Neck Hammock v. Does - Complaint

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Case 2:19-cv-00503-PMW Document 2 Filed 07/18/19 Page 1 of 23

Brent Lorimer (#3731)
Brian N. Platt (#17099)
60 East South Temple Suite 1000
Salt Lake City, UT 84111
Telephone: (801) 533-9800
Facsimile: (801) 328-1707

Attorneys for The Neck Hammock, Inc.



THE NECK HAMMOCK, INC., a Delaware Case No: 2:19-cv-00503-PMW




JOHN DOES 1 through 10, doing business as JURY DEMANDED

“Nypot” on,
Magistrate Judge Paul M. Warner
Case 2:19-cv-00503-PMW Document 2 Filed 07/18/19 Page 2 of 23

Plaintiff The Neck Hammock, Inc. (“Neck Hammock”) complains and alleges as follows

against Defendants, John Does 1–10 (doing business as “Nypot” on the website (“”), collectively “Defendants”).


1. Dr. Steve Sudell Jr., DPT, ATC (“Dr. Sudell”), is a physical therapist and the

founder and President of Neck Hammock.

2. While working as a licensed physical therapist, Dr. Sudell repeatedly treated

individuals suffering from compression-related neck pain. Based on his years of experience, Dr.

Sudell knew that cervical traction almost always provided substantial relief for those suffering

from neck pain and was routinely performing cervical traction on his patients during physical

therapy sessions. Dr. Sudell wanted his patients to be able to continue experiencing the

therapeutic benefits of cervical traction in between their physical therapy sessions and even after

their routine physical therapy sessions had ended, but after looking through the array of at-home

cervical traction devices available on the market, Dr. Sudell could not with a good conscience

recommend any at-home cervical traction device to his patients. All of the products available at

that time were either too expensive and too bulky or were cheaply made and ineffective.

3. Instead of watching his clients suffer for lack of an adequate replacement for

professionally-performed cervical traction, Dr. Sudell invested his time and energy into

inventing and developing an economical alternative that was—above all—effective to provide

therapeutic cervical traction but that was also comfortable and economically priced. Dr. Sudell

coined his inventive portable cervical traction device the Neck Hammock®.

4. The ingenious design of the Neck Hammock® (e.g., as shown in Figure 1 below)

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allows individuals suffering from a variety of conditions, including neck arthritis, a

herniated/bulging disc in the neck, pinched nerves, neck strains and cervical muscle spasms to

experience therapeutic relief through cervical traction that would normally be administered in the

office of a physical therapist.

Figure 1

5. As illustrated in Figure 2 below, the Neck Hammock® includes shock-absorbing

cords attached to opposite ends of a sling that cradles the user’s head. The shock-absorbing cords

are anchorable to an environmental object, such as a door or railing, and together with the force

of gravity, the tension of the cords provides gentle, therapeutic cervical traction to the user.

Figure 2

6. Used in this way, the Neck Hammock® gradually stretches muscles and

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ligaments around the vertebrae of the spine, expanding space between vertebrae. In the end,

pinched nerves are released, herniated and bulging discs relax as pressure is relieved, and blood

circulation improves to the structures of the cervical spine, which may help oxygenate muscles,

nerves, tendons and ligaments.

7. These, and other, health benefits that are enabled by the use of the Neck

Hammock® result in this device being categorized as a “medical device” according to the

Federal Drug Administration (FDA). Such devices require FDA approval for unencumbered

commercialization, and Dr. Sudell abided by the applicable laws and regulations to receive FDA

approval of the Neck Hammock® as a medical device.

8. On October 24, 2017, Neck Hammock launched a campaign on,

which was fully funded within three hours. By December 1, 2017, Neck Hammock successfully

raised $901,058 in its Kickstarter campaign—more than 4,500% over its original goal of

$20,000. Neck Hammock had a sister crowdfunding campaign for the Neck Hammock® that

they launched on This campaign was also extremely successful and fully funded

far in advance—for a total $1,642,934 in crowd-sourced, pre-paid orders.

9. The revolutionary Neck Hammock® was not only widely received by consumers

on crowdfunding websites but in the media as well. The Neck Hammock® was featured on the

Dr. Oz Show as one of the best health finds of 2018. The Neck Hammock® received a spotlight

article in Forbes and was widely covered by myriad other news and personal health sites.

10. However, eager consumers and media outlets were not the only parties interested

in the market success of the Neck Hammock®. Unfortunately, after the crowdfunding campaigns

launched—but before the successful campaigns had even ended—infringers began copying

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Neck Hammock’s design and selling cheaply made knock-off products. The Neck Hammock

took great care in sourcing the materials and selecting trusted manufacturers that would ensure

the production of a consistently safe and reliable product. The shameless copycats that flooded

the market in an attempt to ride the coattails of Neck Hammock’s success were not so concerned

about functional or safe products and often resulted in mechanical failures and consumer injury

when the products were used.

11. Neck Hammock was forced to expedite its intellectual property protections to

combat the widespread copying of the Neck Hammock® device, branding, and marketing

materials. Neck Hammock’s creative achievement resulted in broad intellectual property

protection for the Neck Hammock® and associated brand, including utility and design patents,

trademarks, and copyright protections. Nevertheless, Neck Hammock’s product innovations have

been the subject of widespread copying. Unscrupulous competitors have attempted to capitalize

on Neck Hammock’s success by co-opting Neck Hammock’s copyrighted works and patented

designs and by misappropriating Neck Hammock’s trademark, including its flagship “Neck

Hammock®” mark. To date, over 8,000 unauthorized product listings infringing one or more of

Neck Hammock’s intellectual property rights have been removed, but the endless whack-a-mole

continues despite Neck Hammock’s efforts to police the marketplace.

12. Defendants are some of the principal offenders selling knock-off Neck

Hammock® devices, which infringe Neck Hammock’s patented designs. Defendants sell their

infringing products anonymously on eCommerce platforms including

13. With this action, Neck Hammock seeks to put a stop to Defendants’ illegal

conduct and to obtain compensation for infringement that has occurred thus far.

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14. Plaintiff The Neck Hammock, Inc. is a Delaware corporation with a principal

place of business at 830 Hill Street, Apt. E, Santa Monica, California. Neck Hammock does

business, has customers, and has suffered injury in the District of Utah.

15. Defendants John Does 1–10 (doing business as “Nypot” on, are

individuals or entities whose true names and addresses of residence are unknown. Defendants

sell infringing, knock-off Neck Hammock® products on eCommerce platforms including

16. At the time of filing, the true names and addresses of Defendants John Does 1–10

could not be discovered with reasonable effort. When the true names and addresses are

discovered, and upon leave of this Court, they will be added into the Complaint by amendment.


17. This Court has subject matter jurisdiction under 28 U.S.C. § 1331 (federal

question); 28 U.S.C. § 1338(a) (any Act of Congress relating to patents or trademarks); and 28

U.S.C. § 1367 (supplemental jurisdiction).

18. This Court has personal jurisdiction over Defendants John Does 1–10 because

each of these Defendants has committed and continues to commit acts of infringement in

violation of 35 U.S.C. § 271, and places infringing products into the stream of commerce, with

the knowledge or understanding that such products are sold in the State of Utah in this District.

The acts by Defendants cause substantial injury to Neck Hammock in this District. Upon

information and belief, Defendants derive substantial revenue from their sale of infringing

products through within this District, expect their actions to have consequences

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within this District, and derive substantial revenue from interstate and international commerce

directed at this District.


19. Defendants are individuals or entities whose names and addresses of residence are

unknown. Venue is proper in this District under 28 U.S.C. § 1391(b) because a substantial part of

the events giving rise to this claim took place in this District, because Neck Hammock suffered

harm in this District, and because Defendants transact business within this district through, which operates a principal place of business in this district. Venue is also proper in

this district under 28 U.S.C. § 1391(b)(3) because Defendants are individuals whose names and

addresses of residence are unknown that are otherwise subject to personal jurisdiction in this

District. Alternatively, upon information and belief, venue is proper in this district under 28

U.S.C. § 1391 (c)(3) and 28 U.S.C. § 1400(b) because at least one of Defendants is a foreign

person or corporation subject to personal jurisdiction in this District.


20. Neck Hammock is a world-leading manufacturer of innovative portable devices

designed to offer pain relief, including the cervical traction device designed to offer neck pain

relief widely known as the Neck Hammock® cervical traction device. Neck Hammock’s

business is dedicated to the development of portable cervical traction devices. In its short time

providing affordable cervical traction devices, Neck Hammock has filled an important niche in

the physical therapy market by offering innovative home-solutions to physical health problems.

21. Cervical traction generally refers to methods of applying force to relieve neck

pain for individuals suffering from various ailments, including neck arthritis, herniated/bulging

Case 2:19-cv-00503-PMW Document 2 Filed 07/18/19 Page 8 of 23

discs in the neck, pinched nerves, neck strains, or cervical muscle spasms. Cervical traction

entails gently urging the head away from the neck, and gradually stretching muscles and

ligaments around the vertebrae of the spine and expanding space between vertebrae. Cervical

traction may release pinched nerves, relax herniated and bulging discs by relieving pressure,

improve blood circulation to the structures for the cervical spine, and help oxygenate muscles,

nerves, tendons and ligaments in the head and neck area.

22. Traditionally, individuals could only receive cervical traction at a medical facility

or office. Such visits were often time-consuming, inconvenient, and costly. Moreover, due to the

cost, patients could generally only afford such visits periodically.

23. Modern at-home cervical traction devices are available in the market. However,

many of these devices are complex, cumbersome, bulky, expensive and potentially unsafe. For

example, many home cervical traction devices include headgear which includes straps around the

user’s forehead, head, and chin. Such headgear is cumbersome, constricting, and inconvenient; in

addition, such products exert stress at the jaw that may lead to or exacerbate temporomandibular

disorders. Moreover, many such devices require weights and pulleys to exert tension, which are

at the very least bulky, cumbersome, and inconvenient but which are also potentially dangerous.

