testing is the modification of the project.
The last process done is the final testing. Finally, the last frame presents the finish
output “Improvised High Speed Metal Cutter”. In figure 1 shows the conceptual
paradigm of the study. The research input, step by step process and output. Definition
of Terms For better understanding of the study, the following terms were defined
conceptually and operationally: Abrasive disk is any powdered, granular used to wear off
the surface of materials in order to alter their shape or to a supply finish (High
Performance Grinding and Advanced Cutting tools 2012).

In this study, it is used as the cutting material of the project. It serves as the cutting disc
that cuts the work piece. INPUT PROCESS OUTPUT Skills Knowledge Tools Materials
Machine Equipment Labor _ _ Planning Designing Canvassing Purchasing Fabricating
Preliminary Testing Modifying Final Testing _ _ IMPROVISED HIGH SPEED METAL
CUTTER (Operational, Manual and Maintenance) _ _ Figure 1 Conceptual Paradigm of
the Study Angle Bar it is also called angle, angle bar, L-bar, L-beam, a piece of structural
iron or steel having a cross section in the form of a letter L (High Performance Grinding
and Advanced Cutting tools, 2012). In this study, it serves as the structural frame of the
project that holds the whole project. It is the body of the project.

Bolt and nut is a piece of metal, usually polygonal, whose central hole has a screw
thread and engages on a screw or bolt (Metals and Non Metals Handbook, 2007). In this
study, it is used as the fastener of the electric motor and the pillow block. Cam gears is
eccentric projection of a shaft were communicates the revolution of the shaft into the
linear movement of another part of a machine (Theory of Machines, 2004).In this study,
the gears and the timing belt in able to move the shafting towards with the cutting disk.

Cover is to put something over, on top of, or in front of (something else) especially in
order to protect, hide, or close it to be spread over or on top of (something) to be over
much or the entire surface of something (
%20engineering). In this study, it was used to protect the operator and the machine as

Durability is an assurance or probably that an equipment, machine, or material will have

a relatively long continuous useful life, without requiring an inordinate degree of
maintenance (Long Term of Structural Materials Handbook, 2000). In this study it refers
to the assurance that the output can be used for a long period of time Efficiency is the
degree of effectiveness with which something is done. The ratio of the work done to the
work needed to operate the machine (Long Term of Structural Materials Handbook,

In this study, it is an important factor in the determination of productivity of what

actually produced or performed what can be achieve with the same consumption of
resources (money, time, and labor). Flat Bar is a flat, rectangular section with edges
varying in sizes (
from-plate). In this study, flat bars used as a support to the base frame.

Metal is a substance with high electrical conductivity, luster, and malleability, which
readily loses electrons to form positivevevions (cation). Metals are otherwise defined
according to their positions on the periodic table, including groupings as alkali metals,
alkaline metals, alkaline earth metals, transition metals, and earth metals (Metals and
Non Metals Handbook, 2007). In this study, the non-ferrous and ferrous type of metal
can only cut of this high speed cutter.

Operate to work, function, and perform as a machine does. To performs some process
of work or treatment (Textbook of Manufacturing Technology, 2004). In this study, the
operator requires to operate manually to achieve the desired cut. Pillow block is a
pedestal used to provide support for a rotating shaft with the help of compatible
bearings and various accessories (

In this study, it is used as a support on rotating shaft. Plate is a smooth flat thin piece of
metal for engraving on and a material, forged, rolled, or cast metal in sheets
( In this study, it is used
as base of the motor and made as the table of project.

Roller is cylinder that rotates about a central axis and is used in various machines and
devices to move, flatten or spread something. In this study, the roller is separate to the
actual high speed cutter (Textbook of Manufacturing Technology, 2004). This roller is to
guide the alignment of the metals to be cut and support the heavy metals to be cut.

Safety is a condition of being protected against physical, social, spiritual, financial,

political, emotional, occupational, psychological, educational or other types or
consequences of failure, damage error, accidents, harm or any other events which could
be considered non-desirable (Long Term of Structural Materials Handbook, 2000). In this
study, safety is important and can take the form of being protected from event or from
exposure to something that cause health or economics losses.
Shafting is a metal rod that refers to the machine elements that support a roller and
wheel bars of various lengths and machined to dimension the surface and is used in
great variety of shapes and applications (Metals and Non Metals Handbook, 2007). In
this study, it connects the cam gears and the grinding disc. Switch. This is a device for
diverting an electric current or train from one line to another and making, breaking or
changing the connections in an electrical circuit (

In this study, it acts as on and off that control the power of the motor. Table is a
furniture consisting of a flat, slab like; top supported on one or more legs or other
supports (Long Term of Structural Materials Handbook, 2000). In this study, it is used as
the lower part of the project and which holds the whole cutting machine.

Tensioner it is a device that applies a force to create or maintain tension (Mechanical

Engineer’s book by H. Smith, 2013). In this study, it adds tension to the belt near the
motor. Timing Belt is a part of an internal combustion engine that synchronizes the
rotation of the crankshaft and the camshaft (Theory of Machines, 2004).

In this study, it connects the driver and driven cam gears to the motor that help the
shafting move towards the cutting disc. Washer is a flat thin ring or a perforated plate
used in joints or assemblies to ensure tightness, prevent leakage, or relieve friction
(Mechanical Engineer’s book, 2013). In this study, it is used to tighten the hold of the
screw to connect two metals.

Welding is an operation in which two or more parts are reunited by means of heat or
pressure or both, in such a way that there is continuity in the nature of the metal
between these parts (Mechanical Engineer’s book, 2013). In this study, it is the process
that is being used in joining two or more metals together by means of an electrode or
welding rod.

CHAPTR II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE The purpose of this chapter is to provide

conceptual and theoretical foundation in order to have a better understanding of
development of a motor operated cutting machine. Conceptual Literature Cutting
operation may be done by hand or machine. Special machine ‘pantographs’ for cutting
shapes have been developing by which a pointer traces the desired shape from a
The cutting tools are actuated (manually or electrically) by the motion of the traces heat.
Cutting tools have been around since the ancient times, with the first cutting tools used
by mankind being made out of stone. Metal became a popular material of choice for
manufacturing cutting tools during the Bronze Age.

By definition, cutting tools refer to any object used to remove unwanted or excess
material from a work piece by means of shear deformation. There are several different
types of cutting tools present in the world today, each serving different purposes and
application. All types of cutting tools can be classified as either single-point or multi-
point cutting tools.

