July 19, 2019

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The Minnedosa

Since 1883
Volume 137 Issue 19 Friday, July 19, 2019 www.minnedosatribune.com 90 cents plus tax

INSIDE With Heartfelt Appreciation

this week

Weeds Taking
Over North
End of Lake

Rodeo Action
Returns Photo by Darryl Holyk

8 (L-R) Cpl. Graeme Kingdon and Cst. Mitch Thompson are pictured with Prairie Mountain EMS - Erickson Paramedics
Amanda Cornish, Amy Kingdon, Callum Melvin and Jodi Lynn Woychyshyn. Missing - Linde MacDiarmid.
Paramedics risked their own safety to aid Cpl. Kingdon after being wounded by gunshot near Onanole last August.

By DARRYL HOLYK community involvement Thompson, who has since bitt and Dauphin-Swan Staff Sergeant Dave Porter,
and support the RCMP been transferred to Nova River-Neepawa MP Robert Yellowhead Area Com-
If your label reads

19/07/31 T
he Royal Canadian received during and after Scotia, were both in atten- Sopuck. mander. “The outpouring
Mounted Police host- the incident in which Cpl. dance as honoured guests. “This community of support shown to the
ed a special Community Graeme Kingdon and Cst. Other special guests in- was diligent in calling RCMP and the Kingdon
time to renew Appreciation event at the Mitch Thompson were in- cluded RCMP Superinten- the RCMP with tips and and Thompson families
your subscription! Onanole Rec Centre last volved in a shooting while dent Darcy Fleury, RCMP information which as- was nothing short of re-
Thursday, July 5th. The responding to a Break and Assistance Commissioner sisted RCMP in the quick markable and much ap-
204-867-3816 event was hosted to rec- Enter on August 29th, 2018. Jane MacLatchy, Riding apprehension of two-of- preciated.”
ognize the outstanding Cpl. Kingdon and Cst. Mountain MLA Greg Nes- the-three suspects,” stated Continued on Page 6

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Gill and Schmall Agencies

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Or stop by Minnedosa Insurance Services on Main Street
Invested in Community
2 Friday, July 19, 2019 The Minnedosa Tribune

Promotion Within the Ranks Pool Noodles

of May it opened up a po-
sition within the depart-
ment,” explained Fire
Chief, Dean Jordan. Mike
held the position of Dep-
uty Fire Chief along with
Perry Burgess.
“In lieu of another
Deputy Chief position we
decided to create a Cap-
tain position so we could
have more front line lead-
ers going into situations,”
explained Cheif Jordan.
“We opened the position
to all members of the de-
partment to put their name
forward. As we have a real-
ly strong group of fire fight-
ers we had several people
who threw their name in
the hat. This just speaks to
the leadership crew that
Photo by Karen Mitchell we have currently. We put
Currently in his fifth year with the Minnedosa Fire the decision to a vote with-
in the department and it
Department, Matt Saler has been promoted to Captain
was voted that Matt Saler
following the recent retirement of Mike Kowal. was promoted to the Cap-
By KAREN MITCHELL was promoted to Captain sion and dedication for the tain position through the
within the local fire de- work he gained the assur- confidence of the group.”

E ffective June 4th partment. Matt is in his ance of his crew. “It was a real hon-
,Minnedosa volun- fifth year with the depart- “With the retirement our that the department
teer firefighter, Matt Saler, ment and through his pas- of Mike Kowal at the end choose me for the posi- Photo submitted
tion,” Saler expressed. “We
have a great group of lead-
ers so it doesn’t change N eed some pool noodles? Now is the perfect time to
get them from Minnedosa Home Hardware. Not
things a whole lot for what only is it swimming season but right now, our local Home

Minnedosa Co ow
will occur on the calls. Ever Hardware is running a “Big Boss Pool Noodle Challenge.”

mm you
since I joined I have en- Owner Gord Lane has challenged his hard-working team

Home Hardware
joyed every minute of the
Su un r
of employees to sell 500 pool noodles with all proceeds

pp ity
experience. I look forward being donated to the Beach Enhancement Committee to

to many more years to get closer to their goal of constructing a new playground

invites you to t come.” at the beach. The pool noodles, in bright pink, orange,
blue or teal are selling for five bucks each. If all 500 sell

take part in the

that will be a boost of $2,500 for the Beach Enhancement

Ready to
POOL NOODLE R ockin’ the Fields of
Minnedosa returns
August 2nd to 4th.
This year’s festival

kicks off Friday with April
Wine, Platinum Blonde,
Harlequin, Lee Aaron,
Nightrain, Wreckin’ So and
Thousand Dollar Truck.
Saturday’s lineup in-
cludes Collective Soul,
All sales of Pool Sam Roberts Band, Nir-
Van Down By The River,

Noodles to be donated
Daisy Chain and Black-

back to the Minnedosa

The final day of this
year’s festival will include
performances by Tom

Beach Enhancement Cochrane and Red Rider,

54-40, Sass Jordan, Bed of

Roses, Refusion and Kates
For more information
(500 available) call 1-888-330-8333 or visit
The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, July 19, 2019 3

Sorority Disbands and Makes Donation to Clinic

By KAREN MITCHELL The sorority held so- being snowbirds through
cials and fashion shows the winter months.

O n Monday, July 15th

representatives from
the Preceptor Zeta chapter
and their main fundrais-
ers and always donated
it back within the com-
It was at this time that
the members decided to
donate the remainder of
met with doctors from the munity. Darlene Koetke, their funds to the Primary
Dr. Ajai Khandelwal Pri- member since 1969 and Care Centre to purchase
mary Care Centre to hand Jackie Peckover, member something off of their wish
over the remaining funds since 1979, recall how the list. A total of $1,400 was
of the chapters account. ladies of the group wel- presented. The Primary
The Preceptor Zeta comed them when they Care Centre decided to
is the third-degree chap- first joined after moving purchase an Ultra Freeze
ter in Beta Sigma Phi in to the community and that Liquid Nitrogen Cryosur-
Minnedosa. The chapter they still have some of their gical System. This piece of
was chartered on May 15th, best friends from the group equipment aids doctors
1974. The Beta Sigma Phi to this day. “It was a great with localized skin proce-
is for members who have thing for me when I moved dures such as freezing skin
been in the sorority for 25 to town,” said Koetke. “I tags, warts, etc.
years or more. Sorority was met so many wonderful Susan Glasgow, repre-
formed for social and cul- people and learned about sentative from the Primary
tural reasons. Members the town when we first ar- Care Centre explained,
met up twice a month at rived. It was a great oppor- “Our committee thanks
each other’s homes and tunity for new comers.” the sorority ladies for their
socialized, ate and learned In the spring of 2018, generous contribution. 
Photo by Karen Mitchell something new. They often the sorority members de- The ongoing support from
had speakers in and always cided to become inactive area service clubs such
(L-R) Susan Glasgow, Dr. Khandelwal, Dr. Eligerhani, Darlene Koetke, had a topic for the meet- for many reasons, one as the Sorority, allows us
Dr. Onyshko and Jackie Peckover. ing. being a decline in mem- to purchase additional
bership. With an average equipment for the facil-
membership of approxi- ity which further enhances

Two Locals Up For Travel Manitoba Awards mately 20, the sorority
went down to ten mem-
bers, and several of those
the service our physicians
can provide to their pa-

By DARRYL HOLYK Farmhouse Lofts Bed and similar award from Tour- nor Hockey were recipi-
Breakfast.   Criteria for ism Westman. The criteria ents of the Travel Mani-

T wo Minnedosans have
been nominated for
the Travel Manitoba Tour-
this award includes dem-
onstrating initiative and
creativity in developing
for the Travel Manitoba
Aspiring Youth Award is a
Manitoban 29 years of age
toba Partnership Award
for their joint efforts in
the outdoor pond hockey
ism Awards. These hon-
ours are presented annual-
Manitoba’s tourism prod-
ucts while also addressing
or younger who has dem-
onstrated a passion for
fundraising weekend held
each February.
business of
ly to Manitobans who have
made outstanding contri-
a need or void for identifi-
able tourism markets.
tourism. They must also
participate in the tourism
The 2019 Travel Mani-
toba Tourism Award will
the month
butions to the provincial In the Aspiring Youth field, show tourism ambi- be presented at a gala in Minnedosa Chamber of
tourism industry. category, Maddy Grant tion in their region and set Winnipeg on September Commerce
Meaghan Cann has is nominated for her cre- a good example of what 19th. thanks this business for its’ contribution to
the business community
been nominated for the ation of three-video series Manitoba’s tourism indus- Congratulations and
July 2019
Travel Manitoba Innova- showcasing Minnedosa try can become. good luck to Meaghan and
tion Award for her busi- Valley Life. Maddy was Last year, Skate the Maddy on their well-de- Kim’s Quality Foods
ness Farmhouse 50 and recently honoured with a Lake and Minnedosa Mi- served nominations.