Other similar devices include clamps and brackets for attachment to doors and furniture, which

can mar surface finishes and interfere with use of the door or furniture.

24. While working as a physical therapist, Dr. Sudell worked with and helped patients

experiencing, inter alia, neck pain. Based on his work, Dr. Sudell recognized the need for an

easy to use, compact, non-marring, and effective traction device that minimized discomfort and

avoided potentially injurious stresses, while remaining an economically feasible option for users.

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Consequently, Dr. Sudell invented the widely recognized device known as the Neck Hammock®

cervical traction device (shown below in Figure 3) and founded the corporation known as “The

Neck Hammock.”

Figure 3

25. Neck Hammock has protected its innovative designs through a broad range of

intellectual property rights. Among those rights are the patents listed below (the “Neck

Hammock Patents”):

Patent Number Title

10,307,284 (“’284 Patent”) Portable Traction Device with Sling

D824,035 (“’D035 Patent”) Portable Traction Device

D845,492 (“’D492 Patent”) Portable Traction Device

Case 2:19-cv-00503-PMW Document 2 Filed 07/18/19 Page 10 of 23

D845,494 (“’D494 Patent”) Portable Traction Device

26. Rather than innovate and develop their own technology and products, Defendants

chose to copy Neck Hammock’s patented technology and designs, and to market those infringing

designs as “Neck Hammocks” or “Head Hammocks” using the registered Neck Hammock

Trademarks (the “Accused Products”). Defendants sell the Accused Products online at URL

(“Defendants’ Amazon listing”).


Infringement of the ’284 Patent
35 U.S.C. § 271

27. Neck Hammock incorporates and realleges paragraphs 1 through 26 of the

Complaint, as if fully set forth herein.

28. On June 14, 2018, United States Patent No. 10,307,284 was duly and legally

issued by the United States Patent and Trademark Office for an invention entitled “Portable

Traction Device with Sling.” A true and correct copy of the ’284 Patent is attached as Exhibit A.

29. Neck Hammock is the owner of the ’284 Patent.

30. Defendants have infringed one or more claims of the ’284 Patent under 35 U.S.C.

§ 271(a) by, among other things, offering for sale, selling, importing, and/or distributing the

Accused Products in the United States.

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31. The Accused Products include “a sling assembly” as required by claim 1 of the

’284 Patent, the “sling comprising flexible material and having a first side, a second side

opposite the first side, a superior edge, and an inferior edge,” as required by claim 1 of the ’284


Accused Product
(actual product photo taken 7/11/2019)

32. The Accused Products include “the sling being elongated and sized to cradle and

engage an occipital bone portion of a user’s head via at least a frictional portion of the sling

disposed between the superior edge and the inferior edge of the sling when the first side extends

to a first side of the user’s head and the second side extends to a second side of the user’s head,”

as required by claim 1 of the ’284 Patent.

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Frictional portion

Accused Product
(marketing product photo from Defendants’ Amazon listing)

33. The Accused Products include “a base cushion attached to the sling between the

superior edge and the inferior edge and approximately centered between the first and second

sides of the sling,” as required by claim 1 of the ’284 Patent.

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Accused Product
(actual product photo taken 7/11/2019)

34. The Accused Products include “a first side cushion disposed between the base

cushion and the and the [sic] first side of the sling,” and “a second side cushion disposed

between the base cushion and the second side of the sling,” as required by claim 1 of the ’284


Accused Product
(actual product photo taken 7/11/2019)

35. The Accused Products include “a pair of side attachments comprising a first side

attachment extending from the first side of the sling and a second side attachment extending

from the second side of the sling,” as required by claim 1 of the ’284 Patent.

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Accused Product
(actual product photo taken 7/11/2019)

36. The Accused Products include “flexible elastic tethers operable to selectively

attach to the pair of side attachments via first ends of the flexible elastic tethers,” as required by

claim 1 of the ’284 Patent.

Accused Product
(marketing product photo from Defendants’ Amazon listing)
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37. The Accused Products include “an anchor operable to selectively attach to the

sling and to an anchoring object, wherein the anchor comprises: an anchor tab; an anchor

connector operable to selectively attach to second ends of the flexible elastic tethers; and an

anchor strap disposed between and connecting the anchor tab and the anchor connector.” as

required by claim 1 of the ’284 Patent.

Anchor Tab

Anchor Strap

Anchor Connector

Accused Product
(actual product photo taken 7/11/2019)

38. Defendants have infringed at least claim 1 of the ’284 Patent and one or more

additional claims of the ’284 Patent under 35 U.S.C. § 271 by offering for sale, selling,

importing, and/or distributing the Accused Products in the United States.

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39. Defendants have willfully infringed the ’284 Patent in with knowledge of the ’284

Patent or were willfully blind to the patent and the risk of infringement.

40. Defendants’ infringement of the ’284 Patent has caused and continues to cause

damages to Neck Hammock.

41. As a result of the Defendants’ infringement, Neck Hammock has been damaged

and is entitled to damages, costs, and attorneys’ fees, in an amount to be proven at trial.

42. Defendants’ infringement of the ’284 Patent has caused and continues to cause

irreparable harm to Neck Hammock.

43. As a result of the Defendants’ past and ongoing infringement, Neck Hammock is

entitled to injunctive relief.


Infringement of the ’D035 Patent
35 U.S.C. § 271

44. Neck Hammock incorporates and realleges paragraphs 1 through 43 of the

Complaint, as if fully set forth herein.

45. On July 24, 2018, United States Design Patent No. D824,035 was duly and

legally issued by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. A true and correct copy of the

’D035 Patent is attached as Exhibit B.

46. Neck Hammock is the owner of the ’D035 Patent.

47. Defendants have infringed and continue to infringe the ’D035 Patent by using,

selling and/or offering to sell in the United States, and/or importing into the United States one or

more of the Accused Products identified in this Complaint, such that an ordinary observer,

familiar with the prior art, would be deceived into thinking that the accused design was the same

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as the patented design, as detailed below.

U.S. Patent No. D842,035 Accused Product

(actual product photo taken 7/11/2019)

(actual product photo taken 7/11/2019)

48. Defendants have willfully infringed the ’D035 Patent with knowledge of the

’D035 Patent or were willfully blind to the patent and the risk of infringement.

49. Defendants’ infringement of the ’D035 Patent has caused and continues to cause

damages to Neck Hammock.

50. As a result of the Defendants’ infringement, Neck Hammock has been damaged

and is entitled to damages, costs, and attorneys’ fees, in an amount to be proven at trial.

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51. Defendants’ infringement of the ’D035 Patent has caused and continues to cause

irreparable harm to Neck Hammock.

52. As a result of the Defendants’ past and ongoing infringement, Neck Hammock is

entitled to injunctive relief.


Infringement of the ’D492 Patent
35 U.S.C. § 271

53. Neck Hammock incorporates and realleges paragraphs 1 through 52 of the

Complaint, as if fully set forth herein.

54. On April 9, 2019, United States Design Patent No. D824,492 was duly and legally

issued by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. A true and correct copy of the ’D492

Patent is attached as Exhibit C.

55. Neck Hammock is the owner of the ’D492 Patent.

56. Defendants have infringed and continue to infringe the ’D492 Patent by using,

selling and/or offering to sell in the United States, and/or importing into the United States one or

more of the Accused Products identified in this Complaint, such that an ordinary observer,

familiar with the prior art, would be deceived into thinking that the accused design was the same

as the patented design, as detailed below.

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U.S. Patent No. D845,492 Accused Product

(actual product photo taken 7/11/2019)

(actual product photo taken 7/11/2019)

57. Defendants have willfully infringed the ’D492 Patent with knowledge of the

’D492 Patent or were willfully blind to the patent and the risk of infringement.

58. Defendants’ infringement of the ’D492 Patent has caused and continues to cause

damages to Neck Hammock.

59. As a result of the Defendants’ infringement, Neck Hammock has been damaged

and is entitled to damages, costs, and attorneys’ fees, in an amount to be proven at trial.

60. Defendants’ infringement of the ’D492 Patent has caused and continues to cause

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irreparable harm to Neck Hammock.

61. As a result of the Defendants’ past and ongoing infringement, Neck Hammock is

entitled to injunctive relief.


Infringement of the ’D494 Patent
35 U.S.C. § 271

62. Neck Hammock incorporates and realleges paragraphs 1 through 61 of the

Complaint, as if fully set forth herein.

63. On April 9, 2019, United States Design Patent No. D824,494 was duly and legally

issued by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. A true and correct copy of the ’D494

Patent is attached as Exhibit D.

64. Neck Hammock is the owner of the ’D494 Patent.

65. Defendants have infringed and continue to infringe the ’D494 Patent by using,

selling and/or offering to sell in the United States, and/or importing into the United States one or

more of the Accused Products identified in this Complaint, such that an ordinary observer,

familiar with the prior art, would be deceived into thinking that the accused design was the same

as the patented design, as detailed below.

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U.S. Patent No. D845,494 Accused Product

(actual product photo taken 7/11/2019)

(actual product photo taken 7/11/2019)

66. Defendants have willfully infringed the ’D494 Patent with knowledge of the

’D494 Patent or were willfully blind to the patent and the risk of infringement.

67. Defendants’ infringement of the ’D494 Patent has caused and continues to cause

damages to Neck Hammock.

68. As a result of the Defendants’ infringement, Neck Hammock has been damaged

and is entitled to damages, costs, and attorneys’ fees, in an amount to be proven at trial.

