Campaign and Terminology Tweaks: Investigation

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Campaign and Terminology Tweaks ● You may recruit from any “gang”, which represent
● A Gang is now known as a Cohort. different archetypes. A fighter’s archetype needs to
● A Turf War is now known as an Investigation. be recorded on recruitment, it is used for skill
● A Cohort’s Turf is now known as its Influence. selection and characteristic maximums.
● Special Territories are now known as Special Characteristic maximums are based on the adjusted
Assets. Each individual Special Asset may be values of that archetype’s leader.
re-themed by the Arbitrator to better fit the ○ Cawdor = Devotee
Investigation and Cohort that controls it. ○ Delaque = Spy
● Reputation is now known as Evidence, which ○ Escher = Acrobat
represents progress towards your Cohort’s goal in ○ Goliath = Bruiser
the Investigation. Evidence resets after each ○ Orlock = Worker
Investigation. ○ Van Saar = Techno
● An Investigation focuses on a single event, mystery, ○ Chaos Cult = Zealot
or mcguffin. All parties involved have some stake ○ Genestealer Cult = Mutant
in the outcome of the Investigation. The Showdown ○ Venator = Mercenary
reward of maintaining a Cohort Rating up to 3000 Alternatively, use the Chaos Cult, Genestealer Cult,
and losing less Influence between Investigations is or Venator rules. This is the only way to use their
the default setting. The Arbitrator should alter this campaign rules, all other Cohorts are treated as
in some way for each Investigation. Perhaps the House Gangs in a campaign. Venators are the best
winner gains the favor of a planetary governor and choice for representing outsiders and Xenos who
can call upon them for aid, but their Influence will don’t operate like Imperials.
be reduced as any other Cohort. Or maybe a ● When outfitting your Cohort, fighters may be
powerful artifact is recovered and is available to equipped with common items from the Trading Post.
the winner in the next Investigation, but they are In addition, items on House Equipment Lists, which
limited to a Cohort rating of 2000 as they need to are not also in the Trading Post, may be purchased
divert resources to research and repair the artifact. with a rarity of 7 at Cohort founding or in the
Whatever the case, the rewards should be detailed post-battle sequence.
by the Arbitrator at the beginning of the ● Rare items may be purchased when founding a
Investigation, or at an appropriate plot point. Cohort. The total rarity of all rare items purchased at
● Gangers are now known as Acolytes. this time must not exceed 50. If you purchase the
● Juves are now known as Initiates. same item more than once, its rarity will increase by
+2 for each additional item after the first. For
Rules Tweaks example: 3 identical items of rarity 7 would cost a
● Acolytes start off as Specialists. total of 27 rarity (7+9+11). After a Cohort is founded
● Any fighter other than a Leader may be hired as a you must search for rare items as usual (even
Minion, which replaces their previous rank. Venators).
Minions advance randomly like Gangers. ● Cohorts will construct a tactics card deck during the
● When an Initiate becomes a Champion their 1: Buy Advancements and Recruit Hired Guns step of
advancement total is reset to zero, the same applies the pre-battle sequence. Each Cohort’s deck must
to Minions becoming Specialists. contain at least 10 non-gang exclusive cards,
● Any fighter may have additional equipment sets. although they may contain any card regardless of
Equipment may be moved from fighter cards to the faction. No card may be duplicated. Gang exclusive
stash during the 5d: Distribute Equipment step of cards may be played on any fighter.
the post-battle sequence; simply remove it from all ● Optional: The number of gang exclusive tactics cards
of a fighter’s equipment sets and add it to the available when constructing a deck is limited to the
Cohort’s stash. A card with no equipment may be number of fighters from that archetype in a Cohort.
deleted so long as it is not that fighter’s last card. In order to encourage variety, tactics cards which
● There are no equipment restrictions on any type of were drawn in the previous battle may not be added
fighter, Initiates do not need to limit themselves to to a deck. Cohorts may wish to spend Investigation
weapons which cost 20 credits or less. points on planning for a battle; when receiving
● Add the following to the trading post: tactics cards for a game, freely choose one more
○ Power Armor: 150 cr. Rare 15 (3+ save) card from the dack for each Investigation spent.

Version 1.6, 5/31/18

By: Jacob Dryearth

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