Busy Summer at Golf Course

By Patrick Law Our Mixed Open on elle Bell of Neepawa took calmed it was Keith Faw-
June 22nd saw 74 partici- home the championship cett who earned the title

I t has been a busy sum-

mer at Minnedosa Golf
and Country Club. We
pants enjoy a fun two per-
son format where Cheryl
Forsythe and Ken Newman
with an impressive score of
On July 15th, it was the
Senior Men’s Open Cham-
pion with a score of 75. 
Coming up this Satur-
The Minnedosa Chamber of Commerce Business of the
Month for July is Kim’s Quality Foods. Owner and Operators,
have hosted our Mixed, took home the title of Senior Men’s turn to test day we have our 2nd An- Daniel and Monica Kim, purchased the business from
Senior Ladies and Senior Mixed Open Champions. their game at MGCC. A full nual Minnedosa Masters Rick Burgess in June 2015.
Men’s Opens to date all Our Senior Ladies Open field of 144 golfers from all Golf Tournament where Located at 70 Main Street South, the grocery store offers a wide
of which saw increases in teed off on a beautiful July over Manitoba attended two golfers age 18+ will
range of items including meat, produce and lottery.
participation from last sea- 4th with 84 women from the Senior Men’s Open on walk away with a trip to Ve-
son and season past which Minnedosa and many oth- a very warm and breezy gas each! Open from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. seven days a week,
is encouraging to say the er clubs taking on our golf Manitoba day. When the the store employs six employees currently.
least. course. Ultimately, Dani- dust settled and the wind

The Minnedosa Tribune office will close for holidays aT 12 noon on

friday, July 19Th and reMain closed unTil 9 a.M. Monday, July 29Th

There will be no paper published July 26th

4 Friday, July 19, 2019 The Minnedosa Tribune

Around Southwest Crop Report

MB AGRICULTURE rainfall has improved crop rot starting to show up in fly has eggs, and larvae can
yield potential, after low low spots of the fields, as be found within the stems.

R ainfall accumulation
over the past week was
widely variable with six to
rainfall experienced this
spring. Some cereal crops
are entering the milk stage
well. No aphids yet. In-
tercropped peas-oats and
peas-canola are looking
Bertha armyworm
moth counts are rising in
the Southwest, but still
By Darryl Holyk 130 mm falling across the for wheat and soft dough very promising. well below threshold.
region. Southern parts of in barley. Winter cereals Soybean crops rang- There are isolated reports
the region received more are at hard dough stage. ing to early R1 to R2 stage. of diamondback moth lar-
Sports Dinner… with severe thunderstorms There are some late tillers Lower root nodule counts vae feeding, but no reports
Our local Rec Commission is busy planning its around Glenboro and in fall rye crops that flow- in some fields ranging of spraying. Grasshoppers
22nd annual Sports Dinner which will be hosted Octo- Mountainside. There are ering above the canopy of from two to six per plant, feeding has been noted,
ber 19th at the Conference Centre. This year’s theme is some reports of standing main stem heads. Most fall but larger than normal. but recent rains are help-
baseball and two keynote speakers have been booked water in fields but most rye crop is at hard dough Symptoms of iron defi- ing keep numbers under
– retired Blue Jays Jesse Barfield and Duane Ward. Pro- moisture was absorbed stage, which is earlier than ciency chlorosis in saline control. Rains since mid-
ceeds from the Sports Dinner are granted back to the into the soil. Northern ar- normal and may be due to areas. Soybeans benefit- June have helped pastures
community to local rec and sports related organiza- eas in the region near Rus- delayed rains. ting from warmer, moist and hay production. Hay-
tions and programs. sell, St. Lazare and Shoal Nearly all canola is at conditions. ing has started with yields
Lake could use more rain full bloom. Some fungicide Sunflowers are at the reported to be below av-
in coming days. Localized applications occurring, R1 to R2 stage and about erage. Precipitation has
Rodeo success… hail was reported along PR when stands are good. Still 130 cm tall. Small grass- boosted dugout levels, but
Hats off to the small group of local volunteers who #355. Soil moisture condi- some thin stands due to hoppers and thistle cat- not yet fully recharged.
threw together a pretty amazing one-evening rodeo tions in southern areas of poor germination/insect erpillars present. Stagey The far southwest corner
event in a very short period of time. It was great to see the region is rated as 30% pressure this spring. Most emergence early in spring of Manitoba and south
the bleachers full of spectators and hopefully, a full surplus and 70% adequate fair stands are branching causing irregular stands, of Riding Mountain Na-
weekend of rodeo can return to Minnedosa in the fu- while the northern areas profusely and filling in. where some plants are be- tional Park are still drier
ture! of the region rated as 80% Hot weather may be caus- hind, ranging from V4 to than the rest of the region.
adequate. ing some flower blast. Ear- V8. Corn ranges from V10 Some producers have be-
Cereal crops have im- ly seeded flax is in full to to V12. Patchy develop- gun hauling water and
Head out to the Fair… proved and are headed. late bloom. Stands look tall ment in field areas, some some native hay will not be
Following last Friday’s rodeo, the Minnedosa Ag- Fungicides on spring and full, with low disease with limited nutrients with worth cutting. Most annual
ricultural Society grounds will again be bustling with wheat are occurring, given pressure. nitrogen and sulfur defi- crops seeded for greenfeed
activity this weekend as the 137th Minnedosa Fair and elevated fusarium head Peas are in full bloom ciency symptoms. and silage are doing well.
Exhibition returns. The fair kicks off tomorrow morn- blight (FHB) risk, as well to mid pod stage, some Quinoa is in early to
ing at 9:30 and continues throughout Sunday. There is as for protection from leaf mycophaerella-ascochyta late flower stage (about
no gate admission so head down to the fairgrounds and disease. Timely, adequate seen and fusarium root 120 cm tall), stem boring
check out this long-running community event.

Bargains galore…
Local bargain hunters will find two Home Hard-
ware flyers in today’s edition – watch the dates very
Main Street Paving About to Begin
closely as one flyer is for this week and one is intended
The long awaited,
for next week when we will be on holidays and not pub-
lish. The current flyer is the smaller “Plumb it, cool it,
much anticipated
power it sale” while the larger, “Summer Savings Sale” repaving of
runs from July 25th to 31st. Minnedosa’s Main
Street is set to kick off
next week. Large
Councillor profile… electronic billboards
Current Minnedosa Town Councillor, Jim Dowsett went up last week
was featured in an in-depth “Municipal Profile” on his
announcing a start
lengthy municipal career in the Summer 2019 edition
of the Municipal Leader. Way to go Jim!
date of Monday, July
22nd. This is the same
day the provincial
Tribune Founder Communities in Bloom
William Gibbens judges will be in
Born - 1854 at London, England town to witness the
Died - February 20, 1932 needed upgrades to
at Cornwall, Ontario our main drag.
Photo by Darryl Holyk

Darryl a.Holyk - PublisHer anD eDitor

The Minnedosa Tribune Ltd. The Minnedosa Tribune is independently owned and is the The Minnedosa Tribune Ltd. does
oldest weekly newspaper in the Canadian West and has guarantee the publication of all submitted articles and

published continuously from the same premises since photographs. These submissions, are at the discretion of the
Box 930 Minnedosa, MB R0J 1E0
March of 1883. publisher and will appear as space permits. The Minnedosa
Published Friday of each week from the premises of
The Minnedosa Tribune Ltd. 14 - 3rd Ave. S.W. E-Mail Addresses: Tribune reserves the right to edit any submission as deemed
Minnedosa, MB. R0J 1E0 necessary by the publisher.
General: editor@minnedosatribune.com
Member of Manitoba Community Newspapers Association We are not responsible for fax transmissions or email
News Stories: reporter@minnedosatribune.com
and Newspapers Canada submissions that are not received. To guarantee that such
Ads/printing: adsales@minnedosatribune.com submissions have been received please confirm with a phone
Audited twice a year by Canadian Media Circulation Audit
Classifieds/Accounts: class@minnedosatribune.com call or in person.
Phone: (204) 867-3816
All contents copyright 2019
Fax: (204) 867-5171
The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, July 19, 2019 5

Bubbling Over l d
Some mischievous
culprits turned the
Main Street fountain
Ye O
into a bubble machine
during the early
morning hours of
Saturday, July 13th.
There are very
few seasons that
someone doesn’t add
some soap to the 1889 – The newly formed school district of Westhope is
fountain as a joke but advertising for tenders for the erection of a frame school
this most recent house. Tenders are also being wanted for digging a well
attempt was one of the at Westhope School.
largest bubbling
messes seen for some 1899 – Halpenny’s Store advertises “There is nothing
time. Fortunately, no so refreshing as a drink of cool soda water, served in a
real damage was cool glass, drawn from a cool fountain or a dish of our
done as a result delicious ice cream.”
of this prank. Photo submitted
1909 – The weekly shooting by the Moore Park Rifle As-
sociation was not quite up to standard on account of a

Five Generations mirage while at the 600 yard range.

1919 – Minnedosa Pharmacy has a sale on bathing

caps priced 50 cents to $1.50.

1929 – Work has begun to connect Main Street north

with the government highway.