69. Defendants’ infringement of the ’D494 Patent has caused and continues to cause

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irreparable harm to Neck Hammock.

70. As a result of the Defendants’ past and ongoing infringement, Neck Hammock is

entitled to injunctive relief.


Wherefore, Neck Hammock respectfully prays that the Court enter judgment in its favor

and award the following relief against Defendants:

A. A judgment in favor of Neck Hammock that Defendants infringed one or more

claims of each of the Neck Hammock Patents;

B. A judgment in favor of Neck Hammock that Defendants willfully infringed each

of the Neck Hammock Patents;

C. An order and judgment preliminarily and permanently enjoining Defendants and

its officers, directors, employees, agents, licensees, representatives, affiliates, related companies,

servants, successors and assigns, and any and all persons acting in privity or in concert with any

of them, from further acts of infringement of the Neck Hammock Patents;

D. A judgment awarding Neck Hammock damages for infringement of the Neck

Hammock Patents pursuant to 35 U.S.C. § 284, together with prejudgment interest;

E. A judgment trebling damages pursuant to 35 U.S.C. § 284;

F. A judgment that this is an exceptional case, pursuant to 35 U.S.C. § 285, together

with an award of Plaintiff’s reasonable attorneys’ fees.

G. Any other relief the Court deems just and proper under all the circumstances.

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Demand for Trial by Jury

Neck Hammock demands a jury trial on all matters triable to a jury.

DATED this 18th day of July, 2019.

Respectfully submitted,

By: /s/ Brian N. Platt

BRIAN N. PLATT (#17099)
60 East South Temple, Suite 1000
Salt Lake City, Utah 84111
Telephone: (801) 533-9800


Case 2:19-cv-00503-PMW Document 2-1 Filed 07/18/19 Page 1 of 19

Case 2:19-cv-00503-PMW Document 2-1 Filed 07/18/19 Page 2 of 19

(12) United States Patent ( 10) Patent No.: US 10 ,307,284 B2

Sudell (45 ) Date of Patent : * Jun. 4 , 2019
(54 ) PORTABLE TRACTION DEVICE WITH (58 ) Field of Classification Search
SLING CPC .. A61F 5 /055 ; A61F 5 /024 ; A61H 2201 /1607
USPC . .. . ... ... ............... 602/ 35 – 36 , 18
(71) Applicant: THE NECK HAMMOCK , INC ., See application file for complete search history .
Wilmington , DE (US )
(72 ) Inventor: Steven Sudell, Santa Monica, CA (US) (56 ) References Cited
(73) Assignee : THE NECK HAMMOCK , INC.,
Wilmington , DE (US ) 2 ,674 ,996 A
3 ,033 , 198 A
4 / 1954 Stowell et al.
5 / 1962 Jensen
3 , 118 ,443 A 1/ 1964 Dykinga
( * ) Notice : Subject to any disclaimer , the term of this 3 ,221,735 A * 12 / 1965 Goodman A61H 1/00
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 602 /33
U .S . C . 154 (b ) by 0 days. D213 ,478 S 3/ 1969 Nightingale
This patent is subject to a terminal dis 4 , 220 , 147 A 9 / 1980 Allen
D332 ,495 S 1/ 1993 Lake
claimer . (Continued )
(21 ) Appl. No.: 16 /008 ,247 FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS
(22 ) Filed : Jun. 14, 2018 GB 1315519 A * 5 / 1973 ........... A61H 1/0218
(65 ) Prior Publication Data OTHER PUBLICATIONS
US 2018 /0289525 A1 Oct . 11, 2018
International Search Report and Written Opinion issued in PCT/
Related U .S . Application Data US2018 /015415 dated Mar. 22 , 2018 .
(63 ) Continuation of application No. 15 /600 , 901, filed on (Continued )
May 22, 2017
(60 ) Provisional application No. 62/ 374,259, filed on Aug .
Primary Examiner - Kim M Lewis
12 , 2016 .
(74 ) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Workman Nydegger
(51) Int. Ci. A sling of a portable traction device cradles a user's head
A61F 5 /00 ( 2006 .01)
A61F 5 /055 (2006 .01) and includes a pair of shock cords attached at opposite ends
A61F 5 /042 (2006 .01) of the sling . The ends of the shock cords opposite shock
A61H 1/02 ( 2006 .01) cords are anchored is anchored to a structure, such as a
A61F 5 /048 ( 2006 .01) closed door at the hinged side of the door, between the door
(52) U .S. CI. and door frame, using an anchor, at a height, to generate a
CPC .............. A61F 5 /055 ( 2013 .01); A61F 5 /042 tension vector at an acute angle relative to the floor. The
( 2013 .01) ; A61H 1 /0218 ( 2013 .01); A61F tension applies cervical traction .
5 /048 (2013 .01); A61H 2201/0123 (2013 .01);
A61H 2201/ 1611 (2013.01 ) 18 Claims, 11 Drawing Sheets


??? .



205 300 305

MS 500
Case 2:19-cv-00503-PMW Document 2-1 Filed 07/18/19 Page 3 of 19

US 10 ,Page
307,2284 B2

(56 ) References Cited D790 ,072

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U . S . PATENT DOCUMENTS 9 ,713 ,546 B2 7 /2017 Thorsteindottir
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602 /35 2005 /0113728 Al * 5 /2005 Heinz .. .. . .. . . A61F 5 / 055
5 ,479 ,667 A 1/ 1996 Nelson et al. 602/ 18
D422,710 S 4 / 2000 Maynard 2006 /0288490 A1 12 /2006 Mikkelsen et al.
6 , 113 ,564 A * 9 / 2000 McGuire . ... A61H 1/0229 2010 / 0222729 AL 9 /2010 Chin et al.
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6 , 939, 269 B2 9 / 2005 Makofsky 2018 /0028389 A1 * 2 / 2018 Adimari .............. A61H 1/0292
D550 ,847 S 9 / 2007 Kixmiller 2018 /0042757 A1 2/2018 Sudell
D626 ,244 S 10/2010 Sagnip
8 ,657 ,774 B1 2 / 2014 Fisher OTHER PUBLICATIONS
8 ,782 ,831 B2 7 / 2014 Houston
D713 ,049 S 9 /2014 Shah Selenechen Hammock for Neck , Neck Massager for Men Women ,
D713 ,535 S 9 / 2014 Chiang et al.
D749,230 S 2/ 2016 Safko Relaxation Massager Great for Neck Pain Relief Amazon .
9 ,526 , 965 B2 * 12 / 2016 Gatherer ............ A63B 71/0054 U .S . Appl. No. 29/640 , 156 , Apr. 12 , 2018 , Office Action .
D784 ,546 S 4 /2017 Gordon
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Case 2:19-cv-00503-PMW Document 2-1 Filed 07/18/19 Page 4 of 19