Single-point cutting tools such as a scissors are used in turning, shaping or similar
operations, whereas multi-points tools include milling, drilling or grinding tools. In order
for a cutting tool to operate properly, it must be able to withstand the heat that is
generated during the cutting process and be harder as compared to the material being

As several different cutting tools cater to various types of cutting needs, the tools
should have specific geometry so that they offer clearance angle to prevent the entire
cutting tool from coming in contact with the material to be cut, but instead only the
cutting edge making contact with the material. Leather cutting tools are essential tools
in the industry today, playing a huge role in the manufacture of leather products.

As leather is an expensive material, it is important that the tools used to cut leather do
not damage it and perform accurate clean cuts. Some examples of leather cutting tools
include swivel and utility knives, rotary cutters and shears. Utility knives often have
disable blades which are able to perform deep cuts making them very convenient; even
though swivel knives are an ideal choice for carving out the initial outline of a design in

This process is important as it would affect the processes following after and therefore
should be performed with the care and the right cutting tools. These kind of decorative
cuts are referred to as dress cuts and require practice to master. Rotary cutters are used
for cutting soft leathers and leather shears are heavy-duty cutting tools use to cut
lightweight and medium weight leather. (

In the beginning, metals were treated by some hand-driven machines like hacksaws,
chisels and shears. However, apart from these manual tools and smaller cutting devices
that can be hand operated, there are some other developed methods that were
invented and innovated with time, in order to produce better results in lesser time.

The following advanced metal cutting methods have hence come into being in order to
deal with more robust and challenging projects. Turning: When a sharp point of a
cutting tool is applied on the metal surface and is rapidly spun by other supportive
devices like a lathe, it is called turning. In this process, the metal layers are removed until
the favorable and pre-determined size is achieved.

Grinding: The grinding machine with an abrasive wheel is applied on the metal that has
a smooth surface to wear it down effortlessly and with precision. A drilling machine is
used when a perfectly sized hole is required to be made on the metal surface and the
same is done by applying a combination of force and rotation over the metal surface.
Laser cutting technology is used when extreme precision, exact shape and tight control
off the metal size is required.

A laser is an intensely concentrated beam of light that is reduced to a tiny point by an

extremely high temperature used to cut metals with exact tolerance. Burning/Welding:
When metal surfaces are heated to a specific temperature in order to soften and break
the surfaces along a carefully patterned line, it is called welding or burning. Plasma
technique is a contemporary and innovative way to cut metal with a clean finish.

The process involves a plasma torch that ejects oxygen or any inert gas along with
simultaneously sending an electrical arc through the gas. This heat up the plasma
enough to melt away the metal surface in contact and at the same time also blows away
any molten metal. The technology has certain benefits that made it a preferred way of
metal cutting as it is faster and less costly than laser cutting with clean, tight edge

Metal cutting has thus evolved and developed over time keeping to timely requirements
of customer specific specifications in mind. Since, metal is a very hard material, cutting
tools required to cut metal have to be very strong. These tools tend to require frequent
replacements and sharpening due to wear and tear during the cutting processes.

In industrial processes, metal cutting tools such as drills, reamers which create holes with
accurate sizes are used, as well as inserts that have two or more cutting edge.
Nowadays, there is a lot of cutting process and ways that being discovered. In this
project developmental study the researchers conceptualized a project that truly needed
in the industry and competing in the world growing technology.

The advance technology, new ideas, new products, and special processes and
manufacturing techniques are creating new and more specialized jobs. To advance in
machine trade, it is necessary to keep up-to-date with modern technology. A young
person leaving school may be employed in an average of five jobs during his or her
lifetime, three of which do not even exist today.

Industry is always on the lookout for bright young people who are precise and dot
hesitate to assume responsibility, to be successful, do your job best of your ability and
never be satisfied with inferior workmanship. (Krar, 2010) Metalworking is the process of
working with metals to create individual parts, assemblies, or large-scale structures.

The term covers a wide range of work from large ships and bridges to
precise engine parts and delicate jewellery. It therefore includes a correspondingly wide
range of skills, processes, and tools. Metalworking is a science, art, hobby, industry and
trade. Its historical roots span cultures, civilizations, and millenema.

Metalworking has evolved from the discovery of smelting various ores,

producing malleable and ductile metal useful for tools and adornments. Modern
metalworking processes, though diverse and specialized, can be categorized as forming,
cutting, or joining processes. Today's machine shop includes a number of machine
tools capable of creating a precise, useful workpiece. (
is-metalworking/) Milling is the complex shaping of metal or other materials by
removing material to form the final shape.

It is generally done on a milling machine, a power-driven machine that in its basic form
consists of a milling cutter that rotates about the spindle axis. Milling machines may be
operated manually or under computer numerical control (CNC), and can perform a vast
number of complex operations, such as slot cutting, planning, drilling and
threading, rabbeting, routing, etc. Two common types of mills are the horizontal mill
and vertical mill.

The pieces produced are usually complex 3D objects that are converted into x, y, and z
coordinates that are then fed into the CNC machine and allow it to complete the tasks
required. Tolerances come in a variety of standards, depending on the locale. In order to
keep the bit and material cool, a high temperature coolant is used. In most cases the
coolant is sprayed from a hose directly onto the bit and material.

This coolant can either be machine or user controlled, depending on the machine.
fabricating/understanding-cnc-milling/) Materials that can be milled range
from aluminium to stainless steel and almost everything in between. Each material
requires a different speed on the milling tool and varies in the amount of material that
can be removed in one pass of the tool.

Harder materials are usually milled at slower speeds with small amounts of material
removed. Softer materials vary, but usually are milled with a high bit speed. Turning is
an operation of removing excess amount of material from the surface of a cylindrical
job. The workpiece is rotated on a spindle and the cutting tool is fed into it radially,
axially or both.

Producing surfaces perpendicular to the workpiece axis is called facing. Producing

surfaces using both radial and axial feeds is called profiling.
turning/#.XL0ptKmkrm0) A lathe is a machine tool which holds the workpiece between
two rigid and strong supports called centers or in a chuck or face plate which revolves.
The cutting tool is rigidly held and supported in a tool post which is fed against the
revolving work.

The normal cutting operations are performed with the cutting tool fed either parallel or
at right angles to the axis of the work. a machine tool which spins a block or cylinder of
material so that when abrasive, cutting, or deformation tools are applied to the
workpiece, it can be shaped to produce an object which has rotational symmetry about
an axis of rotation.

A hardened cutting tool is held at the desired height (usually the middle of the
workpiece) by the tool post. Other operations that can be performed with a single point
tool on a lathe are: Chamfering: Cutting an angle on the corner of a cylinder. Parting:
The tool is fed radially into the workpiece to cut off the end of a part.