1959 – The garage owned by former Tribune Publish-

er, R.J. Sanderson, at the corner of 3rd Avenue S.W. and
Main Street was completely destroyed by fire. However,
part of the building occupied by Rutherford Sporting
Goods and Electrical Shop was saved by the prompt and
efficient action of the Minnedosa Volunteer Fire Brigade.

1969 – The Minnedosa and District Band attended the

Calgary Stampede and won the honour of being the third
best Canadian Band at the Stampede Parade. The band
has been invited to attend the World’s Fair in Japan.

1979 – It is thought the new parallel parking may

change local shopping patterns and some predict it will
be a great drawback. Most merchants are well equipped
The Minnedosa & District Foundation was pleased to grant
to handle the change and grocery shopping home deliv-
$500.00 to The Minnedosa Centurions Special Olympics to ery may be substantially increased.
Photo submitted purchase shirts for use of the athletes in competition.Their
vision is that sport will open hearts and minds towards people
(L-R): Stuart Kingdon (Dad), Alice Wesley with intellectual disabilities and creat inclusive communities 1989 – Effective July 31st, Nancy Taylor Insurance
(Great Great Grandma) holding baby Mason Agency Ltd., now owned by Sharon Gwyer, will be mov-
all across Canada.
ing to 48 Main Street North beside Pete’s Barber Shop.
Kingdon, Jean Garbolinsky (Great Grandma)
For more info or to make a donation to the Foundation go to
and Tracy Kingdon (Grandma). www.minnedosafoundation.com. 1999 – The CN Pan American Games Torch Tour made
its was through Minnedosa last week and was carried
through the community by 22 local citizens.

Letters to the Editor 2009 – Rockin’ the Fields and Minnedosa Regional
Events Centre have teamed up to offer a Minnedosa Your
The Minnedosa Tribune welcomes Letters to the Choice Lottery with a grand prize of $100,000.
Editor. All letters must include the writers full name,
address, and telephone number. Only the writer’s
name will be published; address and phone number
It’s not a thing
Dr. Derek Papegnies are required for confirmation. Anonymous letters will
not be published. Letters that are deemed libelous,
of the past!
in bad taste, or describe an incident involving other
OPTOMETRIST people, will not be published.
The Minnedosa Tribune reserves the right to If you are reading this ad
edit letters based on taste, legality, clarity, and we have just proven that
length. Letters to the Editor can be submitted in newspaper advertising
129-2nd Avenue S.W., Minnedosa, MB person, sent by mail to Box 930, Minnedosa, MB still works!
FOR APPOINTMENTS CALL: R0J 1E0, by fax (204) 867-5171, or by email to
editor@minnedosatribune.com The Minnedosa Tribune
204-867-2455 204-867-3816 adsales@minnedosatribune.com
6 Friday, July 19, 2019 The Minnedosa Tribune

RCMP Recognizes Outstanding Community Efforts

Continued statement in the Manitoba
from Page 1 Legislature on October 4th.
Both statements were met
A number of appre- with dead silence showing
ciation certificates and the deep care and respect
beautiful framed RCMP both the Federal and Pro-
artwork were presented to vincial governments have
local residents and busi- for our country’s law en-
nesses for various efforts forcement officers.
going above and beyond “All of you here to-
to assist the RCMP on the day played a critical role
night of the shooting and in ensuring our officers
in the days that followed. could do their work and
A number of businesses that no one else got hurt.
stayed open late or pro- As a community you came
vided special service to the together and truly made a
hardworking law enforce- difference,” stated Assis-
ment officers who were in tant Commissioner Ma-
the community during the cLatchy. “Thank you so
investigation and search- much for being there for
ing for the suspects. Photo by Darryl Holyk us, the RCMP, on that ter-
“I am here to say thank rible day. You were there
you today on behalf of the this community on August was in need of medical at- from Prairie Mountain survival and recovery.” for your community and
RCMP for going above and 29th and the days to fol- tention in a remote loca- Health of Erickson attend- Following the late Au- for Corporal Kingdon. It’s
beyond to help our officers low.” tion and having no regard ed the area to prep Corpo- gust incident, both MP just overwhelming to see
during that very difficult Formal recognition for their safety, while there ral Kingdon for transport Sopuck and MLA Nesbitt an outpouring of support
time for our force,” said was made to the R.M. of were possible suspects still to Minnedosa,” said Staff recognized Cpl. Kingdon in such a dire and difficult
Assistant Commissioner Harrison-Park, Sports- hiding in the bush, EMS Sergeant Porter during his and the RCMP before their circumstance.”
MacLatchy. “You have man’s Park, Whitehouse presentation to members political colleagues. So- Former Erickson-
proved over and above Bakery, Mooswa Resort, of Erickson EMS. “Their puck made a statement Clanwilliam Head of
why Manitoba is known Foxtail Cafe, Fas Gas Running on efforts, fast action and self- in Parliament on Septem- Council, Elgin Hall was on
as a friendly province. I Onanole, Riding Mountain Empty? lessness no doubt contrib- ber 26th, 2018 and Nesbitt hand to say grace before a
have always said that we, National Park Wardens, Print jobs can take up to uted to Corporal Kingdon’s made a private members light lunch was served.
2-3 weeks to complete.
as police cannot do our job Wendell and Jean Wight

Minnedosa Hosting U18

Fill up before you run out!
without the support of the and Prairie Mountain
Minnedosa Tribune
community’s we serve and EMS-Erickson. 204-867-3816
that was truly evident from “Corporal Kingdon adsales@minnedosatribune.com

Curling Provincials Next Year

By KAREN MITCHELL ship for Men and Women athletes,” mentioned co-
under the age of 18.  The chair Donna Dowsett. “The

D espite the +30 weath-

er outside, the Asham
U18 Provincial Champi-
winners from this event
will advance to the Cana-
dian Championship.
U18 event is a great oppor-
tunity for the curlers to
gain experience in a pro-
onship is already on the The championship vincial level competition.”
minds of the Minnedosa will consist of 12 teams The sponsorship com-
Curling Club. That’s be- of each gender and each mittee is already hard at
cause, the 2020 edition of team will represent a sport work, and the committee
this event will be hosted by region. “We are looking will also be looking for vol-
myCommunity Minnedosa on March 4th, forward to showcasing unteers.   Keep an eye out
Neighbours Indeed 2020. This event is the pro- Minnedosa’s small town come Fall for more details
Be a Neighbour... vincial curling champion- hospitality to these young on this event.
And announce
these special events
to your community
●Birth of Child
●Wedding Anniversaries
25th, 40th, 50th, 60th
●New home residency
You may qualify for a
personalized keepsake
gift offer compliments Sadly Some PeoPle
of local business and don’t Follow thiS
professional sponsors
Minnedosa Pharmacy Common SenSe Rule
Glenndosa Glass 1990 Ltd.
Minnedosa insurance Services
Kim’sQuality Foods When you see trash carelessly left on the
Integra Tire
Heritage Co-op ground, do you pick it up or hope someone
Minnedosa Tribune
Gateway Motel else will come along and do it?
Be part of your Community!
Help Keep Our Community Clean,
Contact Tillie Johnson
204-867-3414 Pick It Up and Show Your Community Pride!
The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, July 19, 2019 7

Weeds Increasing in Minnedosa Lake

By KAREN MITCHELL issues are collectively, then stay on the east side of the
we can meet with who we lake while on the water,

T he north end of
Minnedosa Lake is
quickly becoming infested
need to meet with and start
addressing some of the key
issues,” states Martineau.
and stagnant water creates
more weed life. An influx of
weed beds also slows down
with a huge array of weeds. The north side of the the current which causes a
Approximately 20% of the lake has become unusable nasty circle of stagnant wa-
1.9-mile lake has been lost, and even simply coming ter/more weeds.
and with the rate of growth close to the weed beds Martineau will be tak-
it is sure to be even more with a motor boat results in ing Minnedosa Mayor Pat
very soon. The increase in the entanglement of weeds Skatch and Deputy Mayor
just this year alone is quite wrapped around the pro- Frank Taylor out on the
staggering to say the least. peller. The weeds can also lake in the next couple of
The Friends of Lake be seen all along the west weeks to show them the
Minnedosa (FOLM) have side (Brandosa side) of the extent of the weeds and
been an extremely vocal lake as well and has played discuss upcoming steps.
and active group for rais- extreme havoc to those “We know nothing is go-
ing the increasing issues who park their boats along ing to happen overnight,
that face the Minnedosa their dock. Many own- we absolutely know that,”
Lake. Currently the group ers are required to try and said Martineau. “But we
is hopeful for the creation remove the weeds them- can’t sit by and do noth-
of a unified group that con- selves in order to prop- ing. We have to take steps Photo by Karen Mitchell
tains the area including erly utilize and maintain now to save this beautiful
Minnedosa, R.M. of Minto- their boats. These weeds lake. We are very hopeful
Odanah, Little Saskatch- however can not just be we can create the partner-
ewan River Conservation pulled and left in the lake, ships with who we need to
District, Rapid City and they must be removed and and keep moving forward.”
Rivers. As similar problems burned or they will contin- If anyone is interested
are affecting all said areas, ue to spread at the bottom in joining the FOLM com-
committee member Brian of the lake. mittee or has ideas or com-
Martineau believes that is It is felt that one of ments they are encouraged
the next steps. “If we can the reasons the west side to contact Brian Martineau
stand together and be on is seeing a larger increase at martineaubwj@hotmail.
the same page with what is due to the low current com
we are facing and what the on that side. Boats tend to

Minnedosa & District Recrea�on

Commission Sports Dinner will be taking
nomina�ons for our annual Outstanding
Dedication to Sport and Recreation Award Photo by Karen Mitchell
which will be presented at the Sports Dinner,
October 19th, 2019 The heavy infestation of weed growth is evident
at the north end and west side of Minnedosa
Call 204-867-2250 Lake making it difficult for residents to enjoy
or email minrec@mts.net boating from their lake front property.
for nomination forms or more information.