U . S . Patent Jun . 4 , 2019 Sheet 1 of 11 US 10 , 307, 284 B2


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FIG . 15
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PORTABLE TRACTION DEVICE WITH to cradle and engage an occipital bone portion of a user 's
SLING head via at least a frictional portion of the sling disposed
between the superior edge and the inferior edge of the sling
RELATED APPLICATION when the first side extends to a first side of the user 's head
5 and the second side extends to a second side of the user 's
This application is a continuation of U .S . patent applica - head. The sling assembly can also include a base cushion
tion Ser. No . 15 /600 , 901 filed on May 22 , 2017 , entitled attached to the sling between the superior edge and the
“ PORTABLE TRACTION DEVICE WITH SLING ” , which inferior edge and approximately centered between the first
claimsthe benefit of priority of U .S . Provisional Application and second sides of the sling, a first side cushion disposed
62/ 374 , 259 filed on Aug. 12 , 2016 , entitled “ PORTABLE 10 between the base cushion and the first side of the sling, and
TRACTION DEVICE WITH SLING ” . a second side cushion disposed between the base cushion
and the second side of the sling. The sling assembly can also
FIELD OF THE INVENTION include a pair of side attachments that include a first side
attachment extending from the first side of the sling and a
This invention relates generally to cervical traction , and, 15 second side attachment extending from the second side of
more particularly , to a portable device to apply cervical the sling. The portable traction device can additionally
traction . include flexible elastic tethers operable to selectively attach
to the pair of side attachments via first ends of the flexible
BACKGROUND elastic tethers and an anchor operable to selectively attach to
20 the sling and to an anchoring object.
Cervical traction is a method of applying force to relieve Embodiments of the present disclosure additionally
neck pain for individuals suffering from neck arthritis , a include methods of applying cervical traction to a user using
herniated /bulging disc in the neck , pinched nerves , neck the exemplary portable traction device . An exemplary
strains and cervicalmuscle spasms. Cervical traction entails method includes steps of attaching the anchor to the anchor
urging the head away from the neck . Doing so , gradually 25 ing object, at a height above the floor ; stretching the pair of
stretches muscles and ligaments around the vertebrae of the flexible elastic tethers at an acute angle relative to the floor
spine and expands space between vertebrae . Pinched nerves to produce a tensile force including a vector component
are released . Herniated and bulging discs relax as pressure parallel to the floor towards the anchor, and a vector com
is relieved . Blood circulation improves to the structures of ponent perpendicular to the floor and upward ; and cradling ,
the cervical spine , helping to oxygenate muscles , nerves , 30 with the sling, while the pair of flexible elastic tethers is
tendons and ligaments . stretched , the head of the user, the user being substantially
In the past, individuals were relegated to visiting a physi- supine on a floor, with the user' s head spaced apart from and
cal therapist for neck traction . Such visits are time consum - aimed towards the anchoring object, and the user ' s feet
ing, often inconvenient and costly . Additionally , patients can aimed away from the anchoring object. The height above the
afford such visits only periodically . 35 floor can be about at least two feet. Additionally , the tensile
Today, home cervical traction devices are legion . Using force can be at least five pounds.
such a device, an individual apply traction effectively , con - A portable traction device according to principles of the
veniently and frequently . Unfortunately , however , many of invention thus provides an easy to use , compact, portable ,
the devices are complex , cumbersome, bulky, costly and stowable , non -marring, effective traction device that mini
potentially injurious. 40 mizes discomfort and avoids potentially injurious stresses.
As one example , many home traction devices include
headgear which include straps around the user's forehead BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
head and chin . Such headgear is not only cumbersome,
constricting and inconvenient, but may also exert stresses at The foregoing and other aspects, objects, features and
the jaw that may lead to or exacerbate temporomandibular 45 advantages of the invention will become better understood
disorders. As another example, many such devices require with reference to the following description , appended
weights and pulleys to exert tension . Such devices are bulky , claims, and accompanying drawings, where :
cumbersome and inconvenient. As yet another example , FIG . 1 is a top perspective view that conceptually illus
many devices include clamps and brackets for attachment to trates a traction device in use according to principles of the
doors and furniture . Such hardware mars surface finishes 50 invention ; and
and interferes with use of the door or furniture . FIG . 2 is a side view that conceptually illustrates a
What is needed is an easy to use , compact, non -marring, traction device in use according to principles of the inven
effective traction device that minimizes discomfort and tion ; and
avoids potentially injurious stresses. FIG . 3 is a bottom perspective view that conceptually
The invention is directed to overcoming one or more of 55 illustrates a traction device in use according to principles of
the problems and solving one or more of the needs as set the invention ; and
forth above . FIG . 4 is a top perspective view that conceptually illus
trates a sling assembly for a traction device in use according
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION to principles of the invention ; and
60 FIG . 5 is a bottom perspective view that conceptually
To solve one or more of the problems set forth above, in illustrates a sling assembly for a traction device in use
an exemplary implementation of the invention, a portable according to principles of the invention ; and
traction device according to principles of the invention FIG . 6 is a top perspective view that conceptually illus
includes a sling assembly . The sling assembly includes a trates a door anchor, in use , for a traction device according
sling made of or including flexible material and having a first 65 to principles of the invention ; and
side , a second side opposite the first side , a superior edge , FIG . 7 is a plan view of a door anchor for a traction device
and an inferior edge. The sling can be elongated and sized according to principles of the invention ; and
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US 10 , 307,284 B2
FIG . 8 is a top perspective view of a door anchor for a opposite end 207, 212 to a door anchor 300, where the ends
traction device according to principles of the invention ; and 207 , 212 converge . The door anchor 300 is described in
FIG . 9 is a side view of a door anchor for a traction device greater detail below with reference to FIGS. 7 through 9 .
according to principles of the invention ; and The door anchor 300 is locked between the hinged edge of
FIG . 10 is a top perspective view of a leg anchor, in use , 5 the door 400 and the door frame 405 , when the door 400 is
for a traction device according to principles of the invention . closed . In such an embodiment, the closed door is deemed
FIG . 11 is a plan view of an alternative anchor for a an anchoring object while the sling assembly 100 is in use .
traction device according to principles of the invention ; and With reference to FIG . 2 , net tension exerted by the shock
FIG . 12 is a top perspective view of an alternative anchor cords 205 , 210 is directed from the cradled portion of the
for a traction device according to principles of the invention ; 10 user ' s head 505 to the anchor 300 , at an acute angle 0
and ( greater than 0° but less than 90° , preferably between 15°
FIG . 13 is a side view of an alternative anchor for a and 609) relative to a planar (e . g ., horizontal floor) surface .
traction device according to principles of the invention ; and Thus the tensile force vector includes a horizontal compo
FIG . 14 is a side view that conceptually illustrates a nent away from the user 's head 505 towards the door 400 ,
traction device in use according to principles of the inven - 15 and a vertical component upwardly from the floor. The
tion ; and vertical component helps to ensure that the sling 100 does
FIG . 15 is a bottom perspective view that conceptually not slip off and disengage the user 's head 505 . The vertical
illustrates a sling assembly for a traction device in use component of the tensile force and friction between the
according to principles of the invention . user' s head and the sling assembly 100 obviate need for a
Those skilled in the art will appreciate that the figures are 20 chin strap or other cumbersome head attachment. A portion
not intended to be drawn to any particular scale; nor are the of the sling 100 that cradles the user ' s head , particularly at
figures intended to illustrate every embodiment of the inven the occipital bone portion of the user's head situated at the
tion . The invention is not limited to the exemplary embodi - back and lower part of the skull, is a frictionally engaging
ments depicted in the figures or the specific components, portion that does not slide off the head during normal use .
configurations, shapes , relative sizes , ornamental aspects or 25 During normal use , the sling assembly 100 will not slide out
proportions as shown in the figures . from beneath the user 's head 505 . The angle 8 and horizon
tal and vertical components of the force vector may be
DETAILED DESCRIPTION varied by adjusting d , the distance from the door, and h , the
height of the anchor.
A portable traction device according to principles of the 30 While the Figures may illustrate the user's head against
invention provides an easy to use , compact, non -marring, (or nearly against) the floor, it is understood that the vertical
effective traction device that minimizes discomfort and component of the tensile force may pull the user 's head
avoids potentially injurious stresses . A sling cradles a user 's upward from the floor. Such lifting of the user 's head 505
head , particularly the occipital bone portion of the user 's provides considerable comfort to the user without apprecia
head situated at the back and lower part of the skull. The 35 bly compromising the horizontal component of the tensile
sling includes cushions for comfort and enhanced frictional force . A user may counteract the lifting force by urging his
engagement of the user ' s head . The sling also includes an or her head against the floor. However, such counteraction is
arched portion that extends beyond the occipital bone por- unnecessary .
tion of the user ' s head to the lambdoid suture and lateral In the bottom - up perspective view of FIG . 3 , the sling
portion of the parietal bones of the user ' s head . The sling is 40 assembly 100 relative to the head 505 is more clearly
attached to one end of each of a pair of shock cords. The illustrated . The sling assembly 100 cradles the user' s 500
other end of each of the pair of shock cords is anchored to head 505 , particularly the occipital bone portion of the user 's
a fixed or immovable object (i.e., an anchoring object) such head situated at the back and lower part of the skull. The
as a closed door at the hinged side of the door, between the sling assembly 100 extends beyond the occipital bone por
door and door frame, using a door anchor. The door anchor 45 tion of the user ' s head to the lambdoid suture and lateral
is positioned at a height near the middle of the door. Tension portion of the parietal bones of the user ' s head .
exerted by the shock cords is directed from the cradled While the illustrated door 400 includes three hinges 410 ,
portion of the user's head to the anchor, at an acute angle 415 , 420 with the anchor 300 above the intermediate hinge
relative to a horizontal floor surface. Thus the tensile force 415 , the invention is not limited to such a configuration .
vector includes a horizontal component away from the 50 Rather , the invention may be used with doors having fewer
user' s head towards the door, and a vertical component or more hinges . Even without an intermediate hinge 415 , the
upwardly from the floor. The upward component helps to anchor 300 may be frictionally secured (i. e ., clamped )
ensure that the sling does not slip off and disengage the between the door 400 and frame 405 at a height above the
user ' s head . The invention is not limited to attachment to a bottom of the door. Structures other than a door may be used
door . Other elevated structures such as furniture , including 55 for anchoring in accordance with principles of the invention ,
table legs , may be used for anchoring . as discussed in more detail below with reference to FIG . 10 .
Referring to FIGS. 1 through 3 a traction device in use Referring now to FIGS. 4 and 5 , the sling assembly 100
according to principles of the invention is conceptually and shock cords 205 , 210 are more clearly shown . Each
illustrated . A sling assembly 100 , which is described in shock cord 205 , 210 includes an elastic cord 175 , 180
greater detail below with reference to FIGS. 4 and 5 , cradles 60 composed of one or more elastic strands forming a core ,
a user 's 500 head 505, particularly the occipital bone portion covered in a woven sheath . While the sheath does not extend
of the user 's head situated at the back and lower part of the elastically , its strands spiral around the core so that a
skull . The sling assembly 100 extends beyond the occipital longitudinal pull causes it to squeeze the core, transmitting
bone portion of the user 's head to the lambdoid suture and the core ' s elastic compression to the longitudinal extension
lateral portion of the parietal bones of the user ' s head . Each 65 of the sheath and cord . Elastic cords other than sheathed
of a plurality ( e . g ., an even number ) of shock cords 205 , 210 shock cords may be utilized without departing from the
is attached at one end to the sling assembly , and at the scope of the invention . Non limiting examples include
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US 10 , 307 , 284 B2
elastic straps such as EPDM and natural rubber tarp straps inches in thickness, or folded and sewn lawyers ofwebbing
equipped with S -hooks at each end . with stitched seams, or other rigid structures including
The shock cords 205 , 210 or other elastic cords exert a hardwood , metal and composite prismatic polyhedron
tension when stretched . The tensile force is preferably at shaped tab -like structures of appropriate size . The strap 310
least 5 lbs for cervical traction, more preferably 10 to 30 5 is thin enough to allow closure of the door with the strap 310
pounds , and up to 5 % to 10 % of the user' s body weight. A between the hinged edge and frame of the door. While a
plurality of ( e. g., 2 , 4 , 6 or 8 ) shock cords may be used to D - ring 305 is illustrated for attachment to shock cord 205 ,
achieve a desired tensile force . Additionally, tension is a 210 , other attachments such as carabiners, shackles , loops,
function of the strain (i. e ., AL /L , where L is the original
length and AL is the elongation ) of the shock cord or elastic 10 spring clips, buckles and the like may be utilized within the
scope of the invention .
cord , with tension increasing with increasing strain . Thus , Attachment to a door is preferred , as doors are ubiquitous .
tensile force may be adjusted by adjusting the strain .
Each shock cord 205 , 210 includes a metal or plastic hook as a table, anleganchor
may be attached to other structures such
as conceptually illustrated in FIG . 10 . In
165 , 185 and 170 , 190 attached to each end of the cord 205 ,
210. The hooks 165 , 185 and 170 , 190 , may be opened or 15 this embodiment, the anchor 600 is comprised of a strap 605
closed . Attachments other than hooks, such as shackles , with D - rings 610 , 620 at each end, and a segment of the strap
carabiners and straps may be utilized , at either or both ends 615 threaded through one of the D - rings 610 to define a slip