Threading: A tool is fed along and across the outside or inside surface of rotating parts
to produce external or internal threads. Boring: A single-point tool is fed linearly and
parallel to the axis of rotation to create a round hole. Drilling: feeding the drill into the
workpiece axially. Knurling: Uses a tool to produce a rough surface texture on the work
piece. (
machine/#.XL0n5qmkrm0) Grinding uses an abrasive process to remove material from
the workpiece.

A grinding machine is a machine tool used for producing very fine finishes, making very
light cuts, or high precision forms using an abrasive wheel as the cutting device. This
wheel can be made up of various sizes and types of
stones, diamonds or inorganic materials. Grinders need to be very rigid machines to
produce the required finish. Some grinders are even used to produce glass scales for
positioning CNC machine axis.

Modern technology has advanced grinding operations to include CNC controls, high
material removal rates with high precision, lending itself well to aerospace applications
and high volume production runs of precision components.
( Broaching is one of the most
precise and productive process in the metalworking area and despite the high costs of
tooling, its largely applied in the automobiles industry. The broaching is a machining
operation which uses a tool called broach moving it over the workpiece to remove
material, cutting a predetermined shape.

Broaches are shaped similar to a saw, except the height of the teeth increases over the
length of the tool. Moreover, the broach contains three distinct sections: one for
roughing, another for semi-finishing, and the final one for finishing. Broaching is an
unusual machining process because it has the feed built into the tool.

The profile of the machined surface is always the inverse of the profile of the broach. A
broach is effectively a collection of single-point cutting tools arrayed in sequence,
cutting one after the other; its cut is analogous to multiple passes of a shaper. The
broach is a multi -edge tool, with a progressive and linear cutting.

Most broaches are made of uncoated HSS (High Speed Steel) and (less frequently)
tungsten carbide. (
technology/40254-how-a-broaching-machine-works/) Electron-beam machining (EBM)
is a non-traditional machining process in which no physical tool is used. Electron beam
machining is same as laser beam machining process in which except laser, high speed
electron beam impinges on work piece.
This will generate high heat energy and melts and vaporize metal from work piece. EBM
can be used for very accurate cutting or boring of a wide variety of metals.
equipment-application-advantages-and-disadvantages) Ultrasonic machining is non-
traditional machining process which is used to machine brittle and hard material.

The Ultrasonic vibration machining is a subtraction manufacturing process that removes

material from the surface of a part through high frequency, low amplitude vibrations of
a tool against the material surface in the presence of fine abrasive particles. This
machining is used to machine hard and brittle material like carbide, ceramic, glass etc.

This is used in machining of die and tool of drill, wire drawing machine etc. It is used to
cut diamond in desire shape. (
Abrasive jet machining (AJM), s a mechanical energy based unconventional machining
process used to remove unwanted material from a given workpiece. The process makes
use of an abrasive jet with high velocity, to remove material and provide smooth surface
finish to hard metallic workpieces.

Common uses include cutting heat-sensitive, brittle, thin, or hard materials. Specifically it
is used to cut intricate shapes or form specific edge shapes.
( A water jet cutter is an industrial tool
capable of cutting a wide variety of materials using a very high-pressure jet of water, or
a mixture of water and an abrasive substance. The term abrasive jet refers specifically to
the use of a mixture of water and abrasive to cut hard materials such as metal or granite.

The energy required for cutting materials is obtained by pressurizing water to ultra-high
pressures and forming an intense cutting stream by focusing this high-speed water
through a small, precious-stone orifice. Water jets work by shooting a stream of highly
pressurised water at the metal in order to cut it. (
it-works/?v=a25496ebf095) Electrochemical machining (ECM) is an advanced metal-
working technique which can machine products that are difficult or impossible to design
through conventional machining. It is an extremely accurate technique, capable of
machining any electrically conductive work piece due to the fact that the technology is
based on electrolysis.

Among its wide material application capabilities are even improved and tough to
machine metal alloys irrespective of their hardness, strength or thermal properties. ECM
is a method of removing metal by an electrochemical process. It is normally used for
mass production and is used for working extremely hard materials or materials that are
difficult to machine using conventional methods.

The ECM cutting tool is guided along the desired path close to the work but without
touching the piece. In the ECM process, a cathode (tool) is advanced into an anode
(workpiece). ( Laser
beam machining (LBM) is a non-traditional subtractive manufacturing process, a form
of machining, in which a laser is directed towards the work piece for machining.

This process uses thermal energy to remove material from metallic or non-metallic
surfaces. The laser beam focuses optical energy on the surface of the workpiece. A laser
beam can be so powerful when used with a lens system that it can melt and vaporize
diamond. This principle is used laser beam cutting because it can break the chemical
bonding of the materials when amplified.

The high frequency of monochromatic light will fall on the surface then heating, melting
and vaporizing of the material. Laser beam machining is best suited for brittle materials
with low conductivity. This hot beam can cut metal precisely and efficiently.
applications/) Metals can be heat treated to alter the properties of strength, ductility,
toughness, hardness or resistance to corrosion.

Common heat treatment processes include annealing, precipitation

hardening, quenching, and tempering. The annealing process softens the metal by
allowing recovery of cold work and grain growth. Quenching can be used to harden
alloy steels, or in precipitation hardenable alloys, to trap dissolved solute atoms in
solution. Tempering will cause the dissolved alloying elements to precipitate, or in the
case of quenched steels, improve impact strength and ductile properties.
ng) Research Literature The Research Literature discusses the previous study related to
the study conducted by the researchers.

The following studies give the researchers ideas in the conceptualization and
development of the project. According to study of Atienza, et. al. (2016), it discussed
and fabricates a machine that flat bar can easy to cut by using high speed cutter. The
study meanly focused to cut the flat bars. This study is used a portable high speed metal
cutter were the motor is mounted directly to the shaft of abrasive wheel.
Their study has similarities to the present study an “Improvised High Speed Cutter
Machine”. Both studies are focused to cut metals. According to study of Cepillo, et. al.
(2016), it is suited for cutting smaller sized of solid round bars and pipes. Both study
uses belt for driving the device. In their study, chuck as their gripping and holding the
workpiece but it is limited to hold the workpiece because their chuck dimension.

In this study, the mechanism of cutting metals is done through fixed portable grinder
and the result is rough surface finish. According to study of Dela Cerna, et. al. (2015),
this study has the similarity to the researcher’s topic that fabricates equipment that cuts
various types of metal. The study design in terms of technical specification and materials
content are very similar to the present study.

In this study they used a wide table and portable high speed metal cutters were the
windings of motor is easy to break cause of heavy load and longtime duration of use
during cutting operation. According to study of Amargo, et. al. (2015), they focused only
on the design and fabrication of the pipe cutting apparatus. The apparatus was provided
with a single support attachment that is limited to cut metals in sound object like pipe.

