Section A-Personal Information: Survey On

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Survey On: Change Management System of construction contractors in IIT Kharagpur Campus.

Respected Sir/ Ma’am,

I am Indrajit Charudatta Potdar, Pursuing M. tech in Infrastructure Design and Management from IIT
Kharagpur. It will be helpful for me to complete the survey if you provide me the information. I assure you
that the information will be kept confidential and will be used only for the academic purpose.
Contact Details: Mob.No. 9028792392, email:

Section A- Personal Information

Designation- …………………………………......................................................
Experience in Construction contracting in IIT Kharagpur-…………….Years

Section B- Project Data

Note- Please provide information about your construction site within IIT Kgp. campus.

Site 1

Type of Construction

Cost of Project & Total area

of construction

Contract Type

Section C- General Information about Change Order

Note- Kindly, mark () once in each row.

1. Number of written approvals required to implement change order

Zero One Two Three More than three

2. Compensation method for change order

Negotiated fix Actual cost + margin Adjusted unit price Unit price as stated in bid

Other (Please Mention)…………………………….

3. The primary driving factor for change order

Cost Quality Schedule Scope of work Time
Section D- Causes of Change order
1- Never= 0% of the time, 2- Seldom= 25% of the time, 3- Sometimes= 50% of the time
4- Often= 75% of the time, 5- Very Often= 100% of the time.
Note- There are various causes for changes during construction. Please rate the each by marking () once in each row.

Causes 1 2 3 4 5
Owner financial difficulties.

Value engineering

Contractor desire to improve his

Financial conditions.

Contractor financial difficulties.

Change of plans by owner.

Change in design.

Error and omissions in design.

Owner change of schedule

Weather condition.

Lack of coordination
Site 2
The scope of work for the contractor is lll-defined

1ll –defined project objective

Differing site conditions.

New government regulations.

Conflict between contract and document.

Safety consideration.

Unavailability of skills.

Unavailability of equipment.

Defective workmanship.

Substitution of material or procedures.

Technology change
Section E- Effects of Change Order
1- Never= 0% of the time, 2- Seldom= 25% of the time, 3- Sometimes= 50% of the time
4- Often= 75% of the time, 5- Very Often= 100% of the time.
Note- There are various Effects can be seen due to change orders during construction. Please rate the each by marking ()
once in each row.

Effects 1 2 3 4 5

Decrease in productivity.

Delay completion schedule.

Dispute between owner and contractor

Decrease in quality.

Increase in project cost.

Additional fee for contractor.

Delay of material and tools.

Work on hold.

Increase in overhead expenses.

Delay in payment.

Demolition and rework.

--Thank You--

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