of each shock cord to guard against unintentional disengage knot or noose surrounding the periphery of the leg 700 at a
ment of the shock cord . certain height. In such an implementation , one D -ring 610
A pair of flexible strap ends 145 , 150 extend from 20 may also serve as an anchor tab for use with a door.
opposite side edges 135 , 140 of the sling assembly. A FIG . 11 is a plan view of an alternative anchor 800 for a
nonlimiting example of a suitable flexible strap is nylon traction device according to principles of the invention . FIG .
webbing. Attachments , such as D -rings 155 , 160 are 12 is a top perspective view of the alternative anchor 800
attached to the free ends of the strap ends 145 , 150. Shock illustrated in FIG . 11 , and FIG . 13 is a side view of the
cords 205 , 210 connect to the attachments , i. e., to the 25 alternative anchor 800 illustrated in FIG . 11 . As shown in
D -rings 155 , 160 . As shown in FIG . 5 , the strap ends 145, FIGS. 11 - 13 , the alternative anchor 800 includes a strap 810
150 may be opposite ends of strap 147 that extends across with an attachment ( e . g., D - ring ) 805 at one end of the strap
the bottom of sling assembly 100 . The strap 147 may be 810 . The other end of the strap 810 forms a loop 820 defined
permanently or removably attached to the sling assembly , by a portion of the strap 810 folded over and secured to itself
such as with stitching, hook and loop fasteners , or belt loops. 3030 at anchor
The base 125 of the sling assembly 100 includes a top than othertabportions 815 . As shown, the anchor tab 815 is thicker
edge 105 with an arched (convex ) section , an opposite multiple layers of theofstrap the strap 810 due to the overlay of
810 .
bottom edge 130, and opposite side edges 135 , 140 . The base FIG . 14 is a side view that conceptually illustrates the
125 is substantially planar. It may be comprised of any
flexible fabric , including natural or synthetic fiber fabrics , 35 4the invention . As shown in FIG . 14according
traction device of FIG . 15 in use to principles of
, the sling assembly 100
that is comfortable , strong and durable . Nylon webbing,
ballistic nylon fabric , nylon pack cloth , nylon canvass are cradles a user ' s 500 head 505 when the cord 910 is attached
non - limiting examples . to the sling assembly 100 and to a door anchor 300 . FIG . 15
Aplurality of cushions 110 , 115 , and 120 are provided for illustrates a bottom perspective view that conceptually illus
comfort at all pressure points . While three cushions are 40 trates the sling assembly 100 associated with cord 910 . As
illustrated , one large cushion or several separate cushions shown , the cord 910 includes a first end 165 with a hook that
may be used . Base cushion 110 is positioned where the attaches to a D -ring 155 associated with one end 145 of the
occipital bone portion of the user's head will be located strap 147 . The cord 910 also includes a second end 170 with
during normal use . Side cushions 115 , 120 are positioned to a hook that attaches to a D -ring 160 associated with the other
cushion the sides of a user' s head , below the ears , where the 45 end 150 of the strap 147 .
lambdoid suture and lateral portions of the parietal bones of While an exemplary embodiment of the invention has
the user ' s head are located . been described , it should be apparent that modifications and
In an exemplary implementation , an anchor is attached to variations thereto are possible , all of which fall within the
a door 400 , actually between the hinged side of the door 400 true spirit and scope of the invention . With respect to the
and the door frame 405 . When the door is opened as shown 50 above description then , it is to be realized that the optimum
in FIG . 6 , an anchor tab 315 of an anchor 300 is slipped relationships for the components and steps of the invention ,
through the space 417 exposed between the hinged edge of including variations in order, form , content, function and
the door 400 and the door frame 405 , at a desired height. manner of operation, are deemed readily apparent and
When the door 400 is closed , the space 417 is reduced or obvious to one skilled in the art , and all equivalent relation
eliminated to prevent dislodging the anchor tab 315 . 55 ships to those illustrated in the drawings and described in the
With reference to FIGS. 7 through 9 an exemplary door specification are intended to be encompassed by the present
anchor 300 for a traction device according to principles of invention . The above description and drawings are illustra
the invention is conceptually illustrated . The anchor tive of modifications that can be made without departing
includes a flexible strap 310 (e . g ., nylon webbing ) with an from the present invention , the scope of which is to be
attachment ( e . g ., D - ring ) 305 at one end , and an anchor tab 60 limited only by the following claims. Therefore , the fore
315 at the opposite end . The anchor tab 315 is sized to fit going is considered as illustrative only of the principles of
through the space exposed between the hinged edge of a the invention. Further, since numerous modifications and
door and a door frame, when the door is open . However, the changes will readily occur to those skilled in the art, it is not
anchor is thick enough to resist withdrawal through the desired to limit the invention to the exact construction and
space when the door is closed . The anchor tab 315 is firmly 65 operation shown and described , and accordingly, all suitable
attached to the end of the strap 310 to prevent disconnection . modifications and equivalents are intended to fall within the
The anchor tab may comprise a plastic tab of 0 .1 to 0 .5 scope of the invention as claimed .
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What is claimed is : the floor and towards the anchor, and a vector compo
1. A portable for providing cervical traction , the portable nent perpendicular to the floor and upward ; and
traction device comprising: attaching the anchor to the anchoring object, at a height
a sling assembly , comprising : above the floor ; stretching the flexible elastic tethers at
a sling comprising flexible material and having a first 5 an acute angle relative to the floor to produce a tensile
side, a second side opposite the first side , a superior force including a vector component parallel to the floor
edge, and an inferior edge, the sling being elongated and towards the anchor , and a vector component per
and sized to cradle and engage an occipital bone pendicular to the floor and upward ; and
portion of a user's head via at least a frictional cradling a head of a supine user with the while the flexible
portion of the sling disposed between the superior elastic tethers are stretched .
edge and the inferior edge of the sling when the first 8 . The method of claim 7 , wherein the tensile force
side extends to a first side of the user 's head and the produced by stretching the flexible elastic tethers is at least
second side extends to a second side of the user ' s five pounds .
head ; 9 . The method of claim 8 , wherein the head of the supine
a base cushion attached to the sling between the supe user is spaced apart from and aimed towards the anchoring
rior edge and the inferior edge and approximately object, and feet of the supine user are aimed away from the
centered between the first and second sides of the anchoring object.
sling ; 10 . The portable traction device of claim 1, wherein each
a first side cushion disposed between the base cushion 20 of the flexible elastic tethers comprises a shock cord .
and the and the first side of the sling ; 11 . The portable traction device of claim 10 , the first ends
a second side cushion disposed between the base cush - of the flexible elastic tethers each comprise a hook or a clip
ion and the second side of the sling ; and configured to selectively attach to one or more of the first or
a pair of side attachments comprising a first side second side attachments .
attachment extending from the first side of the sling 25 12 . The portable traction device of claim 11, wherein each
and a second side attachment extending from the of the pair of side attachments comprise a ring.
second side of the sling; 13 . The portable traction device of claim 11 , wherein each
flexible elastic tethers operable to selectively attach to the of the pair of side attachments comprise a carabiner.
pair of side attachments via first ends of the flexible 14 . A portable traction device for providing cervical
elastic tethers ; and 30 traction , the portable traction device comprising:
an anchor operable to selectively attach to the sling and to a sling comprising flexible material and having a first side ,
an anchoring object, wherein the anchor comprises : a second side opposite the first side , a superior edge,
an anchor tab ; and an inferior edge , the sling being elongated and
an anchor connector operable to selectively attach to sized to cradle and engage an occipital bone portion of
second ends of the flexible elastic tethers , and 35 a user ' s head via at least a frictional portion of the sling
an anchor strap disposed between and connecting the disposed between the superior edge and the inferior
anchor tab and the anchor connector. edge of the sling when the first side extends to a first
2 . The portable traction device of claim 1, wherein the side of the user 's head and the second side extends to
pair of side attachments each comprise at least one of a a second side of the user ' s head ;
shackle , a ring, a hook or a clip . 40 a pair of side attachments comprising a first side attach
3 . The portable traction device of claim 2 , wherein the ment extending from the first side of the sling and a
pair of side attachments each comprise the ring and the first second side attachment extending from the second side
ends of the flexible elastic tethers each comprise a comple of the sling ;
mentary hook or clip configured to selectively attach to the flexible elastic tethers comprising first ends and second
ring. 45 ends, the first ends being associated with the pair of
4 . The portable traction device of claim 3 , wherein the side attachments ; and
flexible elastic tethers are strained and at an acute angle an anchor operable for selective attachment to an anchor
relative to a floor while the portable traction device is in use , ing object at a height above a floor while the portable
the strained flexible elastic tethers producing a tensile force traction device is in use , the second ends of the flexible
in a direction of the acute angle. 50 elastic tethers being associated with the anchor,
5 . The portable traction device of claim 1, wherein the wherein the flexible elastic tethers are strained and at an
sling comprises an inner first layer, a second layer, and an acute angle relative to the floor while the portable
exterior third layer, the inner first layer and the exterior third traction device is in use , the strained flexible elastic
layer comprising the flexible material and the second layer tethers producing a tensile force in a direction of the
comprising a flexible cushioning material disposed between 55 acute angle , and
the inner first layer and the exterior third layer. wherein the anchor comprises:
6 . The portable traction device of claim 1 , wherein the an anchor tab ;
anchor tab is sized and shaped (i) to fit through a space an anchor connector operable to selectively attach to
exposed between a hinged edge of a door and a door frame second ends of the flexible elastic tethers ; and
when the door is open and (ii) to resist withdrawal through 60 an anchor strap disposed between and connecting the
the space when the door is closed . anchor tab and the anchor connector.
7 . A method of applying cervical traction , comprising: 15 . The portable traction device of claim 14 , wherein the
providing the portable traction device of claim 1; sling comprises an inner first layer, a second layer, and an
attaching the anchor to the anchoring object, at a height exterior third layer, the inner first layer and the exterior third
above a floor ; stretching the pair of flexible elastic 65 layer comprising flexible fabric and the second layer com
tethers at an acute angle relative to the floor to produce prising a flexible cushioning material disposed between the
a tensile force including a vector component parallel to inner first layer and the exterior third layer.
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US 10 , 307,284 B2
16 . The portable traction device of claim 14 , further
comprising at least one cushion , the at least one cushion
including a base cushion attached to the sling between the
superior edge and the inferior edge and approximately
centered between the first side of the sling and the second 5
side17 of. The
sling . traction device of claim 16 , wherein the
at least one cushion further comprises a first side cushion
and a second side cushion , the first side cushion being
disposed between the base cushion and the first side of the 10
sling , and the second side cushion being disposed between
the base cushion and the second side of the sling.
18 . The portable traction device of claim 14 , wherein the
tensile force is greater than 5 pounds.
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(12 ) Sudell
United States Design Patent ( 10) Patent No.: US D824 ,035 S
(45) Date of Patent: * * Jul. 24 , 2018
(54) PORTABLE TRACTION DEVICE (74 ) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Workman Nydegger
(71 ) Applicant: The Neck Hammock , Inc .,
Wilmington, DE (US ) (57) CLAIM
(72 ) Inventor : Steven Sudell , Santa Monica , CA (US) The ornamental design for a portable traction device, as
shown and described .
(73 ) Assignee : THE NECK HAMMOCK , INC .,
Wilmington , DE (US)
(** ) Term : 15 Years FIG . 1 illustrates a top , right perspective view of an exem
(21) Appl. No.: 29 /640, 156 plary use of a portable traction device incorporating a first
embodiment of the new design ;
(22 ) Filed : Mar. 12, 2018 FIG . 2 illustrates a top , right perspective view of the portable
traction device of FIG . 1 incorporating a first embodiment of
Related U .S . Application Data the new design , shown configured for use without a user
(63) Continuation of application No. 29/628 , 190 , filed on associated therewith ;
Dec. 1 , 2017 , which is a continuation -in - part of FIG . 3 illustrates a top , right perspective view of the portable
application No. 15 /600 , 901 , filed on May 22 , 2017 . traction device incorporating the first embodiment of the
new design , the portable traction device illustrated in a flat,
(51) LOC ( 11) CI. .... ...... 24 -01 supine configuration ;
(52) U . S . CI. FIG . 4 illustrates a front elevation view thereof;
USPC . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... D24 /191 FIG . 5 illustrates a rear elevation view thereof;
(58 ) Field of Classification Search FIG . 6 illustrates a top plan view thereof;
USPC ... ........... D24 / 189 – 192 FIG . 7 illustrates a bottom plan view thereof;
CPC ....... A61F 5 /028 ; A61F 5/055 ; A61F 5 /3738; FIG . 8 illustrates a left side elevation view thereof;
A61F 13/ 108 ; A61F 13/062 FIG . 9 illustrates a right side elevation view thereof;
See application file for complete search history. FIG . 10 illustrates a top , right perspective view of a portable
traction device incorporating a second embodiment of the
(56) References Cited new design , the portable traction device illustrated in a flat,
U .S . PATENT DOCUMENTS supine configuration ;
FIG . 11 illustrates a front elevation view thereof;
2 ,674 ,996 A 4 / 1954 Stowell et al . FIG . 12 illustrates a rear elevation view thereof;
3 ,033 , 198 A 5 / 1962 Jensen FIG . 13 illustrates a top plan view thereof;
3 ,118 ,443 A 1/ 1964 Dykinga FIG . 14 illustrates a bottom plan view thereof;
(Continued ) FIG . 15 illustrates a left side elevation view thereof; and,
FIG . 16 illustrates a right side elevation view thereof.
OTHER PUBLICATIONS In the drawings, the broken lines depict portions of the
portable traction device that form no part of the claimed
International Search Report and Written Opinion issued in PCT/ design . The broken line showing of a human figure in FIG .
US2018/015415 dated Mar. 22 , 2018 . 1 is for the purpose of illustrating environment and forms no
part of the claim .
Primary Examiner — George D . Kirschbaum
Assistant Examiner — Jennifer L Watkins 1 Claim , 5 Drawing Sheets


