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l\.•fc""lo the i;onJilion u£ lnnn<tn!<t tx:h\1,."('ll ll1'•. if c..

ka1h tinJ lh(• f\ Uff\"I;•

dun. Thqu.....,tk>n li,., \\11at 1..1h.:!...oodit lon of 1h.: lncllvidual durin g 1hh
period of lirnc?
II b \ilal llllll \\'...- h..,.... praclial tub '.:r:.tu thii.qu...-uun ttl lhe lhn...-
of b... .t\--cmcnl. Ian\ pasto..,_ and pa1\-.-nls ha\ lx"."\'n a.o. ;h'.(( at a gnnt:·
?>iJc. "\Vhl•r1,.·i:. Cl'nnJnu• ''°'"'? \\1h.1t ;,. !'>he doing? b .,J k. "'ilh k?>uiio JI·
n•ady?An:she and Grandpa bnck log<.'th:r? Docs she k110\\·,.hal \\.<'are
dninar·Tl-."•l'qtK..,l ton" '"""001th1..• 1)n11th11..1 of idle,pl·...ulatiun o1'uri·
osil'.\O lilt"} al"c orcrucial hnpo1·1.ancc lo th'·indi"idu.iJ posin the1n .An
opJlO• I 11nh\ to off...-1 c;o1nfor1 ond 1,. 1l\.'.t>t1n11:.: ..n...-nt il!o to.•ilnbl,• l•J 1h...- "ho h infottnl·d 011 Lill: rnan.:I'. U11fo1'lunall...1,,rnam Ch1i:s·
tinn,d<1 not ,......-i'I<: tht..Opfl'rl1111h\ b\.'C.'lll'i\.' It..• <lo ftl)' L.nt)\V or
:.1 hdp-
ful repl) . Con.fu-d and u rt;;iin. 1l\.".ll1) p;,"t....sto•· in l' 1H )--.>ars Gnd
th...-n1 h'\"' u nabk• I n •1ns\\cr und 11) 111ini'lt\. ll> 11 qul'.,.innct·
1bc-t\' an; t\\·o ni.ajor rt'tbOn.s why nt."l.n)' Chrb.tian_-; 11nd thcm!>eh"C's
U l bk to SlCMld in lhi !iituu l ion. Th.. rir t is ltK- n.•lalho..' :-.;:arcil\ or
biblkul 1i.·.h.•fl;;'n1.-'."::'l tt> 11.:inti:l'1nl"'Ch;:ttl':,.lat.Tlu:-.doclt hk.' 1not thesub·
JCCI or nn·ci:len<kJ d.J:SC:oursc in the \\.3\'in \\ hkh the rt"SUrn<etion and
t he 'A..::c.11-.d l·o11li11.ll " " R.-tl'k.''" 11 i-; lt\.°Jtl•J 3'ill\.i.'\\h;.\I h"'- kk•nt-11) .At
ll'tL!tl lwu Mplanaliuru. h;.l\t:bi·.cn olT\.•n".'tl for the 1dii.Li\"t. sik•rn".<'. Ont:" is
that d·\." - al'h• "hurc h,•,pc.,;ll'(l 11 pcl'iuJ l:xl\\'c..:n J.......u· r:111u1\.• Jl'l(:I
hi.s 1\tu1•n to bt> bri :f:thus lht Pt,;riod b..•. tu.'-''"anv hurnan Ix:·
i••H' do..'Jlh ,lnd ""u1'h .>el l(1n \vn11ld ho: l'\•lul\ ..I) h1•i ·rr1s \\ ..•11,1 1)11-.r
is t l\O\t,'h'\.:r i1s leilgth.the inh r1n,-di11..: stale is 1uen:ty cempc)rorv
111w.I . .....cunl111!:I\, Jid nttl .;u1t1,.l'1'n di-. ·;a,t'ly hd"-' '.."u"' 1n1...:h "''dit.I al....:
(iu:'.11 !iit:'.l of l vcn and hdl. In Vit:\\ or 1he 1cl:uh-ch. little a'icli!nce
(.)11 \\hich ti• cono.t • UI the dc:1o.:t ri ••r 1hc•. inlC'I I TU .-'<llO!IC .......c.lhc1'C ·II
1,;-nck>ncy 10 lhink Lh.a1 1hc biblical \I/liters did 001 oon.')ick>r it 1-0 be \,;'I)
i111pc.Jfl t1nl Tn on1:Nl.'rN.'. ul c;o111'M.',i;.. 1101 l."' n1ial or 111<.li J)l.:lllldblc-.
sinceon l.''s sah-ation docsc not depend on onc'scon,iction rcganling tho:
i111i.n)1,xfii1tc :i.1.3l1,•. . Noncelll.'k.'i:i., liJ..c oll\\.•I' no1 :111i;.\I i'K" f<•r \.''<.·
runplc.-. 1Jr forrn of i.:hut\'.h go' nutK.nt , thc c:b:tt·incor 1hc.-i n 1cnn..-.<laatc
tnle i.:;, n.s \\'C hah,.'oln. d\ nc,.icd. of conidrrablc pracHcal i1npor1t)nt\'.
Ttk! :-.cennd r\.-.-ason \\'h) Clw1,.li.1ni. fail to mlnl:.h:f 1.'lrthI\ to th!
Cl'\":txxl i: he 1h.::oto, Iron: c"'' th•t t\o:l.s (l.".'>\ c!?JX".<I ;;in)Hd he

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