This device has an angle grinder attached to jigs as a tool to attain a precise shape in
cutting operation. This is also done by using oxy-acetylene which is too expensive and it
needs time to dismantle the apparatus. According to study of Brucal ,et al. (2013), this
study is mainly focused on the development of an automated pipe cutting machine
consisting of the determination of the design requirements adaptable to a range of pipe
diameters. The study is also constrained to the handled grinder and the carbide tool the
cutter is fitted.

The study also focused on different sizes of pipe and too expensive because the raw
materials used is too much heavy which is not directly proportion or suitable to use in
their project. According to study of Delos Reyes et al. (2013), the setup of this project
that discussed and fabricate equipment that makes tile ceramics can easy to cut.

The study meanly focused to the tile setter for effectiveness of work. Also this study has
a built in measuring instrument for the accurate measure of work piece. The study made
and focused on different forms and sizes of tile ceramics. This is lightweight and low
cost to maintain the problems or troubleshoot that may encounter during on
performing operation.
Synthesis The study sited serves as grinding principles of the researchers for developing
a new form of study through understanding on the existing forms; the past study serves
as the basis in the development of the project. The following are differences of the
current study “Improvised High Speed Metal Cutter” from the previous published thesis.
Atienza et al.

(2016), it is similar to the present study. The study meanly focused to flat bars for
effectiveness of their cutting machine. The difference to the present study is, it can cut
different metals that clamped to the jigs and it is powered by electric motor that can
provide long lasting life and durability. The present study also used timing belt as the
pulley to drive the whole mechanism through rotating shafts that was connected to the
abrasive wheel.

Cepillo et al. (2016), it is suited for cutting smaller sized of solid round bars and pipes.
Both study uses belt for driving the device. The only difference is that the previous study
was used a chuck for holding workpiece that was limited only while in the present study
the researchers provide an adjustable jigs to have angle cut and to provide the desired
cut of workpiece.

The present study used a heavy electric motor, efficient RPM and timing belt and
crankshaft that only found only on engine vehicles which are proven that belt never split
and can use many years by the type of rubber used. Dela Cerna et al. (2015), this topic
has the similarity to the researcher’s topic that fabricated equipment that can cuts
various types of metal for any purposes.

The only difference are, the previous study have built in motor, limited use for metals
and no attachable guide for heavy and long diameter of metals while on present study,
the researchers used the electric motor as driving the mechanism and fabricates an
attachable guide and supports to metals to be cut Amargo, et. al. (2015), they focused
only on the design and fabrication of the pipe cutting apparatus.

The apparatus was provided with a single support attachment that is limited to cut
metals in sound object like pipe. The present study used timing belt as the pulley to
drive the whole mechanism through rotating shafts that was connected to the abrasive
wheel. Also, other difference on the present study of High Speed Metal Cutter can have
ability to cut different metals with long life lasting and it is not an apparatus.

This is also easy to maintain and repair if malfunction occur on performing of cutting
metals. Brucal ,et al. (2013), it is focused on the development of an automated pipe
cutting machine consisting of the determination of the design requirements adaptable
to a range of pipe diameters. The study is also constrained to the handled grinder and
the carbide tool the cutter is fitted with.

The difference to the previous study is, the high speed metal cutter is multipurpose
cutting operation of different metals and provide angle cutting through adjustable jigs.
The present study also used a heavy electric motor, efficient RPM, timing belt and
crankshaft to operate the whole mechanism of the project. Delos Reyes et al. (2013), the
set up that discussed and fabricated equipment that make tile ceramics can easy to cut.

The difference in the present study meanly focused to the tile setter for effectiveness of
work. The study also is made and focused on different forms and sizes of tile ceramics.
The difference also on the present study is, the high speed metal cutter is multipurpose
cutting operation of different sizes of metals.

The present study used a heavy electric motor, efficient revolution per minute, timing
belt, crankshaft and adjustable jigs. The mechanism and fabricates an attachable guide
and supports for heavy and long diameter of metals to be cut. It is low cost in terms of
repair and maintenance of the project.

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY This chapter presents the different

methodologies in the development of the model. It also includes the project
development process, time allotment, and financial component for the development of
the study. Research Design The study employed the mechanical technology design and
analysis to achieve the objectives of the study.

It also involve the performance and the experimental testing to evaluate the
effectiveness of the fabricate machine. This involves the selecting of materials, analysis
and evaluation of the different parameters to achieve the expected outcome. Project
design and component layout, financial status and purchasing the material needed to
fabricate that compromised the design stage to develop the unit.

The researchers presented their preliminary design to the experts. They modified the
design according to the advices of the experts. The design of the adjustable jigs and
dust trap is fitted and installed on the table of cutting machine. It is powered by electric
motor as driving mechanism of machine, switches is fixed on the lower case of the table,
dust tap is fitted to the table as collecting the small pieces of debris and substance of
metals during operation of cutting, through electric motor the cam gears with the
timing belt is connected in the shafting to cutting disc. Lengthen hand wheel shank is
also designed in this metal cutter to give comfort to the operator.

Development Stage This stage covers gathering data related information and planning
of activities during the conceptualization before the actual design. To make the design
of the Improvised High Speed Metal Cutter possible, the researchers gathered
information that is relevant to the project. The researchers based their concept to the
internet, books and other references that may help for the development of the study.

They also consult and ask some of the experts and Instructors from mechanical and
Welding technology about the design and concept. The researchers considered not only
in technical aspects of the project but also the usefulness of the project. The research
evaluates the usefulness and efficiency of the machine through a performance measure.

Performance measure is a way of evaluating the machine to determine if there is a

problem and if the project is usable. The researchers have their sets of measurements a
minimum and maximum diameter for the performance evaluation. This is included to
the specification of the project. The researchers evaluate their prototype through
comparison to the existing study.

The researchers used electric motor, cam gears, timing belt, guarding, lengthen hand
wheel shank, switches, abrasive disk or cutting disk, shafting and the dust trap. Another
is terms of quality, a good surface finished, accuracy and safety will produced in High
Speed Metal Cutter compared to the existing study. The researchers evaluate their
project by means of accuracy and precision to determine the effectiveness of the

Determine the advantage and disadvantage of the project. Pre-Design Stage In this
stage, the researchers consolidated, analyzed and integrated the information gathered
from the literature. These activities considered to be done before the actual designs
were as follows.

Information were gathered and consolidated from the University library, published and
unpublished materials such as book and thesis, respectively and the internet and
magazines. Device components and their function were evaluated for the preliminary
design. The information gathered about the working principle of this cutting machine is
from the different persons that have knowledge of this machine, and this is considered
in the design. The estimated cost and availability of the material were assessed.