** --
1 *
- - - - - - -
t ! !
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US D824 ,035 S
Page 2

(56 ) References Cited

D213 ,478 S 3/ 1969 Nightingale
4 ,220 , 147 A 9 / 1980 Allen
D332 ,495 S 1/ 1993 Lake
5 ,479,667 A 1/ 1996 Nelson et al.
D422,710 S * 4 /2000 Maynard ** * ** * ** * ** D24 / 190
6 , 183 ,501 B1 2 / 2001 Latham
6 ,939 ,269 B2 * 9 /2005 Makofsky ........... A63B 21/ 154
482/ 10
D550 .847 S 9 /2007 Kixmiller
D626 ,244 S * 10 /2010 Sagnip D24 / 190
8 ,782,831 B2 * 7 /2014 Houston A41B 13/ 06
5 /482
D713 , 049 S * 9 / 2014 Shah ...... D24 /200
D713 ,535 S 9 /2014 Chiang et al.
D749,230 S * 2 /2016 Safko . . .. . . . .. . D24 / 190
D784,546 S * 4 /2017 Gordon D24 / 190
D789 ,546 S * 6 / 2017 Matfus .... ... . ........ ... .. ... D24 / 190
D790 ,072 S 6 /2017 Hiebert
9 , 668,906 B2 * 6 / 2017 Thorgilsdottir ......... A61F 5 / 055
9 ,713 ,546 B2 * 7/ 2017 Thorsteinsdottir ..... A61F 5 /055
D794 ,809 S * 8 /2017 Gramza ....................... D24 / 190
D812 ,236 S * 3 / 2018 Burke D24 / 190
2006 /0288490 Al 12 / 2006 Mikkelsen et al.
2010 / 0222729 AL 9 / 2010 Chin et al.
2018/ 0042757 AL 2/ 2018 Sudell
* cited by examiner
Case 2:19-cv-00503-PMW Document 2-2 Filed 07/18/19 Page 4 of 8

U . S . Patent Jul. 24, 2018 Sheet 1 of 5 US D824 ,035 S



Some****** .

element . it -
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www. **
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* FIG . 1

FIG . 2
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1.5.Paent ma masu menos

atent Jul. 24, 2018 Sheet 2 of 5 US D824,035 S

D FIG . 3


FIG . 4

FIG . 5
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U . S . Patent Jul. 24, 2018 Sheet 3 of 5 US D824,035 S

S * * ** * * *

FIG . 6

FIG . 7


FIG . 8
FIG . 9
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atent Jul. 24, 2018 Sheet 4 of 5 US D824,035 S




FIG . 10 A


1 st



FIG . 11

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FIG . 12
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U . S . Patent Jul. 24 , 2018 Sheet 5 of 5 US D824,035 S

without w

FIG . 13

ccccccccc wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
ijijijijijijijijijijijijijiji j ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

FIG . 14


FIG . 15 FIG . 16
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(12 ) Sudell
United States Design Patent ( 10) Patent No.: US D845 ,492 S
(45) Date of Patent: * * Apr . 9, 2019
(54 ) PORTABLE TRACTION DEVICE International Search Report and Written Opinion issued in PCT/
US2018 /015415 dated Mar. 22 , 2018 .
(71) Applicant: THE NECK HAMMOCK , INC ., (Continued )
Wilmington, DE (US)
Primary Examiner — Jennifer L Watkins
(72 ) Inventor : Steven Sudell , Santa Monica , CA (US) (74 ) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Workman Nydegger
(73 ) Assignee : THE NECK HAMMOCK , INC .,
Wilmington , DE (US ) (57) CLAIM
(** ) Term : 15 Years The ornamental design for a portable traction device , as
shown and described .
(21 ) Appl . No.: 29/628, 190
(22 ) Filed : Dec. 1, 2017
Related U .S . Application Data FIG . 1 illustrates a top , right perspective view of an exem
plary use of a portable traction device incorporating a first
(63) Continuation - in -part of application No. 15 /600 , 901, embodiment of the new design ;
filed on May 22 , 2017 . FIG . 2 illustrates a top , right perspective view of the portable
(51) LOC (11) Cl. .... ........... 24 -01 traction device incorporating the first embodiment of the
(52) U . S . CI. new design , the portable traction device illustrated in a flat,
USPC D24 / 190 supine configuration ;
(58 ) Field of Classification Search FIG . 3 illustrates a front plan view thereof;
USPC ... D24 /189 – 192 FIG . 4 illustrates a rear plan view thereof ;
CPC ........ A61F 5/028 ; A61F 5 /055; A61F 5 /3738 ; FIG . 5 illustrates a top elevation view thereof;
A61F 13 / 108 ; A61F 13 /062 FIG . 6 illustrates a bottom elevation view thereof;
See application file for complete search history . FIG . 7 illustrates a left side elevation view thereof;
FIG . 8 illustrates a right side elevation view thereof;
(56 ) References Cited FIG . 9 illustrates a top , right perspective view of a portable
traction device incorporating an alternative embodiment of
U . S . PATENT DOCUMENTS the new design , the portable traction device illustrated in a
flat, supine configuration ;
2 ,674, 996 A 4 / 1954 Stowell et al. FIG . 10 illustrates a front plan view thereof;
3 ,033, 198 A 5 / 1962 Jensen FIG . 11 illustrates a rear plan view thereof;
3 , 118 , 443 A 1 / 1964 Dykinga
D213 ,478 S 3 / 1969 Nightingale
4 .220 ,147 A 9 / 1980 Allen FIG . 13 illustrates a bottom elevation view thereof;
D332,495 S 1/ 1993 Lake FIG . 14 illustrates a left side elevation view thereof; and ,
(Continued ) FIG . 15 illustrates a right side elevation view thereof .
The broken lines in FIG . 1 depicting a user are for the
OTHER PUBLICATIONS purpose of illustrating environment and form no part of the
claim . All other broken lines depict stitching and portions of
YouTube The Neck Hammock , announced Nov . 28 , 2017 , [online ], the portable traction device and form no part of the claim .
[site visited Oct. 4 , 2018 ]. Available from Internet, < URL : https://
www . youtube. com /watch ?v = CdpecklmCCw > * 1 Claim , 5 Drawing Sheets