4th, 2019
2019 Photo by Karen Mitchell Need Business
Heavy weeds tangle around a boat motor.
Cheques Printed?

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8 Friday, July 19, 2019 The Minnedosa Tribune

Rodeo Return Proves Successful

Breakaway Roping, Team the HRA finals. The Finals member. “We are already
Roping, Junior Steers, Bar- will be held on September planning for next year and
rel Racing, Steer Wrestling, 14th in Grunthal, MB are hoping to have a Bul-
Team Roping and Bull Rid- The rodeo was also a lorama this winter. Keep
ing. Not to mention the fundraiser for the HRA to your ears open for more
Wild Pony Races, for aged help offset the added costs details on that.”
13 and under, held during of awards for next year’s Committee Direc-
intermission. Local cow- 25th anniversary. It also tor for the HRA Board of
girls; Emma Austin, Jodi helped the new Minnedo- Directors, Claude Potvin,
Davis and Amy Maguire sa committee gain funds to stated, “The Friday night
were also part of the eve- go towards a regular two- rodeo in Minnedosa was
ning and were cheered on day HRA approved rodeo deemed a HUGE success.
by several area residents. in 2020.  It was our first ever dou-
Double Points allows rid- “The rodeo went very ble points rodeo and we
ers to earn two times the well and we are pleased couldn’t be happier with
amount of points in a with the turn out. The the outcome.” 
normal rodeo, which ac- stands were full and we If anyone is interested
cumulates throughout the had a lot of participants for in joining the new rodeo
season and counts towards our first year and the so- committee, they can con-
the year end champion for cial was attended by over tact Nancy Kingdon at 204-
Photo by Darryl Holyk
each event. The top ten 150 people,” stated Nan- 210-0642.
The outdoor bleachers at the Minnedosa Ag grounds were full with contestants get berths into cy Kingdon, committee
spectators of all ages for Friday night’s Double Points Rodeo.

By KAREN MITCHELL ciation (HRA), the Double

Points Rodeo was only
bert Plains Rodeo which
was held on Saturday and
Collision at North Junction
R odeo action returned
to Minnedosa on the
evening of Friday, July
the second HRA rodeo of
the 2019 season. although
organized at the last min-
There were a total of 12
events held throughout the
12th with a great crowd ute, the rodeo attracted evening, including; Bare-
and full stands. Hosted by several cowboys/girls who back, Saddle Bronc, Goat
the Heartland Rodeo Asso- were on their way to Gil- Tying, Tie Down Roping,


Photo by Karen Mitchell

On the afternoon of Thursday, July 11th sirens sounded for an accident at

the north intersection of Highway #16 and #10. A truck heading south on
Highway #10 was making a turn onto Highway #16 when a car heading
north on Highway #10 struck the truck. No serious injuries were reported at
the time of the accident, however both vehicles had extensive damage.

Subscribe to The Minnedosa Tribune

MINNEDOSA, MB R0J 1E0 PHONE 204-867-3816
Local Trading Area: $42.73 NAME:
(Minnedosa, Bethany, Clanwilliam,
Erickson, Onanole, Sandy Lake, Lake
Audy, Olha, Vista, Elphinstone,
Newdale, Rapid City, Franklin,

Mountain Road and Neepawa)

Other Manitoba
locations: $49.87
Other Canadian
locations: $56.01
Online subscriptions $35 at
www.minnedosatribune.com POSTAL CODE:
The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, July 19, 2019 9

Ten Years Ago… Minnedosa Communities in Bloom

Octagon Building Re-opens Yard of the Week

Photo by Karen Mitchell

Tribune Archives

I n July 2009, the grand re-opening of the Minnedosa Agricultural Display Building was
held during Heritage Day at the Minnedosa Heritage Village. Pictured during the rib-
T he first Yard of the Week has been selected by Minnedosa Communities in
Bloom. The honour goes to Dave and Jennifer McDonald on 2nd Avenue Street
S.E. Minnedosa Home Hardware will be presenting all winners with a gift card for
bon cutting ceremony are (L-R) long-time museum volunteer Jamesy St. John, Evelyn
receiving the special honour.
Delgaty who worked in the octagon building ticket booth as a young girl and Museum
Just a reminder to Minnedosa residents to tidy up their yards and areas this
Chairman Charlie Kingdon. After being relocated to the Heritage Village in 2007, the
weekend as the Communities in Bloom Judges will be in town on Monday, July
provincially designated heritage building underwent a major $100,000 plus restoration
22nd. Let’s make Minnedosa shine!
to bring it back to its former glory of when it was originally built in 1904.

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10 Friday, July 19, 2019 The Minnedosa Tribune

Chamber Music Festival Returns to Clear Lake

SUBMITTED of musical styles and art- ed guest artists includes: The wide variety in pro- making arts accessible to Festival will bring music to
ists. Alexander Tselyakov, gramming will make for an all Manitobans.” three Manitoba communi-

T he fourth week of
July marks the 14th
season of the Clear Lake
The Clear Lake Cham-
ber Music Festival con-
tinues to be an important
Piano; Daniel Tselyakov,
Piano; Paul Shore, Host;
Kerry DuWors, Violin; Ka-
engaging program, and the
exceptional musical talent
guarantees an exciting and
The Clear Lake Cham-
ber Music Festival occu-
pies a special place in mu-
ties:  the Lorne Watson Re-
cital Hall, School of Music,
Brandon University (July
Chamber Music Festival part of Canada’s cultural tie Gannon, Violin; Mi- pleasurable experience for sic lovers’ hearts, minds 24th to July 26th); the Erick-
directed by pianists Alex- calendar delighting people chael Scholz, Viola; Simon all. and summer plans. Don’t son Lutheran Church (July
ander Tselyakov and Dan- of all ages with a powerful Fryer, Cello; Crystal White, “Manitoba’s rich cul- miss out on a wonderful 27th to July 28th); and the
iel Tselyakov. This year’s musical experience. This Double Bass; Nancy Hen- tural identity is best ex- week of outstanding mu- Wasagaming Community
Festival is comprised of year’s ambitious schedule nen, Flute; Chris Byman, pressed through the arts,” sic in the beautiful natural Arts (July 27th). For tick-
six concerts: five chamber is sure to please and prom- Clarinet; Alla Turbanova, said the Honourable Cathy surroundings of Clear Lake ets and more information
concerts and a jazz con- ises to inspire new lovers Piano; Sabina Rzazade, Pi- Cox, Manitoba’s Minis- and Riding Mountains Na- contact the School of Mu-
cert. Performances run of classical music as well ano; Michael Cain, Jazz Pi- ter of Sport, Culture and tional Park! sic, Brandon University at
from Wednesday, July 24th as satisfy the appetites of ano; Eric Platz, Percussion; Heritage. “The Clear Lake Celebrating 14 Years of 204-727-9631
through Sunday, July 28th seasoned enthusiasts. The Diogo Peixoto, Guitar; and Chamber Music Festival is Chamber Music, the 2019
and feature a wide variety large-scale roster of talent- Steve Hamilton, Jazz Bass. playing a valuable role in Clear Lake Chamber Music

*We accept Visa, Master Card & debit card purchases

Sale Dates: *We sell lottery tickets
*We deliver within town limits Monday - Friday at 4:00 p.m
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JULY 12TH - JULY 18TH * Try one of our delicious BBQ chickens!
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*Senior’s Discount every Friday (65 & up) (STARTS FRIDAY 9:00 A.M. - ENDS THURSDAY 9:00 P.M.) (24 hours notice is appreciated)
*We sell R.O. water

Kelloggs All Bran,Corn Flakes,Rice Krispies cereal345-450g $3.99
FM Buttertarts raisin or pecans assorted.................................85g ............. $4.49
Folgers classic roast coffee ......................................................920g ...............$9.99 Delissio Pizza assorted ........................560-888g ...... $5.89
Gain liquid ............................................................................. 1.47lt ...............$5.99 Minute Maid/Fruitopia/Nestea frozen mixes .................... 295ml ............. $1.39
French’s mustard assorted ................................................... 400ml ...............$2.79 Breyers Double Cream Icecream ......................................... 1.66lt ............. $5.49
Franks Redhot sauce ............................................................ 345ml ...............$4.79 Chapmans Frozen Yogurt assorted ........................................... 2lt ............. $4.99
Heinz chili ............................................................................ 455ml ...............$4.29 High Liner Sear Cod Savoury Herb ........................................540g ............. $9.99
B-Eye BBQ sauce assorted ................................................... 425ml ...............$3.29 GG Frozen Vegetables assorted ..............................................750g ............. $2.99
Sweet baby rays BBQ sauce ................................................. 425ml ...............$2.99
Bicks sauerkraut wine ................................................................ 1lt ...............$3.99 Michelina Pasta dinners assorted .............255g ...... $1.39