Design Stage After gathering the sufficient information about the concepts governing
the design of the flat bars cutter, the researchers were ready to make the design of the
prototype. The following are the criteria that are considered for making a design. The
design stage was conceptualized and drawn based for the information gathered from
the books and other references.

The plan consisted on the description of assembly of the components and the
systematic diagram of the resulting device. The components materials and parts were
carefully chosen to fit the design of the design. The aesthetic aspect of the metal cutter
was also considered since that would show that the device was fabricated with care.

Project Development Process The researchers considered not only the technical aspect
of the project but also the suitability and importance of the study. Here comprises
project conceptualizing, planning, designing, purchasing, fabricating testing and
modifying. Planning refers to the brainstorming of the researchers in order to come up
with a solution to the problem.

It includes the goals, objectives and preparation of the materials needed. Designing is
the next step of the project development process. This includes the researchers
gathered information from books, journals, magazine and internet. Furthermore, after
consulting their adviser regarding the design project is their basis of what the design
will be.

In designing the researchers applied their skills and knowledge in technical drawing. In
addition the researchers do brainstorming for suggestions and open for ideas from
every member of the group. Canvassing knows the prices of the materials are important
to be able to have low price materials and with quality standards.

The researchers visited different hardware store to canvass the lowest price with good
quality material for the project. The specification and features was checked by the
researchers to ensure the quality of the product. Internet surfing also helped the
researchers to ensure the quality of the product and to find techniques and knowledge
in buying the raw materials needed.

Purchasing is the process of knowing the price of the material. It is important to be able
to have low price materials but with good standard quality. The researchers visited then,
asked different store, hardware and junk shop to choose who offers the lowest prices of
materials for the development of the project. Despite of low price the researchers
considered the durability and effectiveness of the materials that will be used on the

They checked the specification and feature to ensure the quality of the product.
Fabricating is the process of drilling, welding, machining, cutting and grinding of
materials in order to finish to proposed project. It includes efforts, time and skills of the
researchers to come up with an expected output.

Preliminary Testing, this stage consists of series of testing of the fabricated project
which was conducted in order to determine the capability and limitation of the
Improvised High Speed Metal Cutter. The project durability and safety is tested by
operating it. Modifying is the stage that researchers will make changes if failure occurs
after the first test.

Modification is done to have an accurate, effective and efficient machine. Final Testing is
done to prove that the researchers will run the machine without any problems and
failures regarding to cutting operation. This will be possible because of the modification.

After the final testing, the researchers will formulate the findings and conclusion regards
to the objectives of the study. This figure 2 presents the process done by the researchers
in the project development study. This includes conceptual, planning and designing,
purchasing, fabricating, testing, modifying, and final testing.

In Table 1, Gantt chart Activities show the development of the activity from the day
researchers started the project study. The duration of the activity started from August
2018 until February 2019, finished project had been submitted and tested on the
beneficiaries. Figure 2 Process Flow chart of the Study Word Breakdown and Time
Allotment The estimated duration in the completion of the project development will be
shown below.

Table 1 Timetable of Project Development Study/ Thesis (Gantt chart) Months _ _

Activities _Aug _Sept _Oct _Nov _Dec _Jan _Feb _ _Planning _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Designing _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _Canvassing _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Purchasing _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Fabricating _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_Preliminary Testing _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Modifying _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Final Testing _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
AND DISCUSSIONS This chapter presents the part of the Improvised High Speed Metal
Cutter. This also includes the assembling the parts and function of the prototype,
material specification and preliminary testing.

It also covers the development, testing and analysis of data used to complete this
project. The section discusses on how the Improvised High Speed Metal Cutter was
developed. The procedures in this project were compiled in this chapter. The researchers
gathered information from the professional in this field, also include some of books that
were significant to accomplish the output.

By the help of the expert, the researchers successfully accomplished the automated
cutting machine. Fabrication of an Improvised High Speed Metal Cutter in terms of
Materials Specifications and System Components. The rectangular table holds of the
components and parts of the machine.

The machine constructed of Abrasive disc that cut of different sizes and forms of metals
that holds and grip by adjustable jigs. The camshaft gears and timing belt directed to
the electric motor that produce a continuous rotation of abrasive wheel. Working
Drawing Figure 3 shows the working drawing of an Improvised High Speed Metal

The machine was designed to cut different sizes of metals and it also can use for angle
cutting that gives a good surface finish. The machine has Abrasive wheel that cuts
directly the metal into different angles. It has electric motor that produce shaft rotation
were the camshaft gears and timing belts rotate into shafting connected to the abrasive

The pillow block also used to hold the shafting and transmit the power into abrasive
wheel. It has power switch to allow the operators to run the machine and stop the
cutting operation. Figure 3.Working Drawing Note: Safety guards are provided but not
shown in the drawing, this is to view or see the driving component of the project.

TOP VIEW FRONT VIEW RIGHT SIDE VIEW Figure 4.Orthographic View Note: All
measurements are expressed in millimiters System Components and their Functions
Technical Specification. The technical specifications were used in the development of an
Improvised High Speed Metal Cutter.

Abrasive wheel is a component used to cut the workpiece with given rate per minute or
RPM that result the workpiece have good surface finish. This abrasive wheel is mounted
on the shafting from camshaft gears that were connected to electric motor. The wheel
diameter is 350mm x 2.8mm x 25.4mm. The abrasive wheel or cutting disk has own
covers to gives safety. In figure 5 shows the abrasive wheel. Figure 5.Abrasive Disk
Electric motor serves as prime mover with 1.1 HP capacity and 3,050 RPM.

An electric motor is an electrical machine that converts electrical energy into mechanical
energy. It operates through the interaction between the motor’s magnetic field and
winding currents to generate force in the form of rotation. This electric motor used as
the driving mechanism or main component of whole project.

Through this, it is capable to give its standard rotation of cutting disc to cut metals.
Figure 6 shows the electric motor. Figure 6 .Electric Motor Adjustable jigs or adjustable
vise is a mechanical apparatus used to hold securely the workpiece during the operation
of cutting metals. This can perform to angle cutting through adjustable jigs at desired

To adjust the vise, use a wrench, loosen two screws and rotate rear vise clamp to the
desired angle. Tighten the two screws. The front vise clamp pivots on its post and will
self-align with the workpiece. Figure 7 shows the Adjustable Jigs. Figure 7.Adjustable
Jigs Pillow block is used to support the rotating shaft upon the plate. Through rotating
shaft, the plate is welded on it and to carry the whole driving mechanism.