Case 2:19-cv-00503-PMW Document 2-3 Filed 07/18/19 Page 3 of 8

US D845 ,492 S
Page 2

References Cited 9 ,668,906 B2

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6 /2017 Thorsteindottir
7 /2017 Thorsteindottir
U . S . PATENT DOCUMENTS D794 ,809 S 8 / 2017 Gramza
D812 , 236 S 3 / 2018 Burke
5 ,421, 809 A * 6 / 1995 Rise ........................ A61F 5 /028 9 ,930 ,882 B2 4 /2018 Owen
128 /876 D817 ,664 S * 5 /2018 Kim D6 /601
5 ,479 ,667 A 1/ 1996 Nelson et al. D824 ,035 S * 7/2018 Sudell ...... .. D24 / 191
D373 , 803 S 9 / 1996 Winans 2006 / 0264302 A1 11/ 2006 Sjodin
5 ,908 ,206 A 6 / 1999 LoPresti 2006 / 0288490 A112 / 2006 Mikkelsen et al.
D422 ,710 S 4 / 2000 Maynard 2010 / 0222729 A1 9 / 2010 Chin et al.
6 , 183, 501 B1 2 / 2001 Latham 2012 /0329620 Al 12 /2012 White et al.
6 ,939, 269 B2 9 / 2005 Makofsky 2013 / 0005544 AL 1/ 2013 Butler et al.
D550 ,847 S 9 / 2007 Kixmiller 2018/0042757 A1 2 /2018 Sudell
D626 , 244 S 10 / 2010 Sagnip
D631,924 S 2 / 2011 Baldwin OTHER PUBLICATIONS
D636 ,036 S 4 /2011 Rios
D654 , 124 S 2 / 2012 Davis Selenechen Hammock for Neck , Neck Massager for Men Women ,
D660 ,439 S * 5 /2012 Chen .... D24 / 190 Relaxation Massager Great for Neck Pain Relief Amazon .
8 , 782 , 831 B2 7 /2014 Houston
D713,049 S 9 / 2014 Shah U . S . Appl. No. 29/640 , 156 , Apr. 12 , 2018 , Office Action .
D713 ,535 S 9 / 2014 Chiang et al. Amazon , The Neck Hammock 2 . 0 , reviewed Apr. 2018 [ online ] [ site
D726 , 262 S 4 / 2015 Linkjendal visited Oct. 4 , 2018 ] URL : https://www .amazon. com /Neck -Hammock
D742 ,461 S 11/ 2015 Baldwin 2 -0 -Original-Relaxation /dpB07FX5CXKC /ref = cm _ cr _ arp _ d _ product_
S 2 /2016 Safko top ? ie = UTF8.
9 ,386 ,943 B2 7 / 2016 Strickland Office Action issued in U . S . Appl. No. 29 /643 ,079 dated Jul. 26 ,
9 ,420 ,905 B2 * 8 / 2016 Willingham ............. A476 9 / 10 2018 .
9 ,498 ,675 B2 * 11/2016 Walworth ............ A63B 23/025 Office Action issued in U .S . Appl. No. 29/653, 232 dated Oct. 11,
9 , 526 , 965 B2 * 12 / 2016 Gatherer ............ A63B 71/ 0054 2018 .
9 ,586 ,074 B2 3 / 2017 Autogue
9 ,597 ,541 B2 3 / 2017 Hinds Office Action issued in U .S . Appl. No. 29 /643 ,079 dated Oct. 11 ,
D784, 546 S 4 / 2017 Gordon 2018 .
D789,546 S 6 / 2017 Matfus
D790 ,072 S 6 / 2017 Hiebert * cited by examiner
Case 2:19-cv-00503-PMW Document 2-3 Filed 07/18/19 Page 4 of 8

U . S . Patent Apr. 9 , 2019 Sheet 1 of 5 US D845 ,492 S

www .

FIG , 1

FIG . 2
Case 2:19-cv-00503-PMW Document 2-3 Filed 07/18/19 Page 5 of 8

n ' S ' 1ua1ed | udy' 6I07°6 102TS 2 J0 s Sn 26°st8I S

CD * * * * * *

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Case 2:19-cv-00503-PMW Document 2-3 Filed 07/18/19 Page 6 of 8

U . S . Patent Apr. 9 , 2019 Sheet 3 of 5 US D845 ,492 S

- ----------
wwwwwwwwwwwwwvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv spony
FIG . 5

-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - --

FIG . 6


Leid wet
AL Liec
FIG . 7 FIG . 8
Case 2:19-cv-00503-PMW Document 2-3 Filed 07/18/19 Page 7 of 8

U . S . Patent Apr 9 , 2019 Sheet 4 of 5 US D845 ,492 S


FIG . 9

????? ?? ? ????????????????

FI6G . 10
? ?

FIG . 11
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U . S . Patent Apr. 9 , 2019 Sheet 5 of 5 US D845 ,492 S


FIG . 12

wwwwwwwwwwwwww w wwwwwwwwtardxSXXCX

FIG . 13

FIG . 14 FIG . 15
Case 2:19-cv-00503-PMW Document 2-4 Filed 07/18/19 Page 1 of 6

Case 2:19-cv-00503-PMW Document 2-4 Filed 07/18/19 Page 2 of 6

(12 ) Sudell
United States Design Patent ( 10) Patent No.: US D845 ,494 S
US Dept ,2015
(45) Date of Patent : * * Apr. 9 , 2019
D373 ,803 S
1/ 1996 Nelson et al.
9 / 1996 Winans
(71 ) Applicant: The Neck Hammock , Inc ., 5 ,908 ,206 A 6 /1999 LoPresti
Wilmington, DE (US ) D422 ,710 S 4 /2000 Maynard
6 , 183 ,501 B1 2 /2001 Latham
(72 ) Inventor: Steven Sudell , Santa Monica, CA (US)
Wilmington , DE (US) YouTube The Neck Hammock , announced Nov . 28 , 2017 , [ online ],
(** ) Term : 15 Years [site visited Oct. 4 , 2018 ]. Available from Internet, < URL : https://
www /watch ?v = CdpecklmCCw > *
(21 ) Appl . No.: 29/653,232 (Continued )
( 22 ) Filed : Jun . 13, 2018 Primary Examiner - Jennifer L Watkins
(74 ) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Workman Nydegger
Related U . S. Application Data
(60 ) Division of application No. 29/640 , 156 , filed on Mar. (57 ) CLAIM
12 , 2018 , now Pat. No . Des . 824 ,035 , which is a The ornamental design for a portable traction device , as
continuation of application No. 29 /628 , 190 , filed on shown and described .
Dec . 1 , 2017 , which is a continuation - in -part of
application No. 15 /600 , 901 , filed on May 22 , 2017 .
(51 ) LOC (11) Ci. ... 24 -01
( 52 ) U .S . CI. FIG . 1 illustrates a top , right perspective view of an exem
USPC ........... D24 / 190 plary use of a portable traction device showing the new
(58 ) Field of Classification Search design ;
USPC ..... D24 /189– 192 FIG . 2 illustrates a top, right perspective view of the portable
CPC ........ A61F 5 /028 ; A61F 5 /055; A61F 5 /3738 ; traction device showing the new design , the portable traction
A61F 13 / 108 ; A61F 13 /062 device illustrated in a flat , supine configuration ;
See application file for complete search history. FIG . 3 illustrates a front plan view thereof;
FIG . 4 illustrates a rear plan view thereof;
(56 ) References Cited FIG . 5 illustrates a top elevation view thereof;
U . S . PATENT DOCUMENTS FIG . 6 illustrates a bottom elevation view thereof;
FIG . 7 illustrates a left side elevation view thereof; and ,
2 ,674, 996 A 4 / 1954 Stowell et al. FIG . 8 illustrates a right side elevation view thereof.
3 ,033, 198 A 5 / 1962 Jensen The broken lines in FIG . 1 depicting a user are for the
3 , 118 ,443 A 1 / 1964 Dykinga purpose of illustrating environment and form no part of the
D213 ,478 S 3 / 1969 Nightingale claim . All other broken lines depict stitching and portions of
4 ,220 , 147 A 9 / 1980 Allen
D332, 495 S 1 / 1993 Lake the portable traction device and form no part of the claim .
5 ,421, 809 A * 6 / 1995 Rise A61F 5 /028
128 /876 1 Claim , 3 Drawing Sheets