Robin Hood minute/quick Oats ..............................................1kg ...............$2.49
NN syrup or pancake mix assorted .............................750-905ml ...............$1.99
NN Peanut Butter ......................................1kg ...... $4.29
NN Liquid Honey ....................................................................500g ...............$4.99
Gatorade assorted ................................... 591ml ...... $5.49
Sunny D Tangy ...................................................................... 1.89lt ...............$2.79 SQ Shrimp ring ........................................................................227g ............. $4.99
Kool Aid Liquid ...................................................................... 48ml ...............$2.99 NN wieners ..............................................450g ...... $2.49
Fruite Drink or Tetley Iced Tea Lemon assorted ...................... 2lt ...............$1.59 PC chicken wing with sauce assorted ...................................907g ........... $13.99
Dare Ultimate Maple Cream cookies ....................................300g ...............$2.79 PC chicken spring rolls............................................................574g ............. $9.49
NN Striped Shortbread/Caramel coconut cookies ...... 198-368g ...............$2.59 PC chicken nuggets or strips ..................................................600g ............. $6.49
Quaker Rice/Corn Cakes assorted ................................. 127-186g ...............$1.89 Top sirloin beef steak ........................................ $5.49/lb
NN Soda Crackers salted/unsalted ........................................454g ...............$2.29 Outside round beef roast ......................................................................... $3.99/lb
NN Cheese Twists ...................................................................200g ...............$1.59 Whole chicken .......................................................................................... $2.89/lb
Kelloggs Rice Krispie bars assorted................................ 176-200g ...............$2.79 Pork back ribs ........................................................................................... $4.79/lb
Magic Baking Powder CP ........................................................450g ...............$5.79 Pork tenderloin ......................................................................................... $4.39/lb
Shake N Bake chicken .............................................................283g ...............$4.49

NN Canned Vegetables assorted.............. 398ml ...... $0.99
NN Soup Flats Oriental noodles assorted ...............................85g ........... 3/$1.00
Kraft Parmesan grated ...........................250g ...... $5.99
KD Cup original .........................................................................58g ...............$1.39
Knorr Pasta/Rice assorted ......................................................133g ...............$1.49
NN Canola Oil ............................................................................. 3lt ...............$6.24 Strawberries .............................................. 2lb ...... $5.49
Fancy Feast cat food assorted ...................................................85g ...............$0.79 English cucumbers ........................................................................................ $1.29
Cat Chow Advanced Nutrition .................................................2kg ...............$8.49 Green kiwi ..................................................................................1kg ............. $4.99
Cesar Dog Food assorted ........................................................100g ...............$1.19 Romaine lettuce............................................................................................. $1.29
Kibbles N Bits original ...............................................................6kg .............$11.99 Green or red seedless grapes ................................................................... $2.49/lb
Phil cream Cheese Bric plain/light ........................................250g ...............$3.79 Russet potatoes ........................................................................ 10lb ............. $3.99
NN Natural Slices Marble Cheddar ........................................230g ...............$4.49 FM carrots ................................................................................. 2lb ............. $1.49
NN Cheddar Bars assorted .....................................................200g ...............$3.18 PC mini gems potatoes ...........................................................640g ............. $2.99

NN Juice Orange ................................................................... 1.75lt ...............$2.79

Wonder bread, hamburger,hotdog buns assorted570g,12’s .. $2.49
OPEN 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM, 7 DAYS A WEEK • 70 Main Street South, Minnedosa 867-2821
The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, July 19, 2019 11

Newdale News
By Raven’s Glen WI Junior Varsity Female Ath- done girls! Josie Pedersen ago. our congratulations on Jim Dayton and Bob
lete Award – Jorja Peder- played with the U-12 team Sincere condolences their recent marriage in Young motored to Dau-

T he Grade 6 – 11 Awards
Night Ceremonies
were held on June 24 at
sen; Most Improved Senior
Varsity Athlete – Chelsey
Dutchak. Congratulations
at the Provincial Playoffs
held in Winnipeg where
they won two and lost two.
go out to Dave and Caro-
lyn (Coulson) Clark on the
passing of her mother Jen-
Shanghai China where
Kirk teaches English. Dilek
is originally from Istanbul
phin last week to visit with
a former school classmate
Rosie Chimick from Van-
Strathclair School with to all the winners and good Grandson Kalen Huibers nie Coulson in Dauphin Turkey and they met in couver BC. Jim and Rosie
Mrs. Bobbi-Lynn Geekie as luck to the grade 11 stu- (Christa and Leo’s son) of Hospital on July 12th. Jen- Shanghai. Kirk is the son were in the same grade and
emcee. Newdale students dents as they start that last Brandon played on a Bran- nie (Hawreyluk) her sisters of Allan and Marcella Ir- Bob a couple years ahead
taking home honours year of high school in the don Bantam team at Pro- Mary Paulencu, Sophie win who lived and worked so a lot of “do you remem-
were: Grade 6 Hawk Award fall! vincials in Winnipeg, going Ellchuk (deceased) and in Newdale for several ber” questions were asked
– Josie Pedersen; Grade 8 Barb and Dennis two-and-two. Rosie Chimick along with years before their move to and mulled over!
highest average and Top Pedersen have been busy We send our sympathy brother Nick were raised Birtle, where they current- Swimming lessons will
Middle Years female ath- keeping up with the grand- to Jim and Shirley (Prus) on the farm east of town ly reside. be gearing up in the next
lete - Lexy Waddell; Grade children playing ball! Jorja Dayton of Shoal Lake on and took all their school- We send best wish- several weeks, are you reg-
9 Proficiency Award – Jorja Pedersen and the U-16 the passing of their Aunt ing in Newdale. Funeral es for improved health istered yet?
Pedersen; Grade 10 Pro- Magic team travelled to Shirley Mae Prus on June service will take place at to Clayton Murray of
ficiency Award – Tyson Fargo N.D. to play in the 29th in Brooks Alberta. the Funeral Home in Dau- Minnedosa as he spends
Kawchuk; Most Improved Red River Rage Tourna- Shirley Mae was the wife phin on July 19th. time in Minnedosa Hospi-
Junior Varsity Female Ath- ment on July 5th to 7th and of Dr. Prus who practiced Newdale friends of tal. We’re thinking of you
lete – Dusty Kawchuk; Top won the tournament. Well in Shoal Lake many years Kirk and Dilek Irwin send Clayton!

Basswood News Cadurcis News

By ZelDa FIRBy recently in Minnedosa. Karen of BC were also here By DoReen TRoTT Rosemary and Jasper Lea to the Garbutt family on
Stacie Cardy and for the interment. of Winnipeg and Shawn, the recent passing of Frank

O n July 2nd, approxi-

mately 80 folks with
Basswood connections
daughter Cassandra at-
tended the Keto Con 2019
conference in Austin, Tex-
Julianna, Rotary stu-
dent, who has spent the
past year in the Minnedosa
S unday visitors with
Malcolm and Shirley
Rose were Mike, Maria,
Joshua, Halli and Eliza-
beth Rose of Rapid City.
Sympathy is extended

gathered at the Basswood as recently. area has returned to her

Hall for coffee, muffins and Charles and Cheryl home in Brazil.
a time of visiting. Thanks to Hood and family have re- Irene Sahael has re-
the Basswood WI for host- turned to their home in turned to her home in
ing the gathering. Okeechobee, Florida after Spain after spending the
Sympathy of the dis- visiting with mom Ma- past ten months with the
trict is extended to Karen rie Cardy, Andy, Stacie Mark Firby family.
Kingdon and family on the and family and Larry. The Zelda Firby has re-
recent passing of Karen’s Hoods were also here to turned home from Calgary
mother Marjorie McKnight attend the interment of fa- where she visited with
at the Minnedosa Care ther and grandfather Syd’s Mike and Marla Pearce
Home. ashes at the St. Andrews and family and Ron and
Condolences are also cemetery in Winnipeg on Margaret Sweet.
sent to the family of Jim July 9th. Syd’s sister Evelyn
Fossum who passed away Sherwood and daughter

Rapid City Rib and Poutine Fest


O n Saturday, July 13th

the Rapid City and
District Wildlife Associa-
tion hosted its first Rib and
Poutine Fest at the Rapid
City Beach. The money
raised will go back into the
community for projects
such as; the boat launch,
buying equipment for ar-
chery, repairs to wildlife
signs, etc.
Rob Marshall, mem-
ber, explained, “There
were numerous people
who helped to make this
event possible from mem-
bers to non-members. The Photo submitted
turnout was amazing for
the first year  and we are ber of volunteers stepped /Poutine Kings provided
planning on doing it all up to make the event suc- the delicious food for this
again next year.” A num- cessful. Smoked and Sauce fundraiser.
12 Friday, July 19, 2019 The Minnedosa Tribune


