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Ekksrhyky usg: jk”Vªh; izkS|ksfxdh laLFkku bykgkckn

bykgkckn&211004 [Hkkjr]
Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad
Allahabad-211004 [India]

Undertaking for not keeping motorised vehicle in the campus

I ____________________________ Registration No. ___
a student of________________________ programme of the Institute hereby undertake that I will not
keep/use any type of motorised vehicle in the campus of the Institute (including academic and hostel premises).
I know that keeping motorised vehicle in the campus (including academic and hostel premises) is strictly
prohibited. If I am found in possession of any type of motorised vehicle, strict disciplinary action may be initiated
against me which may lead to expulsion from the Institute also.

(Name and Signature of the Student)

Undertaking by the Parent/Guardian

I have read the undertaking given by my ward Mr.__________________________________________

Registration No._______________________ a student of________________________ programme of the
Institute. I will ensure that my ward will not keep/use any type of motorised vehicle in the campus of the Institute
(including academic and hostel premises). If he is found in possession of any type of motorised vehicle, strict
disciplinary action may be initiated against him which may lead to expulsion of my ward from the Institute also.

(Name and signature of the Parent/Guardian)

Relation with the student

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