The Pursuit of Holiness

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"Pursue holiness without which no man shall see the Lord" Hebrews 12:14

As I put pen to paper, I am conscious of the difficulty that meets us when dealing with this crucial
topic of "Holiness". It is a vital subject which deserves far more attention than it receives in our
times. Our lot is cast in a time in which any talk about Holiness is repugnant to some people and
is treated like a beggar meddling with our pockets. Several reactions come to the fore but at least
two definitely will rear their heads. To some, any "Holiness talk" sounds archaic. The very word
"Holiness" brings graphic images of being old fashioned, back ward and fossilised. Things like toe
touching long skirts, old thread bare bleached clothes, dangerously depreciated tilted shoes and
long brittle wire-like kinky hair immediately come to the modern globally minded liberal Christian’s
mind. To others, the idea is associated with a bigotry-like "holier than thou" attitude. Yet Holiness
is very much a Scriptural idea. But what is Holiness? Why should we pursue it anyway?

Let it be known that holiness can be viewed at least in a two fold sense. The first is positional
holiness. This is the state in which all the Christians are when they become born again
(regeneration, Titus 3:5-7; I Corinthians 6:11). The moment that someone turns from a life of sin
and believes on the Lord Jesus Christ alone for salvation, that moment, God declares them
righteous and makes them holy. From that moment, God the acquitter deals with them "as though
they have never sinned". This positional holiness implies that anyone who has never turned from
sin radically is still under God'
s condemnation (John 3: 18). All their good works, church going,
alms giving are futile. Their best physical good is as stenchy filthy rags in God's eyes (Isaiah

The second is progressive holiness which our text (Hebrews 12:14) highlights. This is the moral
standard that every true Christian has to strive for. Mark my words "true Christian", not any
hypocrite. This means that the moment that someone flies to Christ for refuge, they suddenly
resolve to fight sin to the bitter end, until they breathe their last.
To be holy, then, is to be separated from sin and, therefore, consecrated to God. It is a curious
fact than many in our "Christian nation" lay claim to Christ but alas, their lives flatly contradict their
profession. They carry Bibles in their hands but have not Christ in their hearts. Progressive
holiness is something that you and I have to consciously and diligently work out in cooperation
with the Holy Spirit (Phil 2: 12, 13) as He works in our lives sanctifying us daily. To that extent that
you apply yourself to godly things and the means of grace to that extent will you be holy. In short,
a holy person is someone who is more like God. But then, why is holiness important? Why pursue

It must be stated that the pursuit of holiness is compulsory for all true Christians, no special
cases! From the time of conversion to your dying day, you must pursue holiness. Do you know
anything of holy desires? Does it bother you that you are not as holy as you ought to be? Every
regenerate saint will labour to be holy. Remember, "No Holiness, No Heaven!" Holiness must
be pursued because:

(1) God is holy and therefore all who have dealings with Him must be holy (1 Peter 1:16). So
friend, nothing of 99% holiness-with God! He commands you!

(2) It is for your own good. If you persist in sin and disobedience, God will punish or discipline
you! Those that are Christians are treated as children (Hebrews 12:6) and therefore must be like
their father. Ah! how so few there are that walk like Jesus did! Look around on campus, in church,
at home and in the city, how many walk worthy of their calling? How many are holy in the
common and mundane things of life? How do they conduct themselves in their dealings with
other people? How about their honesty and integrity in their class and rooms?

(3)Holiness is required for effective service to God. The Holy Spirit will only empower clean holy
vessels. For how can He use those who live like demons? Think of all those that God has used
over the years, what has made them tick? I suggest that they are and were mostly set apart for
God (2 Tim 2:21)

(4) Holiness is necessary for our assurance of salvation. Have you wondered why you are forever
doubting your salvation or perhaps why God does not use you? Could it be that you are not
pursuing holiness? Those that forsake all things for Christ and live consistent holy lives are most
assured. Their public and private lives are the same, Holy! They do not linger like Lot, in Sodom
and Gomorrah (Gen 19:16). Take it to heart, the only sure evidence that you are a Christian is a
holy life (2 Cor 5: 17)

Having said the above, let us ask the question “What are the marks of a holy person? How may I
know that I am holy?” I suggest only two.

The first mark is a growing hatred for sin. A holy person hates sin more each passing day. He or
she strives to be like God as the fight with the world, the flesh and the devil rages on- Ah! The
worst enemy is sin and like Paul' s cry "O wretched man that I am!” (Rom 7:24) but in the same
breath say "I press on" (Phil 3:12). The person fights and wrestles with sin daily. No cease fire is
ever declared with sin! The full armour of God worn all the days in this spiritual battle. Friend, do
you know anything of any inward conflict? What is your attitude to sin? I fear that far too many
know nothing of what I am describing. I assert that growing saints have a bitter struggle with sin
each passing hour. I wonder, what is your resolve this year, yea, this quarter? Is it to have victory
over sin and the world?

The second is a deepening love for God. They love Him deeply and sincerely from the heart that
they do all things for Him out of a joyful heart. Have you noticed those two people madly in love?
Notice the sparkle in their eyes as they are with their dear one! Everything else is irrelevant at
that point, not even the air they breathe! Notice how they talk about their love to other people!
There is a freshness there! There is a sweetness about their friend prompted by love. Something
like this imperfect human love and a thousand times more is what floods the heart of the holy
saint. Each life year is consecrated to the Lord and often times their minds are filled with holy
things. They long to be with God in secret prayer. Their closet is never covered with dust layers,
nay they visit it often and daily. Is it the roof top or the field? No hurdle will stand in their way.
Further, they read their Bible daily under no compulsion. If it were possible, they abandon all
other human books only to read this one book divine. The Bible is their love letter from God. In
addition they long for purity of life. Their walk at home and abroad is consecrated to God. They
give no occasion to the flesh to indulge in evil things because they are ever grateful to God for
having cleansed them from their past sins. Even if they have AIDS or cancer, they will love Him
still! In a nutshell, Christ is all in all in their lives and as such could give up everything they
possess if they could be more like Christ. Is this your description? Are you growing in love God-
wards? What about your love for God' s children, the saints? Does your life radiate Christ in the
public domain? Does this holiness permeate all departments of your daily life? What about the
social, political and ecclesiastical arenas? Holiness beams out from the sanctified believer
regardless of what station they find themselves in life.

One of the major hindrances to attaining a holy life is our attitude to sin. Subtly, we classify some
sins as being "more serious" than others. But I assert that all sin is heinous in God' s sight. Let us
also not misunderstand "living by faith" (Gal 2:20). True Christianity is a fight of faith! (1 Tim 6:12)
We must diligently labour and apply ourselves to the means of grace if we are to grow more holy.
Read your Bible more meditatively, pray more, fellowship more and I am not afraid of the result.
As I leave off writing, I wonder, are you holy? What is it that makes you unique? Is it holiness? If
you are yet unconverted, I urge you to fly to Christ for mercy!
Farewell 0'reader!

Billy Sichone

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