BY PHONE Call 204-867-3816
Hours to place, correct or cancel ads: Caught you looking! The family of Kenneth
Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Reach over 400,000 Mani- Raymond Bayes would like to
toba readers weekly. Sum- say Thank-you. Words cannot
mer is here. Do you have all express how deeply we ap-
The Minnedosa Tribune, P.O. Box 930,
Power Builder of the staff that you need? preciate everything you have
Minnedosa, Manitoba R0J 1E0 done to help us get through
Advertising Book your Announcements,
this difficult time. Food, visits,
BY FAX 204-867-5171 WORKS! Events, Sales, Employment
Opportunities, Auctions, cards, phone calls, love, kind-
BY E-MAIL class@minnedosatribune.com • GET SEEN by over Wanted Ads, For Rent, Vol- ness, and support. For every-
400,000 Manitoba unteer Opportunities, etc. one who came near and far to
Homes! help us celebrate Ken’s life.
People rely on these classi-
The Minnedosa Tribune Ltd. reserves the right to • Use your LOGO! He will be missed dearly here
fieds to find what they need.
delete any words or phrases deemed by The Minnedosa • Create instant top of on earth. Your generosity did
mind awareness Catch them looking at your
Tribune Ltd. to be objectionable, or to refuse to publish any You are cordially invited not go unnoticed. Yvonne,
• Showcase your info, material in our 48 Weekly
advertisement. The Minnedosa Tribune Ltd. shall not be to a Come and Go 90th Birth- Kevin, Steven and Carla,
business, product, Community Newspapers.
responsible for any loss or damage to any advertiser or third day Celebration in honour of Robyn and Jennifer, Brenda,
job, announcements Call this newspaper NOW or
party resulting from the failure of an advertisement to appear or event NESTOR DRUL on Saturday, Gord, Greg, Rob, and all our
email classified@mcna.com
in The Minnedosa Tribune Ltd. or from any error or omission in • We format it, to August 3rd, 2019 from, 2:00 – families.
for details. MCNA (204) 947-
any advertisement which is published. make it look great! 4:00 p.m. at the Elphinstone
1691. www.mcna.com
• Starting at $339.00 Memorial Hall. In lieu of cards The Minnedosa Double
RATES (includes 45 lines of and gifts, there will be a loonie Points Rodeo committee
$9.00 for first 40 words, additional words .10 each.
space) REAL ESTATE collection with proceeds to would like to give our biggest
• The ads blanket the the Elphinstone Lions Club.
province and run in thanks to all the sponsors and
Repeat ads - Half Price. (19-2) x people who made the rodeo
MCNA’s 48 Manitoba
Classified Display - $9.00/col. inch each insert. (Incl. logo, box & community a huge success! We look for-
bolding, and centering). newspapers
• Very cost effective
NOTICE ward to next year!
Happy Snaps: (Birthday, Engagement, Wedding, Birth, & means of getting The family of Jim Fossum
Graduation) - $16.00 for the first 20 words and the picture. your message out to Advertisements and would like to thank each and
Obituaries: - $6.50 per col. inch. the widest possible statements contained herein everyone of you for your acts
audience are the sole responsibility of
Reach the entire province (50 weekly newspapers) $189.00 of kindness, visits, flowers,
Contact this newspaper REDUCED x2 63 Centre the persons or entities that food and baking after Dad’s
Westman and Eastman: $119.00
NOW or MCNA at Street, Erickson, MB. 1,100 post the advertisement, and passing. A special thank you
All Ads plus 5% G.S.T. 204.947.1691 or email sq. ft. home built in 1987 on a the Manitoba Community to Amy and Tucker (EMS),
classified@mcna.com Newspaper Association and Cst. Robert Mitton (RCMP)
corner lot. 3 bedrooms – 2 up,
Deadlines www.mcna.com 1 down, 2 bathrooms – 1 up, membership do not make and to Shauna and Rick from
Classified advertisements must be submitted no later 1 down, finished basement, any warranty as to the ac- Rae’s Funeral Home for your
39 inch single mates bed curacy, completeness, truth- professional and caring ser-
than noon Tuesday for insertion in the following Friday’s Air Conditioning, Central Vac,
with a 10 inch matress – 3 pull fulness or reliability of such vice. Thank you to Rev. Kathy
edition. All classified advertisements must be prepaid BEFORE Central Air, Double attached
out drawers – no head board, advertisements. For greater Platt for your very meaningful
insertion. garage. $162,000. Call 204-
3 years old. $300.00 or OBO information on advertising service, The United Church
636-7800. (15-7) x
The Minnedosa Tribune is not responsible for Phone 204-867-2429. (18-2) x conditions, please consult the Choir and the United Church
typographical errors published AFTER the first insertion, nor Association’s Blanket Adver- women for the lovely lunch.
does it assume responsibility for errors published as a result of BATTERIES FOR EV- OFFICE SPACE tising Conditions on our web- Your thoughtfulness and gen-
an advertisement placed, changed, or cancelled, by telephone. ERYTHING. Automotive, site at www.mcna.com. erosity will never be forgot-
To ensure your advertisement appears correctly please submit farm, construction, ATV, ma- ten. Wayne Fossum, Angie
Office space for rent,
it in person, by fax, mail, or email. rine, motorcycle, golf carts, Do you have a PRESS Dmytriw, Shelley Davidson
former Minnedosa Med-
phones, tools, radios, com- RELEASE / MEDIA ADVISO- and families.
ical Clinic. 2,200 sq. ft., 8 of-
puters etc. Reconditioned, RY that needs to go out? Let
fices and reception area. Will
AUCTIONS obsolete and hard-to-find
batteries. SOLAR equipment.
renovate to suit needs. Ideal us help you with that! Though
for daycare centre. Call 780- we cannot guarantee publica-
The Battery Man. Winnipeg. tion, MCNA will get the infor-
619-8349, email huyghehold-
McSherry Auction McSherry Auction 1.877.775.8271 www.battery-
ings@gmail.com. tfn mation into the right hands Farm Machinery Oper-
man.ca ator Wanted. A grain farm
12 Patterson Dr. Close Out Auction for ONLY $35.00 + GST/HST.
Stonewall, MB Electrical Contractor / We also do Media Monitoring, between Minnedosa and
Waste & Recycling Equip COMING EVENTS if you would like to follow up Brandon is seeking a farm
Estate & Moving
Wed July 24th 4 PM
Tues July 23rd 5 PM FOR RENT and see who picked up the machinery operator for the
Wpg, MB - 1362 Border St
Estate & Moving Contact # (204) 694-2541 People of Minnedosa, material. Call MCNA (204) months of August, September,
Wed Jul 31st 4 PM Grove SM 32 48E Scissor Lift * Mitsubishi One bedroom, 2nd Floor you are invited to a BBQ wie- 947-1691 for more informa- October to mid – November.
Yard * Recreation * Tools* Misc 4000LB Fork Lift * 2 Cardboard Balers
at William Rose Apartments. ner roast on July 22nd, 2019 tion, or email classified@ Applicants must have a 1A
1) Orwak 1) Harmony * PTR 300 30
*Antiques*Furniture*Household mcna.com for details. www. license, experience operating
Yard Waste Compactor * 40Õ High Cube Only clean, quiet, non-smok- at 12:00 in Tanner’s Crossing
Consignment Auction Container * 07 Chev 2500 Van 152K Sft
ing adults need apply. No Park to meet the Commun- mcna.com farm machinery, good people
* Car Rotisery * Hoffman 9000LB Hoist
Wed Aug 7th 4PM * Tools * Electrical & Security Supply * skills, as well as basic mech-
pets. August availability. Call ities In Bloom judges. They
Equip * Tractors * Vehicles * Greenly 882 Hyd Power Pipe Bender * Winners of the Minnedo- anical knowledge. Wages to
Tools * Building * Misc Power Threader * Ladders * Shelving * 204-867-7360. will be here to judge our com-
Scaffolding * Medi Scooter * Office Items munity. Please come and join sa Bombers RFM Draw for be determined, based on skill
Consignments Welcome! * Detailed Listing on Web *
a weekend pass were Susan set. Please forward resume.
us! (18-2) x
(204) 467-1858 or (204) 467-1858 or Huyghe and Tom Dowsett. Cover letter and two refer-
(204) 886-7027 (204) 886-7027 Thank you to all for your sup- ences to linoz@goinet.ca or
www.mcsherryauction.com www.mcsherryauction.com port. x fax to 204-826-2082. (19-2) x
The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, July 19, 2019 13