Figure 8 shows the Pillow block. Figure 8.Pillow Block Angle bar used in the study is a 1
1/2 mm flat bar for bracing of the frame of the panel because it can easily be cut, drilled
and welded and this is also the support for the machine. Figure 9 shows the Angle bar.
Figure 9 .Angle Bar Timing Belt is a part of internal combustion engine.

Timing belt is a loop of flexible material used to link two or more rotating shafts
mechanically, most often parallel. Figure 10 shows the Timing belt. Figure 10 .Timing
Belt Switch is a device for making and breaking the connection in an electric circuit. It is
usually pushed up or down with your finger that controls and turns. Figure 11 shows the
Mechanical switch. Figure 11 .Switch Bolts and Nuts are used to fix the equipment in
place. Their function is to fasten the two parts which are attached.

A nut is a type of fastener with a threaded hole. Nuts are almost always used in
conjunction with a mating to fasten multiple parts together. Figure 12 shows the Bolts
and Nuts. Figure 12 .Bolts and Nuts 1.2. Construction Procedure In this stage, it showed
the construction of the overall frame. Its cover and installing components like motor,
timing belts, abrasive wheel, switch and wirings were carefully assembled.

Safety must observe during the construction period. This study aimed to cut in a short
period of time with less effort and more productive than the other existing project
design. The first step in the development process was measuring the appropriate

The researchers used the desired length, height and width which were used in the
construction of the project. Proper and accurate measuring is very vital in this project
because once the measured part is not the same as what is planned, the outcome of the
whole project will be affected and the dimension of the project will not be balanced.

Cutting Cutting as shown in Figure 13, in this stage, 1 ½ angle bar was used to construct
the frame. The angle bar dimension for table is 76.2cm x 45.72cm, flat bar to support the
mild steel plate with a dimension of 10.16cm x 45.72cm and channel bar for holding the
plate were electric motor installed with a dimension of 15.24cm x 25.40cm. Figure
13.Cutting Welding Welding in Figure 14 is a process performed in the construction of
the prototype.

The cut materials were joined by portable welding machine for the whole project.
Rectangular base table served as the foundation of the metal cutting machine and to
support the other parts and components of the system. Figure 14.Welding Machining
Machining in Figure 15 shows of various processes in which a piece of raw material is
cut into a desired final shape and size by a controlled material-removal process. A round
bar steel machined for shafting connected towards the gears and timing belt of the
project. Figure 15.Machining Grinding Grinding is shown in Figure 16. The application of
grinding is performed to remove the unnecessary marks of welded materials.

It is also used to remove sharp edge of the materials like angle bar and mild steel plate.
Figure 16.Grinding Fabrication of frame This shows the process of welding the different
parts of the project. Welding is the process of joining two or more metals together. This
was used by the researchers to put up the base of the table. These were the stand other
parts of the project.

This frame is made from angle bar fabricated through cutting and welding and grinding.
A rectangular metal frame, that used by fitting and writing the parts of the skeleton of a
structure. This is the part that holds the whole mechanism. It shows on Figure 17. Figure
17.Frame Construction Installing all the Components In this stage, all the components
were installed into the frame.

The electric motor together with the camshaft gears and timing belts was placed at the
left corner area while the abrasive wheel was placed at right hand corner towards with
the shaft connected from camshaft gears. The switch button was placed at the lower
part of the cutting machine. It shows on Figure 18. Figure 18.Installing of Electric Motor
Test and Evaluation of the Performance of an Improvised High Speed Metal Cutter 2.1.

Testing Preparation The prototype is being prepared for its operation. The researchers
prepared the materials, tools and equipment needed to perform the test of the
prototype’s efficiency, usefulness, durability and safety. This stage would help the
researchers to modify the errors encountered during the testing preparation.

Preliminary Testing Before Modification The researchers conducted testing after

fabrication and assembly of the study “Improvised High Speed Metal Cutter”, before
modification. After the assembly of the prototype, the researchers of the study
undergone over all testing of the project. The test, check its efficiency of cut, usefulness,
durability and safety.

They found out some difficulty in terms of alignment of belts and cutting metal
operations, but the prototype itself show’s its usefulness and durability. While testing,
the researchers noticed that the metal chips are widespread on right side of the
machine during operations and it is unsafe for operators. Also, while on process of
cutting, the equipment really vibrates.

The researchers noticed that attachable support or guide for the equipment is not
suitable because the height is not exact to the height of the table. Those are some
identified problem that the researchers need to modify and adjust. Prototype before
modification is shown at figure 19. Figure 19.Prototype before Modification Modification
and Setup of Prototype This portion is for troubleshooting and correction encountered
on the project.

The researchers adjusted the clearance of tensioner to have proper alignment of belt.
The researchers adjust the position of metal chips trap to avoid the widespread of debris
or metal chips during operation. To lessen the vibration of handle while on operation,
the researchers provide a rubberized grip handle.

To have support or guide for long diameter of metals to be cut, the researchers
furnished the height of support to have good alignment of metals during operation.
Final Performance Testing Result After modification of the identified problems and
difficulties of the prototype, the equipment has undergone final testing conducted by
the researchers of the study with the supervision of their professors.

The result of final testing shown in Tables 2,3,4,5,6 that the prototype is ready for final
defense, because the equipment meets the objective of the researchers. The
performance of the project shows its cutting efficiency, usefulness, durability, safety of
work and gives a high productivity ratio of work. The researchers conducted an
evaluation of the prototype from 10 respondents.

Those selected individuals are some of the faculty members, professors and student of
Batangas State University. The scale for verbal interpretation from 1.0-1.49 is Poor, 1.5-
2.49 is Unsatisfactory, 2.5-3.49 is Satisfactory, 3.5-4.49 is Very Satisfactory and 4.5-5.00 is
Outstanding. This evaluation will show how useful, durable and safe is the study. These
are computed results of prototype evaluation. Efficiency.

The equipment shows its punctuality that can be used in any form of working habitat.
This will discuss the ease of operation, provisions for comfort cutting, user-friendliness
and composite mean of the study. This show at Table 2. Usefulness. This will discuss the
project study can be Instructional device for BIT students, the project study can be used
for business purposes and the project study can be used in mechanical and welding
shop works. This show at Table 3. Durability.

This will discuss the ability of the project to endure is based on the quality of the design,
quality of the materials and quality of the workmanship. This show at Table 4. Safety.
The Safety of Improvised High Speed Metal Cutter is tested by checking if the machine
is fully welded and well fitted for safe operation, guards and covers of all rotating
components is provided for safer operation.