Case 2:19-cv-00503-PMW Document 2-4 Filed 07/18/19 Page 3 of 6

US D845 ,494 S
Page 2

(56 ) References Cited D817 ,664 S *

D824 ,035 S *
5 / 2018
7 / 2018
Kim ...**.*.*.*.................... ......... D6 /601
Sudell ... ... .......... D24 / 191
U . S . PATENT DOCUMENTS 2006 /0264302 AL 11/2006 Sjodin
2006 /0288490 A1 12/2006 Mikkelsen et al.
6 ,939 ,269 B2 9 / 2005 Makofsky 2010 /0222729 AL 9 /2010 Chin et al.
D550 , 847 S 9 / 2007 Kixmiller 2012 /0329620 A112/2012 White et al.
D626 , 244 S 10 / 2010 Sagnip 2013 /0005544 AL 1/ 2013 Butler et al.
D631 ,924 S 2 / 2011 Baldwin 2018 /0042757 AL 2 /2018 Sudell
D636 , 036 S 4 / 2011 Rios
D654 , 124 S 2/ 2012 Davis OTHER PUBLICATIONS
D660 ,439 S * 5 /2012 Chen D24 / 190
8 ,782, 831 B2 7 / 2014 Houston International Search Report and Written Opinion issued in PCT/
D713 ,049 S 9 / 2014 Shah
D713 ,535 S 9 / 2014 Chiang et al. US2018 /015415 dated Mar. 22 , 2018 .
D726 ,262 S 4 / 2015 Linkjendal Selenechen Hammock for Neck , Neck Massager for Men Women ,
D742 ,461 S 11/ 2015 Baldwin Relaxation Massager Great for Neck Pain Relief Amazon.
D749,230 S 2 /2016 Safko U . S . Appl. No. 29 /640,156 , dated Apr. 12, 2018 , Office Action .
9 ,386 ,943 B2 7 / 2016 Strickland Amazon , The Neck Hammock 2 .0 , reviewed Apr. 2018 [online ] [site
9 , 420 ,905 B2 * 8 / 2016 Willingham ............. A47G 9 / 10
9 ,498,675 B2 * 11/ 2016 Walworth ............ A63B 23/ 025 visited Oct. 4, 2018 ] URL: https://www .amazon .com Neck -Hammock
9 ,526 , 965 B2 * 12 / 2016 Gatherer ............ A63B 71/0054 2 -0 -Original-Relaxation /dpB07FX5CXKC/ref= cm _ cr_ arp _ d _ product_
9 ,586 ,074 B2 3 / 2017 Autogue top ? ie = UTF8.
9 ,597 ,541 B2 3 /2017 Hinds Office Action issued in U .S . Appl. No. 29 /643,079 dated Jul. 26 ,
D784 ,546 S 4 / 2017 Gordon 2018 .
D789 ,546 S 6 / 2017 Matfus Office Action issued in U .S . Appl. No. 29/628 , 190 dated Oct. 11 ,
D790 ,072 S 6 / 2017 Hiebert 2018 .
9 ,668, 906 B2 6 / 2017 Thorsteindottir
9 ,713 ,546 B2 7 /2017 Thorsteindottir Office Action issued in U .S . Appl. No. 29 /643 ,079 dated Oct. 11,
D794 , 809 S 8 /2017 Gramza 2018.
D812 , 236 S 3 / 2018 Burke
9 , 930 ,882 B2 4 / 2018 Owen * cited by examiner
Case 2:19-cv-00503-PMW Document 2-4 Filed 07/18/19 Page 4 of 6

U . S . Patent Apr. 9 , 2019 Sheet 1 of 3 US D845 ,494 S

FIG . 1
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U . S . Patent Apr. 9 , 2019 Sheet 2 of 3 US D845 ,494 S

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FIG . 2 Wh


FIG . 3

FIG . 4
Case 2:19-cv-00503-PMW Document 2-4 Filed 07/18/19 Page 6 of 6

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255 03' 8
Case 2:19-cv-00503-PMW Document 2-5 Filed 07/18/19 Page 1 of 1
JS 44 (Rev. 06/17) CIVIL COVER SHEET
The JS 44 civil cover sheet and the information contained herein neither replace nor supplement the filing and service of pleadings or other papers as required by law, except as
provided by local rules of court. This form, approved by the Judicial Conference of the United States in September 1974, is required for the use of the Clerk of Court for the
purpose of initiating the civil docket sheet. (SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON NEXT PAGE OF THIS FORM.)


THE NECK HAMMOCK, INC., a Delaware corporation, JOHN DOES 1 THROUGH 10

(b) County of Residence of First Listed Plaintiff Salt Lake County County of Residence of First Listed Defendant

(c) Attorneys (Firm Name, Address, and Telephone Number) Attorneys (If Known)
Workman Nydegger
60 E. South Temple Suite 1000
Salt Lake City, UT 84111 801-533-9800

II. BASIS OF JURISDICTION (Place an “X” in One Box Only) III. CITIZENSHIP OF PRINCIPAL PARTIES (Place an “X” in One Box for Plaintiff
(For Diversity Cases Only) and One Box for Defendant)
u 1 U.S. Government u 3 Federal Question PTF DEF PTF DEF
Plaintiff (U.S. Government Not a Party) Citizen of This State u 1 u 1 Incorporated or Principal Place u 4 u 4
of Business In This State

u 2 U.S. Government u 4 Diversity Citizen of Another State u 2 u 2 Incorporated and Principal Place u 5 u 5
Defendant (Indicate Citizenship of Parties in Item III) of Business In Another State

Citizen or Subject of a u 3 u 3 Foreign Nation u 6 u 6

Foreign Country
IV. NATURE OF SUIT (Place an “X” in One Box Only) Click here for: Nature of Suit Code Descriptions.
u 110 Insurance PERSONAL INJURY PERSONAL INJURY u 625 Drug Related Seizure u 422 Appeal 28 USC 158 u 375 False Claims Act
u 120 Marine u 310 Airplane u 365 Personal Injury - of Property 21 USC 881 u 423 Withdrawal u 376 Qui Tam (31 USC
u 130 Miller Act u 315 Airplane Product Product Liability u 690 Other 28 USC 157 3729(a))
u 140 Negotiable Instrument Liability u 367 Health Care/ u 400 State Reapportionment
u 150 Recovery of Overpayment u 320 Assault, Libel & Pharmaceutical PROPERTY RIGHTS u 410 Antitrust
& Enforcement of Judgment Slander Personal Injury u 820 Copyrights u 430 Banks and Banking
u 151 Medicare Act u 330 Federal Employers’ Product Liability u 830 Patent u 450 Commerce
u 152 Recovery of Defaulted Liability u 368 Asbestos Personal u 835 Patent - Abbreviated u 460 Deportation
Student Loans u 340 Marine Injury Product New Drug Application u 470 Racketeer Influenced and
(Excludes Veterans) u 345 Marine Product Liability u 840 Trademark Corrupt Organizations
u 153 Recovery of Overpayment Liability PERSONAL PROPERTY LABOR SOCIAL SECURITY u 480 Consumer Credit
of Veteran’s Benefits u 350 Motor Vehicle u 370 Other Fraud u 710 Fair Labor Standards u 861 HIA (1395ff) u 490 Cable/Sat TV
u 160 Stockholders’ Suits u 355 Motor Vehicle u 371 Truth in Lending Act u 862 Black Lung (923) u 850 Securities/Commodities/
u 190 Other Contract Product Liability u 380 Other Personal u 720 Labor/Management u 863 DIWC/DIWW (405(g)) Exchange
u 195 Contract Product Liability u 360 Other Personal Property Damage Relations u 864 SSID Title XVI u 890 Other Statutory Actions
u 196 Franchise Injury u 385 Property Damage u 740 Railway Labor Act u 865 RSI (405(g)) u 891 Agricultural Acts
u 362 Personal Injury - Product Liability u 751 Family and Medical u 893 Environmental Matters
Medical Malpractice Leave Act u 895 Freedom of Information
u 210 Land Condemnation u 440 Other Civil Rights Habeas Corpus: u 791 Employee Retirement u 870 Taxes (U.S. Plaintiff u 896 Arbitration
u 220 Foreclosure u 441 Voting u 463 Alien Detainee Income Security Act or Defendant) u 899 Administrative Procedure
u 230 Rent Lease & Ejectment u 442 Employment u 510 Motions to Vacate u 871 IRS—Third Party Act/Review or Appeal of
u 240 Torts to Land u 443 Housing/ Sentence 26 USC 7609 Agency Decision
u 245 Tort Product Liability Accommodations u 530 General u 950 Constitutionality of
u 290 All Other Real Property u 445 Amer. w/Disabilities - u 535 Death Penalty IMMIGRATION State Statutes
Employment Other: u 462 Naturalization Application
u 446 Amer. w/Disabilities - u 540 Mandamus & Other u 465 Other Immigration
Other u 550 Civil Rights Actions
u 448 Education u 555 Prison Condition
u 560 Civil Detainee -
Conditions of
V. ORIGIN (Place an “X” in One Box Only)
u 1 Original u 2 Removed from u 3 Remanded from u 4 Reinstated or u 5 Transferred from u 6 Multidistrict u 8 Multidistrict
Proceeding State Court Appellate Court Reopened Another District Litigation - Litigation -
(specify) Transfer Direct File
Cite the U.S. Civil Statute under which you are filing (Do not cite jurisdictional statutes unless diversity):
35 U.S.C. § 271
VI. CAUSE OF ACTION Brief description of cause:
Patent infringement.
(See instructions):
07/17/2019 Brian N. Platt


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