Minnedosa Home Hardware August 24th, 1933 – July 1st, 2019
is currently accepting applications for a
It is with great sadness that the family of Marvin James (Jim) Fossum announce his passing
on Monday, July 1st, 2019 at the age of 85.
Full TiMe Dad was born on August 24th, 1933 in Hoffer, Saskatchewan, the youngest of five children
SaleS aSSociaTe born to Henry Olaf Fossum and Marion (nee Domstad) Fossum. He also had four half siblings and
five step siblings. Dad started his education at Dravland School in Saskatchewan and continued his
Successful candidates will have: education at Rapid City and Weir Schools in Manitoba. At 16 years of age he quit school to help his
• A friendly and helpful attitude stepfather farm. When he was 18 he moved to Innisfail, AB to work on a seismograph crew search-
towards customers ing for oil and natural gas. In the spring of 1953, he moved on to help his brother Ed farm in Oungre,
• Excellent communication skills SK, returning in the fall to Manitoba to rent his parents farm for a year. In the fall and winter of 1954
• Willingness to learn Dad worked in Saskatoon, SK laying hardwood flooring. Then next spring he returned to Manitoba
and began renting a farm near Newdale. Four years later he met the love of his life, Betty Joyce Fleming.
We offer competitive wages, benefit package, They were married on July 8th, 1961. They were blessed with three children: Wayne, Angie and Shelley.
training and educational opportunities, a great They purchased their own farm in the spring of 1964 and after 41 years they semi-retired in 1996 on a quarter
working environment, and we are always closed section west of Basswood. In 2002, they retired to Minnedosa. Not quite ready to give up farming completely, Dad custom com-
Sundays. bined for several years and following that ran the combine for some family friends. He was in his mid-70s when he finally gave it
up completely. Dad took great pride in every detail of his farming and was very successful at it.
If you are interested in joining our team, Dad was a devoted husband, father, grandfather and great grandfather. He was a kind, generous, loving, passionate, genuine,
drop off your resume in person to: friendly and caring person. His family was very important to him. Dad and Mom did not do much without each other. Together
they enjoyed square dancing, curling, playing slow pitch, camping and travelling. They both taught their children, grandchildren
Minnedosa Home Hardware and great granddaughter the value of family, through the time they spent with them and the interest they took in them. Dad and
37 Main St. North mom faithfully attended every event they could for them, including dance recitals, sporting events, band and jazz concerts and
Minnedosa, MB award presentations. Dad enjoyed showing his children and grandchildren how to operate machines and equipment, how to
Or email it to: glane1@mymts.net grow crops and gardens, and how to train pets! Not only was his immediate family important to him but so were his relatives, who
he kept in regular contact with through phone conversations and visits. He was proud of his Norwegian heritage. Dad was well
known for his “gift to gab”. He went for coffee regularly with many good friends around the community and loved to share stories
with them. Vehicles were dad’s passion. He was proud of the fact that he had owned many different makes and models. He spent
WEST REGION CHILD & FAMILY SERVICES INC. many hours researching the various features of different models, carting mom around to many dealerships to inspect them. At last
count he owned close to 50! Dad was also an innovator. He was always rigging up something to either make it a bit better or make
invites applications for the position of
it last a couple more times around the block. Dad was very involved in the communities he lived in. He taught 4-H, was a council-
ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CLERK lor for the RM of Saskatchewan, was a member of the Newdale Lions’ Club and was a member of the United Church. Dad loved
- MAINTENANCE his pets, ranging from horses, to dogs to cats. Some of the ones that were very special to him were his horse Peanut, more recently
Rolling River First Nation their dog Shilo and his cat Butler. He loved training them and teaching them new tricks.
Dad was predeceased by our mom Betty in 2016 (his wife of 55 years), his parents Henry Fossum and Marion Rogers, brothers
WRCFS is currently seeking a qualified individual to fill the following position at
Ed (Levine) and Manny (Joyce), sister Gertie Tangjerd (Erling) and brother-in-law Otto Meginber; half brothers and sisters Orville,
our Head Office, located at Rolling River First Nation. Reporting to the Maintenance
Financial Manager and working as part of the Agency’s team, you will be responsible Anne, Christine and Harvey; stepfather Walter Rogers, as well as step brothers and sisters Franklin, Clifford, Dorothy, Clarence and
for the following: Aletha.
Left to cherish his memory are his children Wayne, Angie (Alan) Dmytriw, and Shelley (James) Davidson; grandchildren Mi-
• Verifying, coding, processing accounts payable business vendor invoices for child chael Dmytriw and wife Gill Smith, Carlene Dmytriw and partner Gordie Ross, Chris Davidson and partner Megan Romanyshyn,
in care maintenance expenses and Luke Davidson; great granddaughter Ayla Dmytriw; sister Vivian Meginber and numerous nieces and nephews.
• Maintaining and reconciling subsidiary accounts receivable ledgers and ensuring
A Funeral Service was held on Monday, July 8th, 2019 at 2:00 p.m. at the Minnedosa United Church, Minnedosa, MB, with
payments are collected
• Maintaining filing system Rev. Kathy Platt officiating. A family Interment at Newdale South Cemetery, Newdale, MB preceded the service. Should friends so
• Performing housekeeping duties in Accpac Accounts Payable Module desire, donations may be made in memory of dad, to the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Manitoba.
• Assisting the finance department in other duties and provides backup/coverage Dad will be dearly missed by his family and friends. We love you dad!
as required.
• Minimum of a two year accounting course through a recognized institution and/
or two years accounting related experience. Lawrence Osadec of Sandy Lake passed away on Tuesday, July 9th, 2019 at the Minnedosa
• Training and/or knowledge and practical experience in the application of Health Centre at the age of 73 years.
generally accepted accounting principles. Lawrence is survived by his wife Barbara of Sandy Lake; son Jeff (Pamela) and grandchildren
• Understanding and belief in good principles of management and accounting Anna and Emilia all of Calgary and sister Sonia Wawryk of Winnipeg.
practice The funeral service will be held Saturday, August 17th, 2019 at 10:00 a.m. from the Holy

Knowledge and experience in computerized accounting (Accpac)
Advanced knowledge and experience with Microsoft computer programs
Need Ghost Ukrainian Catholic Church, Sandy Lake with interment to follow in the parish cemetery. If
including Word, Excel, Outlook Cash? friends so desire, donations may be made to the Community in Bloom, Sandy Lake or the Minne-
dosa Health Centre, Palliative Care Unit.
• Integrity and direct open manner in dealing with major issues • We Loan
• Good administration and organizational skills Remembrances and condolences may be shared at www.raesfs.ca
• Easy application
• Must be able to work independently Rae’s Funeral Service of Shoal Lake and Erickson in care of arrangements (204)759-2160.
• Approval with
• Knowledge of and appreciation for Ojibway culture and aspirations is essential. collateral
• Must have demonstrated ability to work as part of a team • Title Loans
• Must be bondable • No Credit Check
WRCFS offers a supportive, progressive and innovative work environment, competitive • We service ALL of
salaries, a great benefits package and training opportunities. The successful applicant Manitoba
must provide WRCFS with a current Criminal Record Check that includes a Vulnerable
Sector Search, Child Abuse Registry check, Prior Contact check and Driver’s Abstract prior
Call Dan Devloo
(204) 526-7093
to the commencement of employment. Travel is required. A valid driver’s license and
CAI Financial
access to means of reliable transportation for work is a condition of employment
Unit K - 2151 Portage Ave.
SALARY: Commensurate with experience/training and according to Provincial pay Winnipeg MB Prairie Mountain Ph: 204-867-4657
scale. www.caifinancial.ca Independently Owned Gwen Usick Fax: 204-867-2150
and Operated Broker Realtor
Submit resumes to:
Rena Ironstand G G
Operations Financial Manager LIS LIS
West Region Child & Family Services, Inc. N EW NEW
P.O. Box 280
ERICKSON, Manitoba R0J 0P0
Fax: (204) 636-6158 SANDY LAKE MINNEDOSA
DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS IS: Monday, July 29th, 2019 - Unique property consisting of 5 corner lots.
-Store with live in suite consisting of 2
-Move in ready 2+1, 1 1/2 bath
We thank all who apply, however, only those selected for an interview will be contacted. bedrooms with main floor bath and 9 - Home features oak kitchen Well maintained 2 bedroom 1 bath - 2 + 1 bedroom, 1 bath
foot ceilings. cabinets, L shaped dining room/ mobile home on 2 lots.
living room
- Cental air
-There is a dishwasher hookup in kitchen, - Skylight in kitchen, open concept,
breakfast nook, ornamental fireplace in - Newer laminate flooring, chair lift, central air, plenty of storage. - Updated windows on main
PROPERTY MANAGER living room. newer berber carpet in basement, - Large mudroom addition leads - 2 decks & storage shed
TRAINEE (in Winnipeg). - Dry basement has 8 foot ceilings, - Some windows have been to the oversized single attached in yard
electric furnace, sump pump & tons more upgraded and shingles in July 2019. garage.
Great opportunity for some- storage space.
- Outside you will find a single car - Shed, vegetable garden, paved
one with caretaker experi- -The yard is spacious with plenty of trees garage, carport, vegetable garden driveway
and a vegetable garden. and deck. MLS #1911282 $154,900
ence. Call 204-997-4629 or MLS# 1917609 $89,900 MLS #1919385 $189,900 MLS#1906414 $129,900 $149,900
Take a tour on Realtor.ca or our website www.remax-prairie mountain-npwa.mb.com
14 Friday, July 19, 2019 The Minnedosa Tribune