Table 2 Efficiency of an Improvised High Speed Metal Cutter ITEM _Mean _Verbal
Interpretation _ _Ease of operation _3.20 _SATISFACTORY _ _Provisions for comfort and
convenience _3.40 _SATISFACTORY _ _User-friendliness _3.0 _SATISFACTORY _
_Composite Mean _3.20 _SATISFACTORY _ _ Table 3 Usefulness of an Improvised High
Speed Metal Cutter ITEM _Mean _Verbal Interpretation _ _The project study can be
Instructional device for BIT students. _2.50 _VERY SATISFACTORY _ _The project study
can be used for business purposes. _3.10 _SATISFACTORY _ _The project study can be
used in mechanical and welding shop works. _3.90 _VERY SATISFACTORY _ _Composite
Mean _3.17 _SATISFACTORY _ _ Table 4 Durability of Improvised High Speed Metal
Cutter ITEM _Mean _Verbal Interpretation _ _Quality of the design _2.70 _SATISFACTORY
_ _Quality of the materials _2.80 _SATISFACTORY _ _Quality of the workmanship _3.0
_SATISFACTORY _ _Composite Mean _2.83 _SATISFACTORY _ _ Table 5 Safety of an
Improvised High Speed Metal Cutter ITEM _Mean _Verbal Interpretation _ _Absence of
sharp edges _2.60 _SATISFACTORY _ _Provision for protective design _3.0
_SATISFACTORY _ _Absence from slippage _2.90 _SATISFACTORY _ _Composite Mean
_2.83 _SATISFACTORY _ _ The result of the test obtained from cutting mild steel rod
samples of 25mm diameter with an Improvised High Speed Metal Cutter are presented
in table 6. Table 6 Results of Cutting Mild Steel Rod Test No. _Time of Cut (sec)
_Reduction in cutting disc diameter (mm) _Grinding /Wear Ratio _ _1 _7.0 _0.80 _1.30 _
_2 _8.0 _0.70 _1.49 _ _3 _7.5 _0.85 _1.23 _ _Average _7.5 _0.78 _1.34 _ _ Table 7 compares
the operation of the power hacksaw when used to cut similar samples as those cut by
High Speed Metal Cutter.

It was observed that stainless steel took more time to be cut than mild steel. It was also
noticed that High Speed Metal Cutter cut at a faster rate. The cutting process was also
found to be easier with the High Speed Metal Cutter than the power hacksaw. This
metal cutter also gave a better finish than the power hacksaw.

Table 7 Comparison of results obtained from using the High Speed Metal Cutter with
the hacksaw Sample _ Diameter (mm) _Time of cut (second) _ _ _ _Improvised High
Speed Metal Cutter _ Hacksaw _ _Mild steel _25 60 _7.5 21.3 _19.8 59.4 _ _Stainless steel
_25 60 _15.3 136.7 _41.2 550.0 _ _ Benefit Analysis The study of an Improvised High
Speed Metal Cutter was fabricated through the knowledge and skills of the researchers
with the consideration of locally available materials and parts, which are now cheaper n
price but with high quality products. This project assures its usefulness, durability and

This project checked its durability because it is made from quality materials compared to
what companies and machine shops used today. This project is designed to have
effective and accurate cut of metals and will only consumes just a second for the cutting
process. This metal cutting machine can give satisfaction to the operators because the
finish surface is good and acceptable.

This project is designed and fabricated like guide or support for long diameter and
heavy metals, dust trap to avoid too much widespread of chips during operation and
adjustable jigs to have angle cutting. This project can be useful to students and
mechanical instructor because the time allotment on cutting by using hacksaw and
portable grinder is too tedious.

This project can use for long period of time because of electric motor which is tested
and proven on its durability. 3. Operation and Maintenance Manual Operating
Procedures After an Improvised High Speed Metal cutter was completed, the
researchers provide several steps to follow in operating the metal cutting machine. Set
the angle plate to the desired cutting angle. Make sure the workpiece lies flat on the
cutting table.

Use the vise to secure the workpiece to the table. Push the vise screw toward the angle
plate and turn the vise wheel clockwise to secure. Turn ON the switch and allow the
electric motor come up to full speed before touching the workpiece with the wheel.
After the motor reaches the full speed lower the disc into the center of the workpiece.

Using a smooth, firm, and gentle downward motion, make a clean cut through the
workpiece. Do not allow the disc to bump or jump when making contact with the
workpiece, this may damage both the workpiece and the disc. Keep consistent pressure
when coming to the bottom of the cut to avoid forming a heavy burr and overheating
the workpiece.

Raise the disc completely from the workpiece before switching OFF and allow the motor
to stop before removing the workpiece. Maintenance In order to maintain the smooth
running condition of the machine, the following guidelines should be observed. Ensure
that the High Speed Metal Cutter is unplugged from the power supply before
attempting any maintenance.

Regularly clean the dust which accumulates inside the protective guard and on the
external parts. Regularly check the tension to avoid slither of belt. Inspect guards,
switches, power cord and extension cord. Check for loose screws, jamming, broken parts
and any other condition of the metal cutter. If an unusual operating noise or vibration
occurs, turn switch OFF and immediately correct the problem before using again.

Clean dust and debris from vents, table top, and vise screw. Use a dry rag or paint brush
to clean all areas of the metal cutter. Check for alignment of moving parts, jamming,
breakage, improper mounting, and any other condition that may affect the metal cutter
operation. Check any damaged parts, discontinue using a damaged metal cutter until
the parts is carefully checked. Ensure that all parts will operate and perform properly.
Safety Control Measures During the operation, the following safety and control
measures should be considered. Failure to read all instructions and follow the general
safety warnings and other safety warnings and cautions may result in serious personal
injury. Know the High Speed Metal Cutter first. Read the instruction manual. Understand
the power tools application, limitations and potential hazards.

Use safety goggles at all times. Keep safety guards in place. Keep work area clean to
prevent accidents. Take time to clean the equipment, the work area and especially the
floor. The floor can become slippery from metal cut dust, wax and other material. Avoid
dangerous environments__ – do not use metal cutter in damp or wet environments.
Select a work area with proper lighting.

Do not force the metal cutter beyond its designed rate. Secure your work using clamps
or a vise when practical. It frees both hands and is safer to operate the equipment.
Check any damaged parts, discontinue using a damaged metal cutter until the parts is
carefully checked. Ensure that all parts will operate and perform properly Do not cut
freehand. Verify the workpiece will not rock or twist when it is being cut.

Make sure there is no gap between the workpiece, angle plate, and the base of the
metal cutter. Do not cut more than one workpiece at a time. It could create hazard by
becoming wedged against the disc. Avoid contact with a rotating cutting disc. Do not
wear gloves, loose clothing or jewelry. Do not allow anyone to stand behind the metal
cutter or close to the workpiece where debris can be thrown.

