1laporan Multitrauma Februari 2018 - NOW

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No Identitas MRS MOI Diagnosis Terapi RTS/PS Outcome

1 Tn. Ignatius Ida 03/02/2018 KLL motor vs Internal Urologi: Konservatif, Hb serial 7 Sembuh
Bagus A/L/16 mobil bleeding HD Digestif: Konservatif,
th/12648170 stabil + ruptur monitoring tanda-tanda akut 80%
Ren S grade IV abdomen

2 An. Salsabila Viona 03/02/18 KLL, motor vs SDH tectorial + NS: konservatif 8 Sembuh
A/P/7 th/12648387 motor CF parasimfisis Ortho: external fiksasi 90%
mandible D + KL: ORIF elektif
CF Femur S 1/3 BA: konservatif
tengah + TTA
3 Anwar/L/62 03/02/2018 KLL, motor vs SDH tectorial + 8 Sembuh
th/12648400 mobil SDH occipital NS: konservatif
tipis + Fr. KL: ORIF elektif 90%
Maxilla left 2 + TKV: konservatif, BGA serial
f. Os Nasal + B. Plastik: Debridement +
Fr. Tripod S + pinning
CF. Costae
3,4,5,6,7 lateral
S + Cf. phalanx
distal 3,4,5
manus D

4 Aldi/L/15 04/02/2018 KLL tunggal Multiple Digestif: laparotomi eksplorasi 8 Sembuh

th/12648190 motor menabrak rupture jejunum + reseksi jejunum + end to end 90%
pagar + rupture anastomose jejenu-jejenostomy
mesoileum + Cf + repair primer mesoileum
four rami pubis Orthopedi: closed reduction +
+ CF radius- pinning
ulna distal D
5 Kardi/L/50 04/02/2018 KLL, motor vs Internal Digestif: laparotomi eksplorasi 8 Sembuh
th/12648572 truck bleeding + splenectomy + tandur lien 90%
unstable Orthopedi: amputasi below knee
hemodynamic + S
rupture lien B. Plastik: Debridement +
grade 5 + pasang VAC
rupture hepar TKV: konservatif
grade 2 + crush
injury pedis S +
Flank S + CF

6 Abd. 06/02/2018 KLL, motor TTA + Dig: Konservatif 4 Sembuh

Manab/L/53th/12648 terjatuh sendiri hematothorax S TKV: thorax foto serial + BGA 40 %
919 + contusion serial
pulmonum S +
Fr. Costae VIII
posterior S
7 Mohar/L/41 06/02/2018 KLL, motor vs TTA + open Digest: Konservatif 6 Sembuh
th/12648945 motor degloving Orthopedi: amputasi above knee 60%
curries S + CF bilateral
tibia D 1/3
proximal + CF
fibula D 1/3
proximal +
dead limb
setinggi gene

8 Jamaludin/L/33 07/02/2018 KLL, motor vs Internal Digest: konservatif, monitoring 8 Sembuh

th/12649285 mobil bleeding HD vital sign 90%
stable + rupture Orthopaedi: debridement +
heaps grade 3 + screwing iliac wing D
hematopneumot TKV: Insersi Chest tube
horax bilateral bilateral + urgent clipping
+ costae

9 An. Anfisa/L/12 11/02/2018 KLL motor TTA + CF BA: Konservatif 8 Sembuh

th/12649880 diserempet Costae 3,4,5 Orthopedi: debridement + ORIF 90%
mobil posterolateral D dengan K-Wire
+ CF clavicula NS: konservatif
1/3 Tengah + TKV: konservatif
hematothorax D
minimal + OF
neck humerus
D + trauma
10 Ummi Nur/P/25 12/02/2018 KLL, motor vs Ruptur hepar Digestif: konservatif 8 Sembuh
th/12650226 mobil grade 2 + B. Plastik: debridement 70%
rupture lien Ortho: LLC
grade I +
al - femur S +
CF iliac wing S
+ CF tibial
plateau D

11 Samsuri/L/62 12/02/2018 KLL, motor vs COB + ICH NS: konservatif 9 Meninggal

th/12650257 mobil parietal S + TKV: Konservatif, thorax serial 90%
IVH + edema + BGA serial
cerebri + fr. Digestif: Konservatif
occipital + fr. B.plastik: ORIF elektif
mandible D/S +
12 Junaidal/P/29 15/02/2018 KLL sepeda vs COR Tanpa lesi Orthopedi: debridement + 9 Sembuh
th/12651226 truck + unstable external fiksasi humerus D + 90%
pelvis dengan pelvic bandage + arm sling
HD stabil + TKV: urgent clipping costae
TTA + fr. KL: ORIF elektif
Corpus NS: konservatif
mandibula S + Digest: konservatif
OF. Shaft
humerus S + CF
clavicula D +
Cf. costa 3
posterior D +
Cf. Costae 5,6,7
lateral D + CF
vertebrae sacral

13 Rois/L/20 16/02/2018 KLL motor vs TTA + TTT + Digestif: Konservatif 7 Sembuh

th/12651495 mobil lesi vascular Bedah KL: debridement + 70%
setinggi arteri explore vulnus + jahit primer
poplitea D + Orthopedi: external fiksasi
appertum regio
colli + CF
femur S 1/3
distal + Cf.
proximal tibia
14 Taufiq/L/20th/1265878 17/02/2018 KLL, motor vs COB + EDH + DAI NS: debridement dan 7 Meninggal
9 motor grade I + OF. rekonstruksi 80%
Impressi anterior KL: Orif elektif
wall sinus frontal Digest: konservatif
+ Fr. Maxilla
lefort I + fr.
ary complex S

15 Ach. 18/02/2018 KLL, mobil vs internal Digest: laparotomy eksplorasi 9 Sembuh

Rosidi/L/25th/126518 truck bleeding Ortho: debridement = eksternal 90%
30 unstabil fiksasi
hemodinamik + TKV: Repair vascular
ruptur cabang
abdominalas +
mesojejenum +
CF femur D 1/3
Tengah + OF
cruris D 1/3
16 Krisna/L/17th/12652 22/02/2018 KLL, motor vs Internal NS; konservatif 9 meninggal
925 mobil bleeding Digestif: laparotomy eksplorasi 90%
unstable Orthopedi: debridement +
hemodinamik + musculorraphy dan eksternal
rupture hepar fiksasi
grade IV + CF
subtrochanter S
+ skin abrasi R.
Humerus D +

17 Azzam 23/02/2018 KLL, motor vs Hematopneumo Digest: konservatif 8 Sembuh

sulaiman/L/18th/1265 motor thorax S + Orthopaedic: diagnostik dengan 80%
3244 pneumothorax MRI
D + CF Costae TKV: insersi chest tube bilateral
posterior +
stabile +
Ruptur hepar
grade 2 + renal
injury D grade
∑ Jenis Kelamin Outc Akurasi diagnosis Respone time Penanganan
L P Hidup Mati tepat missed under <1jam >1 jam Trainee Chief Jaga II
17 14 3 14 3 17 - - 17 - 0 5 12

Pasien Hidup Pasien Meninggal


0-5 :- 0-5 :-

5-6 :- 5-6 :1

6-7 :7 6-7 :-

>7 :9 >7 :-

Probability of survival

0-25% :-

25-50% :1
Probability of survival

0-25% :-

25-50% :-

50-75% :7

75-100% :9

Surabaya, 28 Februari 2018

Yipno Wanhar (NOW)

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