“Living in your
Proud Supporter

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118 - 6TH AVE. N.E. • All types of excavation
204 - 6TH AVE. N.W.
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• Basements, Demolition
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867-0400 water management
- 1,428 sq.ft., 1 3/4 storey - 1,450 sq. ft. 1 3/4 storey - 1,300 sq. ft. 1 3/4 storey
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- 3 bedroom with updates - 3 bedrooms, 2 baths - 3 bedrooms, 2 baths Kirk 867-0180 867-7506 874-2134 or 867-0383
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close to lake huge yard. $89,900 MLS #1907381
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L king
Enterprises Ltd.
Refridgeration BILL HOPKINS
for inventory…
Air Conditioning,
Heating & Electrical 204-867-0260
SEMI WITH LOW BED &hopkinswelding@hotmail.com

I have 2 buyers currently in the

Ex perience!!
Bus : 867-3950
$240,000 - $300,000 range. Fa x: 867-2340
If you’re considering selling your home,
we should talk! BILL HOPKINS
204-867-7551 ● ricktaylor@remax.net 204-867-0260 5” AND 6” continuous
Jon Kowal Siding Roofing
Soffit Fascia

ACCOUNTING CONSTRUCTION 867-0145 Closed cell Polyurethane Spray foam

Glen Burgess Blow in Attic & Wall Fibre Insulation
Fire Retardent Coating

PRAIRIE REDI-MIX Electrician 204-867-3738

Minnedosa - 867-3853
R eady Mix Conc rete 204-868-5211 Email: mcreal@live.ca
Concrete forms, Rebar, Wire Mesh,
George Allard, FCGA*
Open Weeping Tile, Concrete Sealer, Snap Ties
Gateway Street
Onanole, MB Monday - Friday
All at Competitive
prices Fairmount Solar and Electrics
8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. For All Your Electrical Needs
Howard Wirch, C.G.A*
9-515 4th Ave.
1:00 - 4:00 p.m. Custom
Shoal Lake, MB
Suite A
110 Main Street South Fertilizer Minnedosa
Minnedosa Floating Credit Union
Dauphin Office - Call today to book your
● Roofing ● Decks Main Line
15 1st Ave. S.W. 204 867-5550 ● Fencing ● Exterior ● Finishing spring floating needs! 204-867-6350
Phone: 204-638-3005 ● Renovations ● Repairs Brad Ross
Fax: 204-638-5817
Darvin - 204-868-5869 204-867-6366
AUTO littlevalleyconstruction@live.ca

Terry McLenehan
*Denotes Professional Corporation
204-868-5980 or 204-867-5544 Specializing in Robert - 204-867-7113 204-867-6363
Farm Susan Glasgow
CatharineÊ Solar
Debbie Strelczik
MÊ GijsbersÊ New Builds 204-867-6360
Dan Quesnel
Chartered Professional
Accountant Inc.
● AC
Call us today for your 204-867-6359
MinnedosaÊ Donna Dowsett
1-204-867-2558 electrical needs 204-867-6361
Ê 213ÊÊ 2ndÊ StÊ NEÊ Ê -Ê Ê BoxÊ 385Ê Ê (48-4)
T:Ê 867-3884Ê Ê Ê C:Ê 867-0190Ê 204-281-3394 Kim Butler
Email:Ê Ê Catharine@mts.netÊ
M&M info@liskebroselectric.com GRAIN 204-867-6352
Alayna McTavish

AUTO BODY HAULING 204-867-6354

BDO Canada LLP All Auto Body Repairs
Trisha Paterson
Chartered Book Joanne Clarke
Professional Accountants Ph: 867-2083 Brian Horner 204-867-6364
Farm, Business & Individual 5 Main St. North This Spot Gaylene Johnson
Grain & Fertilizer 204-867-6357
Professinal Services: for Hauling Amber Johnson
- Tax 204-867-6374
only Fax
- Accounting 204-867-6391
$8.29 E-mail
- Farm Programs
per info@minnedosacu.mb.ca
Don Simpson, CPA, CA Website
39 Main Street South, Minnedosa week! www.MinnedosaCU.mb.ca
The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, July 19, 2019 15


WAHOSKI G ORD K E L LY Lakeside St. Alphonsus
Septic Service
Drivers Licenses, Autopac MECHANICAL LTD. Plumbing & Heating Catholic Church ● Lawn Mowing & Trimming
General Insurance Gas Fitting 142
142 4th
4th St, NW.
St, NW. ● Hedge Trimming
PLUMBING Potable water Minnedosa,MB
MB 867-3831
Cheri McTavish – Broker ph: 867-2084 Minnedosa, 867-3831 ● Aerating & Power Raking
867-3946 HEATING cell: 867-0346 delivery.
Mass Sunday 9:00 a.m. ● Licensed Arborist Service
Book your portable ● Yard Clean Up
GAS FITTING toilets.
Cory Johnston ● Minnedosa
(204) 476-4705
204-867-3121 867-2416 www.johnstonyardcare.com
Alexander or A.D.A.M.
204-476-5185 Cell: 867-7558
Jackson Anxiety Disorders People Helping People
Law Office - Committed to Caring - Prairie Mountain HVAC/R
B-116 MainSt.St
of Manitoba RAINKE'S
RAINKIES Phone (204) 857-6100
Ventilation/Air quality
Minnedosa, MB Support Group Sewage Service Fax (204) 857-8389 Air Conditioning
867-3981 Plumbing & Heating JIM BEAUMONT
Meetings are held at Kitchen Equipment
http://www.ajaxlaw.ca Neepawa Library 3rd Tuesday of 476-2483 services.com
Ty Burton the month 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Owner/Operator
Commercial Gas Fitter
Commercial & Residential
Burgess Law 204-868-5358 For more info call:
Debbie Fisch
Cell: 476-6591 REAL ESTATE service specialist
Office (204) 725-8550 Dennis: 476-2766 Kent Brown
51 Main Street S 1-204-867-7346

Plumbing & Heating
Studio Of Image
minnedosa@ • Construction •
If you like to drink and can
That's your business Summit Septic
burgesslawoffice.net If you want to stop and can't ServiceS Family Hair Care
MAIN OFFICE •Eminence Facials
204-867-5458 That's our business. Minnedosa and surrounding areas
& Product
SIMS & COMPA N Y copperwoodenterprise@gmail.com
P.O. Box 36 Frank r. Ford and • Pedicures & LCN Nails
L a w O ffi c e PLUMBING & HEATING
Russ Huyghe
or 867-3966 penny Ford PETER HARRISON • Spray Tanning
Alanon - 210-0433 • Piercing
Norman H. Sims, Q.C. 204-868-6376
Alateen - 867-5121 Owner/Operator Phone/Text 867-5444 • Eyelash Extensions
7 6 Ma i n S t r e e t S o u t h 867-3401 Minnedosa 204-210-0158
MINNEDOSA • 867-2717 Cody Huyghe
Mtg. Times: 8:00 pm Tuesdays Cells 204-867-2287
67 Main St.
Matt Saler Drug Problem? 204-868-0851 or 204-868-0863
email: pennyjoford@gmail.com SERVICES
204-868-6886 Narcotics TAC
Anonymous can help Ventures Inc.
Meetings every Waterpals Rob’s Waste
Potable Water Delivery Small EnginE REpaiR &
EAVESTROUGH Tuesday & YaRd maintEnancE SERvicES
Management &
Minnedosa and area Contracting
Saturday at 7 p.m. Health Inspected • Mowing & Trimming
at Calvary Temple, (204)476-0002
RAINBOW EAVES 221 Hamilton Street, No Job is too small!!! •

Snow Blowing
Unwanted Item Removal
Garbage Removal
Bin Rentals
& CUSTOM EXTERIORS Neepawa, MB 204-868-5674 • Handyman Services Construction Demolition
• Alum & Stainless Welding Household clean up
Seamless Steel Siding • Reasonable Rates Estate clean ups
Soffit ● Facia ● Cladding ● Vinyl Siding SERVICES 204-720-5934
James Hardie Boards ● CanExel Siding ÊÊÊ TRADING
Cell: 204-729-6896 ● Fax: 204-728-5067 We now offer Picker Barn
JOHN FEHR Pick your antiques and
other items!
johnfehr@gmail.com Call us today for your carpet
(12-16) By appointment only .
& upholstery cleaning needs. 204-868-5674
Ê 204-867-5551

House/Business Electrolysis Gently Used Furniture
Cleaning Services Clothing & Misc. Items
Permanant Hair Removal
- Residential 204-596-5111
By Donations Only
204.759.3313 - Commercial Open Monday - Friday
● 204-848-0097

Toll Free 844.877.7767 204-848-0400 Home: 867-3272

● 204-848-0400 Cell: 210-0818
gregnesbittmla@mymts.net www.clearlakeclean.com bukarz@wcgwave.ca
#7 � 515 4th Avenue info@clearlakeclean.com
Burlington Place, Shoal Lake, MB
16 Friday, July 19, 2019 The Minnedosa Tribune

Rodeo Scrapbook
Photos by Darryl Holyk

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