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(0+000 TO 36+000 KM)

Scope of Service

1. Feasibility Study
a. Review existing study reports and data, with a view to assessing the needs for additional
data collection and surveys. Organize any surveys that need to be done to fill the gaps in
available data.
b. Define the area of influence of the proposed roads with a view to establishing the limits
of the corridor, which needs to be studied by considering future developments and
urban/public transport interventions.
c. Keep close contact and correspondence with relevant authorities such as Ministry of
Megapolis and Western Development, Urban Development Authority, Ministry of
Transport etc for their development initiatives.
d. Establish socio economic profile of area of influence for present and future within the
study period and forecast transport requirement of the area in relation to the future
development activities of other sectors and changes of land use.
e. Develop a suitable traffic forecasting model calibrated for the country and set up future
socio-economic parameters for the study area in considering the future development.
f. Estimate project cost and benefits and estimate the Internal Rate of Return (IRR), Net
Present Value (NPV) and Benefit Cost Ratio (B/C) of the investment.
g. Identify appropriate and feasible alternative alignments to meet the objective of the
project considering land availability, area to be served, and possibility of public transport
development, avoiding environmental and social sensitive area.
h. Forecast the traffic for each alternative using a suitable traffic forecasting model
calibrated for the study area and future socio economic and parameters.
i. Develop an alternate alignment assessment matrix considering criteria such as area
serving, possibility of public transport development, environmental and social impact
levels, traffic attraction levels, cost etc and other suitable criteria.
j. Conducting pre-feasibility study to assist the financial feasibility of the project.
k. Conducting hydrological and geotechnical feasibility study to identify the flood areas,
culvert, bridge requirement and the ground conditions.

2. Design Review of Detail Designs

a. Carry out /Review detailed structural, geometrical and pavement designs and all related
facilities on the civil works contract.
i. Earthwork
ii. Blasting for roadway excavation
iii. Treatment of soft ground
iv. Construction of structures
1. Viaducts
2. Overpass Bridges
3. Underpass Bridges
4. Retaining walls
5. Tunneling
v. Pavements
vi. Drainage
vii. Installation of Road Furniture
viii. Toll Collection System
ix. Interchanges
x. Lighting
xi. Incidental Works

b. Consider where possible reducing the cost of the Works, enhance safety by making such
adjustments to the designs as are technically acceptable within the approved design
standards and Contract Specifications for the Works.
c. Review and approve the Contractor’s all working drawings and amend the detailed
Engineering Designs/Contract Drawings whenever required.
d. Carry out/ Review detailed Electrical and Telecommunication design and all related
e. Carry out/ Review detail architectural drawings for existing and other buildings.
f. Design of landscape arrangements under the conditions of local authorities.

3. Construction Supervision
a. Carryout regular inspections of all the works and certify that all construction
workmanship is inspected, measured and recorded so as to ensure that the works are
constructed in accordance with the project specifications.
b. Verifying the quality of all materials at the metal quarries, borrow pits, Asphalt plants,
Concrete mixing plants, precast/posttension concrete yards and that are brought onto
the site by the contractor, his sub-contractors and/or materials suppliers according to the
project specification.
c. Witness the laboratory testing and check all test procedures and calculations and
maintain systematic records of all materials testing carried out.
d. Evaluated the technical submissions of the contractor according to the project
specification and relevant standards.
e. Check the technical ability of the Contractor's staff and their competence to carry out
their assigned responsibilities and advice contractor accordingly.
f. Certifying measurements and recording all the work completed.
g. Ensure the health and site safety according to the project specification and local guild
h. Carrying out inspection for electrical and telecommunication devices.
i. Carrying out inspection for architectural works.

4. Project Management
a. Review, evaluate and agree with Contractor’s Work Programs and Progress schedules
for the most effective and expeditious methods of carrying out the Work.
b. Monitor the actual progress of the project in both physical and financial terms with the
construction Schedule.
c. Update the progress using computer package "Microsoft Project “or "Primavera" and
advice the contractor regarding catching up of any delay by using Project Management
d. Organize monthly project progress review meetings, design coordination meetings.
e. Maintained a proper document control and management system for the project.
f. Valuation of work done monthly as per Contract document, checking contractor’s
monthly invoices, cost proposals, rate analysis etc.

g. Review, evaluate and resolve on Disputes and Claims and avoid further claims.
h. .Communicate with local authorities and ensure that all stakeholders are fully informed
of proposed construction activities and their possible consequences.

i. Work as a coordination agent between the foreign investor, contractor and local
authorities and project Executing Agency.
j. Consult the Client and the Contractor for future demand of materials, human resources
and cash.
k. Proposing the construction sequence for the client to increase the benefits for the client.

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