Table 8 Cost of Supplies and Materials Quantity _Unit _Description _Unit Price _Total
Price _ _1 _Pc _Abrasive Disc (350mm x 2.8mm x 25.4mm) _989.00 _989.00 _ _1 _Pc
_Abrasive Disc (350mm x 2.8mm x 25.4mm) _190.00 _190.00 _ _1 _Pc _Electric Motor
(1.1HP) _1,500.00 _1,500.00 _ _2 _Pcs _Pillow block (1 ¼) _370.00 _740.00 _ _2 _Pcs _Pillow
block (1”) _430.00 _860.00 _ _20 _Pcs _Cutting disc No. 45 _17.00 _340.00 _ _8 _Kilos
_Welding Rod (6013) _148.00 _1,184.00 _ _2 _Pcs _Camshaft gear _400.00 _800.00 _ _1
_Pc _Timing belt _750.00 _750.00 _ _17 _Inches _Steel shafting 1 ¼ _28.75 _488.75 _ _2
_Pcs _Angle bar 20ft.

(3/16 x 1 ½) _530.00 _1,060.00 _ _8 _Pcs _Bolt and nuts (13mm x 60mm) _24.00 _192.00 _
_15 _Pcs _Bolt and nuts 5/8 _14.00 _210.00 _ _2 _Pcs _Paint brush no.3 (3”) _35.00 _70.00
_ _2 _Liters _Crystal green paint _180.00 _360.00 _ _1 _Liter _Black paint _70.00 _70.00 _ _1
_Pc _AR plate (30cm x 100cm) _350.00 _350.00 _ _1 _Pc _Mild steel plate 4mmx914.4mm
_300.00 _300.00 _ _1 _Pc _Mechanical Switch _280.00 _280.00 _ _1 _Pc _ Extension Spring
_300.00 _300.00 _ _1 _Pc _Rubberized strip _80.00 _80.00 _ _5 _Feet _Cable wire No. 16
_27.00 _135.00 _ _1 _Liter _Primer paint (gray) 60ml _190.00 _190.00 _ _1 _Bottle _Paint
Thinner 120ml _40.00 _40.00 _ _TOTAL COST: _11,478.00 _ _ Table 8 shows the list of
supplies and materials, their cost and their corresponding as used in fabricating of an
Improvised High Speed metal cutter.

Total Cost of the Project The total project cost of the machine consists of the material
expenses, considering the labor expenses and transportation with the total of Php.17,
978.00. Table 9 shows the total cost of the project. Table 9.Total Cost Expenses _Amount
_ _Cost of Supplies and Materials _Php 11,478.00 _ _Labor Expenses _Php 5,000.00 _
_Transportation _Php. 1,500.00 _ _TOTAL _Php. 17,978.00 _ _The table shows the total
expenses of the project.


chapter presents the findings, conclusions and recommendation for further
development of the project. Summary of Findings The study aimed to design and
develop an Improvised High Speed Metal Cutter through the knowledge and skills that
the researchers have learned in their course. The study had the following findings. The
researchers design and fabricated an Improvised High Speed Metal Cutter.

They considered the knowledge and skills formulate the said study. They considered the
components, material specification and metal treatment has been useful to construction.
The material specifications used in the study are affordable, economical, and available
locally in near areas.

In technical, the researchers were able to familiarize themselves with the different
processes they have utilized in the construction of the project. They used different
techniques and strategies they learned in the field of Mechanical and Welding. The
process was used in fabricating the frame, machining the CRS shaft and wiring

After testing and evaluating an Improvised High Speed Metal Cutter, it was proven to be
efficient, useful, durable and safe. Cutting efficiency. The machine proven to have an
accurate measurement of metals to cut. As well the surface finish is good and
acceptable. Usefulness, on final testing the machine can cut different sizes and forms of
metals with its corresponding measure. Durability.
The researchers tested the metal cutter to know if it is working. The researchers ensure
that the used metal and materials in making this prototype is standard and workable.
Safety. The researchers provide the safety control measures to ensure that the operator
is safe on cutting operations.

The operational and maintenance manual of the project was developed with proper
operating procedures, maintenance and safety of the project. The researches provide a
several steps and guidelines for Metal Cutter to gives satisfaction and how the machine
maintains on its good surface finish and smooth cutting. The operation and manual
provided by the researchers will benefit and will accommodate the demand of the

Conclusions The following conclusions were derived by the researchers from the
findings of the study. The researchers have successfully used locally available materials
in the fabrication of an Improvised High Speed Metal Cutter. They conclude that all the
design and fabrication processes in terms of material components and technical
specification are passed through many testing, observations and intense study. The
study also concludes that the materials specifications are found in near areas and the
quality itself.

The technical components are based on the knowledge and skills learned by the
researchers on Mechanical Technology. The fabricated metal cutter has efficiency
usefulness, durability and safety which are acceptable to help students for producing a
good production and rate of work. The study conclude that the machine is efficient,
durable and safe based on data gathered and evaluated to have precise design and
accurate scale.

They also conclude that the performances of the project are proven and the Mechanical
students will benefit and it will be useful. The operational manual is essential in the
operation of this project and assures of safe working procedures and proper
maintenance. The researchers conclude that the manual on operation and maintenance
is standard.

They also conclude the project provides an efficient and reliable manual to the
operators. Recommendations Improvised High Speed Metal Cutter offers advantage but
require further enhancement. Therefore, the researchers wish to offer the following
recommendations: The working table may extend from 46cm up to 70cm to achieve the
desired wear of wheel diameter.
The 2HP to 5HP electric motor may replace with minimum 2,500 to 3,500 RPM. Add
more features and attachable component like measuring tape and wheels to easily
transport from one place to another. APPENDICES APPENDIX A Isometric View
APPENDIX B Isometric View with Labels / Note: Safety guards are provided but not
shown in the drawing, this is to view or see the driving component of the project.

RIGHT SIDE VIEW Note: All measurements are expressed in millimiters. APPENDIX E
Exploded View APPENDIX F Electric Motor Note: All measurements are expressed in
millimiters APPENDIX G Frame Note: All measurements are expressed in millimiters
APPENDIX H Adjustable Jigs Note: All measurements are expressed in millimiters
APPENDIX I Rotating Shaft Note: All measurements are expressed in millimiters
APPENDIX J Mechanical Switch Note: All measurements are expressed in millimiters
APPENDIX K Timing Belt Note: All measurements are expressed in millimiters APPENDIX
L Guarding Note: All measurements are expressed in millimiters APPENDIX M
Improvised High Speed Metal Cutter APPENDIX N Guide Roller Support APPENDIX O
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